Isn't this what you wanted for Monster Hunter World? Tigrex and cat dragon?
Isn't this what you wanted for Monster Hunter World? Tigrex and cat dragon?
Tigrex is a really boring monster that only gets a pass because its flagship FU shit
Narga is the FU flagship you fag
Well now it going to be in every MHW thread.
I wanted to have sex with the monsters
Doesn't matter nobody played MHF2
>charge at you
>do a spin
>charge at you 3 times
>maybe throw a rock if he's feeling experimental
Monster is lame as fuck, at least add barioth if you're doing ice shit
>cat dragon
That doesn't look like a cat
You know who I'm referring to.
I did :(
for like 12 hours
i wanna fuck tigrex
I just want to be able to check the farm and tailraiders from the start menu. Why is it only bounties?
No one gives a shit about MHW anymore, it was a fluke.
Fuck Tigrex, I only want Gore Magala and Zinogre
>mfw nintendies keep moving the goal post further and further
Glavenus is nice I guess
What s the second best selling MH ever? 3U? And at how many units sold?
Too bad, You're getting Tigrex
Glavanus is lame too, they should've added astalos instead.
Gore Magala... now that, that was a good monster
What if they all get in
GUYS! Who claw is that in the back? IS IT PINECONE?
>being a disgusting smelly rosterfag
nintendies confirmed
i really do want gore and brachy to get in tho
Then i'm sure MHW was a failure and impeachment will be going through any day now...
FUCK Rathalos
You just want to fuck his waifu.
I can't even tell if that's bait or not.
Would be absolutely crazy if true, but it'a not true because valstrax is on that poster
I mean, who doesn't?
They should've added all 4
Would make iceborn worth the shekels
Nah they can skip gammoth
They are going to add some reskin, starting with Barroth and Legiana.
What 'new to MHW' monsters are we sure we're getting?
>Icy Val Hazaak (New elder flagship)
>Tigrex the Retarded Faggot
who else
Ice fish and small gammoth
Valstrax is the dream. I do hope that he gets in but not only that, he should be just as polished as he is in GU with those godlike hitboxes. No other flagship monster feels as fair to fight as Valstrax honestly except Gore and Shagaru maybe.
Khezu when?
can i just have ahtal-ka please
I feel like valstrax completely doesn't gel with world's obsession with gritty realistic brown monsters, unrionically too anime for world
That seem more of an exclusive rather than a possibility. Didn't Tarath took the gold monster slot anyways?
I had this exact same mindset until we got greatsword tail T-rex
But the spinning magma dinosaur does?
I mean, we have the Blue Eyes White Dragon as the final boss...
I would agree if Glavenus wasn't being shoved in. MHW is a lot more grounded and less anime than GU, until... glavenus suddenly shows up.
I mean, fucking samurai sword t-rex ninja beyblade is pretty fucking wildly anime and colorful. Why not jet-powered dragon?
>everything in Frontiers is still way too far-fetched anime dogshit to ever fit into any other MH game
>i still enjoy frontiers for what it is
>>everything in Frontiers is still way too far-fetched anime dogshit to ever fit into any other MH game
Velkhana is basically a frontier dragon
Give it a week and we'll probably see how it actually looks, and an animal using a tail as a defense mechanism and keeping it sharp doesn't seem extremely crazy.
Players don’t care for the monster, more about the female armor they’re expecting to get
>Give it a week and we'll probably see how it actually looks,
Or you could just look up a video or Glavenus and see how it Beyblade spins
The 'too realistic for world' is fan-made bullshit.
>t-rex grabs tail and 'pulls' tail away from own mouth, building secret jibushi iai dinosaur techniqe power, shaking with lava force
>stares with dead eyes at the little hunter as tail shakes with energy restrained by mouth
>opens mouth, tail flies with the might of a hurtling meteor in a 2068 degree arc carrying the entire dinosaur with it across the map as the evil dino glares menacingly while twirling like a spinning top across the open plain
Yeah. It's not extremely crazy.
If i was a t-rex that's exactly what i would do in nature when threatened.
I'm saying they might smooth out his design so it looks less anime
I like beating the shit out of the tigrex. The most satisfying way is when you stun him with a heavy attack and make him flinch or fall over.
The Japanese cut of Jurassic Park was fucking awesome
cant tell but is that a fatalist in the back?
I probably would if I had a tail like that, jho doesn't do it because his tail is full of fat and he can't sharpen it with his magma mouth.
No, they won't
Unlike fatties on Reddit 2.0 they don't care about monsters being "anime"
This argument doesn’t hold up when you have monsters like Bazelguese and really doesn’t now that Glavenus is back.
I wonder if they would have Pickle roam the iceland, like the older games.
