Stupid fuckin' E3 Leaks

First things first, I'd like to make it clear that I have NOT seen the Direct for E3. These are not leaks from this direct in specific, though from the info I have it's likely that most of this stuff will be shown in the Direct. Secondly, I am only listing NEW announcements. Things for already announced games like Astral Chain and Fire Emblem won't be listed here, but will be present in the direct.

So, hello Yea Forums. I work at a social media management firm who is responsible for operating Nintendo's social media accounts. I'd like to remain anonymous right now to protect my identity/job.

We already have tweets scheduled for next week around the same time as the E3 Direct, and I'd like to share all I can about the things we will be relaying on the Twitter next Tuesday. Please note I don't have super specific details because I only have access to the scheduled tweets, which don't carry a whole lot of information:

Smash Fighter 2 (Sora) and Fighter 3 (Banjo and Kazooie). Sora will be available on June 19, Banjo will be available later this summer.

Overwatch is coming to Switch later this year.

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is coming to Switch in the fall.

Apex Legends will be available to download after the presentation.

Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far will be available on August 15th.

Persona 5 Royal is coming to Switch next year (yes, I know, but I swear)

Luigi's Mansion 3 will be available this October. No specific date yet oddly.

Animal Crossing: Metro Mania will be available on September 20th.

Link's Awakening will be available this holiday.

Cadence of Hyrule is available after the direct, same goes for A Hat in Time.

Borderlands Trilogy will be coming to Switch later this fall.

Rage 2 is coming to Switch. I don't know when.

Shin Megami Tensei V is given a tentative release date of Q2 2020.

Rare Replay will come to Switch, adding in Rare-developed Nintendo titles.

Halo: Master Chief Collection is also coming.

That's about it, I think.

Attached: index.png (292x173, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fake :)

fake and gay, have a (you) day.

you could at least try


Attached: blurgh.jpg (400x300, 23K)

If this is how the direct goes I would be pretty happy. But I know that this is fake.

>Smash Fighter 2 (Sora) and Fighter 3 (Banjo and Kazooie).

Attached: 1559685527801.jpg (698x824, 352K)

>Animal Crossing: Metro Mania
god please no

They deconfirmed Sora for Smash. Nice try faggola! Also Metro Mania? Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?

Attached: 1470071413992.jpg (500x500, 78K)

It seems a lot of you have a hard time believing me. I'll just leave this here.

See you guys next Tuesday.

Attached: tweetdeck.png (318x786, 187K)

post more

post banjos render

Hashimoto lied

Homosexual and misleading

That post is the responsibility of Nintendo Versus, which I do not have jurisdiction over.

Post the tweets about animal crossing or smash. These could easily be photoshopped

>Borderlands Trilogy
Yeah, fuck you. Just about almost all the ports over to the Switch, ironically part from Bethesda, were either subpar or garbage even for Switch standards.
Now you're telling me Gearbox wants to port over the Borderlands games? They could barely hold 60 on current gen and played sub fucking 30 on last gen. They don't come with those fancy PC graphics and physics either, mind you.
>Halo: Master Chief Collection
>Smash Fighter 2 (Sora) and Fighter 3 (Banjo and Kazooie)
I can see Sora, but is Banjo even popular in Asia? I hear they want that Dragon Quest protag in more than anything.
>Persona 5 Royal is coming to Switch next year
This is as well as the ones I just previously ranted about are the most suspect ones on here, but everything else seems believable.

If everything on your list is confirmed 100% real, I'll buy and share a couple $20 Nintendo cards are whatever they're called. My treat if Nintendo can make dreams come true.

Attached: dsfargeg.jpg (800x450, 52K)

For those of you asking for Smash, the reveal post in this case is the responsibility of Nintendo Versus, to which I am not assigned to manage. I only know it's happening thanks to a sort of "aftermath" post going over some of the major heavy hitters from the direct asking what your favorite reveal was.

Post new art from one of the new Nintendo games, social media cuck.

Then show Animal Crossing

OP won't post any renders or artwork we've never seen before. Probably already abandoned the thread.




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OP, take a cue from the Smash Ultimate leaker from last year and drop the legit leaks while E3 is in full swing.

>Halo: Master Chief Collection is also coming.
nice try

Post more coward

You're completely full of shit, but I want to believe you.

Attached: 1534476921283.png (470x410, 242K)

Please come back OP. I want to believe.

>Shin Megami Tensei V is given a tentative release date of Q2 2020.

I believe it, they would pull something like this for a direct.

Sorry for the delay but I'm still at work and trying to work while keeping up with this thread. If the thread is still up I'll post a few more before I leave the office tonight, and when I come back in tomorrow I'll post more (if I haven't already lost my job)

this but unironically

i want P5 for Switch so bad but i've given up

Attached: 1447460845977.png (472x386, 53K)

post an OG render
>I work at a social media management firm
and tits

Attached: 1558681466498.png (750x649, 387K)

>Switch getting KH collection pack
>When not even the fucking Xbox has gotten it despite getting KH3
Well that was quick.

