Make some room, boys

Make some room, boys.

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>Mobile gamers were counted in this poll


Is that counting mobile and facebook games? Cause they don't count as real games.



There was always room for you but for some reason every FPS, MMO, strategy game and whatever type of multiplayer game that isn't immediately categorized seems to be 90% male


because those games center around violence

im a female and I love playing bejeweled and sims 4

i don't get along with women particularly well. it's not like i feel contempt or dislike for them I just don't think I have much in common with the ones I speak to. When girls try to talk to me I feel like I act too dismissive but I don't know what else to do.

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I've seen like 5 other polls that say most of gamers are women. Who the hell am I supposed to believe here?

Out of that 44%
50% play mobile garbage and 25% are “female”

>almost half of all gamers are female
Well, guess we don't need to make any changes to the industry to make it more palatable to girls then. Clearly they're happy enough as it is

Make some sandwiches, girls.

>only 2 genders

>Obsidian: most gamers are actually female or gay
>Obsidian: uh oh, our inclusive game bombed horribly

>Because those games center around competition

literally just because grils aren't socialized to find action hero stuff cool. although if you don't think any MMO with decent customization isn't littered with women you're nuts

You realize this means wamen play candy crush and whatever crappy mobile game exists right? Females are 30% of console/pc at best

Why are 44% of gamers' bodies female?

i dont know people get those numbers, but i tell you, its bullshit.
a credible number of female gamers would be around 25%-30% and most of them evading FPS, fighting games, racing games and basically conttaining themselves in action RPGs like zelda and bland generic third person shooters like nuTomb raider and last of us.

Ooh sorry, not enough room. You're welcome to sit on my lap, though.

They said that for Outer Wilds?

>boy on top
>girl on bottom
this is my fetish

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>mobile games

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>remove mobile games from the equation an male gamers are 90% of the total

Men are predisposed towards games about violence and dominance? Grills probably gravitate towards series like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing for a similar reason

it's pretty much always been this way
but believe it or not, female gamers are usually far more stereotypically weird and awkward than male gamers. the male ones are just more visible and easy to make fun of, so we don't think about female gamers all that often

there's a lot of girls that play shit like overwatch though

There ISN'T any more room.
Guess you'll have to sit in my lap ;^)

How many of them were born men?

How many of them are on mobile?

Seriously I want to see this stat when mobile is removed.

i have a vagina fetish

What's the percentage of males-pretending-to-be-females?

Unfortunately, the problem is that you'll get accused of gatekeeping or misogyny for bringing that up. It does ultimately matter what type of games a person play, because someone who exclusively plays mobile games is skewing the demographics for what I'll reluctantly call "proper games." I'm guessing the gender split in a poll of people who watch television will probably be reasonably close to 50/50, but networks and studios still covet the male 18-34 demographic because that's where the money is. For some reason, though, when video game developers do the same thing, it's sexist.

one of my friends plays overwatch wayyyy too fucking much. her boyfriend hates the game and wishes she wouldn't spend so much time on it but she has a freakish laser focus and is incredibly hyper-competitive. she's absolutely obsessed with being the best, so much so that she often forgets to get up and do simple maintenance things like stretching, eating, and drinking water. it's kinda weird to be honest but when she's not playing overwatch she's pretty normal and fun to be around.

>calling yourself a gamer

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based on what exactly? I never participated in this made up tumblr poll

>I'm guessing the gender split in a poll of people who watch television will probably be reasonably close to 50/50.
You'd think so. Women watch roughly 3x more TV than men. But, that brings a second point into the discussion. Simply playing games doesn't make someone a gamer. *How much* they play is much more important. And, again, women would fall behind by 4x or 5x if the hours played were taken into consideration. In other words, for every hour a given game is played, 59 minutes is done by a man.

it's just fucking easier than saying "i play video games"
let it go

>no true scotsman fallacy

Didn't Obsidian release some stats for one of their CRPG DLCs that said that 90% of people who bought it were male? Or am I thinking of some other company?


