>Saints Row reboot is basically confirmed to be announced at E3
You homeboys ready to come home?
>Saints Row reboot is basically confirmed to be announced at E3
You homeboys ready to come home?
Other urls found in this thread:
another one?
This game is not worth a penny.
depends, is it gonna be lile SR2? Humor but also has serious tone, or like SR3? so wacky and zainy bing bing wahoo
If it's anything like 3 or 4 then they can fuck right off with it. I wan't a true to form comic-esque gangbanger simulator, nothing else.
As long as it still has laura bailey in it it'll be fantastic. If not then it can become a dead franchise.
Yes I can't wait for another reboot of a dead franchise with diversity and sjw propaganda shoehorned in it non stop.
thats unironically a bad thing
protagonist is going to be trans
double o confirms
Pretty sure it sold like crap too. Nothing of value was lost.
GTA clones are all dead
I guess that'd be cool. IV was not at all what I would have preferred. They give me some shit about an alien invasion and I end up in some bullshit matrix thing rather than fighting it off gangster style among the chaos? The start had such a great bit of promise and they pissed on it with god mode from the beginning like Crackdown 2. The hell do I have to work towards then?
If it's more memetastic over the top "humor" that completely missed the balance of the 2nd game they can keep it. If they've finally learned that making a game around the mentality of a youtuber desperate for subs isn't the way to go then they have my interest.
Pretty much this, nothing is safe anymore. I want to go back bro.
>all the Volition staff members that worked on SR1/2 are probably long gone
>nu-Volition just shits on SR2 and mocks its fanbase
Only hope is that how they saw Agents of Mayhem and the Switch port of SR3 crash and burn so MAYBE they go back to what made the franchise good to begin with. I doubt it
Technically the player character from SR1 was a canon male so the MC in SR2 onward is still a guy
Didn't a shit ton of Volition staff get laid off because of how badly it flopped?
Yeah, it sold far less than Homefront The Revolution on top of that. Homefront 2 IIRC sold 1.2 million copies in one year, supposedly AoM did 300,000+ according to Deep Silver's/THQ-Nordics annual results.
Shitting on what made predating games good is so bizarre to me. Old Obsidian, with Fallout: New Vegas did something very intelligent- they fully respected the media. There are still people that defend obsidian fervently because of it even though that dev house barely exists as it did then.
Tyranny isn't very good. Or at least, I don't like it very much.
The fuckers deserved it.
>buggy launch
>no co-op focus which is the only thing that would have saved this game
even a moba would have done better.
>tfw its Saints Row 2: 2
Speak it into existence my man!
SR1 + 2 are better than every gta combined
I also think they barely advertised the game on top of that. I genuinely didn't even know it released, it was like there was an attempt to bury it.
>Game opens with a giant Saints Voltron fighting a planet sized monster in space.
>All of a sudden wake up back in prison with Gat who explains that after Saints Row 2 the boss got so fucked up celebrating they’ve been a vegetable for years and SR3-Agents of Mayhem was just a drug dream.
>Boss and Gat are the only Saints who haven’t moved on to better things.
I assume if its going to be a reboot ((of 1? possibly 2)) It'd be the more 'grounded' style, maybe with a smidge more wacky shit in it before, especially in 1's case, where the craziest thing that happens is just that Gat gets a robo leg.
saint's row 1 really isn't that notable. It's a total GTA knockoff. 2 is where the series really found its own voice. like it or not, 3 and 4 were just continuing down the path that made people notice saint's row at all
I mean you don't even need to come up with a reason to reboot, the Gat out of Hell one already set everything up for a new universe.
Though in that one it looked like all the major people on your crew are cops and you're the only criminal.
I unironically liked 3 and 4
Honestly I don't mind 4, 3 was the one that lost me because it wasn't really sure what it wanted to be at that point, 2 was mostly grounded with some wacky fun stuff sprinkled over, 4 was absolutely off the wall and swarming with magic robots, but 3 was occupying some weird middle ground where the REALLY wacky stuff didn't really fit with the world being shown or the old formula in general.
there's so much to love about sr2. bought it at launch and I replay it once every 2 years. bought every subsequent saints row game since, but they don't have the same...soul as 2.
sr2 > sr4 > sr1 > sr3
The vehicle control in 2 was absolutely awful. Like, worse than GTA3, way worse. I don't know how they fucked it up that bad. It was like you were driving around shopping karts.
