RE8 at E3?
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Maybe one of those 9 second teases, but i doubt anything else
i assume capcom is putting alot of their bandwidth into some new fighting game, it feels like time for one
Was Re7 canon
not in the game enough, tanker was uncexxary, should'v ebeen jack the whole time, i drank a lot tonight, want to fuck al oli
>i drank a lot tonight, want to fuck al oli
Shit bruh. I've had a lot too, but I don't know what planet you're on.
Hopefully there will be more enemies than the 3 types of molded. Seriously what the fuck. The bosses were great though.
I hope RE8 and RE3 are both shown but it'll probably just be RE3, then 8 next year
I agree. Enemy variety is a problem in RE Engine 'Evil games. Even in the DLC it's just the same 4-5 enemies tops. I get that making unique content int the current gen's standards is hard, but god damn...
If you believe the rumors I feel that both those games could be released one year apart for sure.
Capcom laid the groundwork when they made remake2 and outsourced what they had to another company for remake3 so they can focus all their attention to re8.
Plus didn't re2 and re3 did release just a little over a year apart.
I just wonder if the lackluster enemy variety was due to the devs focus being split between RE7 and REmake 2. At least it wasn't as bad in RE2.
I think RE7 was seriously hampered by the development of RE Engine. Consider how "Not a Hero" and "End of Zoe" seemed to complete the story of the game while the main storyline just randomly ended midway the the mines. They gave away Not a Hero for free because they knew RE7 was unfinished.
Yes you stupid fuck
Non-smash thread.
Developing the game with VR as well probably didn't help things either since I doubt any studio really knew what to do with it. Its still an interesting game to look back on though, and I wonder if "next gen" RE titles will have the same issues going forward.
They already confirmed RE will become a yearly franchise
If you watch this video, they had no idea what the fuck they were doing while RE Engine development was going on. They made student-tier prototypes in Unity for God's sake. They looks like random Steam horror games compared to the final product. I have high hopes for an RE8 in the same engine by the same team, because 7 was a miracle considering the circumstances.
Cute ending desu. The Aunt Rhodey music cue at the end is the perfect coda for RE7. It makes it clear that the two DLC campaigns were ultimately necessary to end the game and it was unfinished before.
I haven't played this since 2017. Who were the molded again? They were they strangers that the Bakers had abducted and made eat the mold right? How come they turned into skeletonless mold monsters instead of deadite-people like the Baker family did? Was Ethan going to become a molded or was he going to stay "himself" (but possessed by Eveline) like Mia and the Bakers?
Eveline was magic and decided who becomes molded and who doesn't, since the Bakers were her "family" just like Mia they didn't turn into goop.
I hope they don't waste a single second of dev time making a sequel to that turd.
Speaking of RE engine, was that just a rebranded version of the Panta Rhei, Panty Raid engine or whatever engine was used for Deep Down? Capcom mentioned that was gonna be their current gen engine, now comes RE Engine which is apparently future proofed for next gen consoles.
You seem to only be immortal if you were alive when the mold infection took over your body. If you were dead, you can MAYBE mutate into a molded over time. It doesn't really matter though, because it's magic. Eveline was a psychic magic monster girl who could do whatever she really wanted.
I seriously doubt that Phanta Rhei is coming back, but a Capcom spokesperson did recently say that a certain game will emerge that will make person say "they're still making that?!" Maybe it's Deep Down.
Same here brother, 6 perfected the series, I hope the next sequel follows suit. Drop the horror bullshit and just give me TPS action!!!
So I haven't paid attention to RE7 much since it first came out. Do we just accept that's Chris now? Since everyone was conspiracy obsessed about it when it first came out
if Capcom says it's Chris, it's Chris
>>>/2013/ called, they need their dipshit contrarians back
It's no more Chris than Revelations, and RE5. The series has been retarded since day 1. He's a relatively normal guy in REmake, but everything after that is "what?"
