Yeah dude
UNIST Thread
Pass is vee
June is Gord's month and maybe if I'm not a lazy piece of shit I'll get this mic soon and run a Gord only test stream on his birthday in a couple of weeks
pclobby is up, I plan on going to bed in a bit so someone will have to remake then
you're going to garage gear right hippie?
Of course.
If royal isn't there I stand to make a bit of money
Gonna power cycle the network equipment before starting today, hopefully that'll keep things running smoothly.
I thought for a second that the Hyde pick was accidental
I pressed X after forgetting that I last played Hydo.
fucking hell only playing an hour a day really has me falling off, and solely playing gord for fun isnt helping
I just learned that Chaos can stop Orie’s 6B with his 5B. That’s crazy.
holy shit, the difference between 2f and 5f fighting wald is insane
It's a 25-27 frame overhead
A lot of things can stop it, you just need to be ready for it.
any good nanase players i can watch. is she low tier?
I figured, just blew my mind. I thought I had to wait my turn or something.
Unless your name is Enkidu or Mika, nobody else is really tier. Even then, I'd call them "less advantageous" than absolute shit.
Go watch Hishigata or Zawa in JP. Neon/Icekin for western nanase players
Watch Hishigata and Zawa. She's somewhere in the middle.
Well I guess that's as close as we can get to that charlotta katalina match.
>any good nanase players i can watch.
>is she low tier?
Of course not, what gave you that idea?
>no rooms found for PS
you guys filled up fast. how's PC looking?
2 spots open
I'm not sure what you mean
We looking to make a second lobby?
icey has been playing that GBF fighter
>Slowly learning how to block highs
Getting there slow and steady.
I hopped on PC lobby actually and it just filled up too hahaha. Snagged 1 or the last 2 slots.
Might not be able to play for long so it's probably best to stay the way it is actually since I've got my usual thing to do in abit.
Will definitely be down to play after that later if people are still down.
maybe I should just go to training mode and practice whiff j.a delay j5[c] with 5 frames of lag
and also safe jumps
and reset setups
and literally everything else
holy fuck I'm trash
I shall make the PS lobby.
That's a manly chin. Also good luck in your efforts. Will hopefully be able to join it later.
the road to getting gud never ends
So, what's everyone up to while waiting in queue? Watching Ghost in the Shell SAC here.
Just a note Clawz: Linne's divekick is punishable on shield and you can take your turn back after a normal block too.
Watching some weird Hyde tech on twitter.
Obvserving the beatdowns to learn what's safe.
I fear that 5f connections are a hurdle that I will never overcome
Did you watch Neco's reversal video? It looked pretty scary.
reading random yuri mangas
Does everyone just play in private lobbies on the steam version? Can't find any open lobbies on pc. There's literally none.
Pretty much.
our lobby is full, we usually make the names pclobby for the keyword
the lobbies are so bad that this is the only anime fighter where people actually use ranked for public matches
it's mostly a matter of mentally adjusting your timing so you don't have to react to visual cue's as hard.
feel free to make a new lobby, I'm sure some of the people will move to get games faster
I forgot, you can't see connection in player lobbies on pc right only in ranked? God, what a shit port, I'm amazed how many people strongly recommend that version.
Man I'm having so much trouble doing 236x with orie compared top Yuzu. I think Ori'es might be more strict than hers.
To be fair it accepts more controller options.
>6B hit whiff
That shit is so finicky to get down. The payoff is good but the risk of a full punish when whiffed makes me avoid using it unless I'm absolutely sure of the combo route. FF into 22B is already finicky depending on corner distance too.
But I'm studying something weirder from this dude on twitter who just resurfaced after not being online for like 2 years. I'm debating on using his tech or not because it seems needlessly swagging but I'm also not sure if it's optimal at all
someone post when someone leaves the main lobby.
I've always had to use a converter due to playing console exclusive games or tournament standard console versions, so that aspect was never a big concern for me, it certainly doesn't make or break the version.
That was pretty neat. Didn't know you could convert [B] Kuuga into 5B with dash in like you could with A Kuuga.
>Predict that EX DP is gonna come out from Merk
>I'll try blocking this
>Mash 2A
Why must I do this
damn, that 66c>pillar was really unfortunate
I was trying to get 66c 236[a]
frank will you be hanging around that new general that isn't complete shit yet? you're like the only wald I have a sub 5f connection with
Stylish combos are the best combos. Who's this guy that's doing it?
New general?
True enough. Generally the PS one goes on sale way more times and for much less too though you could get a cheaper key on one of those shady websites.
Just thought I'd throw that out there for someone who's not interested in picking up adapters.
>2 Walds in the same lobby
And they both play completely differently
Cant FB at least stretch some of the slashing effects to at least cover its actual hitbox? Chaos' 2C is like a whole character's length longer than it looks
Is there a new general? Would be nice to be able to find matches beyond regular lobbies and advice and all of that.
There's a French Bread General now.
Shit like this
I guess the french bread games split off from the /afgg/ cesspool and have their own thing going now. Since that's where I was finding games before Yea Forums lobbies I wouldn't mind hanging around there if it can keep a moderate level of thread quality. Aside from that I guess there's always discord...
>look it up
>250+ posts
>hardly anyone playing
Well, I sure ain't touching that place.
>That FF CVO combo
What the hell. It's stylish as fuck, but, damn, when are you gonna land that in an actual match?
We're reaching MUGEN-level of broken
it was just a shitpost someone made because of the endless drama but someone's been hanging around bumping it
be the change you want to see in the world, it's not like people can just appear out of nowhere
gee i sure do fucking love when nothing happens when i hit a button
I'm just more concerned about anyone eating a regular FF.
I do like the 214A to get closer though.
> CVO throw combo nets you up to 4k
> FF whiff 214A CVO
> up to 7.7k damage as a punish to CVO
That's hot. Busted, but very cool
Oh, so it's /unig/ 2.0
Royal said he isn't sure if he'll make it but apparently Magnets and Shaq are going, so you'll have your work cut out for you regardless.
That 3B start-up cancel into VO intrigues the hell out of me.