I'm the same largely. The only way I ever fix that is by being around them at work. Thats how I developed relationships and made friends with them. They say don't shit where you eat and I respect that but I lack the social skills to shit anywhere else.

i like to observe stars with my telescope, yet i dont call myself an astronomer.

Someone who exclusively plays mobile games wouldn't even consider themselves as (((gamers)))

Socializing is just pretending you care about people's vapid shit. I just avoid it myself because I find it exhausting.

>*How much* they play is much more important.
That's still irrelevant compared to the one question companies would care about, and that's how "how many video games they buy," or to distill it even further "How much they spend on our products." Video game devs/publishers apparently do look at achievement and trophy data to gauge their user base's habits, but then don't seem to actually ever do anything with the data. What was it, like half of the people who buy big triple A releases ever end up finishing them? That still hasn't led to more engaging video games.

To be fair. Nobody wants to be a scotsman even the scots.

If you're not interested, you're not interested. You can't force yourself to enjoy their hobbies (I use that word losely). You'll be doing both of you a favor by moving along and blowing them off. Plus, it's good for the ego.

References: Spent 2 years trying to get interested in the garbage my wife watches on TV so we'd have more to talk about. Complete waste of effort. Cherry on top: She never made any effort to get into my hobbies so it was completely 1 sided. Fuck'em. I build toy boxes and chairs and shit in the garage now instead because that's what I enjoy. She can finger herself to Guy Fieri on her own.

Do non-binary gamers not exist?

amateur astronomer

Games (along with comics) used to pander to that demographic shamelessly with fapbait (the japs are still doing this I guess), so I can understand why people would be wary of that

How many plates of tendies and games of playing support does it take till a smelly gamer gf will hold hands with you?

no that would be if they said certain type of game say rts didn't count.
mobile 'gaming' or facebook gaming is exactly the same as someone playing flash games on newgrounds and still being counted as a gamer. The market is so vastly different it truly is a different thing.

I wonder how many of those "female" gamers are actualy trannies.

You're arguing against yourself. Women play mostly mobile games. That mines micro-transactions. That means the more they play, the more money the company makes because the base game itself is free. In the case of women and what they play, the amount of time invested is far more important than how many games they play.

Isn't everybody not binary

>watch adam ruins everything video games episode
>adam tells little black kid that gamers are almost 50% women
>black kid says "but that's just phone games"
>adam says "so games are games"
imagine this same sentiment applied to literally ANY other medium

>>oh you like romcoms? those suck

>>do you like books?
>yes I love harry potter
>>harry potter is trash for pre teens

>yes I read a magazine about guns
>>OMG we have so much in common I read teen vogue!

for further proof of this. I took a survey earlier today (ironically to enter a chance to win a console) and the very first question was "how often do you play mobile games" and I answered "never" and the survey literally closed and said "sorry this survey isn't relevant to you"

but wait misogynistic survey I thought games were games!

If people will parrot this shit like it's true, doesn't that also mean that there is no need to make games more "exclusive"? The argument has always been that only disgusting, bigoted, privileged male shitlords play video games and that devs should cater more to women to make video games more appealing for the sex.


Video games are such a wide term now that it can mean a lot of different things, and really people are too autistic when it comes to the muh mobile gaems shit, but it would be a lot more interesting to see this broken down into genres of games or some other way

People who play with Nerf guns are also gun owners, gun enthusiasts, hunters, soldiers.

Put all Nerf gun owners past or present on a registry.

Guns are guns it doesn't matter if they shoot foam darts or lead it's ALL THE SAME.

when would you EVER say either of those things though?

nobody says "do you play video games" it's a forgone conclusion that males under 30 play video games. who the fuck would ever ask you that

Trannies doesn't count you know

Ask a girl who plays video games anything

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why are mobile gaming companies so sexist? I can't help but feel the cutesy artstyle is only appealing to the female gaze

I may be putting my tinfoil hat on too tight, but I would argue it's not actually the video game companies' faults that they have to do inclusivity or diversity pandering, it's the games journalism industry. The companies don't set the political or social climate, they just respond to it in a misguided attempt to "reach a broader audience" (read: make more money). I really couldn't tell you to what end journos are trying to change the video game culture landscape, but the rise of "everyone is black and gay" is a symptom, not a cause.

