>he thinks Rondo isn't the best castlevania
He thinks Rondo isn't the best castlevania
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked Super IV more.
Rondo is amazing for sure though.
What is SOTN
Dracula's Curse has never been topped.
For me it's aria of sorrow
Richter may be the most fuckable but when it comes to the best game it's Aria of Sorrow
Symphony or either Soma game. I would rank Circle of the Moon above Rondo too.
I'm going to be the weird one that likes CV Chronicles best.
liking a shit game doesn't make you weird, it just makes you an uncultured swine
Rondo is amazing but I like Portrait of Ruin the most
aria of sorrow is a poor man's sotn
The creaking man's opinion.
Three, Bloodlines, and 4 are all better than Overrated of Blood. The level design in Rondo is okay to shit, you can tell that the team that worked on it went on to make the metroidvania games with how much they like to make straight hallways full of enemies. 3, Bloodlines, and 4 all have better soundtracks too.
Bosses were neat though.
>aria of sorrow is a poor man's sotn
>being this retarded
AoS is literally SotN but not as bloated, streamlined and with all the fat cut out
why this "great value" shanoa got a deflated titty?
>worse music
>worse gameplay
>handheld game
yeah okay
We can all agree that Super IV is fucking trash.
>Great spritework
>Great music
>Good level design
>Later levels are actually pretty difficult
>The pure Castlekino that is the final dracula fight
not him but
>worse music
SOTN music was weak compared to the NES trilogy.
snesfags are literally delusional
They have a complete mental block preventing them from accepting any criticism of that piece of trash.
Bloodlines is worse, to be clear.
That Shanoa has enough decency to cover her back.
So it's more sensual when she shows it to you during intimate moments.
I'd list why you're wrong but beat me to it.
Its not a mental block, literally every time a portable only onions makes a comment on older games its usually because they never beat it or "its too hard." or something similarly nonsensical. For reference the GBA games are great too but for different reasons.
It was too easy, but it was also fun
stop being gay
Anyone else still think it's the first game?
I know Holy Water busts the whole thing wide open but it's just so nice and tightly designed.
find me a better song in the SOTN ost and I will start dating women
actually it has mode 7, and therefore it is the best. consider yourself contradicted, and your brand laid waste.
I feel like people who say it's too easy are just memeing because I found it harder than Rondo in its last levels. Maybe I just suck at platforming.
CV4 Slogra has to be one of the hardest fights in any Castlevania though, that fight is straight up bullshit.
Threadly reminder that you're a bitch if you aren't A rank or above.
We can all agree that 4 has the most kino final dracula fight, right?
>tfw Simon's theme starts playing in the last phase of the fight
I think whole "Super IV is too easy" is something secondaries who have barely played the games parrot. It's definitely harder than Rondo and the first game.
>soï bullshit
>claiming they're the ones who can't beat hard games
>all while defending fucking Castlevania IV
Rondo is the easiest Classicvania desu, wouldn't call it the best.
Castlevania IV is the best one. Deal with it.
oh god fuck this area
all of the opinions in this thread are bad
>Tfw first beat Rondo and killed Dracula right a midnight struck
Felt good. I won't forget it.
That part is easy as fuck nigga, you know you can crouch-walk right? The disappearing platforms you just got to be patient for.
Now the final level before dracula with the rising platforms that make you hit instant kill spikes, that's hard.
Bloodlines is the better game that is actually influenced by the bram stoker story
>IV is le easy
Play and beat all the games before calling me a bullshiter.
it is good, friend. i will not shit on castlevania, but i will defend sotn. symphony of the night has wonderful diversity. marble gallery's weirdness, choirs, electric guitars, the harpsichord.and orchestra in wood carving partita, and references the original castlevania's ost frequently and in interesting ways. the gayness remains until you come down from this absurd height you've put yourself on.
>Walk up to all of the bosses, enemies, and any other physical challenge
>Mash whip for all of 7 seconds
Okay champ. I've ACTUALLY played the entire series, and Rondo is easily harder than the easiest piece of shit in the series, IV.
Nigger I beat 3-US show some respect.
yeah but it's on burpy farty sega machine. there's a reason boogerman was featured on that system. no soundcard created before and since has been able to render intestinal trumpets as authentic.
So John and Eric were fucking, right?
>Rondo is easily harder than the easiest piece of shit in the series, IV.
I can tell you get your opinions secondhand.
>I never commented on Rondo
Rondo is my favorite but I still think CV3 is "the best"
Pretty good, but a little easy even without cheese.
>Runs out of arguments
Like Clockwork.
X isn't really that difficult. More like poorly built. It's definitely a slog to get through, but I always felt more like I was grinding it rather than being challenged. I agree with , 3-US is the second hardest Castlevania, with 3-US-Wii being the first.