But when I do it, I just get FF
Man, I've only just started and I'm gaining a newfound respect for Mika players. Her neutral is fucking hard.
Wow I actually connect ories 5c, 6c, j5b, j6c 214a but forgot that I need to do a dp not a dash.
>Shaq and magnets
Goddamn it. But I need challenges to help me improve so there's no better way to man the hell up against blocking than to kill some sions then
The last thing anyone wants is taking some wins and then getting stalked by those /vg/ kids
true enough, maybe melk just bullied them into submission
Is that gonna be streamed? I need even more hot Elt tips and tricks.
They're usually streamed yeah.
I'll probably be volunteering to commentate again
Oh hey, that's the Hyde I played offline like a month ago. He's an OG player from UNIEL who's derusting.
I'll be back, need to get something to eat before I get my ass kicked again.
I never ask for matches. Most people are a lot better than me since I've only been playing the game for a short time. If I see someone around my skill level I try to play them but it's hard to tell when everyone is anonymous.
Guess my description of him was correct.
Any beginners hanging around on psn tonight?
i swear black orbiter after FF has an actual 50/50 chance of hitting
it just goes through their body even though I input it the same EVERY TIME
You're not going to catch up to the stronger players by playing people around your level. Just jump in the deep end and take your losses until you can hold your own.
Dang, that was a close one. Nice run on the 3 Linnes Frank hahaha. I could learn some things from Joker's approach with the DPs since they seemed quite effective in that match.
What's your region? The game runs like ass online when I play 1 bars.
ggs pc dudes, see ya next time maybe
GGs! Nice best brojo of P5 posting.
spoon have you considered grabbing buffs at fullscreen sometimes instead of just doing the hail mary 214a/236a's?
my main problem is im way too rush down and try to go full pressure as much as possible. someday when i get time off work im gonna try to work on it and figure out more buff combos
I'm always here, and always beginning. Consistently getting hustled out of rounds, too.
What a finish!
I could play you on PSN. I need to test out my old arcade stick. It's been acting strange recently so if something seems weird I might have to switch to the Dualshock 4.
is pc lobby gone
So how do you guys find locals? I've never actually been to one and I'm sure that if I want to git gud, I should also play some people offline. Just look on Google/Twitter to see if someone is hosting something in my area?
Does anyone remember what counts as an overhead for Orie? My j2c doesn't seem to hit high.
6b overhead is kinda usless since you can only connect it with a 2a and the timing is really specific. I'll remember the 5c though, thanks.
Aww, nice parry haha.
It's full
>6b overhead is kinda usless since you can only connect it with a 2a and the timing is really specific.
it's not even that, it's just the way you play doesn't really take advantage of wagners strengths. getting buffs significantly limits the opponents options and forces them to play differently. it makes your moves way more threatening up close. her most threatening range is probably like 3/4 of round start range with buffs where her rebeats are incredibly hard to deal with and she has absurd priority.
>2 rooms up
>1st is full, can't enter the 2nd
Better netcode when?
Go do the mission mode for it. It's really difficult.
Just use 214A~B > 236B for netplay
This conversation literally happened at my locals
And then one of my buddies did it first try
I cheat by living in Socal.
I'm coming from a mainly Smash background, Melee, Brawl and Ultimate. I've been considering picking up UNIST, but I'm worried about the learning curve any advice?
You input the quarter circle as she is bringing her leg down.
Oh the persona connects? I'll use that then.
Unless that person plays Carmine or something I don't believe you.
Do the tutorial and mission mode
It's hard but you'll get better at it if you practice it everyday. I practice comboing 6B into 2A at least 50 times a day.
Has it been so long since I've 6Bed that you don't remember the many months beforehand of me doing 6B > 214A
I seriously gotta ask, are you guys trying to give me hope on purpose? I swear every round I get the other guy down to 10% and he perfects me from there.
Alright I'll make a beginner lobby
Keyword vee
Taking the first round makes the other person get serious.
don't let the lifebar trick you, it doesn't mean anything aside from when they can IWEX and when you should go for a damage ender over oki
Maybe but there is no chance I'd be able to do it online.
I just learned ories moves two days ago. How would I know?
You can just join lobby 2 that Doodle has set up. The purples are playing subs except against each other and there are two beginners here.
Gonna drop out here. GGs PC bros. Thanks for putting up with my Mika project.
Well you might already know some general fighting game stuff if you played those games beyond casual matches with friends.
Other than that, just be patient when learning and don't be afraid of getting bodied for your first hundred or couple hundred matches before you take wins if you want to join the regular lobbies.
Is this Huo? Your fighting spirit lights flames in the other players to improve their game.
blink and it goes dark....................
I don't mean to pry you from the adult's table, but I'll look for it anyway. I wanted to fight this light blue so bad...
You've played me like hundreds of times. I guess I haven't really done 6B against you in like almost a year though.
to add to this, while I can't see you play, wagners tools are really just extensions to fundimentals. Learn good old dash blocking and winning GRD and knowing when it is and isnt your turn. Then you can use wagners tools to supplement these skills.
GGs man. Good luck with progressing further on that. You showed off some pretty neat tricks with her.
I've been still learning the ins and outs of Yuzu and Nanase myself and having a blast.
Who even is this? The only Orie I've played in the last 7 months is Atic
You're telling me I've gotten so bad I'm actively buffing my opponents? At least you managed to make it sound cool.
GGs. Even though I main her I'm still not sure how to fight against her. Both her and Wald are rare to ever find so I got little experience on the receiving end.
Yeah, that's me. I'm going to start using 6B occasionally again.
I don't know if he's here in the thread still but if he is, spoon you should try to make it out to garage gear or tripoint. You'll get a lot better input from players at either place that should be more helpful than here.
I saw you trying to prey on the herbivores, Diatom.
Ah okay, also tell me which orie mission mode combos are the most important. I've done like 70% of them but I want to know the ones I should practices the most.
That's understandable.
