What does it mean to be strong in mahjong?
What does it mean to be strong in mahjong?
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I don't know
A2 in 1 hour, time to test your ultra fast online playstyle.
Where's Saki?
Saki's playing with her lesbian friends.
>South game ends in East 3
>You're in 1st
>tfw you throw away your lead with a careless discard
>Some guy has an obvious open tanyao
>push a dangerous tile
>ron with a closed triplet of the dora for mangan
official tournament in 40 minutes
Good work user. I've never scored above 40k
Don't lewd these girls user.
>Get hano haburu on first hand
Feels good man
Oh cool. Watched a Jade Room game and you can see their stats. It's interesting to know who's on a losing streak and who isn't.
I seriously want to punch that sorepon in the face
It means you want to be Akagi, but you think you're more like Kaiji when really you're side character that loses immediately.
Fuck, I need to sleep.
Thanks, now where's the stream with the sexy russian commentary
>Entire game is literally just two people ronning off each other and points barely changing
Go for the tsumo and win.
Ok let's have one game before the official tournament
Majsoul Friends Room 13347(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
To Meido, I've played a few games with you and you're good man, don't get cocky but I believe in you
>Just tsumo 4Head
the thing with pharaoh is that this will happen until some bullshit makes him win for some reason. this or he reverts back to child form and they end up in some sort of friendly stalemate.
You can do that in your own games too. I don't recommend it tho.
The match is starting in 15 minutes, you really think you can finish a hanchan by then?
I like to confirm for myself that the chinks I'm playing are even capable of not calling.
I wasn't paying attention, when is the official tourney and who do I root for?
Well yeah it's too late now
Right now they're streaming A2. Our rep player is "Meido".
Meido, unless he fucks up and embarasses himself, in which case we already knew he was a giant fuckup and just came to laugh at him.
That's a surprise. Can't do it in my log. I'll try it next game.
How do I come to terms with the fact I drew my opponent's winning tile and I must destroy my big dick tenpai in the last turns therefore abandoning all hope of taking first place ?
When I'm in that situation, I like to lose and feel bad about myself. Try it next time and see how it works out.
Should watch Dasuke's stream instead if you want actual insightful commentary.
If you always fold your big dick hands you'll never finish one
Top lazy here. I'm watching it in-game.
You really shouldn't be saying that to me.
It's because I don't do that I've been dealing in recently. I need to learn to fold and stop with the "I know exactly it's this tile he's waiting on but let me discard it anyway lol"
Just gotten this.
Start of game, East.
4 rounds later, end of game, East.
Could had gotten a even higher score if the last round didn't ron by someone else.
Have already 4 han (3 dora, 1 red five) waiting.
Still, this is my luckiest game of the week.
Gotta enjoy it while i can.
It's on
Last round.
Starting hand.
You're the dealer.
You're in first place by 10000 points.
What's your move?
u wot?
Go for bigdick churen ofcourse.
Akagi >> Kenshitro
Immediate betaori.
Just like the good old Tenhou days. Godspeed you two.
proceed to draw only honor tiles for 10 turns, decide to start calling for a flush, deal into some shit hand that has multiple dora and get second.
8 pin. Wait for 3p or 5p, then discard 9m and stay hidden tenpai. Top laughs.
hoq so i wvwn learn to play? is there a switch game with info?
So apparently Erika is playing at the same time.
>only 4 terminals
This hand BEGS for some kuitanyao
No homo though
>all these players one away from ready already
Does everyone at this level have magical sand?
What's the good stream with the good commentary?
is dasuke going to stomp?
Meido a hack.
*starts dealing in immediately*
how much should I dump into this game? Seems a bit overpriced
What's the stream ? The dasuke shitter is just talking and nothing's happening
>Gachashitter dropping the shitty hands
Only 2 streams have been linked, nigga.
It's not hard to get the other one from this thread.
Two terminal dora and connectors. Pure nyaggernip.
stop bullying Meido
daisangen incoming
i dumped $30 and gotten nothing.
Then another $15 to get a character.
If you're dumping, it's now for the increased chance for the 2 new character or wait for the next update.
>Meido getting fucked in his ass
>meanwhile FurudoErika is snorting hell sand
kaiji is fucked
>going to sanshoku doujun
maxmum cringe
let me die
read the thread you dumbdumb
Wow the commentators are retarded.
>get red five
>discard normal five
>OMG he discarded the run!!?!?!?
>Just need this one tile in a sequence, ir a pair of these other two to get into tenpai.
>Dude Kans the tile I needed for my sequence.
>Same situation
>Another dude Kans the tile I needed for my sequence, AGAIN.
>Get into tenpai and riichii really early with a great 3 way wait and 5 doras.
>Not a single person drops my tile nor do I tsumo.
Yeah, okay, this game doesn't want me to play it today, thanks.
>have a 2,4s proto-run
>get a 1s
>WOh! he's flexible now
I wish I was as popular as Meido.
meido is actually a fraud you guys... i've played friendlies with him, he's a nice guy but he literally is an east only nyagger it's real sad
Stop circlejerking the dumb faggot or we'll end up in /vg/ at this rate you retards
Meanwhile Erika
Does telling him to do a flip after he shows up here suicidal count as helping?
DO IT Yea Forums!!
As expected from an intellectual rapist
>All those shitty Yakuhai hands
Wow nice pros you have there catfuckers.
>commentating about their own shite instead of the game
Where's our Ruskie when we need him
>some dude is absolutely demolishing everyone
>check his profile
>10% first place rate, 40% last place rate
Yeah I would not recommend it either, but it has also happened that
>some dude is demolishing everyone
>playing cautiously to secure 2nd
>check his profile
>20% deal in rate
>start riiching everything because he'll deal in my shit waits anyway
>he explodes and I get 1st place
Sometimes it is useful to know the data.
So does anyone actually wanna play, or is this a bad time?
They are making fun of meido tell them to STOPPPPPPPPPP
If I had another set of eyes I'd watch three streams, but two is my limit.
There are tournaments? How do I get in on this?
Stop making fun of /ourhack/!
This can be huge.
Majsoul Friends Room 51434(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Holy fuck, that stupid autist-chan fag got like 3 tsumos.
So fucking dumb.
HAAHAHAHAH Yea Forums faggot on suicide watch.
I just got raped on national tv fuuug.
How much sand did haini snorting beforehand holyshit.
Thank God it's double elimination. That nyagger hasn't suffered nearly enough.
She won big time.
