Even 13's villain is better than 8's.
Is there a worse final fantasy villain than Rinoa?
Ultimecia is actually possesed by an autistic wizard called Hyne.
>villain is a magical transexual
How offensive
I'd argue Cloud of Darkness
You're fighting this one dude 90% of the game
but then
>Whoops! look like this one chick you never met nor heard of is actually the big bad. Better go kill her, too!
At least IV had golbez stay somewhat relevant after his defeat
Wouldn't a better example be necron in 9?
Just because a woman has a magician inside her doesn't mean you should assume her gender.
When you think about it nearly every FF game does this.
The difference is whether the big bad is revealled early or at all.
Sephiroth-Jenova is pretty solid the whole game through, faggot.
So is the Emperor from 2.
And Kefka.
And Barthandelus
>at least 4 out of ~15
I think Sephiroth and Kefka are revealed early enough that it doesn't feel like an asspull. Hell, kefka is introduced in literally the first hour, and sephiroth in about the first 10% of the game.
Sin and Yu Yevon also work in that Yu yevon is mentioned early on and the cast gradually works to uncover his role in everything.
Likewise, 12 does a good job of it, since you are introduced to Vayne in the very beginning of the game, and the endless's role in things becomes apparent very quickly around the 25% mark, albeit slowly uncovered.
Jenova is the big bad of FF7 unless i'm forget some implication of a greater meta evil.
She takes a backseat to Sephiroth.
But yeah she is the big bad revealed early.
Chaos: last 10%
Cloud of darkness: last 10%
Zeromus: last 10%
Ultimecia: debateable, but only crystalizes about the latter part of the game, and so without weight as to be meaningless (She's upstaged by the other manly looking sorceress for most of the second half as a bigger threat, and that sorceress actually has some backstory and plot significance to her in the history)
Necron: total asspull
The big bad is 6 unless i'm mistaken is the warring triad.
Yu yevon
Hyne (not shown at all)
They are really meta
The actual enemy you physical see in 8 is the three witches straight out of hamlet.
They are a trio of antagonists.
the big bad in 6 for 2/3 of the game is just the empire altogether
Yu Yevon, Zemus, Cloud of darkness, XIII's villain and sephiroth were all worse than Ultimecia.
>The big bad is 6 unless i'm mistaken is the warring triad.
are you high?
The warring triad are completely and utterly unacting and static, they're a power source, not an actual big bad. They're literally petrified and unable to act except for a throwaway boss fight.
Kefka's the big bad since he is the one actively taking a role in things and the one that you must fight to fix things.
As for hyne, hyne's never stated anywhere except as a legend, and there's nothing indicating he has *anything* to do with the plot going on in the game. That's all ultimecia.
For all the people in the game know, hyne might not even EXIST and its just a story they made up to explain how things work.
pretty much every ff game has some variation of ebil empire.
Ultimecia isn't a bad villain, she's a great one. Her story is tragic.
All she wanted was to be not murdered. But she was persecuted for being a sorceress, and in trying to not get murdered became the monster they accused her of being. Plus, you know, she got murdered.
Everything about your post is wrong.
>Plus, you know, she got murdered.
If the group trying to kill you is a lawfully empowered organization backed by legal governments, its not murder.
Her real motivation was as an avatar of Hyne to persecute human beings.
But what if I want to be a magician inside her?
You literally only fight Jenova in FFVII. There is not a single fight where you face the actual sephiroth, only jenova taking sephiroth's form/sephiroth influencing jenova.
The funny thing was the sorceresses were not persecuted.
Their violent tyrannical behaviour made people rebel against them.
So the entire "omg why are you persecuting me" is really them lying. It's obvious why they are being hunted they are evil.
They wanted to kill her before she was born. It's fucked up, man.
Sauce me up senpai. I thought Hyne killed himself or something.
Barthandelus wasn't the final boss, though I guess he was the big bad and Orphan was just a means to an end.
>Sauce me up senpai. I thought Hyne killed himself or something.
That user's talking about his ass, but the story of hyne basically goes like this:
Hyne was the god of magic/the world, and he made humanity as living tools to shape the world for him, with the ability to have sex and make more people a planned feature so they could make more of themselves to complete their tasks/replace old or broken tools.