Nanase mirrors are easy but Vatista mirrors always shake me up something fierce. I think I've only done the VatxVat like, MAYBE 10 times.
my local was literally 3 dudes playing unist in the corner of a smash local when it started. We would be consistent showing up every week, and I would always bring two setups. We advertised in discord and on social media. We grew over time and eventually we got to the point that we now always have 10+ people, usually more and have had several tourneys with 20+ people. If nothings going on in your area, be the change you want to see.
>Have to move to SoCal to get in offline UNIST
I guess if sacrifices have to be made
Hey, I'm an excellent source of wagner tips, at least for beginners.
most of the people at my local are former or current smash players. It'll definitely take time to learn, but just do the tutorial and ask questions.
Is that the one with the 6c, tklite 236a, 66c?
Nah I just started tonight. I was the one who asked originally.
GGs PC lobby
Welcome to the clap zone
that wald color is kinda fucking ugly
like the color scheme itself is ok but it's still ugly somehow
Hey, I just popped my head in. Wasn't going to clog up a 4-player room if somebody else wanted to join, espcially since there's three lobbies up now.
I'll have to try this if it comes down to it, thanks for the advice.
>Hugo intensifies
Got dunked on there.
GGs. Til next time!
the point I was making is that when you can actually have a conversation with someone without the delay of an indian basket weaving board it's significantly more helpful since you can constantly bounce ideas back and forth
PC lobby, it's bed time so I'll be closing when it comes back to me
Is that Black Jack?
>fight 3 different people on ranked
>Merk every single time
Is Merkava one of the popular characters?
I was half joking.
If spoon does go to Garage Gear, I'll be sure to shape up that intermediate Wagner tech
hahaha we're still too insecure to admit what kind of website we're using so we have to joke about le {nation} {hobby} maymay instead
Finally I got you two to fight
That's odd. I usually see him once every 10 characters.
My matches are almost always Wagner, Enkidu, Mika and Orie.
Oh yeah Atic I forgot to ask but what is up with Orie's TK 421x? For some reason depending on the direction you hold orie can go forward, backward or just stay in neutral in the air.
The forward tk 421a will go right over someone if you're right next to them.
There are two people I've met in the Midwest who play Unist. They're both Phonon mains. I feel you.
You started tonight and are already better than me. Damn it all.
Hopefully it proves resourceful.
It's just people abusing netplay tactics. Merk is really hard to deal with if the connection is shit.
Fun fact he has actual Hugo combos
if you're down I'd like to play sometime
4-2 and the one with 236[B] which is basically 4-2 except with the IC thrust start. Just ignore the 5B starter and use the 2C > 4C > j.B > j.C > j.214A part for every good starter.
She doesn't have a reverse DP input. If you mean TK Thanatos, it suspends her air momentum for a bit but she generally goes in the direction you input (7/8/9)
GGs pclobby.
I really got to work on remembering which combos don't drop on Linne and optimize some things. After seeing frank and melk I feel I need to put more effort into learning my characters.
Merkava requires very little skill to play effectively so it's no surprise he's popular.
yes, he's quite common especially at offline events
Come off skip already hippie so I can finally sleep
Really gotta stop dropping hien at crucial moments.
GGs pclobby
I had a day last week where I fought only Merks. It was mostly the same 3 people in ranked, but I started up a few lobbies to play with some others and they were all Merks too.
> 3 psn lobbies up
fuggin nice
Is this Oni?
You gotta grab more my dude. Wald isn't truly scary until 360A comes into play, especially if you get them in the corner.
GGs PC Bros and thanks for hosting Park! Hope I'll be back later to get some matches with whoever's around later, PS or PC.
Since I can't seem to remember any of my combos mid-match, I think my only choice is to unga it out against you huo
Sorry, I meant that this is my first match of the night. I did a bit before but it was mostly flailing around against all the experienced players here.
I was intent on making one of you get red but fine
Alright will do. Thanks
Finally got in a lobby. At least untill my connection gives out...
Finally real Gord hours
Also, here are some starter combos for Orie to start if you want, also since Mage is here for the first time in a while.
Day 1 easy bake oven combo: 5A > 5C > 2C > 4C > 214B > 2C > 4C > 214B (2228)
*2C > 4C > 214B danzai loops are a general autopilot route if you just need to end into something.
Non-A starter: 2C > 4C > j.B > j.C > j.214A > 623A > 5A > 5C > 214B > 2C > 4C > 214B (2962)
2A starter: 2A > 2C > 4C > 623A > 5A > 5C > 214B > 2C > 4C > 214B
5A starter: 5A > 5C > (2C) > 4C > 623A > 5A > 5C > 214B > 2C > 4C > 214B
*You can omit 2C if you want to brainlessly do the same thing for assault combo below without thinking.
Assault starter: Assault j.C > 2A or 5A starter combos above.
Overhead/Thanatos starter: (6B) > 214A~B > 236B (1999/2056)
Personally I think j.214B routes for A combos are much easier than trying to juggle 623A > 2/5A in netplay but I'm on pad so that may differ.
Do you play on PC because I noticed they have more merks than on PS.
>red at 2 am
GGs Im out.
I'll write these down, cheers
Orange seems to be the most populous now
The ranking system is so convoluted that I don't even know if I'll hit my next square color after beating the same color next match or if I'll lose it after the next match.
Lucky for you, I have no answer to the unga question.
Also, I gotta ask, how do even the "new" people know exactly when I'm going to leave the blocking state? They can be spinning circles on the other side of the screen, and frame perfectly somehow light-jab me when I try to do anything. It's magic.
My understanding of it is that once you get a color you start at 0 points, and each win/loss against a matching color gives you +1/-1 points respectively. At 10 points you go up to the next color and start at 0 there, and at -10 points you go down to the previous color and start at 0 there.
It's probably best not to keep count and just try to ignore the rankings anyway. IDK why arcsys is so intent on shoving these things into the non-ranked modes in all their recent games.
Thanks atic. Any particular reason to just j.b> j.c instead of j.a> j.b> j.c?
Yeah I need to start getting into the habit of doing that. I play more with the same mentality as I play Mika in that I work harder to bait out a shield, which probably makes things harder against more aware opponents. After this week is over I'm going to practice some more on that and a few other things to brush up on him.