4 was pretty enjoyable for what it was and at least reveled in the fact that it was practically nothing like its predecessors, unlike SR3 which felt more like a rough first draft due to shipping on a different engine.
I mean, it was notable in terms of being an open world game on 360-era hardware with a notable step up in terms of visuals compared to SA.
2 has probably the best open world.
>they finished the game early so they programmed a ton of additional NPC characters and dialog but didn’t fix massive bugs
>it's about taking down Dex
I loved every second I played SR2.
The character creator really helped into making some nice sexy slut girl.
SR3 was a great port, but was streamlined.
>no boxing
>no food
>none of those small details that was great and fun
>more lel random
I'm gonna get it because of the waifu creator but I have serious doubt they'll be able to set it apart from the 500 other open world shooters that came out recently
can't be worse than GTA5 and it's job simulator missions I guess
driving was pretty arcade-y. pretty fine by me, but good fucking luck if you installed nos
I am still mad that they never followed up on this. The final mission with Julius was so fucking Kino, you would think SR3 would be about Dex and shit, but nope.
> "Oh and someone named Dex stopped by earlier, but I didn't recognise him so I just sent him away!"
Pretty much this
It was going to be. THQ axed that plan because they didn't want the plot to confuse newcomers or some shit like that.
>they didn't want the plot to confuse newcomers
what kind of retard starts a series at 3?
Playing as Revy made everything 10x more enjoyable
most saints row fans it'd appear. casual fans.
>tfw according to the THQ ama, Volition owns everything Saints related, and they can't even do a Remake of the first 2 games because Volition keeps cock blocking them
I remember people on this board thinking SR4 would give GTAV a run for its money. Such a shame.
If 1 I hope it gets a PC release
All the cool clothing in SR3 was for chicks I hope they have a more in-depth system like they did in 1 and 2
>reboot basically confirmed
fucking where? I dont remember saying anything about that
Man what the fuck happened to Volition in 2011? SR3 and RF Armageddon are alright but worse than their direct predecessors. Then they went and made SR4 and Agents of fucking Mayhem.
Replayed 2 recently, and holy fuck the brotherhood quests were so wild.
> replace Maero's tattoo ink with radioactive acid
> mercy killing one of your boys who was tied to the back of a car by the brotherhood and dragged around on the road for hours
> kidnapping Maero's girlfriend and locking her in one of the cars set to be crushed during his demolition derby as revenge
> having the showdown with Maero + a mingun, then against him inside his monster truck
Hope if they reboot it they end up rebooting 2, it was so great.
>When you check the trunk.... just remember you shoulda offered me somethin' better than twenty percent.
What the fuck? What does Volition have against Saints Rows 1 and 2, they're just gangster games that dont have deliberately cynical plots like the GTA games.
I really think people saw the writing on the wall with THQ circa 2011 and just left for greater pastures. That's all I think it came down to, they saw how much worse things would get in vidya and just left.
Reminder, Maero did nothing wrong.
Even if the boss didn't kill him vogel was going to send the masako after his ass anyway. The saints did him a favor.
Maero’s girlfriends dad becomes military Hitler in a spaceship in 3. In reality 3 was less grounded than 2 but really went off the rails near the end
>tfw Get up
> ywn casually bury some bratty ass gang kid alive with your bro
AoM is an odd one. It very much leaned up against Saints Row, but they didn't commit to it at all, and by not making it an official spin-off, they potentially fucked themselves out of a lot of sales
>assassinated Gat's girl
>Tried to kill him during "her" funeral
Post the most kino moments of SR2
Hardmode: No carlos
>They call me "Mr. Sunshine"
>sr2 will never get a decent port
>or anything at all because they lost the fucking source code
>All of this happened because Maero only offered 20%
I thought Saints Row was originally part of the name before it was dropped completely. Then again I have to wonder why Volition thought it was a good idea to make a "spinoff title" this gen instead of a mainline entry, when they already had one with Gat out of Hell.