I don't know about you but that matches my ladder experience exactly
just stop losing lmao
Our rep player got fucked HAHAHAHAHAHA
call the blind fuck
So that’s it they only stream for like 30 fucking minutes?
You're a second rate nyagger with third rate tiles!
I mean, it matches mine too. It just goes to show how fucking dumb this game can be sometimes.
"Lmao, just tsimo firsssttt!"
First we have to test your skills in private.
The next stream is today, half an hour ago too.
Come join, you fucks.
1 more
Meido.. come here for a bit..
>breaks all your fingers
There is still a game tomorrow for me to come back like a phoenix.
It's the Yea Forums tournament all over again.
Retarded paypig, maybe spend less money on cosmetics and more time on playing and getting good. Fuck you meido.
Maido should learn from Erika and don't go for trash hands all the time.
>It's the Yea Forums tournament all over again
The one where you got shadow-realmed in the finals?
Erika also just got fucked by tsumo haneman luck
>maid had a haneman tsumo
With luck we'll have a meido v. erika game tomorrow
Can't be helped but overall she's good.
Mahjong is just too fucking complicated, it's like if someone took poker and started making up shit calvinball-style.
stop being a faggot
I'm sorry guys, I tried so hard and got so far
Make a room, fags.
Majsoul Friends Room 22276(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
>Suddenly it's, "Cant be helped. Just tsumo luck" instead of the usual, "LOL JUST WIN FIRST DUDE"
If you lost you’re fine you arent eliminated yet.
Remember what I said, have fun.
Okay so this hand, get this, it's a hon itsu, but like... look at the colors, they're all the same! Isn't that cool? That should totally be its own thing, and not just because I happened to get it this one time. It's, uhh... Ryuuiisou. Sure, let's go with that. Yakuman btw
You just need practice bro. It's not rocket science.
It's all part of the plan to get 1st
2nd row pinfu riichi is the foundation of mahjong!
Fuck you and your game for middle-aged chinese women
literally just stop being a faggot lmao
It was close. Good game Erika.
good luck next time, girls
wouldn't it have been better to take the ron on the south and hope to pull ahead on last instead of trying to snipe the south from first
Aw nuts. Someone made a comeback against the first saint guy, but I missed it because I tried to check the other matches.
So is this guy supposed to be good?
Instead of getting second he went straight to fucking 4th.
oh wait I forgot it was already on last
he's very skilled at refusing rons
i've never seen anything like it in my whole month of mahjong
but apart from taht he did seem pretty smart... thinking about how to recover from his fuckup with a tsumo but yeah it seems like useless over complication to me
It about crashing nyaggers
with no survivors
The best player in the tournament, yes.
Fake Gamer Guy giving away points to chad hag and maid but for free but doesn't have any for a real gentleman like Erika. Gamers rise up!
>The best player in the tournament, yes.
I'll trust your judgement for now
Best way to learn how to play? Does the Mahjong game with cute girls have a good tutorial on how to play?
Tournament play creates a lot of weird situations like this, but it's clear he just lacks experience. 28000 was more than enough to be in the running for top 3 2nds, you need 30k just to win a round. He's sitting there imagining what, first and second both have 30k+ and third and fourth are down at 18,19k? And that happens three times? Makes no sense.
Now go watch actual pros.
What happened in the tournament? I took an hour nap just to wake up and find out I missed it as soon as I tuned in.
I just checked. It has a basic tutorial. It won't make you good, but you will know how the game works.
why isn't their a pokernight but with these guys and the gambling girls
It's actually watchable since we can see a small discard screen unlike other times.
I sure do fucking love getting into riichii earlier than everybody else and still losing to tsumos.
Game lets you check tournament logs: 542786. A guy with The First Saint title won the match I watched.
Come back you nyagger.
>I guess I'll just pon this and keep my no-yaku Tenpai hand so I can keep the dealer seat.
>Tsumo nyaa !
Nice, so these things actually happens.
Meido - 4th place
Furudo Erika - 3rd place (close to second)
Next time they'll be playing in C group to get another chance.
it's worse when you get a fast riichi and some fuck riichis a dozen turns later and you instantly deal into him
Chase riichis are scarier than early riichis, but I know what you mean. There are way more safe tiles for early riichis, but it still feels awful.
>Riichi a trash 1 Han hand to retain my dealership
>3 Ura
Also I was about to riichi a good hand when I got a bug and dc
>Yea Forums is officially defeated
>Watch some games from the tournament
>People still go for quick cheap open hands and bare riichi
But the mahjong experts on Yea Forums told me people don't play like this at higher levels
I finally got 2nd place in a game after 15+ games of being 4th place. Small steps I guess.
majsoul is the minor league.
They get a second chance tomorrow.
>getting cucked out of 1st at the end of East 2 by trying to dodge triple Riichi
Anons, what's your take on this?
That was a grand game. Thanks lads.
Two spots, no open tanyao no red fives.
If people actually listen to that nonsense they're a fool.
Is that a normal size for riichi mahjong tiles? Mine are a lot smaller and I can't tell whether I accidentally got the wrong size or if auto tables just have larger tiles in general.
is this some chinese board game?
where does one learn the basics
One spot left.
Don't bully me if I disconnect,
I get internet issues sometimes. ;_;
The online client posted here has a beginner tutorial. You really only need to absorb that to start playing. Playing WELL can be learned once you're comfortable.
Where are the rooms
>1000 tsumo to stay in 4th
Majsoul Friends Room 22276(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
is this game uncensored now?
what the hell was that game, did I really feed into haitei only
It's the Japanese version of a Chinese tile game, which is quite different from (and better than) the Chinese version
It plays a like a mix of rummy and poker
Watch this series if you want to learn how to play
why did he deal in for no reason?
They just wanted the pain to be over.
Yugi is litterally the King if Games and always wins
>have to work during the stream
>tournament broadcast isn't saved on the twitch archives
High end auto tables almost all have 28mm tiles, but the cheaper ones like the JP2 are 30mm
Japanese standard size tiles are 26mm, that's probably what you have
I still like the 26mm size and I wish there were auto tables that used them
Not uncensored enough #freethenipple
These players are crazy, dealing in for no reason, hell waits.
It was uncensored, but the wish was a monkey paw. The hag was cursed with cleavage that is just slightly out of line with the middle of her clothes, making it look wrong forever.
You can view the tourney logs by going to Tournament Match in the game and finding Catfood Bowl. The official commentary was hilariously amateurish, so the only thing you're missing is getting to watch a cat die an agonizing death in real time.