No need to add more proration than necessary
wtf i dont know what happen bros...
Oh well, it's just a square color anyways. Most people aren't even as "skilled" as that certain color anyways.
Why is it always wald?
You can't use j.A for that combo route unless you're doing the other day 1 combo I forgot to mention, which is (anything) > 2C > 5C > j.A > j.B > j.C > 3B > 214B > 2C > 4C > 214B.
Trust me my light blue was earned.
reminder you can tech when you see the yellow flash.
Is the PC lobby down? Or full
I was actually hopping between PSN and PC, but it was ranked PC and psn lobbies.
Just merks everywhere.
I don't know. The same thing happens to me where literally every time I'm like 1 frame too slow on stuff
i've heard wald's gold throws are special and shorter than regular gold throw windows so hopefully that's a small consolation
Man I keep fucking up ories 6c, jb,jc, j214a by following up with the 66b/c instead of a 421a.
Nah man, Mika get me like that too.
Yeah so for non-A starter, remember you really can take that after almost any good starter. So for example, your basic DP punish can be 5C > 2C > 4C > etc., you can do 236B > CS > 2C > 4C > etc if you hit at close range which is a favorite of mine, and if they get hit by 22A/B you can pick up with 5A > 5C or 2C > 4C into the same j.B > j.C > j.214A route. Very versatile and easy universal route for decent damage.
Orie doesn't have a 6C and again, she has no 421 input.
6c pushes them into the air doesn't it? Also her dp is a 421 input, right?
It's the beauty of having a non-techable command grab. Just got to get a bit more into the grappler mindset.
Also the issue with doing that is that Wald doesn't really have the framedata that Mika has in order to bait shields that easily.
Orie has neither of those inputs you mentioned
>Get a shot at the light blue guy
>Jeff claps my ass
Damn it all Jeff.
You probably mean 4C and 623A/B/C
You would know better than I would I suppose.
I was starting to feel good against the reds and oranges, and now yellows are eating my face. Why can't I be good? Who sinned that I deserved these greasy fingers?
>Labbing Mika against Wagner and Eltnum reversals in the corner
>The only way to bait it out proper is to hope the Eltnum and Wagner player is a fucking idiot
Well, guess now I know why this character is low tier.
Good to know. My current training mode scrub combo was 2c> 5c> j.a> j.b> j.c> j.214a> 623a
I'd substitute the 623 for 236c> 5c> 214b for metered damage. Though I haven't been composed enough to not drop it in any of my games so far.
>Still am too predictable to open up Hippie
Can't tell if I'm overthinking or not thinking. There needs to be a good Elt in here that can help me.
Damn I tried backdashing to bait that EX grab but hit it too late
And I practiced it with 3f delay too
I'm pretty sure you can't safe jump those characters but at least with wagner you could space 5B,B so that it hit's where wagner's dp will whiff.
Is this Razzy? If so, you need to do more stagger pressure man, you're missing out on Eltnum's strongest trait
Wait a minute... I see Oreo but neither of these two are Atic.
I may not have the Gord combos but I have dumb mashing
I guess even hippie has trouble finishing ories 421a, 5a 5c
This. You're just doing basic stuff. I've pointed out before you mostly stick to 6B > 22B, 5CC > 214x > 214C, or 66C. You need more stagger pressures, up close 236[A]s and all that shit.
I know what to expect, basically. Change it up
I feel like I need to stop trying to react to the slashes and just be patient.
I taught everything I knew about orie to atic and then he went above and beyond with his own research, as it should be.
The combo differs in the corner, I'm better at the midscreen variant. It's 623A, not 421A, how the hell are you confusing them
You mean 623A right?
As I mentioned , I think j.214B routes are easier and more reliable than 623A > 5A a lot of the time especially on netplay. So instead of 4C > j.B you can do something like 4C > 9 j.j214B 2B > 5C > 214B > 2C > 4C > 214B for both A starters. Most Ories do j.214B > 66C but whiffing 66C is fucking awful and also common in netplay so I try to avoid using that route most of the time.
>It's 623A, not 421A, how the hell are you confusing them
Same fucking thing. I'm just used to writing Yuzu's dp motion so I see all dp motions as a 421.
I always lose vorpal when I decide to finally use it.
Oh God damn it, the one basic fundamental that I haven't actually practiced. How should I set up the dummy in training mode so I can practice it?
Oh wow, that ending made me feel like I knew what I was doing with orie.
At the most basic level, just get it in your muscle memory with reverse beats.
How the fuck do you even win the little crouching jab battles. All my attacks are short range and 300 frame startups. And then tell me how a rapier has that much vertical range. Yes, my salinity is rising.
ggs. Getting real late for me as usual, so it's time for bed.
>2 DCs in a row
Here we go again...
Set the dummy to block everything and have 2A set as a reversal action. Figure out what timings you need for each normal to beat out mashing and how long you can delay those normals before needing to cancel them when they stop mashing
Try and challenge yourself to not use Eltnum's 6B or 66C, the latter especially because that shit is punishable
Reverse beating into a 2A/5A whiff leaves you minus most of the time though. I can never tell if people can actually react to the animation either
It's always when Raz and hippie play
>Get booted more the less people are in the lobby
Wald. Again
I swear orie suffers from the same probelm that hyde and Elt so that you need to have crazy reactions to know if you've landed the hit or you need to run away since they're blocking.
I'll do one more before closing the beginner psn lobby
>Try to not use 6B
Fuck me this is gonna be tiring.
We're graduating to the adults lobby again?
I call my playstyle "Bold and Brash".
There's the explosion.
This sudden rain isn't helping either
I'm done for the night, but it was good fun. Nice getting back into the game after a months long lull.
I tend to fight wald a lot in these rooms for some reason when people don't feel like using their main.
What the fuck man. I think hippie needs to stop hosting since his shit can't handle it.
