Day 1, which the user ends with a pathologic thread

Day 1, which the user ends with a pathologic thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>finish pathologic 2
>get interested in The Void
>check steam
>90% off, literally bought it for cents I still had left from some purchase
Any tips?

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>any tips
practice the alpha-shaped glyph or you are going to waste a lot of color

The meta narrative elements are the weakest part of the game and a lot of the dialog felt quite filler-y. Like the game was trying to be needlessly cryptic.
Would have worked much better as a more subtle thing, I think. Mark was beginning to feel a bit outright intrusive towards the end of the game, and I was really looking forward to one last conversation with Murky's friend but that never happened.

After getting permission to enter your house after talking to the fucker trying to buy it, is there anyway to get the guards to let you in?
I just beat the fuck out of them and went in.

The hyperactive gameplay against the time is perfect for me. Been playing a couple of days till 4 AM, so good.

found a tombstone only marked as "kains" with a bull symbol on top in my small village. Plague incoming

What the fuck does this game understand by "lure away"? I had the steppeniggers chase me all the way from rubin's hideout to the theatre and the quest is still not updating

Start with Pathologic or 2

do i need to step back into the abattoir again to get more living blood?


>using basic logic when dealing with steppeniggers
only violence works

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Are there such things as "Abandoned houses" or just houses with Lepers and Looters?
Also where the White Whip at

What's with this 3.4 GB patch?

I'd say 2. The first has a lot of hurdles like translation that turn people off early

White whip is supposed to spawn in infected districts. Still rare. I get most of mine from the blood trees, since any herb can spawn from them. Not sure what your question about the houses is.

I remember someone mentioning "abandoned houses" or something, but every house I've been in has either infected people or Looters. I was wondering if there were actual abandoned houses (IE no one in them) or if I'm just misremembering.

>would love to play as smartass dandy
>will have to mostly pick confused/question dialogue choices because they give the most info
shit sucks, had the same problem with balancing questions with going full kinmode with the Chadruspex

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I hear that quest is a bit buggy and sometimes the trigger doesn't work. People say to just reload and try again.

If someone talks about the abandoned ones I'm guessing they mean the ones with looters. Those were abandoned by their owners. Other than that the only ones I can think of that have like, no people in them are for parts of the story.

no and it is pretty lame how after the population decreases there aren't any abandoned houses in normal districs because there just isn't enough people in the town anymore to live in it

>enter house in abandoned district
>the moment i load in i literally hear 3 thugs aggro onto me, but nowhere in sight
>nope out and go into another house
>no one there so far, looting going good
>enter a room and check the surroundings, no one there
>open a cabinet
>suddenly hear a thug aggro onto me
>think he must be in the other room
>from the corner i just checked, the thug spawns into existence, shanks me and kills me

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>fucking knife wielding niggers blend into the night as they stab me
Here goes my first death
How am I supposed to tell where they are

I can't for the life of me land a backstab with the knife. The special animation plays but it is never an instant-kill

Yeah I'm ok with most of the design decisions they've made in most of the game, but I'm not really sure what the point of spawning NPCs in abandoned houses behind you is.

Yesterday I had a patrolman spawn behind me. Much happier to see him than a bandit but it still scared the shit out of me.

AFAIK, that's all there is? It's a long animation, so you can keep following it up with non-stealth attacks and usually stunlock them to death., unless you're fighting odonghs.

What the FUCK is Aspity's problem?

Was a big fan or 1, but am curious since I haven't played that shit in probably 10 years, do you need to know 1 for stuff in 2?

Ok I managed to get the quest update in the most ridiculous way.
All I had to do was first run a lap around rubin's hideout AND THEN, dart for the northern exit (towards fat vlad's home), the quest updated before I even left the warehouses

I am inclined to think the devs intended you to do this because one side of the hideout is blockaded by crates, but behind them there is a conveniently-placed ramp that allows you to run over them when running around the hideout

more or less the same problem as clara

I asked because the original had the same issue, the area for the backstab was really tiny and if you moved a pixel outside it before the backstab animation completed you wouldn't score an instakill

Prepare to start over several times while you get the mechanics down. It’s really easy to use the color you need in particular or too much color in general without realizing it. Save early, save very often

Was there any point to Bachelor doing that in the first game? I wound up with some blood I couldn’t use for anything

Ah, that is actually exactly what I did and exactly what happened to me. Kinda weird that that's the only way that activates.

Waste the color I mean

Why do the Odongh have 2 different models

I... actually had no idea there was an insta-kill backstab in P1. I stopped even trying to stab thugs on the street because they'd just turn and stab you back. Guess I was fucking it up.

please delete this Kinphobic post. The kin are people too

It’s really finicky and not guaranteed the same way a headshot is. If you can pull it off, good, but expect to get cut

You had to aim somewhere where the neck and the head met. As I said, it was a real small area, and you had to keep your tiny dot crosshair on it during the whole animation.
I am finding it even more difficult in P2 because no dot telling me where my stabs are going

Odongh? more like oDUNGh lmao

It is either that (the devs expected you to run a lap around rubin's warehouse) or the quest requires you to have the steppeniggers chase you inside the warehouse districts for a given amoung of time (more than what it takes to simply run towards vlad's but less than what takes to run around the hideout and then go to vlad's)

Is 2 a remake of 1? Do I need to play 1?

we need to start all pathologic 2 threads with a big "YOU DO NOT NEED TO PLAY THE ORIGINAL BEFORE PLAYING THIS ONE"

Can't really blame the anons asking though, naming it Pathologic 2 was a retarded move

Either way that's a bit wonky.

>they ruined Aglaya in the remake
They already need to remake the fucking remake. The last 25% of this game is a fucking mess. Would have gladly waited until the end of the year if it meant the story wouldn't have been this rushed.

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Me and the four whole other Aglayafags hear you loud and clear, Actor. She was one of the most interesting characters in the original
>yfw it's me, the player

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Can chisels be bought anywhere? I am getting really unlucky with the townsfolk and no one seems to have one

I don't think so. Dumpsters seem to spawn them more frequently than trash cans, and scavenging is probably your best bet.

I'm trying to play through P1 Haruspex before stating P2. I'm on Day 4

Did anyone else find the amount of dialogue to be lacking compared to the original? I feel like I barely talked to any of the characters. I wish there were more completely optional conversations. Maybe have them chime in on something going on in the town even if it has nothing to do with them. Just so I can get to know their characters better. Aspity is one character that I feel like should have had way more dialogue.

Nice. Are you having a good time so far?
I always thought Haruspex was by far the comfiest route in the original, Oyun quests aside.

Yeah, in this it seems they shoo you away if they don't have business with you. I remember it always paid off to visit a character if you were in their vicinity, even if it was just unimportant chit-chat.

i am in need of rest
if you fail to keep the thread alive in my abscence, it will not be forgiven

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Is there any way to improve the odds of getting organs? Getting tired of carving into skulls for nothing?

She looks too much like Putin. I love Putin but I don't wanna fuck Putin

Anyone know about the console release? It's still not on PSN and I swear i thought it was releasing on everything last month

What did he mean by this?

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>don't you see, artemy? in the end, the true pathologic was inside you all along!

Only when the game is nearing the end. It feels like the end is concentrated on Aglaya/Block and the side characters basically don't do shit and stop being relevant. This could be because a lot of characters died so maybe I missed some quests in later days

I'll try to replay with 0 character and my own deaths when the next patch is out to see if there's any difference

>It feels like the end is concentrated on Aglaya/Block
They barely had any dialogue as well though

>things that cheaters will never experience

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>polyhedron destroyed is the comfiest ending. It was such a great ride and satisfaction of job well done. Too bad about sticky, i couldn't save him.
What happens if you convince Capella that she doesn't have powers and her mother is truly dead. She doesn't take your children to polyhedron then right?

In my ending i could talk with murky's friend, she is in abattoir.

2 seems to be missing a lot of meat to the story. I hope we don't have to wait long for Bachelor.

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Grab better tools, scalpels are actually shit at opening skull.

how the fuck do i into combat in this game? two people can always dispatch me quickly.
Also what's a sure way of getting lots of pills? I have lots of diagnostic drinks but pills are extremely scarce.

Don't. Combat never benefits you. Stab someone in the back of the head twice, or run to the nearest guard so they can help out.

Children will trade pills, go to a pharmacy, or use infected blood/organs

Trade with girls or blow your allowance at the pharmacy.

Hourly reminder of who to prioritise
Children =/> Women >>> Men >>> Old people >>>>>>>>>>>> Criminals

All of that then >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anna

I've been going to hell and back getting my tumour the size of the titanic by going to post-infection houses and robbing and having to fight robbers squatting in there, I collect alot of chewies and trade them with the girls for the rare pills they have and sold alot of shit to get more pills but I'm still scarce on those. At any given time I would have pills for blood and bones but not for nerves or vice versa,.
I missed my allowance for the first two days because lack of pills, unfortunately.

Just visit the pharmacies and buy pills. They're only around 300 per pill and you should have around 2k-3k at that point. Even if you give them a wrong pill it still bumps the fund meter up, just not as much

so it's about the fund meter? not about doing the daily assigned task at the theatre?

I know I'm gonna regret this, but... I need drawing practice, so I'm taking requests for the next hour.

Draw one of those gross plague people reaching out to give Haruspex a valentines.

is there a way to use the console to unlock houses or change someone from infected to healthy? I can't treat someone's infection since I can't get into their house

Ah, well you need to do both. But the hospital tasks are all easy. If you're at that task where you need to administer correct antibiotic just invest more tinctures to pinpoint the exact one for the patients you need to cure, then run to the pharmacy behind the theatre and buy the ones you need

Or just cure as many as you can, make a mental note what pill colour you need and then swing by as you're doing daily tasks when you get the pill

Does anyone have a picture of the full miasma in front of the theater? I only had those weird tree roots reaching upwards, but I saw some people posting a bunch of other shit that can appear there.
Comfy Murky looking at the world from her train-cart.