The unfortunate thing is, the games journalism industry managed to create the narrative around Gamergate, so they're effectively beyond criticism now. The words "ethics in game journalism" will now never be able to be said without irony.

I'm not some fat fuck autist so talking to woman is a normal thing so yeah. My guild leader is female for example (no not a fucking tranny).

Why do you have such shit taste?

hmu on discord bby. I'm 6ft tall chad who likes to dominate girls and make them piss their pants.

Post tits with timestamp or gtfo

How big is your dick?

Did you intentionally play Dark Souls 2 for 666 hours?

>perfect 100%

trannies on suicide watch

don't talk about my wife (male) like that thanks

RPG's are fun though user
im a lesbian sorry not sorry
post your milimeter peter first and i will consider it
bigger than yours

Anyone else think girls are retarded?

>spend 3 hours putting on makeup to completely change their appearance and decieve people
>constantly think about what others think of them
>desperate to ape the latest trend and not fall behind
>want to dress like sluts and act like sluts, but don't that same portrayal in media
>usually go into low-tier fields like Psychology, nursing, or Sociology to get a quick degree
>are always getting manipulated by corporations
>emotionally driven
>dress like a fucking whore with goal to get attention and complain when men stare
>vapid personalities and all seem like clones
>"i like dogs, hanging with the boys, partying, going on an adventure, horse riding, drinking, and traveling"

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please tell me about times when you pissed your pants thanks in advance

>Dark souls 2 playtime
>Fallout 4
How can you be based and cringe at the same damn time

I play male characters in online games whenever I can just to avoid attention, god knows how many WoW guilds I've been in just because I'm a girl. How hard is it to just, you know, play the game?

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well I never actually pissed in my pants, however, one time I was working at Lowe's as a cashier and because we were understaffed/had a lot of people call in sick I basically went 6 hours one day without being allowed a single break and was probably 30 seconds from pissing my pants when i was finally relieved.

fallout 4 is fun to just walk around shooting things.

sorry you never met any cool ones

>tabula rasa fallacy
>uses literally as crutch word as well
go ahead and condition a young girl to give in to her inborn masculine impulses, it can be done. although you will have little else than a droll caveman in a room full of men, at the end.

Does this poll include trannies? If so the female % is much less

> (You)

but 100% are forced to wear the skirt

I mean if you consider casual games then the number of women is low but not abyssmal, if you take speedruns, fighting games, arena shooters or anything competitive that requires time investment and skill there almost close to none

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Why do women consist on invading and destroying male space?
It feels like throghout the last couple years there has been an attack on masculinity as a whole.

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>Make room

For what you want a red carpet, no one is stopping you from picking up the controller stop being an attention whore.
Buy the games you want to play and ignore the ones you don't like any other hobby.

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>REEEEEEEE us weak pathetic men r always being invaded by the big mean evil womenz we can't defend ourselves wahhhhhhhhhh

how much to piss your pants


No but you see I am a girl that plays video games and that is an exotic circumstance so please give me attention for being so unique, boys.

Reminder that based on Yea Forums's advertising statsitics, 1/3 of Yea Forums is female

Speaking from personal expierence as somebody who has joined a variety of projects from Yea Forums, this matches up, as around 1/4th to 1/3 of the people from Yea Forums I come across are female, albiet this might be skewed a bit since the projects were on /vp/ which probably has a higher % of women then Yea Forums does

bottom like though, it's very like that 1/8 to 1/6, if not 1/5, 1/4, or even 1/3 anons you come across on Yea Forums at any given time have vagoo

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Impressing women is a part of being masculine though, I shit you not higher ranks in these games can get you laid.

women are gay

what are you even talking about retard

You are not unique though

you better be doing it in public for that absurd price

>t. poorfag

>no tits
>a slit instead of a fat throbbing cock
What's the appeal?