Nigger, Xenojiva was in the base game. It’s a big glowing alien dragon that fires energy lasers from its mouth. How the fuck is that NOT anime?
oh god yes... That fucker was the only monster that made me go
> oh shit oh shiiiiiiit
I mean we fought bigger monsters, but Fatalist was a whole new ball game for me.
I'm not asking you to believe in the moment, nor is there much point in either of us saying yes they will or no they won't, when we can just wait and probably get a trailer at E3.
There’s literally no way on earth you can make Glavenus “not anime” retard. It’s a Dino with a fucking GS tail that it sharpens with its own teeth.
Pickle is all range so I would be surprised if he is in the area where there is heat.
Portable 3rd, sold around 5m units
End elder dragons are always going to be an extra level of anime, there has never been one that isn't.
Probably. I just hope Bazel fucks off and doesn’t show up in ice maps but I’m sure he will too. He’s the worst because he flies as soon as he hears the other monster roar, I hate that dogshit.
for the life of me I can think of any dragon made by the west that was from space and shoots lazers. Only japan can come up with that shit.
You haven't seen Monster Hunter does Anime.
wait, so MH World sold more than twice as many copies as the 2nd place did?
I would like more newer monsters in the mid-range bracket as opposed to having returning flagships do the lion's share of work like every other game. Too many of MHW's new monsters are in that early-mid bracket.
Frosty Legiana
More for your viewing 'pleasure'.
There's plenty of animals in the wild that go out of their way to sharpen fangs or claws, one sharpening their god given tail isn't a huge stretch.
Ahh noo not my Valphalk!!
>All of your favorite monsters ruined by the World branded neutering
Can't wait
it does have that water mark at the bottom right with copyright there.
So there’s no real reason why Val couldn’t be included either. Tired of hearing this “oh [this monster] can’t be in world, it’s too anime/world is too ‘realistic’ for that to happen!”
This is the same fucking game where you play as a dude or chick swinging around big fucking swords and hammers, fighting against gigantic monsters. Some of which control fucking elements, or cause thunder to rain from the heavens, or do a supernova explosion attack. The same game where helm splitter, the DB spin attack where you carve down the monster’s entire back, the spinny hammer assault, blah blah fucking blah. Nothing about the game is realistic.
TL;DR: who gives a flying fuck
Those are challenge hunts than the majority of content, though. Up until a certain point those didn't reward anything but armor for bragging rights, most still only reward transmogs.
Where do you even fucking begin to learn hammer or great sword in frontier
World sell 12 million total since May 2019. It helps that steam was selling it on discount for months.
I’ve seen this before, and the rest of the shit frontier has thrown out since it started getting actual updates. I’ve been with the series since Freedom. That’s pretty anime but Frontier is kind of garbage anyway.
Val is barely comparable other than maybe it’s design. Zinogre is outlandish as fuck too though, he looks like a frontier monster. But everyone loves chocking his wolf dick down and thinks he’s not too absurd to return. Why do people think the same with Val?
I think it's just Valstrax's super attack/meme attack of orbiting the planet and then divebombing.
The rest of the design is entirely fine, but that's so ridiculously over the top it makes little sense and is just a 'kino anime moment' 'top 10 anime fights' kind of thing.
I still remember the first time i fought Valstrax, pretty great fight and then
>he charges up his jet engines
>takes off
>look up
>red star in the sky literally moving around
>oh shit thats valstrax
Yeah. It's 'fun', and cool anime moment/10, but i understand why people leery of Frontiers-tier insanity would lump it in there.
Did this Doujin get finish?
It's always console wars with MH. Back when MH is on Nintendo, it was a victory to Nintendo fans when they slowly added the Sony monsters even though they are from 2nd gen while Sony fans kept on mocking them for only getting old 2nd gen monsters even though it's their monsters. Then when Cross came out, they had to justify the anime-ness and being compared to Frontier by saying MH was always anime from the start. Now they have to eat their words and say that anime monsters only belong to them and have no place in MH.
I could not give less of a shit about the story in MHW and I wish they would stop shoving the handler down your throat.
Release Khezu Capcom you fucking faggots
You use them on Zeniths, road, or Raviente. GS has the highest skill ceiling on the latter but shits out the most cutting damage on such a rote monster, so there's demand. Beyond that, it's actually impossible to solo some of that niche minority of content in those WebMs as either GS or Hammer, and when it's possible faster weapons have better times due to poison and monsters abusing defense rates than actual HP bloat.
Yes, it's just worksafe.
But Xeno blasting the entire area with his laser, Bazel literally B-52 bombing you, Behemoth using literally any of its moveset, and any of the other Elder’s super attacks are okay? The divebomb is a little too much, yeah. But no other monster does around the world anymore, not after Rath got cucked.
