What would you do to make Final Fantasy XVI the best Final Fantasy since IX?
What would you do to make Final Fantasy XVI the best Final Fantasy since IX?
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Nothing FF is dead & it’s not worth discussing or being optimistic about anymore. Like it or not, Xenoblade is the new flagship RPG franchise now
Go back to ATB and being able to control all characters
FF is literally my favourite gaming franchise aside from Zelda & Persona, but it’s fucking worse than Sonic now. And it will never be good again
go back to ivalice
this user wins the prize. zoomies that can't sit still long enough for turn based combat literally killed the franchise in a single game, which is pretty impressive. 7r is gonna be shit, and square will have produced nothing good with the ff name on it in, fuck, a decade?
Please no, I don’t want another 12
They haven’t made a good FF game since the remake of 3
13 trilogy is perfectly good, though complaints about 13's linearity are legit its combat is fun if you give it a shot and its sequels enhanced the gameplay even further with LR being a genuinely great title that very few people actually gave a chance
LR fucking sucked
no it was fun
>spam x to stagger is fun
you can boil any rpg gameplay down to "mash x" if you want to make a "criticism," so i don't feel like you're being very honest right now, user.
With the shitty graphics and f-acebo-ok crap and awful designs
yes it was better than the other two but it was awful
Its too late. The damage is done. After 13, 14 1.0 and 15 i just dont care.
>shitty graphics
i can't argue that but it doesn't have much to do with the gameplay
How is the seething? Most important entries are on switch now as well, and only VII and IX are actually worth playing.
make it a hack and slash
Let me write it
>XII was so bad it split the fanbase in half
>XIII was so bad it singlehandedly killed linear games and made sure every videogame afterwards had a more open-world-y approach
>XIV was so bad it almost killed not only the franchise, but the whole company
>XV was so bad they cancelled it twice and still didn't manage to put out a complete game after 10 years
VIIR is either the most amazing game ever or we won't even see a XVI for a long, long time.
12 was great fuck you
No it wasn't, it was unfinished garbage that felt more like a vagrant story sequel than a final fantasy.
>vagrant story
I fucking loved vagrant story
Vagrant Story remake when?
13 does have fun gameplay.
At least it wasn't 15's Hold O bullshit
Final fantasy has long lost its way, it's not the great game it once was
Since 9? It'd have to be a pretty bad game to be equal to 9. That would be a major step down from 11 (pre Abyssea) and 12.
Wasn't 13 just bash X and run in a straight line?
>Only Nintendonlies would think modern Final Fantasy sucks balls.
IX was the last great main FF game. Some after that are passable games, but VI, VII, and IX are the series high points they have yet to be topped.
force yoko taro to qrite for it
>Wasn't 13 just bash X and run in a straight line?
autobattle can only carry you so far.
I know, I tried that myself
Make it a throwback like IX.
6, 7 9, and 1
i want FF to go back to the roots and include
Airships with sails
villages and towns to explore.
finding characters and being able to choose if they join your party
new monsters and old
great story with twists and turns
off world travel in parts
giant battles
the ability to press a button and turn the game turn based
many villains
job classes (so i can have 4 mages lol)
chocobo and moogle but silent ones
sadness and emotion
love and hate
three disks lol
Get rid of anyone who thinks the series is about being innovative. Go back to old gameplay with a focus on exploration and make sure there are plenty of fun side things to do like chocobo games that isn't racing. Fuck realism for graphics and switch to a style approach again like FFIX and Chrono Cross did.
ff9 vs ff8 cross over
They need a fresh approach, make it dark and twisted
Final Fantasy Dark where the villains win
Make a cool fantasy world to run around in. I thought XV was alright and they did a decent job with the environments but the main continent is just so bland after a while. You can barely explore not venice and the real interesting shit like tenbrae you can barely visit.
I know you're just shitposting, but I unironically agree.
>many villains
This is the part modern FFs just can't get right.
It doesn't have to be many villains, but good villains.
Every FF before 10 introduced you to a villain, had him regularly appear and you got to know his goal, his motivation, backstory and you maybe even sympathized with him. He and his minions appeared, teased you, you fought them and they moved on with their plan quite often over the course of the game. Eventually defeated it was revealed that they were just pawns of a bigger evil lurking in the shadows, which you also got to know long enough to form a connection with.
