Death Stranding


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Other urls found in this thread:

>brand new genre

I sincerely doubt that

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He could have said all of that in half the words.

>could move subjectively

This asshole does nothing but watch American movies yet he can't string a goddamn sentence together to save his life

strand gamers unite

What's going on here?

74 year old lady on a hike being rescued


fucking kek

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like something out of idiocracy

I think Hideo Kojima has surpassed Peter Molyneux in having visions completely unfettered by reality.

Death Stranding: Save the world from conflict and isolation, caused by the catalyst and supernatural event known as the Death Stranding. Go across the universe to gather resources and connect societies together. Watch out for the evil villains who want to keep conflict and division going, like the homodemons, led by a Mads Mikkelsen like figure.

It's like Big Boss and his plan eternal war over again within MGS, except in Death Stranding, the impact is far much bigger and shakes up society as a whole.



too genius for me.

could gaming finally be an art Yea Forumsro's?

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death stranding looks shit.. kojima should stick to MGS.

I doubt it's a new genre, Kojima literally think he invented the stealth genre before;;;

how far up his ass is this guy?

Such a fucking hack

This game is going to make or break his entire career/reputation/life

ICO already did that


it's mgsV with stealth taken out but everything else kept in, with dark souls style online.
He is really up his ass with his whole new genre bullshitting

>Hideo Kojima in charge of brevity


Kojima is going to get exposed beyond belief. This just seems like some schizophrenic ideas cobbled together + some juvenile, contrived notions about society รก la BRIDGE AND ROPE metaphors.

The ground is rotating counter-clockwise very quickly

How do I make a strand game, Yea Forums?

Honestly even if this game is just a 20 hour long movie on acid, I'd still buy it.

No it won't. If the game is good, he'll be rewarded. If the game is bad, Sony will be blamed or something just like Konami (for firing a dude who spent eight years and eighty million dollars to hang out with Hollywood instead of finishing his fucking game).

They just fucking fly off with her spinningI can't breathe, let her hit the ground it would be a better death than centrifugal force

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>strand game(social strand system)
what did he mean by this?

Sorry Kojimbo, but Sony's already seen through your lies and called it a cinematic adventure.

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>Kojima reveals the true nature of the Strand Game through profound, thought-provoking tweets over a few years

Attached: stick, cord, rope, ladder, BRIDGES.png (520x555, 355K)

>being so pretentious and conceited that he thinks he created a new genre when it's just a generic 3rd person action-stealth-shooter game

>she spins faster and faster as the video goes on
Holy shit, haven't seen anything in funny in a while.

updated for 2019

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So if I add these two mechanics to my game does that make it a social strand system?

We won't call it art. It's called strands now. Video strands.

is he stupid i doubt rope and stick came first my guess is fire came first maybe agruculture

This is one of the most gargantuan red flags I've seen in quite a while. I have a very bad feeling this is going to be the next Spirits Within.

i only play strand games

>fire came first
What do you think you need for a fire?


Oh my fucking god I'm about to piss myself.

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Yea Forums - Video Strands

this is actually a flight rescue technique. they're shunting all the blood to her head to keep her stable

i am a doctor

Holy fuck I can't stop laughing.

>that damage control they do
Happens all the time boyos.

>Could move subjectively

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You think man built fires before picking up a stick and hitting things with it?

why is he so full of himself

>Social Strand System

Translation: its Dark Souls

You think agriculture came before sticks and spears? Are you braindead?

Casuals cant handle strand genre, kojima is a pioneer and visionary. Not even being ironic.

The S3 Plan (the Selection for Societal Sanity; initially believed to have stood for the Solid Snake Simulation due to misinformation) was a program run by the Patriots in order to manipulate world events and the decisions of individuals, as well as essentially mold these individuals. The S3 Plan was tested during the Big Shell Incident, on Raiden, unknowingly an agent of the Patriots.

The Big Shell Incident was, in fact, a recreation of the Shadow Moses Incident four years prior, in which Solid Snake had become a legend, being the "Big Boss" of his age. The Patriots had designed the Big Shell Incident into a recreation of Shadow Moses as they considered it the ultimate exercise for the S3 Plan. Revolver Ocelot had been misled by the Patriots into believing S3 stood for "Solid Snake Simulation" and was a system capable of equipping every soldier with combat abilities equal to those of Solid Snake.