Majsoul Friends Room 32279(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Old looked a million times better.
why do they hand shuffle the tiles before they dump them in the table? do they not trust the table to shuffle them properly? superstition? joke?
Is there a big compilation image of all the girls and their uncap versions? Trying to bait a friend into the game and he's easily lured by cute girls if one strikes his fancy.
Your friend sounds like a loser.
Your folding wasn't too bad. You made some weird discards in earlier rounds tho. If you ever hit a wall, you can try the efficiency 101 of mahjong.guide or memorize some wait patterns.
>that guy who challenged you to a YAMI NO GEIMU
gg, I lost all my flow after that failed honroutou baiman attempt
>tfw you die from noten
Some games literally feel like you're being cheated when you're dealing into everyone's hand
>West round
Internet got kill
Well, it was(n't) nice while it lasted.
Fuck this gaem.
>When my riichii takes me just out of winning range.
>Then I end it quick with an open tanyao
GGS, those were legitimately hilarious matches.My heart was racing at the end there.
Lots of tsumos.
I should have gone to sleep 2 hours ago but those games were too good to stop. Thanks, they made my night.
It's always fun playing with people who emote and just have fun with it. Makes it ten times more enjoyable, even when losing.
>keeping tempai for this garbage
You either riichi to get 2 uras or fold.
One day I will play with Yea Forums.
I'm going to say that the influx of mahjong is a result of attempting to appeal to China for marketing purposes and the fact that it's working disgusts me
why not right now
Majsoul Friends Room 23446(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
>He still hasn't taken the shogi pill
Mahjong is a children's game
What's stopping you?
>Riichii Mahjong
>Appealing to Chinese
Are you retarded?
I wish I could read the pond even half as good as these people.
based retardbro
Thanks for the match
Going to sleep soon, watching that pro game right now before sleeping.
>he still hasn't taken the Go pill
Shogi is a kindergarten level
Playing irl is fun but setting the walls up is a pain in the ass and it makes me feel bad for ever getting fast cheap wins
I can't wait to buy an auto table someday
He's played heaps of tournaments, and probably the most out of anyone who's participating in this one. 30k may be the minimum to win but it's not a secure lead at all - first place at the other tables will inevitably be higher than that, which means second place may also be higher than 28k (unless, for example, first crushed everyone evenly), so hoping to be in the top three with a 28k second place is a gamble that you have no control over. On the other hand, if he tsumo'd that south or if Umidah saw it pass and decided to discard it himself after that, Dasuke would have a much better shot at advancing. He passed up the win because there was still a chance for a better result, just as Corak wanted to steal first which is why he called that riichi in the first place. You can bet that neither of them would've played that way in ranked matches, but they know that in a tournament - an elimination tournament, at that - you have to go big or go home.
Same feel but my 3 dudes and me are getting an auto table, split 4 ways
only problem is no idea which one is worth shit, looking on amazon there are 2 and one seems decent but amazon.co.jp has some better looking ones but they unfortunately won't ship to US
not sure what to do at this point but we play enough to make a table worth it
This game is fucking rigged
Ippatsus everywhere I fucking go
Is this hell?
>tfw you make an amazing hand for a comeback but it goes to exhaustive draw
>Same feel but my 3 dudes and me are getting an auto table, split 4 ways
I wish I could do this
I still plan on getting one, but the guys I play with are poor as fuck and probably won't pitch in
I don't really mind paying for it so I can "own" it and keep it at my place, I just hope the point display version of the JP2 isn't too expensive whenever amos gets off their asses and finally gets NA distribution going like they said
You should wait for that before buying one, we don't know the price range yet but it really can't be higher than overseas shipping and the aotomo one on amazon is apparently not great
show how much exp he gets
>Not playing big brained Igo-Soccer
>having friends irl that all like mahjong
>having friends irl
>having friends
Okay let's watch this /jp/ pro.
Based reply, thanks, I'll keep in mind
? What's your point here? Any high-tier player would've made that call here.
Depends, did you lose because you decided not to ron someone with a 1000 point riichi hand on the first round, only to deal into someone else's riichi with 3 uradora and ultimately lose the match as they just kept on winning hands while you couldn't get shit together?
I'm so fucking done with this game
Default rules, east game. Just feel like getting in a quick game or two before bed.
Majsoul Friends Room 70539(4-Player East): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Are you high tier expert player?
gg. Recognized you from . I've learned it's hard to give level appropriate advice. I made some bad plays and just barely won.
Sorry to other cats for being a tryhard.
Here's the basic model from the guys who are apparently working with amos
There's also a version without the point display, but unless it like doubles the price or something I'll probably go for this one because regular tables have the tenbo in a drawer so you can't just look at the trays and count points like on a junk mat
The tiles are a little big, but otherwise it looks alright
I probably seem like I'm shilling but I'm just really fucking excited for this and I really want it to work out for them so companies continue trying to spread the game here
They also confirmed they'll be selling their hand shuffle sets so we don't have to pay for overseas shipping from amazon jp
>26 Han hand
>Don't get Double Yakuman
Shit game
this is the mach fell free to tell me how badly i fucked up it was mostly the cat being fucking unstopable
Mahjong Soul Game Log: mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
My bad. Honestly, mahjong could use a handicap system or something. I don't think ranks are well separated.
Best place to buy good quality tiles? I keep finding Chinese/American Mahjong sets and none of them look that great.
>26 Han hand
also im a little bit salty i got cucked out of a Suuankou
Shit, that looks way more portable than I expected. How heavy are these beasts? I was concerned about space and ease of moving it aside if need be, if it's not too heavy (I have no idea how much machinery is in there) then I might be able to make it work with what space I have since I'm the only homeowner out of my circle of friends.
Game-1 "Baiman comeback"/Game-2 "200 points below 1st" user here, ggs to both sets of anons.
I actually did read through that 101 webpage earlier this week.
>weird discards
Can you point out some specific ones? I can explain my reasonings for those.
I played Go a long time ago. Hit a wall on KGS 2 kyu. I never studied enough to get past it.
That call is useless. It doesn't advance your hand by much. You can call 7 man or 7 sou here but 3 sou pon does nothing for you.
You puts you into ishanten for a confirmed sanshoku you fucking bronze brainlet.
for japanese-style tiles your options are either the YMI set off amazon (pic related) which is apparently perfectly good but it's not authentic if that matters to you, or to import an Amos set off amazon jp. If you have amazon prime the former will be about $10-$20 cheaper, but if you don't the import will probably be around the same price after shipping depending on which set you get.
