So what did he mean by this? Seriously what the hell does he mean the game just looks like another modern TPS.
So what did he mean by this? Seriously what the hell does he mean the game just looks like another modern TPS
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a fucking action adventure game Kojima,'s an action adventure game.
>it's totally brand new genre called action game/ strand game (o̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶a̶p̶s̶t̶o̶n̶e̶ social strand system)
Action Adventure doesn't mean anything
But a social one
Well It doesn't really look like anything we've seen before. He could be right.
It literally does retard. Prove me wrong.
>it's totarry brand new genre carred action game/ stland game (sociar strand system)
It comes with an app that tracks how social you are IRL. Wanna get to the next stage? Got to go outside and talk to people. Wanna beat the final boss? Have sex.
So when are we getting more strand like games?
>first person shooter shooting
>new genre
It looks on par with Last of Us, right down to planting a ladder down to get up somewhere
Can I just bang my wife? Could I convince her to get the anal DLC?
Ko-yeema hung out with too many self-congratulating Hollywood folks and now believes he's high and mighty enough to literally will a genre into existence when in reality he's just delusional enough to think an open world adventure game is something new and special
>a ninceldo seethed so much he made this
How can it tell?
What Kojima doesn't seem to understand is that you need more than cool concepts and plot devices to create a new genre. So far it proves to be an action adventure (you explore and sometimes enemies attack) with heavy enphasis on walking. That's not new.
He tried to say MGSV was a new genre too, you fucking zoomer. This is the same shit as Sakurai "i'M nEvEr MaKiNg AnOtHeR sMaSh AgAiN". Keep up.
I seriously think he's a genuine retard.
>As I'm getting similar questions so I shall re-post. BB is not a pizza food. Could move subjectiviely but not a calzone food either. By incorporating with the concept of boiling(bagel), it's totally brand new food type called bite food/ bagel food (Jewish bagel system)
I hope that doesn't mean the action elements are shit because you're not supposed to resort to them or something
>only one gun and melee is barebones because you should be using your STRANDS and SOCIAL CONNECTIONS to progress
Why do we have two threads?
Would you honestly say that Death Stranding is the same kind of game as Bayonetta or Zelda or God of War or Red Dead Redemption? Because that's what you're saying. Action Adventure is so broad a term that half the games in existence can be in that category
Always online stuff similar to MGS5 but crazier? Can't be because PS4 timed exclusive and lots of people don't have online, myself included. And I'm not fucking waiting for the PC port even if it's better. Fuck you, Kojima.
You fucking wish, Last of Us isn't open world anywhere, has forced AI co-op and has more in common with Manhunt than it does this.
one for sonyCHADS to discuss the game and theorize about it
one for nintenDORKS to seethe in peace
>action adventure
Fucking retard, you lost your chance to not be retarded.
You have to take a selfie with everyone you talk to and it will use facial recognition to make sure you aren't cheating. Of course, depending on how you choose to play, this is where the tactical stealth action comes in.
He's just advertising his game. Of course it's all bullshit. Every Japanese ideas guy does this.
But maybe he had a breakthrough, and if I remember correctly a couple of devs who had access to seeing it first-hand said the game is like nothing they've ever seen. DayZ mod for example created a whole new BR genre, and this was the first example that come to my mind.
>STILL using food analogies
But it is like shit I've seen, it looks like the fucking Phantom Pain but with oil monsters.
That's sticking to your comfort zone. Prove just how social you are, and let me have a good at her ;)
PC release is on Epic Games Store
It means that he's making up words like he did with "tactical espionage action".
The game will entirely live up to the moniker of action game/strand game, but it'll end up being better described as an action adventure or another existing game genre.
You go on an adventure with plenty of action. :shrug:
Sticking the food analogy angle, what alignment is Kojima?
Kill yourself, now.
We've only seen a couple clips with no gameplay context whatsoever.
He's literally just replacing the "on-rails" part of the exploration mechanic with "strand"
This picture is dumb because a sub is not defined by the bread halves connecting, that's just shitty Subway being lazy. Subs are just elongated sandwiches, it's the length that matters. 9/10 places you go they will be 2 separate bread pieces.
people will clap anyway, they did it with MGS V and years later they realized it was a shit game
What's the point of those edits?
Let me condense this on what Kojima means by this, constant internet connection required so you can connect your twitter account to Death Stranding.