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But the first day is a freebie and the second just has you feeding people morphine.

Khan and Capella hanging out at the train station

I'm certain you can change the actor states and even resurrect characters with console, but I never used this, so check out steam guides on this.

haruspex and bachelor smirking pepe. haruspex one holding a bag of organs oozing blood, bachelor holding a scalpel or something. haruspex holding a coffee mug that says #1 steppedad while there's a plague district in the background. make some dank memes

Is there a way to save Fat Vlad? If you talk to him when he's down in the pit he asks you to help him escape and you can tell him you'll lure the Kin away. Can you actually do that?

steppe BV̇LL fucking an herb bride with his 30 inch BV̇LL cock

Mark Immortell making a troll face

>steppe BV̇LL fucking an herb bride with his 30 inch BV̇LL cock
The fuck.

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how the fuck do i even re-treat people? is treating someone a one-time thing? like I can give people one tincture and that's it? what if I want to give someone I already gave a tincture another + tncture to give them better resistance?

I guess by the game's logic treatment is painful, so people can only take one drug intake, whatever that is. Think ahead on what you want to use.

One tincture per person if they're In Danger. One treatment if they're Infected.

how do i optimise the best tincture for them? do i check the people page and give them a tincture that matches their category or do i just give them a strong tincture?
damn didn't know that

You want to OD them or something?

just use a +tincture in the first place, especially if it's someone on The List

Tincture colour doesn't matter if they're In Danger. Just give a + one so they have the best chance.

Im finding the game a bit boring to play. Im only most of the way through day 1 the atmosphere is fine but the game feels boring to play. Does the gameplay get better as it goes along? Or is this one of those games with great atmosphere and story but poor gameplay?

>just finished the game, didn't let the polyhedron get destroyed and walked out of the theater at the end
>still don't entirely understand what's going on

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>how do i optimise the best tincture for them?
I honestly don't know, sometimes the treatment screen plays the "wrong" sound cue, but their immunity still goes up considerably.
>day 1
>no plague, no infection, no deaths
>it's boring
No shit. At least wait until the plague hits, then your ass will be on fire so much you won't have time to think about being bored.

there's some combat as the days go on, but for the most part it's running from place to place, gathering twyre at night, and distributing tinctures/medicine to whoever needs it

The fuck are you talking about? You can't give a wrong tincture.

You blew it.

they should really balance how often white whip/ashen swish appear. I can run around the steppe for like 10 minutes and get at least half a dozen swevery, but I still have yet to find any white whip or ashen swish that I didn't get from pouring blood on the ground. the end result being a shitton of green +tinctures and zero orange/white +tinctures

>You can't give a wrong tincture
Yeah, that's what I mean, sometimes it played the sound just like when you give a wrong antibiotic, but tinctures always improve immunity anyway. Maybe that was a bug on my part, no idea.

Think of daily theater tasks as your pass/fail, while all your other work is your grade. Having a higher grade is better, but it's useless if you fail.

White whip only grows in infected areas or spoiler-territory. Green (+) is pretty much the best anyways since it relieves exhaustion as well.

Honestly, you only need one + tincture of any kind in order to both immunize and correctly treat anyone you come across.

The three main characters rooting around in a dumpster together.

I agree, the problem with white whip is that it grows in plague zones and I ain't spending any more time there than I have to. If it's really close I grab it, but that's it. I only got around 5 in the entire playthrough, 3 of those were from the roots. It is arguably the most useful since it lowers hunger.

Swish is trash because it only decreases thirst. Even on later days it's not that much of a problem that you'd need an exclusive tincture to lower it.

But yeah sweavery is the king. Lowers your exhaustion which means you've got more time to fuck around and it's so abundant I always had around 10 + tinctures at every time.

abandoned village?

Does anyone else get unique audio cues when they pass by trees in certain districts? it sounds almost like the audio cue for swevery, but different.

Beneath the Polyhedron. Guess it's not much of a spoiler really.

The heck is Green+?

user, I...

That's the cue for ashen, dude.

No difference.

Medrel looks greenish to me, like pickle juice nearly.

When you first encounter the plague outside of Isidor's home you can actually see the mold spreading slowly in real time.

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You might be a little bit color blind. It's yellow. The game tells you the colors are white(bone), yellow(nerve), and "rust" (blood.)

Im sorry you had to learn this way

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Looks more olive.

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Rough as dutch, safe to touch. Smooth as bone, leave it alone.

looks like it could be yellow or a sickly green

Eh, fair enough. But it's still officially yellow.

what is this in reference to

You don't look so happy. Must have come from the hospital.

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Very cute.

The OST was too ambienty this time, so it didn't stand out as much, but some tracks are now absolutely ingrained in my mind just like the first game's ones. This, Miracle Workshop, Steppe and some others left an impact for me, good stuff.

>Go to give Khan his booster shot
>Sad melody from the little kid's lamp plays
>Suddenly cuts to the army arrival cutscene as the music continues

Was so perfectly timed and atmospheric.

>How can people protect themselves from the infection? You're a doctor. You should know!
Shut the fuck up and drink your +tincture, Sticky.

Don't worry user, I always saw it as just green too (even though the game states the colors as others have pointed out, I didn't pay attention to this).

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>game has a shotgun and a rifle
>by the time you can reasonably be expected to get either of them, you don't have any more combat-focused quests

yfw opening the map after leaving the abattoir

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Wasn't there a second map reveal in the original? I can't remember what it was though.

>Notkin gets infected
>Literally vanishes for the entire day
FUCK these kids, I'm lucky that dumbass happened to not die.

sometimes characters don't spawn properly. you can forcefully spawn them using the console by pressing ctrl+shift+f5

This happened to me. He won't come back and will die.

It's funny, I got my first revolver on like Day 11 and used it for the first time only then, never ever shot my shotgun that Grief gave me. Where do you get a rifle, even? I never saw one, even on screenshots.
I vaguely remember there being the BVLL one and the one with the Polyhedron spike reaching deep into the soil.

so what the fuck was the purpose of buying the bull

>Soldiers all carry rifles
>Can't pick them up off the bodies of dead ones

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Don't you fucking talk to the best character like that.

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I can't decide who is the cutest and funniest daughteru.

You got a new friend just for 200 moneys, what's not to love. He also talks to you, but that's minor stuff. He says some sad things.

Murky is the best 'cause she's autistic, just like us.

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Drink your goddamn tincture, boy!

they can have one to loot from their body but rarely

I've been seeing some people say it's a bug of infected model people not spawning, and other say it's because Capella takes a bunch of kids to the Polyhedron on day 8?? I didn't here anything about that on my first playthrough though. Is that BS or can someone confirm?

either Murky or Taya for funniest. Murky's autism is adorable, but Taya is so full of herself that you can't help but make fun of her
Grace is cutest though. she's just sad and lonely. getting her to move in with Peter is the best possible timeline for her because she gets to make new friends with his paintings while also inspiring him to create new works

>Grace is cutest though. she's just sad and lonely. getting her to move in with Peter is the best possible timeline for her because she gets to make new friends with his paintings while also inspiring him to create new works
For my timeline, she was sent to the house of a dead person and she kept saying Peter was a weed she would talk to which was growing in some corner of the house.

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I like my timeline better

I think I still like the ending where she gets adopted by the Saburovs better.

>I'm getting adopted by Mr. Saburov and his wife
>But his wife died in the plague...
>Oh, right.

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>The meta narrative elements
I don't think so. Actually meta in remake is main theme of the game. Meta just was threw right in your face just till start and never ended. Remake is game about the game it's not should be cryptic or anything.

Let yourself get beaten up. You will appear in prison in the town hall so you dont die and you lose the heat that you got in Day 1

Draw Artemy and Lara sitting in the background while they watch Sticky and Murky play with the sandbox thing outside their house.

Haruspex is the only good character in this story. Bachelor and Changeling are just creeps who want personal gain or who are just crazy


Whoever you play as is the only sane one of the three. When we get bachelor haruspex is gonna be a dumbass as well. When we get changling the 2 guys are gonna spend the whole time actually trying to kill each other. Cant wait actually.

>Any tips?

Go in with literally 0 assumptions about anything, ANYTHING.

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Based and cute. Thank you.

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>Bachelor literally devoted his life to prolonging life
>not being based as fuck
Haruspex is just a half steppenigger who likes to cut people. Doesn't compare.

bretty gud

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The artbook states that bachelor wants to defeat death but in the process forgets about or neglects the lives of those who care about him, while chadspex is a butcher and a maniac, but his story is full of love and care. I know who I sympathize with more.

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why do people keep calling Artemy a maniac? I never really got that sense. the worst he does is cut open dead bodies, but he's a surgeon. cutting open bodies is his job. he's probably used to it

Actually, Bachellor's original story and character was exceptionally interesting and relatable. It's tragic, in the end, but and full of very, very harsh irony, but he was a relatable man.

Because the first thing he did after arriving in town was to kill 3 of the locals, even if in self-defense.

I'm confused by this as well, makes me think all the rude/aggressive dialogue options are "canon".

Because Artemy kills or waits for diseased people to die in order to take their organs, he clearly has no qualms about killing or no sense of disgust for organ-related stuff.

He's supposed to be a harsh brute with a big heart.

He kills, quite a lot. It has changed quite a lot now, but at least in Pathologic 1: he regularly slaughtered rando's on the street if he saw it fit. Mechanically, it was incredibly easy to get the shotgun while playing as him and literally go to town, so it fitted even the playstyle.

In Pathologic 2, I have the feeling they toned his maniacal elements down a lot because it's not the entry piece to the story.

did dissecting infected not tank your reputation in the original?

>Bachellor's original story and character was exceptionally interesting and relatable

A fucking men brother.

