You have ten seconds to explain why you play a male character

You have ten seconds to explain why you play a male character.

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because i play western games

But Skyrim is a western game...?

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Depends on the character I'm role-playing. If I'm going for a fragile glass cannon or passive type, I usually make a female. If tanky fighter or up close dps, I pick male.

For immersion purposes.

I don't unless I can play a trap.

cause I look like him

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New Vegas is too ugly to do otherwise.

Because I don't like wanting to jack off every hour of staring at my avatar's ass.

Because I'm a guy

My first character is always a big buff guy with high dex and my second character is always a dainty little girl with high strength

>role playing
>playing the role of

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Because women cant into combat and arent strong

I play buff, black dudes with afro and moustache pretending it's a main character from a blaxploitation movie

Still haven't gotten used to this bound monster without bound.

Lucky motherfucker

Depends on the game, but I usually play girls.
If all the girls are super fucking ugly though, I play male.

I will give you the two reasons: rapists, and traps.
I ALWAYS play either of those male traits and its always fun.

I pick girls in jrpgs because the boy already looks like a woman.

I like to self-insert

Also this, I played a cutie elf in DoS2 once and all it did was make my pp hard. i still managed to self insert and it made me feel weird

Because my immersion is immediately broken when a woman can do anything better than a man can when it comes to combat, reasoning or an interest in objects rather than people and emotions.

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we gotta make do until our just reward come

Because there are aesthetics that males can have that girls can't get, at least not in a way you can take seriously. That said, I do like the idea of characters that are hard to take seriously between their build, outlook, and playstyle, but not like they're character creator abominations. Things like very small characters that are meant to be as hard as a rock, or a Hunk expy that's on a fucking mission and will basically ignore everything but what he's attempting to get at and will never stop moving as fast as he can.

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This is why I try to build my female characters as believably as possible. Lower focus on constitution, strength, etc. For example, in DA:I, I made sure to never give Cassandra any skills that allowed her to unrealistically "manhandle" enemies, giving her more of a vanguard lite, taunt/party buffing build.

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