Get the Gabin set for standard 26mm tiles, or the Max for auto table-sized 28mm tiles. The max also comes with nicer tenbo sticks than the gabin
Im not saying i got one, im just saying its possible and it doesn't give any additional reward
How do I play this thing??
>first round
>have a solid hand, already some sequences, a triple and two chuns
>pon a third chun
>kan the triple i have
>dora is hatsu
>win in a few more rounds
is this how it feels to be washizu
It's okay mang, not every day is a good day. Just remember to have fun
GGs all have good night
I'm glad you had fun
>Have all of the flow up until last two south hands
>get tsumo baiman'd into second
fucking good play mate
Playing Mahjong without Open Tanyo and Red 5's feels weird, and kinda boring.
What like made of ivory and ebony?
amazon japan, with shipping and everything same price as the one that Amazon US sell.
to truley be a master you must gain the rank of Baba or
I saw that set and for some reason when I saw the rest of YMI shop, I felt like they were knockoff/fake sets that weren't that great, though if the tiles are fine them I might get them. I mainly just want a set for some casual games with some local friends. I'll check out amazon jp though and see what I can find.
I missed the streams
What did i lose
>Taking out the fundamental hand of Mahjong makes it less fun.
Well yeah, no shit. NO open Tanyao is for autism solitaire retards who want their big dick hands.
Chiinyaa to the ponyaa to the kanyaa to the ronyaa.
Make a pretty hand by pressing the colorful buttons on screen
>my first yakuman ever sent some guy to the shadow realm on the first round
felt good bros
>You puts you into ishanten for a confirmed sanshoku
Your "confirmed" sanshoku still needs two sevens, one of which is a dora tile. Not only it's a cheap hand with only 2 han but it is also extremely hard to get.
>you fucking bronze brainlet.
I am sure you''re much better than bronze since you're so calm and composed in a simple conversation, not even in a game.
>tfw no kan to tsumo
> play yakuza Kiwami and Zero
>love it
>play through 2 3 and currently on 4
>forced to play mahjong with the detective character
>lose because I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing
>convinced me to learn and try to ay better
Where can I go to get a real retard run down of Mahjong????
Haha, I found out we're close in level, so I don't know how much use my "advice" is. But sure.
Here, I see 4s and 5p as floating. I make five blocks as: [3-5]-6-6-7m (two blocks), 1-1-2p, 9-9p, and 6-7s. I thought it was weird you kept 4s but discarded 3m and 6m.
What exactly are "magic sands"
Get 4 sequences or 4 triplets + a pair + a winning condition (yaku)
There is a hugefuck list of yaku
just play the majsoul tutorial and then play for like a month, while reading up on/watching tutorial vids on defensive play and tile efficiency.
After that start figuring out flow basics and how to manipulate it. get some sand from the depths of hell
Magical sands from hell.
>What like made of ivory and ebony?
Nah, I just mean the YMI set is made specifically for western markets rather than being a real import from a Japanese brand. In both cases they're just some kind of plastic or resin, bone and bamboo sets are basically just a niche novelty thing these days.
I've never seen any complaints about it, so I assume it's fine. If it's significantly cheaper for you, you might as well go for it. I imported a set, but it was while the YMI set was in that several month long out of stock spell so I didn't have a choice.
Here's the two Amos sets if you're interested though:
The first one is larger 28mm tiles and nicer point sticks and wind marker, the other is standard 26mm tiles and cheaper sticks and marker.
They have two other sets but as far as I'm aware they're just the same thing as these but lighter, mahjong tiles typically have an iron core (or a magnet in the case of auto tables) to make them heftier and the other sets are just cheaper versions that don't have the weight.
Pic is the gabin set
it's a meemay from Akagi
So what are the chances that our two guys will be eliminated tomorrow
Plot twist: they are both in the same group and both end up in negatives
Ah, that hand.
I think the 567m made my mind "detach" the 3m and 6m from that block, and my discard order was tunneling into those strays from the outside in (1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 4-6, 5). That's why I ended up giving 3m and 6m higher discard priority back then (I see the inefficiency now).
Honestly there's nothing to watch here. Umidah guy was completely dominating the game. Other than shit 3 sou call dasuke didn't made any big mistakes.
That comeback from third.
Thanks for bringing down first place for me.
Now imagine getting that every round. Then a smug joker comes along and never deals in, ever. And he blocks your tsumos.
>mfw I wish Japan popularized the shitty Turkish mahjong (Okey) instead of regular mahjong so I can participate
Erika can easily make it with some luck. As for Meido, he just needs to have a bunch of doras to make his open hands work.
absolutely based. Those jp sets look nice. and after taking a look at the YMI set again, it looks pretty good too, though alot of people say the cases are shit. If only I could find a set with green backs. Oh well I'll stop being greedy and decide on what set to get later. Thanks bro
>one of which is a dora tile
*dora indicator
Sheer curiosity, why are the smaller tiles more expensive?
Just make an online client with playtime economy and cosmetic cash shop, that'll popularize anything.
>Fallen back down to 0 points
One bad day undid all my progress
It hurts
It hurts so much
How much does an auto table weigh? Is it heavy enough that I should consider its location permanent, or can it be picked up and moved easily?
Okey's already popular with the kebab market. What I need is a manga with cute girls.
Never gotten yakuman
>but got dead wall draw once
Feels so cool when you get that shit.
I know what you mean. Having sequences mixed together makes it hard. One day I'll get good and learn to handle it maybe
You just need to not get last
...is what everybody says but you and I both know that ain't happening
Actually true, dora was 8 characters. Still the point stands.
3s pon literally advances shanten. Waiting for the chance to chii 7m or 7s has zero merit because that means he's one shanten slower than he would be otherwise. The hand is too slow to stay closed, so the next best thing to do is pivot to a kawashi hand to stop, if possible, anyone else from winning a big hand. And if he's still not fast enough, he's got plenty of options for safety.
Really, what is it with people on Yea Forums always trying to insist that they know better? Call it a debatable choice if you will, but to so confidently declare that it was obviously wrong and stupid is just peak Dunning-Kruger.
Even the "slim" foldable models are pretty damn heavy and you'd be best off getting a second person to help you carry them.
we're all gonna make it brah
Well that's why I prefer playing south
The sands of hell are a magical sand...
They aren't
You fuckers are so lucky I swear
Is putting yourself on furiten the biggest brain and dick move in mahjong ? Does it please the demons ?
