I don't understand this character. So she's designed to merge with Justice or whatever, but what the fuck is up with everything else? Why does she have a bunch of houses little dudes come out of? What the fuck is that ball and chain?
I don't understand this character. So she's designed to merge with Justice or whatever...
Something something Jack-O lantern, that's literally it.
Don't worry about story in Xrd, it's all bullshit meant to sell to kids. Remember when +R had blood splatters and pentagrams and characters kept violently murdering each other in story? Remember when Zato was fucking dead? I remember.
Now I have to listen to even more heavy metal.
Did any named character even die in Xrd by the end, besides the main villain?
Bedman and technically Jack-O. But both of them have replacements with Delilah and Happy Chaos.
You can see they're trying to come up with a new and more approachable (but less soulful) style in Xrd, and that's also why the new characters all look like ass, why Baiken needs a redesign so her being a cripple is less apparent, except that it kills a significant part of her character in how she was someone who didn't give a fuck people can see her scarred eye.
Elphelt is the only character that more or less looks and acts like Guilty Gear, and it's a tough sell. Maybe remove the bunny ears but runaway bipolar bride with a shotgun is fun in concept.
Ramlethal is cool from gameplay perspective, but looks like she's from fucking Xenoblade.
Leo belongs in Blazblue, or better yet his own videogame that does not have a charge shoto yet so he is not redundant.
Sin is just Ky but retarded.
Kum is okay I guess but still isn't very Guilty Gear, especially once the girl inside pops out.
Answer I don't fucking know where to put, your latest shonenshit manga that's going to die in a year maybe, he's incredibly overdesigned for what his role in the game is compared to someone like Hibiki.
idk and I can't wrap my head around her playstyle even though she's apparently noob friendly but her two-tone hair looks baller as af
is this pasta
Why are you trying to make sense with guilty gear?
Answer would be fine if he was less ninja and more business. Remove the ponytail, give him normal glasses, give him normal gloves instead of fingerless ones.
No, I just wrote it, can go more in detail too.
Xrd is a fine game, could use maybe one more balance patch, but you're blind if you don't see it's disconnected from it's origins, and the story mode is a godawfully written waste of resources. In all but actual visuals it looks like shit compared to BBCF, an actual complete game.
Will the new GG be revealed at EVO? I really want to get into Xrd just like KI but its dead sadly
Welcome to anime. Where design decisions make no sense and everything is done simply because it looks "cool" to the artist/designer/director.
Why pretend this is exclusive to anime
Yeah, I can't really deny that Xrd doesn't seem to have much in common with what came before.
Because that's where it happens most often.
Can anything top XX's korean OST?
In most Western animated/comics the same thing applies. Unless if you're telling me Superman wears tights for practical purposes.
Afterstory C > Afterstory A > Afterstory B
Arc Revo
Superman wears tights because back when he was made it was a reference to circus strongmen. If you're gonna argue that the west doesn't more often go for practical compared to the east going for fantastical then I don't know what to tell you. I'll tell you right now I think both approaches are fine, in case you're gonna argue with me for fanboy reasons.
Okay, and they picked the circus strongman look because it looked cool.
Evo 2019 is the final Arc Revo stop. If news is coming at all that's where it will be.
No, because circus strongmen are strong and so is Superman.
i.e. it's showing off the character, visually identifiable to it's audience.
But Jack O's design can also partially communicate part of her character
The bunny ears like hat is a reference to the original valentine
The same design idea is in ram too
Your whole argument is basically "it's different/new and I don't like it" and you keep trying to convey that you know what gg is, even more than daisuke apparently when he has shown time and time again that he just does whatever he think it looks cool
Remember how gg2 was supposed to be the true sequel? Daisuke loved the idea, and it's still his game series, so how can you claim what is or is not gg
Was this really necessary?
