Bros.... it's perfect

bros.... it's perfect....

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Other urls found in this thread:

...for a porn game

fuck off todd

A perfect pile of shit.

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Only reason so many people liked it is because it was their first "rpg" they could play without getting confused and uncomfortable for having to do more than moving torwards an arrow and hitting things until they die.

>crashes whenever i press the esc key
No it aint

bros.... it's perfect....

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To this day, I've never played skryim. What's the appeal? The little bit I've seen of it, it just looks like a typical bland western "rpg".

its so comfy to just ride the roads across skyrim

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It's legit a very good game. No morrowind of course, but it's sure not shit like like FO4.


now post cute orcs

Its actually not a bad a game at all and the only people who think it is are dumb zoomers who didnt grow up with actual, terrible $60 retail games so they have no proper frame of reference for what a bad game actually is. There have been far more good games released in the modern vidya era than the 2d and early 3d eras, where anything you bought/rented that wasnt known to be a good franchise was a huge gamble. Bad games used to be truly bad straight to their core. The reasons Skyrim is considered "bad" here are almost comical compared to the reasons why something like Dai Katana were. Skyrim is definitely flawed, but to call it a bad game is truly an overstatement from the minds of people who have never actually purchased Wolverine: Adamantium Rage at full price with their hard earned dollar.

It's really not... It's just like ever other RPG, way too easy. There is no challenge in the game, that's why it's boring pretty fast, and people only use it as a waifu simulator to fuck around.

Go back to your morrowind wiki-dialogue, boomer.

What’s a good rpg?

Legend of Legaia

>The reasons Skyrim is considered "bad" here are almost comical
>doesn't give a single reason why it would be good
Based fucking retard

it has the same big issue of fallout 4, where every build and character ends up the same because of no level cap. its an okay hack and slash, but its no rpg

Dark Souls

>morrowind wiki-dialogue
at least morrowind has dialogue and the npcs don't repeat the same line over and over

No spears

There are non, because they are more interactive movies rather than games. RPGs suffer from extreme overlength and slow pacing

Hows this for a spear *unzips dick*

Mmm. That becomes a problem in end game, sure. However the writing isn't absolute fucking garbage which sets it well above FO4.

I think stands out as a good game in the context of it's time for sandbox rpgs.

Play it and figure it out dumb zoomer I dont have to explain shit or make you some stupid fuckin list. Faggot.

Fallout 4

Look. Skyrim is 8 years old (8 fucking years old) and still gets daily threads on Yea Forums. There are games that came out just this year that can't make that claim. Skyrim is good. Fucking admit. I'm definitely not Todd btw.

What’s the most fun, or at least a very fun, interesting class to play as. I’m starting a new playthrough and I wanna do something fresh

Pic maybe related?

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>at least morrowind has dialogue and the npcs don't repeat the same line over and over
imagine unironically thinking this

-ly reasonable to assume anyone who liked this game has shit taste. There, fixed it.

He asked for an RPG retard

its a game for people who like to slow down and just walk around the world, and take it in. whenever i play, i like to just walk from town to town, its so immersive

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I wish that skyrim doujin had more loli dicking

your an dumb

Yeah, morrowind NPCs repeat the same paragraphs over and over instead!

Clearly I played it way more than you did, cocksucker. It's a shit game praised by morons solely for its shallow breadth, not depth.

pic related is the only aspect of the game that's perfect
and it's a fucking mod lol

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This is now a home thread.
We’re going.

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it's far from perfect, but it was a very good game
fucking contrarians, man

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I also started recently and am doing heavy armour with a bow, and sword/board backup. I get the fun of sneaky arrow sniping, and can actually fight well once the enemies figure it out and charge me.

Magic is fun on paper but swapping between spells on the fly is such a huge pain in the ass imo

Redpill me on gothic 2

who here chose to walk to iverstead

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or ride a horse along the path

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I just feel like I always end up doing that same kind of class
(Ebony armor + spell breaker + dawn breaker)

I want something new. Some kind of different character to role play as to keep things fresh

God I hate how hard Skyrim has popularized waypoints, really bogged down my experience with Prey, thought I'd be able to explore a dangerous mimic-infested space station but to do that I'd have to pretend that I don't see the devs treating me like a clinical retard.

Catnip for G*rmans

I have always played a Breton mage blade for my first run in any elder scrolls game so it was new for me.

I did a big 2 hander run through once and that was fun. I channeled the spirit of Big Bobby B and his fucking huge hammer. Gods I was strong

How much better are the graphics on the remastered version if I want to play on a console instead of modding it on the PC

Stop trying to min-max

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Well I hope you had fun playing a shit game for over 200 hours. I usually stop playing bad games within 10 minutes because im not a fucking idiot.

Oh so you are a tasteless fucking retard, thanks for clearing that up

Play pure mage. Its completely viable and Illusion school is hilariously broken.

it has its flaws, like the shit difficulty and magic system, but will never leave our hearts, for admiration or pure disgust
it has swords, and the 2 handed versions, the greatswords
it has axes, and the 2 handed versions, the battleaxes
it has maces, and the 2 handed "version", the warhammers
it has daggers, and where are the spears?
what is it todd, want to say something?