Pretty easy to fake desu.

>Rare Replay with Donkey Kong Country Trilogy
That'd be worth it. No W101 on Switch makes me sad tho

You guys have to get a new meme. It won't be happening on the Switch.

You didn't even fucking try. Seriously, why do people feel the need to go on an anonymous image board and just lie?

this is literally the same thread from hours ago.

try harder, OP.

MS and Nintendo discussed either Halo, Gears, or Forza coming to the Nintendo Switch when they met in Redmond.

more lol

>Master Chief Collection running on the switch

Attached: AF446CC1-5CC9-4634-A23B-D6B86E6D0623.png (756x858, 158K)

You have no reason to believe me, but I wouldn't hold out hope for it to come to Switch.

Cut the frame rate in half, 720 portable and 1080 docked would be completely reasonable.

Its confirmed that Royal is a PS4 exclusive. Why do you fake leakers always include P5R it basicly outs you as a LARPer.

Haha hahahahaha haushuahdudhdusdjdnf
*uncontrollable sobbing*

Why would you even post this if it were true? What would you have to gain by jeopardising your job?

Here is some more fake leaks, that I have totally made up;

>Mario + Rabbids 2 announced
>Rabbids have blown up the Mushroom Kingdom and you must rebuild it
>Xcom Base management but without the timer
>Bowser, Rabbid Bowser and Kamek will be announced as new party members at the Nintendo Direct
>Ray-man and Globox will be announced at the Ubisoft conference

But is this the same guy trying again, or is it 2 different people that saw the direct?

Yup and that leak was fake since the $200 sku was for all systems

that actually sounds cool so fuck you

That's a solid game idea. Congrats on outdoing OP.

Leaving the office now, last image I'll post tonight. I know you guys really want to see the Animal Crossing post, so I'll make another thread sometime tomorrow when I'm back in and show some of the rest of the posts.

For those who don't want to believe still, hopefully come tomorrow that will be a different story. :) Happy E3 guys!

Attached: tweetdeck_2.png (295x786, 148K)

Since no one will believe me in this random thread and I'm so excited I have to tell someone, the Newcomer for smash is 2B and I'm stoked about it

Literally just scroll down and take a screenshot dumby. Why couldn't you just scroll to the Animal Crossing news

Why would Banjo kill Erdrick? It's Steve vs Banjo, Geno vs Erdrick

because he is lying

I don't think exclusivity is a thing anymore, its more about timed exclusivity.

Oh ok


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pretty sure anyone can fake this...rite?

Attached: 88e.gif (500x354, 1.25M)

Yes, I'm sorry I could not capture the post for Animal Crossing. I was supposed to clock out at 7:00 and was already staying after so I rushed to grab at least something.

Please just wait until tomorrow and I will provide more on here.

Inspect element is easy. If he provided unseen renders, it would be much more convincing.

Nice inspect element


I want to kiss a girl

Attached: 1546923974233.png (460x460, 300K)

So it took the faggots this long to realise astral chain is a game

Hey what other games are there that aren't tweeted about

Very interesting, OP. Very interesting...

Attached: 1557460070332.png (424x412, 150K)

More like last photoshopped shit cuz I need to leave the house to get tendies.

Like I've said many times, I can't show the Smash renders because I don't have management privileges for Nintendo Versus, which is where they plan to tweet the announcement from. Therefore, I have no access to that stuff; I only know about Sora and Banjo thanks to a recap tweet scheduled to be the last tweet from Nintendo on June 11th.

As for Animal Crossing, which is another big question, if I recall correctly it's just a background with the logo for Metro Mania on it, which I've already said I'll post on this board tomorrow when I go back to work, as my shift is over for today.

Why would anyone leak stuff and give out this much info
You tried too hard OP

What’s tmrw faggot


>Just about almost all the ports over to the Switch, ironically part from Bethesda, were either subpar or garbage even for Switch standards.
>Now you're telling me Gearbox wants to port over the Borderlands games? They could barely hold 60 on current gen and played sub fucking 30 on last gen.
Remember that Gearbox were dumb enough try putting Borderlands on the Vita. This is entirely feasible.

>can't post anything that isn't easily photoshopped

bummer. thanks for giving me hope tho

Hopefully it's not Forza, car games are stupid.


>Smash characters
Extremely requested by you faggots and everyone on the planet, rare is with microsoft and microsoft has close connections with nintendo now and sora is a jap.
Jeff Kaplan has explained his interest for the switch for years so it could happen
>The Witcher III
CD Project Red has been very consumer friendly for ages and a switch port has been highly requested
>Apex Legends
I don't need to explain this but will probably have huge resolution down-scaling
Lol not gonna happen
Not gonna happen
>Luigi's Mansion 3
Normal date for the release
>Animal Crossing: Metro Mania
I hope that name is fake
>Links Awakening
Very Believable
>Candice of Hyrule/Hat of Time
Also Very Belivable
Believable but will probably be a shit port and put in with no care because Randy
>Rage 2
I don't believe this but there has been a lot of rumors about it
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Rare Replay
Believable because Microsoft and Nintendo connections
>Halo: MCC
Same as above but the two companies were in talks of what game to release on the switch out of also Gears and Forza

It could all be some fake fan wish but its very believable it can happen.

