Fix kratos, it's the only acceptable apology

apologize to LGBT's now

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So he was pretending to be retarded all along?

I hope so. We need more gay porn of him

Was NeoGaf a shithole like that?

Sneed's seethe and feed.

Thank you, Sneedposter


wtf I love David Jaffe now.

Straight people, you breeders make it hard for me to put up with you.
Shut the fuck up with your bullshit resentment.

yea. it'd be incorrect to say neogaf wasnt as bad, but retardera is much worse. took all the slime from gaf and distilled it into pure dick chopping, shit eating insanity

i am unironically so glad i'm a dysfunctional NEET because sweet Jesus Christ i'd literally stab to death these sorts of people IRL
i don't know how people otherwise deal with their dissonance, i really don't

you just avoid associating with them.

pretty sure the interview implied that kratos was bi in that he was a pederast like the rest of his contemporary greeks

>le the anicents were all gay pedos meme
Quite literally a lie peddled by lgbt idiots,

Impossible. Their histrionic virtue signalling and "us vs them" mentalities will lead you to conflict with them the moment you disagree with anything they say.


I like these things because it usually makes the useful idiots that defend these flags without realizing what really is at play understand the madness surrounding the “progressive” movement

Not all the ancients just the greeks user

If you notice most of these people increasingly push to force people to associate with them.
But this is the sickness of the partisan leftists.

to be fair pederasty is common in all "warrior" cultures, it was big in medieval japan, roman expansion era, and european knightly orders as well

>people can pick their own sexuality
>this character I wrote identifies as hetero sexual
>wtf how dare he
Why even pretend at this point? Why can't they just admit they hate straight people?

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kratos is greek,greek men literally had rituals of drinking semen and raping slaves (male),remember when you complained about white characters being black in a video game? do you wanna alter history only when its not of your liking?

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Gaf had one thing over ResetEra. It had game devs posting. Now no PR department is going to let any dev near that place under their own names. It has backfired so many times. Only "game devs" who post there are just indie shitters shilling their new walking simulator about the opression of trans gay black demi otherkin furrys with headmates and how Trump is personally at fault for them failing at life.
In a few years they will fuck off for good.

That's not why they are bitching.

>where in your writings is this stated or shown
>so you're saying bisexuals are a joke?

I like this, he pissed off everyone in an attempt to get some attention now no one likes him

>he believes the [insert ancient society here] was gay propaganda

why not, they supposedly also fell not long after

>make obvious pandering tweet
>its so fucking blatant and transparent that even the cult of faggotry knows youre being a fraud
how do you fuck up this badly

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>to be fair

>find something about some retarded gay men drinking semen and raping male slaves

And in two thousand years some idiot genderless super human will say “Damn, those old humans used to have this ritual called Fortnite where they danced a very weird dance... It must have been an integral part of society back then, surely doing this move they called the floss was very important”

David's true intent was to bait homophobes. I think he's even aware how awful representation can be by referencing J.K. Rowling

I was honestly kind of worried as a fan of GoW after reading the initial Kratos is bi post. Part of me wanted to think it was a joke, but I thought that would be too controversial of a joke to make in the context of LGBT month or whatever.

that has nothing to do with propaganda,polygamy and gay sex was common in ancient society you want it or not,just like in the animal kingdom,and that only changed because of christianism

It's good that people actively go to such great lengths to label themselves as degenerates.
It'll make it easier to round them all up when the mass graves are finished.


>Thanks SONY for name changes!

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Gay culture is fucking cancer.

no, that didn’t happen that way, he wanted to piss off homophobes (who largely didn’t care, cause they already associate God of War with ONIONS in places like Yea Forums, since the new game was announced) but then when he explained that the post was just to piss them off, the gay community got M a D

>when you pretend resetera is invading but you literally go to their place everyday to read their conversations and post them here because you are projecting and are the real obsessed invader
Imagine taking some tranny vidya board so seriously.

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lmao the guy got nuked. twitter is not a place for relatively known people to be ironic or sarcastic. newb.

>polygamy and gay sex was common in ancient society
What a terribly ignorant and superficial understanding of history. You're one of those retards that just parrots other peoples posts and takes it on good faith that they read further into source materials than you're willing to read. The reality being said person didnt read far to begin with.

Gay sex is common among the gays in City X, but to say "Oh yeah City X was hella gay, like a big part of the citizens life and traditions was fucking boys". Its asinine and shows how little you actually understand of Greek history. Fucking amerimutt butt pirate.

i know what you mean, but i would rephrase it: twitter is not a place for relatively known people to be politically incorrect.

trannyera angry that the guy was being ironic instead of being 100% truthful. He should just go with the wind. Kratos is bissexual.