Then he went to sleep for a fuckton amount of years because I guess gods just sleep more than a lazy zoomer, and when he woke up humanity had gained self awareness, essentially forgot about him and their subservience to him, and started doing their own thing and building their own cities/ect.
Hyne said "Fuck, these things are out of control, and there's too many of them. I'll get rid of the little ones because they look useless" and couldn't understand why the "tools" got upset at him killing the little ones (children).
So humanity went to war with him and eventually zerg rushed him to defeat, and he offered to give them magic in exchange for being allowed to live, and then somehow escaped his skin and left them holding his skin instead of staying there to teach them magic.
Then he went on to create the sorceresesses as "true" users of magic for shits and giggles.
Right just because you can't handle the deeper story.
Hyne and the sorceresses behaviour is identical.
According to the lore he basically hides himself in women to protect himself which creates witches.
Where in the actual fuck was this explained? I've played FFVIII a dozen times and never knew any of this nonsense.
Ultimecia is revealed in Disc 3 IIRC, and you had already fought against her without knowing back in both Disc 1 and 2.
FF VIII has so many neat ideas, but it has a fatal flaw of peaking way too early at Disc 2. That entire disc is awesome, goddamn, but after that? It's OK.
You can't just say shit without proof to back it up.
I think someone on the White SeeD ship tells you, or something? Someone posted the in game shots that tell the story.
It isn't very important.
basically more or less a flavor text thing you can ask someone about, in an optional "click for info about the world" convo with a civilian.
Theres a couple of other theories about what Hyne is.
Hyne = the moon. The crystal pillar is the skin he cast off.
Which is interesting sine the moon is frequently shown and the source of monsters.
Hyne is one of the humans in the legend the one that lived for a thousand years, which further raises the implication that maybe the teacher in the lore story is actually Hyne.
The final boss is half bart. He literally merged with orphan
read the fucking lore and stop sperging because you can't accept it.
I had the same issue I didn't remember any of this from my play through but read up on it and found out about it.
Back then wikis weren't really a thing.
Honestly, that would flesh the world out better since they just kind of go "Oh yeah, the moon's literally hell and shits monsters down on us every few years, its just something that happens".
FF8 seems almost like it had a couple different plot ideas and couldn't figure out which one it wanted to use as its central one.
>I am a magician! Watch me make my dick disappear! Hoo hoooo! *squish*
Zeromus is a worse offender faggot.
but is zeromus worse than the creator?
who the fuck was Necron?
I'll just use this thread to ask: we saw sorceresses possessing reality bending powers, so why didn't Rinoa get anything better than a limit break that's randomly useful?
Literally death.
Some kind of evil bullshit trapped inside of the crystals that Kuja let loose in his hissy fit....that's what I gathered anyway.
the metaphorical manifestation of life's wish for death.
Kuja was inside of the crystal which contained the literal genetic memory of all life and existence. When you defeated Kuja, he had basically spiraled into a suicadal state of angry depression, wanting to kill everything AND himself just out of anger at life not being what he wanted.
Now, the crystal also contained the desire of all living things that had ever wished for death/suicide, so kuja's Suicidal bitterness resonated with that of all previous beings that had ever had deathwishes, which summoned the metaphysical manifestation of life's desire for death.
The team defeating him was essentially a physical example of living beings pushing back against despair and the shittiness of life to continue living no matter what instead of giving in to despair and simply giving up and dying when faced with adversity.
sounds gay
>people still believe in the R=U theory
S=H is superior.
Though i think the obvious implication is that Rioana may have been possesed by Ultimecia at key moments.
Sephiroth essentially does not exist by the time VII is happening.
People literally only hate VII because they're too retarded to understand what's going on.
I don't have autism, who does this represent?
>Sephiroth essentially does not exist by the time VII is happening.
>Except for how its very clearly the "True" sephiroth at the center of the core, and how he comes back 100% himself in advent children
That's not Rinoa that's Ultimecia
Post face comparisons
I will just point out that EVERY face looks the same
Sorceresses = Hyne
Necron is just the grim rapper. Kuja actually killed you.