None of this happens in any FF past 11. I don't even know who's the bad guy in 12 because the whole cast fucking sucked, the villains in 13 just appeared maybe twice and then just died without any backstory, motivation or getting-to-know them, 15 had the same problem as 13. Even Ardyn, who has all the right ingredients to be a great villain, fucking sucked as a villain because other than charming-but-evil you know nothing about him, learn next to nothing about him and his switcheroo between honestly helping you and fucking you over afterwards makes his motivation pretty unclear. If you just play the game without reading any lore on fanwikis, you know he's the bad guy and he has ulterior motives and that's it.
If anything XVI needs a good villain again.
fftactics 3
Not a fan of ATB but I agree XV's combat was trash
The FF13 games are games where the villain wins. They fucked up everything so bad they had to restart the entire universe to unfuck it.
>XII was so bad it split the fanbase in half
It's not literally autobattle, but there is no critical thinking involved in XIII's combat. It's cool in concept, but once you develop simple rules of "In X situation, do Y" you can win every fight easily
Bring back Hamauzu to score the soundtrack.
They should go even further back than that and add a boat
It's funny to me how XII got shit on for not using turn-based combat and now we have XV those combat is 1000 times worse.
And the mainstream doesn't even seem to mind because unlike when XII was released it's cool to hate turn based combat now.
Does that make XII the Last Jedi of FF?
Make it nothing like ix since ix was shit
His score is amazing to fall asleep to but terrible for anything else. I'd rather have shimomura or even uematsu before he drops dead.
I thought that was meant to represent them turning the final fantasy world into our world like breaking the fourth wall or some shit.
omg it's our planet twist
I just consider FF Brave Exvius to be FF XVI.
Maybe they could do a mish-mash of the FFBE and Valkyrie Profile input systems for the next main series game.
XII is pretty much Star Wars with a FF coat
fire nomura
let amano do all the art
What? FFXII had turn based combat. That's not what it got shit for. It got shit for the fact that it was designed to literally play itself.
IX is shit and was fundamentally the beginning of the end. Literally the worst PSX Final Fantasy and one of the bottom three mainline titles overall.
Aside from 15 every game has been great. It might be out of it's "golden era", for sure, but it's far from dead. I swear this board gets their pitchforks out faster than /pol/ and Yea Forums combined.
That’s what I mean with unfuck it. They deleted everything related to that universe. Every planet, every being, even the gods themselves and created a new one which is essentially ours.
Fuck I'm awful at roman numerals.
I never got far in 12 but it basically broke the rule of FF games having a unique setting and was a turn off.
>but there is no critical thinking involved in XIII's combat.
not until near the end of the game and the postgame
>It's funny to me how XII got shit on for not using turn-based combat
It had ATB combat, it got shit on for the gambit system
>having this shit of an opinion
I miss turn-based FF.
It's easy.
I know, its just something I almost never come across so it just takes me way longer than it should.
Anything but IX. Looks like shit, plays like shit, is shit
roman numerals are like drinking wine, not necessary but it makes you "cultured"
Ok i love Final Fantasy 13 now
>Battle system of X
>Steiner/Vivi synergies but for every party member
>Written by Matsuno
>Directed by Ito
>Stylized with a focus on presentation over graphics like Persona 5, so SE doesn't have to fuck it up
did you try World of Final Fantasy?
it also helps you tell the time on some clocks
If you want more IX try all the remakes they are so similar to IX
Well, yeah. But we need to categorize it. All the games prior to the phantom menace get OT status.
Turn based combat.
i wish my old consoles still worked, i could go back and play all the old Final fantasy games i still own
Sadly i can only look at the cases and disks with fond memories or read the official guilds
>Make it a throwback like IX.
This is basically what Bravely Default was an attempt at. Honestly my "dream" FF game is just BD with A LOT more fluff and polish.
FFX battle system. i really like being able to switch out members on the fly.
Cast size of 6
Matira system for magic and abilities
Sphere grid for raw stats
weapon and gear have no raw stats just effects/slots
art style is anything besides their modern shit.
Double/Triple techs like attacks from Chrono Trigger/FFIX for the cast
buy the console again if you must
buy the games again on any of the modern devices. even switch has a few.
I want characters that look and play differently, not homogeneous bullshit characters where everyone has the same busted skills.
