Do you call yourself a "Gamer"?

Do you call yourself a "Gamer"?

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>tfw no robo gf

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I want to fuck Jenny so bad

No. I just say I "Play video games".

This, but I always try to avoid talking about vidya with people I just met.

Hey gamers,
rockcock64 here


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I prefer game master.

Only in a racist or ironic context.
Also I want to fuck Jenny.

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fuck it, post jenny porn

Nope. It is dumb.

i call everyone gamer regardless if they even play video games or not

I do

whenever I joke with my friends and make fun of gamer culture

truly epic FOR THE WIN

No, because the follow up question is usually "Oh sweet! COD or Madden user? I just bought a new skin in fortnite! How many V bucks you stackin'?"

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>I don't call myself a gamer because there's too much baggage to that word!

Too bad you fucking turbonerd, everyone else calls you that and nobody cares what you think.

Yeah. I do this too. I sometimes jokingly say that I'm a 'gamer', to my cousins who play games as well. But I say that I just play games to people who I don't know well.

I always say "my fellow gamers" when I'm playing something

this is the real shit, i always wait to be the second person to bring it up and then get gradually more specific as i suss out their power level.

fucking based

Sheldon you're never gonna score.


I call myself a gaymer

>do you call your self a gamer
fuck no, that shit is cringy. But I have cracked many hours to this robot bitch. Literal top tier materal

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i like to play games. but no

I want to fuck the robit

No, but what else would you call someone who plays games?

Actually, I prefer to call myself a gaming enthusiast.

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Has zone done any animations recently?

Someone who plays games?

a faggot

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same tbqh. I find more people playing MOBAs and f2p shit then any other game though

a racist

im also a robot rapist so bend ober jemmy.

anyone have the image or two where the shorty of the two twins winds up fucking some nerd she was teasing because his dick was huge?

Yes, when I assault women and minorities

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why was zone so good at copying artstyles?

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>xj6 will never leg lock you

coworker of mine told me UFOs are real (the NYT article thing) and then started talking about borderlands three so i kinda lucked out

I'm not a hard sadist/bullyfag, but something about Jenny has always done things to me whenever I think about picking on and tormenting her
Maybe it's because of her innocence combined with the fact that while she could easily annihilate me, her good nature holds her back while she still has the easily hurt feelings of a teenage girl
But whatever the reason it still something I think about a lot

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While I agree with you and am guilty of the same thing, with how popular video games are as a medium, why isn't being an avid consumer of video games seen as a legitimate hobby in the same way being an avid consumer of film, television, or music is?

Decades of work. It's impressive how he can nail the style to a tee.

sucking an artist's dick allows you to gain their talent, and zone is a slut

Say it ain't so!

No. Even if you get to know me you will never know I play vidya/watch anime/read manga until you get near my desk. Keep that powerlevel always on low.

That's hot but also kinda fucked up
Jenny is a nice girl

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no, i try to downplay it as much as possible. unfortunately, my other hobby, making chip music, is considered equally autistic, so i'm fucked either way.

I'm not a coward, I'm a sperg. I gotta keep it low because otherwise I'll go on a tyrade on why this item or that mechanic is so good/sucks and I CANNOT contain myself

boy, I remember the first time I saw this. I legit thought it was official

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do you like this?

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Only zoomers call themselves like that; a shitty marketing label born in the gen 7. The concept "gamer" is pretty much the best way to identify casuals and horrible people in this day an age.

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I have to say I enjoy the video game lifestyle, and I am also a homosexual.

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She seems to be enjoying it so not really
Maybe i'm just a special kind of edgy, but sexual abuse,blackmailing, NTR and mindbreak are so fucking boring to me. I prefer it in general when a character feels genuinely betrayed/heartbroken by someone who either was friends with them or lied to them in some way

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In public? Hell no.

I don't really believe in labels, that's tumblr's shtick, but games are a big part of who I am, no sense in not owning that, I just don't define myself by it.

Nobody who listens to music, watches film or television consider that a 'hobby' unless they're autistic

How do people unironically base their personalities on playing vidya?

Here's a good example of what I meant

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What the fuck man

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why am i so angry when i read this post? it has nothing to do with me, i don't know any of the people involved, but it still pisses me off.

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I really don't like this story

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I do only in normy circles, but never on Yea Forums.

Also, I want to wear XJ9's exo-skin.

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Some people man.

>modern screenshot of ancient copy pasta

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I was JUST calming down from IRL shit and you post that.
god damn you to the depths of hell user

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Most likely bullshit.

>Girl lost her legs in an accident
>Made her play Twisted Metal
Jesus christ

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Absolutely not, any one I suspect of enjoying video games I ask if they play video games. The act of doing something so trivial should not be a facet of your identity. It’s in the same vein as people who call them selves foodies or movie buffs, give them selves away to being fucking morons.

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I don't, that thing is fuckin crazy dude.

would you think that if you knew the op was a vagina


I guess it wouldn't be a circle otherwise

>All my friends laugh heartily
That line alone makes me believe this was bullshit. And it had better be

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jenny dancing

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No i call myself RoboFucker.

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a nigger

Fucking women

This show made me feel funny when I was younger. I understand why now. Based robot girls

No, and everytime someone ask me "you are a gamer aren't you" I say "no,I'm just play these sometimes,but I don't identify as one"

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Someone who plays games. People who go out of their way to shape their identity around what media they consume are extremely shallow.

Is this a YRYL thread now. Also i don't know which is worse this or the limewire anons sister

got any more examples?

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