Oh jesus christ
She's probably the easiest character to pick up but you have to play her so tight and perfect sometimes.
what is the password for the pc lobby
or the psn lobby
preferably pc
>finally confirm that 5A starter I keep missing
Shit tends to crash whenever dash, clawz, or razzy is up to bat.
Yo hippie, your internet ok?
Also, what are you doing Icey?
I should learn how to do these accidental OSes intentionally one of these days
Man I'm so bad at Ories 421x moves.
What did I do?
ggs guys I'll close it after mage and huo finish up.
I'll learn how to block some day.
I'm in the other lobby.
I wouldn't call her the easiest to pick up. Learning a basic combo is easy enough with anybody but anybody who's faced Mika would blow you up for using the basic BnB. Compartmentalize your attacks and free-form most things is the usual advice given for her as most combos lead to roughly the same damage and starting any of them is a challenge.
We're fullscreen and you're attacking with oreo.
I don't understand what you mean.
Hey that was probably my first 6B that actually killed a crouch tech rather than purely being a netplay mixup
Bastadon kicked my shit in with Mika just yesterday and I had no idea what to do. What part of starting her combos is challenging? She's fast as fuck and her frame data isn't bad either
Basically she has a really hard time getting in vs some characters and her pressure isn't quite as good as others
Oreo isn't Yuzu
GGs. Everyone had a good connection. I managed to do my 6B 2A link combos with Orie several times. Still dropped a lot of stuff because of my limited experience though. So to the other Orie don't that discourage you if you can't do it right now. I've been practicing that combo every day for the past week.
>her pressure isn't quite as good as others
That is a lie, Mika's pressure is horrifying if you know how to run fundamental UNI offense. She blows up every single OS.
But hardly anyone starting out would understand fundamental uni offense
What the hell are you talking about?
>She blows up every single OS.
How so?
Except that no one plays her because she's bad, or so the people here love to lament. And if no one plays her, how the hell am I supposed to learn how to zone her? She's not at all like Enkidu with a fundamentally bad dash block
Bro... I'm no expert on Oreo but I don't think she's a far range character.
Think I'm gonna stop the lobby after a few more games.
UNI netcode sucks. hippie is this your internet's curse again
If you use her hitgrab properly after you make them scared and they start crouch teching or antiair OSing or basically almost any OS, it will red grab them into a full combo. Which shouldn't be hard since she has -1 A moves and an extremely fast dash for the most threatening tick throws in the game.
But her 421 is soo good at keeping people out.
Are you trying to trick me or something? I'm not falling for it.
I'm gonna go have a good eye-moistening session. Thanks for playing me again, and call me when the 4AM bus comes by. I might play again.
I don't think Orie has any 421 moves.
How was the beginner lobby Huo?
He isn't that good with her. If you don't know what she does you'll feel overwhelmed obviously but if you do it's pretty easy.
I feel for ya on that IWEXS
Jeff is making me question how much I like Orie. Pretty rad though, it's weird winning a match or two.
It is raining here
Damn, I wish I could have been there to watch
Dude you know I can't win with spectators. I appreciate the sentiment though.
I'm still a beginner at the character but I've practiced a lot especially with the 623A combos and overhead links. Still I shouldn't be used as an example because there are far better players than me. I think you could easily do the stuff that I did if you made it a practice routine every day.
Man, your ability to always know when I'm not blocking may well be black magic. I am genuinely afraid of letting go of down back.
Man why is Wags range better than orie? That shit aint fair.
Guys, I'm starting to believe that Icey can only play Yuzu.
He could play another character, but he's memed himself into believing he can only do this.
What makes you say that
If you were there, you would have had to put up with watching me get slapped around by huo like a retard.
Though maybe you'd like that.
No granblue proved I could play a shoto character. depite Hippies nay-saying
The fact that it took almost 10 matches for you to win against me when you usually body me with yuzu.
I'm honestly shocked you aren't a Ferry player.
I don't know who this is, but I'm not a sadist. How rude
Ok gonna have to stop the lobby for a moment after this match .
Brother is bugging me for the ethernet cable.
Are you still practicing Hilda, Icy? It looked like you were making progress on her. Either way, I believe in you.
She felt too op, plus kinda boring. Kat felt way more fun and fair.
I'm just a guy who doesn't know how to block or react to any of Yuzu's stuff, and also forgets what buttons do mid-match.
I'm not whoever you're talking about, I'm joking around.
Although my faith in you is pretty slim
Made my own lobby since we seem to be over 8 players and because I can't fight Dash
Well I guess I'll call it a bit early for tonight then.
ggs everyone
Orange party!
GGs, always good to get some early sleep.
One day for sure
Man, I can't tell if this is Icey or someone else considering it's Icey I'm talking about.
I have no fucking clue what I'm doing against Seth.
You can tell it's me if I either post a picture of Yuzu or Vivio. I don't post any other types of images in these threads.
The latter
Damn Razz, you were supposed to lose. And you also broke the orange alliance
I'm gonna call it after the next match too. Too hungry to go on among other things in the morning
>you were supposed to lose
He was?
>Those last two match frames
Probably on my end, sorry about that.
Yeah, I had to skip because he won. Shame on him.
Nice lag switch Doodle
guess it didnt work huh
What is the point of Ories 5b if it can't connect with the 2c after it lands?
Finally pulled off my corner combo. Fear the Wag.
Which lobby is this? I haven't a clue which one to join.
Every single person I've asked has given me a different answer for what Wagner's BNBs actually are and I still don't fucking know
I think that is why they gave her 4c. You use 5c to close the distance so that the 2c connects and then the 4c launches.
If you're still here Hippie, is it too late to join the anniversary tournament?
Nah, I just joined up a lobby since the lobby kept exploding when certain people fought each other.
so 5b, 4c, 2c connects? but then you can't knock people up in the air right?
That's why Orie 5B sucks and is mostly for poking at a distance unless you have meter to convert it after 5B > 214A or 5B > 236A/B.
Depends on the starter, really.
Course not
Pretty sure Wagner can EX cancel a baited DP when you have the meter eith either the divekick EX or an EX DP as you land
GGs m8.
Also I see your blocking game has increased abit since last time Mage. Nice stuff.