FF4 - Class identity
FF5 - Extremely job focused
FF6 - Unique skills
FF7 - Limits and stats highlight intended playstyle
FF8 - homo
FF9 - Abilities from gear highlight intended playstyle
FF10 - Unique character skillsets at the start, opportunity to change later
FF12 - homo
FF13 - homo
FF15 - homo
FF9 -
>FF15 - homo
as much as I hated 15 everyone played differently, granted they were all Hold O crap but had different styles and gear loadout:
Noctis - (Useless) weapon swapping + Argmier (which is Hold O)
Gladios - parry/counter
Prompto - third person shooter
Iggy - pick a style (Fire/Ice/Lighting) and Hold O
You just described combat in every RPG though. "Attack until you have to heal," is how you beat every game ever. XIII just makes it obvious because it's so streamlined. The enemies being too easy for most of the game is a completely separate issue.
That’s some decent bait
i would need
What makes a FF setting? After trying to make one up for a D&D game, that question has stuck with me for a while. There's obviously some similarities between games, but none of them are constant, and everything else can change wildly. What makes FF feel like FF?
Not really? Even without numbers you should know which hand means what in every position. Unless you mean something else.
just follow the conventions it's piss easy. Anyone with a creatve bone and an IQ over 100 can do it.
I've met many girls who cant tell the time, some even at work
The comfyness supported by the music
and/or a launch PS3.
If you cant find/afford/have space for them.
most of the classics are on modern devices. i got the Chinese version of FFX/X2 for switch since it has both games on the cart and is in full english.
I have. I have an oppressive (?) empire, an ancient dead advanced civilization, plenty of mages and soldiers, airships, magitek, chocobos, gunblades, dead gods, living gods, the whole nine yards. Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit, Titan, a guy named Cid, all those fuckers. Most importantly, crystals. It feels like FF to me. And yet none of those things are necessarily conventions that are required to be Final Fantasy. The series is too diverse to point to anything in particular and say "This is what you need to be Final Fantasy."
High fantasy with a dash of steampunk.
Kill Nomura
If you had said Persona I would have agreed.
You mean since X? And I'd go back to the basics. Forget graphics or trying to make a waifu/husubando simulator. I'd focus on a turn based battle system that's challenging, but rewarding. I'd focus less on story and just making decent characters.
XII was okay. XIII was rubbish. XIV was shit before it got nuked and remade
ff is dead. it's been dogshit since 12.
he's like the only director left on the FF side.
YoshiP is going to be a slave to XIV until either it or he dies.
Torymiya (Lighting fanboy) is stuck to mobages
Tabata got his ass canned after the whole "FFXV is going to need TWO season passes to tell it's story" trainwreck
FFX/X2 i think i got that for the PS4 aswell
never mind it was the PS3 HD remastered
FFVII is not your traditional FF but it is considered one of the best.
The connecting thread between em all? they are boil down to
>morally bankrupt corrupted church/kingdom/company uses ancient power of the world for their own greedy human wants. it always backfires and puts the world/life in danger.
Having one game every 10 years plus shitty spin offs no one cares about isnt a flagship series for a genre, pokemon was always the flagship jrpg anyway even though pokemon is even worse than FF now
The threat being on a world-threatening scale, and of an otherwordly nature, in a worst of primarily european western aesthetics and architecture.
>dead gods, living gods
There's where you're kinda diverging, Final Fantasy historically doesn't deal very much with deities and organized pantheons as heads of religions that are worshipped by people, at best you have the Devil in Final Fantasy II, or the Warring Triad in VI. If you ask me, find a way to tie the Void and a potential incarnation of it into your setting and you'll be most of the way there.
I tried doing the same thing too, but for a story. Maybe one day I'll rewrite the goddamned thing.
Worse than sonic? Come on user
This is a good place to start. That said, you could definitely do sci fi and still have it feel like an FF setting. The way you tell the story is very important. IX got to the heart of the formula pretty well. You want it to feel like you're participating in a play. So when you're developing a setting you have to come at it from that perspective.
>Having one game every 10 years plus shitty spin offs no one cares about isnt a flagship series for a genre
this has literally been Final Fantasy for the last 2 gens.
Yeah and final fantasy isnt the flagship of shit anymore, although there were 4 main FF games last gen
bring back cute girls
XII is the black sheep, it's not really hated, but it just exists with its fanbase.
I think final fantasy games generally follow a grand 3 part story arc that starts small but gets bigger and wilder throughout.
Reminder, there are 4-5 mobile turn-based FF games on the market right now. If you're ignoring those games, you have no right to ask for ATB in future FF games.
also FF8 was better than FF9
Well Xenoblade is definitely not it either.
And I say this as someone who's invested in the Xenoseries.
They're amazing games, but nowhere near as essential.
I think either Persona, or the Trails series has the best shot at that spot right now.
If XV hadn't dropped the ball FF would still be undisputed on top.