>listen you fucking hilbillies, I'm trying to save your lives, now stop talking about rock monsters and your patriarch that may not have ever really existed and take your damn penicillin

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>shots a courier who tries to fulfill his mission
because m-muh immortality
>doesn't have any balls to mess with Burakh and let his dreams get crushed so that HaruChad can live with his own harem cucking Bachelor out of Eva

Yeah, he should engage in diplomatic conversation with those knife armed gentlemen.

This reminds me that we'll get a pretty nice picture of Artemy's standard personality once Bachelor comes out. While playing Bachelor in 1, you would keep hearing interesting yet disgusting rumors about Haruspex's style of work. Whenever you sporadically met him, the rumors would always be confirmed to a degree.

It's like you're playing as this extremely civilized dude who otherwise becomes cannonically becomes sort of maniacal while holding a gun, but still acts reasonably well. But the shit you hear about Haruspex as you play makes you extremely interested in a sense of "what the FUCK is he doing?"

Due to this, I remember being super interested in finally getting to play as Haruspex in my second playthrough to figure out what the fuck he was doing and finally live through the bullshit I heard about.

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And that'll be it for tonight. Thanks for the requests and putting up with my shitty phone camera!

Don't forget, that no matter what character you're playing or what game you're playing. You're still making a living selling knives to children.

Thanks for delivering, user (and not doing that BVLL cock one), these are bretty good. Reminds me of the comfy times when The Terror show was on, people also drew cute pictures in those slow but cool threads.

I thought this was bad enough during my Bachelor run, but then I play as Haruspex and he can straight out murder a kid on day 1.

I have a hard time believing that the town survives in any capacity if all the characters are assuming their npc personalities

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>But the shit you hear about Haruspex as you play makes you extremely interested in a sense of "what the FUCK is he doing?"
It works the other way around as well.
I never realized how much of a fucking character Daniil is until I played as Haruspex and started hearing about this absolutely bat shit insane "doctor" from the capital that has a snake-skin bag in one hand, revolver in the other, and death in his eyes.
The genuine dread of the local made me realize just how much of a charismatic bad-ass can Daniil be.

I think Pathologic 2 did a fantastic job in portraying Daniil however: as a more humane and flawed character. I kinda really look forward to playing as him and seeing if you can actually bro it out with Haruspex like I eventually did with Daniil.

That is the least you are doing.
Daniil in Pathologic 1 is straight up forced to supply them with weapons in bulk at one point.

I really hope they can finish the game. It's going to be really interesting seeing the changeling giving 2's new mechanically focused gameplay principles.

I will be fucking furious if IPL goes under and Daniil's campaign isn't finished/released

>the first game was rushed and unfinished
>the remake will be rushed and unfinished
A-at least we have full games with The Void and Knock-Knock, so the studio got it easy at least a couple of times, right.

It'll suck tremendously though, yeah. I'm hoping that they'll pull through, since the majority of assets are done (the town, the models, the combat etc), so they'll only have to finish the quests and scripting and whatnot.

Hopefully Mandalore will bring in a lot more sales. Its interesting that his Pathologic 1 video is actually one of his most viewed videos.

It seems like the more obscure the game is the more views he gets, fucking EYE is one of this most viewed videos

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I got the feeling that the bachelor in 2 is still the same maniac as he was in 1. I vividly remember him threatening to hold Burakh at gunpoint in order to enter Isidor's house. He did that to someone who just lost their fucking father.

I think that's a good picture of how the NPCs typically view the Bachelor while he's doing the rounds.

Buy the game again then

how well is this game selling, anyways?

Even Powers That Be feared Daniil

I thought Russians loved this game? Why aren't they buying it?

It fits. What Pathologic 2 does on top of what Pathologic 1 had, is that it gives him ALSO more humane moments on top of those arrogant bad-assery one: makes you not only see the seemingly maniacal side of him, but eventually what is hidden beneath it, and it's incredibly hard for me not to feel sympathy for him in the end.
Clara is... a more complicated case, for obvious reasons.
Man. I am still, over and over, stunned with how good Pathologic 2 turned out to be. My initial fury at the reception is slowly dissolving (I am still mad, but not as much) and I'm becoming just more and more conscious of what an achievement the studio has managed. Despite the issues, despite the flaws... It's a fucking testament of incredibly hard work, consistency and refusal to compromise.

They have proved that Pathologic 1 was not just a fluke, not a product of time. And they have proven that the studio has grown massively in the meanwhile when it comes to knowing what they do, what they want and how to achieve it.

Nobody knows, steamspy reports like 20-50k copies, but it's unreliable these days and only covers Steam.
The game is niche in Russia too, not like there'll be hundreds of thousands of sales here.

In few days after release Pathologic 2 was on 2d place of best sellers in Russia. They buy it.

You think your average B rushing gopnik is going to play pathologic?

They managed to survive a disaster like Cargo! so no need to worry.

Didn't Knock Knock actually sell really well for them? Fucking Markiplier of all people did a let's play with millions of views.

>how well is this game selling, anyways?
We have very sparse information, but the little that we know is not giving us a very positive picture. Steam-spy suggests less that 50k sales on steam. Could be as low as 20k. Gog I'm pretty sure isn't outselling steam version either. At least 5-7k out of that are backers, who actually got the game "for free".
The studio was in such a dire situation that they had to wait for sales income to even begin producing physical backer rewards for Kickstarter backers, meaning that a good portion of the initial sale money does not even go to the studio or the next game, but instead is being used to pay up "debt" they owe to the kickstarter backers, which means even less of it will be available for working on the follow-up campaigns. And with the game's rather low price, even lowered by the incentives and discounts for Pathologic HD owners... it's a bleak picture that we have now.

User reviews are generally favorable, but critical reception has been almost overwhelmingly negative or lukewarm at best. A LOT of refunds was done due to either difficulty, or optimization issues.
It's... not good, I think.

Knock Knock was good

It was their most profitable game, yeah, in no small part due to app store and Google play. If only they released P2 on consoles as well, that would've been a good influx of sales.

>The game is niche in Russia too, not like there'll be hundreds of thousands of sales here.
Pathologic was a smash hit (relatively speaking) in Russia back when it was released.

Well... that is not entirely true. They did survive, but things have been shit ever since. They only survived thanks to kickstarter craze that was happening that very moment. And even that was a thin life-line. There was a point during Knock-Knock development when the team was reduced to to people.
Pathologic 2 was supposed to be their grand-re-entry. Instead, it's a fucking black mark for the entire industry, a proof that despite every faucet of it claiming: "We need to grow up more!" the reality being the opposite.
I would not be surprised if this was not only a financially inviable situation, but also psychologically extremely disheartening to the studio, and possibly straight up breaking them.

Let's not forget that Pathologic 2 had almost no marketing.

I think it also has to do with it being their most polished game by far. Had great presentation as well. Pathologic 2 feels like its being held together by ducktape in comparison. On a technical level patho 2 is pretty bad. It clearly needed more time in the oven. They made it seem like they were releasing Pathologic 2 in episodes because they didn't want people to wait any longer but I'm afraid it was really because they really needed the money.


Big agree. It's been a long time since I played his story, but Bachelor always sets out to solve something only to discover that nobody is willing to comply and he's forced to damage control as best as he can. What I call "maniac moments" are honestly nothing more than him having a nervous breakdown for having wasted an entire day, snapping the fuck out and pulling his revolver to do shit.

When I played the Haruspex route in 1, I found it pretty surprising that my "view" of Bachelor as a person was also potrayed in the cannon "NPC" personality of his.

I will never forgive them for making that pile of shit. Almost destroyed their company for the sake of a shitty joke.

They made it seem like they are releasing Pathologic 2 in episodes because they do not have any money, actually. They were pretty blatant about it.

That said: I don't think Pathologic 2 has a particular problem with polish. Though I might be just exceptionally lucky - and I do have a bit of an above-average rig - but it actually feels remarkably solid given what they had to work with, and their previous titles.
Sure, Knock-Knock was technically flawless, but there also wasn't much that actually could have flaws, it was such an incredibly simple title at core.

IPL does a few things exceptionally well, and one of them - perhaps the most interesting of them - is the ability to very correctly anticipate player reaction.
It's something that fascinating me from Pathologic 1. That there were moments when I was feeling absolutely furious - like completely unreasonably fucking angry - at some of the characters, and I always, ALWAYS found the game has anticipated, and gave me just the right words to express it. There were moments where I started to speculate (wildly, in my head): almost always I had found that the devs. anticipated that speculation, and gave me the voice to express it - even if it later on proved to be false.
Pathologic 2 feels to be consistent with this trend, and it helps a lot to the immersion and general... subject of agency the game so strongly explores.
I think it's actually kind of a circular relationship: the game does a great job of subtly pushing the player towards some kind of personality they'll adopt, and yet gives them the tool to mold him more freely - resulting in this kind of back-and-forth that results almost universally in both the game and the player ending up "agreeing" on what the character will eventually be.
I don't know if any of that makes any sense.

Theres hope, user. Rain World is also a game that got blasted by reviews and the general public for being too difficult, and then that game went on to become a hit. The general consensus has mostly shifted to being overwhelmingly positive as well. Funnily enough Pathologic 2 actually has a higher metacritic score than Rainworld in both review scores and user scores as well. Just gotta give it some time.

It's fucking joke that the same fags who whine about 'ludonarrative dissonance' shit on Pathologic 2 for being too hard. Ice Pick Lodge always considered video games to be an art form which full potential hasn't been discovered yet. Anyway, they're aware their games won't be selling well (for most of the members of the team IPL isn't their full-time job, even Dybovsky is lecturer on one of the universities in Moscow). Back in 2017 it was said that they need to sell approximately 100k copies. Even if it's two times more now, I think it's still possible. We just need to wait for good, in-depth reviews.