Saints Row died with 2. The mix of wacky BS and realer shit made it work. Rebooting the """humor""" will kill it in the fukning water
No, it happened because Maero was unwilling to compromise.
He reaches out to the boss for a meeting and offers 20%, the boss wants higher and he laughs in his face so he walks out.
Can't wait for it to be a another boring game with more style than substance.
SR2 is the perfect blend of fun mixed with true despair
>that sword fighting section plus the shooting
>mfw that shitty kill dex mission in gat out of hell
Truly the end of voilition.
Never played SR1.
SR2 was pretty good
SR3 felt weak and SR4 felt like a cash grab (since the map was like 90% the same)
what happened?
>That scene where he rolls out and dodges traffic
Really love the girl VA in this scene the best though, she sounds super smug.
>console versions are screen tear city
>PC port is notoriously awful and requires a ton of modding to get running half-decently
Does it at least run well on the XB1 backwards compat? Since it fixes tearing by default.
Post your characters.
the australian VA or whatever hes supposed to be was kino
You wanted to kill dex, right?
It plays okay on XB1, but even then the framerate will still tank. I always remembered the framerate tanking when you first escape the prison, and it happened on XB1 when I first played it.
Then again the game has an enable/disable v-sync mode on Xbone that I haven't messed around with. I also haven't tested the multiplayer, god knows if thats even playable.
I really liked the Hispanic voice. I hated how the got rid of it in favor for Troy Baker for 3 and 4
>tfw GOG SR2 was so laggy during driving I pretty much gave up.
>some user in a SR2 thread told me that his copy was fine
>pirated some other version of SR2 other than GOG's
>mfw it works smoothly now, not the best port but the driving is good, and turning isn't shit
>dynamic lighting still makes game shit
I'll live without dynamic lighting, even if it makes everything so bright.
I've heard stories that there is a going to be a Terminator game announced at E3. You know who would be perfect for a Terminator game? Dambuster. HF:TR's desolate urban landscapes patrolled by drones and shit screamed "future war".
Dambuster are working on a game based on a "very successful and much loved IP". I would not be surprised if it's a Terminator game. It would make sense. People looked at HFTR and said, "Man I wish this was a Terminator game."
Anyway, my guess is that Deep Silver are gonna tease the next gen Saints Row, re-reveal Dead Island 2, and maaaaaaaybe announce Dambuster's next game. Which could be Homefront 3, but my gut tells me it might be Terminator. It's just the vibe. It would be the perfect pivot for a studio.
I’ve been playing the Saints ROW 2 Disk that came in the double pack on the One and no issues. Occasional frame rate drops but nothing serious. Did they update the game or something for that rerelease?
I liked Agents of Mayhem
People praised the silliness of 2 to hell and back, most people at the time (myself included) didn't really appreciate that 2's strength came from how it managed to mix silly and serious so well. GTA taking the super serious route didn't help.
When 3 rolled around they doubled down on the silly and sold the game on that, throw in some extra polish (and a PC port that isn't utter shit), a bigger budget and the praise that 2 got and they were pretty much good to go. The problem is that despite how big and fancy the cutscenes and missions are, the actual game was also pretty fucking shallow compared to 2. 4 was them doubling down on the wacky shit again but this time throwing in a bunch of fanservice because HEY BROS, REMEMBER SAINTS ROW 2? Superpowers were fun at first but eventually Saints Row 4 just becomes mind numbing to play. whoever came up with wardens is a fucking retard. Hey, wanna go on a superpowered rampage, enjoy the 5 minutes before you gotta fight the same shitty miniboss for the 6 millionth time. But don't you understand it's the story bruh they're meant to torment you
I was blessed to never have a single issue with this game including dynamic lighting.
Only if by "home" you mean Stillwater and not Steelport. Fuck that shitty city.