That's not a theory, that's a backstory plot point.
Just imagine a world where any woman could become a natural magic user randomly.
Then of these one of them could potentially become an evil tyrant.
This is all thanks to one guy who had a panic attack in a crowd of people and set fire to children.
Do you actually fight Sephiroth before the end of the game at all?
Necron in foreshadowed. Kuja is the villain, Necs is just the last boss
>Necron in foreshadowed
fucking when?
>grim rapper
that would actually improve the boss fight
of course you do user is just being too meta.
The irony is Sephiroth is the artifical version of Aerith.
He kills basically what he thinks is his motivation for fighting humanity.
...exactly. Every time you see him up until the very end it's not really him, and even once it is "him" he's being controlled by Jenova.
And Advent Children retconned too many things to count and is ignored by most fans.
Who is the villain that turned themselves into a splinter
>SeeD failed to do their job
why did they think the D was capitalized? sorceresses rise up when they don't get dicked.
There are only two times where it's even slightly ambiguous if it's really Sephiroth:
1) The final shirtless battle in cloud's mind - note: In cloud's mind
2) In Advent Children because Advent Children is fucking retarded
Every. Single. Other. Time. Is. Jenova. Taking. Sephiroth's. Form.
Cloud killed Sephiroth - or at least his physical form. He fell into the lifestream, wound up in norther crater, semi-merged with jenova in a sort of symbiosis shit via the crystal he's preserved in where it's actually somewhat ambiguous who is really in control (most believe it's sephiroth controlling jenova) so in that, you could make a case that Sephiroth is the big bad by controlling jenova, but it's still essentially just fucking jenova. It's also why I hyphenated here >Sephiroth-Jenova
Something i noticed that i haven't seen anywhere. Is how squall has no face at the end and it is really similar to the no face half of Ultimecia.
Which makes me think.
Is the final form of Ultimecia actually her Knight or Hyne with her being on the bottom.
Which is analogous to Squall being Rionas Knight and other half.
So they are saying Riona and Ultimecia are the same thing not the same person but the same.
Not true. There have been only two super-villain tier sorceresses that history knows - Adel and Ultimecia, three if you count the mythical Hyne. The rest of their "crimes" is folktales rumour shit like "she cursed my cows" or "my crops died because my neighbour was a witch".
The Iifa tree, the soulcage alludes to necron
Time Kompression is a fun concept tho
Or "she gave me aids"
and that's a good thing
Even in advent children it's not him because he already destroyed his physical body. It's Jenova creating avatars in his likeness. I'm just glad not everyone is a retard here and you understand it.
Nice headcanon. Canonically, according to Ultimania, it's just "a being awakened by Kuja's fear, despair, and hatred, which called out to it as he learned of his mortality, just as his ambitions were within reach". That's all it is, everything else is just fanwank desperately trying to justify one of the worst final bosses in JRPG history.
Zeromus is just a bit of an asspull to have a superboss, but Zemus ties in with background lore that slowly gains main plot importance until you actually go to the moon; you get hints of there being two moons as something that hadn't always been, and it ends up dovetailing with Cecil's origins and Golbez's true mission in gathering the crystals. That an evil moon wizard ended up behind everything isn't a huge disconnect in the context.
She played lots of mortal Kombat.
She's definitely an interesting villain alright.
>The big bad is 6 unless i'm mistaken is the warring triad.
you are mistaken
People are always quick to call people retards for not understanding Jenova's role in FF7
But I feel like a lot of the fault lies in the translation.
Wasn't Zeromus technically still Zemus?
Hyne is a man. The game points to many sorceresses being evil Edea says so in her speech even
>folktales rumour
user it is a fantasy game it is literal.
some retarded commie added a commie reference on the wiki.
Why are marxists so stupid lol.
the past three MK games have bee centered around time shenanigans. Boon is a hack that has to steal from 20 y.o. JRPGs baka
Seize the means of produktion by erasing the Kapitalists from existence
God I love Ultimecia so much.
It was me I am the Great Hyne I hid myself in all those women.
The point is that the overwhelming majority of their alleged evil is just hearsay, susceptible to superstition, misinterpretation or simple slander.
>Hyne is a man.
