rate my setup Yea Forums
Rate my setup Yea Forums
show the whole thing faggot
Gay as fuck
not only do you speak the world's most disgusting language and have a faggot keyboard and mouse, this thread isn't even vidya
go jerk off your keyboard with the fags at /g/
no numpad
Nice try, faggot.
>No NumPad on a desktop
Absolutely disgusting.
>that mouse
What do you think of it? Does it surpass the ultralight?
Do you also vape and drive a subaru?
you should learn how to touch type
very reddit
better than mine my shit just random shit put together
I don't understand the point of those mice. If you think that bit of mouse weight is goi g to improve your performance, then you're basically a shitter.
hey there numpadless cutie pie what notation do you use for the hadoken input? how about a shoryuken? now tell me what the input is for Kohaku's drug-on-install.
I haven‘t tried the ultralight, but I like it as much as my G Pro Wireless, so for 1/3rd of the price its a good buy
They both kinda are zowie fk shape copies so naturally i must like them.
Surprisingly the weight difference between 80 and 67 grams is noticeable and the wire bends so easily it might as well be wireless.
>sweat like a powerlifter during intense matches
>a bead rolls down my hand and into the mouse, short circuiting it
>I lose the match, derank and put the piece of shit through a window
I already have to wipe myself down between rounds, I can't imagine having to deal with this too
Friendly reminder that if you like your fingers you need to switch to Dvorak.
can someone tell me what the fuck is that escape key? is it a rock or something?
oh cool, that slope looks odd though
considering it's an ESCAPE key it should have wunna those jetpack marines instead
why in gods name would you want a mouse with holes in it? it's gonna get full of shit...
It's an SA profile key while the rest of the keyboard is OEM, I don't think it looks terrible on the esc but I wouldn't put it in a different row.
it's shit
was für ne tastatur ist das, user? sieht gar nicht so übel aus und ich bräuchte ne neue.
>a clean black and white profile
>a literal pile of dirt with a tank on top completely ruining it
Atleast keep the cohesion and get a stylized black and white version of it.
Post battlestations
9/10, unironically wish i had your entire setup
I buy Logitech mice and keyboards, all the gaymer brands are cringe.
Why the hell did they put those dirt trapper holes all over it
>willingly allowing google to listen to your conversations and sell your voice data to advertisers
imagine being this cucked
How much would it cost to get a whole keyboard made with stuff like this?
about 40-50$ for each key, so maybe 3000-5000 depending on whether its a full size or TKL keyboard
Positive expected value. You're already being tracked online by companies like Facebook without having an account with them. Might as well get some utility out of it.
Who makes these are why does it cost 40 buckaroos.
looks kinda gay
not him but it's custom made by people on etsy and shit
Reminds me of a 90's lite bright. I dig it.
share me your wallpaper and I'll give a perfect rating
watecooling always seems like such a waste.
a waste of money, time and the risk
I'm using the wallpaperengine versions of them but both workshop links have source lengths if you just want the raw images.
I didn't do it for efficiencies sake, I did it because it's been a long time dream of mine. It ended up being a pretty cool project and I learned a ton. Probably wouldn't recommend it for most people though.
lgbt out of 10
GMMK TKL von glorious pc gaming race brudi
You the guy posting that nice a couple weeks ago?
>inb4 I’m not an accountant
>All those colors
Gay as fuck
danke dir!