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Anons help a nigaman out, I used to listen to this japanese cover of Protoman's theme years ago but can't find it now. It was the whistle tune but a women sang over it.
Is this series still alive?
Where is the next game?
>E3 soon
it's gonna be our year, boys.
Legends never die.
Can't wait for this to happen and fail and kill the possibility of good 3D Mega Man for good. Hope all 5 of you loud faggots enjoy it when it eventually comes because no one else will buy it.
here i am to steal this thread
I'm sure X9, Legends 3 or ZX3 will be announced this E3, we already have too much original series games and Zero series has no possibility of continuing.
I bet it's the one from the Anniversy Rock (but not really) Album.
Is the Zero series as good as it is since it didn't stretch itself out?
It's going to be BN7 and you will love it.
Well yeah but they're myths.
Please God. Fuck every other shitty subseries, just cut those losses and give us an online-capable BN game with every chip and soul/cross in the series
keep fapping to pixelshit, you tasteless complacent faggot
consider falling into a pit of spikes
But the Battle Network series got a definitive ending, desu.
Where did I ever imply that? I explicitly said that if they make 3D Mega Man I want it to be good and original, not some snoozefest that panders to an ancient shitty kick the can simulator with characters straight out of a bad SoL anime. Either Legends 3 will never release or it'll come out and bomb and I'll be vindicated regardless. Keep seething
It really just shines by comparison. It's the only series other than ZX to be made without any major team changes which shows to consistency.
But even saying that I really think Zero 4 was half a concept for a new game series.
It stretched itself a little bit, only the last 10% of Z4 really matters. But part of what helped the Zero (and ZX) games was the way they improved and added unique things to each. Recoil Rod, Zero Knuckle, transforming into the bosses themselves, each game has something - even on a replay - that makes it distinct.
legends 3 has to happen someday, user.
>Missed out on Megaman back in the NES era
>Got the collection yesterday and playing it now
>Horrible at the platforming but good at the bossfight segments so far
>Ice man’s stage
>mfw those shooting platforms
It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t drop like a fucking boulder. On that note fuck those moving platforms in gutsman’s stage too.
Oh good, I didn't get a chance to say this this morning, but I never liked MHX's OST over the original. Sounds way too busy. That and Sigma stage 1 it drops the cool drums at 25 seconds in which the original has and Excelsia's arrangement gets right.
And here's a copy of that arranged OST (and a link to it on vgmdb so you know what's in there) if anyone wants it.
I’ve seen rumors of BN getting a mobile game
>what is Patch and Megaman Jr.
Didn't they already do a Mega Man Mobile game?
For bullshit parts like that you need the Magnet Beam from Elec Man’s stage, which can be reached by using the Guts Man or Elec Man weapons.
They teased X9 with new armor art in the X collection if I remember right, so it’s probably that.
They're kind of horseshit, it's a lot simpler to just Magnet Beam over them but you won't have that luxury in Wily Stage 1, because the screen immediately after them in that stage requires a LOT of Magnet Beam.
I've just started playing this. Haven't touched it since I was a kid and barely knew what was going on. Its very comfy.
Been taking a few screenshots along the, way will post
At the very best, it will be another series that stems from Legends, similar to how ZX succeeds Zero.
Legends has been tainted too much by Inafune.
"Megaman Battle Network The End" means just that. Besides, A:Modern devs could fuck BN7 up and B: Starforce is a thing
Starforce is weaker on all fronts.
>Advances can be unlocked as their own chips
In the 11th hour they pulled something out of their butt.
Hey, nice to see an all-encompassing Mega Man thread for once rather than just a BN thread.
I didn't like Mega Man 11 and it still bothers me, but I hope whatever is next for Mega Man is good.
X9 or a Legends reboot would be cool.
>implying legends isn't good and original
>ancient shitty kick the can simulator
You're never going to get Megaman Deathmatch or Maverick Hunter X.
Legends is literally the perfect adaptation of the Megaman style into 3d. Cope.
Are the people in Legends meant to be humans or robots?
