PC release in a couple days.
How was it Nintenbros? Worth $60?
PC release in a couple days
t. Bought collectors edition
Explain? It looks like a comfy rpg to me
Not worth 60 but its a great game. I recommend it to most of my friends.
If you really like classic JRPGs, you'll love it.
bought on release for switch
not worth $60
$30 at most
not worth the 60$ (and even more expensive here in Chile). At most 30-40$
The final boss Galdera was the only moment i had some fun
It's good if you like classic JRPGs, but don't fall for Square Enix's jew pricing. Wait for it to drop to at least $40.
I pirated that shit before it released, maybe I picked a boring ass starting character, but after playing for about 3 hours I had enough of it. It didn't help that the game told me to go find some old friend, had me play through her story and then they never talked to each other again.
But guys, if i pre order I get 11 wallpappers!!
Nope it's a poor man's DQ4
No. I'd pay $30 at most for it, wait for a steam sale.
Well shit can't say no to some .pngs
Ya got more than ya bargained for!
No. I enjoyed the demo, but the game itself felt pretty lackluster. Played 30 hours of it, didn't feel like playing any more.
shit, better post it in
>30 hours
I've payed $60 for games I only got like 14 hours of play time out of
cough dmc 5 cough cough
Got it on release. Stopped playing for 6 months. Got back into it recently.
It can get pretty repetitive and its hard to get invested in any one story since your do it in chunks at a time and are always hopping around. The first character you pick will be stuck with you for a good while which is kind of annoying. Break and job system is fun to use, not super amazing.
Nah. They can suck my dick.
Not unless you really like classic JRPGs and are clamoring to play one. I got the monies worth in playtime, but I also did everything. Also the music is phenomenal. It got stiffed for best soundtrack award last year.
The gameplay is fine, the music and the art are great, but the writing and story is absolute schlok.
its ok if you like classic jrpg’s. not worth $60 with denuvo as well
not that user, but it's basically just your traditional generic rpg shit but without anything notable from it besides the gameplay being ok at best. the graphics are fantastic but the game as a whole feels like just indie shit and not an actual game by square
Maybe like $10-20? Absolutely not worth full price. Still kind of regret it.
If you like classic JRPGs, you will just play classic JRPGs on an emulator, not this shit.
What if someone wants a new game styled after the classic JRPGs? God, you're such a negative piece of shit.
Then you wouldn't play this because it's just a shit game that will be forgotten and not a classic JRPG.
Not really, no. Plays more like a $39.99 game. Highly repetitive after a certain point, story meanders and there's very little character development by design. Many people who played it that I know ended up losing interest before making it through half the characters' stories. I'm a big fan of old school JRPGs, even, but I lost interest and didn't see it through to the true end.
The music and sprite work are excellent, though. The job and battle system is a lot of fun during some of the challenging boss fights.