>tfw no gangbanger poverty line stilwater gf
It's insane the juxtaposition between the two. Stilwater is legit one of the best-designed sandbox maps in gaming. Every district is so distinct that you could dump the player in a random spot and they'd know almost immediately where they are, but at the same time each area blends into the next one. Meanwhile Steelport is just generic cityville where every district looks the same.
They started rehiring a while ago.
>Saints Row 2 is still fucked on PC
>even with the Gentleman of the Row mod
Fuck you, CD Projekt Red
I just hope that if there's a reboot that we go back to fun Shaundi, 3/4 Shaundi is a gigantic mood killing bitch and it just sucked what they did to such a fun character.
What's more impressive is how much a leap in quality it is over SR1.
Hopefully that's true and they make the game a bit more polished next time. I liked Homefront: The Revolution but when it got bad it got fucking bad.
Yeah, no. Fuck Volition and their trash PC ports, fuck them in the ear. They didn't quite get it right until SR4.
Saints Row 4 is still the best superhero game on the market.
Don't forget about all the things you're supporting when you consider any THQ Nordic games.
Here's a helpful summary post of all the events for the uninitiated.
If you use Steam and want to ignore all games that THQ Nordic publishes, go to their publisher page while you're logged in, then click on the little gear icon below where it says "Beta" and choose "Ignore this creator."
These games are being published by THQ Nordic. For those who may not be aware or who may have forgotten, THQ Nordic had a marketing effort where it intended to gain attention using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.
THQ Nordic's provided no response to this fiasco except for an apology claiming they did not do enough research. As the website is unlisted by Google, they had spoken to the board owner about removing "nasty stuff", and content was viewable both before and during the campaign, this claim is beyond belief. The individuals responsible are known not to be rogue PR interns, but go up to THQ Nordic's board. THQ Nordic has not dealt with the individuals responsible.
Consider that by supporting their games, you are supporting a publisher that is complicit with child pornography.
>Saints row 2 Coop is dead because Volition never did anything after Gamespy shut down
>The only way to play it is off seedy russian VM's
CD Projekt ported SR2 to PC, senpai. I was just incorrect about it being Red. It was Black.
As long as you're ready to be outraged and buttstrained no matter what, it's worth it. Literal white genocide up in this muthafucka.
I just want a SR1 and 2 remaster for PC, damn it.
Go all the fucking way back to the style of 2, and drop the art style of 3/4. Keep co-op, maybe expand to 4 people.
>THQ Nordic chose that place over us
It's not fucking fair
>When I was a kid I was a sex slave for a few months
Yeah nah
1. You'd most likely be killed and thrown in a ditch
2. If you survived somehow, your captors would just sell you to the sex trade
3. If you "escaped" you'd remember their faces and report them to the cops, including the house and location
t. was actually kidnapped and lived in a basement until I escaped 5 days later at the age of 8
Shit haunts me every day of what happened if I never escaped.
I don't think k-mart San Andreas would sell all that well nowadays.
t. falseflagging 8gagger with diabetes
>Use the English voice actor
>"Weeeell listen, sunshoiine..."
I always thought Dambusters was gonna work on either Dead Island 2 or Timesplitters HD collection.
In fairness, that game went through so much dev hell, going through one publisher shutting down, another being unable to pay its employees, before settling down with Deep Silver. That the DLC chapters even turned out as well that they did in terms of quality compared to the main game, is a miracle in itself, and a sign the studio can still do good work even with limited resources.
More along the lines of "basic gang shit" rather than taking over whole cities, becoming a super world wide celebrity, and the President. In 2 you slowly take over the city, but inbetween 2 and 3 you just skyrocket and in 3 the scale of the story and stakes are just insane.
Was the sex good at least?
>Want to play SR2
>PC port is absolutely fucked and gentlemen of the row still won't fix it
As long isn't EGS exclusive
Yeah but they had to. I hate SR3 but they couldn't compete with the resources of Rockstar. They had to get their own identity as a series, and they did, and it sucked shit. At least the powers were kind of fun in 4, but everything else was so lazy I didn't even bother finishing it.
