What are Yea Forums's guilty pleasure games? Whether they are broken, pozzed or controversial share your shame

What are Yea Forums's guilty pleasure games? Whether they are broken, pozzed or controversial share your shame.

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I like playing PUBG in 3rd person on Sanhok

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Clash of clans and duel links.

I get paid 28/h to send noobs to the shadow realm.

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football manager. they've been releasing basically the same game for decades now, but it has just the right mix of strategy/luck/range of approaches that I keep coming back to it now and again regardless

As OP I'll confess first, Horizon Zero: Dawn.

>responsive intense combat especially on higher difficulties
>robot Dinos
>interesting lore
>traps are fun to use

>shallow "RPG" mechanics
>pozzed to all hell (white=bad, minorities and women are 90% of quest givers, all tribes except the not Romans have female leaders etc.)
>some skills should have been unlocked from begining
>only one footfag freindly outfit and its DLC

I think FO4 is absolute shit, but I played the hell out of it somehow.
SFV is my favorite fighting game, despite all the hate surrounding it.
Dota 2 is one of the best games ever made.
RE7 is one of the best horror games ever made.

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>I like Dead or Alive better than Tekken
>I liked Life is Strange and like the sequel just as much
>I still really enjoy DmC's gameplay
>I pick up Roblox and Minecraft on occasion
and have fun
>I still see nothing wrong with playing FNAF
at least the first two

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Marvel vs capcom infinite
Despite all the BS surrounding it it's has some pretty damn good gameplay mechanics easy to dig into hard to master but not to hard.

Not guilty pleasure going by my standards, but since GTAO is a social game Yea Forums hates it, I have around 1500 hours and I'm still not bored of it, now that I'm a high level, tryhards target me and I really enjoy destroying them.

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I love plying CoD and the new EA Battlefront games.

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Sanic Adventure 2

Phantom Brave. I find the grinding relaxing.

Detroit: Become Human

The whole story is nonsense but the Hank and Connor parts are legit good, I'd even consider them well written. And there's some other things I like, like the setting's visuals and the worldbuilding.

7 Days to Die on console

Neptunia games, I was attracted by the idea of having cute anime girls representing consoles and having plot points referencing different industry events like Sony getting hacked. Stayed with it because the gameplay is relaxing and enjoy the characters.

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That's not all that controversial, I would say. At least most would agree with you in thinking that the H&C parts were the best the game had to offer. It's Kara's and Marcus' storylines that take the game down the shitter.

I like playing shitty jrpg's like legend of heroes despite knowing they're garbage and the story is braindead

Yeah. Cage's problem is always that he wants to shove some pretentious big narrative element into his games, but only does so very half-heartedly and in an incredibly unsatisfying way. DBH shines in its little moments between the characters, not in the whole "muh androids fight for freedums" shit. Every single Connor is the most robotic out of the 3 protagonists, yet his story invokes the most emotion in me. And he's the only one with actual character development. It's really strange how his parts are leagues better than the other two.

NHL '19

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Bethesda games.

Morrowind: I've basically played everything and done everything, but I love the slow sense of pacing. Very chill to just go out gathering shrooms in the swamp and listen to podcasts.

Oblivion has fun quests, lots of twists and drama compared to older ES games. Shame that the requirements of voice acting gutted the RPG elements and gave Radiant AI a stroke. It's fun to play an acrobat, jump for 10 seconds and 360 no-scope enemies with the bow.

Skyrim is the only one I don't play anymore, they finally managed to dumb down the combat to the point that I just can't engage it anymore. Blocking was actually important in Oblivion, not anymore, now you can just flail away and kill everything on the highest difficulty. Also Restoration magic is even more busted than in Morrowind, somehow.

Fallout 3 has the most scavenger-ish feel to it of the modern 3. New Vegas is strictly better, but the Mojave is very civilized. Once you get to Vegas, you can buy tons of every ammo type, etc. Fallout 3 is so desolate and empty that you just end up using whatever you can find, I like that.

Fallout 4 has good gunplay, but removing durability was such a big mistake, kills the looter aesthetic. Also I don't give a damn about settlement building. Same with removing skills. Very questionable.

Idk maybe dragons dogma or some shit. I don't play shit games but then again I dont play a lot of games.


Based. I hate EA but their strangle hold on /hoc/ games has me sharing this user’s taste in shameful gaming.

Why DoA better than tekken? If its the waifu style then dont answer

I don't actually like video games. I just pretend I do because it gives me an excuse to hang out with friends online

I enjoyed Assassin's Creed Rogue enough to 100% it and wish there was more games where you could play as the Templars. Even if it's shitty I'd probably still buy it like a fucking drone because I enjoy them more than the assassin's so much, it's actually extra bad because I've only played AC 1, AC 2, and Rogue. I can't stand the newer games.

It's the faster pace, the meter and the combo system being much more unique and personalized also yeah the girls aren't mutts

I enjoy playing Skyrim normally but still have sex mods installed so I can pretend to be a male Argonian who's been commanded by the Hist to fuck every man and woman he sees

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I put way too many hours into Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

same, became too good and started messing with people online.
I really miss that game, probably picking it up again when the new DLC rolls around

What do you do for a living?
I genuinely want to know what kind of guy does that sort of thing.

>What do you do for a living?
Nothing currently. I'm kind of wondering if I should uninstall Sexlab because it gets in the way of actually playing the game though.

Men aren't fit to lead, user.

I put over 300 hours into EA Battlefront 2.
Haven't played it in months tho because no new content. They still haven't added a single new fucking weapon.

Super Godzilla, I don't care if its bad. I played the shit out of it when I was a kid.

OoT Randomizer.
I've beaten it five times, but I keep coming back. It turns my brain to mush, but it's familiar, it's nice, and it puts me in funny situations.
I'm always looking for my damn megaton hammer. Last time it was in Zora's Fountain, and it took me ages to find Ruto's Letter to move King Zora. This time, it's in Spirit Temple on a skulltula, but I don't have a hookshot or boomerang to pick it up with.

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