Problem with my ISP

I've recently changed my ISP and since then i've had connection problems with some games. These are Killing Floor 2, Mordhau, and Town of Salem.

The problem with Mordhau was that i couldn't see any servers on the server browser, but thankfully that was fixed. The problem with KF2 still is that i can't join any servers on the server browser or on matchmaking, and the problem with Town Of Salem is that the game freezes when timers reach 0 (this happens on the role selection screen and during the game too, like with the "night" timer). Sometimes it works but then it randomly freezes during the match. I tried asking for help in each of the games' communities and searching the specific problems online but i couldn't get any help.

The thing is, i tried connecting my PC to my phone's 4G, and the games work without any problems. So i think the problems aren't from the games' clients, they are from my internet. My modem is a Sagemcom FAST 3686 v2.
This is driving me crazy, it's been months and i still can't fix it. And i don't even know what to ask to my ISP if i call them, they'll probably tell me they can't help me. Any tips?

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How old are you? Pick up the phone and fucking call your cable company. This should not have to be explained to you. I wish it was the law that you must be at least 18 to use a computer, let alone the internet.

open cmd
type ipconfig /flushdns, then ipconfig /release, then ipconfig /renew

make sure the ports needed by those games are open on your router/modem, make sure those applications are allowed through your windows firewall.

If you're actually somewhat tech savvy, download Wireshark and capture your own packets when you try to play these games. Then diagnose what you see in the capture with Google.

Buy a router, use bridge mode.
If you have problems after that then your ISP is shit.

You're being way too generous. Since 23 is the new 12, the law should easily be the age of 25.

Did you even fucking read? If i call my cable company, they will tell me it's not their problem since the internet's working fine. I've had similar problems with games before and they are useless. Maybe where you live you'll get better tech support from them but where i live it's garbage. So fuck off.

I'll try that cmd thing right now. The games' ports are open, and i tried disabling firewall to check if they would work, but they don't.
I have no idea what Wireshark is or what it does but i guess i'll try that too. Thanks for the reply.

Thanks, i'll consider it.

user, are you actually paying your internet provider for a modem? If you are paying them money because you are too lazy to make sure things work properly, why aren't you contacting them and have them do something, which is WHY you are paying them that extra money to begin with...

>If i call
Damn kids these days. Afraid to even make a phone call. I truly fear the future.

>Thanks, i'll consider it.
Even a cheap router will be better than what you have currently.

The reason why ISPs no longer give modem+router and instead they give a combo of both ("Surfboards", or whatever the fuck you want to call it) is because those boxes are like $10 each one.

If you want to just test it buy a used WRT54GL and install DD-WRT on it, shouldnt be more than $20.

Better yet, just cut off all 90's babies, then there you go, 100% of problems on the internet are now gone and even more. it's been cleansed and purified.

>actual advice on Yea Forums

What the fuck happened?

Okay, so you want the Internet to just be TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and Fortnite?

Sounds like a fucking blast.

They use their phones to browse social media then to make fucking phone calls.

He's right, ISPs don't give a fuck, I had to go talk to them and tell them to change my router.

You are these people

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Why didn't you just replace it yourself?

>ISPs don't give a fuck
Then make them give a fuck. If you had backbone you would get your problem fixed, and if they gave you attitude you'd get a minimum of 3 free months out of them. I can GUARANTEE you that. No matter what company it is, at some point in the food chain there is someone with power that wants your money. This is a life skill that people need to learn.

>paying a company $10/month, give or take, to do their work for them rather than buying your own $90 modem that will be better than theirs for the next 10 years

I'm not paying money for something that I am already paying for.
LOL, you are one of those retards, I bet you chimp out at McDonald's, enjoy your burguers with spit.

The cmd thing didn't work. I'll try Wireshark now.

I'll try calling them now, but they won't give a shit. I guess i could threaten to change my ISP, but i guess that'd be a bit much just for a few games. The connection is pretty good actually, at least for where i live.

Thank you.

If you think it's so easy and know about it, why don't you stop being such a cunt and actually help a little bit?

Funny thing, a $30 modem is often better.

Anything that doesn't use Intel Puma chipsets.
Literally anything that fits your needs.

If you threaten them they will blacklist you, don't listen to that retard.