6b>6c>[FF]>22a>66b>3c>jb>jc>j2c>66c>22b gives both buffs
It has to be 623A
No do 5b> 5c> 2c> 4c. It can still miss if just the tip of 5b hits.
Ah that makes more sense
The thing about seth is that most of his strings are actually so tight that you cant mash out of them, and some of his moves like j.214a can only be canceled into specials. A lot of the time, the only way seth can threaten a frame trap is canceling into 623x which is punishable by some characters. Basically, just be patient and watch what he does with his cancelable moves and make him pay for using them predictably.
Dang haha. the unfortunate longer startup of my dash got stuffed out by DP.
That was a thorough beatdown in round 1 too.
Also, Doodle plays a pretty great Byakuya. It's been alittle awhile since I fought a spider so I forgot how nasty he can be.
>It can still miss if just the tip of 5b hits.
Man that's so fucking stupid. Why would they design it like that? Hyde has the same fucking problem as hell with moves just whiffing for no reason.
So assuming the tip of the 5b hits, I can convert to 236A/B but then what?
What makes Eltnum's stagger good?
Different Eltnum player but I'm still new and not used to the idea of delaying block string buttons.
She can cancel her A on whiff and backdash cancel anything normally cancellable in vorpal.
Gotta stop falling for Nana's charged 5c.
GGs everyone, see ya later.
236C > 5C > 3C > 623A into stuff
I look forward to feasting on your red Razzy
Good frame data, long cancel windows, best vorpal trait in the game where you can cancel whiffed A normals into other moves, and she has a billion ways of making herself plus and resetting pressure with her purple bullets
So basically when she's vorpal she can freeform her buttons, timings, and pressure and usually end up in a better position for it?
Man you really have to be a genius to play Orie. How are you supposed to know when you should be doing a block string and when you should be doing the combo. It drops before you even fucking notice you've gotten the hit.
She can already do that outside of vorpal, having vorpal just makes it even better
Not every character plays like Yuzuriha, icey. Not every single character is allowed to convert from full screen.
From what I've seen when atic plays her he's generally pretty patient until he gets CS and then he gets pretty aggressive, sometimes throwing one or two hits every now and then to see if he can hit confirm patiently.
Jeez clawz go easy on me.
>Not every single character is allowed to convert from full screen.
wtf i thought i was playing under night
Fucking Eltnum
Fine, without meter or CS
I'm not talking full screen though I'm talking when you're right next to them using buttons. Even Yuzu has an easier time getting a confirm off her normals compared to Orie, hyde and the rest.
Actually, you still can as Eltnum if you land a 236[A}/[B] as a high counter.
You get what I'm fucking trying to say though? I could list off other enormous CH conversions but I'm not going to, I'm trying to prove a point.
Not everyone gets to have huge range and miracle 2-hit 2Cs
GGs bros
GGs! See ya next time!
Yeah, so how exactly is Yuzu hard then? Compared to every other character she's the easiest right?
ggs. You have a damn strong Byakuya
The point is that not every character plays the same, that alone should be simple enough a concept for even you to understand. You're used to your fucking main, of course other characters are going to feel weird to handle at the start.
Man I hate that assault j5a is the only quick way to do an overhead but you can't fucking convert it. How the fuck does atic do this shit?
Ok, so does this gameplan sound right?
>use gun to compete at mid-long range
>lots of fast or long-range buttons to start offense from wherever
>stagger pressure to open people up or end up safe
>combos don't get much oki so focus instead on starting up pressure from neutral again
Darn, haha. Nice punish on the raw IW.
I'm pretty sure you can't convert that without CS
I'm also fairly certain that's negative if they block it too so I wouldn't do that too much
>How the fuck does atic do this shit?
The same way he opens you up without ever using an overhead?
Why would a light move be negative? Shouldn't b and c be negative?
>combos don't get much oki so focus instead on starting up pressure from neutral again
You're still + after ending your combo with a knockdown and a reload as long as you don't screw up, so it's not really neutral
It's fast. Phonon assault > j.A is negative too
>use gun to compete at mid-long range
Basically. 236A/B to tell people to fuck off jumping in or trying to get close. Charged shots to discourage projectiles from across the screen
>lots of fast or long-range buttons to start offense from wherever
Between your A/B buttons that are quick and C buttons that make use of her whip, you have to know your distances to use them properly. 2C is a fantastic move but people can just assault over it.
>stagger pressure to open people up or end up safe
Pretty much. Reverse beats, charged shots, naturally plus moves, j2B whiffs, all that noise
>combos don't get much oki so focus instead on starting up pressure from neutral again
There's set-ups but incredibly far away hits can just be converted in 214A/B so you can run up while they're done and still apply some level of wake-up pressure. Reloading properly makes you more advantageous IIRC.
=Ya almost had it (assuming this is Mage). Just keep at it and you'll get wins on the regular.
Nice work on learning some BnBs too by the way. It's a far cry from the last time I've seen ya fight.
Ah Clawz finally knocked me down to yellow. Now I need to fight some yellows to knock me down to green
Which is a stronger for Yuzu to end the air combo portion at, 66B or 66C?
Thanks anons
depends what you're planning on doing
VO on the swordcar overhead isn't gonna work when I have vorpal because I autopilot that into CS anyway
Thanks. I know I can convert a little more off of the small combos I do have, but it is more than what I started with. I got antsy a little earlier in the corner pressure where I got counter hit for trying to force a 236b. If I didn't do that I wouldn't have needed to get hit with the IW set up.
>2 frames
That was unreal. Were you feeling the smooth connection too Lamp or was it just me?
66B allows for safe jump setups, 66C is strong in the corner for j.214B oki
Was this directed at me? Cause I don't know what you just said
Our connection is normally pretty good so it felt rather normal?
Maybe you're right. Could just be me being tired and only noticing the difference because trying to do Nanase combos on 2f is quite abit different on the timing.
Also, that was a pretty funny first round of mostly low attacks Razzy.
I appreciate the advice. Thanks!