This. It's a problem GTA Online suffers from too. You're no longer a criminal but some kind of high tech spec ops agent with a flying car. And then they introduce nightclubs after that.
This is the one that worked for me.
Problem is, it doesn't have some videos and music, so I copied them off of GOG's installed folder.
If it works for you, great. If you don't want to try it out of fear for virus and miners, that's fine too.
This worked for me, so I just want to share it.
Dambuster are assisting on Dead Island 2, but they're also working on a separate title of their own that began development in late 2016. Based on what their producer let slip on Linkedin, they were staffing up for something something "for 2019". Which implies to me the game is aiming for a late 2019 early 2020 release date. Someone who works at Dambuster said on Reddit that they don't really know what's going on with TimeSplitters currently. It's in Deep Silver's hands.
Homefront The Revolution was such a fucked project. It's an example of how difficult open world games are to get right, and how having the entire studio collapse mid-development can derail everything to the point that the project never finds balance again.
Explains a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing what the devs can pull off without going through that kind of fuckfest.
My friend and I tried beating it in co-op. There's that part near the end where you're freefalling in a supersuit and if there's too much ping between the two of you then the second player will fly ahead, hit the ground and die before the suit gets the ability to negate fall damage. I wish I was fucking joking. 4's co-op in general was way less stable than 3's.
Will try it out user, thanks, you think i can transfer the music and videos from steam?
I feel it's just going to be this shit again instead of anything like Saints Row 1 or 2.
What's missing are all bik files under videos and the following which are located in the root install directory:
Even if you don't copy them, you can still play the game so you could still check if it's shit or not.
I copied them directly from GOG's install, I don't think they would be different from Steam's so it should still work.
Worked for me, hopefully it works for you too.
>You homeboys ready to come home?
I don't trust Volition anymore
They closed Freckle Bitch's and put in dildo bats
They kept... Kenzie? and Matt and threw away Oleg
They turned Shaundi into a stressed out bitch
They're goddamned morons
I have seen two rumours about what Dambuster are working on.
1: A new Homefront codenamed Liberation Tour. This rumour is really weird because it just randomly appeared on /vg/ and almost nobody saw it. Unreal Engine 4, main character has to travel from New York to Washington DC. It sounds an awful lot like a faster paced Metro Exodus with driving sections instead of a train.
2: A sci-fi Dead Island spinoff. Not the same project as Dead Island 2. I'm sceptical about this.
What we do know is that Dambuster's game is:
Open world.
First person.
Has melee combat. They posted a job ad for a combat designer and wanted someone with experience with melee combat systems.
Back when SR3 was first announced they said they wanted to stop working on the 'gangsta' angle which is why they turned the entire series from 3 on into some action movie comedy instead of being grounded like the first two games were. Hopefully they got the stick out of their ass after AoM bombed as that was pretty much the culmination of "fuck you and your street gangs, we are a super hero parody now" that the series became.
I'd wager it'd be likely since I'm pretty sure I remember in 4(? I think, been a long time, the one that's set inside a simulation or whatever) they have you end up with both versions of her hanging around and the earlier one even comments on how much of a complete cunt her later version is.
You rock user, have a nice day
Its also worth noting that Dambusters is a really small team. I think they lost 50 staff during Homefront 2's production because they weren't being paid by Crytek, and according to linked in have 110 employees. Save for Just Cause 4 which was worked on a team of 100 people, you really need to take open world games for what they are when they're made by really small teams like that.
Thats interesting, I never heard anything about a Dambusters title shipping in 2019. I kind of want to see what they do since I still feel like the studio knows what they're doing when it comes to level design and interesting worlds.
>Dead Island 2
What the fuck is even happening with that game? I adore the first one even though I know and will fully acknowledge it's an absolutely garbage excuse for a video game.
And while I also love Dying Light I don't like how you eventually end up as a literal spideman god of freerunning.
>What the fuck is even happening with that game?