He's the most generic dude ever in REmake. RE5 finally gave him some character
RE5 was the end of the era started by RE1 on PS1, with the Chris vs. Wesker rivalry. If that's what you come to the series for, I'm sorry but it's over. I'm not a Capcom shill, because I'd be desperate to convince you otherwise if I was.
Thanks buddy, we all realized this in 2008
Apparently not the cuck I was replying to.
Nah, they need to make an re3 remake then get back to making games like re4
RE7 was a turd and was straight streamer-bait
Any RE game after 1 on PS1 fits that description, but there's no way you fit my purity standards on classic RE.
It is literally impossible for any game pre-2010 to be streamer bait. Nice try, faggot.
You don't know anything about streaming, you protozoic faggot. Any game that attracts more than 300 nostalgic homo-sapiens is streamer-bait.
Streamer-bait are games intentionally made to appeal to streamers. How retarded do you have to be to not understand that? Get a brain.
I think more than anything we'll see a res 3 remake trailer.
I think more likely we’ll see some text on against a black background. How long did it take for them to show anything related to REmake2? They were silent for so long after announcing it, people weren’t sure it was still coming.
OOPS. It seems you've bee unable to adapt the past game culture to the current cultural zeitgeist! Despite your opinions, many old games, such as classic RE, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and more have become not just 300+ viewer content, but 600 or even 900+ viewer games! It turns out that streamer-bait is an eternally moving window, one that will always mock you when you come close to enjoying either a game from the past or the present! No matter what you do, there is no escaping the ideas of the current generation, other than a quick suicide!
too soon, this year will be either Dino Crisis or Onimusha at E3, with January release.
I would kill both myself, and the entire groundhog population for a Dino Crisis remake released in 2019. Make no mistake, I love groundhogs more than my family.
>no sony E3 this year
What did the nips mean by this?
2020 january release it’ll be one of the two, save the date
Boyah, you best not be lyin to me now. A whole lot of ground beasts are gonna die otherwise.
Well to be fair re3 remake is being made from another studio and using assets from remake 2. Shouldn't be as long of a development as remake 2.
god I hope not
That's a source-less cuck rumour that I'll pay $50 to see confirmed tonight.
It definitely won't be RE3 first dude, and I doubt even RE8 will be shown
But I want RE3R NOW
Give me a rushed piece of garbage PLEASE
I mean, I'd be excited by the Capcom logo and a tiny piece of alpha footage of Nemesis chasing Jill. We don't need anything more.
This is not a Smash thread.
>many old games, such as classic RE, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and more have become not just 300+ viewer content, but 600 or even 900+ viewer games!
Nobody streamed games when those games were made. That means those games weren't intentionally designed to appeal to streamers or streaming audiences. RE7 was made to appeal to streamers, after the success of other first-person horror games like Amnesia and Outlast. That's why RE7 sucked: the devs were chasing trends when they designed it.
Not really, the source-less cuck rumour was right about resident evil 7 years before we knew what the kitchen demo was
Oh, cuck, cuck, chicken cluck? Prove it you faggot sub-cluck. I await the dot-dot-dot.
I love her
Claire is the best part of RE.
Claire are sick
Claire brings light and warmth into my heart
Ok i wont
it's only onions if you have your eyebrows raised retard
It’s utterly irrelevant
Why do autistic weeaboos absolutely SEETHE foaming at the mouth over this game? Capcom was just capitalizing off of the PT success and was doing something different with similar resource management gameplay instead of the same tired ass third person over the shoulder.
Ok, I'm impressed by this filter.
Few would entertain such stupidity, but this filter insists on making sure the 12 yo Mexicans are sage from the S asdadsa O Sdad Y word.
goddamn that game is forgettable. I forgot it existed until I came across this thread.
Back to r/Yea Forums with you.
FACT: RE7 was great, saved the serious, and offered one of the best villain in the series. You literally cannot refute this.
I hope they remake re4 i want more leon kino
Based Basedthan
We didn't predict him, but he arose, Crazy, desu,
Claire is for handholding.
