Who is the worst villain you can think of in video games

Who is the worst villain you can think of in video games

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there was no reason for akechi to be in persona q2

Stay mad antigroo

Goro should have been the protagonist of Persona 5, the story would have been much more interesting & you would actually give a shit about the characters if the MC wasn't a generic self insert piece of shit.

Go back to /pg/

Akechi isn't even the worst villain in his own game. Even just in the franchise, pretty much every villain from 3 is laughable with the only saving grace being Revolver Jesus' voice actor.

out of recent memory, that one. akechi is obnoxious.

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>Phantom Thieves see Akechi transform and have the black mask
>One of them gasps, "The black mask!"
>As if they didn't fucking know that Akechi was LITERALLY the "Black masked" guy who was killing people
Are you fucking SERIOUS? Literally as soon as I met a Persona user that I DIDN'T SEE get their Persona, I'd assume they were the fucking black masked guy everyone was talking about

God fucking dammit I can't even type straight Persona 5 is so fucking poorly written

This. Kaneshiro and Okumura are much worse. I'd say even Shido is on par with him.

>MC wasn't a generic self insert piece of shit.
Go to back to your containment thread or twitter you stupid tranny.

art reflects leadership. we currently have a cheeto dust in office. can you expect anything other?

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Legit liked the guy before but then realized all he did that was because:

fuck that faggot, would have been way cooler if he had Kira's vision of cleansing Tokyo of evil niggers and a pure lawful mindset.

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You’re a fucking retard

Ikutsuki was a villain so bad it's impressive. They had to really try to make a villain that shitty.

All they had to do was make Goro the Protagonist & write the story around his personal conflict with his father, the concept about the Phantom Thieves being percieved as the secondary villains of the story & playing as the one trying to take them down would have been fucking amazing.


Yeah man you could make any villains motivation 2 words.

They knew Goro was behind at least some of the mental shutdowns, but until Goro went full Black Mask they had never seen a Persona user who had alternate costumes. Even Joker only had one and he was a full blown wild card. So there absolutely was a nonzero chance there was another Black Mask dude running around doing his own shit.

This actually might have made the game better if that were the case, have Goro still be Shido's hitman in his Crow outfit but have the Black Mask guy be a Punisher-type anti-hero who's going around murdering people he thinks are evil, but that would've added even more plot to an already plot-heavy game.

Don’t samefag dude. Nobody is that retarded to unironically agree with you.

Luca Blight

Why? He brings a nice dynamic.

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Fuck off Twitter Tranny.

I never claimed to be a different person, cope more

You wouldn't know jackshit about motivation personababy lmao

I wish he had more porn like Adachi but he isn't evil enough I guess. Sad!

Pic related is Akechi done right

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Malos from XBC2. I loved his design and character, but he was probably the worst actual villain in a JRPG I've played in recent memory. His whole motivation being "I was awakening by a bad dude, so I gotta be bad y'know?" was the shittiest waste of a great character.


You must be looking at the wrong places then or completely fucking retarded

So you are samefagging. Fucking pathetic.

Sis, even the vanilla tags for Goro and his associated pairings are smaller than Adachi's.

Persona 5 is garbage, and will always be garbage. Play a real JRPG like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, kiddo.

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>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>real jrpg

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>hnggggg my people are dying from space war

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It's time for you to cope, Eric.

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>using a boogeyman
Xeno is shitty weeb trash.

Don't forget the girl he has known for three minutes.

Don't think you are looking at it from the right angle.
His motivation wasn't that he thought about it and decided he wants to be evil, its an instinctual drive with him. pretty uncreative but its not as bad as you make it out to be.

>retard doesn't understand story element on p5
>blames the game instead of themselves
This happens way too fucking much on this board.

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I played X and Y but I still don't remember Lysandre's motivations or what Team Flare actually wanted to do.
I remember AZ wanted to revive his flower pokemon but that's about it.

That isn't his motivation at all.

Man P3 designs were pretty bizarre compared to P4 and P5

P3 in general had an extremely unfamiliar vibe to it. The location, the character designs, the music. It's a really strange game, aesthetically.