Unless VIIR is actually a masterpiece then I doubt they'll be able to recover unless someone tells SE that their KH combat model isn't the way to go.
The turn based combat in FF is fucking shit, I dont know how people can miss it. It's the most bare bones turn based in any game I've played
>b-b-but ffxv
Xv having shitty combat doesnt mean previous FF games didn't
Like I said it's pokemon.
Lol what? Trails is unknown outside of jrpg enthusiasts
Reminder that combat is literally the least important aspect of any of these games.
FF shouldn't go back to turn based until they learn how to actually make a turn based system that isn't boring as fuck and filled with worthless skills and pushover enemies that don't require you to think in the slightest to beat. So probably never.
10 maim characters
3 character party
Alchemy system for summons
Summons are Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Leviathan, Thyphon, Midgardsormr, Doomtrain, Ark, Bahamut, Diabolos, Sin, Valefor, Siren, Kraken, Maduin, 3 new ones
Villain is a fucking moogle
Some type of card game
Customizable airship with battles
Overworld is like ff7-9
Multiple endings
New game+
Have a good mix of scifi and fantasy, just no shit like shiva turning into a fucking motorcycle
Gimmick level up system is "affinity", you pick 1 element to master in and learn skills related to it. During endgame, you get the option to master 1 additional element.
Bring back the weapons, omega, gilgamesh, shinryu, ultros
Secret battle against Tyro from ffrk
Spundtrack by Nobuo
Art by Amano
Option for real time for modern gameplay or turn based for classic, I'm talking 2 fully different battle systems
here is the thing.
FF is still somewhat of a name that normies will know and have played
most have no idea what Xeno/DQ/trails/tails/Persona are let alone have played em.
FF/Pokemon/KH are the face of JRPGs in the west.
That's probably why FF has always been a mediocre overhyped series
>Newest final fantasy is a brand new Tactics game with HD graphics, bringing back classes and races from all three previous games
I'm prepared to give you all my money Squeenix, but only if you gimme what I want
Which ones unless you're coming XIII-2 and LR
>a grand 3 part story arc that starts small but gets bigger and wilder throughout.
This is pretty much every adventure story though, it's practically apart of the definition.
FF has a few aesthetic elements that appear in each entry that I think are key to establishing its feel.
>some kind of magic/technology that functions like magic
>nation-states that are modeled after monarchies or are non-democratic
>Some form of summons
1. A plot with a beginning middle and end.
2. Characters you care about.
3. For 1 and 2 to be relevant to each other.
3.5: A titcow.
Yeah I'm counting those
Xeno, dq, persona are at least slightly mainstream now. Would say a good majority of people involved in gaming communities know of them
High fantasy setting like IX
Im sick of the technomagic bullshit aesthetic
the Nation/Church needs to be corrupt at the highest of levels. with at least one character questioning their loyalty to the authority figure. Stiener and Wakka for example.
Make Yoshi-P take a hold of the franchise, that dude knows how to tell a FF story.
Normalfags are way more aware of Persona now.
Persona 5 was way bigger than a lot of you guys give it credit for.
Nowadays stuff like that which would've been more niche ten years ago can appear in the mainstream eye pretty easily.
A lot of this is due to memes and hype culture.
Whenever some franchise is getting a new entry and hype builds up outsiders see the excitement and wanna be apart of it.
this is what happened with Persona 5, Nier Automata, MGSV, and a few other titles.
Memes also do the same thing.
I was pretty surprised when I found out how big P5 had gotten myself.
something like Xeno and Trails are still pretty "niche", but anyone who specifically has interest in jrpgs would've heard of them.
Also just to clarify I'm defining "mainstream" as the general demographic of people who play games and take part in the culture around games.(cons, online discussion, etc.)
Fire Nomura and Nojima.
know of em but played them? like how they talk about playing KH or FF? Smash is the reason people know of those games. DQ is just that game that has always been around but no one wants to play off brand dragon ball in the west.
they are aware of it the same way they are aware of FE. smash and meme spam. most have not even picked up the games.
You're right.
I also want to add that FF tends to have a portrayal of "Holy" and "Unholy" or an equivalent spiritual force in a lot of their titles.
I'm trying not to read that from a western perspective, but I can't figure out how else to put it.
VII for example has sephiroth portraying a fallen angel and Jenova being the devil, or an absolute corrupting evil force.
And Aerith serves as a good angel and the lifestream is like a weird take on the holy spirit.
