So what game is currently your pic related?

So what game is currently your pic related?
PC fags only

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is there a way to get rid of eyebags due to sleeping to late or do I have to use battery acid?

Literally monster hunter world

I have the dark pigmentation/thin orbital skin genetically, grew into them and as my head got bigger they became thinner & darker.
Have you tried, really tried holding some icecubes on them?

Mordhau except I dont shit my pants

No game I just shit my pants

Yea Forums

TF2 but I have exams so I haven't played in a month. But as soon as I finish, I'll get back to logging in 10 hours a day.

Literally me now that I'm unemployed. Also FFX/Shenmue currently.

Oh also mahjong

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Time to go back to /r/frenworld you reddit faggot tranny.

Hellmoo. Once I got over the 100k xp hump everything kind of opened up for me and I find it really fun. Raiding and looting and pvping is thrilling. Wish more people played though, having so few means drama and grudges that get held for a long time

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All I saw was another apu/helper

Yea Forums was a mistake why am I still here?

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Oh fuck, someone else who plays hellmoo.

This, although getting dragged by war axes in duels is starting to chip away at my sanity

Who are you talking to?
Get gone bro

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you active now? if you are odds are you are in my corp since we seem to be the biggest most active one atm

i wake up, go back to sleep, wake up, take a shower, jack off, listen to bad music, eat, jack off again and then go to sleep

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>FOTM animeshit poster thinks his opinion matters

You haven't found a better outlet for your social needs.

Im not in any corp. Im still kinda new to the game. I had someone with me when i played and explained this wonder of a game.

That sounds hellish
I can't comprehend why would anyone spend their time just sleeping

Do people on Yea Forums really wake up in the afternoon to go on the computer all night?

When I was in Medschool, I read about how if you rub your eyebags gently and apply warm water, it helps to get the blood flowing.
I usually just put on my glasses and they cover them

Sort-of. I go to bed at 6am and wake up at midday.

Watching anime and playing PC98 dungeon crawlers

>Do people on Yea Forums really wake up in the afternoon to go on the computer all night?
I used to do this when I was an underageb&. Now I just have a job, but I stayed up late finishing a report and now I'm shitposting with you guys

what are you, gay?

being conscious is worse, so i just sleep half the day instead

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Baldur's Gate

Post your steam user let's play together.

ah I see, I recommend joining one, or at least the NPC ran one, ENEMA, so you can make money from contracts.


>tfw work starts at 3:45 pm
>go till 1:45 am
OP is pretty close to my weekend routine