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I thought the villains from P3 were just fine for what they were going for. They're one-note cultists apart from Chidori, but they don't overstay their welcome or try to make themselves out to be deep and sympathetic when they clearly aren't. They're just bastards getting high off their new powers and reveling in the idea of the world ending. They show up, do some damage, and leave. Nyx and what it represents is the real focus.

I thought Akechi was far worse because they try to have their cake and eat it too with him, trying to build him up as the intelligent and attractive, and sympathetic rival character, but also making him a batshit crazy idiot to cash in on the popularity of Persona 4's killer. So he has an obvious villain reveal, some big tragic backstory, an overtly convoluted revenge plan that kills a lot of random people, and no redeeming qualities. Making him a weird mishmash of what anyone's supposed to actually feel about him.

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I suppose that's why I still really like it. When I first played P3 it really was like nothing I'd ever played and the overall sacrificial yet hopeful feeling of the game really struck a chord with me

I don't understand this opinion that Akechi isn't a focused villain. Nobody expects you to sympathize with him because his life sucked before he became a Persona user, it's literally just conveying a motive to the player so that they understand he isn't just killing people for shits and giggles.

His motive and goals are both clear: he was an orphan who got no love or validation in his life, so he used his Persona to artificially create love and validation from both Shido and the masses. When the Phantom Thieves reveal themselves, he sees the opportunity to grasp the ultimate clout by fucking their shit up via Shido's connections, *and* killing Shido as an act of revenge.

His backstory is sad until you realize he's killed a fuckload of people because he's completely unhinged and high off of the powers he was given by Yaldy. He's not meant to be sympathetic, he's just a parallel to Joker who has a similarly sad backstory but ISN'T a complete piece of shit.

Because his death scene is played up like a tragedy, and all the real moral blame is put solely on Shido and what he did to him. Haru and Futaba aren't given a moment to tell Akechi that he's a monstrous piece of shit that pointlessly destroyed their families, it's just a scene of everyone telling Akechi that it's never too late to start over and that he can do the right thing and help stop Shido.

Blaming society for creating people like Akechi and blaming Akechi for his own actions are not mutually contradictory viewpoints. Yes it's a tragedy that someone like Akechi exists. No at no point do they ever show him any form of forgiveness, only the opportunity to start atoning for what he's done, which they tell every bad guy from palace bosses to Mementos bosses.

I love when people complain about Xenoblade 2, because it's the biggest retard filter in both gameplay and writing. You couldn't be any more wrong about Malos' motivation.

I was just disappointed that Akechi was completely bonkers in the end. He seemed to be the only character that could have raised a good point about how Phantom thieves might be wrong with how they literally force their will upon others, rewriting people's minds and free will.

But the points that he brings up don't mean anything in the end, because Akechi just turns out to be a mass murder that never really cared about justice. Undermining any grey morality that he or the conflict might have presented.


Did they intentionally make him look like Jesus or what

>Because his death scene is played up like a tragedy
There's a difference between writing a tragic villain and writing a sympathetic villain. Akechi is the first, not the second. The main cast respond emotionally to his backstory because they can all relate to it; they are all united by a shared hatred of adults ruining kids' lives after all. That's all they do though. Nobody sympathizes with the guy. Hell, Morgana just says he's throwing a tantrum and then urges the party to move on fast after Akechi takes his dirt nap.

> Haru and Futaba aren't given a moment to tell Akechi that he's a monstrous piece of shit that pointlessly destroyed their families
Haru and Futaba have no reason to blame Akechi? Shido is the one who ruined both of their lives, and honestly you can barely even blame Shido for ruining Haru's life because her dad is just an asshole.

>it's just a scene of everyone telling Akechi that it's never too late to start over and that he can do the right thing and help stop Shido.
... and he doesn't do it. So how is the game framing him as a sympathetic villain? The teenage cast with stars in their eyes want him to repent, big surprise. But the game digs its heels in and says, no, this guy gets no redemption arc. He's eating a bullet, dying by the hand of the physical manifestation of his mistakes (Shido's cognitive Akechi). The game pulls zero punches in telling the player that he's a dick.

I wouldn't say that point is thrown out the door, given that Sae shares the same belief. Sae abandons it when she realizes that the system is truly broken and that a little chaos is needed to actually shake things up from time to time.