Autismman fans are worse then densetsuno kusoge at breaking containment
Legends needs a third game because being unresolved is sabotaging other 'future' Mega Man games. From the PS1 X games, to Zero 4, to ZX: every series is guilty of "trying to go into Legends". Even though it's entirely unnecessary for a game set like 3000 years in the future.
If you follow the thinking that Zero/ZX leads into Legends, then before the flooding the line between human and Reploid was blurred to the point of irrelevance. Afterward most Diggers have at least some augmentation, but everyday citizens go without.
I did, in fact. I hear it's got a few bugs.
Nevermind the fact that half the franchise isn't considered /vr/ by the board rules, right? Fuck off, we're talking about video games over here. I'm sorry that off-topic e-celeb tweet thread #297,875 got pushed off the board. Deal with it.
They're meant to be humans.
They're not really humans though
GBAshit and GC/PS2shit should be anyway.
ah, jeez user, my bad. I forgot discussing video games is frowned upon here. gay squabbling over politics only, got it.
>densetsuno kusoge
The Legend's Shit Game?
Take it up with the site staff, not me. Until then we'll be right here making ourselves comfy.
Feel free to keep seething.
Oh, so you're the shitposter trying to force those systems on /vr/. Fuck off from /vr/ and Yea Forums.
There are still many ideas for new games, like a X game set during the elf wars, a ZX game showing about master thomas means by resetting the world, maybe even a game set well after Legends
Megaman as a concept is so easy to manipulate into different situation that the games you could put him in are endless but then exists and wants his 8 robot masters for the 12th time.
Even if they were /vr/, there's no rules stopping anyone from talking about old video games here.
So either way you look at it, you lose.
13th, remember Mega Man & Bass
>still trying to push Legends as a series that only less than 10 people like
>besides the fact that MML1 got a greatest hits label for a series less than 10 people liked
>besides the fact MML1 was ported to the N64, both games were ported to PC, and both got ported to the dead, pirate system known as the PSP for a series less than 10 people liked
>besides the fact that Get Me Off the Moon had 5 digit signatures for a series less than 10 people liked
>besides the fact they keep pumping out mobile games for a series less than 10 people liked
But don't let me stop you from being a retard. I'm sure lc-kun is happy to have a protege.
Mega Man x Street Fighter
If you want to go down that route, then it would be far above the 13th, because you've got the Rockman World games, too.
haven't heard that one since january. Megaman threads back then were fucking hell. Thank god they're back to comfy
It's time for him to get a real game.
How about a new game in same style as Command Mission, only with improved mechanics and more cute robot waifus?
The OVER series is mass-produced. There are hundreds of "him"
But RPGs are boring as fuck.
Just started megaman x3 in the x collection. What else does the series do ? Right now it feels like more x1 which I think is fine
If they ever make a new Mega Man X game, I really hope they do something good with the plot. Gameplay, of course, takes priority, but I've found the story of Mega Man X games really tiresome for most of the last couple entries.
Then it'll be like that Prinny game where your lives are all the other prinnies.
>improved mechanics
What exactly would that entail? The only thing I imagine is doing a lot more Mario & Luigi RPG stuff.
Waifu-shit, as much as its hated, would do wonders for the mega man franchise.
Just look at what it did for fire emblem.
>they remove the undernet like how pokemon removed gambling corner
X3 is one of the best for difficulty.
X4 feels fucking fantastic to play, and the bosses are neat.
X5 adds collecting bullshit but is bretty gud.
X6 levels are absolute garbage and the entire thing feels unfinished because it wasn't supposed to exist.
X7 is molasses
X8 is caramel
>tfw the announcement is a new megaman spin off
What's it called and will it venture into a new style or similar gameplay like from X to Zero?
I refuse a future that gives way to more mobage/gachashit.
... I am okay with this.
>Just look at what it did for fire emblem.
Awakening had good marketing and was on a popular handheld.
Too bad, because the new Battle Network game is going to be a mobile game based on Protodude's tweet.
I can wait patiently. Like I said, if Legends 3 ever happens it will tank in sales so I hope you enjoy it friend.