Attached: reeeeeee.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

>Smash Fighter 2 (Sora) and Fighter 3 (Banjo and Kazooie)
Please be fake



I believe in you user, you need to get off your device and talk to that cute girl you have meaning to talk to.

Show the Sora one, please man.

stop replying to yourself

Like I've said time and time again, I do not have permissions for Nintendo Versus (which is where they'll be posting the newcomer news, I've been instructed to retweet them when they go live)

I can try to talk to the person who does have access to that account and possibly get a shot, but I'm not sure if they'll be comfortable doing that.

Excuse me, but launching the full MCC on Switch before it releases on PC isn't happening.

Since it seems this thread is at the end of the line, please keep your eye out on Yea Forums tomorrow for the rest of the scheduled posts.

Thanks guys. Hopefully your opinions change tomorrow.

A console port from a console is a lot easier than a pc port from a console.

ya know, if you post the animal crossing one your credibility will shoot through the roof.

shut up you nigger

Attached: 1559508942911.gif (200x293, 1.41M)

Logo is the only thing I have of it, will post tomorrow when I'm back in the office.

Fake, Kingdom Hearts isn't as big as Dragon Quest
Fake, Blizzard are downsizing, they aren't making a port of Overwatch for Swithc
Fake, that game barely runs on consoles more than 4x the power, it isn't running on Switch, games ported to switch ran at 60fps on other platforms
Fake, apex legends is dead
Possibly true, but I'd expect it to be a full price port of the first kingdom hearts, switch isn't a real console that gets real effort
Fake, p5r is ps4 only
Fake, the subtitle isn't metro mania
Cadence of Hyrule has a release date already
true, but it will be based on the vita version of the games
fake, rag 2 couldn't run on the switch ever
fake, SMTV will not be shown at e3, and 2020 is still too early, 2023 is most likely release date
fake rare replay is not coming to switch, it isn't even on pc
fake, it's impossible to fit even half of the master chief collection onto a full sized switch cart
z-- This isn't even a good fake leak.
Switch is a joke.
You are a joke.

Holy shit you are pathetic.

So if this is the Ms ip that Nintendo will get, whst Nintendo ip will Ms get?

>Fake, Kingdom Hearts isn't as big as Dragon Quest
Nobody outside Japan cares about Dragon Quest.

you need a whole day to photoshop some shitty logo you dumbass nigger get the fuck out

chibi robo.

>Fake, Kingdom Hearts isn't as big as Dragon Quest
cope harder erdrick fag

>fake rare replay is not coming to switch, it isn't even on pc
MS and Nintendo did, however, discuss bringing Rare's older games to Switch. This is known.

Based and actually-sanepilled

This is so disappointing and mostly made up of ports that I could see it being real.

>halo for nintendo switch


>will be available on June 19
>before EVO

you dont even try

not Mario or Zelda, they protect those ip's with samurais. It will probably be the Metroid trilogy.


Attached: 1547516569273.png (1629x945, 921K)

>fake, it's impossible to fit even half of the master chief collection onto a full sized switch cart
There's a reason most AAA studios are turning the carts into placeholders and requiring people to download the game.

P5r is literally not happening. If the game was actually coming, they would have announced it at their own event or an Japanese one. They never do this shit in a Western one.

Doubtful, but I'd love to see a proper reveal of SMT without having to wait for an Atlus announcement of an announcement of a 30-second teaser baked in a worthless livestream.

Attached: 12037110_p0.jpg (500x718, 190K)

Same with Fire Emblem when Marth came to smash though.

The tone and style of these 'leaks' is always a dead giveaway and really cringey. Please stop.

Make sense if halo comes to switch. Both are fps games and both feature main characters in badass armor

I don't know why you're telling me this. I just manage the twitter lmao. I just relay what I've been told to relay. I don't get to choose what goes to what.

Nice jab at me dude. I'm reaaaally reaaaally hurt by you words. Maybe spend your time doing something more productive like beating off on your keyboard.

>Witcher III
Are you really not going to put any effort into this at all?

holy shit nigga kill yourself already this is getting old. its time to grow up and stop living off of mommy

Nobody’s going to believe you if you don’t post actual artwork nobody has seen

The Switch version of The Witcher 3 leaked a week or so ago. Coming later this year.

Ever wonder why it's only the Nintenyear-olds posting this shit? Why take the time?

You're on Yea Forums bud. People post here for (you)s and can't be tracked back to them

look ad dis dooood

When will text "leaks" be ban on sight?

Dragon Quest sells better, and there's a Switch release around the corner.