The gameplay looks very V to me.

talk about a bad day holy fuck lmao

African Doctors dont count as real doctors

I for one cannot wait for the western strand games vs japanese strand games wars.

strandlation: it's Dark Strand.

Strand Souls > Strandborne


Yes, you think they ate raw meat?

holy fuck

"Social strand system"
What the fuck did he even mean by this

Youโ€™ll know when you play
Sony wonโ€™t let him say

I have a feeling the Strand System is gonna be reminiscent of Dark Souls multiplayer but with some kind of effect on the world/enemies.

>How did you come up with the multiplayer aspect of your game?
>Miyazaki: was stuck in traffic lol
>Kojima: first tool was stick then rope (or so was said) allow me to show you with plate and eating utensil geoff are you listening post this on twitter

He's referring to this game.

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Is he the kanye west of video games? He talks like a lunatic, a kid in an adults body.

the hell

>Dark souls is not a stealth game
No shit



>d-did i f-fit in yet guys??

Kill yourself, millennial scum.

I legit think that this fucking guy gets high at the smell of his own farts

most pretentiuos chink i've ever seen

>still the Konami building

I think he finally lost it. Maybe it's just the language barrier, but this vidya auteur thing might have gotten to his head.

It sounds like the term asynchronous multiplayer hasn't caught wind in Japan yet.

>Kanye west of video games
Thatโ€™s a good way of putting it, user.


this man invented implemented the first battle royale into a game. wouldnt be surprised if this turns out legit.



holy shit

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Why are videos of people being spun around so fucking funny?

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Trial and error "puzzles".
Select all images with "bridges". WTF Google.

He always tend to say complicated things and complicated explanations but then you play his games and gameplay wise they are just as braindead as the rest but with incredibly convoluted stories and a shit ton of cut-scenes.

Sounds like a lot of bullshit.
Hoping the game is good though.


I don't know man, the guy almost always delivers on gameplay with his games. Responsive, intuitive and full of options to keep it fresh and fun. True about the stories though.


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I like the tweet where he thanks the HZD devs for their engine and help and ends it with
>i am grateful for this strand

possibly since i suspect molyneux is just a liar

I dunno

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what if instead of conflict and division emerging as a natural consequence of being asynchronous independent agents with conflicting goals but rather external agents


This isn't just Snatcher. It is also MGS, ZoE, Policenauts, Penguin Adventure, and PT.

what if instead of strands and ropes emerging as a natural strand of being asynchronous independent strands with conflicting strands but rather external strands?

>calling out retards for being retarded on a site for retards
You aren't fooling anyone and you aren't better than them.

>ah finally the rescue team, I'm saved
>oh no no no nooo

i could probably get on board with something like snatcher

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Stop making fun of Kojima, once you recognize the secret reason for his declarations, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.

>have a bunch of equipment and packages on me
>literally 10 mountains between me and my objective
>got attacked on the way by some yellow dudes
>some packages got damaged due to that so I left them
>my feet hurt
>it started raining
>a BT blows me up
>lost all my equipment in Hades because that fucker Mads didn't leave me alone
>want to pee real hard but taking everything off takes time so I just pee on my clothes
>got to a resting point
>no food or supplies since other Sams don't care about strands/connections to other Sams

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>Miyazaki: was stuck in traffic lol


Fuck it,
If he made a snatcher inspired game it would literally rival and outcompete Cyberpunk 2077.

Kojima missed his money shot.

still missing few key elements: loss, Norman, stranding, connect, (BRIDGE) ((STRAND)) madness, play, love, (Mads) ((WAGNER)) cachalot, Hades, Die Hard, decapod, Earth, Moon, Mars (so as said) Jupiter ((so as said))

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>You have to retweet Kojima's tweets to progress
Thanks, Kojima.

bridges inter-reality network, which allows people to enter into and communicate with alternate realities, is touted as a way for people to connect like never before. but the system has a secret, those who control the network have the ability to control the flow of information, create context, and essentially puppeteer the thoughts and actions of those on the network without them even realizing it. this internet leads to such great isolation and disconnection on a social scale that the world becomes a barren wasteland. on top of this, all of the constant inter-dimensional signals have caused unknown things to beach themselves into our reality, causing horrific phenomena. all of this leads to incredible conflict that tears society apart, with the bridges network destroyed in the ensuing conflict. the loss of the bridges network leaves most of humanity isolated into small groups that end up puppeteered by people who have gamed the system, or sometimes even beached things, who use them to hunt down humans.

bridges CEO heartman convinces the UCA that the way to mend the broken country is by rebuilding the bridges network, but in reality it will solve nothing and he only wants it done so he can regain his control over the entire network and society, which will only lead to further suffering.

