Any games about censorship of history?
Any games about censorship of history?
whered the tanks go
Any games where you can post your epic fucking r/funny meme for the eighth time today
what tanks
That's a nice street, I wonder if anything ever happened there.
Literally nothing happened there that would warrant tanks so they never showed up.
On this day 30 years ago nothing happened.
Deus Ex
What tanks? I don't even know where that fucking street is. Did some historical event happen there?
Battlefield 1/V
Sony's headquarters in California
mgs 2
deepest lore
The photo proves it so, yea.
Can I have a quick rundown?
yeesh is it amateur hour at the bike race?
China government evil cockroaches. People try to stand up to them. Evil cockraches kill people. Now everyone is afraid of acknowledging said event because it's better to join the cockroaches by obeying the cockroach overlords.
What tanks?
>Yea Forums claim to hate (((them)))
>(((they))) are trying to spread propaganda to destabilize China
>Yea Forums ironically help (((them)))
Don't forget it's also (((them))) that ruined vidya.
OP found a picture of a road that he thought looked nice and wanted to show us a picture of it.
Nobody here but us trees.
ITT: Racist americans pretend to care about something that happened 30 years ago in a country they mock and dehumanize on a daily basis
They have successfully dehumanized themselves, recognizing them as inhuman communist bugpeople is only natural.
Not sure if meme-ing or not. Its the grocery bag guy in fron of the tanks street
I'd worry about people dehumanizing others if China hadn't already done it to themselves. Jesus christ they're fucked.
Keep trying Chen
>implying you can dehumanize the Chinese
they are yellow chimps missing the normal emotions and capacity for ethics humans have,
Huzzah, knuckles found da way to a location of no historical significance.
-10 Social Credit for this post.
there were never any tanks there
He warned you about them.
And miserably failed to do so.
>implying this isn't enough to send his whole family to the gulags.
That reminds me. Really neat documentary on Netflix that shows how the Chinese Gov acts towards some of its people. Really fucked up. Called Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry. If you're interested in this sort of thing check it out.
whoops forgot pic
>something that happened
off to the gulag with user
Whats that one place? The Cenk ugyur automata zone?
Daily reminder that the Tiananmen "protests" were actually an attempted CIA coup like the arab spring "uprisings"
I fully support the CCP in defending China's sovereignty from foreign interference in past, present and future
China has so many fucking people. Life is like a blade of grass for the Chinese. They probably see 20 dead people before 5yo by just living.
This post earned you 5 social credit points and a voucher for a free game from the EGS!
You know in anime when the hero has a last stand and believes in the power of friendship, its like that except the heroes lost and got squashed by tanks.
>I fully support the CCP
Consider suicide you communist piece of shit.
hmm looks fake to me
+150 has been accredited to your social score.
I just want a game where i can play as a propaganda director and censor the media and make propaganda and have to manage protests and shit to avoid being fired
I detect a little communism
>t. victims of American propaganda
Unfortunately I was born wh*te but at least my children won't be
>Winnie the Pooh
will always be hilarious, can't believe the government cares so much about that shit
i see you aren't on the up-and-up.
the new ccp stance is that yes things happened, and they were completely justified in how they handled it.
I've never seen so many dead bikes.
Bioshock Infinite
Nothing happened though
nice b8, me replies grrrr user b8d me so angery
there's no tanks in terraria man
Was he based?
>gets BTFO by flies
get the fuck back to your work station before I bring out the whip, bangzhun-ting
They look at the shit, and they don't want the same to happen to em.
And then people like you try to push that shit on america.
Literally subhuman
He was a grasshopper staring down your car right before you hit it going 60
Actually we're victims of knowing history, and understanding the horrors that communism has brought upon billions of humans over history, but w/e
Also, hate to tell you, if you're white and impregnate a bug person, that baby will be half white still, she wont just plop out a fully Asian child you retarded communist, it's gonna be a disgusting half caste that's neither white or Asian.
What tanks?
That gook bitch is eating those birds like im finishing off a bag of chips
You have received 5 Social Credit points for this post!
>unfortunately I was born wh*te
>unironically being a white guilt fag
If you feel so bad, why don't you hang yourself?
Boy those people must be dead tired to be sleeping on the road like that
>OP posts a road
>Start rambling about "tanks"
Are you OK?
You are legitimately evil, and the world would be a better place without you in it
i was at protests
The happened
This is why i move to america
Did the whinnie the Pooh post actually get deleted?
Get your ass to some country with 10.000.000% inflation, thank you
Originally he was, for some reason, (((someone))) changed it so the tank didn't actually run him over.
CCP means Chinese Communist Party
Poor effort at gas lighting you stupid commie.
Chiang was a giant retard, but he was better than the alternative.
I remember see tank
Saw gun
Ran in car home and lock door
Scary it was
I took airplane to america the next month
That never happened user, there are no tanks.
You might be having some sort of episode, I'll contact the authorites and they can take you to the doctor to have you checked, some good?
Don't ever talk to me or my wife's Wasian son ever again!
Based Japs know how to deal with goddamn commies.
it's in the name itself you -20IQ fuck, how do you even breathe?
Hey buddy, you sound like a massive loser.
fuck off back to tumblr
Go to /r/Sino on Reddit. It's amazing and unironic
that's fucking metal
>unironically telling people to go to reddit
kill yourself kike
>that's fucking metal
Well it's not a salami.
>tfw narrowly avoid death at tianenman square
>manage to avoid police looking for everyone who was there and escape to america
>somehow get citizenship and have lived my life since then
>still cant get off Yea Forums
Its literally a propaganda sub allowed to exist. Maybe if you had 2 brain cells to rub together you'd realise it doesn't make the site look good
>Reddit allows blatant propaganda
Anybody who's over 20 should know this.
Funny thing is that he was actually didn't want Japan being turned into a US colony but was ironically stopped by an ultranationalist who believed this would save Japan but instead turned it into the America's bitch.
based and redpilled
CIA entrained zoomers literally seething because they don't can't even begin to contend with the idea that their entire worldview is born of insidious glownigger propaganda
What annoys me is how ahistorical the narrative in the western media is. Completely ignores why people were actually protesting making up some bullshit "Muh western freedom democracy" movement, then you have the "they ran over everyone with tanks" when in reality what happened was a shitty trained army group of hillbillies from the outer provinces turned up (27th group army) and started shooting and attacking other army groups and running them over with APCs while shooting anything moved with machine guns because they were poorly trained illiterate retards. That's right, most people "run over by tanks" were literally soldiers, run over by an out of control blood frenzied unit full of braindead retards. The 38th army was sent in to attack the 27th group army and a battle occurred on a bridge the 27th set themselves up on defensively. The 27th group army are responsible for basically all the deaths.
Even British Intelligence Cables admit that Soldiers only had live ammunition to "scare" the protesters and were not supposed to fire on any of them.
my favorite bear is winnie the pooh