I am 99% convinced it's the same retard every day, coming up with new stuff like that because his classmates told him about this cool thing called 'le troling xd'. Gotta just learn to recognize him early enough without investing into actually trying to talk about anything.
What are the colored circles in the box set?
They seem to come with all cases I've seen but I have no idea what they're for.
Majsoul Friends Room 93861(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Need a game for the daily.
I swear it works out more often than not because the game is trying to screw me over when doing sensible waits.
I think I'm at the end of my rope lads. Maybe it's time to go back to video games.
mother fucker
Need one more.
Sometimes. It's usually my "I can't think fast enough and I fucked up" move. But planning it and getting tsumo is the best.
>nigga gets his tile on the second turn after going into a furiten tanki hell wait
>I don't get any of my 3 tiles after going into tenpai for chiitoi early game
Not even mad, I'm impressed.
>he riichi'd on 3-sided wait?
>put the winning tiles at the end of the wall, then give him the whale's winning tile
>make it a kan dora and ura-dora too, he'll know better than not to participate in gacha lottery
>Calling riichi with a furiten pair wait
Couldn't have you waited a single turn to call riichi on a non shit wait?
where do i go to learn this game
That would've insulted the demons who provide the magic sand. You NEED to do shit like that if you want any.
I didn't even realize I was in furiten until after I discarded my tile.
>If only I could find a set with green backs.
I hear that, I'd love to find a blue-backed set but all of them are expensive luxury ones.
What I really want is one that actually has green ink for the hatsu and souzu tiles, but it seems like that practically doesn't even exist. It's always just black and red ink. I don't understand why no sets exist when literally every game an anime always shows green ink, even on tenhou it's a dark green rather than black.
They're something related to playing for money parlor-style, they have nothing to do with actual riichi gameplay. I just left mine in the box, same with the yakitori markers. All you need are the tiles, a pair of dice, the point sticks, and a surface to play on.
this is in half-length
am i "good" enough to ascend rookie yet?
You can try the Mahjong Soul tutorial, which is available to play on your internet browser. Basically what it comes down to, though, is to make four melds of either sequences (123) or triplets/quads plus a pair. There are also certain conditions you need to fulfill in order to get a winning hand (yaku), and that's where a lot of the learning and memorization part comes in.
That literally happened to me too just yesterday
We should be friends
How hard is jade room compared to gold?
Should I just keep playing in gold at this point?
Do you know what size tiles they're playing with on abema.tv
>want to ron some guy who's been winning with big dick hands all the time and leeching off points
>he's obviously going for tanyao to end the game safely
>sitting on my motherfucking baiman hand and waiting
>look away for a sec
>see ron pop up
>smash it
>end up sending the guy with 4.5k poitns into shadowrealm instead
Jade is pretty much lower dan lobby from Tenhou. Slightly better players *on average* than Gold, an occasional good Tokujo-tier player, but you also get complete retards like the eternal 1-Kyus all the time.
You want to ron off a guy who's getting rewarded for going for big hands?
I want to strangle (read: hit with a sanbaiman ron) the fucktard who's been cheesing off everyone with high-dora yakuhai hands throughout the match
I've no idea what I'm doing and the tutorial teaches you basically nothing, blease give a resource to learn from
>opponent riichis discarding 6s
>discard 9s thinking it's safe
>their wait was 6s and 9s
fucking what
That should be furiten, you sure you read the waits correctly?
Literally impossible, unless it was someone other than the riichi guy ronning you.
He could have gone into tenpai after the riichi.
u wot
6s would be furiten, but 9s is fair game
I went back and checked, I thought they had ryanpeikou but it was chiitoitsu fuck me
No, if one of the wait is furiten all waits are furiten
>u wot
u wot
Furiten applies to every possible winning tile, not just the one you throw away.
gg. I tried to make a no yaku tenpai for a friendly finisher but you guys won too fast.
i don't really think this game would interest me but your titles are always very creative and entertaining
Jade isn't the Tokujo room? That's a surprise. I wonder if Majsoul girls/emotes makes people take it easy.
why does chi sometimes just not prompt at all?
You can only call chii on the player to your left
>3s pon literally advances shanten.
Yes it does, but is it really necessary with his hand? It's advancement on paper but you have to deal with 2 rare tiles still. He could've had a much better hand and maybe even riichi, just need to wait and see how it progress.
>Waiting for the chance to chii 7m or 7s has zero merit because that means he's one shanten slower than he would be otherwise.
You don't have to be as fast as possible in East 1 my man. It's more important to make a high score hand at this phase. Of course nothing's wrong with being fast, just not with 3 sou call, that's my point.
>The hand is too slow to stay closed, so the next best thing to do is pivot to a kawashi hand to stop, if possible, anyone else from winning a big hand. And if he's still not fast enough, he's got plenty of options for safety.
You don't have to win by any means. Either way he still waits for sevens from kamicha or his draw, may as well wait for 1 or 4 sou and have more options for defense.
>Really, what is it with people on Yea Forums always trying to insist that they know better?
You're free to agree or disagree with any opinion. Or you can shitpost like this so called "expert" and call people bronze without any counter arguments he probably thinks his word has a lot of merit for some reason.
>Call it a debatable choice if you will, but to so confidently declare that it was obviously wrong and stupid is just peak Dunning-Kruger.
I didn't even said it was wrong or stupid in the first place. I said that call doesn't advance your hand by much so i don't see a point. With his hand he can just as easily get 1 or 4 sou from the wall. Dunning-Kruger's effect is just a polite way to say you're wrong without any need to engage in further discussion.
Cool your ass, mr high tier player. It's embarrasing to be this mad over someone's commenct about your favorite /jp/ e-celeb and twitch streamer.
That's a high end amos table, so those are almost certainly 28mm.
Here's people playing on a table with 30mm tiles, they look a little bigger here than that.
If you like reading a lot: mahjong.guide
Focusing on five blocks and block patterns should help you.
So /jp/ schooling Yea Forums so far?
Ah, I see. Thanks, I'll go ahead and give the amos max set a shot.
Not my pic, but here's the max set
>Jade is pretty much lower dan lobby from Tenhou. Slightly better players *on average* than Gold, an occasional good Tokujo-tier player, but you also get complete retards like the eternal 1-Kyus all the time.
Some tenhou people said jade was tokujou tier not a long ago and even a famous tenhou player Corak is still an expert. If tokujou players can't even get to master it's obviously harder here.
Mahjong is a game where you watch your averages and not the outliers.
