Cyber Punk 2077
Elderscrolls 6
Death Stranding
Ghost of Tsushima
Last of Us Part II
>Square Enix
Marvel's Avengers
Final Fantasy VII
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Watch Dogs Legion
Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Jedi Fallen Order
Halo Infinite
Several unnaounced heavy hittin projects
another Yoshi
another Kirby
Animal Crossing
Bing Boing Wahoo

AHAHAHAHAHAHA how is Nintendo not embarassed at their pitiful output? The entire industry is making gorgeous, cutting edge, experiences and Nintendo poops out another Mario game.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How many of those games are coming out this year?

The average mainline Mario game makes more revenue then any of that garbage you listed

SJW thoughtcrime police
Shit gameplay
SJW thoughtcrime police
>Square Enix
SJW thoughtcrime police
Shit monetisation
Japanese Disney

There. You can stop getting excited now.

i'm I being fucked with but didn't we already had this thread today?

Glad I went PC + Switch.

>Being excited for anything Bethesda, Ubishit and EA make

You could put "another" infront of nearly all those other games not by nintendo
"another" elder scrolls
"another" doom
"another" last of us
"another" final fantasy
"another" watch dogs
"another" ghost recon
"another" halo

You got some serious heavy bias going on. I suggest hanging yourself.

its not even "another" final fantasy, it's a remake of a 20 year old one kek


Mario maker 2 is gonna be the shit, you're a faggot OP

Notice how he didn't said Another Halo. We know who sent op here

Name 1 ambitous, industry defining Nintendo game set to come out. You literally can't, because they are still making Gamecube games.

BOTW is the most acclaimed game of the century so far, so that

*hits pipe*
You also forgot to mention:
Bayonetta 3
Astral Chain
Metroid Prime 3
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Pokemon Sword and Sheild
Luigi's Mansion 3
and Super Mario Maker 2

Oh would you look at that, it looks like Nintendo's list of games here is longer than anything else going on in your pathetic post.
Sorry for cucking you so hard in your own thread.

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none of the games you listed are ambitious or industry defining

Wow. What a moron

watch him bring up a ps4 exclusive that's essentially just a shitty movie


*Prime 4

>lists FF7 remake

I forgot all those games are in development so you gave me something to look forward to. Thanks OP, you made me happy :).

>continues to suck Death Stranding's dick

>the snoy e3 cope has already begun

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Don't be sad! No need to cry Mister... wait, what WAS your last name again?

You forgot something

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somebody should make a bingo card

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
cyberpunk is fucking gay shit

nintendo gonna nintendo. it is of no concern to me

How come you didn't list anything for sony?

Why are Nintendo games so uninteresting? Honestly the last nintendo game i cared about was metroid prime.

After that there hasn't been a single interesting, mature, engaging game from that company. What are they thinking?

Bing Bing Wahoo will review better than all of them

Attached: marioodysseyscore[1].png (418x217, 283K)

>Mentions SE's Avengers game that it announced YEARS ago and is just now going to reveal
>Doesn't mention Ultimate Alliance 3 which is out next month

You're mostly correct, but mainline Pokemon might as well be fucking nothing when talking about quality exclusives these days. Also Bayo 3 and Prime 4 are way down the line at this point.

>Cyber Shit Release Date 2077
>Skyrim 2
>ZOOM Eternal
>Movie Stranding
>Film of Tsushima
>Last of Cinema Part II
>Basedboy's Avengers
>Final Just Fucking End This Series Already VII
>Beyond Shit 2
>Watch Doges We R Lejun xD
>Toast Recon Tactical Gay Fuck Stupid
>Jedi Fallen Game
>Halo Infinishit
>Sever unannounced bad games
>Yoshi's Kino World
>Kirby's Based Adventure
>Animal Fucking Crossing
>Highly Curated Japanese Artform
>Mario GOTY World

>Normie movie shit

Attached: 1536755080531.gif (345x204, 26K)

Xenoblade Chronicles X was pretty good.

bait thread, here's your you, etc.

>putting "another..." infront of all nintendo stuff
>not putting it infront of starwars, halo, ghost recon, last of us, marvel, final fantasy, watch dogs, elderscrolls, and Doom
confirmed for biased faggot who doesnt like videogames anyways

stop replying to these threads you fucking gullible nintenfaggots

>Bayonetta 3
Will be Bayonetta 2.5, and DMC5 & God of War blow it out of the water in terms of ambition and technology
>Astral Chain
PS3 tier game, and the least exciting of Platinum's offerings. The better Platinum action game will be Babylon's Fall and Granblue, since they aren't gimped by 360 U hardware.
>Metroid Prime 3
Development hell, and will be weak compared to what DOOM 2 and other modern shooters are offering. Probably can't even outshine Halo 3 or Reach on 360.
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
Looks like fucking trash and could have been a 3DS game, given that it's a menu game.
>Pokemon Sword and Sheild
HAHAHAHAHAHA a literal 3DS game
Even Gale of Darkness or Battle Revolution looked better, you fucking tard.
>Luigi's Mansion 3
Literally a 3DS game. Damn, so this is the ambitious cutting edge game Nintendo is sending out to compete with the big boys
>Super Mario Maker 2
It's just the first with some new bells and whistles. Doesn't even compare to what Dreams offers in terms of tools and game making.