>buy Cat suit
>end up making her more tolerable
Its retarded, but it works for me.
Would you fuck the Handler?
I don’t even think around the world will work in World anyway, unless he’s restricted to wide, open spaces with no trees or anything blocking the skyline.
Remember to eat before you hunt!
Here's another fun Frontiers fight to show you just how anime MH can get.
Xeno was literally a ridiculous new discovery that's suppose to clash with all the toned down monsters beforehand, it's an anomaly in its infant stage.
Goose is whack though, only anime could evolve something so lethal.
>gets paralyzed on the second phase
Power creep and 700+ para is one hell of a thing.
>infant stage.
Xeno is literally a baby when you kill it, and it didn't even incubate fully before being awoken.
That's nice and all, but where are the new monsters?
>Xeno'jiiva is called the "Dark Light Dragon" from the glowing organ in its chest. This organ is connected throughout Xeno'jiiva's body like to its front limbs and tail, and it is able to release energy from this organ to greatly amplify the power to those parts.
>Due to Xeno'jiiva's transparent skin, one can actually see the energy flow into those parts, and it is possible to prevent it from channeling energy by damaging it. If hunters are able to damage parts of its body like its limb, they can prevent energy from circulating into them.
>When its body has accumulated a large amount of energy, beyond its normal limits, it'll enter a "Critical State" (臨界状態), causing parts of its body to glow brighter than usual.
>While in this state its parts will overflow with energy, allowing it to use more while in combat, and it will be a threat to all creatures. Even after becoming an adult, it is thought that Xeno'jiiva doesn't need to eat and just sustains itself on the energy it has gathered.
Already revealed
They're garbage
Fuck you, I'd take Gammoth over Astalos' faggotry 10 times over.
>wiki says the elder dragon that just hatched is actually already a adult, therefore it must be true
You had to make me post it, didn't you?
Or maybe, it could have been a cocoon? Regardless, it an adult.
It didn't hatch from an egg, it came out of a cocoon. Are butterflies and moths not fully grown?
>mfw I'm the only one existence who wanted Chameleos
He's a good boy. I hope he doesn't get left out of his Dos ED trio circlejerk.
Should copypaste the Generation guy's face in the MHW one.
It was a cocoon nigga
not if it's awoken by some shitty hunters before fully absorbing all the bioenergy, then it's just a weak ass cripple baby.
Help I can't play anything but lance. It feels so wrong to not have a shield and actually move out of the way instead of countering
Nigger the wiki didn’t say it, the fucking official art book did
Did you try GL or HBG with Shield Mod?
Assuming it's not talking in future tense, I guess I'll have to accept this.
Shame, there's something cool about the elder dragon you fought at the end of world not even being close to its full powerlevel.
It’s not a babby, but it was in a cocoon. The book doesn’t specify if it was done by the time we stumble upon it or if we woke it prematurely. So it could still be stronger. But it’s not a baby. It’s an adult.
>not installing the mod that makes her pretty
I wanted Tigrex and Rajang
Wait til I tell you about every other weapon with a shield
Rajang would've been a fantastic fullstop to the trailer.
Glavenus is probably better for them because it gets people talking about all the other potential monsters they might take from XX.
If they add Gore Magala to the game, will we get to see Tigrex jobbing to it again? It's pathetic seeing Tigrex getting its neck easily snapped like a twig by Gore Magala in 4U's cinematic opening.
>Gore magala's turf wars turn every single monster it fights with a frenzied monster
World's doesn't look dumb enough. If adept style and evasion arts makes you a retard like in Generations, then shit like temporal mantle in World makes you a single celled organism.
Shit like temporal mantle you have to unlock by defeat lunastra and teostra, which is at the end of the game and a decent challenge.
Really the thing to mock about world is the "please save me" multiplayer system, vitality mantle, how stupidly gimped monsters are in singlelayer, and how many environmental and weapon crutches there are to remove you ever really having to try to do damage to a monster.
The 3ds games are literally the best ones you can't change my mind
No other weapon uses them aggressively like lance though, CB maybe
Yeah CB, if you're looking specifically for counters then LS and GS is your thing.
>vitality mantle
I'm happy autism tiger is in Iceborne, really hoping for Zinogre and Gore Magala too
This, the only reason people have a hardon for Tigrex is because he was the big casual filter in FU back when people sucked fucking ass at the game and only the few autists that prevailed got past him.
Narga and Barioth are way better fights.
A turf war that actually makes a hunt more difficult for once would be nice
they would just get dung bombed like in previous games then
what is this anime shit. why is everything glowing
Lol so true
Tigrex is nowhere near the strongest monsters, it's barely above cuckalos
When is molten tigrex
I love how worldlets always went "who cares about rehashed monsters I already fought" when people talked about how previous games were superior with their larger rosters.