Has been in development since 2016. The old version by Yager that was announced in 2014 and meant to release in 2015 was scrapped. Development is reportedly going smoothly, and I think we might see it at E3 since a week or so ago the pre-order page on Xbox went live again.
SR4 was fun for what it is, but I just want normal Saints Row back.
"Looking to the future, 2018 will be a pivotal year for the studio as we head towards full production on a very special game based around a very successful and much loved IP. We'll have some great opportunities to join the team opening up throughout this year across all disciplines, at both experienced and junior levels."
- 31 Jan 2018
The thing is, this is 100% a PS4/XBO/PC title. Developers ideally want to release their game BEFORE the next gen consoles come along. If Ubisoft announce Far Cry 6 in 2020, nobody wants their game to be compared to this next gen monster. So that means reasonably speaking stuff like Dambuster's next game and probably Dead Island 2 only really have a 12-15 month window from now in order to release. If they delay too long, it causes problems. You end up with the Splinter Cell Blacklist/Crysis 3 problem where everyone is obsessing over "next gen experiences" and ignores your game.
This actually makes sense from Maero's end if the Brotherhood missions were the ones you started first as at the very beginning all the boss has is themself, Carlos, Pierce, Gat, Shaundi and a damn buried hotel they just murdered some hobos to take over. Hell it's almost generous of him at that point. Unfortunately if you did Ronin or Samedi first or are jumping around it's when it looks more like the Boss was in the right instead. The Boss actually struck first in their tit-for-tat war after all.
in the original version of the storyline the Boss was actually going to kill Donnie in the Brotherhood mission line for no reason other than to be a dick
Noice. I was worried it was vaporware or just straight up gone since yeah, there was that old as fuck teaser-trailer style thing and then it dissapeared into the aether forevermore.
If we're can turn this into a fun discussion about Deep Silver/THQ Nordic/AA eurojank, here's what I know off the top of my head from what I've been following on news sites.
>DI2 announced at E3.
>Gameplay shown off at gamescom youtube.com
>Yager, the Spec Ops The Line devs, were supposedly working on the game
>Eventually around late 2015-2016, there was some kind of break down between Yager and Deep Silver, mainly due to creative issues.
>The two studio part ways, with Deep Silver announcing that Sumo Digital (known for Sonic Racing and Crackdown 3), would take over development.
>In the meantime, Dead Island Remasters and Dead Island Retro Rampage were released as a hold over release.
>Yager during this period I think shutdown. I've heard nothing about them since.
>Game had a 2018 release date, with genuinely nothing being mentioned outside of "We're working on it guys" on Twitter. I guess some DI smartphone game also came out.
>It'd seem that things would continue this way, until now. Rumors appeared that Sumo Digital stopped developing the game, and instead the buck was passed over Dambusters.
>Seems implausible until you see Dambusters going on a hiring spree, and THQ Nordic indicating in their latest earnings report that both Dambusters and Volition have upcoming projects of their own.
>Also one of the top brass said during the earnings report Dead Island 2 is still happening, which is definitely noteworthy when it comes out of his mouth instead of from some official twitter account.
It does have less bullshit spamming and you can actually talk about games there. Thats what happens when you invite reddit with open arms and spam blacked porn all day.
>Distinct zones with varying NPCs, services, and general atmosphere
>Interesting areas like the secret lab inside the mountain, the College district, the trailer park, and all those easter egg places
>Everything is just brick and metal
>Every house looks like the exact same rundown shitholes they are
>Industrial district, a statue, and a military base are the only unique places
>NPCs are shit and there's no interactions with them
>Literally zero services outside of clothing stores that offer the least customisable clothing in existence and plastic surgeons
>Couldn't even throw in a proper day-night cycle or weather system without making you reload the game, making the city look exactly the same for hours on end
Literally the perfect example of Soul and Soulless
I loved the female Latino voice in 2 and 3. So of course they replaced it in 4.
Better not be this shit. I want to be a wigger.
What the fuck were they expecting? They didn't even bother to change the purple color scheme or get a new generic logo to replace the fleur de lis.
>>Yager during this period I think shutdown. I've heard nothing about them since.