If there's a problem they'll fix it if you actually assert yourself on the phone
>Internet was randomly crashing every 20 minutes to an hour
>Would only crash for like a minute, so unless I was playing a game or streaming something I wouldn't notice
>Finally after a month or two get fed up and call my provider
>They have a tech come out and 'fix the issue'
>A couple days later the issue returns
>Call again and they send out another tech and swap out the router
>Issue still not fixed
>Call my provider again and tear them a new asshole, telling them I don't pay for their service to not work and to waste my time with two visits in a single week
>They apologize and offer me a huge upgrade, and even cut my bill by $40 a month
>Technicians came out and installed fiber to my house and replaced everything
>Issue was fixed and I went from having 30mbps to up to 1000mbps. It varies from time to time, but I just ran a speed test and clocked it at 600 download and 900 upload
Feels fucking great. Actually picking up the goddamn phone and demanding better service changed everything for me. I had shit tier internet before

And forgot to mention to avoid Huawei, Arris, Motorola and D-Link stuff.
Linksys routers use puma chipsets so they are shit by default.

>waiting days to get your problem fixed
I knew it was my router, I'm not waiting for someone that knows less than me to try ans fix something that can easily be fixed by changing the device. When I worked at an ISP not a single technician knew how to configure a router.

Sounds like you need to find out how to log in to your gateway and unblock some ports or try DMZ mode

>I bet you chimp out at McDonald's
Nope. I've been described as being very personable. Never heard of "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? You aren't limited to two options where you are either a weak willed bitch or a complete asshole. You can be assertive while being respectful. Yet another life skill that people need to learn but even harder than the first I gave you.

lol, you didn't give me shit, stop thinking you know how I am.

I'm already logged in. I've tried opening some ports, and it only worked with fixing one game (Mordhau) but the other two still don't work. What's that about the DMZ mode?

NVM don't try Wireshark yet, it's going to give you a lot of shit and you'll be researching for a few hours.

I want you to verify that the ports needed to connect to these games are in fact, open. Find one of those port checker sites, enter the port you need tested on your computer, and test that shit. If you can't see your port via third party, then it's for sure getting blocked either by your ISP or your modem/router.

If all else fails then yeah, try Wireshark, then you can see where the connection is getting stopped or not getting answered. I would def call them tho and see if they are blocking ports by default. Again you'll need to find the ports those games use, probably through forums or help desk.

>you didn't give me shit
Please follow the reply chain and read entire posts user. Here is the first life lesson I gave you to learn;

I brought a new router once. Got fried by a lightning strike a few days later. Lost my receipt and Best Buy wouldn't take it back without one.

>chimp out on the phone and get blacklisted
>life lesson

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Huh, that's weird. I checked the ports that the games use and opened all of them, and it fixed the problem with Mordhau, but now that i'm checking with those port checker sites, they say that they're closed. Maybe i didn't open them correctly? This is how my modem's config looks like, the "Forwarding" section.
And thanks a lot for the help.

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DMZ='demilitarized zone', it allows all programs through as if there was no firewall at all. it isn't good to have it on all the time but it will give you an idea of if the firewall on the thing is blocking the games' connections to rule out the firewall as the issue. Some devices do not have this option though but it should be listed on the web landing page as DMZ if it does

The only potential way this is true is that you are not part of their rewards program and you paid in cash. It seems weird that you would be THAT type of person and yet not keep your receipt.

>Using an all in on solution from the ISP.

See if you can use your own gear and get a standalone modem. A broadcom based one, not intel. And then get yourself a decent router.

Or you could go full turbo autism and build yourself a pfsense box and get a switch and a WAP.

>chimp out
Again, learn to read the reply chain. I've already covered this idiotic reasoning you keep bringing up.

>people who chimp out get blacklisted
This isn't a mom and pop store. People don't get blacklisted for chimping out as much as I wish that wasn't true.

At the time my bank had fucked me over so I was in-between accounts and I lost my receipt because I am a retard. I actually did have a rewards card but I had lost that too. The early 2010s weren't kind to me.

I find it hilarious that you keep trying, autism is a hell of a mental illness.

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Also, working in retail I learned that THAT type of person isn't actually all that uncommon. They're called "assholes," and I hate what my life has become.