But now that they get some of the most rehashed monsters ever back they're going HYPE HYPE HYPE again just like they did with Jho.
God, I hate Worldscum so much.
>Yea Forums is one person
>a roster chokeful of gen 2 garbage is the same as getting well designed flagships literally everybody likes
Still no rape ape though which is a shame.
Don't cry
I would put something down here throat if you know wha-...
no nevermind, I just remembered that fucking part where she said "WE DID IT PARD" when you and your fucking CAT are fighting xeno and she is doing NOTHING, God I'm going to go jack off to that futa comic where she gets NTR'ed HARD now
I wish I could edit the sans song in there when his eye glows blue
Go tell em bro
The nostalgiafags reject this because the truth hurts.
Brute Tigrex is better.
Same shit
Brute spends less time running around like an autist which makes him better by default.
unrelated but did your game ever crash with that mod installed after the witcher update?
what's there to question, letting yourself overheal and jump in without a care in the world is casual as fuck.
they should've just added barioth and polished him up, would've fit the ice aesthetic more.
I wanted good gameplay, too bad it's still World shit.
Who was that at the end of the trailer?
>I wanted good gameplay
Why would you play MH for that?
I'm desperate
It can be okay gameplay, if you don't use any of the broken weapons, or mantles, or flash bomb everything, or accidentally have the monsters run into all the environmental traps, or do the quests that unlock more environmental traps, or use drachen, and only fight on flat surfaces
>lewding anjanac
Someone likes bad boys!
Is that the one with like multiple roar moves?
>Just don't use the things you get from late game monsters for late game monsters
All switchfags are
But I'm on PC
The weapon movesets are still ruined, none of them are fun anymore.
I'd say switch-axe remained relatively undiddled
Nice opinion.
Excuse me while i slam my gunlance into teostra's asshole.
Lance is the most fun it's ever been, aside from Frontier.
True, it's probably the weapon I enjoyed the most in World. That said, I never really liked it to begin with. Kind of a wasted potential the weapon.
Pretty much this.
All of those monsters are soulless.
>I wonder if they would have Pickle roam the iceland, like the older games.
Prepare to get buttfucked by dogshit engine and dogshit scoutflies.
>its a Zorah like siege fight
Fatalis is okay but I want the 4U Gog fight in glorious HD, damnit.
Just imagine it.
Glavenus was confirmed? Since when? I'm not updated in memeborne
>tfw never ever
It fucking awful
End of the latest trailer had its roar and tail cut
Teased in the latest trailer, which revealed Tigrex.
Last trailer had a tease the way Narga and Tigrex had before him.
Mind sharing that comic.
That's pretty sweet. I'll look up the trailer. To be clear, this trailer is not the same as the reveal trailer?
Alright. Finally we'll have some good music in world.
No, I wanted to bully dual wielding crabs and raging primates.
I thought I would hate a giant monster fight, running around the map using the tools that the game encouraged you to use, but surprisingly it is a fun hunt. Dislodging the drill on his back and using it back against him is one of the best moments
>World has a desert map with bugs all over the place
>No Seltas Queen or even Desert Seltas
It hurts to hunt sometimes, bros.
Why is Tigrex so big suddenly.
Why is his so shit.
I won't lie, I'm very new to the Monhun universe with World. Previously (I only played the demo of the first game way back) I just thought this series was for braindead autists and a terrible waste of time, offline MMO gargabe like. But now I'm kinda hooked.
Anyway, my point is... the monsters are good for the most part but don't you feel that it's a bit of a shame that their patterns are kinda samey after a while? Especially if they are wyverns or dragons and similar.
It would be good to have more diversity in their attack patterns, and things they can do. Like a monster who constantly likes to jump, others that will bait you into others monsters, some monster that would summon other lesser creatures, another who crawls the ceilings and throw things at you etc. To be more unique each time. Butt maybe that's just me.
He worked out
We had all that in the previous games
>He never fought the giant bug that wears another giant bug like a jetpack and uses it as a javelin
>Or the ape throwing continents
>Or the ceiling crawling penis
Not gonna happen buddy. Infact, MHW Iceborne is probably gonna flop anyway and won't sell at all hahaha
Xeno;jiiva was just a fucking baby and we killed it
Damn, MH is redpilled now?
No, it was an adult. But not enough is known about them in the lore.
how the fuck is it an adult? What are you basing on this? because its big? It hatched from cocoon, ergo it MUST work like a butterfly?
damn, breaking news, back to the baby theory.
Now this is false flagging.
You hate them for good reason user, most giant bosses in Monhun are terrible, maybe they hold up the first time, but on successive ones they become very repetitive scriptfests the next ones. Gog functions more like a normal monster with an awesome, interactive arena so he's different. It all just clicks together. Its design and music don't hurt either.
