Vib-Ribbon! On the front page!

Vib-Ribbon! On the front page!

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I agree.

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Great OST

I wanna fuck that... rabbit?

Vibri's a nice girl.

Attached: tumblr_pmv1lnDK871xx9cemo1_1280.gif (992x1286, 1.58M)

But is your sense of rhythm good enough to win her heart?

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this heresy was posted in a previous thread and it makes me suffer.

I need to spread the suffering.

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but Vibri needs to be FLAT

Thanks I hate it.

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I was just thinking about this game earlier today

I think about this game everyday.

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I've never even played the game and I listen to it.

How do I get to the geometry zone lads?

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Vibri would want me to take care of myself

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That image really does something to my heart.

Chase that feeling. You deserve to find happiness in life, but it's not going to come if you do nothing. Even if you sometimes feel like you can't do it, Vibri's supporting you

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>you will never fuck vibri so violently that she reverts back into a frog and becomes twice as tight and slimy

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I will. Thank you user.

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Except frogs are a fucking disgusting bonerkill.


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All these old games getting HD remakes... but where's Vibri's HD remake?

Attached: Vib.png (798x665, 19K)

isn't the studio pretty much dead?

The studio had a (failed) Kickstarter for a new rhythm game IP a few years back, but Sony still owns the Vib-Ribbon IP. I think the issue with releasing a new game of this type would be finding a way to monetize it without detracting from the core gameplay of making stages out of found audio.

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More like FAT
i'm not posting the image though.

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Is there a "alone on a saturday night" Vibri?


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why are there so many vib-ribbion fanarts? was it this popular on Yea Forums?

Attached: confus.jpg (474x474, 15K)

>why are there so many vib-ribbion fanarts
I mean there isn't really but whatever.

Attached: tumblr_pdbkyxrtoA1ufpw93o1_540.png (540x504, 19K)

Don't shoot the messenger, I just saw it in a previous thread and thought it was worth spreading the suffering

we had some fun last year

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it was a good game that many people never got to enjoy.

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what do you mean last year? i thought it was a couple of months

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The first big thread I'm aware of with a lot of OC happened last October. The posts in that pic are from that thread, if you wanna see it in the archive.

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As a budding artist she seems neat. Both easy to draw in concept, yet probably more complicated than she probably seems to be on the surface. It's very neat to see visually.

7 months? shit time flies fast

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Why can't Vibri-chan get a new game?

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With such a simple character design, there's a lot of room for creative freedom with Vibri.

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I want to cockvore vibri

>tfw no supportive vibri gf
Just fucking end my existance already.

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>Vibri will never tuck you into bed
I might as well just front flip off a building to end it all already.

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Very sexy. I will accept this under my “sexy and acceptable although not on-model but that’s okay” art collection of various characters

We need more Vibri's in this thread.

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She's made of vectors, it'd be like fucking a pile of sticks

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Your loving and supportive gfs are out there, but you have to love and support yourself first

Not him but I don't believe you.

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God, I know this is mostly our creation. In the game you can get a glimpse of her personality and the rest is anons expanding on it but god I just want to be loved by someone on a level that isn’t family or friends.

it's all we dream of

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Of course, it doesn't have to be that way. That's the magic of a girl like Vibri ;)

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You have any more Vibri's like this?

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It's part of an imageset, but I don't have anything lewder

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I know how to get the naughty ones.
Where can I find more wholesome and non-lewded wireframe rabbits?

Look everywhere.

Attached: tumblr_peu458fiHT1ut5wgjo1_640.png (586x603, 224K)

Alright. I should’ve thought of that since I’ve been looking at the porn sites

unironically tumblr

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Vibri will always be a queen.

They would probably make a mobile game and only allow you to play a certain number of stages with your own music per day without paying.


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the harsh truth

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I don't mind.

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I wanna _hug Vibri

Attached: tumblr_inline_pe3emtvgcP1w2xebh_1280.png (1280x1440, 388K)

>tfw PS3's disc drive died


Attached: DGsN1bqXoAEwetn.jpg (1000x1000, 76K)

I wanna smooch Vibri and give her lots of hugs!

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Attached: my gf.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

Don’t stop now.
Don’t stop now.

I want to praise and support Vibri for her wonderful effort!

Is this :D but in Vibri?

I want to marry Vibri.

Attached: DuEdnODVYAUi-NN.jpg (906x908, 73K)

Cute! CUTE!

What the fuck is that evil thing on the left and why is it next to cute Vibri?

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Artist's OC.

Attached: DuEG57vUcAA49JO.jpg (892x888, 40K)

What a fucking faggot. Should be an user and not some shitty donut steel.

That the foam link?

I don't mind because the artist draws cute Vibri.

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Well, let no one call you a coward I suppose.

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Vibri may look very rigged and stiff but is actually super soft and flexible especially down there.

I believe it.

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user no


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Damn how can lines look so cute?

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>black and white indie game protagonist
if she came out today she'd be a huge hit

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I want to pinch vibri's clit with boltcutters!

thank you user very cool

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Pinchy Pinchy!

Where can I play Vib Ribbon, in 2019?

What are my options here.

You emulate it.

Attached: tumblr_pe25waWHv11tbivino1_1280.png (758x1062, 123K)

Can you play it with stuff other than the OST though? How does that work?

>tfw it's a sunny day so you wank your wee
Ass cheeks, so fine day

Yes, it involves creating different BIN/CUE images for the music you want.

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I want to slice off bits and pieces of vibri's labia!

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I feel like I should be ashamed for being obsessed with this character.

Attached: vib.gif (411x363, 100K)

Eh, her purity is a beacon.

Ashamed for not rubbing bengay on her pussy.


You're right about that.

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Is anyone still here?

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New game when? Sony, why must you kill off all your PlayStation All-Stars(TM)? Feel bad for that Ape Escape campaign. Kojima retweeted Ape Escape, yet the official PlayStation page didn't. How come we're getting a Twisted Metal show before a new game? How come MediEvil 1 is remastered, but not 2? So many questions.

>ywn rim her

yeah, just waiting for mine to be posted

As in your art? You can just post it yourself, my man.

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comfy thread

Comfy Vibri.

Attached: DuO7KMqXcAMyKu8.jpg (600x800, 69K)

her vagina must smell nice in this state

Holy fucking cringe. Look at Mr. Cuckold here, posting a couple pics and thinking he's so wise and smart. Self-righteous cunt.

Why don't you git gud at drawing instead of bitching? Be glad it's something and the art and oc are good.