So is Gearbox doing this to try to get back into good graces with everyone Randy has pissed off, or is Steam doing this because they're mad at Gearbox for doing a deal with Epic, or is this more evidence that the rumored BL2 DLC might be true? 97% off is pretty fucking crazy and it's not even being advertised on Steam, something is up.
So is Gearbox doing this to try to get back into good graces with everyone Randy has pissed off...
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It is the free pspro or whatever game this month or something isn't it? They are probably just trying to build hype.
No they've put the handsome collection on sale for ridiculous discounts in the past well before the Epic games launcher.
>or is steam doing this
Valve has no control over games going on sale that is entirely up to the publisher.
They got me to finally pay for it even tho I have like 400 hours of non-steam playtime
But it's not just BL2, it's the Presequel and the massive amount of DLC. This is definitely a historical low for the price. I'm guessing it has more to do with Randy being a retard and Gearbox doing whatever they can to save face.
this 5 bux times 100 million steam(chinks) users will make more money than they have all month.
Steam (nor any store) can't make discounts without the publisher's approval.
>check my region price
>literally just $4
Hory shit
yeah, all that is free on playstation this month
>still $5 for only two games
holy fucking shit how expensive are those DLCs
There's literally like 10 dlcs and 20+ cosmetic packs thrown in there
Too bad the games are shit, I will never go back for the dlc I skipped on buying
Valve doesn't set prices, fuckstick. How the hell do some of you people not know how fucking stores work?
Pre-sequel is included you maggot
They put it at the bottom
>can't buy it as gift to scalp on g2a later
what's the point
Valve/Steam don't set prices.
>Borderlands 1 not included
How do you not own it already?
Didn't Epic just pull some shit during a sale where they literally discounted games without even notifying the publisher? If what you're saying is true why aren't they being sued right now?
who remembers this
you still have to pay for it
it's still money in Randy's pockets
dont be a dumbass
Why should I give a flying fuck? They sold out US GAMERS by taking a paycheck from Epic. Clearly we're no longer their customers. Storefronts are their customers now.
They had to take down the games during the sale and paid the money publishers asked for.
I'll have to pick this for my sister so that we could play together
It's free this month? Goddammit, I just bought that shit like a month ago.
im gonna strangle your sister you fucking faggot
We'll play on lan you dip shit
ok still gonna strangle your sister
Good luck, we go everywhere together, I'm literally 5 meters tall
>BL3 coming out
>BL1, 2 and PS really old at this point
>If you own/have played either or buy them now you will likely know about BL3
>Huge discount is an extremely cheap and effective marketing tool to
somewhat indirectly advertise BL3
>Gearbox can still make money from these sales
Anyone thinking this is to offset Retarded Randy is equally retarded
How the fuck does it normally cost $220? That's ridiculous.
I can't believe I paid like 40€+ for these. I'm never buying games again
How do you guys that play these games put up with the awful dialogue? I tried playing borderlands 2 years ago and it couldn't handle how awful it all was, think I made it to "boner farts" before I gave up but even at that point I had the game muted a lot of the time.
You mean the sale where they had to delist most of their catalog because they're incompetent?
By not giving a shit about a story or cringey dialogue in a game that's about shooting shit and looting gear.
I'm going to kick Bane in the fucking head
If you're playing these kind of games properly, you don't hear any of the dialogue because you and your friends are just spouting bullshit at each other the whole time you're playing.
If you're playing borderlands alone, you're playing it wrong.
Anyone hoping that the new dlc for Borderlands 2 will be free? I mean it would be pretty pointless to charge money for it at this point.
You only need GOTY though.
They want you to buy it so you'll go over to the EGS and buy it when the next one comes out, duh.
>"Tales from" is not included
Fuck telltale
Fuck randy
>GOTY is $3 more by itself than the full collection