Was this?
it's her sole redeeming quality
Daisuke needs to stick to music and not write stories. He is good at the former and poor at the latter. In old GG days he didn't even try but the episodicness of it excused him. Putting together a big narrative just makes it a mishmash of cool stuff he has seen here and there, which is what it was to begin with, but now it's painfully obvious you're watching a guy go "But ACTUALLY that big guy is a ROBOT who has a cute girl inside" in front of a committee.
Either way I'm pretty sure the designs and redesigns of Xrd are not his fault. The characters were changed to look cool in the new format. It just so happens they always look worse than before.
lex luthor was right
Yeah, he's so terrible that he's been able to produce multiple good games while gaining a fanbase and the respect of his peers. But what would he know, your reddit spacing will surely educate him on how to be a success.
>le Reddit spacing meme
Also why does she still look exactly the same only with red hair on outside after merging with Justice?
>le lack of an argument to refute the fact that you're some nobody on a korean irc trying to say someone that's successful doesn't know what they're doing so your idea is clearly better, meme
You don't have an idea, you just have whining.
Fuck you Raven is magnificent
Gear your trip...
>Reddit spacing isn't a lack of an argument
Whether someone is successful or not has nothing to do with their skill. People also don't usually play Guilty Gear for the story.
Merging allowed her to complete Aria's soul.Half the soul was in her and half was in Justice. She already looked like Aria so when she became Aria the only thing that needed to change was the hair color. Her hair is two tone because Jack-O is only half of Aria so only half of her hair is red.
Elphelt and Ram are fucked up clones that aren't identical to the original.
I am not saying that they're bad games, I'm saying that Xrd story is fucking stupid and has no relation to Guilty Gear story because Guilty Gear story was impossible to properly follow up upon because it was fucking stupid. The question the thread started with is all about the extremely quesionable visual design choices of Xrd, so that's also what I'm talking about, as the answer is intertwined with the general effort to make Guilty Gear into kiddy diddy rubber pastel shit so that it sells better, at the cost of distorting the original's core identity. That was of course already the case in Overture, if less so.
So what happened to all the other Valentines during Xrd's story? Jacko mentioned Happy Chaos in the beginning, we even see screen covered in red hue when Chaos talks, but never appear in the rest of story mode.
She's brought up so they can introduce her as replacement Jack-O in the next game to keep her moveset. Jack-O was woken up early because That Man stole her from the pope before she was supposed to be born. Happy Chaos is most likely going to be evil Jack-O since she would have gotten mindfucked to be obedient like Elphelt and Ram were.
Speaking of mindfucked Elphelt. Was disappointing she reverted got back her freewill after 1 Sol speech in Sign and spend entirety of Revelator stuck to Justice. The silver recolor looks great tho
I mean, I sort of agree about the general overall tone. I miss the edgier Slayer style hard metal look instead of the new clean and friendly appearance even if they did the 3D transition incredibly well technically.
But most of your specific points are completely wrong.
Elphelt visually doesn't fit in very well, much less than Ramlethal, but it's things like the bunny ears that associate her with the Valentines that makes it more than just a simple GNR reference.
Ramlethal's biggest problem is her gameplay being one dimensional target combo corner carry into 30 second wall stick combo into reset. Stylistically she's a bit more fantasy and less rock and roll than older characters but visually fits in fairly well.
Leo plays pretty dumb, but also fairly unique in practice. He's absolutely not a "sonic boom flash kick" character.
Sin just needs a new set of clothes.
Kum's old man design is great, and the concept of "little girl with all the real power controlling a big body" works and has been done plenty of times, it's just somewhat poorly realized. The robot definitely looks Guilty Gear though.
Answer is cool as fuck, he's a great balance to Chipp and nails the line between his corny weeb president ninja shit and the rest of the game. And how the hell is Answer, "Guy with a ponytail and a scarf in a suit" more overdesigned and generic shonen than emo twink Attack on Titan kid?
The problem was that he was great at conceiving stories but not so great at telling them, though GG2 to Sign to Revelator to the afterstories demonstrates steady improvement from the mess that was GG2.