My point still stands

MS and Nintendo being close isn't the same as releasing Rare Replay on Switch, here's what's going to happen.
>ms announce banjo kazooie at e3 2019
>nintendo gets banjo kazooie in smash to advertise banjo kazooie on xbox one and pc

Download each game individually?
Yeah, people haven't sorted through this in their minds.

You don't manage their twitter though.

The game would run like ass on Switch

>rage 2
Right, where in the fuck is No More Heroes 3?

>Maybe spend your time doing something more productive like beating off on your keyboard.
Says the guy who spent time making a blatantly fake leak

>Switch is a joke.
>You are a joke.
Based until this part. Stay seething, Snoyboy.

Then what will change your mind? I will literally show you any scheduled tweet we have cued up tomorrow. I will show animal crossing, I will show luigi's mansion, I will show all I can.

I don't understand why you even write the leak off before I've even shown everything.

>Maybe spend your time doing something more productive like beating off on your keyboard.

Attached: F5F415C8-5C53-407F-9E6C-2E876A4C9F40.jpg (900x500, 83K)

>MS and Nintendo being close isn't the same as releasing Rare Replay on Switch
Microsoft and Nintendo met and discussed bringing Rare's older games to Switch. They also discussed bringing one of the Halo/Gears/Forza games to Switch.
>Download each game individually?
>Yeah, people haven't sorted through this in their minds.
You do realize that's how it's gonna work on PC, right?
>The game would run like ass on Switch
That didn't stop Ubisoft bringing AC3R to Switch at a chuggariffic 20-30fps.

Fictitious and homosexual.

Going for the tasteless and standard as fuck "kill yourself" jab. Please try harder.

The only reason you aren't showing LM or AC right now is because renders don't exist for those and you need time to make some shit up lol

a real leaker wouldn't make these pathetic responses defending their leak lol holy shit kid

sora and banjo are extremely predictable, nobody guesses Joker.

fake ass bait

We will believe you if you send the email and password of the twitter account

Or maybe it's fucking past my shift and I'm not there anymore? I don't have access to TweetDeck/Twitter Media Studio when I'm at home dumbass.

This is actually very easy for you to prove things, show us the posts for Nintendo's Twitter tomorrow.

wait how did you snapshot the screen then and send it to Yea Forums, surely they track that shit if you do that on a business iphone.

Attached: D89C22C0-A7D5-457D-8901-A35B7A3B392A.jpg (800x800, 75K)

You know what, I'll bite.
What time tomorrow? Give me a specific time to pop into Yea Forums to see your leak.


>if halo comes to switch then metroid comes to xbox
>that means metroid on Xbox will also be on pc
On fuck I want this to be real now

This, they would track your phone to prevent leaks happening.

Around 5PM Pacific Time. I'll post as much as I can then.

Used Snipping tool to take the screencaps on the work computer, logged into Facebook, sent them to myself, posted them from my personal phone.

>no new images
fake and gay


Is the Switch even powerful enough to handle TW3.
It completely shat the bed with fucking DaS.

I'll bite, OP. I'll pretend to believe you.

But that makes me curious -- why doesn't LM3 have a proper release in October? You thinking Nintendo might wanna avoid releasing it close to Death Stranding's date.

Time for us Ausfags, take away two hours for Perthies like me.

Attached: time.png (633x280, 14K)

will Apex Legends have any crossplay?

Switch being a joke doesn't make me a kusony fan.

Cuphead is an indie game, Discussing these games really means nothing, at this point, the reason these games are coming to PC is because severe downgrades aren't needed to get them running on PC. PC is different than the Switch, it's all digital, and it's expected that a PC user will have the space to install all of these large games, with the Switch things are different.
Don't reply twice to the same reply you retard.

Just admit you're faking it, we all know you are.
>nintendo of america for some reason have an external company manage their twitter
>an external company where they can't control directly who has access to their twitter feed
>nintendo queue up twitter announcements a whole week in advance when people have stated before that directs aren't even finalized a week ahead of time
>can't show renders from games that are apparently queued but don't have official art available
>can't even make up good names
You aren't even trying.

>LM3 competing with Death Stranding
Two different groups of people will be getting the two games, nintenjap doesn't need to be worried.

If you are legit I will buy a switch right after e3

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I literally couldn't tell you. The only info I've been given is the info I've been instructed to tweet about.

>Used Snipping tool to take the screencaps on the work computer
I would be wary. They might log programs being run.
Microsoft and Nintendo discussed bringing Halo, Forza or Gears to Switch. We know this for a fact. Jeuxvideo have direct connections inside Microsoft France.


Sorry, but no faggots are allowed. I would much rather have Doom guy or even that Skyrim lad instead of a fucking BOIPUSSY

>Animal Crossing: Metro Mania
Bros... No...