I think I get what you're saying, I also sometimes felt that the game and characters resonated (?) with me well enough for me to see a dialogue option and feel "that's what I was thinking!" numerous times. Maybe their whole approach of "the player doesn't self-insert, he remains himself, but he inhabits the character like an actor and takes responsibility for that character" helps the devs better understand what the player may feel or think, as the basis of the character they play is a constant. I have no idea though, I guess they are just amazing writers that are able to consistently pull stuff like this.

I think the devs used some sort of slav steppe magic. It's really fucking creepy how you as the player naturally get molded into the character you're playing as, without any directions from the narrative telling you how that mold is supposed to look like.

User score of Pathologic 2 is - let's be frank - massively inflated. Am not saying this because I don't think it deserves the scores, but rather because it does not reflect the general public consensus. Fans of the game, and backers in particular who have a VESTED interest in it doing well, are writing reviews just to bump the game up. The problem is: it's an isolated enclave.

As for Rain-world, Rain-World is far more easily marketable.
We will see. And I do hope for the best. I will work today some more on my own review of the game, which I intend to really push out somewhere (I have written, over the course of last three days, well over 12k words about Pathologic 2, and I am still away from being done with my analysis - or even with having finished the game).
I do fucking hope Mandalore does not disappoint. Also, I was wondering if the game might not be of interest to influencers like Life of Boris, AccursedFarms. Looking at it, I'm thinking of writing Dan Vávra, perhaps sending him a copy (I can spare another 30 bucks) just for funsies - I think he'll be able to appreciate a LOT of the design philosophy of this game, and he has his own follower-base on twitter... something.

I really do not want this game to disipate. I genuilnely believe this is a break-through in the industry. Pathologic 1 was as well, but Pathologic 2 took it to a new level.

But at the same time, it's good to remain realistic. And realistically, I see things rather glum.

>there are people that didn't notice the four, so far in my save, appearances

That is precisely what pissed me off so much. It happend while I was writing my review and thought of the issue of "maturity" and "mature gaming". Partially because I felt like it should be mentioned that Pathologic 2 can be grim to a point where it addresses subjects that are actually social taboo even in this industry today (dead children).

It made me think of The Last of Us and "Naughty Dog" in general, which in a way serves as a perfect fucking counterpart to Pathologic 2. It even shares some of the very same main themes and moral issues.

And the more I thought about this comparison, the more I got pissed off. Because I realized something:
The Last of Us was supposed to a "mature" story, because it talks about subject that challenge us, rather than comfort us. The ending pissed people off, but it wasn't dumb: it just showed us a side of humanity we don't really want to see. Fear of failure, feel of having to carry sense of guilt that may be stronger than... reason. A good, relevant, mature theme, worth talking about.

I remembered how the journalists reacted overwhelmingly positively to it, and how they praised that famous interview from ND saying "we don't use the word fun here"...

And I just looked my previous few days in Pathologic 2 and how I was feeling when the game offered me to remove the death penalty system and I just fucking realized:

How full of SHIT this all is.
The Last of Us NEVER let's you experience a fear of failure. It talks about it, but it literally only happens in cutscenes: the game ONLY let's you experience the fun part.

It's not about growing up and being challenged, it's about having fun and watching someone ELSE being mature in your stead. That is what The Last of Us is.
And they are straight up hypocritical about this.

In Pathologic 2 you live through what people in Last of Us talk about. And suddenly: when it's about YOU having to be challenged - actually challenged, not... everyone turns around, and hates it.

What patch?
A touch of variety, same reason there's hair color variants and such of the generic townspeople. I'm more interested in why there's only 2; probably a DEEPEST LORE explanation.

>I think the devs used some sort of slav steppe magic.
Actually, it's just academic experience. Dybowsky is a man of very classical education. He knows his theory of narrativity. He for absolute certain knows his Borges, Brecht, Bakhtin, and extensive libraries on theory - of literature, hypertextuality, theatre, comparatistics and narrative studies.

Great piece of an opinion. It really shows how western devs seemingly put the plot as the center of the stage moreso than the gameplay.

Play the game, retard.

Pathologic 2 achieved almost perfection in narrative. I was so emotionally invested that it felt not only mentally but also physically draining. And the game shows that not through shitty cutscenes but gameplay itself. You have to constantly solve problems when every solution seems like the bad one. It feels like you're... a doctor in plague-ridden town.

>even Dybovsky is lecturer on one of the universities in Moscow
What does he teach? Russian literature?

Game design.

b-but.... i thought pathologic was supposed to be a play

At first it was tabletop RPG campaign, then it became a play.

Yes, it does.

Pathologic 2 is a direct conclusion of the two major experiments that the studio did before: Pathologic 1 and The Void.

Pathologic 1 was exceptional because it was an experiment in treating story as a continuous temporal phenomeon, rather than a discrete set of events tied by player action. It further emphatized this model by drawing analogy between play and an actor, rather than player and an audience.
A position of an actor is more restrictive than that of an audience, but by acknowledging this restriction, it also paradoxically increases his agency and involvement. He is now one of many actors, and the story is logical process of actors carrying out their agendas over time.

The Void was in a way, step back from this. It was far more discrete than Pathologic was, a more traditional go to X trigger Y. It was far more player-centric. But it had a different subject matter to explore:
How particular rulesets and particular systems of implicit win and lose states evoke specific emotional and intellectual responses. In less complicated words:
How rules and mechanics can directly translate into meanings and emotions. The actual "plot" of The Void was near meaningless, but the actual process of coming to grips with the rules alone carried and formed the bulk of the experience and it ended up being comprehensible and meanigfull.

Pathologic 2, I believe, is a synthesis of these two lessons. It approaches gameplay like The Void did: with an exceptional emphasis on how rules form pressure which forms emotions - but it approaches plot like Pathologic did: with emphasis on role of an actor among actors, story as a logical product of flow of time and agency of concrete characters, among which player is only a one member.

This caught me as a surprise. I honestly did not expect this, and it is the reason why Pathologic 2 exceeded what I thought was already completely unreasonable expectations. Why I consider it a masterpiece.

Allegedly, it started as a dream. Which inspired a table-top campaign. Which then Dybowsky translated in to a theatrical play, but was deeply unsatisfied with it, and sought another, better medium to capture it.
I think the elements of it begining as a table-top campaign are very clear and very important. The tri-persona narrative, the need to constantly account for agency of your participants, to keep the narrative decentralized and avoid rail-roading as much as possible formed much of what became the core Pathologic design features.

>bought it the same time as Pathologic 2
>Goes down to a tenth of it's price a few days later
Fucking kill me.

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How many deaths until the bone-bouquet sprouts?
Why did you buy them at the same time?

Well, at least you can seek out comfort in the fact that you gave more money to IPL than you would've otherwise.

Donor glyph is fucking annoying to draw since the game wants you to be very precise with it, so you usually waste colour everytime you give some to a tree which is fucking retarded when it doesn't happen when I feed sisters, don't make it so hard to recognise and then punish the player because the game can't understand what you did.

Where is (or will be) your review available? I love your approach in analysis of this game.

Because I figured I would to try it after and it was only 10 eurobucks. This shit happens to me all the time with steam, I buy thing and then a few days/week later thing is down by like 60% or some shit.
True I guess. Just getting sick of it happening more then anything.

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It's not that they put plot in center as much as it is that they LIE about what they are doing, or more precisely exploit hypocrisy already present in the industry jurnalism and what little can be considered it's "academia".

The Last of Us is actually a gameplay-centric game. There is nothing remarkable about it's plot and it's the mechanics that are very carefully designed to be the real reason why people play it. Pathologic puts gameplay on equal footing with plot, or simply refuses to draw a line between the two:
And you see how that immediately pans out.

The Last of Us was only succesful because the gameplay was perfectly functional, safe, satisfying enough for the player to never even for a second doubt his desire to continue.
They talk about the plot, mostly because when it comes to "sufficent gameplay" most studios found a safely-enough working formula that can be sold over and over and now can only stand out by something else:
But in reality: Plot of TLOU ONLY playes a role in marketing of the game. They pretend it's about plot, but it's purely hypocritical: delivering safe, sufficiently addictive and satisfying gameplay is the real point. Story is to market it, to goat them into buying our particular brand of risk-free, but ultimately functional gameplay loop, instead of that other's company equally risk-free, and equally functional gameplay loop.

West has been less narrative-focused than the east, despite the general opinion on this board. "Japs care about gameplay, west only about plot" is a very, very curious meme that makes very little sense.

I don't yet know where, when or if. I am working on it - as much as my currently failing health and other obligations allow me, but I have no solid idea of where it will ultimately go and how.

Worst case scenario though: Steam review page and metacritic, among user reviews? I do hope I'll find a better platform for it.

>A LOT of refunds was done due to either difficulty
I hate normalfags so fucking much that stuff like Pathologic sells like ass while whatever shit snoy movie game or microtransactions riddled piece of shit EA is peddling will sell like crazy. Nintendo shit as well where they make Zelda a boring empty open world and everyone eats that shit up.

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Have you considered starting a blog or (if you're comfortable with that) making video essays? You're a person who knows what's talking about and it would be a waste to publish the review on Steam. And about your health: I hope you will get better soon.

I think TLOU's ending pissed people off because of how it was trying to portray Joel as either a bad guy or in a morally gray area, even though the Fireflies were incompetent the entire game. There was no morally gray area because they'd have no fucking idea what to do even if they got a cure out of Ellie, there's no room for interpretation because the scene was made in a vacuum: you have to ignore how much of a fuck up Marlene was to see the scene how they actually intended.

nigga post that shit on youtube and become the next Matosis. Besides him your competition is shit. Also sorry about your health my dude, hope you get better soon.