How do you STILL fall for it? Have traps stepped up their game?

I think the only girl i know that legitimately enjoys videogames is my sister but shes a fat fujoshi weirdo

dilate tranny

>implying western society as a whole isn't actively demonizing masculinity

If we exclude those we'll have to exclude realistic simulators, and sports games

>t. not making a serious offer
I pay women to do this all the fucking time. Fuck off maddie. I bet even if I agreed you wouldn't do it.


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>Nice Deus Ex you got there, I play candy crush so we're same and my tastes are just as relevant.

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>More hours in FO4 than NV

fake gamer girl

this is the most 16 year old post i've ever seen

I would legit do it for 300. no less
Imagine crying this much because you're literally too much of a cuck to handle women in your hobbies.

NV was boring, pretentious and honestly the gameplay was meh. 4 had good gameplay, and thats what matters most

you just described 99% of humanity

No it didn't lmao

I don't think you realize how many women would pee their pants for way fucking less. are you even gonna show face/tits? Are you gonna say my name? we haven't discussed any part of the deal but you have a flat rate in mind?

you've never done this before have you.


first of all that's not a real fallacy, just something invented by commie liberal relativists that want to feel part of any community they like without having to accept their culture and standards

secondly it can be wrongly applied to cases where the sense of real membership is legit, for example many people cook ocassionally but not all of them are chefs or cookers, it would be stupid if you made a poll considering these ocassional amateur people as "cookers" and flat out retarded if you defended the poll's validity by citing the no true scotsman "there are no true chefs be what u want to be and fuck drumpf

pics or it didn't happen

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>implying that wymyn don't want competition.
Actually they love to compete, the real issue is that those games require actual skill which roasties don't have.

>tranny voice

>that part of the skirt that is blue
>Yea Forums

most of those women only play mobile games
the sims is probably the only pc/console game women make up the majority of players

>>tranny voice
>he thinks this is what trannies sound like

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i was sick of running into housewives on animal crossing multiplayer. theyre subhuman. 12 year olds are better.

>NV was boring, pretentious and honestly the gameplay was meh.

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I'm sorry that this is how you feel about women champ, just remember that shit changes once you're out of high school.

This shit is cringe, everyone knows that 33% of the "female" gamers are trannies and the rest twitch sluts

lol she stopped replying to you bro. you got left on read. up your game beta faggot

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I watch movies is easier than saying i am moviewatcher. Absolute fucking degenerates like to identify with nonexistent group to make themselves feel better. Fucking cringe.

You sound exactly like Cosmo or Laura Kate Dale.

When did you started HRT and when did you cut your benis off?

friendly reminder if it weren't for /pol/cucks' gargling unregulated capitalism the vidya industry wouldn't have to pander to women and shill loot boxes.

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>he thinks this is what trannies sound like
>does the high pitch forced whisper voice
I know what they sound like

hey i like dark souls too

Women don't like to compete, they just like to step on other people to get ahead.

Women are dumber and therefore more profitable for any industry
For example they don't know how to pirate games, they will put money on mobile shit, etc

This. As much as flash games are great for fun and quick faps when I was a kid, I wouldn’t consider them a fully fledged videogame

Yeah I play angrybirds! I'm SUCH a GAMER, Teehee~

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"she" is retarded and clearly never sold videos of herself online before. she also named an outrageous price for the act that no one would ever agree too.

I have 3 excellent videos on my hard drive that I didn't even pay $200 for. in all of them they say my name, show panties and tits and cunts. they also let me pick out their outfits.

I'm still going to fap to her home depot story, but I'm just going to pretend a female wrote it.

It's like saying that everyone is soldier, because they own nerfgun.