Crossdressing in Zelda

>crossdressing in Zelda
Why is this allowed

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for my d
now check this 5

Because they couldn't be asked to make Zelda playable.

He's cute enough.

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because if people maje more porn of their characters they get more popular

Because crossdressing is CUTE

Only if the boy is cute

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because its funny

for my 5
Now check this 2

comedy value
too bad the game was shit

It’s cute and funny

To show you what it would be like if Zelda was a girl.

Bugs Bunny crossdress and no one gave a shit.

Cute eyebrows

Zoomers would if they knew who that was.

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>not running with an all-cheerleader team

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it was fine in final fantasy 7. quit your bitching, 12 year old

Triforce Heroes was a decent little game.
It's a shame it's basically unplayable without online, the game was not designed for single-player at all.

No, Link isn't a loli.
Now that I think of it, what's the shota equivalent of "cute and funny"?

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They think of as comedy, just like bugs bunny.


I don't think the second is a dress. it makes him look like pic related.

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Is this gay to find it cute? Because I don't want to catch the gay.

You already got it

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bugs funny

Running with an all cheerleader team and spamming emotes were the only good things about this game.

> breasts

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get lost gay pride reddit frog

It's Japanese """"humor"""".

its 2019 there's nothing wrong with liking dick user

why arent outfits with buffs like TFH's present in other zelda games

They're probably some balloons

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I want to inject this shota with my seed

Why not?

weird and silly


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But they're cute too
And more funny than girls

>Toon Link, the chum that replaced link in the 2d games through all the GBA (and also Gamecube counting 4swords adventures) and DS era
>Nothing but a power bottom crossdresser
Meanwhile OG Link from the gameboy era was a chad shota that probably drowned in so much pussy, even in his dreams (quite literally).

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It's ok because the Japs did it as a joke. Not because they are attracted to it.

What did he mean by this?