What I really don't get is that the game really isn't even that difficult. Most people have complained about the hunger meter but that thing barely was the cause of my death. My main deaths were mainly getting shanked at night or the fucking Abattoir before realizing I wasn't supposed to stealth past the worms. I died like 6 times there. I died like 10 times in total which seems like a fairly standard amount of deaths for a game. Maybe it was the death penalties that pissed people off? Why are people okay with dying 100's of times in Souls games but not a handful of times in Pathologic?

I don't blame the normal fags, but I do blame the critics. Normal people are normal. Critics are supposed to be one step above them. She should know better - it's their fucking job.

Thank you. I have, but I am chasing so many potential threads of stuff I want to be doing and constatantly running into brick walls due to health constraints and the fact that may potential audiences are niche... I am an academic by "profession" so a lot of this ends up either in lectures, or just discussions with peers and students, so at least I have that outing.

Blogs, youtube channels and similar outings so far frighten me due to sheer over-staturation of market, the fact that I know for a FACT I won't be able to maintain consistent content flow, and the fact that I know that no matter what, toxicity inherent to internet culture would eventually get to me.

For now, this one analysis of Pathologic 2 is something I want see through, but otherwise for now, I think I'll focus on my academic subjects otherwise.

I have a theory about TLOU: I am CONVINCED that it started as someone's dream movie script. That someone has not made it into hollywood, ended up in gaming industry, and decided he might not get another chance, so he just pushed the story into the game, regardless of the fact that it wasn't meant for that medium.

I'm willing to bet BIG money on that theory.
I don't think it's a bad story, safe for the fact that 2/3rds of are word-for-word rip-off of Children of Men, but it is just AMAZINGLY ill-suited to the medium. As a movie, it would work perfectly. In a game... It's a poor fit.

With my horrible Czech accent and half-broken english, no knowledge of how to edit video or do sound design: I don't think that is an option. Not yet, at least.

It's largely a psychological thing. I'll give you an example from my playthrough:
I feel completely cornered, and I think I'll start a new playthrough. I'm dying of plague, the game is turning into just another mad scramble for more healing items so I could get my health up enought to take more antibiotics, which will buy me enough time to scramble for more healing items, and so on.

I have two powders.
Bam. Solution. But the game trained me to feel so desperately weary of these things, so horrified of using them on myself and then finding myself unable to help one of the people I've sworn to protect that I just can't bring myself to use it.

It's all in my head. But... it is also an integral and natural element of the experience.

My case is extreme, but most of people struggling with the game so bad are fundamentally the same. Especially if you miss a core element - namely just HOW important is the child-trade economy. You can easily find yourself in a vicious cycle in this game, and you won't see a way out, even though there are - plenty of them.

The death penalty is an even more extreme example of the same thing. This is a bit spoiler but:
The death penalties are so trivial they will not have an impact on your gameplay ONE BIT unless you die like 30+ time. They are a joke. And long before that, the game offers to remove the whole system completely... for a price.

It's a brilliant psychological play, but it turns out, it works TOO WELL. It's not hard mechanically, but it is hard psychologically. It FEELS hard. Much harder than actually mechanically more challenging titles.

Oh c'mon, user, I won't allow you to waste your talent. People worse than you achieved success and someone with academic background like you would show different, much higher quality. Don't worry about not publishing new content constantly, even once or twice year would be great (quality, not quantity, right?). I understand if you don't want to reply to this questions, but what are you teaching and how serious are your health problems?

hopefully manadalore will have a positive impact on the sales.

I teach literature for funsies and study/do research in social anthropology and general lingustics for more serious interest. I'm starting to dabble into architecture a bit, as a potential collab work.

I am mostly interested kinship studies, and overlaps of semiotics / psychology / cognition / culture. My "terrain" is Japan for the most part, but so far it has been purely theoretical - I do not have options for proper field research yet.

In literature, I teach magical realism: Borges in particular, but I love me some central/eastern european magical realism - Kafka, Ajvaz, Bulhakov, Schulzt, Pavić. I do dream of teaching Japanese literature as well though.

My health issues are... psychological. Which makes them both absolutely trivial and very serious at the same time, depending on what perspective you take.

But thank you for these words. I'll be definitely updating IPL and Pathologic threads in upcoming days or weeks about how the review goes, maybe post it here to gather feedback before sending it out there, if there will be still interest.

use console cheats.
No seriously.

The translation of the HD version is good, never had any issues with it in that regard.

It's far from perfect. It has been clearly rushed as they did not want to split time and effort between the HD release and Pathologic 2. It's not bad - comprehensible at least, but even as a non-native speaker I noticed quite a few flaws in it. Pathologic 2 / Marble Nest are however, a significantly different league in terms of localization. It's clear their effort went there.

I have some mental issues myself, so I understand how bad it must be to you in day-to-day life. I really feel like pseud while talking to you and I'm looking forward to hear from you again soon. I know why you're hesitant right now but remember that IPL's fans are loyal people and appreciate anyone who spreads good word. If you need any kind of help, I'm willing to help you. And well, good luck, user, with anything you do.

jesus christ how long is a playthrough? I'm on day 7 at 20 hours in.
Was making a deal with the rags-and-bones man in the theatre the right thing to do? I feel like there's a very rude awakening approaching me.

I've been spreading the gospel of IPL around here for good ten years now... I've been there when Vlad fist talked about his intention to do the translation. Right now, I feel almost a painful obligation to do... SOMETHING to help the studio, I'm just figuring out what is the best way to go around doing it. And sadly, I'm slow. Very slow to get anything done.
But I'll be sticking around, and the review, if nothing else, will be out in one way or another. And again, thanks.

lmao idiot

>jesus christ how long is a playthrough? I'm on day 7 at 20 hours in.
I'd say 20 hours is a bare minimum, but it can easily double that on a first playthrough, especially if you have setbacks and want to restart or at least redo significant portions of the game.
And it can easily warrant a second playthrough.

AND this is only one third of the whole story.

>Was making a deal with the rags-and-bones man in the theatre the right thing to do?
You mean the removal of death penalties?? Or is there yet another thing I missed.

I hope for the good people of the Internet that treat IPL games with the utmost respect to start presenting their thoughts on the game, as enough time has passed to form some coherent verdicts. People like Mandalore, smaller youtube channels (I remember there being people on youtube favorably reviewing even the original game, long before the remaster), maybe opinion pieces here and there, e.g. the academic user here.
Then, little by little, the game will sell a bit more, be talked about a bit more, and people will know about it a bit more. That's what I'm hoping for.
I finished the game at about 31 hours, so yeah, it's a long one. Imagine if they'd released all stories at once, like the original. How many people would endure the game for like 100 hours right after release?
I haven't encountered that deal myself, but from I gather in these threads, it has a hefty price.

>AND this is only one third of the whole story.
what? I don't get it
are you saying there's more content coming in or that the next playthroughs contain the rest of the story?

>long before the remaster
You are most likely thinking of FunWIthSexBad Review of the game, one of the first Youtube reviews of the game, and a very, very good one.

Well, last time I checked with the channel, he moved entirely from reviewing games to reviewing dragon dildo's. I WISH I was joking. Checking up on the channel after few months and seeing that particular transition was one of the more surreal experiences of my life.

>what? I don't get it
The original game had 3 characters with their own storylines, the remake for now has only one - the Haruspex, which you are now playing. Depending on how well the game sells, we may get other characters as free DLC or sold separately.

holy shit that sonuds cool. I'll go buy the supporter's DLC's now I guess.

like the original, the plan is to have Bachelor Dankovsky and Clara as characters available to play through the same 12 days with
Then tend to have different relationships with the town's characters and see different parts of it

There is more coming... maybe.
So you aren't familiar with the structure of the original, I presume?
The original had three main characters: Daniil, Artemy and Clara. While sharing the same broad time-line, mostly same gameplay, same settings and characters, each had their own campaign with their own quests, own perspective on the story, and even their slightly distinct gameplay quirks.

Well, Pathologic 2 was meant to be the same, but due to financial constraints was forced to focus only on one of the three storylines so they'd have at least SOMETHING to gain income from, with hopes that the other two campaigns being half-finished, and planned to be released eventually, in some capacity, provided the studio does not croke.

So if everything goes well (which it sadly may not go), there should be two more equally long expansions coming out. Eventually. Maybe.

>I WISH I was joking
I don't remember the names of the channels I was thinking of, but that's hilarious.
I think back in the day I saw two well-received reviews in particular, one being on the shorter side, about 20 minutes maybe, and the other like 60-90 minutes. Maybe one of them's the one you're talking about.
>I'll go buy the supporter's DLC's now I guess
That reminds me, I'll go and buy the soundtrack and artbook too. I didn't buy the supporter pack or whatever it's called when the game came out, but now I feel I kinda want to give them more money.

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What made the SexBad thing so fucking weird was that he was so... very precise. He had a very calm, collected, very academic, somewhat dry but analytical and not boring demeanor, his reviews were very in-depth and reserved.

I saw half of one of his dragon dildo reviews and he had precisely the same, academic, calm, collected tone. Talking in depth. About a dragon dildo.

At first I was SURE it was a April's fool joke, or a dare or some shit, that is how surreal it felt. But nope. He actually claimed that unlike game reviews, it makes money, plus the companies whose... products he reviewed send him samples for free, making it all around more profitable and stable job.


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How many bad things happen to Grace if you leave her at the cemetery?

>it makes money, plus the companies whose... products he reviewed send him samples for free, making it all around more profitable and stable job
What a strange plane of existence we inhabit, huh. How do you even review a dragon dildo? What are the metrics of success?
Not cool dude, you made me check their social media to see if maybe they have an express announcement of the studio disbandment.

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Finally, after all these years, I have become Pathologic: Too

I do not have that much money to spare, but I was considering cutting my smokes in half for a couple weeks, and using the surplus buy a couple of copies with the money and send them as gifts to people I think might be interested. I was thinking Dan Vávra, and Ross Scott.
Hell, even a small shout-out from them on twitter if they find it interesting (and I think both of these will) would be at least nice.