>He's never asserted himself on the phone out of fear of getting blacklisted
Fucking pathetic. You can literally call in and complain about your internet speed being slow lately and ask them to comp you a month or two payment and they will

>I find it hilarious that you keep trying
>Right after you told someone that they give up too easily which is why they are suffering in life
Are you slow?

Well then shit it just sounds like everything was out to get you at the time. I definitely know how that feels. I tend to get streaks of bad luck too.

I actually meant paranoid people, not assholes. Combining a lack of being part of their reward system and paying in cash made it sound like you potentially don't like giving out your information even if it means you save a bunch of money in the long run.

Can you at least see the port that you opened for the game that worked?

That's how I know you only act like a bitch. Stop replying, I will, you'll get nothing out of this.

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>literally sniveling in fear over getting blacklisted for complaining to your isp
I've complained and gotten a free upgrade and several discounts. Sorry you're too much of a retarded pussy to pick up the phone and complain that the service you're paying for isn't working.

>playing shitty games
found your problem bro

yeah, these:
TCP: 27015-27030,27036-27037
UDP: 4380,7777-7778,27000-27031,27036
But when i use those port checker websites, they tell me that all these ports are closed. Maybe i didn't fix it and the devs did in a patch or something.
Nah, Mordhau and KF2 are great.

>Stop replying
How am I supposed to stop replying after a statement like;
>That's how I know you only act like a bitch
That statement makes no sense in the context of our conversation. Can you please explain what you mean?

OP words of advice I spent my whole life changing home going from one appartment to another and I fought every ISP in the US.
Be smart and play dumb, don't tell them internet works fine or whatever, and don't tell them its for your games obviously you dumbass.

Look out what the problem is, imo its an issue with NAT type and port forwarding.
Tell them you get regular cuts blahblah whatever but tell them internet isn't working.

To force these motherfuckers to replace my router with a decent one(the people who come in your house don't care if it fits your bandwith they put what they got left or are given) I broke mine.

I broke like 10 or so routers whenever I knew it was a chink piece of junk and wanted them to replace it ASAP.

Sometimes it might even be the cables in the building, for which once I sabottaged the whole building supply to force my neighbors to order a new ISP(some thieving niggers made sure we were supplied with only one).

So please, just always play dumb and don't act like you know whats wrong or what you want, just be clumsy as fuck and be sure to order around the repair guy when he is at your place because this is the only person who knows what you are talking about.

I just tried with the app from and it says that the ports are open. So i don't know now.

Man, I wish I had my work tools to help you out more man. I'm gonna leave a final piece of troubleshooting before bedtime. Trying either using nmap or netcat and sending out a request from the ports that are still blocked for you to see if you get a response. There should be tutorials online that tell you how to use either one (I think nmap is like nmap -p insert port number here insert test site here).

Hopefully I gave you enough info to give to your ISP. You're basically going to ask them if they can see you through the ports you need open. If that tier 1 fag won't or can't help, make damn sure you elevate that ticket. Good luck to you bro and probably get a new modem/router/isp.

Lmao, i guess i'll try this if i can't fix it myself. Thanks for the advice.

God bless you user, thanks a lot for all your help. I'll try all of that. Good night.

>Sometimes it might even be the cables in the building, for which once I sabottaged the whole building supply to force my neighbors to order a new ISP(some thieving niggers made sure we were supplied with only one).
Wait wtf? Care to elaborate?

Also asserting yourself on the phone or whatever doesn't work, the people you call are just working with a flowchart and have no idea what you are talking about, it is always better you go to them in person if you can, or take a day off and bust their ass on the phone the whole day, until you call everybody in the call center and escalte your case 24/7 so tech guys who do know see your name everywhere in the support tickets.

Alternatively see how as a customer you can get to file a complaint that with bear fruits, tl;dr: these companies only listen to you if you bother them enough.

In the US sadly consumers are always the ones losing.

Kikes who made the building obviously had some deal with the previous ISP so it had the exclusivity along the whole residencial building.
The niggers who came in to setup the cables made sure to ciment the spout so no other ISP could come in and supply their own customers.
So one night with a friend I just borrowed a big pliers cut the main cable and add more ciment to cockblock their whole setup,