Hipsters trying to act like SotN isn't obviously the best Castlevania kek
Why the fuck did Haunted Castle get a modern port before this?
Classicvania is good and all but I played through Simon's Destiny recently and it blew my fucking mind.
Epic reddit shitpost
Its great, the portables only bunch bitch about it too much.
it got one, though? it's in the same collection
fart lover
wasn't this made by a guy from Yea Forums?
Rondo and the first game are easier than Super IV.
>DOOMGUY vs Dracula
>Belmonts vs DOOMGUY
Someone make this happen.
Haunted Castle was ported a bit earlier by Hampster.
I don't really consider it hard, but yeah, people who only think it's bad for that reason, yet praise Rondo when it's not really any more difficult are hypocrites.
I treasure my sega genesis farts.
except DOOM 32X
>Show a stage by someone who practiced it and is using heavy subweapon use
Cool story bro. If I show you an expert clip of a IV stage, it'll look the same, except you won't see subweapon use because the game is afraid to push you.
Rondo is definitely more difficult than 4. Stop with the revisionist history lesson.
Rondo is great but the level design is rather flat and a little dull. You can tell they were trying to emphasize combat, but for the most part it's standard Classicvania fare just made easier and less meaningful thanks to the more flexible controls -- but with mediocre level design too.
Great bosses and spritework, though. Probably the best crop of bosses in the whole series.
Maybe you should present evidence then.
How do I use my subweapons in this?
>using speedruns as evidence
Why not show your own gameplay?
Its good, but I prefer Rondo and Bloodlines absolutely is superior to IV. Bloodlines has less levels and a fucking awful continue system but plays so much smoother.
Oh, you're making an appeal to authority fallacy. Nah, I'm good mate.
I gotchu pham
for me, it's 3
What authority am I appealing to? I'm just asking the perfectly legitimate question as to why you can't record yourself playing a game you consider easy.
>Rondo is definitely more difficult than 4.
I don't agree. I've played through both many times, and I think IV's later stages hit a higher difficulty more consistently. The only part of Rondo I find tough is the Shaft/Castlevania 1 boss gauntlet. IV is poorly balanced nonetheless, but the issue isn't so much that it's too easy (I think Bloodlines sans expert mode and Rondo are both easier than IV overall) but rather that it doesn't make good use of its ideas, and it makes the game feel mismatched.
My dad works at Sakurai and he says that it's going to be Master Chief vs Samus.
i agree with this guy. using speedruns as evidence is bullshit.
this simply shows the efforts anyone might take to beat the boss. this is longplay, so an acceptable indication of the challenge.
3 best nigger.
>tfw IV has a harder final boss than I
Seething IV haters begone.
>What authority am I appealing to?
Personal authority. The classic "You can't critique someone's cooking unless you're a professional chef". It's a waste of time for everyone involved, especially because it's not actually proving anything about your point other than you're trying to directly assassinate my character by questioning my personal skill at the game as opposed to addressing the actual issue from 3-4 posts back.
I'm good. Here's your last (You) for you.
4 does focus more on pure platforming than most other classicvanias, to match Simon being able to freely move in the air now. I think the sub-weapons should've been buffed or had a more utility use than just being for hitting enemies.
Proving that the game isn't as easy as you pretend is accomplished when you refuse to present your own gameplay. If it really was so easy then creating a webm of your own quality gameplay would be a snap.
Its good but I like 64 best of all.
>I'm not gonna prove my point or continue the arguement and just keep saying "no you you're wrong.".
>>>/reddit/ pls go.
>i agree with this guy. using speedruns as evidence is bullshit.
Assuming not samefag, why? He tried to undermine the difficulty of a game by posting what is clearly an experienced player playing it after multiple run throughs. That's not even his Webm, I've seen it in Castlevania threads before during this same argument that pops up in like 1/4th of the threads made here. What's the difference here?
The game doesn't get difficult at all in 4 until those final stages, and even then, most of that difficulty comes from wonky platforming more so than anything REALLY challenging. As soon as you get past the three screens and get to Simon and Garfunkle, the game goes right back to being piss easy. Rondo has a few stages where there's a platforming difficulty spike, but the difference here is that it's difficult AND solidly built within the game's engine.
OR, you're baiting because you got BTFO'd and you're asking someone to jump through hoops that you know they won't bother to because most normal people don't have recording and conversion tools on hand. Also those aren't even your webms, sit the fuck down.
>"You have to be a great chef to comment on someone's cooking".
Reddit tier if I ever did see.
Check out the controls menu.
>The chad CV3
>Routes are actually unique and progression makes sense.