Weird, I get the perception that it's smaller than what I'm seeing on the abema stream, but maybe that's due to the lack of hands for reference.
No, don't play gold. Try to get used to jade and see how far you can progress. With 4th place penalty it's better to play as much as you can and replenish your copper later on. Getting experience is very important.
Ruskie streamer here, I slept over, sorry guys for not getting my shit up for glorious downfall of our reps, but I'll try to stay today to wintess their exile to the shadow realm.
Also, I'm still puzzled by Dasuke's refusal of taking 2nd place. What is the next step of his master plan?
I am sick and have a fever but I still play.
please be gentle
based 7 pairs suji trap. People really hyper focus on the riichi tile in particular when you could have checked every other discard for the suji.
piece of shit game disconnected me, again 54645
adept 3 is some shit man
1 more
>Ruskie streamer here
You previously stated that you weren't russian. Are you lying in court?
1 more minute and starting
Managed to do exactly that in my last game, feels so good.
Well, YMMV. I'm not far from Saint and played quite a lot of Jade games, but my Tokujo experience happened almost 10 years ago, I haven't been playing on Tenhou since then. And, at least in my opinion, Jade is nowhere near as close to Tokujo. As for Corak and other Houou guys on MJS, they don't really play that often it seems.
Yeah, perception is a weird thing.
If you're anywhere near as autistic as me you could measure and cut out a papercraft one to get a feel for the size, I did that here for the 30mm tiles on the cheapest auto table thinking it'd feel huge but it's not bad at all. It's the same size as american tiles but just a little thicker.
If you want I could take a pic of this next to my 26mm tiles with some coins or something, the 28 should be exactly halfway between the two
>all last
>2nd place but 13k behind 1st because the other two nyaggers kept dealing into ridiciulously obvious honitsu/chinitsus all game
>tenpai in a few turns but it's shit, just riichi only with a kanchan wait for the dora
>gonna sit on this
>catch a tile that upgrades it to iipeikou, still can't win unless I riichi and he deals in
>I must sit
>he riichi's
>mash that free sex button harder than I've ever mashed before
>he deals in a couple of turns later, mangan, and upset 1st place
That entire game was a roller coaster of horseshit and triumph and that win was fucking perfect.
He had literally no reason to riichi in all last with such a lead, right?
t. stupid
The only fairly acceptable reason could be that he intended to make people fold their hands and/or had no valid yaku, but it's still retarded to riichi with a good lead, better keep playing and try to build something to win without riichi.
His hand was riichi only but he was basically just playing cocky.
That'd be cool, thanks! I have both a 25mm and a 35mm set, with the former being somewhat small and the latter being gigantic. I'm hoping 28mm is the right middleground.
Here you go senpai
What's your 25mm set? I didn't know they made them that small. 28 should be perfect between the two though.
the school of Yea Forums friendlies
What is the minimum point ffs
We're at fucking west 2 and it's not over yet
This is hell
gotta be 30k
Lmao this is never ending
No I'm at 37K dude and I don't have flow right now
This is the true meaning of strength
I should have set it lower, I didn't expect most hands to be worth barely 2-3 han.
Fuck off Washizu
>Dealer in 4th, gotta catch up a little
>Good starting hand, triplet of hatsu, pair of ton with some sou, can do half flush
>Only draw honors
>Draw more honors
>No one discards honors
>End up in iishanten for a triple yakuman
>Look at replay
>Shimocha tried kokushi with 8 tiles and eventually just hoarded the other half of honors.
No regrets though
>That ron
Thank god it's over
Wp everyone
Maybe I should stop doing questionably gay things from time to time but it's fun.
Rate my setup
>2100 difference with 3rd place
>time to make a double yakuman
All I see is sand.
What do they taste like?
Mahjong tiles are like the gummi bear of Tide pods.
As I said, I initially aimed for a mangan hand, but the game just forced me into a yakuman. Ain't got no choice with draws like these. Next three turns I also drew another red dragon and east wind.
What set is that?
The injection-mold trays say "Nintendo Playing Card Co.", but the 1 pin doesn't have that distinctive turtle. Still, it's a really pretty set with actual greens and bamboo backs that I've been able to use while traveling.
It's some taiwanese set I bought from an import company many years ago, just when I got into Mahjong after Akagi. It has all the tiles to play riichi though, which was good because I had no clue while ordering it.
i think the correct decision was to discard a few yaochu to bait east and north, shimocha was too scared to drop them.
Fear the dora. By the gods, fear it, Laurence.
Oh hey I have a really similar set to that, mine are numbered though. It has bamboo backs and the trays also say Nintendo but yeah I'm sure it's bullshit. I've seen lots of those japanese-sized plastic and bamboo sets around, but never one with old-style markings and no numbers.
I did drop 9s here, but maybe you're right, baiting a little would've been a good idea.
When's the next tournament stream?
>It's advancement on paper but you have to deal with 2 rare tiles still. He could've had a much better hand and maybe even riichi, just need to wait and see how it progress.
>Either way he still waits for sevens from kamicha or his draw, may as well wait for 1 or 4 sou and have more options for defense.
Even if he stayed closed he still needs those two tiles. Those two tiles become much easier to get if he opens up his hand, and if he's going to open up his hand anyway then rather than waiting for them to come out first, he might as well pon the 3s now so that he's got a much better chance of being ready when the sevens come. Skipping this is a needless delay. Yakuhai atozuke is a thing in higher tier meta for the same reason. As for defense, as I said, he's already got plenty of options for defense. He can cut pinzu against shimocha, souzu against toimen, and hatsu against kamicha.
>You don't have to be as fast as possible in East 1 my man. It's more important to make a high score hand at this phase.
Fukuchi says that mahjong is a game of who can win mangan first and who can stop the others from winning mangan. This article [see footnote 1] quotes Fukuchi and says to settle for whatever you can get past the midgame. Here, it's entering the midgame, two players have funky discards, one of them has a yakuhai pon, and with how slow Dasuke's hand is if kept closed, it makes perfect sense to speed up a few turns earlier. Puyo [2] and other Japanese strategy books also say to match your opponents' speed rather than just sitting back and letting them win.
>Dunning-Kruger's effect is just a polite way to say you're wrong without any need to engage in further discussion.
Alright, I apologise, but I've seen too many people here who, for some reason, seem to think that they're better than actually strong players and pros.
[1] mahjong.guide
[2] mahjong.guide
If you're willing to spend a little more, the gavan (gabin) set is the same thing but with heavier tiles. If you don't care about that, otherwise everything's the same and that's a great set, yeah.