>Says the zoomer who plays games he dislikes for absurd amounts of time

Better, but nothing to write home about really. Mods make it prettier than the remaster. The actual benefit is getting all dlc bundled for cheaper than buying old version + dlcs standalone.

I’m not min-maxing at all. I hardly used alchemy or enchantments and I know that you can make 9999 damage swords with minmax

However I did min max in oblivion
>tfw no 100% invisibility armor

Fuck ok. I did install phendrix magic mod so hopefully that’ll make magic more fun. I just wish that Winterhold wasn’t so fucking lame. I miss the mages guild from oblivion

min max in oblivion would stress me out so much, that now i just use enchantments or magic once the enemy health becomes an issue

This. Really the only things that the SE has over Oldrim is improved stability. 64-bit support, DX11 support, handles alt-tabbing better than Oldrim, and can take a lot more shit happening (more clutter, more actors, etc) before crashing.

In all honesty though I recommend SE over Oldrim because even for Oldrim mods, a lot of the ports that people bemoan as taking sooooo much effort, is literally, not figuratively, but literally opening up the Oldrim ESP in the SE Creation Kit and saving it. It really is that simple. There are some minor differences in how meshes and textures are handled, but they're so minor there's been a tool made that automates all that shit for you;


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you aren't special

that is every elder scrolls.
and there is a level cap.
and a limited number of perks.
and attributes.
unlike morrowind and oblivion were you can max 100 on everything.

>ywn suck on big Orc milkers

Why even live?

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the only thing about base Skyrim I think is really bad is how useless magic is even at the highest level. In Oblivion even it's actually useful

>big erect nips
muh nigga if i wasnt phone posting rn id get some screenshots of my bodyslide preset up

It's not even how ineffective it is (that can be easily fixed with mods), it's how much of a pain in the ass it is to select and cast spells. Forcing you to use an empty had plus one favorites menu for everything in the game with only number keys for selecting is shit. Even the quick cast mod works by equipping and unequipping, animation interrupts included.

Only thing sharper than an Orc's teeth are her tits.

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Speaking of shit magic in Skyrim, are there any mods that specifically make the mana regeneration in and out of combat the same?

That was my biggest problem playing a mage in Skyrim. I couldn’t use any big spells cause I would be out of mana immediately even with a ton of regen buffs since they nerf magic regen in combat

non combat skills level up like garbage unless you cheese them

there's no need for mods
craft a bunch of magicka potions
eat fondue
get the perks that reduce cost
make items that reduce cost
use the shrine that buffs magicka

special edition let you reset your skill trees for infinite leveling

That was added in Dawnguard, actually.

you can do that in vanilla, but it takes all of your perks back too so you can only switch your skills around not max everything.

it's been 8 years, OP.
let it go.

Is Special Edition worth it without mods? I'm currently living somewhere that the internet is worse than dogshit, so I can't be bothered to go through the hassle of downloading and installing all the mods like I did back home.

Better than regular Skyrim in terms of performance and graphics, but beyond that it's the same.

If you can't at least get the unofficial patch then there's literally no point. None of the bugs were fixed.

Oh I can't get things like patches and stuff that might changes the game play like a perk overhaul mod, I'm more talking in terms of graphics and texture packs. I haven't played the unmodded game since it was released so I can' t really remember if the vanilla graphics are awful or not.

Can get*

Absolute freedom, easy to understand, appealing world with surprises everywhere, very atmospheric, great lore if you like reading the books. 10/10 game to put on some music or a podcast and just drift off for hours.

Eight years? What ever do you mean?

The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ Special Edition, developed by Bethesda Game Studios™ was released in the year of 2016 - a mere 3 years ago!

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Unless you're downloading texture packs, modding is very very quick. Sort by endorsements over all time on SE nexus, grab a few off the first page, tiny downloads and you're good to go.

SkyUI requires the script extender which is a bit more involved to set up, but the downloads were done in like a minute on my Austalian internet and the whole process should take 20 minutes tops unless your an retard

I've been playing only vanilla Skyrim the whole time I've played it, only mod I ever used was the exchange dragon souls for perk points just because it felt like it made sense to me and should have already been available.

What are the must-have mods regarding gameplay? I don't care too much about graphics updates else I'd just get the special edition.


Skyrim nexus, sort by most endorsements all time, job done.

>I can' t really remember if the vanilla graphics are awful or not.

It's painfully meh. Special Edition just throws in some post-processing and color correction.

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see Get ordinator first thing. You'll won't be able to comprehend how tf you played without it once you install it.

Though I reckon SkyUI is an absolute 100% must have. The default interface is a tragedy designed for negative IQ console players and is absurdly non functional

>Cutsy face with make up
Why even bother in making that an orc? An orc waifu must be strong and tall and must have a rustic beauty.