It's not just Sigma, though. The plot of Mega Man X8 was really just the same scenario as the plot of Mega Man X1 under a new coat of paint. Lumine was essentially doing the same thing that Sigma was doing with the same motivations. The shock of Sigma being the one who was manipulated for once with a true puppetmaster behind the scenes loses a lot of weight when you realize that they were pretty much after the same things to begin with.
X7, too, was really just a generic Dr. Wily plot, including the "wing wink nudge nudge" style of pretending to keep Sigma's identity a secret while deliberately making it obvious that it's him. X7 was the point where the series became a parody of itself, indulging in self-aware irony.
Command Mission was almost a breath of fresh air, but the characters were extremely poorly utilized, the villains were one-note and the gameplay and the most generic, cookie-cutter JRPG you could make up. Redips was basically Sigma with a different name with the same motivations.
It's a side-scroller. It doesn't need a great plot. But if this all they're gonna do with the story, pussyfoot around and act like they're doing something different when they're actually not, I'd almost rather there be no story at all.
>Command Mission was almost a breath of fresh air, but the characters were extremely poorly utilized
That's a fucking understatement. Your party members appear in mostly one cutscene with the exception of Spider and they barely have any dialogue. It's just a X/Zero/Axl party for the most part
Starforce gang where you at?
I've wanted to get into the franchise for a while now. Where should I start? Have the NES games aged well enough that I should just start with 1? What about the X-Series? Same thing?
I really miss those GBA days.
Battle Network was so fucking good.
who cares nigger, just pick a series and play through them. i know you won't autisticly pick up the first series and go to the next one.
Either normal mode MM2 or Powered up are great starting points imo. Play them chronologically from then (Classic-X-Zero-ZX-Legends). If you like RPGs consider Battle Network and Starforce (the other timeline) as well
I hope everyone picked the only correct choice and saved bud's shirt
Something is scribbled here...
Get out of my thread BNiggers
I would just play them chronologically, at least series-wise.
MM, X, Legends, BN, Zero, ZX, Starforce
something in that general order.
Why in the fuck does Geo have to go through the whole "I got an email" every single time he sends himself an email when taking up a job? That shit is fucking annoying.
pretty sure that's how it worked in bn 6 too, you'd get an email right after accepting a job
Can't you guys even reach 100 posts before fading away?
If I were you I would play the first entry of each series to get an idea and then choosing the one I feel more comfortable with.
deathgenerator was a mistake
Nice job misspelling "lose," cringemaster.
>BN threads: 500 posts
>X threads: 250-300
>Classic/Legends threads: 50-100
>Zero: 25-50
>ZX: 0-10
>Waifufagging: +50
>unless Starforce, in which case +300
I will need the statistic of this study.
And a franchise encompassing thread?
God, I really don't want to say General thread.
The statistics come from various observations as well as my ass.
Something tells me Atlas would make a bad cook
How about we meet halfway and put X in this suit in X9 or whatever the next platformer is?
Did they ever find the sauce for this image? Is it fanart?
Protodude was giving us an sneak peek of some official art.
Why is Battle Network 2 so fucking gimmicky? Is fucking pissing me off.
A sigma is just a sideways W
Megaman 2 is more polished then 1. Same with BN. I personally dont care for x1 but most people feel its the best.
Mega Man 1 is super jank compared to the others. Start with 2 and go back to 1 later down the line.
MM11's lack of DLC monetisation confuses me. You'd think there'd at least be an 8-bit soundpack.
Somehow Capcom has gone in the complete opposite direction of the past decade prior, where all of their new games have pay-to-skip shit but paltry external content besides Devil Breakers and goofy minor stuff for DMC5, and a few costumes for REmake 2. MM11 basically being left just about unpatched besides Denuvo removal is one of many reasons (alongside things like the rushed endgame which even has multiple unused fortress song variants compared to the one song used in the final build) make it feel like it was a budget project shoved out and forgotten to move onto the next thing.
Not that I think the developers intentionally tried to half-ass anything, mind you; they put a lot of care, thought and attention into this game. But Capcom seemed to mostly use it as a stepping point of saying "HEY YEAH SEE HE'S NOT DEAD, NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP."