I never claimed otherwise. But he's called the first sorceress, so he technically counts.
>It was me I am the Great Hymen I hid myself in all those women
more like excellent villain
if not there’d be no threads discussing it
>Character is a reference to a small-time boss in a previous game
Love that shit so much
In Ultemecia's case it was actually true.
>forsees a future of getting dicked by SeeD
>becomes tyrannical ruler out of fear and paranoia
>decides that convoluted political games aren't enough, goes full retard and compresses spacetime into a single point to prevent her death
>by running away from her fate she brought it full circle
if your future is to die, isn't kompressing time just going to bring that point closer to you anyways?
that's kind of like trying to avoid the dentist by making sure he's in your house when you eat dinner,
It would be present and infinitely far away simultaneously.
Like Global warming.
Has Final Fantasy ever even had one decent character, villain or otherwise?
Japan seems allergic to storytelling and characterization, preferring Shyamalan twists and surface level tropes respectively.
I mean, never mind the atrocious gameplay, save that for a different thread.
>There are people who actually consider Squaresoft to be anything but a cancer to video games
All but confirmed now.
I think Ultimecia COULD have worked, the problem was the way she was presented.
Her being Rinoa would have unironically elevated the story and added much needed emotional depth and tragedy. Way better fan theory than "Squall is dead".
Except for the explicit denial of the theory.
Sometimes a theory is so good a creator should just be like "yep that's right, that was my intent all along, I am a genius".
It fixes both characters.
When your girlfriend goes full yandere and tries to make it so the two of you are together forever with everyone else dead
Can anybody remind me what the everloving fuck was supposed to be going on in XII?
>Dude what if we made half the playable cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made a cast that barely says anything and almost never interacts with each other
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took Final Fantasy Tactics' setting and made it a poor man's Star Wars
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story and spend their time traipsing through non-descript caves and ruins
>Dude what if I'm Captain Basch
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if instead of fun side quests we had only fetch/kill quests like in some generic MMO
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude what if we had really shitty music
I love the fact that Balthier actually looks at Vaan at some point in the story, and straight up asks him, "Why are you still here?"
I tried to enjoy this game....I really tried. I have my steelbook edition and bigass bible player's guide with the artbook and sexy rabbit lady cover sitting over here even, but I couldn't get over how damn boring the combat was. It took two hours of whatever "gameplay" that was for me to realize I just couldn't stomach that hot mess.
It's a shame too because it looks cool as hell
There exists a bunch of immortal beings that live in a sort of side plane to the physical world, that view themselves as being the Rulers of the world. Its implied they physically used to live in the material world but withdrew from it for some reason in the past and have limited power over it now due to that.
This race has, in the past, intervened several times by offering humans magical power via Extremely powerful magical stones call auracites, each of which have the power of a literal nuke, as well as some other trinkets (Such as the servitude of some of the espers). Through these actions they try to maintain the world on a "correct" course, which essentially seems to be "Stunt Humanity's scientific and magical progress to keep them easily controlled".
Several hundred years ago they did this with a ruler of the desert kingom of damasca (fuck, wanted to type alabaster for some reason), and used them as a puppet to destroy and conquer all other powerful human nations at the time.
Now the time is several hundred years later and humans have begun to become "unruly" again, with the endless seeking again to Cull the humans.
HOWEVER, one of the endless has become dissillusioned with this path, and feels that humans deserve independence and free will. So he has broken ties with the others and gone to the empire and begun teaching them the secrets of making their OWN auracite and other scientific/magical skills, hoping they will gain the power to break free of the endless's Yoke.
The individuals involved in this are fairly immoral (Cid seeks knowledge without heed for consequences, while vayne seeks power above all else, and many of the judges are sociopaths), but this endless believes its worth the price for humanity's freedom.
Either of you remember the significance of Balthier being an ex-Judge Magister?
I mean I know it sets him off on his journey or something, I think, but like, who gives a fuck? His motive established was that he was just a thief that got caught up in some shit, I.E. Han Solo.
Did Han really need to be revealed to be Tarkin's son? What the absolute fuck did any of this dumb shit contribute to the plot? Nobody treats Balthier any differently, nor does Balthier act any different except for a scene of introspection deeper into his void of characterization.
