ITT: Post a pic, get recommended a game

ITT: Post a pic, get recommended a game

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hard mode: no Witcher, Deliverance, Mount and Blade, or strategy games. Heard those recs a billion times

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whats good caveman game

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The first hour of Minecraft survival or any survival game

The stranded games maybe?

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Shadow of mordor

did u forget mordhau?

Attached: Half Orc Ration.jpg (4160x3120, 3.14M)

also that and Chiv, feels like there are only 8 or so games about being a cool knight

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Funny, I'm listening to that right now. 10/10 album.

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Fuck off, Zargothrax.

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Cruis'n USA

A Hat in Time

Brutal Legend

Don't say Wind Waker

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Marble it up! because of the chrome reflection.

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Crusader Kings 2

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We Trust!

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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What is Hoots' tax policy?


It involves a neutron star.

Hail Hoots!

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killin goblins and thrashing wizards


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>The King of California's tax policy is killing everyone in California

I think you picked the wrong post, user.

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world of warcraft

Hard Mode: No Doom, mostly because I feel the guys at the bottom are already aping it.

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Nani they have a third album? Why didn't anybody tell me

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Gimme something good boys

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spooky's jumpscare mansion

It came out last week. It's pretty fucking good.


I want to punch Isabelle in the face.
Nothing personal, I don't hate her or anything. As matter of fact I think she's cute, but for some reason she just kind of makes me want to punch her straight in the face

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thanks, based isa-poster

Hellgate: London

Mount and Blade

NO why are there no fucking medieval games besides the circlejerked ones

I want a comfy, whimsical plane game, combat optional. The flying segments of Wii Sports resort is a good example, only it's far from a full game.

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>besides the circlejerked
Jesus, sorry user. No need to go all autismo rage on me. I legitimately enjoy the game and figured it might be a good recommendation. Next time I'll just say dark souls or skyrim and be done with it or something

Guess you've never heard Dark Souls then, huh

nah you're good, didn't mean to tard out. Just wish there were other games with similar feels, guess I'll stick to books. Good game though, Nord gang

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good taste in religion

Pilotwings and Pilotwings 64, my dude

Dark Sun: Shattered Lands

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You know, I keep hearing about these games. I probably should play them.

This picture triggers me. There's no way they would get any customers with the stall up a fucking ladder. Secondly, there's nowhere to sit and eat your burger if you do buy one. Thirdly, the post box is on the upper level, you think some fucking aqua-postman is going to bother climbing up there? Why do you think mailboxes are usually at the end of the driveway, not on the fucking roof? Fourthly, what is powering that vending machine? Fifthly, what do they do with that recycling bin when it gets full? Just dump it in the ocean? Oh wait, there are gates on the top floor so I guess this universe has flying machines as well as boats? Nevermind then, it's fine.




conan exiles

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hakinowa explorer plus