Attached: takemeback.png (882x800, 23K)

No, the only reason why games like Doom made it onto Switch with significant downgrades is because it's native 60fps gave it a lot of breathing room. Witcher 3 isn't native 60fps on consoles, Witcher 3 isn't even native 1080 on consoles, you're talking about horrendous downgrades needed to get it on Switch, think Dead by Daylight Switch with even more downgrades.

sora is literally deconfirmed. nice fake retard.

even if this shit's fake i hope persona 5 winds up getting switch port at some point

i've been meaning to replay it for a while now but being able to play that in bed or on the shitter would be peak comfy

>Geno Vs. Erdrick
If you don't think It's Sora Vs. Erdrick you're a literal retard.

And you decided to go straight for screencaps of things with readily available art online, instead of Animal Crossing or something else new. Weird, innit?

Attached: 1503866080618.jpg (437x468, 55K)

My PC even blue screened the first time I ran The Witcher III on low settings and it has better specs than a Switch.

it's not the same at all?

Microsoft discussed the acquisition of Nintendo with Nintendo, yet that never panned out, you're ignoring that these discussions could have meant a lot of things, maybe MS leveraging their IPs for Nintendo's IPs, discussing this really means nothing, and you're talking about games like Halo or Forza, that's a shit load of work to get these on Switch.

Probably overheating.

I started from the beginning of the schedule queue for that day. That is all.

Literally I said I will show Animal Crossing tomorrow I don't know how many times. 5PM pacific.

>still no pikmin 4

Attached: 60582DCC-6334-400C-B099-6B3F841DDC62.jpg (680x227, 17K)

>Microsoft discussed the acquisition of Nintendo with Nintendo, yet that never panned out, you're ignoring that these discussions could have meant a lot of things, maybe MS leveraging their IPs for Nintendo's IPs, discussing this really means nothing, and you're talking about games like Halo or Forza, that's a shit load of work to get these on Switch.
MS don't give a shit about how much work it takes. They have plaaaaans. And can piss huge amounts of money up the wall because the games division has the full backing of the CEO now.

MGSV on Xbone runs at 60 fps 900p, but 30 fps 720p on xbox 360. now I get that that's a big difference compared to a switch version of the witcher 3, but MGSV on xbox 360 has massively downgraded textures, character models and enviromental detail, and the switch is a lot more powerful than the xbox 360. I think something similar could be done to Witcher 3, it does have a lot of animation detail and environmental detail

>Shin Megami Tensei V is given a tentative release date of Q2 2020.
Thats how I know you lie OP, that game is cancelled

hes not though lol

Yes, yes, I'm sure you were so gosh darn busy at work you just couldn't fit more screencap taking in your schedule for the day. Hope you find the time tomorrow.

>Overwatch is coming to Switch later this year.
>Apex Legends will be available to download after the presentation.
>Animal Crossing: Metro Mania
>Rage 2 is coming to Switch.
>Halo: Master Chief Collection is also coming.
holy fucking lord this is some bs

Doubtful. DOOM with the performance patch runs sub 720p, sub 30fps. Even while docked.

We have other clients aside from Nintendo you know...

We were not talking about mgsv, also that game is on the fox engine which is a massively optimized game. We are talking about witcher 3 which is an extremely demanding game even for pc, the game on switch is not happening, if it does it will be a massively shitty port.

Sora is the gayest fucking character in existence but I'd like this leak to be true just for portable Viva Pinata.
Do not @ me.


Also mgsv is a largely empty open world game with barely any npc, animals and foliage in the world.
The witcher is filled with that crap.

>fox engine optimized better
literally not relevant to my argument...
if a 60fps 900p game can be made to run on a system significantly weaker than the nintendo switch at 30fps 720p with worse textures, environmental detail and character models, than a game that runs at 30fps 900p on Xbone can go through the same detail change to run at 30fps 720p on switch

Borderlands 1 & 2 have already been ported to vita, there's a precedent so I don't think it's so far fetched

You're ignoring a mountain of factors here.
>mgsv was optimized extremely well on all platforms
>poly counts for characters are in line with last gen games
>mgsv was made targeting last and current gen platforms
>mgsv is sparsely populated with bases often being self contained
>mgsv had a lot of breathing room for downgrades

>the witcher 3 was poorly optimized on all platforms
>poly counts for characters are noticeably above last gen games
>the witcher 3 was made for pc then downgraded for consoles and pc
>the witcher 3 has a lot of heavily populated areas
>the witcher 3 has little in the way of breathing room and will suffer severe downgrades at a minimum

>no F-zero leak
Can't even try with the fake leaks, huh?

If it's means anything, I have a hard time believing half of the things queued up too lol (especially P5R, Witcher III, and MCC). But like I said I just manage a Twitter.

nobody gives a fuck about banjo

Why the fuck do you spend time faking shit

What do you get out of this

But you're ignoring what can be downgraded, Geralt in the Witcher 3 is 70k polys, Vic in MGSV is 14k polys, MGSV was made with the xbox 360/PS3 in mind, The Witcher 3 wasn't.


Why are any of you falling for something that can be done in photoshop, has the grinch leak taught you nothing? I want Banjo as much as anyone and this is fake as fuck.