Yager are working on The Cycle.
>>It'd seem that things would continue this way, until now. Rumors appeared that Sumo Digital stopped developing the game, and instead the buck was passed over Dambusters.
This is untrue. Sumo are still making it. In fact, it's being made at Sumo Digital Nottingham, which is Karl Hilton's studio. The fact Dambuster and Sumo Nottingham are like a few blocks away from each other is likely why Dambuster seem to be handling the performance capture stuff from Dead Island 2.
It's Saints Row 3 along with Saints Row the Second and Saints Row II
The sequels are now different timelines culminating in Saints Row the Vth where they use a time machine to put them all together
They were going off some brand shit and failed hard. They literally cut their heads off before it even came out.
Well, I got a few things wrong at least. I'm surprised though that Dambusters and Sumo are a few blocks away though, it seems like the game industry there is more tight knit than in the US.
If I remember right, SR3 does not exist
SR4 exists, but it's preceded by Saint Row The Third, or SRTT
>GoG giving away SR2
>Join site to get the game
>GoG gives away SRTT some time later
>Don't even bother getting it for free
SRTT isn't worth the time it takes to get it for free
>tfw you just want the time splitters remaster
>the real Saints Row 4 would at least took place in a new city even if it still had a ridiculous plot about time travel, and evil Johnny Gat clone, and Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, Stalin, and other world leaders having gangs.
So even if TH*Q didn't force them to turn a mission pack DLC into a full fledged game the series still would keep being ridiculous.
Don't play with my heart man, I can't take it
IdolNinja is an actual retard. I wouldnt pay this any mind.
If it never comes to be a reality just take solace in the fact they would almost assuredly fuck it up anyway and fill it full of memes and wacky 'humor' like SR3, 4, and AoM.
he's a fat retard but he's also a volition employee and the developer of the gentlemen of the row mod so
Yeah, the logos were the problem there, idiot.
I wish 3 hadn't tainted the series with its lolsorandom shit. The series always had comedy elements but I genuinely liked the fact that there were still dark moments and everything wasn't played for laughs. Same goes for the boss being a borderline psychopath whose still fun to just being a full on dudebro in 3 and 4.
goin back to cali
Boss was 100 percent in the right to take vengeance on Julius. He sold everybody out so he can get off scottfree, got Johnny arrested and tried to blow up Playa on a boat even though Troy was trying to get them all off on lesser charges in the first place.
That has been mostly debunked
please make a functional saint's row 2 port
no. i dont even have the programming skills so im not even sure why youre asking me.
Rockstar will kill them again with GTAVI
Time to just let it die,
LOOK. Saints Row has always been terrible. Saints Row 2 is NOT good. 3 and 4 were also subpar games. I don't know what you people were on when you played them but the story and the humor were crap. Graphics also were a fucking joke
Playa we got your notes, we considered them, and we don't agree.
I started at 3. Then did 4 later. Then 2. I like 2 and 3 more than 4 though.
That's why you are going to have another games like the last one who's name I can't remember
>Same goes for the boss being a borderline psychopath whose still fun to just being a full on dudebro in 3 and 4.
To add onto that I love how he genuinely cared about his friends
Yeah yeah and you burnt ass'll still be working the cum stains outta the carpet in yo moma's basment. Jules, who the fuck let this guy in?
GAT in hell is terrible and your dink ass is a forced protagonist
I hope that's true. Wouldn't mind a remaster of 2 that didn't run like shit on PC too.
2 is the only good one.
Don't lie to me like that. I was such a huge fucking fan of saints row 1.
If it's still being published by Deep Silver, it's probably going to be EGS exclusive.
>get new PC with top specs
>only now it doesn't run like I shoved a wedge of cheddar in the CPU fan
The fuck. I'm not even happy about this.
I don't understand..
I had a monster of a dual core processor with a GTX 260 a while ago.
>surely this will run Saints Row 2 Properl-
It was awful. I mean, I'm glad that I've got the hardware now but, that should have been able to run circles around that shit. At least now it's a good mame/emulation machine to the hilt.