Hey atic any tips for Orie vs Nancy? I didn't realize that it was so in her favor. That Fireball really does make the difference.
Dang, if only you CSed there that would've been a guaranteed kill Mage haha.
Ouch, now that was a feeding round right there.
Is there still a PC lobby?
C'mon Calwz now I know you're fucking with me. you shoulda see these grabs coming.
I did but I keep fucking up the timing to tech
Nanase's FF seems like it could be used pretty good for faking out pressure from the air to bait anti-air.
So who all's still on?
Man Orie is bad at everything but her grab is god tier.
The desperation settled in well there haha.
I don't believe so.
2 lobbies are up right now.
>Man Orie is bad at everything
>her grab is good
things no one has said ever
Damn, you guys won't miss me if I puss out, right?
What happened to thinking Orie was a broken character second to Enkidu?
There is a livestream up right now where you can see that Orie is no good against nancy but her grab is working out very well against her.
Her walk speed is pretty nice, also her back dash is amazing until it isn't.
Don't be afraid of losing if that's what you think is gonna be happening. Pretty sure I'm on the verge of giving Lamp an upgrade tonight if he keeps beating me and Razzy haha.
Feel free to hop in whenever but if you're not up to it that's fine too.
I didn't get the chance to see how you've improved earlier, come join
She is broken, but now that I've been playing her maybe I shouldn't worry as much as I do.
I'll come take my lumps I guess.
Good games Clamps you've improved a bunch but I've only gotten worse from what I can tell.
Grab is good against me in general because I still suck at teching, I wouldn't say that's a matchup specific thing...
doesn't that just mean the other player is shit at teching grabs
orie has one of the worst grabs, it launches you away from the guy unless you use 22C to close the distance again
>it launches you away from the guy
That's amazing though, what are you talking about?
why would that be good ever
How is it not good? It puts an amazing distance between you and the opponent so it goes right back to neutral.
other grabs have you at an advantage rather than resetting to neutral?
It's sorta okay for her because the idea is that she is a neutral oriented character, so her grab resets her at the mid range. It's worse than grabs you get oki or a combo off of, but it hurts her less than it would hurt another character.
Presumably he's thinking like he's playing Yuzu since neutral benefits her zoning ability I'd wager?
I don't know what you mean.
>play hyde
>get free oki because you grabbed in the corner
>play orie
>have to 22C to continue oppressing the opponent because you got launched to midscreen
>that Orie color
Good taste
Is it a reference to something.
Nah, I just like it. Might even have it as my default color.
doesn't hyde even get a combo off a corner throw?
hell Yuzu combos anywhere off her throw you should know this
Ah you're one of those people. I'd totally give away Yuzu's shitty grab for an Orie style grab.
Nanoha I think
Maybe I'll take a break from Gun Girl and learn some Hyde, just need to find some good docs or w/e to help out.
Reminds me I need to watch the 2 recent movies (assuming the second one is out with subs).
Hey fuck you, there's nothing wrong with Yuzu's grab
Blu ray comes out this month for Deton.
It's shit, no one likes comboing off grabs
Oh, Sai's back to orange
I really wanted to be the one to take it.
>I'd totally give away Yuzu's shitty grab for an Orie style grab.
You get a combo off Yuzu's grab why would you want to trade that for shitty damage and a neutral reset?
>Ah you're one of those people.
I'm not sure I even want to know what you meant by this...
>no one likes comboing off grabs
>why would you want to trade that for shitty damage and a neutral reset
Who doesn't want this? A return to neutral is a beautiful thing.
Go fuck yourself, just because your shit at her combos doesn't make her grab bad. Thank God French Bread isn't filled with retards like you when they go to balance the game
You can get your neutral reset with Yuzu's throw too by actually finishing the damn combo, so what are you even unsatisfied with
>return to neutral
>you at a frame advantage
how does this not make sense to you
Who says I'm bad at grab combos. I just don't like all the effort put in for so little damage. It's better to just get back into the fight after a quick grab.
This post implies I understand what that means. I clearly do not understand or probably ever will at this point.
Oh hey, how about that? Hahaha. Better luck next time I suppose.
Good to know, thanks. Also I like the grab to combo, even if it feels alittle scummy just because she gets wrecked so badly when in the corner. Every little bit helps.
>Who says I'm bad at grab combos
I do since I see you cut the combo early by not bothering to use 66C a good chunk of the time
>all the effort
How the fuck have you been playing Yuzu for 2 years and still manage to consider her basic midscreen throw combo "all the effort"
>anyone getting this worked up about Icy's bizarre opinions and actually taking them seriously
Why do people never learn?
He's gone off the deep end. He doesn't even believe in his own main anymore
Yeah cause it's not worth it for 100-200 extra damage. Reset that shit and get on with it.
okay, here's a scenario
you're both less 30% hp and you meet cvo requirements and land a grab
does your shitty orie throw secure a kill? no, it fucking doesn't and you die later
characters with combo throws like yuzu and hyde will kill in this scenario though
I think it's more sheer wonder than anyone being upset.
wrong answer
just IWEX them
Why the hell do you want to reset to neutral in the first place when 80% of your neutral consists of B/C teleports to drag you right next to the opponent anyway
Lmao icy trying to do air specials at same height he would as yuzu is killing me.
that's still agreeing with me, orie can't IWEX off a fucking grab
This works for me about 10% of the time sadly. Maybe less.
Holy shit, I can get like 4 different moves when I'm just trying to teleport. Jumping when I mean to block high happens a lot too.
On a different note, I'm so used to losing to Sairoux I ran back to shitpost after round 2. It's a bad feeling when you don't notice something's wrong until "3rd Clause".
I think we need to start some sort of chant, and channel our collective Yuzu power. Yu-uu-zu! Yu-uu-zu! He'll come back.
Seems he needs to put in the time to unlearn the Yuzu playstyle abit. I'm sure he'll break the habits with more play.
Because that's all she's good at. If you aren't teleporting with Yuzu you're doing it wrong and you only get to teleport in neutral.
Woah there pal, that's all she's good at? I could probably give you 200 good points about Yuzu right now.