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>doesn't mention the need for an orc waifu to have a massive veiny cock
Fags, I swear.

does anyone else really hope you can play as a Tsaesci in the next game

Personally I can't get past the jet-black negative matter nipples. They're like goth pasties

unofficial patch
cutting room floor
Better Jumping SE
CBBE (gives bitches big tiddies)
Alternate Start
Immersive Armors
Immersive Weapons
Immersive Creatures
Immersive Artifacts
Quick Loot
Ultimate Combat (disable its timed block in favor of Wildcat's via in-game config menu)
TK Dodge
Ars Metallica

There's a bunch more I could recommend, but they require a decent bit of modding understanding and experience. This stuff *should* be fairly simple.

bros..... she is perfect

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Do those all work for special edition?

Can't tell if you're meming or retarded, but that's just me trying not to get shoah'd off this family friendly board.

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SE has its own nexus site. If its on there, it's compatible.

Special Edition

It's special edition mods

Its fun to play, theres a lot of exploration and shit to dick around with, and you can mod the fuck out of it.

It is pretty braindead though. They simplified and streamlined a lot of the "classic" rpg elements.


John Romero's gonna make you his bitch

Retarded, it would seem.

In my defense I'm phoneposting in poor lighting

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Dramatic close-up conversations in Oblivion >>>>>>> characters standing 10 feet away doing generic poses and showing no emotion in their faces in Skyrim

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Not as perfect as she could be.

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I implore you to stop posting my wife

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Painfully unoriginal, but at least your 'wife' isn't a modded loli.

I'm having a good old time in SkyrimVR honestly.
Modded it to hell and back. Skimpy bimbos everywhere, engage in casual sex.
Bows are excellent and being able to shoot spells in two different directions at the same time is great.
Shame about melee weapons. It's wii-waggle tier.

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Can you freely move in SkyrimVR without getting motion sick, or do you have to use the teleport thing?

You can freely move around but getting motion sick is completely up to you. I only got motion sick the very first time I played VR, immediately took the headset off and rested for the day. Now for over a year there's literally nothing that gives me motion sickness.

many thanks gents

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ESO is better tbqh

>have like 1000 hours clocked in to this fucking game
I bet all my steam friends knew I was fapping to janky Skyrim mods

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i too love modding the game and playing as a bimbo who gets fucked

>comparing an MMO to a singleplayer game

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Good taste user

isn't that legit kind of low for TESV?

>comparing an elder scrolls game to an elder scrolls game

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>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 1330 hours
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition 1480 hours
>Fallout 4 1770 hours

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It's fucking not.
Why do you fucking cretins continue to jizz yourself over Bethesda's shit, when it's been using the same buggy ass engine for the last 10 years, game after fucking game. The combat is clunky, the animations look janky, and it's just not fun.

Will you cocksuckers ever get off Todd's dick? They'll never release a fucking game at their true potential if you shitheads keep eating up the jank garbage they release EVERY FUCKING TIME.

>go back and forth between adventuring and just being a massive slut
>end up making coming up an actual story for my character who is just a degenerate mage girl that just likes treasure and cocks

>not as an evil loli getting bimbos and other people raped


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I don’t understand these playtimes. I have around 300 hours in Skyrim and am so bored with it I haven’t touched it in 5 years. Even with mods.
Trying to play F4 again but I can’t make it through the intro. 50ish hours total there.

Zoomers love this game, I watch underage kids play skyrim on youtube every night.

>Trying to play F4 again but I can’t make it through the intro.

Fallout 4 pretty much requires alternate start. The main 'story' is insufferable and just serves to gate all the at least decent content until the player would be 'ready' for it.

No, Hansen, I won't share links to loli mods with you even with those puppy eyes.

>I watch underage kids

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I did, but only because my first time playing it looked close. And honest to god, on my first playthrough I didn't realize there was a sprint button or fast traveluntil I was like, level 30, so it took for fucking ever to get anywhere

How is this a waifu simulator game? Isn't marriage very tame, or is there a mod that overhauls it?

F4's writing is so strange, you get the power armor so early but then danse tells you and that mechanic chick in bos talk to you about power armor as if you weren't supposed to get it until the prydwen.

>but it was a very good game
In what way? the combat sucked. The roleplaying sucked. the quests sucked. There's really nothing of value in it. fuck off zoomer

>How is this a waifu simulator game?
Because you can make (or just download) sexy waifus. There's also mods to fuck them, have them fucking people, be a prostitute, etc.
>Isn't marriage very tame, or is there a mod that overhauls it?
By default, yes. There's several overhauls, family friendly and not.

It's a 6/7 out of 10. Not bad for a once through at least.

Yeah, just download Spouses Enhanced and the Fart Slave mod, best married experience in gaming.

Thanks bro, I'll check it out.

Base game marriage was pretty good for RPG game at it's time

But now mods have improved it to something else entirely

Give more (you)s on /aco/

Go to bed Todd.