I hope I'm remembering wrong, I can't bother to watch this game play itself again, let alone for however much Zodiac Age costs. Shit should've been free since they kiked everybody out of the IZJS in the original release, fucking Square-Enix.
Sounds like something straight out of the pages of Shinto mythologies.
Wish there were some characters and gameplay.
At the same time the other endless try to coerce Ashe into being their puppet due to her being a descendent of their last puppet, and get her to essentially Magic nuke the empire with auracite. To do this they take the image of her dead Fiance to try and make her think its his spirit guiding her.
However, at the end when she has been drawn by the endless to their Giant auracite shard to get a piece of it, she realizes that its not her husband's spirit and that she's being manipulated.
She realizes that using Nukes/WMDs are wrong and not the way to peace and tells the endless to fuck off, but at the same time Cid from the empire shows up to try and use the shard for his own purposes, and the end result is the giant Auracite shard getting blown the fuck up by an NPC stabbing it with a "cut auracite sword" that the endless had given them earlier for cutting off pieces with it.
This is fine with Vayne and the rebel endless as it means the endless can no longer control humanity.
Additionally it works for vayne because the destruction of the shard unleased a large amount of mist (basically magical fog) that a giant death star that Cid had built for him sucks up to use as an energy source.
Vayne proceeds to try and take over the world with the Giant warship, and the rebel endless feels indebted to aid him due to gratitude for helping it free humanity.
Your party infiltrates the warship, kills vayne and the rebel endless, and then peace is brokered between all the nations and the empire.
I liked the game alot myself. One of my favorite FF's.
Its not him being an ex judge that's the important bit, its his relation to his father, cid. It contributes by giving him a personal stake in the plot and a reason to mistrust the journey they're on since he knows what an obsession with auracite can do to people due to seeing his father's degradation.
Fucking brainlets don’t understand that Sephiroth became stronger than Jenova and can control anyone that has jenova cells. He is Jenova.It was explained Jenova cells when detached will eventually go back to the main body. Where do you think everyone was going? It wasn’t Jenova’s body at Shinra hq, they were all going towards Sephiroth.
I'm not sperging, but I've played the game 3 times and have never seen evidence of your claims. I'm not saying you are lying, I'm asking you to show me the truth.
Necron was a concious decision, a part of the whole "giant throwback to previous titles" shtick, a "random final boss out of nowhere" in jis case.
>tfw no psychotic sorceress gf
Seymore was pretty lame
First of all, why the fuck have you played FF VIII a dozen times?
There's a reason they basically tell him to fuck off and that he's wasting their time reaching the *real* boss the last time they run into him.
>Fucking brainlets don’t understand that Sephiroth became stronger than Jenova
>most believe it's sephiroth controlling jenova
Literally retarded. Elementary school level reading comprehension
I don't know, but she most definitely has the best final battle theme in the entire series. Don't fucking (You) me:
And just like Rinoa helped Squall open up, he would help her escape a bleak future.
But we got FFVIII instead.
Look, if the FF7 remake gets sales, they'll probably start doing it to others, and 8 is the most likely for the remake treatment after 7 (then 6 and 9 after that)
>Father dies for Sin
>Mother turns herself into fayth just so he wouldn't be alone?
He got the best summon in the game at like age 10 and still ended up a prick. Seymour was fun the first 2 fights but after that just seemed like a plot fill in
Ended my post prematurely. Meant to continue:
"and its possible that if they remake 8 they'll do some other changes to it, maybe a few retcons, tighten the whole thing up, yeah? Just like they're doing a few retroactive changes to 7 (Sephiroth looks to have a single black wing in some promotional stuff like in AC), so we might get them integrating fan ideas.
They can't even be ass to rebuild the source code they lost. Check out any online store, and you won't see FF8, but you'll see FF1-7, as well as 9, for sale.
It's never getting remade.
Why is VIII treated like garbage by SE compared to literally any other final fantasy?
Wtf, I love FF 8 now.
LOLWUT? I bought FF8 on steam like 5 years ago. Hell, its on the steam store RIGHT NOW.