Not that I mind a game being complete on launch, but the idea that the developers probably asked "hey if this game sells okay can we do some DLC" and papa Capcom said "NO THE GAME IS DONE WHEN IT'S DONE WE DON'T WANT MORE MONEY FROM THIS GAME" is really weird to me. Maybe they'll double down in the next game to compensate.
How sad they already spent E
>>besides the fact MML1 was ported to the N64, both games were ported to PC
Completely off topic question that has nothing to do with your argument but: How are these ports?
I never hear about them (same for the ports of the later X games) so I'm curious to what their quality is.
When was this?
I hope I'm not super late to the train but I have no recollection of this "art tease"
Audio quality takes a huge hit on voice samples (talking through a tin can muffled), and there's fog like Silent Hill. Other than those, mostly harmless.
Mega Man 64 had a lot of the voice work removed from it. That's really all I know.
Did you miss all the cryptic tweets he sent out or something? It was like a month or two ago now. He teased a new X series game and a new BN series game. And possibly some kind of X/BN Crossover game.
Act 3 when?
>I hope I'm not super late to the train but I have no recollection of this "art tease"
He came into a thread once and responded to some skeptical post with that artwork.
I got the tweets, but I didn't know this pic was thrown in the mix (The bn one had green text and cereal iirc)
Is that a new image or is that just cropped from old command mission art?
PC version is basically the PS1 version but cleaner, however it's likely not able to support modern hardware. Memory card text got altered for obvious reasons. Can't remember anything big about it. N64 version was basically a downgrade; filtered textures came at the cost of resolution, sound quality going down the drain, fog everywhere, and other weird changes. For example, to save space MM64 doesn't have a proper credits theme - it just uses the mart theme if I remember right.
It would be perfect for Switch too, as would ZX: Zenith
The controls are weird in n64 version. I think it was also based on an older source code version. Textures look a little better but framerate drops a lot. X3 on the playstation and saturn has ass music. The X collections are decent but have some control lag.
I want to believe this but, how do we know exactly it was him and not some hobbo pretending to be him?
That shit's never coming out. The better question is, when's the MMX album?
He posted it on twitter before he posted it here, and quickly deleted the tweet. I understand how fake that sounds, but you're going to have to take my word for it. The artwork doesn't exist anywhere else anyway.
We don't, but we also don't have any source on a very official-looking piece of art. So you can choose to believe it or not.
I trust y'all wouldn't mislead me so oh boy.
Hoping it hints to either a command mission port, a costume for x9, or both.
If he is a hobbo, he is a pretty good art hobbo.
The X mobile game looks like it's shaping up to be some kind of RPG, so it's likely that Command Mission X is the face of that game or a costume in it.
Someone was fast enough to get a screenshot before he delete it.
Honestly, a MM mobile game that isn't a braindead and endless grind and actually attempts to expand on the world or cast of the verse isn't a bad idea on paper. If they're keeping CM designs, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing would repurpose the long-dead Rockman Online plans.
I mean if Capcom wants to milk they have about enough to throw into a misfit collection.
Battle&Chase, Rockboard, Mega Man's Soccer, Power Fighters Power Battle, Super Adventure, and maybe a few odd ones from EXE, or the World/Xtreme games.
While the gameplay and whether or not it'll be a grindy sack of typical mobage business practices remains to be seen, it supposedly has decent production values according to Protodude. I'm expecting it to be in 3D based on that.
Mega Man Plus. Spiritual successor to Legends, except it has a new mega man.
Going through Star Force again. Made it to SF2 and I am pretty amazed at how the writing took an absolute nosedive from the first game and pretty much every single recurring character has been crapified
>Zack can't go a single line without mentioning the Zackpedia now
>Bud can't go a single line without mentioning food now
>Luna is now generic tsundere #74908 and explodes over things that didn't upset her in the first game (her friends talking to ski woman vs Geo's date with Sonia) with much less justification. She used her anger to drive her friends to be better people in the first game. Now she's just a brat
>Geo is now generic shy beta male anime protagonist that does whatever Luna says and never blows her off or talks back to her like he used to
>Omega-Xis is now completely irrelevant
>Geo's dad only mentioned once in passing
>Plot has nothing to do with any of them and instead revolves around some kook in a top hat who happens to be wherever Geo and friends are out of sheer contrivance
>Everyone now obsessed with literal social credit scores over somewhat more nuanced depiction of relationships in first game
And is it just me, or are the encounter rates like 30% higher than they used to be?
