what games can i play with this?
What games can i play with this?
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Fromage hero
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Flappy Bird
did you just send me a kiss
Who the fuck puts a cheese grater next to their monitor
I use to love apple computers but when steve jobs kicked the bucket the brand went straight to hell, the funny thing is that they are charging around 7k to 8k dollars for this piece of shit, it has the same component a 2k has like wtf apple went straight to shit damn you tim cook for ruining apple
>1.5TB of RAM
You need to have more than that to shit on this machine
I honestly think they're trying to turn themselves into the luxury brand of electronics. Like the Gucci of computers or some stupid shit.
Install Bootcamp and you can run most games 1080p 60fps
>That will be $999 plus tip, sir.
yeah they no longer care about the specs nor anything else the fact they took away the light from the little apple is what made me lose hope, steve jobs designed that for a reason it wasnt about the price it was a statement now every single kardashian wanna be bitch wants to own this computer because nobody can aford it seriously fuck apple man
>plus tip
who even?
It makes sense, people are defining themselves more and more by their tech, in the same way they started to with fashion, cars etc
people will gladly pay $5k for the logo and sense of superiority
>Nearly 12 fucking thousand dollar for this entire thing
Apple really knows their consumers are the most retarded people ever
Bet it can't even run Crysis
This is the single most retarded fucking ploy Apple has ever made and I love it. There will be people who actually spend their money on this product. I don't care how much money you can afford to throw away, if you buy this you are beyond saving.
grow up. if you build your own stand you can save some money so it's kind of a non issue
>That thing is worth as much as an iPhone XS
What the fuck is Apple smoking? Weren't they bleeding money?
The same games you could play on a $4k less computers but worse.
>$12000 cheese grater
applefags really are the worst
Muenster Hunter
>when steve jobs kicked the bucket the brand went straight to hell
Far before that
No game
Only cheese.
Is there an actual hardware list instead of pointless cores/gigabytes?
Gouda of War
I really still can't believe this is the design they went with for this.
Its like they realized that they had to actually give a shit about cooling this time. But instead of doing something on the side panel to distract from the stupid logo and you know....ACTUALLY COOL THE SYSTEM they made the front and back look like fucking cheese graters,
>No even a single shill site deffending
I guess no one can STAND up for apple anymore
How the fuck did this company even became a trillion dollar corporation?
apple use to be the underdog of computers and thanks to steve jobs they reached the top, he also helped pixar become what it is now, the man was a genius a bit of a psycho but he knew what he was doing
By selling worse products at a higher price.
Steve Jobs knew how to market then died giving the company to the jews.
Football simulator
I play mine with my mac mini and 5k monitor
what kind of sloshy, water-headed mongoloid would buy one of these, and why? i dont understand the appeal.
It doesn't come with that much retard, it's expandable UP TO that much
So without the thousand dollar monitor stand you literally cannot use your monitor?
so, how many of these technological wonders will /ourguy/ purchase? im going to guess about 3.
You can buy the VESA optional mount instead :^)
Marketing and using chink slaves
Imagine buying your $5000 monitor, taking it home, unpacking it, and then realizing it doesn't have a stand. So you call up the Apple store, thinking there was some kind of mistake and they forgot to give you the stand that was supposed to come with the monitor, and they tell you it's a separate purchase for $999. So instead you prop up the monitor on your desk against the box it came it, because that's all you can afford after blowing all your money.
You never read the book? A smelly hippy who went insane after discovering he was adopted went to live in a garage with his friends during college years, they build a Industry out of they money made by selling cheap illegal hacking boxes that allow the user to use public payphones for free. When they made computers, the hippy aways bitched that they looked ugly and not round enough, so they made him the boss just because he was the only bossing around. Then everyone in the company made bad desisions and jumped the ship too soon to finally get a job in better companies, and the hippy decided to not give credit for any of them until he was the only one on top of the pile of money
I agree that apple loyalist are bad but to be fair this thing isnt for the average consumer
Genuinely curious, would 6k resolution even be worth it on a 32-inch display?
