Was this a casual filter?
Was this a casual filter?
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How did people time out on this level anyway? The bottom path takes around 2-2:30 to get to the boss and the top path, while longer, isn't long enough for someone to reach the time limit on.
Oil Ocean Act 2 is the only casual filter
And the fifth chaos emerald
Because I was like 8 and it was my first time playing it
So you're what, 10 now?
underage b&
The only level I could slightly understand timing out on is Titantic Monarch Act 2, but I remember when Mania first came out there were so many casuals bitching about the 10 minute time limit that they patched in an option to turn it off.
What were these people doing to time out so many times?
They're talking about Mania.
Comfy Classic Sonic thread? Comfy Classic Sonic thread.
What's your favorite song from each of the mainline games?
Trying to find secrets!
>The only level I could slightly understand timing out on is Titantic Monarch Act 2
You can go over the 10 minute timer on that stage can't you? Might just be during the boss, and maybe they added that in idk but I'm pretty sure you can.
>tfw no news on freedom planet 2 or kyle and lucy
evening star better have something good up their sleeves...
From what I remember people complaining about when it came to Sonic Mania the Oil Ocean Act 2 boss is more of a casual filter then anything else in the game. Which is weird to me because I thought it was pretty easy, specially if you have a fire shield.
the only hard part was the act 2 boss because if you die once you only get to grab another three rings.
ES is going to be at E3.
Also, get that garbage pepe out of my comfy Sonic thread.
I'm hoping their first game is just Sonic Mania 2, but honestly with the amount of talent they have at that studio they could make anything that'll probably be as good.
That boss had a glitch at launch where the tentacles pulling down the platform could shoot you down straight through the oil to instant death.
That was definitely not a glitch. Instant death was clearly the intended penalty, given how easy it is to see the tentacles wrapping around the platforms and realize that you should move immediately. Apparently not, though.
If anything, the hyper-accurate turrets and the oil sucking dropped rings down were more worthy of complaint.
I want blue spheres but all I'm getting is pinball. Can you never get them in-game after doing all of them now?
Pinball is only in Encore mode.
Go back to the regular game if you want to do Blue Spheres.
I like this question.
>Sonic 1
Special Stage
>Sonic CD
You Can Do Anything
>Sonic 2
Sky Chase
>Sonic 3
Hydrocity Act 2 and Big Arm
>Sonic & Knuckles
Death Egg Act 1
>Sonic Mania
Press Garden Act 1 and Metallic Madness Act 2
After getting all the gold medals, Pinball permanently replaces Blue Sphere in the regular game.
>Sonic 1
Between Labyrinth and Scrap Brain
>Sonic 2
Between Aquatic Ruin and Mystic Cave
>Sonic 3
Hydrocity Act 2
>& Knuckles
Between Sandopolis Act 2 and Death Egg Act 1
>Sonic CD
Between Metallic Madness Good Future, Tidal Tempest Bad Future and Palmtree Panic Good & Bad Future (All JP)
>Sonic Mania
All the original zones, but especially Studiopolis Act 1/2 and Titanic Monarch Act 1/2
It is pretty lengthy with all the side areas and simply getting through it blind. And the boss is obtusely designed, which can easily take a first time player take a couple minutes which could already be approaching the 7-8 minute mark on first run through.
Wrong, when a platform falls out from under you, you eventually lose footing on it once it falls fast enough and start free falling, which is what's meant to happen when the tentacles dragged the platforms down; they should be going fast enough for you to instantly lose footing and free fall. Insta death traps like that are not an element in Sonic games.
>tfw intended to do a marathon of Classic Sonics that I hadn't played before and gave up because I couldn't get past this level
What a casual.
>goo goo gaga
reddit's the other way
The only level in Mania I didn't like was Hydrocity. The rest were fantastic.
>Sonic 1
Green Hill
>Sonic 2
>Chemical Plant
>Sonic CD
Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US)
>Sonic 3
Azure Lake
>& Knuckles
Mystic Ruins
Prof Omochao
Mystic Mansion
Never Turn Back
Castle Town
Gaia Gate
Tropical Resort Act 3
Big Arms
Press Garden Act 2
Have you tried taking the speed run route? It's a simple, though specific route that avoids all the unfun shit and has a decent amount of underwater platforming that isn't slow and clunky.
It almost redeems the level for me or at least makes it a smooth and enjoyable playthrough
Answering my own question
>Sonic 1
Star Light Zone
>Sonic 2
Mystic Cave Zone
>Sonic 3
Hydrocity Act 2
Flying Battery Act 1
>Sonic CD (US)
Stardust Speedway Bad Future
>Sonic CD (JP)
Metallic Madness Bad Future
>Mania Original
Mirage Saloon K Mix
>Mania Remix
Metallic Madness Act 2
>Stardust Speedway Bad Future US
You're my man. I actually prefer US in terms of me liking atmospheric music a lot, but JP does fit much better
>Sonic 1
Spring Yard Zone
>Sonic 2
Hidden Palace and/or Casino Night 2p
>Sonic 3
Hydrocity Act 2 and/or Chrome Gadget
>And Knuckles
Lava Reef
>Sonic CD JP
Wacky Workbench Past
>Sonic CD NA
Tidal Tempest Present
>3D Blast
Rusty Ruin Act 1
>Saturn 3D Blast
Rusty Ruin Act 2
Back in Time
Hot Shelter
>Adventure 2
Hidden Base
Ocean Palace
Don't have one
Aquatic Base
Cool Edge Night
Aquarium Park Act 1
Press Garden Act 1 and 2
Interior Network Terminal
I think that's it.
Man I'm exactly the same way when it comes to using this speedrun route to finished Hydrocity Act 1. The route feels great and it's super quick, not using a single one of those Game Gear zone bubble things.
>If you run one specific route on this level it becomes tolerable
That doesn't really fix the underlying issue that we have a boring level instead of one that has multiple fun ways to run it with cool gimmicks and imaginative background art.
>I actually prefer US in terms of me liking atmospheric music a lot, but JP does fit much better
Based and, dare I say it redpilled
>If you run one specific route on this level it becomes tolerable
Yes, it becomes tolerable, which is more than can be said for bad levels in general.