Very sad seeing Zorah undo all the progress Gog made.
They patched that and the neck snap ages ago.
Unless "ages ago" means last week then the neck snap was still in the game when I played it last time.
Why are people always comparing that volcanic shit to Gog?
If anything he's similar to Mohrans or Lao-Shans.
If you want to compare a monster to Gogmazios take Xeno'jivia.
Because Gog made that kind of giant boss obsolete. And now that I think of it the bone squid and the robot phase of the mantis are tedious compared to him too. Hell not even Xeno comes close to Gog.
Xeno is a bootleg Gog
Vitality mantle is more like a portable moxie, against ATs it goes away in 1 or 2 hits at most.
At that point you definitely have the baby blanket upgrade, vitality blanket is much more accessible and more relevant to a large portion of people.
Thankfully the game even lets you take both.
>They patched that and the neck snap ages ago.
Lol, they never did.
Don't bully my autistic little brother.
Both are trash against the rocksteady mantle which is just outright broken as fuck.
Also very strong when paired with health augments but at least that one has the potential to backfire when used by retards.
Xeno isn't exactly a grade A boss
d-did you forget an image
Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Xeno use Gore/Nerg's skeleton? And there's nothing really that special about him. He's just very underwhelming. I hope whatever takes his place in Iceborne is more exciting.
Did any of you even fight the AT version? They fixed alot about him.
Yeah he uses Nergigante's skeleton
I feel like they wanted to make him more unique and alien but backed down due to fear of gajiins only liking generic dnd dragons or something
IIRC Xeno has a custom skeleton like most giant monsters, supposedly based on Grigori’s rig from Dragon’s Dogma. That second part I’ve never seen concrete proof for though, but it wouldn’t surprise me since both games are on MT Framework so compatibility should be a non-issue.
Giving him a bajillion health and giving him a couple of lunastra animations isn't really "fixing"
>They add tigrex in the ice expansion
>Not ice tigrex which is an infinitely better fight, and actually fits the zone's aesthetic
>Abandon all delusions of control
Not iconic enough I guess
>Dumb fat goblina faggot who does nothing of value for the entire game but gets treated like she's special because ???
I'd fuck her with an insect glaive.
He's not as popular as the monster design that spawned.
Same reason Qurupeco and Gigginox are fucking dead.
All past expansions introduce more monsters than just what appears in the new map. Nargacuga is in and both he and Barioth are cat wyverns sharing the same skeleton so asset reuse makes him still a top contender. You don’t think the stuff they’ve shown before E3 is everything in the whole game, do you?
There is still hope. Or next time if not.
If it means she stays passed out for the rest of the playthrough, I'd plow that.
Tigrex, while able to thrive everywhere, was introduced in an ice region tri-juvenile
Nah it’s Glavenus. Seregios is still a possibility though.
no you dumb FUCK
Ah, well I'm still fine with that, considering Glavenus is still rad. I'm just glad we're getting some good fucking Monsters, instead of more of World's SHITTY DESIGNS
Is that a different subspecies? Or is it just constantly enraged?
If he comes back, I want him to be a flagship tier wrecking ball. Just say the ones in the new world are a subspecies that grew stronger due to excess bioenergy or something.
It's a variant, not a sub.
I hope they give new barioth his sand subspecies tornado gliding ability
Tigrex was here first and is more iconic than Barioth, that's all.
Woah you cant be saying this without a source m8
If he comes back, I want them to fix that stupid broken shoulder bash.
What a terrible hitbox that shit had.
>Remember to eat before you hunt!
By terrible do you mean really really bad? Because in GU that shit sometimes couldn't hit you even if you stood still and it was aimed directly at you, it was way too clean.
Isn't barioth armor pretty iconic
I like the designs of World’s monsters since they’re refreshingly simple after fourth gen having tons of intricate designs (not that they were bad at all, they’re among the best in the series), it’s just a shame that their fights were pretty lacklustre since the move sets seemed really rushed.
What monster hunter games are actually good? I want to get into them but I don't want my first experience to be soiled by World if it's as terrible as everyone says it is.
Barioth's armor is some of the coolest shit in the game.
Just give me my boy Brachy already for fuck's sake. That's ALL I want. Just Brachy. And slime weapons that are good, instead of bl*st.
>Handler still exists
I personally really fucking hate World's designs. It's a shame, because the game itself is fucking great, I adore the quality of life improvements, and I feel like it's nicely balanced around these additions, but the Monsters all feel really boring to me, they all feel like Gen 1 monsters, which isn't a good thing, considering all Gen 1 Monsters are garbage and a pain in the ass to fight.