Yeah we have seen gameplay, and when your opening gameplay hook is deploying a ladder, that should be a huge red flag to everyone.
so he's saying the game is about Nepotism because you have to use your connections to get ahead and progress?
Is that the true meaning of the "Death Stranding"?
The Deep state and Corporate corruption and Monopolies are the Beached Things that we can't get rid of?
Kojima is deeper than I thought
I've seen enough gameplay, and because I'm not a retard I can discern the gameplay loop. Obviously you go out to gather some sort of resources in an open field. After a certain threshold, story shit happens.
Well, yeah, they're all third person perspective, action oriented, and involve going on an adventure.
You could make this same argument about music genres and it similarly makes you a giant faggot.
How are the beatles and led zeppelin both rock music?
Kojidrones never learn.
Basically OP, it's a Walking Simulator.
Like one of hundreds we have already.
Kojimaincel is a hack and a fraud.
it's too much of a broad term to encapsulate certain types of games.
There's people that say the first 3 God of war games are Action/Adventure
I wonder if each player will create a shelter that will go into the server and show up in everyone's game.
Hideo Kojima
>can't speak English
>tries to make everything sound complicated and vague so as to seem clever or above everyone else's comprehension
>makes sub-par games with sub-par story-lines and sub-par characters
>dresses like a hipster tech faggot to fit in with other overrated hipster tech faggots currently flailing about in the public eye
>very far behind the times, like holy fuck what year is it?
>entire career built on taking advantage of idiot children and man-babies with the mental and social development of four year olds
>so desperate he used "making a game" as an excuse to watch a girl wearing scant clothing roll around on the floor
>every main character is his very own edgy faggot self-insert
>every side character exists to talk up the main character
>every villain is also an edgy faggot self-insert
>takes no risks and does nothing new or interesting ever
Who fucking cares what he meant? Why do you fags worship this hack? He's just trying to seem clever without telling you anything because he has nothing to say. Grow up you gay man-babies. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fucking wifi signals.
Nincel cope already started.
You know what's really broad? Your mom's vagina.
I still can't believe this is the gameplay reveal. It looks like footage you would expect to see from a game journalist who doesn't know how to play video games.
Consolekiddie ples, you are exuding inceldom just like your 55-year-old virgin incel idol.
Just like all story-driven games? Retard.
>tfw I get the platinum trophy
Kojima is actually a piece of shit, wow.
What a pussy lol
As a racist Japanese xenophobe he should feel right at home in the US.
It's just like transfarring. HEY GUYS, DO YOU REMEMBER TRANSFARRING?
But could you recommend the same game to everyone? I personally love Zelda and God of War, but I don't like most Platinum games with one exception. Lumping Bayo with those two is misleading and a good reason why action adventure is too broad to mean anything on its own. Also Led Zeppelin is overrated, gramps
>55-year-old virgin incel who calls a 3rd person walking simulator a new genre
It looks like a video crowbcat would make to show how shallow the gameplay is.
that's why pre-render your gameplay like in the last of goyims part 2
What did he mean by this
its a metal gear game
now that I think about it, it does look a lot like those "game fails #83" videos
Fuck this hack
>implying pcs aren't the only of the four console owners that aren't incels when they're 100% the main incel group while Sony and Nintendo are normies and XBOTs are Dudebros
Why are PC users so fucking delusional? Have sex
he needs people to tell him to shut the fuck up
Based. Fuck Kojima.
H-how did you reach NG+?!
Perfect, that's what I call yeah boy
Wow! so Kafkaesque
that's not very social stranding of you.
Punching MAGAtards.
>Have sex.
>mfw you play as antifa in death stranding
never mind
>console incel who can never justify his gayming console to women who avoid him for being a gaymer loser, or who avoids women for his console gayming, attempts to project his inceldom on PC users who use PC's because they have jobs like most people of normal employed society does
Did you just have a stroke?
Just so you know, it may look like "Cuck" T-shirts that I'm wearing today, but I am not a cuck.
I’m legitimately tired of Kojimaposting. This game under anyone else would have been called soulless, “le whacky random nonsense,” empty. Sure it looks interesting but there was a severe lack of anything that looked like fun gameplay, something Metal Gear Solid had to support its storyline. Death Stranding looks like an art house puzzle indie game with pretty graphics but since it’s Kojumbo the genius it’s instant GOTY.