>this thing isnt for the average consumer
Imagine being even dumber than the average consumer.
None, it's a Mac.
Team Fortress 2/other source games
That’s about it, mac gaming library sucks total dick these days. I switched years ago, a MAC is just a 2000 dollar office box that is built to break and force more money out of people.
what games does this $$$$999 machine play?
Young people are indotrinadas by friends, relatives and social circles into believing in Apple. fanboys belive that viruses and mild computer problems are the work of satan, like soccer mom's belive that D&D is witchcraft
>$999 machine
I think you missed the memo buddy. That’s just the fucking monitor stand. The monitor is 5K and the rig is who knows how fucking much.
He lost me at “iPhone is more reliable”
Does he not know that Apple deliberately makes every update with code that slows down and shits up older models? Just to force them to eventually break and force you to update your hardware?
Cheez whiz 101
Mozzarella and luigi:super star saga
Call of due-cheese
I don’t give a rat’s ass about apple’s shit stand.
But I’d fuck that rat’s ass
Wow so either way you have to buy a mount and it's not included with the monitor? What kind of Jewish tricks are these?
>Sony is attempting to try pull this kind of price range with PS5
>can see Instead of 999 us dollars its going to be priced from 600 to 700 or instead its features are going to be a big ass lie if not.
bad rats
>My parents wouldn't let a non-Mac in the house because they believed PC's were virus-prone.
Holy shit! It's like hearing a grandma talking about rock music
>only 2000$
This new Mac Pro starts at 6000$ (and goes up to a couple 10.000$).
Monitor is another 5000$ (stand not included).
And the specs are terrible for a "professional" workstation.
Some idiots are gonna buy it though.
With the new 25% console tax inbound, they better be extra careful with how they price something nowadays.
>mfw I have a shitty old imac as my only PC at the moment
Binding of Isaac and tetris that's about it.
>swivel monitor stand that should only cost about $50-100 costs twice as much as some highly-rated monitors on the market
Honestly, it's beautiful. The sheer cojones Apple has to pass off a piece of brushed metal as a high-end luxury good would almost be admirable if it wasn't completely retarded. There are people out there that are excited for this -- they are excited to pay $999 U.S. dollars for a piece of metal to mount their $5000 monitor on to hook up to their $6000 'workstation' that laughably only comes with a 256gb SSD contained in a dust-magnet cheese grater. 12,000 smackeroos -- what a deal.
This might be wrong but I've seen posts saying this is specifically made and priced for corporate sales not average consumers. Although I don't why that matters when people are saying the specs are terrible and they can cobble something together for a fraction of the price that does the same thing
I always wonder how he'd feel about the state of Apple in today's age. I went back to watch the reveal of the first iPhone, and there was certainly an excitement about the innovations being presented. I want to believe he'd be rolling in his grave about now.
If this isn't some bullshit alloy and they had the balls to just make this a hunk of machined aluminum as an extra fuck you they're cool with me lmao.
It's the pro model so meant for professional use.
Still doesn't excuse the pricing.
Ive been a loyal Apple products user for decades and maybe I can help explain why there are so many of us. As a photographer, I would say around 80% of us use Macs and although difficult for some to understand, its not about all about speed, specs, etc. with us. Its more about the experience.
Im sure for some thats hard to understand, but for Mac users its something we all understand and appreciate. Thats why we continue to buy their products.
'To those who don't care about the "experience" or can't understand the justification of a purchase because the "specs" just don't match up, I have to say that its something they just don't get, understand and/or grasp. They cannot relate to it and thats perfectly fine!
Many, many IT guys are drawn to PCs. Customization, easier to upgrade, not as expensive are all things that speak to PC people.