Attached: mavadoham.jpg (507x334, 46K)

Exactly, I don't get anything out of this do I?

I wouldn't take the time to fake this for no gain, on Yea Forums of all places.

>Overwatch is coming to Switch later this year.
LOL why do you bother when you're going to throw in retarded bullshit like this?

Please be real

Hell, I WISH I had enough time to fake something like this. That means I'd actually have enough free time to spend my time learning photoshop.


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All right OP, let's pretend you're the real deal.
It's hard to believe you as the only proof you've shown are ports, which are very easy to fake with some Inspect element and old pictures.
If you really want to make yourself believable you'll have two choices: Show a new game picture or show what's coming up in Nintendo's twitter soon, with the last choince you'll be vindicated the moment it get posted.

Attached: 1461178786478.jpg (526x526, 59K)

I don't know bros... With all the Banjo leaks, and the lack of obvious games from Nintendo going imto E3, something about this seems crazy enough to be real...

Attached: 1558631803232.gif (250x250, 222K)

>literally no new announcements, just ports and a name guess for animal crossing
>two popular and safe smash guesses
>overwatch when blizzard said they don't want to support another version of the game and the switch was too weak for it
>p5r when it was confirmed ps4 exclusive
>no proof except tweetdeck with existing renders

Attached: go away iwata.jpg (383x636, 26K)

>character models can't be downgraded
yeah right
>mgsv was optimized well on xbone
why must it run at 900p but 1080p on PS4? presumably because it actually uses all the resources of the xbone
>the witcher 3 has a lot of heavily populated areas
this is probably the biggest hurdle but they could just optimize the game better.

Okay fine, you got me. I made the whole thing up, it's just that I'm so lonely, so I need to make up fake leaks, it's like cutting myself to feel alive.

Attached: 61150920_879855939030425_580618452444643328_n.jpg (368x504, 29K)

>Animal Crossing: Metro Mania will be available on September 20th.
This leak, like all other leaks is bullshit. But I would not be dissatisfied with that name

>Persona 5 Royal is coming to Switch next year
stopped reading there

>Kingdom Hearts isn't as big as Dragon Quest

It's alright user, we love fake leaks too. It's that season

Like I said, I will show Animal Crossing: Metro Mania's logo tomorrow when I'm back in the office. I left at 7:30.

Models can be downgraded, but this rarely happens with ports, the only one actually getting this from what I've seen is DQXI S, where the whole game has been touched over, the only reason this is happening is because it's a big Japanese game and the Switch is already ahead of the PS4 in Japan, SE are banking heavily on this game being a strong success.
Xbox One is like 3/4 the PS4 in terms of GPU power, who knows why it isn't running at same resolution, could have been limitation with the Xbox One's DDR3 ram.
That isn't really the biggest hurdle, it's the fact that there are a buttload of hurdles, and an effort port is extremely rare.

Youre being way too in denial about this. Optimizing games isn't that easy you know. Hardware really matter as well as the engine it's capabilities. Cd projekts engine is not that flexible you know.

All right, but we'll know only if you're real during the presentation.
You might want get a trip if you want to continue in another thread.

Attached: 1371941458048.gif (320x240, 85K)

id be down for that

Would you rather a Bigfoot tier phone pic of an "official" document?

I don't see what EVO has to do with this?

Why are people so in denial about The Witcher 3 coming to Switch?

Attached: Witcher-3-Switch-Post-Leaked-Listing.jpg (1600x900, 171K)

Banjo's being portrayed as violent and vindictive lately. I'm starting to wonder if the people pushing for him to get in have even played his damn game and know what he's like He's basically Goofy.

>I do not have permissions for Nintendo Versus (which is where they'll be posting the newcomer news, I've been instructed to retweet them when they go live)
fake and 100% gay. This gives you away so fucking easily.

Not him but Panic Button got Doom, Wolfenstein, and Warframe working pretty well on the Switch.
And on top of that if you can get the Witcher 3 to run on a fucking Celeron then there's no reason why it can't work on the Switch.

>Literal dream list of announcements
Thanks OP, I cum on cat, she hiss at penis.

All 60fps games with significantly more breathing room, and closed indoor locations, are you seriously this daft.

Pretty safe list but this
>Rare Replay will come to Switch, adding in Rare-developed Nintendo titles.
is the most unlikely one. So unlikely that I would call it impossible. The Switch won't be able to emulate the games properly

>Hardware and architecture are completely different between Xbone and Switch, but no, they're both consoles so it'll be easy
Congrats on "Dumbest Post in Thread"

If I may chime in, I have a hard time believing Witcher 3 Switch. Very hard time, as a matter of fact, but I've been researching the subject these past few minutes and multiple chinese distributors have the game listed for a September release (no idea why we weren't given that information). Regardless, the ONLY literal way I could EVER see Witcher 3 on Switch is if they built it from the ground up as a custom version for Switch, in which point idk if you could even call it Witcher 3 anymore...