The only World Monster I can say I really like is probably Xeno, or Bazel. Worldfags are going to shit themselves if more of the crazy designs and with actually interesting weapon and armor designs are introduced.
Yes, but most importantly
The only thing left to make me fully happy would be any blangonga or rajang
It’s a variant called Shrieking Legiana apparently, like Savage Deviljho or Rusted Kushala. Hope we get one for Bazelgeuse too, Turf War between Savage Jho and [synonym] Bazelgeuse would be cool.
I have only faced him in Tri and 3U and haven't played GU yet so that must mean they fixed it by it already, alright. That's good.
It had a weirdly long, delayed hitbox in 3U, it was very fucking awkward.
There's only 1 rival monster per map, not enough room
Zinogre will never be in World because World simply can't have any cool HH.
Zinogre will never be in World because gay furries aren't allowed in the new World.
It’s not as terrible as people say it is, you’re on Yea Forums so everything is bad. That said it’s pretty middle of the road for MH, the best games are Freedum Unite, 3 Ultimate, 4 Ultimate and maybe Generations Ultimate if you can get over how much filler that game has. Hopefully Iceborne, being the equivalent of the Ultimate versions of past games for World, will bring it up to the same level as those games.
I'd guess it's a given if they aren't completely dropping their traditions.
It's an easy concept for bazel too, just have him always glowing and let him throw nuclear bombs when pissed.
Maybe stop listening to shitposts. Besides World, GU if you've got a Switch although it's less a game and more a compilation thrown together so it has a massive pile of stuff but not always that coherent. 4U if you've got a 3DS or if you want to try emulating one of the older games, P3rd is a good choice. World and P3rd are my personal favourites but both are only HR games and should be considered accordingly.
It's not terrible it's just ""beginner friendly""
GU or translated XX if you want a crash course with a lot of optional anime, it's got the most content
4U if you absolutely don't want any of that anime shit
Portable 3rd if you want the most solid and simple experience
3U if you want to experience swimming and more content than portable 3rd
FU if you want to go hard and experience the game at some of its most unpolished
I think GU made a very big deal out of fixing a lot of hitboxes, there's a lot of shit that seemed a lot more lethal in previous games but isn't because the hitboxes are just a lot more fair.
Only because the female armor was notKirin and almost nobody cares about the male one, so waifufags automatically latched on.
Tigrex is more iconic as a monster.
Zinogre will never be in World because he’s Ryozo’s new husbando and he wants Zinogre all to himself.
Helps to know P3rd only released in Japan too.
I really liked the male variant as it is notNarga, while male Kirin is for ironic faggots.
desu, I never got the whole 'It's too anime' compliant about Generation or Generations Ultimate. I mean this is the same series where you fight a giant blue T-rex with dildos for arms and one firmly planted on his forehead that makes things explode.
Monster Hunter was always pretty fucking anime, did the additions of styles just make you realize this? Get over yourselves you closet weebs.
Anime is a very vague term that means a lot of different things to different people, most are ok with anime monsters but less ok with anime weapons.
Doesn't especially matter because GU is as anime as you want it to be, there's nothing stopping anyone playing guild and taking some unobtrusive hunter arts.
So, what are they adding?
MHW felt like a demo compared to a real monster hunter with its piss easy content that ends at high rank, so I'm wondering if this is going to be the same, or if it's actually gonna be worth picking up.
Nitpicky shitposting, where everything you don't like is anime, later taken seriously by the droves of impressionable idiots that define our board culture and sentiment.
They gimped the sidesteps and ruined the combos
My only question: Will it have G Rank?
It's called Master Rank now but yeah that's literally the entire point of the expansion.
Is it so hard for you Ultimate shitters to understand the difference between a HR and G version of a game?
Every fucking thread the same shit.
>actually listening to shitposts
Just start with World
>'It's too anime' compliant about Generation
I fucking hate those damn flashy effects on attacks, it's worse than that stupid sound effect from world
>HD Gore Magala
Gimme my glorious moth dragon boi Capcom ya shits
Master rank is G, just with a new name. Iceborne is an Ultimate release.
>there's nothing stopping anyone playing guild and taking some unobtrusive hunter arts.
Good luck with that vs EX Bloodbath Diablos
The crits in world are just as bad then, frankly I hate the fucking rocks from world the most, feels like I'm just hitting the ground.
That seems like an end game extreme that won't impair the large majority of anyone's playtime, I haven't got to it myself yet so I wouldn't know how necessary evasion shit is.
Well Anime weapons and armor have always been a part of Monster hunter as well, I mean Kirin is an OG monster, and its anime and weapons are anime as hell. MonHun has always been really anime. This catch-all term is pretty lame.