He has no say, the game is owned by Santa Monica and Sony, he hasn’t had anything to do with the character since the first game

When will devs realize trying to explain anything to these retards is just a waste of time and energy


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> He should just go with the wind.
he should of just kept his dumb fucking mouth shut, He's not even involved with that series anymore and wanted attention

Well he's still trying to kiss their ass. Literally every single one of his dozens of posts after OPs is "gay people are cool! I 100% support LGBT characters! We should've had gay characters since pong!"
These people are pathetic.


how does one achieve this lack of self awareness, if I take a photo of myself I immediately see any flaws I have in my face and know better than not to upload unflattering things but these retards seem to pick their worst images

>the goblin
Fucking kek

Jaffe can be pretty dumb but they know he hasn't been involved in the series for over a decade right?

No, that would probably imply they actually play video games

Also they probably don't see the irony in demanding the sequel have him be bisexual then talk about "making up" representation

Literally noone respects inheritors of franchises, especially when they fuck with the lore and series. More often than not people will just disregard whatever they add to ruin the series i.e. star wars, halo

they don't care. they are hysterical. what counts is the outrage. sound and fury. welcome to this brave new world.

>why are the mentally ill not rational?

social media is cancer.

Again. LGB (lesbian, gay, bi) is a sexual orientation, and trans is a mental illness. Why are they in the same group?
t. not fag, btw

political power to silence opposition

nah, bissexual is just a depraved person

agreed. either you like schlongs or cunts. liking both is just too much. depraved faggot needs some whip.

Dude greeks were ACTUALLY into fucking men. It was more of a power thing but still

Yeah, I'm thinkin' Jaffe is based

Based Jaffe working the trannies into a seething dilate

It was at the end. It used to be alright but got progressively more cucked by biased and overzealous moderation.

This is like a bird with clipped wings calling other birds "flyers" like it's a legitimate insult.

Based and redpilled.

Trannies on suicide watch LMFAO))

>power thing
lmao, is foucault still a meme? I thought that charlatan had been forgotten long time ago.

If anything Kratos is probably as straight as they come
>wife 1
>almost dicking the Furies
>dicking whores all over Greece
>repeatedly dicking Aphrodite
>soon as hes made a God has his throne adorned with trophies and pussy
>travels to a new place and immediately dicks a female warrior and makes her his new wife

fucking pussy >>>> fucking ass


licking dick >>>> licking pussy

Prove me wrong.

You are not wrong.

Normal and degenerate (a.k.a. bisexual) women avoid you for a reason.

lmao seething

Why is anyone mad? Jaffre doesn't even fucking work on the games anymore.

Point of order, give the way Spartan childhood and youth training worked, Kratos almost certainly fucked and/or was fucked by men before he ever touched a woman.


I wonder if he did this just to fuck with Sony for taking his product and improving it

You should probably read more into it, and from actual reputable anthropology sources and not vox articles titled "Yes, Greece was super gay, and that's a good thing"

fucking hons making these poor fools believe they're acceptable.

our drag queen forbearers didn't chuck bricks at cops so these dudes could barely try

this is bullshit. there's not much historical evidence about the sexual life of spartans. spartans never wrote about themselves. most of what we know about sparta were recorded from foreigners (mostly from athens) and historians. Even their traditional code of laws (that's cited by fucking plato) have been disputed as apocryphal. There are much confusion and myths mixed with real history about pederasty in ancient greece.


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Did the Spartans even existed?

lol, fags are the most pathetic people on planet earth.

JK Rowling kinda poisoned the well.

jesus, all this shit because of a tweet

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tucidides (an athenian general and historian) write about them on the event of the peloponesian war, so yeah, they probably existed.

Neogaf was Resetera before the faggots who made Resetera found out the Neogaf creator creeped on his current gf before they dated

>blah blah biggest representation ever!!!1!
>kratos does absolutely 0 gay shit meanwhile hes fucking wenches for goodboipoints left right and center
No wonder these fucks love jk rowling

>that time a Skyrim dev got verified and posted in ResetERA and called their site a hypocritical trash heap and blew them all the fuck out

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>Theyre mad at video game characters
We are in dark times.

These fucking clowns probably never lifted a controller to play GoW

Why are you browsing that shitpile of a site and bringing that filth here?

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For fuck's sake, the character is owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment. No character in vidya, cinema and TV is owned by the writers, dense idiots.

that whole story was really kino. i remember when neogaf imploded. it was fun. it was also typical hysteria. I even felt sorry for the guy. it shows how you can destroy the life of someone by being a female and writing about how your ex was a stalker and rapist.