Panic Button has already said they're not working on The Witcher III

June 19th for Sora instead of right after the presentation is what throws me honestly. Why wait the extra eight days when they could just pull their standard "available now!!!" they love doing?

>closed indoor locations
Hasn't been that way for 2 years. It has two very very large open world locations now, with a lot of fancy effects (in fact they remastered Plains of Eidolon recently, this is an older screenshot) both of which are in the Switch version.

Panic Button does a lot of optimization when they port their games, in fact Digital Extremes took some of their improvements for the PC version of the game.

Attached: Warframe2144.jpg (1920x1080, 971K)

bug testing

do open world locations even run on Switch? they are unplayable on low end PCs

They're 360 games nigga

It's not like Joker released right away. But seriously, that's what sets off your radar and not the literally dream list of announcements? There has literally never, EVER been a conference, direct, or any other type of presentation with this much shit people want announced all at once.

>nothing about Suda51
it's fake

Attached: 1559271347368.gif (480x360, 2.18M)

>Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
That's such a stupid name i can totally see it happening

Attached: 1512527407901.png (472x658, 357K)

Is that because it's already a thing that exists?

Attached: 3max.jpg (497x627, 94K)

Of course it's fake, op is cocksucking faggot

i really don't believe this is it. you're telling me nintendo announces zero new first party games at e3? really? no pikmin? i'm sad.

Because you posted the Chinese equivalent of Yea Forums ebay.

Yes, but it's locked to 30 fps. Doesn't look half bad though.

yeah certainly works better than on my old pc

last time I visited suda thread everyone were claiming that suda cut off all contacts with nintendo
was that false?

>put all this effort into switch ver instead of working on cyberpunk

Maybe. I heard that Travis Strikes Back was going to PS4 on a message board not long ago.

I want to kiss a little girl

That's right. It's getting a PC and PS4 port


Yeah, and Travis Strikes Back was supposed to be a Switch exclusive. Makes me wonder...

A lot of it was believable, but if they really plan to put BL3 on switch it will run like molasses.

Companies usually contract a third party to do ports.
90% of the third party ports on Switch are done by third parties (Panic Button, Virtuos, etc)

Protip: Nintendo isn't going to put their games in a collection that's rated M. Stay gay OP.

Nobody bought it because its a crap spinoff lol

Nobody will buy it on PS4 or PC either

>Nothing about dragon quest XI S release date
At least try

Rule number 1 when telling a lie do not make ovius

Suda still wants Travis in Smash, he will never stop until that becomes a reality

Yeah but you don't ask third parties to rework the game from the ground up.

>Fatal Frame (a first party franchise) is rated M
>Nintendo personally funded and provided input on Bayonetta 2 (rated M)
>Miyamoto himself worked on The Twin Snakes (rated M)
what did they mean by this

Nintendo publishes M rated games but they're not going to sell Donkey Kong in an M rated collection. I really shouldn't have to clarify this.

beside Yea Forums and some other fringe autists, nobody really believe the series and this game in particular is some hot stuff that moving million of copies, right?

Some do actually

Back in the Wii days third parties were contracted to do specific versions of multiplats just for it and sometimes the PS2. Sonic Unleashed for example was made by Dimps and is a totally different game from the PS3/360 version

not what he said at all, he mean they won't put their E games into a bundle of M rated. not that they themselves not publishing M rated games, and it makes sense

Its useful for console war bait. That's about it.

>Master Chief Collection

Attached: Yikes.png (762x798, 374K)

Crash Bandicoot will be revealed as the 2nd DLC Fighter.
Master Chief will be announced as the 3rd DLC fighter.
Here's you're real leak bye.

I will be checking out for the night soon. As a last reminder, I'll be back tomorrow around 5PM pacific time with a few more posts, specifcally the Animal Crossing: Metro Mania logo. Hopefully then that will show that what I have shared here tonight is legitimate.

If it still doesn't, however, then you can wait until next Tuesday to find out.

i honestly don't see any incentive for activision to give nintendo crash, and you know that pos company is not a charity org either

That was along time ago user, I'm sure it doesn't happen anymore nowadays, especially for a game like witcher 3

easiest way for you to prove your legit is just leak something that nobody expect from tomorrow pokemon direct

If you belive this you are a pea brained retard. Why would Atlus announce P5S as both a Switch and PS4 game but not announce the P5R Switch port until Nintendo's E3, what kind of sense does this make? Also Atlus is a racist as company and will never reveal anything new at a Western Event, so don't expect any news for SMTV either. OP also fails to mentioned any Dragon Quest 11 S news which is confirmed to be at E3.

>p5r on switch

it's fake because they're going to put me in the game. screencap this shit

Attached: 1308012239062.jpg (257x212, 15K)

>every fucking animal crossing leak tries to act like the next game is based on metropolitan cities

Attached: 1_iW16rVp-YfahMJfn-ZK_pA.png (1009x721, 250K)

I've read worse

Get a trip dammit

By the time I get to the office tomorrow, the direct will have already been over.