I mean styles aside, db and ls have also always been really 'anime' as well. I mean you don't get much more anime than doing the Naruto run around Monsters while holding two knives in your hands. Man, people are fuckin' retarded, why can't people just like the things they like without trying to make it sound less like what it is?
All MH games end at High Rank before expansions you silly anime girl.
Fuck the world defense force for saying "YOU'LL BE ABLE TO TOGGLE BLOOD" in world, shit is nowhere to be seen and monsters feel unsatisfying as fuck to hit
>waaa i cant be edgyyy waaaaa
>good hit feedback is being edgy
THE TOMB SK8R AND BUSHIDOSAURUS ARE IN!?!?!? I want deviant blos now just to fuck with everyone and force kiddies into using max earplugs haha
I doubt Deviants are ever coming back, outside anniversary games.
No I wanted a good game.
effects are also shitty
Neck yourselves nintenkiddies
The crits feel nice, and world sure makes sure your critrate is always at 100%
can't take criticism of his favorite game without making it a console war, embarrassing
MHW is easier than dauntless
Get over yourself moron
just put futa and monster hunter together in your panda search bar
Actually I wanted this guy and underwater monsters back
Uh actually I bet you can't solo the MMO fight that was specifically designed for multiple people, therefore world is actually hard.
Lagiacrus is back in GU, it just wasn't a very fun fight because water is kind of what it excels at.
I can't tell you how shocking it was to be steamrolled by bloodbath during its roar stun. The rules of mh did not apply to it and just flipped me the biggest bird ever but it's okay because the rules were already broken with adept and valor cheese
I used to not like underwater combat but now I actually kind of miss it.
I don't think we fought the same monster, because lagiacrus is way more fun in GU than in previous games.
Several years ago he was, at least.
Really? Because to me it just seemed like an AoE spamming stationary target, at least give him a bit more diversity in that AoE so he feels a bit more engaging
It's over nintendo
>japan mattering in a "western" mh
It would only be in AF anyway. Wouldn't get any more disappointing than that 2bh.
Patience, user. One of the Fanged Wyvern skeletons is literally just the Leviathan skeleton without the neck, and the neck has most likely been fixed since the problems they had with it were during early development and thus back in like 2015. If they’ve added one of the Fated Four to World then it’s likely the rest will be coming not long after.
So to talk about the actual game for a moment is anyone concerned with how much emphasis they are putting on the slinger in the new expac?
we already have his skeleton in the game, so its just a matter of a simple reskin
i dont care about the roster if the mechanics are still shit
>G rank
MHW had guild quests and ranks? why do I not remember this at all? where the fuck where the guild quests? I remember doing the "Village quests" but I never climbed through low/high rank quests from wha ti remember
I miss Lagi and Gobul a lot. Would love to see Barioth and Gigginox make a return somehow too.
They can keep the garbage elephant
I already have World. The only thing I have left to do is get all palico gear leveled up since I don’t want my cat buddy to get fucked
Yeah it sucks and limits the amount of shit they can expand on with movesets, fuck their new gimmick buff the switchaxe in meaningful ways instead.
which fanged wyven skeleton is in the game?
All I waant is my favorite sword tail dinosaur. And I got it! Woooooooooooooooooooo
What about Primed Bazelgeuse?
Infernal Bazelgeuse
Rampage Bazelgeuse
Hiroshima bazelgeuse
There are two. The one used by Great Jagras, Great Girros and Dodogama is just the Leviathan skeleton with all the neck segments removed. The second is an entirely new skeleton used by Odogaron and Tobi-Kadachi. Kulve Taroth uses both of these skeletons in its different phases. Zinogre has a slightly different skeleton to either of these two.
They removed the distinction since online connectivity is standard for consoles now, instead of having Villlage scaled for single player and Guild for multiplayer, each quest instead has two different sets of stats it applies based on whether it’s being played solo or in a team. And you unlocked High Rank after beating Zorah Magdaros in the lava cave.
Cute picture, saved
>Isn't this what you wanted
No, I want MHW to stop being shit. No monster addition can fix that.
Scoutflies are still better than paintballs.
transparent pink mist on the floor would have been cooler
Oudated. He's not even in the top 3 for the latest popularity pool.
>1. Zinogre
>2. Narga
>3. Nerg
Fucking Furries I swear
what the fuck? really? I don't remember this shit at all. But it doesn't gate you off like guild quests did? meaning you had to beat certain 5* guild quests to move to 6* etc
Why do we need scoutflies OR paintballs? Both are obsolete when you can literally observe the monster move from one spot to another on one big, open map. You add a big, game-changing feature and don't even use it correctly, think about that.
Is Zinogre in MHW?