>The virgin Rondo
>You're just carelessly flip-flopping between two branches at any time the whole game, and lead to nonsensical level progression like going into the castle, then fucking off into the mountains only to somehow appear in the heart of the castle again.
>also you can't even play Stage 5' until you've already beaten the game
Super IV is basically the most evolved Castlevania will ever be
Much like how Rondo is the pinnacle of the more traditional Classicvania design
Why do people even care about IV when Actraiser exists? It shits all over IV.
Circle of the Moon with an updated control scheme would be the best game. Because holy shit, the DSS is so fucking tedious to operate.
purist castlevania fan, believes in linear, short, and careful platforming. Can probably beat it without losing a life.
CV1 fan who wanted more. More routes, characters, and obstacles. The game that best follows CV1’s design. Will argue that the region they prefer is the best version of the game.(its JP)
Enjoys the precision given for platforming and the more unique challenges presented compared to other games, also the length and high boss count. Very atmospheric tunes.
CV3 guy’s cousin. Likes alternate paths, a second character, and the “traditional” formula but now in fancy 16-bit. Jams out to the soundtrack and does backflips whenever possible. Feels Rondo strikes a better difficulty balance than the others.
Feels SCV4 strayed too far from the classic formula. Enjoys a speedy, punishing experience with unique levels and weird blast processing gimmicks. Wonders why no other game used its subweapon system.
posts in /vr/. The kind of guy who thinks CV3 is too easy.
>Adventure ReBirth
never posts because he’s too busy being pissed that Konami didn’t fucking release it.
While Aria and PoR are technically superior gameplay-wise, SotN has a charm and a feel to it that can never be matched
>you're asking someone to jump through hoops that you know they won't bother to because most normal people don't have recording and conversion tools on hand.
You should already have an emulator downloaded and the ROM but even if you don't it takes seconds. Don't even pretend you're so retarded you can't figure out how to record a video and convert it into a webm too.
>Also those aren't even your webms
Wrong. Here's some random gameplay from the same session.
It's not even necessarily just controls, DSS needs far less RNG to get cards. To this day I still can't beat the arena.
>Holy water spam
Why would you even bother recording this trash?
>I like 64 best of all.
I remember from Egoraptor's dumb Sequelitis video that he suggested that the levels should have focused on more whip-based platforming so you could better utilize it
but I feel like it would then make every level feel too gimmicky boring and none of the levels would have an identity
say what we will about level design but each level does feel memorable in its own right
in case you ever want to record something, you can use OBS studio - open broadcaster software. it is free and open source. i don't care if you do, but just so you know.
Gonna break this down for you.
Theres a difference is how the difficulty is oriented, platforming in 4 is significantly harder in 4 than in 1 and Rondo.
>Most of the difficulty comes from wonky platforming.
Wew its almost as if thats in all of the games and IV emphasizes it more to balance out the whip upgrades.
>Most people don't have the recording equipment.
>le great chef comment
Prove your argument when you're put in a corner instead of bitching and whining about doing so otherwise hi again >>>/reddit/.
>never posts because he’s too busy being pissed that Konami didn’t fucking release it.
Konami better do some sort of fucking Rebirth collection
I just converted the first mildly interesting thing I saw in my footage. That's kind of relevant to the conversation, since it's about how much easier the first game is than IV. This one is too.
>That's kind of relevant to the conversation
I'm not the guy you're arguing with, just wanted to point that out.
Box art will never be this kino ever again
>most of that difficulty comes from wonky platforming
I wouldn't call it wonky, but either way it's more challenging. Rondo is easy for me all the way through save for the aforementioned boss gauntlet, and even that is fairly forgiving. (Granted, I've played every Classicvania so many times I have them all pretty well mastered.) I don't care if you consider Rondo a better game or even if you consider Rondo harder, but considering IV more difficult or at least roughly on par isn't outlandish. It doesn't even seem rare, judging from conversations I've seen on /vr/ and elsewhere.
A mechanically weak, generally not-very-well-designed game carried entirely by amazing presentation.
>A mechanically weak, generally not-very-well-designed game carried entirely by amazing presentation.
so a castlevania game basically.
The Classicvanias in general are all pretty tightly designed. So no.
nice opinion there, m9
Beyond its main character being the son of Quincy Morris it’s not really that much more based on Stoker’s book.
Probably because 1 and 2's was likely plagiarized.
t. never played a classicvania for more than five minutes.
Everything in 1 and 3 is so perfectly and carefully arranged, they should be taught in classes about game design
Honestly, I prefer most of the games after the Metroidvania split. Not that the games prior don't have their charm, but they don't appeal as much.
>"how to not make hipster indie pixel/voxel garbage."