>minding your own business eating at the cafe
>get stabbed in the back with four knives and die at your table
poor guy
The fact that the shotgun could not consistently oneshot on headshot + the rareass ammo really put a dent in how fun it was.
The Grenade launcher was OP in comparison.
>That car
I just want REmake 3, with multiplayer
The ammo is not that rare, just craft it. And you can consistently headshot them if you're good. The guy in that webm is doing it from pretty far to all except that one old-man zombie, and he doesn't even have the long barrel upgrade.
It's far better for zombies than anything Claire's got
SMG cleans up zombies very well and flame rounds will fuck up almost anything in the game.
They'll never remake RE4, because it's so fucking silly and weird and cheesy (even by RE standards) that there's no way it'd be compatible with how dark and serious the games are now. And that's a good thing. RE4 is perfect as it is and should not be remade.
Dude was literally minding his own business eating a tendie with honey mustard when some zombie Stacys stabbed him in the back.
While sneakily putting your penis in her butt
No. Claire is not for lewd.
Not for lewd for you, but for me, yes
Flame rounds would one-shot lickers 80 percent of the time.
OP as absolute fuck.
Why should they not be though?
I believe acid rounds will too, if you hit them in the head.
I agree on an emotional level. RE4 is perfect for the era it was released in, while RE Revelations and RE7 fit their eras respectively. We need an RE8 for the pot-post-post-apocalyptic era of the 2020s.
There's only so long you can have the game be about a crazy redneck chasing you around a big house. If it did that for six hours it'd get repetitive really fast. The tanker was needed for a change of location. It was also creepy as fuck and a very effective location.
she is definitely for lewd
that is not groovy
>that claire bdsm one
hooooo boy!
The question we can ask now that both games have been out for long enough: which was shorter, RE7 or RE2make? Cause honestly both of them feel short as fuck after the first run (and I say that as someone that likes both quite a bit).
Still no.
RE7 was so fucking shit please just make a new game using RE2make as a base
RE7 is longer, but RE2R has more / better enemies and has probably the same amount of gameplay if you count the unique shit Leon and Claire have individually
Nobody thinks RE8 is going to be first person. RE7 was their big first person experiment
RE7 is the ultimate pleb filter. It's Outlast and Amnesia 2 while still actually being a game. The problem is its length and last third being lame.
>The problem is its length and last third being lame.
And complete lack of enemy variety. Those three things are pretty big issues. The game is still pretty good for what it is, but I wouldn't rate it above a 7/10.
RE7 is way scarier and more difficult on Madhouse vs. RE2 on Hardcore, but RE2 still has more content and variety.
And it's zero replayability
I agree with this. If rating the games based purely on fear, RE7 wins and it isn't even close. But RE2 feels like a more complete, satisfying and well-designed game overall.
>I agree with this. If rating the games based purely on fear, RE7 wins
what fucking game did you play?
Maybe after you've done every story and DLC campaign, and obtained every trophy. I can see the game getting silly after finishing Madhouse mode for Ethan.
I THINK THE BAKERS SUCK friday can't come soon enough
Okay, we get it, you don't find it scary. But your opinion isn't an objective fact, and a lot of people DO find the game to be scary. Get off your fucking high horse.
It's not even that short for an RE game. They are all about that long. RE4 and RE6 were pretty long but they're the exceptions
>Save my family, please
The only thing I truly enjoyed about RE7 was the Bakers. I loved how campy Jack was, how much of a madman dick Lucas was, and End of Zoe really gave me feels about how fucked they got. I honestly hoped that Jack or Lucas would make a return in a future RE but the DLCs went and fucked that idea
What are the chances of see this guy again on the series? He was GOAT.
While you're probably right that it isn't that short, it certainly *feels* a lot shorter than some of the old games, especially RE1 and RE0, in my opinion.
On an atmospheric level, RE7 (especially Beginning Hour) can be incredibly scary. BH in particular rivals P.T. in terms of fear. In terms of mechanics, RE7 on Madhouse difficulty can be incredibly scary, as your life will be ended in two hits, and your progress is sitting on a tape save 15 minutes or more ago.