Lantern or don't go out at night

P-Please tell me Bachelor and Changeling are coming out, b-bros ;_;

They are. I think people who talk about IPL closing down don't quite comprehend that they managed to survive for like 15 years without making a profit.

Will Mandalore actually affect sales for this game? I'd like to help if possible but I doubt I could do a write up or that anyone would even look at it. Pathologic is just far too niche.

The only saving grace I can think of is that USD is stronger than the Ruble, and cost of living is lower in Russia. So, maybe they don't need a mega hit to survive?

>How do you even review a dragon dildo?
You can check them out yourself, pretty sure the channel still exists. He opened the one review I watched stating specifically that he will review it from a perspective of a gay man and for anal use. He goes on listing metrics - size, weight, girth, shape. He analyzes and compares stability, texture, effect of a patten of... uh... surface extensions?, variety of available color schemes, particular aesthetics, and from that he moves to comfort of use, easiness of cleaning and... I did not not watch any further.

I mean: No fucking judgement. I don't care how he makes living now or what he stuffes up his arse, I respect him for good game reviews (he was also perhaps the ONLY influencer/reviewer I've ever seen to actually APPRECIATE Miasmata)
But it is still absolutely surreal to me.

What's the "On the Run" cheevo for?
Probably mildly. He is an eceleb.

It's not that I think the studio will just completely shut down.
It's that we fear the possibilities of them working on projects of this scale will be severely restrained.

I'm sure Ross would find the game interesting at least, his Game Dungeon on Deus Ex was amazing. I'd love to see him take the same approach to Pathologic. Maybe just asking him about the game would be enough, though? He answers questions in his video chats sometimes. Doesn't he also live in Poland or something? Maybe he'll appreciate the Slavic game.
Vavra is an interesting choice, but he does have his fair share of popularity. Maybe he'll feel for a small Slavic studio just like his own and shout them out.
I'm not saying his Pathologic HD video with 600k views led to the game selling 600k copies, not at all, but it did raise awarness of the game, and was relatively recent to boot. So I'm sure a new video will make a lot of people go "huh, looks interesting, I may check it out".

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Do everything on the first day, then check the map.

Slav shankers don't drop knives as well

>Maybe he'll feel for a small Slavic studio just like his own and shout them out.
I actually think KC:D and Pathologic 2 share a LOT in design philosophy, and a fair bit in the way they were recieved. Which is why I would be interested in hearing his thoughts on it purely out of curiosity, if anything else.

He had a similarly "pushing player through seemingly tedious mechanics" approach. The belief that these are important to create a very emergent-feeling narrative. And KC:D was in a large part criticized for doing just that, too. Much like Pathologic.

P1 was always a "I heard crazy things about this, I guess I'll try it out" game. That's why if you look at the achievements, only 13% of people got past the first day as Bachelor.
With P2, 75% of people have made it past the first day. The playerbase of P2 is mostly fans who know what they're getting into. From here, they'll spread the word about it and attract normies who want to see what all the fuss is about, just like with P1.

What does "everything" mean? Like, would I even need to buy the revolver?

So much cosmoline it slips right out of Isidor's hands.

user, that's the cheevo for getting -to- Day 1. That's finishing the tutorial/prologue. 44.6% got past Day 1.

Every story interaction only available on day 1. Gun doesn't count, no idea about the bull. It's not very hard, just make sure to actually accept Notkin's task to drag the pupper to him.

>just make sure to actually accept Notkin's task to drag the pupper to him.
Do you need to give him the leash for it to count?

updates fucked up the game, had to reinstall

You need to do something about him. Doesn't matter what.

Spread the word to sseth, he will review it and his bots will eat it up saving IPL. It has to be done.

Mandalore's already on the case.

The mandalore persona is already doing a review user. Still his fanbase would eat that shit up, even with his space station 13 video where he told people not to play due to how much time it takes to learn the game and the servers couldn't handle them, but they crashed them from all trying to get on. They properly think he's based as fuck for the Godhand review were he linked a emulator and commissioned a bunch of porn.

Tehsnarker also come into mind as someone who could potentially appreciate the game.

Mentioning Miasmata makes me FUCKING depressed now. Thanks. Fuck this industry.

I will spam the comment sections on sseth latest vids after i get home from work.

But user, Miasmata was SHIT.

Yeah, I recall a video of his (Mars War Logs iirc) that he appreciates ambitious but very flawed games so it would be right up his alley.

Miasmata was a fascinating title with fascinating history, some really amazing design concepts and remarkable tech behind it.
It was profoundly unpolished and had more than fair share of flaws, but it was a game that deserved to be remembered, and whose mechanics and elements deserved to become an industry standard.

Instead, it went completely forgotten. All the great lessons it taught: for nothing. Plus, two guy and a cat had their dream shattered.

>fascinating history
Spoonfeed my dumb ass, then. I remember it getting mildly positive reception, mostly because the spooky monster catered to "that" crowd I tried it out, fucking hated every minute of it.

Can you trade for razor blades anywhere?

ye, we also need to keep in mind that the Town was supposed to be his "comeback" because he failed Thanatica, his immortality experiment to fight death, so that's why he's so neurotic in all of this because his life is on the line

Russians don't buy games period.

I think adult males might have them, but your best bet is dumpsters.

Herb brides sometimes have them.

I like Seth but I really think he would fuck up any review of the game. His reviews are basically meme bullshit

I recall anons saying the game originally started as a actual play, is that true?

Tbf God Hand one was actually good.

Why, user, the game IS a play.

I read it somewhere in the depths of the internet when reading interviews with the developers long time ago and I recall them saying how they were just a bunch of artists with no knowledge of making games. I caught a passing sentence that it was supposed to be an opera at first, and it shows. I always imagined this game would work well on actual stage


People in this thread have said that it was at points a tabletop and a play. The Russian wiki page for the game also says that it was at first a 2D survival sim even.
A funny point - it says that the loss of time and childhood is inspired by True Love, a weeb dating sim lmao.

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Is the original FMA english dub good or should I watch it subbed?


>he's based as fuck for the Godhand review were he linked a emulator and commissioned a bunch of porn.
How is that disputable?

Deepest lore.

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Some of the porn sucked and Olivia a shit. Emulator would have been enough.

>Some of the porn sucked
Fair enough, that doesn't make it more or less based that he spent money on it for the people.
>Olivia a shit.
She's cute, and made for anal rape.

>True Love
Wow, it actually makes sense a lot. So True love now is dark souls of dating sims?

>Spoonfeed my dumb ass, then.
You do remember what the industry was before Notch?
I mean pre-patreon, pre-kickstarter, pre early access, I and I think even pre-green-light era. "Indie game market" DID NOT exist, not in the way we know it today. If anyone said "indie game", yume nikki and cave story were pretty much anything anyone could think off.

At that point, two brothers and their cat decided to make themselves: large, open world, super-immersive survival simulation with mechanics pretty much never featured before, with graphics rivaling AAA titles, and A.I. exceeding them by a landslide, all funded by their own savings exclusively, on a completely custom made engine.

And the weirdest thing is: They sorta kinda ALMOST succeeded.
The result was extremely unpolished and rough. Obviously. But the mechanics were clever and completely unique, the A.I. would only be rivalled almost ten years later by Alien: Isolation, the world was massive and beautiful.

It run like absolute dogshit. And the mechanics were unpolished. But the bigger problem it had - a problem that Pathologic 2 is dealing with right now too: Is that they were just new, and as a result, completely misunderstood.

Most reviews hated it, actually, because of the terrible controls. The controls weren't... perfect, but the wasn't the problem. The problem was that the game was FUNDAMENTALLY build around very precisely build physics and momentum simulation.
People thought it was "floaty and unresponsive" because when descending down a slope, you would not stop on a dime.
It was instead, a core mechanic of the game.

Same went for the Monster, another revilled element of the game. It was really funky looking, sure. But it was a technical marvel (for it's time and the games budget): it was extremely advanced.
Except... most players would simply refuse to even engage with it, either running away or flat out letting themselves get killed because it was "frustrating and getting in the way".

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>Dybovsky will never play umineko and 5 more layers of meta to pathologic
why live?

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I ain't talking about Godhand my dude. I was talking about pathologic.

>A funny point - it says that the loss of time and childhood is inspired by True Love, a weeb dating sim lmao.
I haven't heard that. What I do know that among lists of inspirations, Dybowsky mentioned two things:
First: his experience from childhood he partially spend in a senatorium for kids with pneumonic diseases. It must have been a grim experience, from what he said. A lot of the kids there were terminal, or thought to be terminal, so the orderlies kinda figured to let them enjoy what little time they had, and imposed very little restrictions. The result was this strange and very dark child "culture" with gangs and long-spanning dangerous games caused by the orderlies leniency.
The second inspiration was the literature of Ray Bradbury, who also is fascinated by subject of children and their strange worlds.

Of courses, a lot of inspiration was drawn from Borges (most of the meta-narrative stuff in the first game).
Fun little fact: Borges once stated that he believes Ray Bradbury to be one of the greatest american fantastic writers and put him on same level as Wells, Poe and Hawthorne. It's a... strange coincidence.

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I fucking hate, HATE that place.

why is that, can't handle the NUTSHACK?

The music is so good though.

Can't handle the fact that it has exactly the same patterns on the wall a the Termitary. For FUCK SAKE, have you considered what that might imply?

Also, I've been there three times and each time I've just found bad news there.

first explenation and the most possible one is just re-using the assets, and second one is that teecheek was also scribbling same doodles on the walls too. Also what bad news?

