Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
Worth buying? Does the game have any replayability?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
Worth buying? Does the game have any replayability?
No replayability beyond the other endings. Worst From game in the last decade by far but still fun to go through twice for both big divergences
>no multiplayer
Going to be a yikes from me desu senpai
The dust settled two weeks after it came out. It has MAYBE two playthroughs and it absolutely not worth full price. Even $30 seems steep tbqh. I'd say it's a rental, assuming you have a console.
I got 70 hours out of it. So definitely worth the buy, it has some replayability but definitely not infinite like Souls games. I mean I don't really put that much time into Souls games myself but I know some people out there with a couple hundred hours or so, something which you just couldn't do with Sekiro
jesus m8 what games, if any, are you buying at full price if you don't think Sekiro is worth it?
I think it's fantastic, but the replayability is weaker because of no builds or pvp
go for the four endings, get all the seeds/beads/memories if you're a completionist, and call it a day
it would have benefited greatly from a boss rush mode
Its unique, challenging and rewarding. The combat is insanely high-quality, tight, skill-based and intense. I am about to start a 4th playthrough. There are different endings to get and I find it enjoyable to play the NG+ and fight everyone again with full skills, moves, prosthetics etc.. Also with Kuros charm and Demon Bell you can mix up the difficulty.
I think it was definitely worth the buy.
Pirate it. FromSoft didn't even use Denuevo.
Gook games have no soul, without multiplayer I could see it difficult for most people to finish it.
I don't think the game's user reviews and ratings reflect your opinions having any truth to them at all
Games with more content.
>Steam reviews aren't curated
Ooh, going to be a yikes from me desu senpai
Pretty fun game, enjoyable combat, the worst Miyazaki game, I might even prefer DaS2.
>steam reviews are the only consumer reviews that exist
>inb4 every single user review is curated
40 hours of quality content isnt enough these days?
>Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
Breddy gud.
>Worth buying? Does the game have any replayability?
Yes and yes. Currently 100%ing the game on PS4 after having already done so on PC.
unless you are an autist soulsfags as seen in this thread who play a single game 20+ times cuz muhh pvp and muh builds, then no its not worth it. otherwise, yeah its a pretty solid 8/10 game and probably miyazaki's 2nd best game
This is a bubble thread, OP. All you're gonna get are replies from people who obviously like it and just could not wait to share their opinions the second they saw that pic. It's that bad, the people who don't like it are too lazy to shitpost about it. Should say a lot. It's a solid 5.5/10. There you go.
Funny thing is, "builds" is the most retarded shit. In the end, you just push R1 anyway and sometimes parry. Sometimes the kill thing has more range, sometimes the swings come out faster, but the experiences are so similar it borders on delusion to make this a game changer. The only argument you may have is magic, but using magic would make you hard gay.
Back in my days, we replayed a game because we enjoyed what it let us do.
Every Fromsoft game is worth at least two playthroughs
>first one blind, you'll probably miss or mess up tons of stuff
>second one 100%
This is a bubble thread, OP. All you're gonna get are replies from people who obviously hate it and just could not wait to share their opinions the second they saw that pic. It's that bad, the people who like it are too lazy to shitpost about it. Should say a lot. It's a solid 9/10. There you go.
The teenagers are edgy because it doesn't have multiplayer.
well said user
This is why you need hobbies other than video games. Those people define themselves over the game they're playing.
Why does every game need to have infinite replayability?
What's wrong with playing a game once or twice and putting it down?
soulsfags are autists
it's just neets who have nothing else to do with their time
See Video games are their identity.
It's terrific
At a dollar an hour, no, it's not.
They could work on their backlog instead of playing one game a thousand times...
I agree, but certain genres do indeed attract certain personality types. Shooters (multiplayer FPS) in particular tend to attract the dregs of life and they usually shit on any game that they can't flex their MLGproMasterGaymer K/D while teabagging.
My subtle point was (and I should have just said it) to never listen to Yea Forums never take advice from fucking Yea Forums. Asking opinions on games here is like asking diet advice from last seasons hippo on "My 600 pound life."
People just need to do the following:
>ignore Yea Forums
>ignore game "reviewers"
>watch some gameplay on the game they are interested in
>decide for themselves if said game is worth buying.
I purchased on release and did 2 playthroughs. I never once felt like it wasnt worth it.
>never listen to Yea Forums
That goes without saying. ESPECIALLY when they're talking about fighting games.
Yea Forums told me the new spider-man game was shit and low and behold, it ended up being a solid 7.5/10 game that i bought for 25 bucks and thorougly enjoyed. never listen to Yea Forums
yes its worth buying(or playing, piratefags), no it doesnt have that much replay ability compared to the dark souls games at least
Indeed. I come here to mainly shitpost and get a few laughs. Occasionally, will post on a title I haven't heard of before and I'll go check it out on Steam. Yea Forums said The Division was shit... I played the hell out of it, etc.
Video games are indeed a hobby, but some people take them way too serious.
>I like a good story, but I don't expect it to be written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
>I like a challenge, but I don't want to feel like I'm taking a fucking physics final when trying to get through a puzzle.
>I love good visuals, but I don't expect Avengers CGI quality graphics.
People here, as you or someone else said above, just jump at the change to troll the OP over a game they either really do or pretend to hate.
if you like DaS you will like sekiro, even if it does things differently. the game has a more straightforward story and rewards you for aggressive combat with the neat posture system. its biggest flaws are that running past enemies is way too easy with the parkour/grappling hook and counter spamming is too reliable. i pirated it but if I didn't already beat it I'd pay full price
I'm at the last boss, it's okay, but not for me. I much prefer Bloodborne and DaS1. The main problem is once you can beat a boss, you're not gunna have much trouble fighting that boss again. The same can be said for most Souls games, but at least you can do different builds to make it a little more interesting. Also with how punishing the game is it feels a little more annoying to me than fun. The last boss is ridiculous with how difficult it is. It's not bullshit, it's all skill based, but when it comes to pure action I prefer my crazy woo hoo pizza man game.