Akechi parroting that talking point was just a smokescreen; the fact that Sae agrees with it *and* it's actually a logical argument just bolsters its effectiveness as a manipulative tool to turn the public against the Thieves.

At the end of the day, it becomes clear to the player that Akechi is twisted; he doesn't care about justice or righteous law, that's all a front so that people can think he's a great guy. Revealing that he never gave a shit about the morality of the Thieves just demonstrates that his entire character was a complete facade up until his final confrontation with you.

Do you really have to ask?

>He seemed to be the only character that could have raised a good point about how Phantom thieves might be wrong with how they literally force their will upon others, rewriting people's minds and free will.
The problem with people expecting that kind of viewpoint is that it's not going to happen in a setting that's explicitly supernatural, especially when the problem they're solving is also supernatural. It's metaphorical, and as a result the metaphorical viewpoint Akechi is presenting in public is the idiotic centrist "what if good things are impossible" viewpoint that favors the status quo, intentionally because he is at the time part of the group the Phantom Thieves are trying to take down, even if they don't know it. The Phantom Thieves themselves question their methods and goals right from the very beginning and it continues throughout the entire story, coming to a head before and after the Okumura chapter, so Akechi's stance is ultimately redundant and irrelevant because the game is already pushing the "with great power comes great responsibility" idea with the PTs themselves.

You're legitimately an idiot lol

what was their goal again its been ages since I've played P3

I know it’s not the first thread like this but is it really necessary to keep posting spoiler shows in the OP? Why are mods allowing this?

They fuck people up for money and fun because they're nihilists.

I want to say "it's a 2 year old game, relax" but I literally just finished this game tonight and I'd be livid if I saw this thread a week ago. So yeah, fuck OP.

>Haru and Futaba have no reason to blame Akechi? Shido is the one who ruined both of their lives
Using the metaverse to kill people was Akechi's power, not Shido's. Akechi's the one who went out of his way to empower the person he claimed to hate by offering his services as a hitman.

I agree that I didn't feel very sorry for Haru's father though. Guy was a royal piece of shit, but Haru's life was still a mess after his death. And Futaba potentially had an even worse childhood than Akechi because of what he did.

>The game pulls zero punches in telling the player that he's a dick.
The idea that no one in the Phantom Thieves was opposed to bringing Akechi along for a potential redemption arc was just really hard to swallow. Now in P4, no excuses were made for the killer. No compliments of how strong he was, or how awful his father must have been. Just everyone calling him out for being a crazy bastard for trying to make excuses for getting off on killing people.

They mad they got experimented on and are gonna die young so the main guy wants to see the end of the world and the other guy has a boner for him so he helps. The grill is just a dumb cunt and followed along until she started lusting for Junpei's dick.

But the villains were the bad adults. Akechi did nothing wrong, bad adults did

Be honest, that's only because Adachi never had a tragic backstory until the anime invented one for fujo pandering. If the game had been like "yeah my mom cheated on my dad and left me and my dad committed suicide because of it so I grew up as an orphan and became a police detective because I want to help people but I got sent to the boonies because my boss was cheating on his wife and I blew the whistle on it so that's why I hate cheating whores" then the group might have done one of those "you may have had a tragic past but that doesn't excuse your actions" speeches that Akechi got.

They were against eliminating the dark hour because it's what gave persona users their powers and let them feel superior.

And the cult in general seemed to believe that if Nyx destroys the world then it's probably going to be because humanity wanted it to happen, so just let the world burn.

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I hear what you're saying, but Shido ordered the deaths. Obviously the two party members who are squadding up with the "Fuck adults!" crew will place blame on Shido, the adult manipulator, rather than Akechi, the puppet. I agree that they should have been a little more reticent during the final confrontation (well, maybe just Futaba; again, Haru really doesn't seem to give a shit about her dead deadbeat dad), but I never thought it was weird that they were directing the bulk of the blame at Shido since it's kind of all his fault.

>The idea that no one in the Phantom Thieves was opposed to bringing Akechi along for a potential redemption arc was just really hard to swallow.
I can agree that the party's reaction could have been more... nuanced. Morgana is the only one that calls the guy a total shitheel and seems to truly not give a fuck about them; the rest seem to relate too much to his tragic backstory and it clouds their judgement.

