Sequel A: Structurally identical to the first game but focuses on refinement...

>Sequel A: Structurally identical to the first game but focuses on refinement, if you wanted more of the same (but better) then this is for you, the only real flaw is it’s lack of originality

>Sequel B: Takes the game in a different direction while trying many new things, doesn’t necessarily get all of them right but stands unique from the previous game and ultimately provides a unique experience

Choose one, Yea Forums

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RIP wigi

Attached: afraid.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

A if the original is unique, solid, and, dare I say it, fun
B if the original was kina bland or unoriginal, but still good

Sequel A for Tekken 8.

They hit a sweet spot in tekken 7

Interesting how you chose a picture with a FF character in it.
Here's your sequel B.

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Anytime a sequel does A, I always end up liking the first game more. At least with B, it could end up outdoing the original.

A if I liked the first game, B if I didn't.


Most of the greatest games of all time are A

Don't ever bring this up in front of me again.

I fucking hate Final Fantasy. Starting from XIII it has been nothing but disappointment after utter disappointment with Square Enix telling us "this new one is going to be SO good it will BLOW YOUR MIND"

yeah fuckin' right Square Enix... You can only lie to me so many fucking times before I've had enough

Sequel A:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Ocarina of Time
Twilight Princess
Metal Gear Solid 2
Dark Souls 3
Resident Evil 2

Sequel B:
Super Mario Sunshine
Majora’s Mask
Breath of the Wild
Metal Gear Solid 3
Resident Evil 4

B followed by A for third/fourth game for perfect mix

Sequel B.

You'll eventually have to accept that the Final Fantasy franchise will end up just like the Simpsons. In the end, there will be more bad games than good ones.

Why not save A for true sequels and B for spinoffs or games set in the same setting?

B. It's why I like the Xenoblade series so much. Each game feels fresh and unique and tries new things, some of which works, some of which doesn't, but it doesn't really matter because you can be sure the next game will be different.

B is why Paper Mario and Chibi Robo are now dead so I will take A

Definately A. B is just the devs shitting ont eh original product.

A every time.

Sequel B is almost always the better option because then you have two worthwhile games instead of one that's just a better version of the other.

A has the possible outcome of just being inferior to it's predecessor despite looking better. if it's a sequel it has to introduce new shit and have a different plot, if all that sucks it could completely break what made the first game good.

Which one is portal 2?

Sequel A usually results in the best entry in the series, so I'm going with that.

gimme that sequel A baby

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I’d say A. It introduces a lot of new mechanics but it’s still the same base idea. You could introduce the new puzzle gimmicks in the first and they wouldn’t have felt particularly out of place.