>almost everybody in the lobby has a different color square
Quite an accomplishment. How many do you figure away either of you are from achieving purple Razzy and Lamp?
Like I've said, you've definitely been improving slowly but surely.
I'll rephrase. All I care about with Yuzu is teleporting and trying to mix people up. I don't care about anything else.
I just got red so quite a few matches and Lamp probably only needs 2-3 at this rate.
My points were all "She's cute!" anyway. I think I get what you're saying.
It's even better when we get them all to line up in a nice spectrum. I love the color squares for that alone.
>teleport into the last 6C
Good times, hahaha.
I see, dangerously close.
Guess we'll have to see if it can happen tonight.
I don't even know why you people are giving my opinions any weight. I'm a fucking retard who can't even play her. My opinion means fucking nothing.
Never listen to anything I say about Yuzu because I'm always wrong.
Yo Icy, are you still up for that FT10? Just for you, I won't teleport at all, not even in combos. Don't worry, I promise that you won't be able to defeat me in your current state
Got deranked by Atic earlier, so I still probably have like 7 wins or so to get there
I like your unique playstyle if nothing else. Plus it's fun game discussion even if it can get abit heated.
Why would I play someone who's gimping himself. Play properly and kill me that way.
The down to the wire play, nice fight!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh shit I have to go again
Someone teach me enkidu, I can play linne somewhat but monk man is really cool so I want to learn him
Amazing. He finally admits Yuzu isn't the easiest character.
A nice way to say idiotic
I said it earlier, I'm not a sadist. And I don't take pleasure in picking on the mentally disabled
Then fuck off. I have no interest in doing a gimped fight.
I'm gonna need you guys to calm down. Please, don't fight in front of the innocent light blue boy!
Take it from someone who's been learning as a secondary. You get alot of leeway in how you can chain your special moves alongside your normals but you also have to be weary that alot of his stuff is unsafe.
My favorite goto BnB is 2B>5C>3C>j.B>j.C>j.236B>2B>236AAA which can be topped out with your choice of EX move (236C for knockdown, 623C for damage and 22C if you want them in the air for a short time).
Some of what I mentioned is in mission mode as well I believe?
His great pokes are 2B, 5B and 5A. You can also use his FF to get to the air portion of his combo and go into divekick off of it.
Let me know if you want his primer if you don't already have it. Feel free to ask more from someone still in training.
Best of luck fellow Linnebro.
Oh fuck he does it, taking down the guy I couldn't beat. This shit's getting too krazey.
Obviously she fucking is if it's the only character I can string more than 4 buttons together.
How long have you been playing Lamp?
Dang, lost the same combo in both rounds due to 66C whiff.
Ah well, at least I landed that ghetto CVO hahaha.
Eltnum? Not that long. Probably around a month, but it's been fairly sparse
If you're talking about when I started playing UNIST, probably around the time of the ENglish release?
Oh yeah, and I suppose you should come around the threads when hippie is around.
He'll do a much better job of explaining Enkidu than me. What platform do you play on by the way?
Awright, it's 4AM and the birds outside won't shut up. Thank you once again for witnessing my shining example of how not to Yuzu.
And Razzy, that was probably one of my top 3 fights in my Unist career. Thank you.
GGs m8. Rest easy!
Looks like I more people to catch up to since I haven't played nowhere near that length.
Going to end it when it gets back to me
>Press light on Wagner
>Miss because of range
Fuck I hate being retarded
this should have been the default hyde color
also abyss walker for wagner
Sounds good, thanks for keeping it running this late. Surprised this many people managed to stick it out.
Oh, no problem I guess. We're all here to git gud, have fun, and pray that the netcode doesn't fuck us over.
Seems like I have 135 Eltnum games
ggs everyone. It was nice playing you again by the way Mage
GGs everyone. Thanks for the W icy.
Yeah I dropped off a bit because of school so it was nice to play people again.
I haven't gotten a single friend request from playing unist since steam release
too bad, there's only people on ranked during the day
GGs, another night tomorrow/tonight.
God this game is making me depressed lately. I had so much fun playing Granblue and I thought switching to Orie would be fun but that has not been the case. I can't even go back to Yuzu since I can't play her anymore.
GGs everybody. Thanks for a fun-filled night! See ya all next time!
If you want to add me, I'll play ya every now and then if you ask for it. Also consider joining the PC lobbies during the regular hours if you can.
I am a pc player
Cheer up, I take learning new characters like basically starting the game all over again and becoming a rookie/new challenger personally.
Maybe you should change your mindset to that.
Good news, a fair amount of us have the option to play on both.
The only way I'll change anything with my mind is a fucking bullet at this point. My brain is fucking useless.
Or I should say if you're already a regular, I suppose you want to get more experience outside of regular hours?
There are some people who ask for lobbies on /vg/ and there is a new french bread general up. I know I've managed to find some really fun and challenging opponents in /afgg/ but I can see why you'd want to avoid the place.
Sounds like quitter mentality and I don't think you've got that if you've managed to stick around this long around these parts and are still willing to put in the effort to try characters new to you out.
my upbringing was in /afgg/ and the only player worth fighting in there is frank
don't know how he can stand that shithole
I would've probably quit at this point if I hasn't shelled out the money for evo. I'm clearly devolving and can't do anything right.
I've been able to get a fair amount of morning and evening (PST) matches with Melk over there myself and the people that play games over there can generally be decent people if you avoid the needless drama that gets generated.
Well if you're going to EVO at least you'll have a fun time with the rest of the people here that are going right? Sounds like fun times to me.
Here's hoping I'll be mugged and stabbed there. Hippie said he was bringing his butter knife so hopefully he'll use it on me.
Butter knife eh? Sounds amusing if random but I hope you have a good time.
I know some homeless people in Vegas will do it for free.
Here's hoping. I deserve nothing less
Well hey, at least you'd be able to help people with those organs.
Nah my doctor said I couldn't be an organ donor.
I'm at work so I can't play, I'm just here to collect all the nice pics. is my favourite
Keep on keeping on, UNIST dudes