Its means being a GAMER.
Same time tomorrow i think.
>it's another 5AM episode
Thankfully I'm off work at least, so I might be able to catch it.
isn't that just rummykub?
do any anons hang out in the mahjong souls discord?
Get a load of this guy.
>Even if he stayed closed he still needs those two tiles. Those two tiles become much easier to get if he opens up his hand
I don't see how it becomes easier to pick them up. Either way you're praying to get them from kamicha or a wall. It's still the same. Can you explain, what part makes them easier to get?
>and if he's going to open up his hand anyway
He doesn't need to open if he gets at least one of the sevens, with 7 sor or 7 man he can do riichi after getting 1 or 4 sou as well. That way his hand can even reach mangan.
>Skipping this is a needless delay. Yakuhai atozuke is a thing in higher tier meta for the same reason.
Look at the article you linked
It's quite similar in a way to his situation and the author says that we should call 7 pin here, the other calls are less attractive because it's not hard to fill ryanmen waits. Do you see a pattern here? He also says
>this hand can likely be a closed tenpai with good final shape
Daisuke's final wait is probably one or the other seven but still it can be 3 han which is much better than 2000 without considering tsumo, ura doras or ippatsu. If there's a good call you can play open but you can also remain closed to make a better hand.
Also he says
>prioritise calling of bad shapes, in order to keep good shapes remaining in the hand
That's exactly what i've been saying. He calls to complete a good shape and THAT is a mistake in my opinion.
Puyo's explanation makes a lot of sense to me.
As for the first article, it's more like a general advice to bite whatever you can chew. I don't like his advice about
>or even settle for yakuless tenpai to avoid noten penalties.
because it forces you to discard dangerous tiles and keep your tenpai for a little benefit. Too much risk for a low reward in my opinion. Anyway the article doesn't specify the correct playstyle for east or south game, just a bunch of general tips. Getting to tempai in east can be much more important but we're arguing about a full game.
>18% negative.
This is what east game do to you. Dont be this guy!
I don't know why Yea Forums is so obsessed with mahjong right now but I'm loving it
t. normie newfag who thinks he has to hates anything not Yea Forums to fit in
Did Dasuke say something about this call in his stream?
whale do
our tourney reps do
I do
You do
baby shark do do do do
double yikes
No idea, i was watching our players.
4 "pros" vs 4 online boars in the winners
Good luck in the losers, fags. Losing to fakegamerguy is instant seppuku, you know.
and another 2 points
3 more points and you fit in!
seriously, but why be a dick though?
Here's hoping Meido gets to the finals
and gets shadow realmed again
discord probably killed his dog
wow he's extremely consistent
>but why be a dick though
triple yikes
ah yes i love getting 4th nonstop in gold room losing 100+ points a match
ill be back to silver (adept) in no time
>two luckshitters and one semi-luckshitter
I need to watch this one too.
okay, you got the last 3
Have a good day, user-sama
Actually i want to watch them all, except maybe c3
I thought it was Washizu mahjongg at first
That's correct, but you guys seem not to care, so i'm just rolling with it. Anyways, tomorrow I have no exams, and I've gotten plenty of sleep, so this time I'm going to deliver my shitty commentary stream.
I thought calling a polack "russkie" is a grave insult
>so this time I'm going to deliver my shitty commentary stream.
good, looking forward to it
I mean, it's just the internet lol, how could you ever insult someone over something as minor as this? Do burgers throw a tantrum when someone mistakes them with britons or aussies?
>I don't see how it becomes easier to pick them up. Either way you're praying to get them from kamicha or a wall. It's still the same. Can you explain, what part makes them easier to get?
If he stays closed, he has to draw 7m7s himself. If he opens up, he can chii them instead of trying to draw them himself. If he's going to open up, there's no point waiting around for 7m7s to come out first.
>He doesn't need to open if he gets at least one of the sevens, with 7 sor or 7 man he can do riichi after getting 1 or 4 sou as well. That way his hand can even reach mangan.
As I said, it's a slow hand if kept closed, and at this point in the round and with shimocha's yakuhai pon - and during the stream Dasuke verbally called out that both shimocha and toimen had too many blocks, which was why they'd discarded 97p and 57s respectively, indicating that they had stronger blocks in their hands - he doesn't have the time to wait for the ideal closed hand. Again, it's about matching speed and trying to block off your opponents rather than trying to make the biggest hand you can.
>Puyo's explanation makes a lot of sense to me.
Except Puyo's guide also says pic related.
>I don't like his advice about [...] because it forces you to discard dangerous tiles
>Getting to tempai in east can be much more important but we're arguing about a full game.
Firstly it says nothing about discarding dangerous tiles, and secondly every recent Japanese strategy book will tell you about the importance of avoiding noten penalties where feasible. It doesn't mean discarding recklessly, it means assessing the risk for the very real gain. If you can do this properly it adds up and makes a real difference, be it in tonpuusen or in hanchan.
In either case, as with betaori, you need to know when to give up your big hand and settle for what you can get, be it yasume or tenpai payments at a draw. This is important push/fold stuff that separates the high level players from the scrubs.
god i fuckign hate people using pictures of tiles without the numbers on them
i can't fucking tell the man and wind dumb hieroglyphs apart
The dragons are color coded so you only have to learn 13 symbols, and knowing how to count to three gives you 3 of those for free so it's really only 10
You can do it, user, don't listen to that fucking she-devil
>first place, 31k
>last hand
>dealer sanbaimans on my last discard
>guy to my right rons too, makes only 1k
>go from first place to -5k in a second
theres no fucking logic behind them
theres like the 123man which are stripes so it makes sense
but then 8 is this fucking roof hting which is 2 stripes and confuses me every fucking time
and then 5-7 look the fucking same
i cant even remember which one is left to be 4
9 also
fuck winds desu
ill stay a dumb nyagger for the rest of my life
No better feeling than double Ron'ing some poor fucker into the shadow realm with a rando schmuck.
>wake up, queue hanchan
>get ronned by a 13-wait kokushi
>drop to adept 2
>go back to bed
I have laminated sheets that list yaku, calls, winds, dragons and man tiles just for rookies. Helps make people try playing that were too afraid to.
The symbol we use to represent the number five is not in meaningful way related to the actual concept of the number five. There's no logic behind most sets of characters meant to represent something. Just memorize the damn things.
>drop to adept 2
You what
Thanks god i know chinese.
so it's not an issue to me at all.