Eveline is playing House with all the people she doesn't turn into molded. She wants Ethan to be her new daddy and Mia to be her mommy, but she is not sure so she likes to use her hallucinations to make them fight Ethan and watch who wins. She is really just a dumb kid though, at least mentally.
She can kill anyone who's infected with the mold at any time by making them calcify
I found some of the stuff later on scary as well, especially searching for the doll arm in the Old House, and also playing as Mia on the tanker before the flashback.
>Picked Zoe
No ragrets.
I'm guessing she dies either way tho.
Yeah I picked her too, based solely on the pragmatic belief that she would have more of an idea of what was going on than Mia. I can tell the game didn't want me to choose her though.
the best Evil Dead game ever made
Play End of Zoe to find out.
It was definitely a massive influence on them, alongside Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I just didn't like Mia.
She was cute at least
does he sharpen his shovel to a razor's edge or what
Not even cuter than Zoe tho.
no way, Zoe looks like a gargoyle. She is only cute when she's in white crystally fungus form
Gonna hit you with the blackpill, but I don't think RE7 DLC did too well. We haven't heard diddly on RE2R or DMC5 paid content, and I kinda doubt the End of Zoe campaign sold well. Maybe we'll get a cameo.
The molded could come to if there's a dead body nearby or can just form out of the mold itself.
Even if the RE7 DLC didn't do too well, Capcom would be foolish to not cash in on how successful and popular RE2make has been, even among non-RE fans.
I don't mind a bit more of focus on combat and bullshit enemies for the sake of variety as long as they keep the ambiance and the mood of the game creepy, thats my only complaint about RE4.
They only worked on RE7 for three years, from Feb 2014 to its release in Jan 2017. I thought they spent like 5 years on it (since RE6) but from 2012-2013 they were working on an action version of the game that they decided to scrap.
Hopefully the success of RE7 and RE2make have convinced Capcom that the game doesn't have to be action-heavy to be popular.
RE7 was a brand revitalization title. Maybe they'll announce paid DLC campaigns for RE2 at E3, bur I kinda doubt it. This whole thing is a set up so people will buy stuff like an RE3 remake and RE8 in the same year.
I bet RE3make will be more action heavy. The original game was, and you could dodge in it
RE2Make is action-heavy as fuck. It just doesn't haven't to be RE4-6 level of absurd shit to sell. We've seen 6 million copies sold now for fucks sake.
RE2make is nowhere close to being "action-heavy as fuck". It's very similar to the original RE2 in terms of the action/horror ratio. Even RE7 is more action-heavy by the end.
They don't even need that, all they need is the Capcom logo followed by a black screen, Nemesis's voice saying "STARS" and then the logo for the game. That would be enough to hype people up.
Just look at how excited people got over the "We Do It" video.
In addition, if you're infected and die then you'll become a molded. I guess, the bakers killed their victims before they could fully become infected like them. Eveline also seems to have the ability to turn people into certain molded types, if you go by Lucas's report.
IMO both RE2make and RE2 are action heavy. In both games you're blowing your ammo on dumb encounters left and right. RE7 is incredibly conservative by comparison, especially on Madhouse.
REmake 2 hardcore nailed the difficulty that I've ever wanted in a RE game, it just feels right, not easy af like standard, but also not frustratingly hard.
I guess I didn't mean to really shittalk RE2 hardcore, just defend it from the "true fans." I agree that it's really a good balance of challenge and fairness.
They should add a bonus fixed-cam mode to RE3R where every gun has laser sights so you can see where you're aiming. Have it be like cinematic cam in GTA where you can manually change camera angles with the stick or something
so basically we have the FN@F audience in here trying to ruin RE with their "OOGA BOOGA" in your face "horror".
The should add both a first-person and third-person view. If you do the FPV, let the player chose between a health meter and blood on the screen for God's sake. The former is just embarrassing to be honest.