>R=U headcanons
Yeah. They lost the source code between the PS3 and PS4. You can buy it on the PS3, too. But it's not for sale on the PS4, on the iPhone, the Google Play Store, etc.
13's villain can't be better than 8's because I don't even remember who or what 13's villain was.
It's a "cult hit." Which means it was the most mixed, which likely means the least profitable.
demigods control by overlord god
Im so pissed Spoony never got the chanse to rip this "game" a new one.
>miss all the foreshadowing of actual love for meme theory
Is he still alive?
Its not a terrible game and I (and alot of others) have fond memories of it and squall (hence why squall got so many appearances in KH).
Its just that everyone can see the potential inside of it, and realize that it just didn't live up to what it COULD have been.
Its like having a genius kid who you know could be a 6 figure a year super corporate Executive or CEO and them just getting a factory job.
I mean, sure, they're doing alright, but you just know they had in inside of them to do better things. so you're harder on them than a screwup for that matter.
By contrast, people don't bitch about 13 as much as 8 because people can't find themselves CARING that it was shit enough to hate on it because it didn't have the same potential or highlights that 8 had so people don't think it failed to live up to its potential because it didn't fall short, it just SUCKED.
Its like not shitting on the drunk in the gutter because you never expected much from him, compared to being harsh on the one you know could have been GREAT.
He wouldn't have, since he's gone on record that he actually likes XII.
Squall is still my favorite protagonist.
And i thought it's impossible for him to dissapoint me even more
I he reached rock bottom when I watched him play Dark Souls 2 for a couple of minutes. Honestly, I have no clue how he keeps his house.
Last time i heard hes helping out his gf/wife at the LGS she owns.
It's one of the best-selling FFs to this day and generally ranks around No.5-6 on normalfags' "favorite FF" polls.
Local Games Store
Ah. I thought she couldn't work more than like 15 hours a week without getting panic attacks.
But it shouldnt. Its shit
The mind of the Lifa Tree.
It's my favorite. I literally wear a genuine Griever necklace and ring. I can just tell you that a lot of people were less than impressed. I think a lot of them were newbies who loved 7, hadn't played any others, and were looking for more 7.
Omega Weapon (DoCVII), Zemus, Fuhito, Barthandelus, Orphan and Yu Yevon. This still lands Ultimecia in the same lowest tier with them though. It's way too much effort to get to her for way little payback. In comparison Zande offers all that she does without any of that inelegance.
you're not wrong
>8 is the most likely for the remake treatment after 7 (then 6 and 9 after that)
I really hope they dont remake 6. I know they will fuck it up
Iifa. And no, she's officially Kuja's fear of death. Even disregardig that it's much more rewarding to consider her an Avatar of the Void.
After the party defeated Necron, the tree went completely nuts.
for many reasons. For one the MC to many people feels like such a douche compared to the other MCs. When it comes to his party members they all are 1 dimensional and its like only squall knows whats best.
Then you got the battle system people can break.
The story was lacking especially when they find out they were all from the same orphanage. Its better than final fantasy 13 and 15 tho.
because the path to the crystal was blocked, the tree was dying and was going berserk.
She has boobs and I like the interpretation, so that she can reference Dark Cloud more. youtube.com
>for many reasons. For one the MC to many people feels like such a douche compared to the other MCs
I legitimately feel this way about Cloud.
>When it comes to his party members they all are 1 dimensional
As opposed to FF9?
>Then you got the battle system people can break.
Fair point.
>The story was lacking especially when they find out they were all from the same orphanage
They explain it in the computer system at the beginning of the game.
that's very true
XII is one of the best games ever made and the ultimate pleb filter.
Cloud is a much better MC than squall.
I've never been able to empathize with Cloud. Squall is a depressed teenager that spends a lot of time in his head.
Not saying it's a great character, but it's one that I could self-insert into pretty easily.
Ah that sounds pretty alright actually. Maybe ill pay more attention next time I play through the story. All the story changes in development still sound unforgivable tho.
You git shit taste, son
Like anyone on Yea Forums cares about any other Yea Forumstard's opinion.
He was so easy to beat as well, first go without even trying
>Not saying it's a great character, but it's one that I could self-insert into pretty easily.