I was under impression that all 4 in that group are prime examples of retarded luckshitting
How the fuck does Mahjong work
Get naked
ye we have this digit symbol that's widely accepted in the civilized world and taught literally everywhere
all i want is for that digit to be on the tile instead of the caveman rock picture that only slanty-eyed rice farmers know
Maybe you should play chess or poker instead of the slanty-eyed rice farmer game then.
>implying i should be expected to remember what number kings/queens/jacks are
>implying anyone knows how knights can move
Does this mean strip Mahjong exists?
maybe slanty-eyed rice farmers should get with the times huh
poker's boring, low-information games suck ass
chess is too rage-inducing, play perfect for 30 moves then blunder some spastic 4-move tactic, ur down a piece gg
mahjong has a good blend of fumbling with your own shit and fucking with your opponent's shit, and even has most of the visuals right
like, the got dragon, pin and sou right with the distinct visuals and clear value coding in the picture
but the fucking winds/man are unrecognizable at a glance
take a look at man
it has this red hieroglyph thing that's the same on all tiles, basically pointless to have it on there
and then the actual symbol that differentiates them doesn't follow consistent, easily recognizable rules
the winds, too, could easily be simplified
better 3rd than 4th am i right bros haha
right, mr shitposter.
tell me the logic behind one two three.
How it help you recognize one to nine.
There's no way learning it aside of remembering it.
I whaled on this game and got a Xenia, a richi bone, and some richi whale music. I am now the best player. Now all i have to do is make it to Adept rank.
>basically pointless to have it on there
It's needed because the tiles represent a number of "something"
Man is just the character for 10000 so they represent a number of ten thousands, like sou is just a number of chopsticks and pin a number of condoms.
I’m so proud of you
>he doesn't have the time to wait for the ideal closed hand.
His hand is still slow, even after opening, without specific tiles it can't advance. He could keep this sanshoku ishanten the whole game. I think it's better to keep it and wait your chance or try to open with better shapes. I don't know much about his playstyle, maybe his call rate is really high and he likes to play aggressive.
>Again, it's about matching speed and trying to block off your opponents
I can say it's very optimistic type of thinking.
>puyo's quote
I saw just 1 pon of dragons and that's it. Should you speed up after 1 pon of dragons? The riichi is also a good way to shut down such a hand.
>Firstly it says nothing about discarding dangerous tiles
Yes but you'll have to take risks to maintain your tempai. It's kinda obvious that you should get a tempai and maybe even win while discarding safe tiles but it doesn't work like that. You'll have to make some choices. That advice doesn't specify anything, just "get to tempai bro, get points, win the game"..
>nd secondly every recent Japanese strategy book will tell you about the importance of avoiding noten penalties where feasible
>where feasible
Yep, that's the trickiest part. A beginner will probably read it this way
>i should get a tempai every time, otherwise i can lose points
but you can also deal in and lose much more points. Does the article explains about the risks? No.
>It doesn't mean discarding recklessly, it means assessing the risk for the very real gain. If you can do this properly it adds up and makes a real difference, be it in tonpuusen or in hanchan.
I think the topic about determining dangerous or safe tiles is too huge by itself so let's stop here. I hope your books tell a good way to learn this or play around your opponent's possible waits or determining whenever someone's in tempai in the first place. I can only read english books about mahjong. I dont think i have anything else to add. Thanks for your opinion.
alright, fine, i agree
have no digits on there
pin and sou still fucking do it better with the increasing number of circles and bamboo "bone" type things, it's always clear what the value of each is depending on how many it has
man does it for the first three, and then it goes FUCKA YUUUU GI and has random pictures
winds are just dummy make it pointy arrows or some kind of color coding or something, or if u can't figure out a way to represent the directions without having to resort to specific symbols, use simple recognizable symbols instead of the fucking massive complicated hieroglyphs that are impossible to derive meaning from at a glance
you haven't been fucked by luck just yet, i don't remember the last time i won
the best part is, before this i was constantly winning or coming second
>slept through the tournament
>see the aftermath
what the FUCK happened to /ourcats/?
you don't want to know
is there a better feel than stealing first place by 100 points at the all last?
stealing first place by seat order
Majsoul Friends Room 20110(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
standard hanchan, no red dora
room 20110
come get a game in before the thread dies
why are you freaking about third place? i just got -4 points for third place, that's like nothing. I get around 65 for second place.
>no red dora
I.. what? 0 hands completed in 20 games?
that's how fucked up my luck is
2/4 hurry there is still room for you yes YOU
This game is funny sometimes.
i am gonna sleep. Someone should make a new thread soon.
Name a character that represents your playstyle in riichi mahjong
Stealing first place as fourth by shadow realming first with an open ryuuiisou.
>man does it for the first three
except it's not.
Would you call roman numbers fucked up because they used I,II,III, but out of nowhere IV?
You are just being unreasonable.
The game is not for Gaijin at the first place.
So you gotta adapt.
>stealing tiles, at all
bitch move, not gonna make it
who's the long haired fella
I wonder how everyone in this thread knows we are dealing with american citizen. Dude, this is a chinese game modified by japanese. Kanji for winds are the same used for noting cardinal directions in japanese language, and manzu tiles are their 1-9 digits. If you have brain damage preventingbyou from remebering 10 simple symbols, then get the fuck outta here because you will get CRUSHED further on by non-brainlet players, and your puny little head won't endure it.
the 56th prime minister of japan
Junichiro Koizumi, former prime minister of Japan, and the best mahjong player in mankind's history.
Whoever plays a lot of concealed hands and attracts pairs and triplets. Was there a Saki like that?
Anyone want to play a game with a total noob on soul? I somewhat understand how to play, but playing against AI is aggravating.
I don't have sweet luck of Junichiro Koizumi,
or cheat like tetsuya on online mahjong.
And i'm learning the way of akagi where you see the vision of the future of the tiles you can form in your hand, instead of discarding based on your current tile efficiency.
>I wonder how everyone in this thread knows we are dealing with american citizen
wrong, fucko
i'm russian
tiles having shit recognizability and no logic behind them has nothing to do with playing the game
for fucks sake, some tiles do it right in this game literally 2/3rds of the suit tiles do it right, but then 1/3rd does FUCKY WUCKY RANDOM PICTURE
I'm just gonna say it one last time.
It's not some fucky wucky random picture because it's not a fucking picture.
It's word.
It literally translate to chinese like how you translate 1 2 3 to one two three.
I suggests you to get check for autism.