>And is it just me, or are the encounter rates like 30% higher than they used to be?
you're not wrong
the encounter rate gets really stupid when you're in the middle of stuff like the Bermuda (I think it was Bermuda?) maze
i wish the magnet beam made a comeback. having control over making platforms was a lot of fun.
every mega man has aged better than most NES games
Post your favorite OST covers. Bonus points if the cover sounds like it's for a specific console/platform.
I wish there was a Willy Tower-esque game that lets you choose your weapons.
give me fucking x9 already
Return of Quint when
>make quint explicit canon
>adding even more timelines to this bloated series
Quint's never not been canon, he has a card in Rockman and Forte and everything. He never died either so he's still wandering around somewhere.
who didn't buy mm11 either here?
I wouldn't mind a Legends prequel set when Trigger was still just a Purifier for Elysium up to when he went Maverick.
to be fair, that was due to Inti's autism. They have a hard continuityboner and they made Zero and ZX, and in their view, everything ends up at Legends, so they constantly nodded towards it and built towards it
I love legends, but lets not pretend greatest hits labels mean anything.
legends was never a successful seller, much less legends 2
You can beat Yellow Devil without the pause glitch, right user?
It was more like everyone loved the Legends series to be honest.
of course. it's not that hard once you figure out when to jump. hell, there's only one jump you need to move forward on during the pattern.
X7 was literally a rehash of X4's concept. "two maverick hunting groups at each other's throats" but with dumber justifications, and basically serves only as a vehicle to introduce Axl.
I can beat him with the buster. I can buster the whole boss gauntlet of MM9 as proto on one life no e-tanks. I can buster 4 on one life in MM11 superhero mode
but can you buster doc hitbox
shut the fuck up
>feels unfinished because it wasn't supposed to exist.
people keep saying this like it means something.
disregarding the fact that inafune had No say in this when he left his role as series producer before X5 was even started, (he admits to leaving with the simple instruction to 'finish the X series")
It still has no bearing on how unfinished it is. it is that way simply because it was a rushed product. Nothing else.
Give me an interesting Megaman girl request involving alternate outfits, hairstyles, and the like. I may draw it.
>the craze over this was that long ago
holy fuck
What about, Layer, but with Ciel's outfit
2 > 6 > 5 > 9 > 4 > 3 >>> 1 >= 7 > 8
rate my shit taste
post megaman macros
surprised youd put 5 that high.
What happened to Bass, boys? Where did he come from? Where did he go?
I have this cover, Mastermix is fucking great
What other rocks could be there?
I recall an image that had Zero and ZX in there too
Does Mega/Giga/Mastermix still do that thing where it shuffles stories and games around completely randomly? I remember buying a couple of volumes of Megamix and it jumped around games which killed my desire to buy more.
His art style does kinda bother me at times, though. The bolts on Mega Man's arms, for instance, make him seem less advanced. Also, his Roll looks nothing like any Roll.
I like the idea of the classic bots having limitations so bolts are fine in my book. I was always bothered by the implication that Rock was some omniponent nanomachine construct that could do whatever the fuck he wanted to regardless of the laws of matter and shit. I mean has anyone sat down and thought about how his teleportation and weapon copying is supposed to work?
Thing is if he's able to do all that, then his arms shouldn't look like they're from a steampunk series. Plus it doesn't actually jive with how the rest of his body's portrayed. Why do only his arms have bolts?
Fact of the matter is this is the series that has Yellow Devils. Apparently, the fictional Ceramic Titanium used in the series is extraordinarily flexible.
I did once, it was hell, not looking particularly forward to doing it again. Even if the RM gauntlet before Wily was WAY worse, fuck that shit.
Fuck that game in general.