That isn't really the fault of his character though imo. He's still a good villain even if the main party seems weirdly into the idea of a redemption arc. Hell, the fact that he completely refuses to even consider atoning for his mistakes and would rather literally die is just proof that he's a rock solid villain.

> you need a reason to hate whores

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Akechi redemption soon

The part that cheeses me off is when it cuts to an even that Jokah couldn;t possibly had known about. Maybe they could have had a meta thing where Sae and Joker are both recounting their own seperate experiences to piece together the truth about Akechi but that would require a plot.

They're basically just anarchists/nihilists. Except for Chidori who's just fucking ambivalent and swaps sides because Junpei is apparently the world's most charismatic man.

They blamed both equally, this entire argument is pointless because you're both operating under a false dichotomy. They blamed Akechi for his actions. They also blamed Shido for manipulating and ordering him. It's both.

Did the anime give Adachi a big tragic backstory? That sucks. I find him much more compelling as an average depressive burnt-out who just randomly got superpowers and basically just said, "Fuck it. I'll do it because I can."

You're right.

They did but it's just the anime I think, so you could just not treat it as canon. I certainly don't. In my mind Adachi is still just a bored nihilist who killed for fun.

Can you blame her?

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>Listen to me, man.

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discount cyrus
muh beauty

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because newfags can get the rope
you don't belong on the board if you don't finish games within 14 hours of release and have zero games that get postd in 3x3s in your backlog

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Now we need two more and we have the 4 horsemen of Yea Forums Yea Forums

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Well shit, didn't know someone already posted him.

>only beautiful people deserve to live
>if you give me money you're beautiful

that was so fucking stupid
if the "give me money for you to live" turned out to be a trick to get funding and he betrays his own team because they aren't beautiful by his standard then maybe it would be a better motivation

Dude tits lmao

Duh newfag

those guys are real though

Like the other 2 shitposters aren't

no one even fucking knows who the fuck is Ryan at this point

the fans demanded it.

i can atleast respect revolver Jesus goals of wanting to see the World burn for fucking him over.

Adachi is one of the worst villains ever put into the game. A last minute swerve based on no build up because the game spent so much time wasted on anime hijink nonsense that they forget to actually tell a murder mystery in their murder mystery story.

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I thought he was great explicitly in how bullshit his reasoning was.


I don't understand why people like this budget Light Yagami ass character, anyway. His entire character was nothing more than a red herring for the real villain, Yaldabaoth.

Despite Persona 4 being a pretty shit game with horrible dick riding characters, Adachi is a pretty above average main villain, and Captain Pancakes over here really is just a discount Adachi, and it shows pretty badly.
ATLUS out here pulling an Eureka Seven and trying to capture lightening in a bottle twice but only ending with the lightening zapping them in the face.

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Yeah, but incels on Yea Forums can relate to him so we love him

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The Alien fuckos in Sonic Lost World were pretty fucking awful. Although they were just straight up boring and one note, and brought absolutely nothing to the table and existed just to fill the 'OH BUT THEN EGGMAN GETS BETRAYED AND YEETED' trope that a lot of modern sanics seem to have.

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It was stupid. The big pay off for 70 hours of game was a last minute asspull with 10th grade BS logic. Maybe a shorter game can pull it off but for how long these games are this mundane bullshit is just a slap in the dick.

Ryan is fake, because you never see this guy. The only one's that are real is Eric, Barry, and ACfag. All three I have seen. Eric is anti-Nintendo fan who call the switch shitch. He cause the "Japanese Humor" threads and people became obsessed with it and try to troll XB fans. He don't attack XB anymore but he's still anti-Nintendo. ACfag is a super anti-Metroid fan and hate humans and want robots. He also hate cutscenes and claim that anything that have them are movie game and as well claim that if a woman just show her ankle it's porn. And Barry, he's obsessed with FF XV and hate all other JRPG.

>But the points that he brings up don't mean anything in the end
Yeah and it also didn’t mean anything in the beginning of the game.
Mindfucking is the only way to get out of their problems that wouldn’t completely fuck them over. They had no choice but to do it.
If you played the game you would know that.