Thaya has not left her room. And while the first explanation is without question also true, I'd like to think (and I tend to be mostly right about these thins) that there is an intention beyond that as well.
Khan being turned into a mummy TWICE, for starters.

ye I suppose, but they could also be written by other kin kids in the termintik, so there's that. A funny thing some user pointed out threads ago, that khan actually doesn't leave his tower if you don't go with him to the House of Death with notkin. It might be true because khan himself says he can't go back to the tower after spending the time in that house, plus he says we "changed" him, so i might actually skip going to the house of death in a future playthru

I was fucking ripping my hair out at day 4 due to that fucking "quest". I felt like such an idiot.

And what I was saying was his God hand review was actually a decent review and not full of meme shit.

Is it just me or is 2 way less scary?
I remember I was always afraid of something scary happening whenever I turned a corner, but in 2 I mostly just made sure no knife looter was around the corner and that was it

what did lara mean by this

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i don't think it's that much of a hassle, i think that district only gets infected 4 or 5 times and khan only needs to swallow 2 shcmowders, same for notkin, but yea, ill probably just skip the quest in the future
i think the scariest thing this game has is not smashing escape quick enough before dying

He said that the game has been emotionally wrenching to play, in his recent tweet.

The fuck, where did the porn come from?

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I never started that questline but I met Khan later in the game in the train-summoning group of children and the nutshell later on

>i don't think it's that much of a hassle
It's more of a "oh my god I actually was dumb enough to take two fucking little boys, two fucking BOUND's from my list on top of that, to a fucking plague nest, and I did not even fucking consider it may be a tad irresponsible."
Khan was right. It was an absolute failure on my side.
Plus the actual event was shit, I spent WAAAY too much time there, fumbling around, looking for the last fucking candle. It's a wonder I even made it out healthy myself.

Aside from THAT moment, I never really found the original scary, but in 2, looting any infected houses still puts me on edge.

Hoo boy, it's already happening?

>THAT moment

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yea I know what you mean, I thought they'd go to this place regardless if we agree or not, simple because of the fact that those kids actually GO to infected districts on their own to scout out that map. I had like 10 schmowders and bunch of panacea anyway so it wasnt really so bad for me at least

I found going into the house Lara wanted to set her shelter up in only to find a executor and the place covered infection to be more frightening. Was the first time I went into a infected house.

So is Bachelor still going to be ez mode or will they make him harder or rework his story much?

>Is it just me or is 2 way less scary?
I find it far more tense than the first game. Not necessarily more scary, just more tense. But then again, I know Pathologic 1 very well so I'd be surprised if anything really shocked me as much as that game on first playthrough.

It's maybe that the game is a bit more open about it surreal and magical elements than the first game was. In the first game, you'd hear people talk about strange things, you'd see odongs and polyhedron, but that was mostly it. It was far easier to believe all the "really strange things" are either metaphores, folklore, or something the game does not have the budget to show you and will resort to leaving them up to your imagination.

That made those few moments, like the nefarious Albino scene, absolutely shocking.

Meanwhile, Pathologic starts with showing you the most horrifying imagery you'll see in the game (well, not ENTIRELY, but kinda), you'll see giant magical bulls and talk to albino in a matter of first few hours.
I don't think it's necesarily a bad direction, but it is different, and it may result in what is less scary, if more complete experience.
It has different ways to make player feel strong emotions instead. And I do like it.

Yeah, I told Khan (actually myself) that they would go there regardless. But you know that is an excuse, deep down in your heart.

get the Menkhu Finger tool. Keep it at top durability

It doesn't try to scare you that hard. Well, bag people and death houses try to pretend they are here from Silent Hill, but not much.

Getting any form of Bachelor dlc will be a miracle at this point.


Lay off the twyrine for a day, khatangher.

Do gloves/mask/cloak protect from specific things they say or everything protects from everything?
What do they degrade from? Hits and any plague interaction?

I adored Capella since the first game, she was one of my absolutely most favorite characters in the entire town and still is.
But she can take care of herself. So I have to say:
Murky. She needs you.

>give antibiotics to a patient in theater
>plague cloud pops out and tanks my immunity
Are those evadable?

>specific things they say
I think they do, yeah. At least my mask degraded severely only when I hit a cloud (at least I feel like that's what happened), the same for gloves and touching dirty cupboards.

I loved Capella until she went full-on mistress.

plus they wrote a lot of connections to the real world, like asking kapella if she belives in god, aglaya talking about nazi camps with her question about sending your children to be shot and so on, it feels more grounded in reality, plus even people like fat vlad are more human in this game. That fuckin piano scene where he talks about how he met his wife in this old shop

that turning you around mechanic is the dumbest shit ive ever seen

>but Taya is so full of herself that you can't help but make fun of her
She does wield a lot of authority among the Kin, so I don't know if I'd call her full of herself

When does "the Temple of Lost Childhood" play in the game?
I could swear it played but I'm not so sure

As far as I can tell: gloves, cloak and shoes simply decrease your immunity drain from just being in the infected area.
Gloves offer additional protection against "plague traps" tied to items - mostly container based ones - decreasing the immunity penalty.
They degrade every second you are in an infected district, but also every time you get hit. So keep that in mind.

Also, the protection they offer is significant. Very significant. You WANT to have them on. ALSO: Unlike weapons, when they reach zero, they disintegrate completely. So if you don't have spare dosh for new ones, keep them repaired regularly.

Just stagger the enemy before trying to run away.

She is a goddess to them. But she is a little child. Same for Murky. She isn't autistic, she is just a half-feral little child.

I think you can dodge them if you are really quick between closing the autopsy/diagnostic menu. Also wear gloves, they will tank most of the damage, it counts similarly as containers. But you can't avoid getting exposed entirely. After all, you are physically examining a highly virulent patient.

What does They'll know mean?
Is it just a reputation loss?
Is there a way of doing it secretly?

Yes, reputation loss for that district.
And no. If you want to steal and kill, you have to do it somewhere where people don't care. Or take the rep. loss. As long as that message is there, you can't avoid the penalty.

Can you get a free knife beside Lara's place?
If not I will buy one from Grief.

Hey, you!

If you can, I've never seen any other freebies.
You really, really should've kept Lara's.

>tfw finished my first playthrough without ever stepping into the termitary, not including the dream with taya
those screams were enough for me i guess

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Here’s a few handful tips from my personal experience: Hoard lockpicks, it’s always good to have at least two on you. When a picklock breaks on your enemy it will instakill them, so a picklock with just a sliver of durability will kill pretty much anything. I tasted it and it works on human and worms, not sure if it works on armymans. Hoard nuts, hooks, beetles and everything a kid will trade for, it’s very important that you acquire a lot of things called schmowders, it’s an item that will heal someone of the sand pest 100% but it’s quite pricy - 35 barter points with kids. Don’t be afraid to rob people, mug them on the streets, break into houses and all that. It’s generally safer to go into infected houses than those post-infected, because you can load from being accidentally infected, but when you die from being shanked by a looter you get perma stat debuffs. Sneaking is your best friend in the game, it allows you to go unnoticed in many encounters, when you sneak-attack mobs it doesn’t outright alert them to you, so you can smash em in sneak mode to death

Do tinctures raise immunity better than normal pills? What about strong tinctures? I'm getting Notkin infected at midnight between day 3 and 4 and I guess it's scripted since it doesn't show a dice roll, but Stamatin also gets infected

pills only give immunity. strong tinctures give immunity plus other bonuses. the light yellow tincture reduces exhaustion.

Protip: you can run infinitely when your weapon/arms are out. It's slower than normal running, but still fast enough to get away

tinctures + give most type of immunity, plus some extra stuff like lowering your hunger, thirst and sleep. Don't drink non plus drinks though, they'll raise those needs instead. And yes, notkin's infection is hard coded

I'm talking about using them on others, not myself

i wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so obviously an automatic thing that happens when you turn your back to an aggro'd enemy. there isn't even an animation of them grabbing you.

oh, regular tinctures work about as well as pills. upgraded tinctures work better.

Is there a reason to use + tinctures for layer-revealing? It seems like they only cause more pain

i think they work better in revealing symptoms, plus pain is never a big problem because you only need to keep it below the max level anyway

Shoes protect you completely from infected surfaces. I noticed that when I was walking through the infected house on day 3, then suddenly my boots broke and my immunity started dropping.

I mean, Haruspex is more tied to the steppe shit then Bachelor so it makes sense that kind of shit would come up more often.

Grace or Murky. Capella is great and I even liked her in the original when I did my Bachelor run and iirc the Bachelor does as well but she doesn't need to be your daughterfu.

Old anime and japanese games inspired majority of stories and games in the west and Europe

>infected surfaces
Is that... even a thing?

Well yes, I mean the floor of the infected houses. My immunity wasn't affected until the shoes broke.

you didn't take rep hits at all for taking organs.

I think immunity doesn't passively drop in houses at all. You sure you didn't run into a cloud?

If you select right layer by + tinctures would immediately give you right diagnose.

Yes, it was the house where Notkin goes on day 3

Does patient pain even do anything? I always can do three tinctures and apply pills without problems. Or later patients will start with high pain?

>BAWWW why do mainstream games marketed to a wide audience sell better than literally the most niche game in the world?

only when pain reaches max does it become a problem, otherwise I never bother with it

i think the higher their pain, the less likely you are to find symptoms.

Oh, you had your back turned to the plague face. It's supposed to be unable to infect you when you're looking at it.

I dunno, my immunity was getting lowered constantly as I was running through the house


How does the fund bar work?
Does it need to be completely maxed out for the full rewards or do I only need to hit the last section of the bar?

Damn, does it work like that? How are you supposed to guess that? I thought lamps or lit rooms would stop it, but no, get fucked.

always try yo max it out by midnight, start off by doing your shift in the hospital and then find some lying people and administer proper antibiotics to them, the higher the bar the bigger the rewards, i think max is 7 000 cash and loads of food

It doesn't screech autistically while you're looking at it. That's... probably your only clue, yeah.
I only know about it because I remembered them from the Marble Nest and IPL explained how they worked in one of their old updates. Honestly, I'm more surprised that there's only one in the entire game.