I want re-released of SR2 and GTAIV. I can run GTAV at 120fps, so there's no excuse.
I just pulled everything out of that box and put it in a cabinet for MAME. Now I just switch it on and it's a monster for that media. I gutted a magnovox for that and it found new life. If it had a soul, it would be glad that it wasn't in a dump.
Expecting a good Saints Row from Volition is like expecting a good Sonic game from Sonic Team. They're completely incompetent. SR4 was the last decent game.
Would this bring him out of hiding?
4 was not very good.
You become absolutely omnipotent in the first two hours or so if you actually know what to do and after that?
I mean, we didn't get to fuck any hos first. How am I doing anything without fucking some hos? How dare you. I'm the president.
The npc variety is shit in 4 also. The world feels less augmented and more dead than anything.
It's bad because you're stupid-powerful from the very start. You get this absolutely awesome start (high-five to whoever fucked off ten american movies doing that by the way) and then I have to put up with that shit? Yeah naw fuck off.
IV was terrible, pretend it didn't exist.
When I got to the end of 4, I had to question what the fuck I was playing. It sure wasn't Saint's Row. It was also pretty mediocre
The start of 4 is literally the best thing ever in gaming. I mean that without irony. It is fucking amazing. I would eat that shit for breakfast. I loved the fuck out of it.
The rest is GARBAWGE.
3 was ok, not great, but not bad either. Didn’t really like 4, though that is probably more due to the technical issues I had with it and not the game itself.
The female MC was confirmed a tranny before SR2 released. The devs said the story reason to play as a woman in the sequel is because the MC's dick got blown off by the boat explosion.
It didn't apologize about what it was. It was so, fucking funny.
>you know that's not real right
Fuck, you. It's the funniest shit in the world.
Guess that's a better reason for you to play even though you still have one.
>Chop Shop
>Crowd Control
>Demolition Derby
>Drug Trafficking
>Fight Club
>Heli Assault
>Hitman icon
>Insurance Fraud
>Septic Avenger
>Trail Blazing
What was the worst activity in Saints Row 2?
why do people hate this game so much?
I've beaten it and the only problem i had with it is that it ended too abruptly, also the marketing was so shit i thought it was some 3rd person shooting moba
It could also use more agents and missions through dlc
the series ended after 2
fuck 3
Racing probably, the blandest of them all.
I hated heli assault and crowd control because they were so fucking hard. The activities were amazing unbalanced, some were trivial to complete and some were 100% luck. To this day I still have not managed to beat the tow truck activity.
These activities are what I liked the most in SR2, they're all fun in their own way.
Crowd Control
Fight Club
Insurance Fraud
Especially are my 3 top fun activities.
I never liked Demo Derby because I was shit at it.
Yaaay, I love playing inferior copies of the games I liked in the past!
how did the Boss go from a sociopathic gang leader to a wacky highschool drama tier protagonist
I could swear a random ped will sometimes shout ‘CRAZY NIGGER! WHAT YOU DOIN?!’ when you drive into stuff
Am i insane, someone else heard it too right?
Volition said that if your character in SR2 is female than the character was always female.
>make a game with a bunch of different player characters
>don't make it coop
what did they mean by this?
Get the fuck out of my office
Actually still looks good.
Only when it features the gangsta aestethic and a serious story otherwise no
SR1 is the best and I don't know how you can argue any other way.
>best story
>best gunplay(no floaty shit)
>best customization
>best music
>best villains
Gat actually wanted to let him go even when he showed up but he just didnt want to so he deserved to be buried
While i love saints row 1 and absolutely adore the clothes that you can buy in stores, sr2 has better customization by a mile
>ability to choose any color, not only predetermined ones
>ability to customize the style that you wear shit
>ability to put stickers and all the fun stuff
>ability to customize patterns
it was much better
if we combined the wardrobe of 1 with the customization of 2 we would get the damn best customization
Ain't happ'nin', playa. First one was dope, second one was hella fun, third one was impure crack and the fourth one...hel, who gives a fuck about the fourth?