>hating based MM1
Yeah it's based alright.
Based on the desire to be as cheap as possible.
>mfw played the Jap version for the longest time cause I thought there was no difference from the wstern one
legendary shit game (stargazer, i think)
It's classic Mega Man. Never expect it to be big budget.
Settle it once and for all, which is the best TENGA man theme?
>What other rocks could be there?
Xover = Punk rock
Zero X = Christian Rock
ZX X = Space Rock
BN Rock = Boogie Rock
Starforce Rock = New Wave
>implying I know anything about rock music
No user, not -that- kind of cheap.
Saturn, but my favorite will always be MM&B.
I've given everything I can
There are no albums left in man
Get good, gay.
How many differing tracks did the Saturn version of 8 have, anyway? Any X4 differences, by the way?
Nah mate, I'd rather get a better game
>shit taste babby
Only kidding. It might be my favorite game of all time, but hope you have fun with your favorite.
Splash looks fucking fine there btw. Source?
Whoa, civility, in Yea Forums? These are the end times. Thanks mate, I had a miserable time on Wily's fortress but I get why it's your fav. Can't really pick a Classic fave myself but for nostalgia reasons and best bosses (if you don't break them with their weakness that is) I'd choose 7. I had fun with 1 too, it's just the cheap jank makes me dread replaying it.
Fucking Fupoo, look him up, he waifus hard over Roll and Splosh.
Whats different in japan and us megaman 1?
Jap gives you one (1) Continue. Infinite fun.
For months I never made it past Yellow Devil.
Partly due to nostalgia. It was the first in all the multiseries I played, and it was the only game I ever had for NES. 7 is fucking great and extremely underrated so is 6, my second favorite Classic MM. Take care, cool Atlantic-bro, and thanks for the nice conversation and goods.
Megaman 1 is nostalgic as hell for me. Specially the music, even if I never played it for years.
This shit makes me a little misty-eyed. And hell yeah, 6 is really fucking sweet. Fuck it, I'm gonna replay it this month, it's high time.
What no
>Implying I need that continue
It'd only come in to play if I try to big dick buster the boss rush at the end which has gotten me killed a couple of times
That explains why you actually played through 1 before criticizing it and why you like the games that are hated by onionsjournos.
Gah no user, I fucked up with my wording: I meant if you get to that Game Over screen once then it's back to the beginning. Good on you for being able to bust rush that boss rush but even with weaknesses I had a shit ton of trouble, I fucking hate that part.
What the hell, no, you keep getting worse. I'm just an Euro, bro.
But I don't see what my nationality has to do with experiencing a game before shit talking its gameplay, if you base your opinion on hearsay without checking you're a bitch regardless of where you hail from. And so are you if you write off any MM classic game as a whole, they all have their janky moments (the Crystal boss in 2, the Doc Robos in 3, crappy weapon selections, the gimmicky stages in 8) but all of them are worth playing if you ask me.
>Game over is for real
Okay that's sweaty even for me. I never knew about this difference between the JP and US versions
I can't decide if I prefer Doc Robot's botched localised name over a more accurate translation of the Dokurobot pun.
Oh shit negro what are you doing
11 is the best classic game.
Atlas wearing one of the cheerleader outfits from pic related
Pandora with Luna's drills and outfit.
Hello mega boys
hey mega DORK
Reminder that this is the most superior shota bot and no megaman comes close
Based Astroposter.
I never played Megaman Legends. What' so special about it? I'm looking through some longplays and the game looks very mediocre, even for its time.
It's fun.
cute girls
It's one big running joke. I'm a hardcore Mega Man fan and could not force myself even halfway through the first Legends. Ignore it and laugh at the fags who want to ruin Mega Man's potential with a Legends 3
Megaman collection otherwise Megaman 1, tho you don't necessarily need to play 1 or 2 since they are both recapped on 4, but 3 is obligatory, I'd just play through them anyway, 1 is pretty short and 2 is pretty easy
Characters are really charming. Exploration is fun since the ruins are pretty open but not barren open plains like most open world exploration games. It hits a very specific niche, but that's exactly why some people love it.