Bachelor's route will using it how one of main mechanics, i believe.

rep gains makes it go up, rep down makes it go down(only to a minimum probably)

>got infected
>kids save me
Am I fucked?

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just load prev save

>>kids save me
Wait, how's that?

when you get infected and faint you get dragged to the station and given some pills, like when you die on day 1 you get dragged to grif's place

Huh. Never knew that.

it happened a few times when i ran into a cloud and fainted, it doesnt count as death but it's best to just load a prev save file when you get the aids

>gets adopted by the Saburovs
>not by me
I hate it.

>light all candles
>notkin still gets infected

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The plague doesn't play by the rules.

happened for me too, you even get a special quest note for that.
I guess it doesn't happen if you don't let notkin and khan go to the house (dunno if you can tho)

So there's no way to save him from infection?

he gets infected by burying pathes, the infected kid. He gets sick whether you go to the house of death or not

the infected kid in his warehouse is the thing that infects him, not the house

It happens when you get infect during the first five days. If you get infected instead of Murky or anywhere past that, it won't happen anymore.

If you give patches a shmowder, does it save notkin from infection?

>Am I fucked?
Don't make the same mistake as I did: The plague does NOT fuck around. When they tell you it will kill a strong healthy man in 24 hours, that means including you. Having it is a nightmare and turns the game into a constant rush for healing items and pills, it is far more lethal than in Pathologic 1, so getting infected early can be a problem.
There are solutions. But they may come at a price, and you ask yourself if the price isn't too steep.

I have succesfuly avoided getting infected until past a mid-point of the game, loading if I fucked up. Eventually it will become very difficult to avoid and you'll will probably have to deal with it, but it's good to postpone that moment as long as you can.

>ever getting infected
>not having 10+ swevery tinctures at any given moment
never gonna make it

Despite the game touting itself as "play it anyway see what happens" there are lot of cases when it's better to savescum than to suffer the consequences for more hours and then reload in the end anyway.
Getting infected is one of those cases.

Guys, is it normal for Rubin to lay in his bed and do nothing after I make the panacea and talk him out of suicide?

yes, just like how Aspity will say literally nothing after you talk to her twice

>fucking wormniggers instant kill me
>won't be able to hug anyone anymore

>wasting potent tinctures on yourself
>not making a gorillion ordinary rusty tinctures

Then why the fuck did I even bother?

Yeah, he burned out.

He'll get better, depending on If you made the panacea in time

nibba do you realize that normal potions RAISE your needs, while the plus ones lower hunger, thirst and sleep?

I think I did but I'm on day 9

>wasting exhaustion reducing tinctures on other people
NEVER gonna make it

OooOOOoFffff dude.
Bye Rubin.

Using ordinary ones probably costs more resources in the long run given how time consuming is to get bottles.

lol I made the panacea and tested it on day 7, how could I have made it any sooner than that?

Very important big spoiler question:
Did any of you get to hug Lara on day 11?
I'm considering replaying just for this. Fucking Mark.

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Oh that should be fine, thought you meant you made it on day 9.

he's fine, he's just not gonna wake up until it's almost all over

where is the crow stone?

Rusty tinctures affect your thirst, you silly odong. You can afford to gulp them down just fine.

>not maximizing their chances while you manage with regular tinctures

You're very likely to have more bottles than potent herbs anyway, at least until the end when you have to take daily hikes to the Ear.

I don't think I would ever get infected if it wasn't for Murky. But, you that shit is there and god knows I'm not going to chose differently, no matter how many times I'll replay the game.

>he bought scam on legs

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I don't know. It feels nice to have him there. I go chat with him every day. Gives you a little more of a feeling of home. Plus. 200. It's NON price. Seriously.

>he didn't buy a cheap bull milk factory on legs

>more bottles than potent herbs anyway
nowhere near true, a single trip to the bull ritual place at night usually ends with 10+ swevery
If anything normal herbs and bottles end up being the bottleneck
I ended up barely brewing organs due to a lack of inventory space to carry them and having just barely enough tinctures to diagnose and 0 to spare when medicine is easy to find

Nope. Because she was dead, along with all of my childhood friends.

Yeah, I usually find myself far more hurting for bottles or straight up water than herbs. They really are plentiful. Though it's nice that there is a balance to how many there are of those which make + tinktures, so it does not feel too easy.

>letting Gravel down
C'mon man you had to have had a spare schmowder lying around. Who's gonna take care of your little bundles of joy/autism now?

ill just marry a cute Worm waifu

On which day is "in time"?

And you can get about 20 bottles a day, you just need to take different routes through the town. Even on my first playthrough which was full of strategic mistakes, I always had enough bottles for the potent tinctures.

Before the inquisitor comes

>god knows I'm not going to chose differently, no matter how many times I'll replay the game
Yeah, I feel the same. I'm often curious to find out different outcomes in games, but not this time. I also read somewhere that the bad outcome leads to a dream, and you have to see all dreams for an achievement, but fuck that, I guess I'm not getting that achievement, ever.

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Is it better to sell organs or to make stuff out of them?

get ready for a steep learning curve

>day 5, zero deaths
>hehe, what's all this death counter people talking about, I'll just savescum out of death situations
>fight first odongh at Rubin's hideout

sell healthy organs and make some extra antibiotics with the sick ones,

just sell them and buy/trade pills since they take less space

Pathologic is one of those games where I tend to stand by my decisions. My decision in regards to this matter, and my decision to refuse the offer at the theatre after dying too many times are probably two I'll won't change in any playthrough, not even out of curiosity.
It speaks volumes about how fucking well made this game is when you can't help yourself and feel this strongly about decisions it imposes on you, by the way. It just proves that the devs did something very, very right.

use lockpicks on em and sneak, you can trigger the dialogue with one of them when you leave his place and he won't aggro you, when a lockpick breaks on the enemy its insta kill so use those shivs

I didn't even notice the death counter stayed the same between saves, so when I first got my ass kicked by some bandits I thought "heh, what dumbass would take Mark's punishment if you can reload the game anyway" and played in ignorant bliss until my second death and saw the death counter, at which point I was like >oh

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So Notkin's infection is scripted right? Does it matter if I try to help his friend or not?

Mark LITERALLY says savescumming won't help you when you die for the first time.


>ha! If i buy this bull i can probably get milk from it
>realize im a retard
Its still nice to have it

I think most players will go through that very unpleasant awakening. It's even worse if you - like me - learn to deliberately push your character to the limit to save on resources and stock up, meaning you'll be likely at 50% health and both hunger and exhaustion meters in the red when you even learn about the whole situation.
I think it was precisely that moment when I started really, really fucking appreciating the game's design. It was then when I realized what exactly are they doing, and how fucking well thought out it all is.

This user.

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I mean, i guess you could milk him, but it's different type of milk :^)

I thought it was just a turn of phrase...
I also went "h-heh, well that didn't work out, so I'll just alt-F4 when I'm dead, that'll show Mark!", and yeah.
You can get special protein-heavy bvll milk.

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Milking a bull is a slightly different process than usual...

PS4 release when??

I stabbed them and dissected just fine. It's just a sudden enemy damage spike compared to hobos from before.

So what NPCs are worth keeping alive just for sidequests/lore?
Grief seems like the most important so far unless you want to miss out on Aglaya scenes

ye felt the same

Your friends and Peter Stamatin.
Anna is a barrel of laughs, but she's not exactly important.

Do you have to make it that far without dying or something?

Lara could help

you lose the ability to hug after death 2

This. There's lots of blogs saying it's out for everything and there's nothing on the PlayStation store

I guess they'll make the ports once they fix every major bug, I remember the console release announcements too. You can't really release an unoptimized mess on PS4.

>Lara I couldn't find a barrel for you, but I have a bull back at home that you can milk
>[your reputation decreased]

>tfw you will never milk a town sized auroch

Am I supposed to have cleared the objective at the lab by now? Its day 6 and its been active since day 2, but no matter how many organs/tinctures I mix I always just get painkillers

Attached: Pathologic 2.png (1393x1079, 1.19M)

user, have you tried reading it?

its about making tincture for every organ, brain, livers, heart and kidneys and giving them to a sick patient. I only made two of those, the quest isn't required to be finished because you learn thats not how you make the cure anyway so it'll just mark itself as "doesn't have to work on it anymore" or something

You can get them to give you the discount if you email them about it. I've done it.



Warning given. Harvest those fucking organs at all costs right the fuck now. You're behind on schedule.

The two of them show up even if you tell them not to go. Khan even gets pissy with you later for letting them in the house even though he ignored you.

I think they are in enough trouble as it is: console versions are not going to be high on list of priorities for them right now.

Priorities right now are:
1) fixing what is broken about the game and implementing the promised difficulty adjustment options because people are RETARDS and won't buy the game otherwise
2) producing physical rewards they have been owing to the higher tier supporters for years.
3) not going out of business for long enough to maybe get back to work on the other two storylines.

Are there actually any 100% required quests to finish the game or you can just do whatever and be a murderhobo while everyone dies around you?

no, not really, nothing bad happens if you only make two

>buy the void for cents
>it drops me a foil card
>can sell the card for more than the game was worth (a couple more cents)
Buy high sell low friends


I think Rubin has problems

Ice Pick Lodge games are in bull market, eshen.

reminder that the other white liquid, the one that's cheaper than milk comes from BULLS

Is that what Tan, the tasty dairy drink(tm) that quenches both hunger and thirst, is?

>not HODLing thousands of foil cards until some streamer notices they exist and their price rises 2 cents


Kids, just be glad you did not have to think about the milk message in the original Pathologic.

"A bottle of cow's milk. Be careful with this product. Milk is very good for one's health but its origin means there is always a big risk. Women say that recently cows have been producing a clear ichor, and dark clots have been found in steamed milk. Farm animals cannot be trusted these days."