He eato spagheeto
This game is gonna blow all your little bandwagoning tits off.
>Six year time gap
Have sex, you embarassment
You aren't making a coherent argument. No shit asshole, you also can't recommend music to people based on genre either, that's isn't the point of genres.
>Also Led Zeppelin is overrated, gramps
My analogy was not related to my personal preferences little faggot. I would have said Iron Maiden and Between the Buried and Me, but I'm 90% sure you're a braindead knuckle-dragger with absolute shit tastes.
What a fucking hack. Dude is literally the Uwe Boll of the video game industry.
Why is he such a pretentious idiot.
He needs to learn from Suda51, make convoluted shit but dont pretend you are superior and oh so smart for doing so
>He ACTUALLY wants gameplay in his game
the animation of his luggage falling isn't that smooth but he has 6 months to fix that.
Could someone better at shooping update the Konami parts to Kojipro?
PCs are for employed people.
Consoles are for children and incels.
The status divide is eternal.
Keep seething Consoleincel.
I never even heard of that second one, but I'm sure they're better than Led Zeppelin. They don't think it's artistic to put the title of the song in the 2nd verse. Crackpots!
>Homo Ludens
>Homo Ludens
I think he misspelled Homo Losers.
That would be an accurate genre for those games. What do you want you fucking Autist?
MGS never had fun gameplay either
Kojichad is based that's what
you mean a bunch of people in fucking hundreds of pounds worth of wetsuits and cargo aren't fighting like fucking bruce lee? color me fucking shocked it's almost like this game isn't about the combat
I can't wait for Kojima to finally be exposed for the hack he is.
Fukushima was the real genius.
>build bridges instead of walls
>wall gets blown in one segment, easy fix
>bridge gets blown, have to replace entire bridge
I thought Jap's were smart.
>One typo
Surprised you couldn't figure that out
The more Yea ForumstendoGaf seethes about a game the better you know it'll be.
Lets be honest, it is less embarrassing to tell a girl you play your ps4 and xbox than to tell a girl you play on your computer or nintendo, she will instantly think you're a incel and leave. My only two consoles are PC and Switch, am I a incel Yea Forums?
Look at Kojima's attempt at "politics" in his games and tell me this fucker has any idea about politics in another country.
You don't understand, it's different when Japan does it.
They're like a totally alien species and stuff/
>trying to pass of a platform associated with losers and underage as anything more than that
Sad! Get a job like all PC users have, no woman wants to have sex with console incel children.
based and moarpilled
>guy with head up his ass with artsty shit says head up his ass artsy shit
who cares, as long as the game's fun
Abe has recruited Kojima I see.
If they are doing something even remotely close to what people in this thread have been saying
It could end up being the next Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO was unironically a good idea they just fucked it up and didnt go as far as they should have
It didn't even look like they had any weight when they started fist fighting, he even jump punched them lmao
holy fuck MOAR
that ass
Synomym of social credit score.
3D is PD
I'm pretty sure the idea is that bridges technology is the stranding, which is about physically connecting with an infinite number of alternate realities, ie every single player playing the game is canonically in the same universe and sharing in the experience, able to interact with each other via the strands. there will be challenges and shit that will be impossible without the help of other players.
the black strands that string up into the sky are links between worlds from which players can share information, supplies, safehouses, etc. essentially gigantic soapstones that stretch into the sky and can be seen for miles
players will also be able to invade other players worlds and wreak absolute havoc by joining the demens, but you can't do it until late game
so basically he's ripping off dark souls
You're stupid as fuck if you think a 60.00 PS4 exclusive with no name brand recognition is going to be the hit that a FTP phone game with the biggest branding of all time was
probably liability issues involved with having your stuntmen acting out shit with huge weights strapped to their backs
to do anything requires actions
an adventure is going from point a to b.
every game is an action adventure.
>you've lived to see the golden age of video games come and go, the beginnings of long-running series like MGS and Final Fantasy, only to wind up watching from afar as everything you once loved has become shit or politicized to the point where it's all unrecognizable.
Why photoshop it when you can inspect element?
>you gotta give free marketing to the game via social media to progress the story and areas while your social media must be connected to give some freebie information for ad companies
Truly a new genre of game.