Remember those retards who claimed the demo had nothing to do with the game and that Jack wouldn't even be in it?
holy shit did they eat their words
yeah but the gameplay in the demo was way better than what we actually got.
God dammit, I meant "latter," but we all know that nothing on Yea Forums(nel) is ever lost, so I can't just redo my post.
Feckin hope not !
Why not? It's not gonna be first person. Could be really awesome
I haven't played RE8 yet because first person games give me motion sickness, fuck my life man...
just watch a playthrough, that's what the game was designed for anyway.
you're not missing out on any atmosphere or fun combat.
Holy fagmuffin. In truth, on a personal computer device, the game could be designed around both FPS and TPS and you fags would both complain. They're never going to make a fixed camera tank control game again.
You don't like blood splatter???
Me neither really. At least you can turn it down so it's not this much
No difference, I would get sick the same way.
>They're never going to make a fixed camera tank control game again.
Thank god for that.
I like first person fine, I just prefer third person. You could always just mod first person in, only difference is it won't have RE7's super tanky controls that necessitate a block function
>yeah but the gameplay in the demo was way better than what we actually got.
aside from it being set in the day (which IMO made it creepier) what do you mean?
It's just bizarre to be honest. Maybe the Japanese devs saw it in western games and thought it was awesome and normal.
RE7 didn't have the atmosphere or horror to be a slow paced Amnesia clone but wasn't fast paced and with enough variety to be a RE game.
It's in between which makes it incredibly boring. Not enough action to be fun but with few puzzles and scares.
The demo at least was going for more of a horror vibe like P.T which would make it even less RE but at least it might have been interesting.
None of us know what you want, honey. We're out here trying to do some kind of census. What kind of horror game do you want? And if it's a troll response, we're go'n throw it in the trash faster that you was conceived.
"Welcome to my wife's family son"
It felt more like texas chainsaw massacre to me
the family did, and they're literally the best part of the game.
Them and the room puzzle.
Everything else was such a slog.
This is what modern RE games are lacking
Wrong user or pure autism?
>first person games give me motion sickness
Genetic failure
>user doesn't want fixed-camera RE again
That's a confirmed autism on 4channel.
I hope they take the year off and leave RE8 for next-gen
Pure autism then, thanks for making it clear.
That guys a maniac. Why'd he bite me?
It's not really like PT. PT was like a weird experimental variant of one of those "escape the room" Japanese horror games
Part of what made P.T so fucking scary was how unpredictable and hard to understand the ghost was.
That shit wouldn't hold up in a full game, as it doesn't exactly make for good gameplay.
No horror game has good gameplay. They are a thrill, but they are never fun like how an action game is fun
A good horror atmosphere really helps a game, but the truly pants shitting stuff you'd see in movies just doesn't really make for a good game.
Maybe a telltale style game it might.
I kinda agree, sadly.
Does this get scarier each time you watch it?
The game starts going downhill the moment you kill the wife.
Lucas just straight up wasn't as scary or entertaining.
One of the big leaks from a known Capcom/RE leaker was that RE3make had begun development back in December and it was one of their main primary projects as of right now, so doubtful.
Yes, it literally has Chris having joined a Corporation called Blue Umbrella that was basically the BSAA redone fighting off splinter organizations like Ada's and The Connections that spread the mold crap, which is based somewhat off the crap Fem Wesker in Rev 2 was doing and some the stuff Ada's organization is apparently doing. Hell it even mentions Albert Wesker was involved with The Connections and developing the mold during the 90s.
there are two RE teams. The Revelations / REmake 2 team might have started on RE3 in December, but the RE7 team is probably working on RE8
Oh no doubt RE8 has begun. I just don't think we'll see it at E3, not right after DMC5/RE2make.
I loved the ship though
>Hell it even mentions Albert Wesker was involved with The Connections and developing the mold during the 90s.
The file said it was H.C.F who helped create the mold back in 2000. But since capcom has a huge boner for wesker, it wouldn't be surprising if he was involved in its creation.
Yea, it looks pretty good.