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>This just seems like some schizophrenic ideas cobbled together + some juvenile, contrived notions about society รก la BRIDGE AND ROPE metaphors.

You've just perfectly described his hallmark.

Why does everyone have one wrist handcuffed?

To stop themselves from jerking off. Sticks and roes and all that.

I didn't know le chinless kino man was in this

>S3 does not stand for the Solid Snake Simulation

With is sam going to be so easy to exploit?

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close user but it was stated the network was called cable not bridges. your whole theory falls apart after that.

the game is about BRIDGES being a soulless autonomous corporate entity that serves no other need but its own eternal growth, to the extent of actively siphoning the life from people and wildlife, abusing infants for its own benefit, making the world as we know it virtually uninhabitable and barren. everyone employed by BRIDGES is bound to serve its wants and needs despite being aggressively morally opposed to its means and its end goals, even the founder and CEO of bridges hates what BRIDGES is doing, but they have no other choice. if they refuse to do what BRIDGES wants, they will be replaced/killed by someone who will, and the issue will be rectified. this is why everybody is crying all the time.

BRIDGES is basically hal9000 except instead of being a robot with dark intentions, bridges is incapable of any thought as if like a uni-cellular parasite

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i love escalators and eels.

also forgot to mention, the floating people in the sky represent the board of directors

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>Kojima could be made a inspired game snatcher and outsell cyberpunk 2077.


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what the fuck, is that why bridges' logo is a spider web?

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They're crying because they're allergic to the dead mirror images of human souls floating around. They got the DOOMS

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the fuck does strand means?

best thing about this is that the person was a 75 year old lady

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because the first event was the event that fractured the world. Where does the president live user? Where do you think this voidout occurred?

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>the second impact
he's gonna tie it all together man

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fire and agriculture are not tools, retard

for even more fun context. What is mads laying on? what is the president laying on?

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>kojima's whole career has just been shamelessly ripping off evangelion

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Was Death Stranding Rebuild 4 all along?

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this is gonna be a "you'll regret your words and deeds" situation all over again isn't it

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How did they even get her down?

>What is mads laying on?
Strands of barbed wire?
>what is the president laying on?
A bed I guess? What are you talking about and circling


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most likely
I'm just picking it up for mads

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>Where does the president live user?
New York. We see the New York flag in her office.

whooops sorry user.

Look at the pres bed and the cables that raise from it. If they where streched out they would form a web.

Look at the web mads is on quite literal. The baby's represent the four solders he controls. Notice how their is only four dolls?

>The world covered in cable

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he's so unbearably pretentious

>kojima's whole career has just been shamelessly ripping off evangelion
You realise this NOW?
Kojima has history of doing this.

They didn't. She's still spinning.

i'll take what the fuck is ZOE for 1000 alex.

its shoots and ladders dumbass

>I'm just picking it up for mads
I cannot believe my main source of motivation for buying this game is blatant and shameless platonic homolust for this hunk of a man as well

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I don't know why I didn't put it together before, but yeah MGS2 is just End of Evangelion
I never played it

What if the true death was the strands we made along the way?

>You are a child who most unwillingly pilot a mecha that you also want to fuck.

does anyone know what the background "clacking" noise in i'll keep coming is? i really like the sound of it.

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a tape rewinding in a cassette player

or maybe an old tape deck switching

What do you expect from someone that adores this guy's movies?

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>totally new genre
Khm, Last of Us, khm, Days Gone, khmkhm

thanks friend, now that you mention it, it really does sound like something of that sort.

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It appears your hippos have lost their appetite Mr. Bond

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The power of diversity

Refn directed Die Hard?

I'm glad to see everyone unanimously agrees with Mads' perfection.

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does he have downs?

It means it's a walking simulator.


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...........What the hell

I'm in tears

The bad ones?