>want to try VR
>too poor to justify spending hundreds of dollars on a toy
Want to try VR
Other urls found in this thread:
You will easily recoup the losses with a couple of private anime lapdances on VRChat.
just buy more money lol
You can come over and try mine, user.
Add me on steam and give me your address and I'll post my occulus rift to you. I never use it. You might get more enjoyment out of it.
>want to try VR
Go to a VR arcade.
I live in bumfuck nowhere.
Okay so let a few guys bumfuck you and use the money from it to buy a vive? They're like $499 now arent they?
You're as poor as you are Irish!
VR is a meme, these grapes are sour don't worry your little peasant head about it
uber cringe
>tfw just want VR for porn
it just makes you wistful for real female attention and contact, don't go down that rabbit hole
Don't worry about it because this iteration of VR isn't actually VR.
This webm is fake, please stop trying to trick people into buying expensive VR hardware.
>muh deep dive
"honey why is this strange masked black man dancing in our living room"
Just wait for the shitty mixed reality headsets to go on sale for like $140 usd again
Thief Simulator must have gotten a Quest port
I will actually pay you to stop spamming this shit in every vr thread
That dude seems chill and candid as fuck
Will you now?
The sets available now aren't even that great anyway. Start saving now and in about 5 years from now you'll have enough saved and hopefully by then the technology will have matured better.
He just needs to wait 150 more years and we'll have VR like in The Matrix, VR isn't worth it until then
real VR
>$399 base price (Rift S, Index, Vive, whatever)
>not owning a good computer already
>games are free or averagely controllers are comfy
>built-in mic
>no need to pay for an online gaming service
>$299 base price
>$60 games
>$70 controllers, because carpal tunnel
>$20 to play online (which is a scam)
>$15 for SD card, because shit 32GB
>$10 for screen protectors
>phone required for voice chat
I dunno bros, when has Nintendo ever tried to pass off cheap gimmicky trash that barely works on us? R.O.B. the robot, the Power Glove and Virtual Boy were truly innovative products.
You want it, therefore you bought it. That's your justification. It's your money, spend it on what you want
Ah, yes. This is the peak of VR. True immersion.
Is staring up a bird's rectum VR's killer app?
I'm poor as shit and I bought a VR headset. You just gotta learn how to be black and bad with money, son.
t. bought three $60-90 computer mice at once cause I couldn't make up my mind
No. This is.
Does the quest even work outdoors?
It does. You can make custom tracking zones, but why anyone would wanna play outdoors is beyond reason.
I've just depleted my brain of feel good chemicals and know nothing I buy is going to make me happy after numerous times trying.
I save tons of money though
People had WMR working outdoors connected to laptops ages ago.
As long as you're not using it in some sun drenched featureless plain and avoid the usual hazards (reflective surfaces) there is probably enough visual references for the tracking to work
but it's the best of both worlds because you don't have an obligation to spend money on a vapid whore just to use her hole when she gives consent otherwise you lose 50% of your wealth
It's not the best of both worlds..yet. But it is getting better every month.
So of course at some point it's going to be ruined by the usual suspects who can't leave anyone the fuck alone.
VR can be a truly meditative experience in a way no other materialistic bullshit can
Google Earth VR makes me do the deep think
It sound crazy but it do
It's not as cool yet as you think. The games are lacking. That might change when Nostos comes out though.
Brush up on your 3D modelling user. Furries have always had far more money than sense and just like SL they infest VR stuff like termites. I have a friend who doesn't need to have a normal job because all he does is take commissions to model and rig thirsty furfags OC's for use in VR shit.
youll need to spend even more when you eventually bump into the tv
Don't know why this isn't always the first point in discussions about VR. Whenever I get tempted to drop a little dosh on a good VR kit I always remember that there's maybe at MOST like 2-3 games for it that any one person would enjoy for more than maybe an hour at most. The entire dev situation surrounding it suffers from a really goddamn extreme case of "selling a tech demo for full game price"-itis.
If you have to be spoonfed it's not for you
The prices they sell games at just makes it worse. I wouldn't pay more than a few dollars for most of the stuff listed under Virtual Reality on Steam, and like $15 at most for the better looking games.
>not having a vr waifu
I only want to play the VR rhythm games at 100% volume
Seriously where are you people finding these vr games with interactive body physics? I want to grab some chick by her ankles and swing her out the window too.
thanks for the idea user I'm gonna go see if i can do this.
Can you choke the bitch?
>Super Deepthroat in VR
i would post some other webms of this but I don't want to get b& for the nth time lol
Make a thread in /r/ bro
They're not exactly obscure however VAM pretty much requires you to DIY, it's just a somewhat complex sandbox-poser with some great physics.
Blade & Sorcery is probably better unless you're willing to put some real effort into a scene. Unfortunately all the women look like Julia Roberts.
Post more VR webms
>putting on that bodysuit for a virtual fap
way too much effort
I can't find any trace of that VR summer game from Illusion anymore, did they cancel it?
just use poorfag VR
Its still on Steam with that August 2018 release date
If you go on Illusion's page the only game they got listed is VR Kanojo, the "Upcoming Releases" tab is empty.
Is the Illusion Cycle of Grief finally broken? How liberating.
Wait never mind I'm being a dumb. It's because they go by "IVR" for the summer game and Koikatsu: No Silly Business edition. Game is still set to release never ever but it's not erased off the earth like I thought.
Even when I finally think Illusion might be dead, they manage to disappoint yet again