I know that a lot of the FF games I've played had this good vs. evil spiritual aspect to them, but I'm not sure if it exists in every one.
Yeah you're right, but in that respect I find it no different from when everyone used to throw around "Aeris dies" memes back in the 2000s
Wouldn't count them as mainline games, and they're just reused assets of xiii
I wouldnt call p5 mainstream while calling xeno niche, xeno growth is faster than persona and blade 2 sold relatively the same amount considering how many less switches are sold compared to ps3/ps4. I would put nier automata above both of them though
M8 they reused a shit ton of assets for FF 4/5/6 and 7/8/9, primarily the monsters
Yeah, but they're numbered ff games, which are what the mainline ff games are. No new number = not a mainline ff game
I can see assets being shared from FF 8 to 9, but nothing in VII could've been usable, unless you're referring to statistical data and not models.
Well either way that was 2 main games last gen, more than what persona does
Send square enix japan all your ideas!!!
Are you 12? why would they give a shit? fans have been asking them to not do action-combat for years and they only keep doing that unless it's mobage.
And that's just one aspect of the modern games people don't like.
FF hasnt been good since 7
literally all of the games after it were so shit they have to remake FF7 to even get people interested in FF again
>fans have been asking them to not do action-combat for years
No the Japs they love that shit
They play with the concepts of "Good" and "Evil" but the story always comes to a point where the whole thing is set in to motion from the acts of men.
Shinra draining the planet for profit. doing experiments that they had no place doing. making a monster that freed weapons that were long locked away and drawing a fuck huge meteor
a furry wanting to be a giant whale monster while the church keep the wheel rolling because it keep them in power. going so far as to not pass on to the next life. becoming fiends.
Hi Noah
9 and 10 are fine games.
best post in the thread
Should I try to find a copy of 12ZE if I can find it for cheap?
The changes sound neat and i might actually get the story now (I don't think young me got the story when I played it when it came out)
Bring back the job system. Make a shitload of new jobs. Make combat hard unless you mix and match a bunch of skills from different jobs.
They blew their entire load with FF7, it was such a great game but ever since then they been trying to recreate it's success by going head first into these insane ambitious ideas
Like the Fabeula Nova whatever which was a disaster that killed them for a while
Take an FF game you like and steal shit from it. Especially if your players haven't played it. I'm working on my own FF TRPG and I'm lifting a whole lot of lore, story elements, and other shit from XIV, Tactics, and, IX
I would make it an FPS high-fantasy RPG with the main character being a rogue who has to sneak around. Light is important, sound is important. The main draw of the game would be creating obstacles/things and tricking or otherwise forcing the enemies to get to them. Like create a spike trap as you run away for enemies to fall into or create a spike wall out of thin air that you kick enemies into. Main, and only, character's actual combat abilities are pretty crappy outside of his traps and trickery, but he is given an awesome pair of boots from the gods that allow him to do some awesome kicks and jumps, including a double jump and the ability to go really fast with one jump/sprint.
And this.
Character and party creation like in 1 and Crystal Chronicles
No open world meme
Full control of all party members
Emphasis on fun and satisfying combat and gameplay first, retarded jrpg story second
Clear deadlines, no dumb feature creep, no stupid gimmicks, firm release date
Game is complete without DLC which should only be postgame, NG+, and side story content
Basically everything that will for sure never happen in a mainline final fantasy game
Stylized Yoshitaka visuals and ATB.
If they intend to go after even younger zoomers than XV by using attempted photorealism and automated action-spectacle combat system then they can fuck off right from the start.
non-shitposting 32 year old here. (played htem since they literally came out) and I agree with you. I think 9 is pretty weak, but only because it's too much like the older SNES one's. Final Fantasy's are always about trying something new and pushing the boundaries of what's been done, and to see a game that did the opposite actually makes it a terrible final fantasy game, but it's still a decent game. the weakest of the 4 during squares golden age.
IX was shit though
>Classes, even if they are changeable, or aren't "traditional"(like 13's)
>The Empire, even if it is "right," is evil
>The villain is usually right, but also insane
>Someone named Cid
So you want Thief + the Boot of Might and Magic?
I'm in the same boat. I played a fare bit of the PS2 game (got to the cid fight and my 15 year old ass couldn't beat him) and a lot of the story went over my head.
This, with the FFT/vagrant story (and ff12....) guy in charge.
>Final Fantasy's are always about trying something new and pushing the boundaries of what's been done
clearly you haven't played FFI to V
1 and 2 were so similar
i hated final fantasy 2, it was garbage
Focus less on making a huge big budget game with a million little things and more on a story driven single player game. The graphics do not need to be top tier.