But he has a girl friend>
At least he was easy, I just killed him first time with no effort
hot dog
>They lost the source code between the PS3 and PS4.
If that's true, it's fucking embarrassing. I get that version control software was hard to use in Japan in the early-to-mid 2000s, but by 2013 there's just no fucking excuse.
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
Let me guess, DCuck?
hot dogs
Didn't Kitase confirm the Rinoa theory as false?
Only for the first half of the battle.
And then Toriyama put it back in
Favourite villain theme out of these 3?
>Dancing Mad
>One-Winged Angel
>The Extreme
>you fight a bunch of clones
>last dude gets one shotted by knights of cucks
Ok dude lol
So Persona/SMT boss much?
>And Barthandelus
>Alien demigods use cryptic mental projections to enslave humans as their thoughts are too complex to to convey in speech
Someone actually got paid to write this game.
More like IX fag delusion.
How so? Necron says this at the beginning of the fight. Also FF20th Ultimania anniversary backs up user homo's claim.
who cares if she was a good villain or not, she's super hot and both her and Edea gave me a mommy villainess fetish when I was a kid
At this point I don't think anything SE says has any value whatsoever, they couldn't even keep the code of the game intact. Fans have done more for FF8 than they ever did in these past 20 years.
Are mystery bosses the best? Tfw want to learn more but the lore simply isn't there.
>The gods pulled a fast one one me!
>So I will destroy the bloodlines of their precious Oracle and Kings with the same plague I stopped out of revenge
the DLC made an already uninteresting bad guy very petty
Yes, I enjoyed Spoony's review of FF13 back in a day as well.
Ardyn was just poor man's Kefka.
That was Sephiroth though
what proof is that?
>Ardyn was just poor man's Kefka.
which is a shame because he was interesting as first but then devolved to a generic ass badguy in chapter 13 with all the childish taunting.
Not to mention his fight was boring as fuck
Phase 1 - Hold O
Phase 2 - Hold O because of the crappy gimmick
Phase 3 - a QTE that you can not fail
>le rinoa is ultimecia meme
Rinoa was a pretty fucking horrible character though.
>If the group trying to kill you is a lawfully empowered organization backed by legal governments, its not murder.
Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989
Sephiroth is nothing like Kefka other than having been experimented on by a government body.
I don't see how you'd come to that conclusion. Hyne is the origin story of sorceresses.
spin-offs>main games
>spin-offs>main games
at this point, yes. WoFF is the best FF game since X-2
Only if you're an absolute idiot.
Pretty much this. Sadly there are very few things to fight and the world is small.
The whole Mobius event is them playing off the R=U thing
ah, a cheap publicity stunt for Gacha bucks
t. brainlet
More like best villain from the best FF game.Unless you are a poser of course.
Feels like FFX's Anima is based on this design.
>Due to their juxtaposition, a popular fan theory is to posit that Ultimecia is Rinoa from the future. Director Yoshinori Kitase has denied this, saying "No, that is not true. I don’t think I’ll incorporate that even if we do remake the game. But that being said, both Rinoa and Ultimecia are witches, so in that sense they are similar, but they’re not the same person."
Kitase is a dumb fuck or what? I'm pretty sure he wasn't even involved in the writing of Rinoa and Ultimecia.
Ultimecia is just transephiroth.
>if enough people agree the group is can kill you, it's not murder
Stellar logic
A floating flea inside of a flying whale. Also rinoa isn't ultimecia.
What was the point of this character as a villain?
Also, how hard is he going to be shoehorned in the remake?
>if you walk 40 miles in the opposite direction of your objective and play triple triad 100 times you can have the most powerful spell in the game and trivialize every encounter going forward
Man, FUCK the junction system. An entire battle and character progression system built for people with speedrunner-tier autism.
t. guy who beat FF8 last night
I think he can't be used for legal reasons involving Gackt
That's literally how it works, though.
Zeromus was foreshadowed though
when golbez couldn't kill cecil, you knew something was up
then came the whole red moon foreshadowing
then you heard about lunari race
and only after that, you defeated golbez and it turned out he isn't the one behind this whole shitstorm
Did you miss the part where she mimics Seifer or is he also Ultimecia?