Beautiful products, aesthetics, design are a huge win for Apple and the people who use them. Everything from the packaging, the quality, the feel, the little things, details, finish, etc. Its hard to explain unless you "get it". Ever slammed the door on a Mercedes or BMW vs. a Ford Focus? Its kind of like that. You can get from Point A to Point B with both, but the enjoyment you get from one vs. the other is something you are willing to pay for. Much of it is really intangible. Liking the way it works vs. another product and how it works. Enjoying it and how it makes you feel. Thats how many Mac users justify the cost of the products we use.
Its not about being a status symbol for many of us. There is an intrinsic value that is very hard, if not impossible, to quantify.
Thanks for the opportunity to join in on your thread and I wish you the best in the future!
>inferior mount to the overpriced mount for the obtusely priced monitor cost as much as my monitor
where are they going with this
shouldn't the prices then be cheaper since they companies buy the machines and sevices under contract? This is just a way to fuck over them whem discussing discount agreements?
>Google search does't show results for this text
"Creative" types eat this shit up. I follow people who are interested in this shit for design and music and while I love them and appreciate what they do, I lose respect for them for so eagerly opening their mouths to take Apple's shit.
That Mac Pro is unironically the most powerful gaming computer. It is equipped with the Radeon VII Pro II, which is faster than the RTX 2080
Dude, it's /g/ pasta
It's meant for wannabe "professionals" who don't have a clue about actual workstations and think that owning an overpriced Mac will help them succeed in life.
Here's what a "professional" thinks about this
Dark Holes: Artorias of the Swiss expansion pack
>defending apple
Old shitty games
>Graphics card is on par to a fucking 780ti
>all those upvotes
>diamond, gold and silver awards
Reddit is scary in a special way.
Have these people ever head of Anti Virus Software or just not clicking on Adds that read You won a million dollar please klick here ?
The 500 series pro cards are the not the RX 580 you absolute walnut. It's a productivity machine not for gaming.
An echo chamber website hosting an echo chamber consumer base.
>Beautiful products, aesthetics, design
???? No one forces someone to buy an ugly brick of a case
I'm not a professional, I'm a retard when it comes to computers, but is this reddit post correct?
I only know one person who works with things (3D animation and video edition) that requires a top-tier machine and he uses a PC. It's a customized PC and almost 2 years of the minimum wage here (5 thousand dollars when converted).
People freaking out at the new Apple computer need to understand that the specs for this machine are not meant for home use. For some reason they gave it extremely high cache memory, which makes it ideal for stuff like video rendering or scientific simulations.
okay honestly, the obvious point being that it's a machine for industry workers and high end companies, not a pc gayming box. besides for that he does bring up a good point with the software support, which is excellent for someone who needs a stable system that they can rely on always being up to date and no random driver failures or third party software needed.
he also says some retarded shit like
>What you don’t seem to realize is that apple is not like any of the other hardware makers. Apple don’t buy any oem parts except cpu, gpu, ram and storage. They design the rest from the ground up.
the fuck is this? thats literally the entirety of the important hardware. wow apple designed the cheese grater case, that's amazing.
>machine are not meant for home use
And yet this is still a glorified desktop and not an enterprise machine.
>Selling a $50 stand for 1K, separate from the monitor and hardware that costs 5k already
That's not what home use means you fuckfag.
It's half truths mixed with complete nonsense.
Whoever wrote that post is obviously grasping at straws in trying to defend Apples outrageous pricing policy.
Most are aware what the machine is meant for. The problem is, if you compare the Mac Pro with similarly priced Windows workstations it falls flat in most categories.
>That's not what home use means you fuckfag.
Then why is it designed like some fucking meme gaming machine that someone is going to rice out and not actual fucking productivity. Pixar is not going to buy this thing when they'd be better off both in function and value getting actual rendering servers.
This is a venn diagram where the two circles never meet.
This. Got an iPhone 6 a while back as a temp phone until I pick something new. Every update adds new glitches, the thing just started spazzing out randomly.