Just fun game play and good story.
Find someone within the company who can provide the best script for a 30+ hour game and go with that.
Build off of previous things and keep a fun simple gameplay
>Some sort of sentient magical crystal of spiritual importance
>The expansionist Empire utilizing advanced technology is evil
>The traditional isolationist kingdom is good
>Orchestral music
>Big stakes - the date of entire nation's, if not the world itself
>Anachronistic advanced technology alongside swords and medieval stasis
>Various monsters ripped off from D&D
>there's gonna be a fire dungeon and an ice dungeon, accept it
>A very Shakespearean delivery with moments of silliness and levity interspersed among the character drama
>The protagonist always has an uncertain or star crossed love interest
Character customization/development that's a mix of Bravely Default and FFX
Yoko Taro in charge of story and writing
Kojima assisting with visuals and cinematography
Akihiko Yoshida on character designs
Jamieson Price does the english voice of one of the main cast, doesnt matter who
Revo, Nobuo Uematsu and Keiichi Okabe all collaborate on the assorted OST for the game which gets released as an album shortly after release
FFV is the best FF.
of course i've played 3, 4, and 5
I haven't played 1 and 2.
I secretly consider early video games to almost not be games, or rather not important at all anymore. FF basically starts at 6, though I enjoy 5 and it's job system a lot. I gotta take a shit so this may not make sense
Spoiler: With the exception of turn-based, you're describing FFXIV
Fabula Nova Crystallis wasnt any sort of project, it's just the name of one of their mythos sets, like Ivalice Alliance. It encompasses the concepts of things such as Fal'cie and L'cie
How come no modern Final Fantasy's have a job system? It's the best thing about the franchise and yet it's mostly relegated to spin offs. FFV is still the most fun main line game simply because it has a huge and varied job system. It doesn't make any fucking sense
I think the last FF game with Jobs was X-2.
I guess the 12 re-releases with the limited license grids could also count
>Drives past Rathalos to the NieR raid in my modern car with my friends occupying the passenger seats, dressed in a swimsuit, a clownsuit and a korean winged dress that cost 24 USD, respectively
Nothing personnel faggot
To bad XIV has some of the worst encounter design in the series, with single player battles that are literally impossible to lose because they have a level minimum, and multiplayer dungeons that are just based around knowing the gimmicks rather than good execution or having a well-built character.
I did like the story though.
I swear all they have to do is beg Matsuno to come and make FFXVI without dropping him halfway and the franchise would be saved overnight
I want a edgy horrific goth Castlevania like FF setting, not gay ass happy Dragon Quest high fantasy shit like people want cause they're to lazy to just play DQ
>Fromsoft helps with the next FF
I dig it
I like you
>ask an open-ended question
>get a lot of thoughtful and insightful responses
Thanks everyone. You guys are pretty cool.
nighttime Yea Forums is best Yea Forums
Depends on if you count paradigms in XIII as jobs or even akin
I can kinda see it as a Job System but when I think Job System, I think of all the absurd mix and matching you can do on one chaacter
Give it the battle system of VI or the battle system of XIII, without a gay boyband as the protagonists.
The 4 crystals of light fracture. They are broken beyond repair. Journey across a dying world and find a new source of energy to maintain the world.
Some form of tactical combat menu instead of action xxx and yyy because you will not be sucked.
XIV as well if you're including mmos
I have not played the MMOs so I can't comment on those
Ah okay so like traditional Ivalice job system we could say (for baseline reference), i gotcha
XV, but with better plot writing/pacing.
Also make it a girls road trip this time.
Honestly, while the fanbase is autistic as hell, the decision to go from easy-mode turnbased to easy-mode action combat is a result of internal conflict on the devs end. They're the ones who were convinced Bravely Default was gonna bomb because it was a retro turn based JRPG.
At least the Enix side of things is allowed their own creative freedom.
>XV, but with better plot writing/pacing.
and better gameplay
and no DLC shit
I kinda want this also, like just give me Berserk plus Bloodborne and Castlevania setting with scary ass Lovecraft based monsters, Cathedral buildings everywhere and shit just make it as edgy Dark Fantasy as possible
Fuck stupid hyper-realistic character models and put that money to.making an Amano 2D sprite inspired FF that looks fucking amazing. I'm sick of this series trying to incorporate real life technology into its fantasy setting and every iteration ramps it up and makes it worse.
Gothic architecture is my shit