How do we fix modern RPGs, Yea Forums?

how do we fix modern RPGs, Yea Forums?

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Sequel Jaheira!

Attached: Sequel Jaheira.png (210x330, 136K)

Any good anime portrait packs for BG?

by booping them lol

Stop trying to make them action games.
Stop letting shit writers write them.

There IS Dungeon Meshi portrait pack user! I do NOT use it I do NOT watch animes BUT it IS good!


Anime portraits

Attached: durp.jpg (2552x3840, 3.93M)

Attached: hurp.jpg (2560x3810, 3.18M)

are weebs really so brainrotted they cant enjoy something unless it looks like anime

Is that a weeb crpg based on fucking? Thats hilarious.

Give me anime Jaheira!

Imoen, is cute CUTE!! But they didn't manage to do Eldorth or Minsc justice.

what game is that on the top part of the pic?

that the dungeon meshi artist?

Goddamn I thought you were on vacation?!

What! I am NOT on vacation I CANNOT post AS much! My vacation DID end I spent vacation POST wife!

Attached: Shy Jaheira.png (210x330, 129K)

Ye, that's her.

Nice, almost makes me want to play Baldur's Gate despite not knowing shit about it.

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Does big world setup still work for classic? I know they got one a new one for EE but it has jack shit in it

muh dik
muh heart

It's a classic for a reason.

Attached: dungeon-meshi-7865551.jpg (800x1143, 171K)

Kill yourself, tranny.

You SHOULD romance Jaheira she IS mommy wife!

Attached: Jaheira.png (210x330, 123K)

honestly the top one has a bunch you can remove and still get the same effect from "boop on nose"


Maybe I'll pick it up when I get my next paycheck, mostly for the portraits. I'll be sure to blame you if I end up not playing it.

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By continuing to cherrypick and starting threads like these, which will make everyone think they know about the current state of video games, even though they don't play video games.

Then, they'll go to Twitter and complain about these things to developers, and that will weed out developers who listen and let "fans" ruin their games.

Dont talk about buying it you will summon the beamdog poster

>RPGs then
>Only one option in 15+ choices that actually does something
>RPGs now
>Only one option in 4 choices that actually does something

Attached: Hero1.png (420x660, 558K)

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It was the open wold kleptomania/murder sim everyone played before Oblivion toppled it's throne

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What! Give me Dungeon Meshi Jaheiras!

Hopefully a competent company tries to make one the next time a "revival" comes around instead of Obsidian, creators of the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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Yeah, I'm thinking she is based.

If I buy this, do I want the enhanced edition or the original? Is it just nitpicky changes that I won't care about If I never played before or are there actual bad changes that worsen the experience?

Didn't even notice this was pasta till half way through

The new companions are a mixed bag but are skippable. Dragonspear is trash.

Those ones are for dropping in your portrait folder so you can use them as your main character, gotta convert them to 24-bit .BMPs first though.

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!



What the fuck.

>have to install a mod just to adjust the brightness and or gamma
>they literally forgot to add a slider in the options menu for one of the most basic graphics settings
how did they do it Yea Forums? how did they fuck up so bad that it took them YEARS just to make a product as good as classic bg2 with the fix pack and wide screen patch? how did they manage to make the modding scene even more dead because no one wanted to bother with compatibility for classic anymore, the ones who do mod for EE are few and like to make shit romance mods or spend time making mods fixing the shit GUI. HOW DID THEY DO IT?

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Beamdog is guilty of a number of crimes...

Just started playing is there a way to run because holy shit walking around is sluggish as hell.

Attached: Baldur_2019_06_05_00_57_48_206.jpg (3840x2160, 2.92M)

Should have had this in RPGs then.

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You CAN get magic boots BUT it IS later AND not for whole party!

increase the frame rate to 35, it fucks the timing for spells and dialogue a little but in turn makes the animations smoother and faster.
the dumb shits at beamdog felt they shouldn't include it in the settings so you will have to google how to do it

>2160p without scaling
Oh my god you are retarded.
Sub 100iq and a sensor most likely.


I have really good eyes

pic related it's me

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>all these threads
Is there a sale, or is this BG3 hype manifesting?


>Fortitude Save versus Disease *failure*

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What's wrong user, too poor?

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Who IS your wife user! Is it Kalikke OR Octavia!

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>Baldurs Gate has good writing and intricate characte-

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I have no love but honor, no wife but duty!

That IS good! (It is! It is!)

you really polished that turd user

play underrail

Personally, devs should divert a lot of what's spent on VA.
When they do that, they can add more NPCs and companions, more dialog and quest design.
Next, devs should just focus on a more grounded story for the meantime. No 2deep4u bullshit.
PS:T is a fluke and no one will be able to surpass it, at least for now.
Just make it like Arcanum or BG1 or PFKM, no need to do something like Deadfire.
PoE tried and is okay, but is ultimately not memorable.

My wife is your wife



A den of stiiiiiiiiiiiiiinking evil

Each user gets their OWN wife! Your wife is NOT my wife even IF same wife!

How likely is it that the waifufag is the kiddinity poster who finally snapped

Practice your characters in box format rather than scrawling, change your PC's display language to Chinese, and for the love of god, cut your watermelon, eating it with a spoon's for fucking rancid cavemen.

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Iim playing for the first time. I'm playing the classic version not the EE, beamdog poster. Was zordral supposed to be as hard as he was? He kicked my ass like 4 times and I couldn't beat him cleanly. I alwaysost someone.

He's supposed to be pretty easy.

Incubation Started

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>Incubation Started
very good

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He is supposed to be a powerful mage, but if you are really struggling with him, you may need to git gud.

It's not pregnancy though, there's only one plot chance chance for it to happen, and you only find out by the end of the modules

Is this Dance with Rogues?

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>struggling with zordal
Maybe you should have picked the EE you absolute brainlet

After my first playthrough I've always console cheated in Paws of the Cheetah(Speed Boots) for all my party members, it occupies your boots slot the entire game but it doubles movement speed

Always worth it imo

I'm a guy who has been whining about Kingmaker's difficulty, I've figured it out
Use haste. Use haste. Use haste.
I'm at the undead cyclops dungeon, and haste has been the difference between TPK and finishing a battle without taking any damage
Also I had whined about Candlemere island. Turns out I was supposed to go there quite later, not because it's there, but rather because a guy shows up and asks you to

Start with fear protection before you enter the tent, get a lucky hit to interrupt Mirror Image, wail on him. Or cheese by exiting the tent whenever he charges a spell up so he wastes it. Or summon some shit to tank the Acid Arrows after he casts Horror.

The game is pretty much buff+autoattack
>but rather because a guy shows up and asks you to
Yeah, I found exploring on your own rather useless, wait for a quest that takes you there and do optional area while you're around. It's better to upgrade your kingdom and advisors

*boops your nose*

what's the difference between Paws of the Cheetah and Boots of Speed?

Cernd is a trap confirmed