They used extensive funding, staying on the cutting edge during the development of smart phones and branded laptops, in order to develop a brand name that is synonymous with ''high quality tech product'' so that they could inflate prices (like this) and their market (people inexperienced with tech) would buy it.
It's not bait you nigger. People do freelance work from home and don't work in an office environment.
Just give me the monitor, i'll lean it against a book or something
Shut the fuck up Carlos!
I know you're meming but anyone who ironically says that, should be shot
Get out.
I feel the same bro. Apple seems to be good only with Steve Jobs. Now the marketing and finance people are fully in charge again and they are running it into the ground. I'm writing this from a 2013 MacBook Pro.
So you dont know how apple lineup works , 6k is price of the base model that has 8core CPU , 32gig ram and fucking 256GB SSD , thats right 256gig SSD in 6k configuration , the 24core CPU 1;5 TB ram is probably gonna be priced at 40 to 50k dollars.... Retard
this is why everyone should install gentoo
Is this 2009?
just like wojack posters
I’ll buy this maxed out. I only play minecraft on pc.
a fool and his money...
>where is your god now
what does this one mean?
and yet I make so much money in a month that you’d trade your life with mine.
Better be a fool with money that an idiot who thinks he knows everything and yet couldnt make money in the first place.
Pretty presumptuous of you, my friend. You think you're the only richfag on Yea Forums?
I’m no notch, but I’m definitely in the top 0.1%. And you are definitely no notch either.
Sounds like you're making a lot of wild claims with nothing to back it up with. Go pretend to be the elite somewhere else.
Jokes on you faggot, I'm gonna buy TWO of these, and give one away to a 14 year old girl I have a crush on. Have fun with your pathetic Mac while I get cunny.
Then who the fuck uses this kind of shit? With the same price you can build your own PC with sepcs that vastly dwarfs this shit. Who the hell in their right mind would buy a cheese grater with the price jacked up to unikaginable levels?
have sex losers
Lost my virginity on Sunday, so fuck you, buddy.
That's a strange looking cheese grater.
Very nice.
>14 year old girl I have a crush on
Does your butt still hurt?
AHEM* the full version cost 50k $$$
Are you having a seizure?
Im just fucking disgusted in how this shit head acts like hes all high and mighty and knows everything about computers. Its just utterly baffling how someone can be this misinformed and brainwashed into buying apple products, to the point where they defend obvious money making schemes from Apple for the last decade or so.
>productivity machine
If my computer cant handle a game, then high chance it wont be able to handle something like CAD, you massive mongloid
>they are charging around 7k to 8k dollars for this piece of shit, it has the same component a 2k has
that's exactly what that AIDS ridden faggot was doing, that's what he got famous for
The monitor is impressive as fuck. You can literally control color temperature of each individual led's in its direct backlight. It also has p3 gamut and is 6k.
Apple haters are fucking tech illiterate retards who just parrot shit they hear on the internet.
Also my ipad air 3 costs the same as galaxy tab s5 and blows it the fuck out of water in terms of everything.
This is a "i'm a fucking retard" tax
or maybe youre retarded and your reddit spacing gave it away. nobody is disagreeing with the monitor being fucking amazing. its everything else thats fucking trash
>still can't run Bloodborne
the monitor is tight, but they know people don't give a fuck about everything else, so they won't let you get the monitor by itself
Yet it comes with a basic bitch one year consumer warranty where you have to do the legwork yourself, AppleCare+ costs extra and that's just a premium consumer-oriented onsite consumer warranty as far as I can tell. Meanwhile Dell will happily bundle three years of proper enterprise warranty on even its lower end machines.
I've only ever gotten viruses torrenting from shady links, which was my mistake. And even then removing the virus was childs play using almost any anti virus software
you can buy 1TB SSD for like $150 and an 8-core i7 for $500
how did they get to $6000
It's roughly $2000 too expensive, and thats me counting the design and the case. But I think Apple has calculated here that people that would be this for 4k are equally willing to buy it for 6k.