Get fucked and cope, you sad Nintincel.

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cope snoyboy

me listening to a sony scalawag playing the flute: good
me listening to based gang plank galleon:

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im not even

>Cyberpunk 2077
From the studio that brought you three uninspired and technically deficient roleplaying experiences.
I guess that's not entirely true, they were inspired. Building your own lore and characters? Why bother when you can buy any retard's first fantasy bait for virtually free?
Bethesda's original IPs haven't been relevant, ever. Probably because they don't exist, just like this vaporware.
>Elderscrolls 6
A Skyrim track and a hastily slapped together title card.
At least it's a video game with proof of existence in the form of gameplay. Hopefully it improves on the reboot, thus far it just looks like a D44M expac.
>Death Stranding
Not video games
>Ghost of Tsushima
Sekiro already came out
>Last of Us II: Electric Boogaloo
Nobody wants yer quote unquote game, Cuckman.
>Marvel's Avengers
Ahh yes, snuff out a potential Deus Ex sequel for Disneyshit. Truly Square Enix are the friend of the video gamer.
That'll be $69.99/$89.99CAD plus digital convenience fee plus PSN/XBL sub fee for perpetually online services and connection to the Mickey Mouse House servers plus tip.
>Final Fantasy VII
Game already came out like two decades ago. It was barely a video game then, it's less of a video game now.
That'll be three payments of $44.99.
>Beyond Good and Evil 2
>Watch Dogs Legion
Imagine such a short-lived series having gone down the shitter even further from where it originated, to the point where people actually just want the original piece of unfinished bullshot GTA clone crap back.
>Ghost Recon
Ubisoft HQ is using the electricity Tom Cuhlancy's dead body is generating as it spins at 9,000RPM to stream their lies from their supercomputers.
>Jedi Fallen Order
EA, kek. It's amazing how their only worthwhile IP anymore is named after the most corrupt organization in recorded history. I mean even ISIS isn't corrupt, their ideology is just relatively chaotic. EA & FIFA are quite literally less respectable than ISIS.

The only good games are
Beyong good and evil 2
Death stranding
Last of Us part 2

At least nintendo know their core audeince (children) and make games that directly appeal to them. if you have a problem with that have sex and produce children

>DMC5 & God of War blow it out of the water in terms of ambition and technology
You haven't even seen any gameplay yet, you sperg.
>the least exciting of Platinum's offerings
Because you can't get it :)
>weak compared to what DOOM 2 and other modern shooters are offering
No gameplay has been shown. Keep quivering in your boots.
>given that it's a menu game
I thought snoys loved shit like Persona 5.
>pokemon sword and shield a literal 3DS game
It's literally not though, it's releasing on switch and switch only. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe learn the definition of "literally" first?
>luigis's mansion 3 is Literally a 3DS game.
lol the brainlet has done it again
>It's just the first with some new bells and whistles.
Yet you probably hailed LBP2 to high heaven.

>Get fucked and cope, you sad Nintincel
I'm an idort you fat nasty cunt, lmao. Slice a razor down your wrist vertically.

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all this shit you're saying about games no-one has seen any gameplay for lmao

>Halo Infinite
Oh come on, call it what it is:
another Halo
>Literal Vaporware
You're not even trying anymore
>another Yoshi
Yeah, it'll be trash
>another Kirby
>Animal Crossing
advanced trash
Everybody's guilty of this nowadays. Anime has become mainstream, and not the good kind either.
>Ching Chong Waluigi
Odyssey definitely left a lot to be desired. They need SM64 2.0 with the witty writing of Paper Mario. Seems they can't manage either anymore.
Pretty much.
Nuke this industry.

Based game, but...

Monolith isn't first-party.
All Nintendo has to offer are weebshit, moar ports, and bing bing wahoo zoomer shit.

Nintendo bought Monolith Soft, they're a first party development studio for Nintendo, much like how Naughty Dog is for Sony.

>Even in his made up shitposting list nintendo still has more games coming out than anyone
really makes you think

You'll smell your own farts if Zoomjo isn't confirmed for smash this E3.

because Nintendo games cost nothing to make compared to something like Cyber Punk. and most Nintendo games that come out like Arms, Yoshi, and Kirby are mediocre and forgotten in a week.

> Sony
> Death Stranding
> Ghost of Tsushima
> Last of Us Part II