>Nerg already #3
Japs have good taste
Did you ever hunt Rathalos in the Beta before anybody knew the map or knew how to make the scoutflies track a non-quest monster? It was a goddamned mess.
thats more because the ancient forest is too fucking complicated for its own good, monsters in wildspire beta were much easier like diablos
That'd more hours than I played World.
Is it worth it?
Yes, it was new and confusing to everyone. What's wrong with having a progression that rewards experience and knowledge in subtle ways? Isn't that what MH is about?
Not only that, one might argue that the forest is a cluttered mess that has a lot of unnecessary stuff to serve as a cool demo.
>Worldchads get Narga
>Probably Zinogre and Brachydios too since the entire expansion pack looks like it's only adding fan favorite monsters
Someone post the 6 post long list of criticisms about World... please...
No because the quests that gated off higher quest levels were made into main quests, so they were impossible to miss.
If they get all the best boys into World I'll finally buy the game with no qualms.
>monsters that were in a good game get forced into a shit game
Am I the only one that really likes the Forest for it's diverce setpieces and authentic hunting feel?
Sure it's annoying to get to some parts in the middle of the mess but otherwise I think people shitting on it sound like smash tourneyfags to me.
Are you pretending all of those aren't in GU
what sort of self defeating argument is this
MH isn't supposed to be a hunting sim, retard.
you're who capcom was targeting with world, that's not a bad thing but it's not what what most old monster hunter fans care much about.
I like it because it's not Volcanic Hollow. I appreciate every map for not being that shithole.
What a lame fuckin map, it's even worse that when it was introduced it was just a reskin of an existing map and there was literally nothing fun about it.
FU is good and has ton of content if you can deal with some of the jank.
3U is great and my personal favorite.
4U is good.
Any of those are good place to start.
It was cool to get lost in a map the first few times visiting it, learning the shortcuts and where certain monsters like to spawn, but nobody actually wants to accidentally lose track of where the monster went the fifth or tenth or 30th time hunting it. World, with all of its changes to map design, is still a boss battles game.
Adding monsters won't fix Worlds problems.
Still a decent game tho.
>nobody actually wants to accidentally lose track of where the monster went the fifth or tenth or 30th time hunting it.
This doesn't happen unless your iq is double digit and you cannot see through the robotic behavioral patterns of monsters.
How do I get into MH? The game is so shallow.
>Accept quest
>Kill monsters
>Collect shits
>Upgrade shits
killing monsters IS the game
>tfw g rank gimmick is just arch tempered monster
If the act of beating up monsters isn't enough then MH isn't the game for you. No shame in that.
The only time it isn't shallow is when the monsters have punishing movesets, deal damage, don't melt within four minutes and do not let you get away with leisurely, aimless hacking away.
In other words, not World (or at least 99% of it)
even then it's mashing 2 buttons with locked animations
I started with Tri and it's one of my favourite series since and I was already rolling my eyes over people shitting on water in 3rd gen and verticallity the 4th.
Literal final destination faggotry.
The only faggotry here is you for comparing the criticism toward changes to people wanting to change the game to something it was never supposed to be, quite ironically I might add. But of course I wouldn't expect anything better than that from a Tri toddler of all things.
I don't mind water, but I think verticality in monster hunter is a problem purely because capcom has shown a poor ability to both design vertical maps and design AI that is capable of handling them, you'll have the dumb ass monsters clipping through that shit 24/7 or sliding across misplaced walls to extend their reach in unnatural ways, it makes for a very jarring experience when not implemented correctly, and I don't believe capcom has.
what a shit taste
Then play frontier faggot
Oh I forgot to mention that you're also a faggot for advocating mechanical breadth over depth, you short-sighted fool.
>sliding across misplaced walls to extend their reach in unnatural ways
I feel like every time i fight kush in that weird staircase/hallway into uragan nest he slip'n slides all across that wall
Don't even get me started with all the fuckin problems world introduced by making random slopes ones you can jump attack off, if your weapon ever needs to use both buttons at once you'll just randomly misinput jump attacks half the time because the smallest degree inclines are considered jumpoff points.
The only time i have your problem is when i play GL or hammer
Legit just position better
>want to superpound monster head
>have to move closer to actually hit
>the only way to do this is down a slope
>nevermind, sliding attack it is
>the moment I start sliding I'm too close for the spinning attack to be effective
>jumping off the slide and landing the aerial would take too long
How the fuck do you leave in this big of an oversight?
Why don't you faggits just play frontier? A million monsters, aside from a few obstacles every area is a flat arena.
Happens with DB and CB too, it has nothing to do with positioning because the rule isn't very consistent and some of the steepest things won't count as slides but a random unnoticeable bump will.
It's entirely capcom's fault for making something so trash being a contextual input instead of its own thing.
Because Frontier suffers from other problems that MHW is also shit for.
Not that desperate yet, maybe one day.