So it's an action game but part of it is a Pkmn Go clone that you can complete to unlock things in-game.
He really did summarize it well there, but the whole strand genre thing is bullshit. If anything Pkmn Let's Go! did it first, but RPG instead of action.
We actually had some nice threads about an hour ago, and now these pop up and a ton of negativity with them.
The only people who say that are people who have never played many games in the first place
He's wanking himself. This is literally no different than what we have already experienced in the Dark Souls series. Not even, because Demon's Souls still had that online component made for connecting. It's like he's pretending really hard that Fromsoftware didn't do this years and years ahead of him.
And I'm not trying to shit on Kojima or anything, but he's really just doing the same thing except maybe there will be a phone app or social media website dedicated to Death Stranding couriers exclusively. Other than that, it has been done before.
jpgs are funny
are you an ant?
Sony is going to milk the advertising hard. It will be one of the new faces of the Playstation brand, Nintendo and Sony are generally neck and neck popularity wise imo.
All this assumption when you know nothing about the game.
When are Kojimadrones going to draw the line between this man's "genius" and his absolute stupidity? Because that line was crossed with everything after MGS3. Hell, even some of the shit in MGS3 was fucking garbage.
OP: So what did he mean by this? Seriously what the hell does he mean?
CPAs don't make shit anymore. You probably work at H&R block making $20 an hour. I'm a software engineer, I make more money than you.
Think dragons dogma
Adventure/action with no direct interaction in the online features
nintendo is made up of japs too you fucking dunce
Think Gone Home with no direct interaction with anything except kojambros ego.
this guy gets it.
So you're stupid as fuck then
He has a reason. When the game comes out, you will all feel ashamed of your words and deeds.
Sure smells like Sony marketing department in here
He's been trying too hard since mgs2
welp, time for sudoku
homos rise up
how do japs feel about this hack?
More like nincel cope.
He's a genius and has made some of the best games of all time.
The guy hasn't made a hit since MGS3.
you're not a jap, you filthy weeaboo
There is no adventure, it is linear. I will not reply to any more of your bait
Anyone else think Kojima hired a ghostwriter for MGS1-3?
>so desperate he used "making a game" as an excuse to watch a girl wearing scant clothing roll around on the floor
you gotta take that one out dude
for real I already don't like the guy but I get to that line and its like okay... maybe this guy is kind of based...
shooting yourself in the foot here tbqh
Are you implying most Zelda since OoT isn't linear, or God of War? Hell Uncharted a treasure hunting adventure and it's linear as fuck.
It's not a ghostwriter, the first MGS entries were co-written by a guy named Tomokazu Fukushima who left after Snake Eater
It is a social strand system.
- If you die, you need another player's supplies to come back alive.
- The craters left from your death propagate through other servers.
- You can help other players by donating supplies and helping them bury corpses.
- If more players in the world use guns, a higher frequency of BTs propagates through all servers.
Basically it's a coop game where you play with everyone, but everyone is invisible.
>tfw forever Homo Faber
Reminds me of the Days Gone devs insisting that they were not zombies but "Freakers"
so its garbage
Losing interest if true
>only to wind up watching from afar as everything you once loved has become shit or politicized to the point where it's all unrecognizable.
Metal Gear has always been politicized, since it's inception.
Apparently not, he really hammed on this "connection" stuff and made it clear that you can't continue without "connection" with others, but nobody know how does it work.
tl;dr the floating ghost people are people in the real world hooked up to the internet world. on the internet world, they're instead represented by avatars, specifically the skeletal warriors we see. most of humanity is more or less trapped in "the machine" because it's more enjoyable than reality.
sam has essentially entered into a call of duty match as a third party observer during those segments. mads probably uses the mutilated dolls to track bridge babies, as those dolls are likely connected to the babies as an avatar the same way normal people are connected to and controlling the skeletal soldiers.
DOOMS is the level at which a person has been sucked into the system, so the more you're connected to the other side, the more of it you can see. when you reach max level you completely disappear and become one of the floating ghost people.
consider how important kojima keeps saying this strand multiplayer experience is, this game better have free online like fortnite does otherwise I might skip it.
this is gonna be more shallow than mgsv, what does he expect people to do? get enjoyment from coop with strangers that you cant even actually interact with? it's even less involved than summons in soulsborne games