You know how this is believable? 99% of the announcements are ports

But I guess I can give you one tidbit of info I know off the top of my head. Release date is November 15th

>Completely absent from the game despite being third in terms of popularity
>Both Rowlet and Mimikyu are present
Right the wrong Sakurai

Attached: Primarina15.png (800x559, 289K)

>Smash Bros. Fighter

I hope you weren't trying to have your "leak" be believable, user.

Attached: Sora Wojak.png (229x220, 10K)

It will if money is involved

Sound like Nintendo to me.


>Sora and Banjo
Never ever, fuck off

This leak is fake
It’s too good to be true, we getting JRPG nobody and Mario Party 1189 this year

Attached: 2FB9B5C7-725C-4BF0-8556-AC3F23CF701F.jpg (1200x1027, 112K)

If it's not Erdrick then Sora's next in line.

This. If Sora got announced, the amount of explosive hype/unending butthurt would be legendary. Even more than Cloud, Bayonetta, and Joker combined.

Barry would be eternally BTFO

Attached: 1531027506400.png (552x474, 567K)

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1559685049853.gif (500x374, 1.7M)

>bonuses are endless bing bing wahoos
>only Metroid item is an Emblem
>despite all the Haloid comparisons back in the day
The worst part is that's how I know it's real

Attached: shadow.png (283x453, 232K)

You been in comma, bro?

Attached: 1540356230079.jpg (320x299, 25K)

commas are pretty small, do you really think he could fit inside of one?

You betcha

Attached: coolguy.png (720x324, 68K)

>DQ and KH are cornerstone franchises of Square-Enix
>That means it will never be Crono


Where does this come from?

I do.

This would be more based than anything I've seen on Yea Forums in the last week.

Cope in hell, blockfag.

Do any of you guys like VANGUARD?
Watch the Xbox Conference and weep.

Weep because it's not there? Or weep because they butchered it?

It's making the same claims

This post has been blowing up on Twitter for some reason. Possible connection?

Attached: E3.jpg (1242x375, 97K)

Fuck Sora

It's going to be there, and it's going to be glorious
And some more weeb games that many have been waiting for are going to be announced there too. I can't say anything but 242453

>Sora and banjo are now being leaked
This reeks of Grinch, Nintendo would never reveal two rosterfag picks in the same direct.


It would be the worst E3 ever, absolutely no NEWS.

I mean, they DO have to reveal 4 fighters in the span of 6 months. I don't really see them revealing them one at a time. 2 now, then the last 2 near the end of the year.

with a fighter pass 2 announcment

>Halo: Master Chief Collection is also coming.
ya just had to go and ruin it

I understand this but both banjo and Sora are the most popular picks for dlc right now. It's the same shit that had rosterfags believing the grinch as it was all the characters that were most requested for the base roster.

There’s some faggot as well going along with the “””leak””” it’s either a real leak or discord pre-teens raiding shit again

let the thread die

Sora hype died down over the last month or so until today-ish. Erdrick, Steve and Banjo were the big names.

No, fuck you.

Stevecuck on literal suicide watch.

They better upgrade Nintendo Online.

SNES and Gameboy at MINIMUM

I don't know man... A lot of stuff is clicking together. Something about this feels real.

Attached: 1549753057101.jpg (1063x1056, 293K)

But erdrick and Steve are characters people don't want. And sorafags are still screeching how hashimotos words are lies. Sora tops almost every fanpoll hes the most predictable character which is why he won't get in.

Attached: 1546726470446.png (630x758, 11K)

No one wants Erdrick.

>Fake, Kingdom Hearts isn't as big as Dragon Quest

Most sold game of 2019 but ok

These all feel like falseflagging Steve posters trying to make their own cringe compilation made entirely of their own posts.

I wouldn't rule this out. What a strange world we live in.

Hashimoto is the same person that said yes to a Sora Smash post months ago, then immediately deleted the post when he realised what he'd done.

As for him saying Sora isn't in last week, I 100% believe it was an NDA. Take what happened with Bruce Campbell in MK11 for example

>datamined files of Ash in MK11
>Bruce makes a post saying Ash's not in
>a week later, the Shang Tsung trailer has a chainsaw noise at the end of it
>"Gee this looks like a great game I'll have to check it out sometime ;)"

The youtuber HMK was under a similar NDA from Square, and he says they're designed to immediatly shut down speculation to avoid leaks.

Attached: DnkzEYHV4AAgPtH.jpg (937x1200, 136K)

Pretty sure they ran like shit

Sora isn't getting in. You have to be pretty retarded to think Nintendo is going to cater to every circlejerked pick especially after joker literally came out of no where.

Nintendo is not the one who dictate it

>>Halo: Master Chief Collection

Attached: 1559541676747.png (980x584, 504K)

>port Witcher 3 but not 1 and 2
Why companies do this?

Japanese are nice, they don't want to upset with the truth. I know this because when I ask mangaka about if their manga is getting a anime they say YES but they do that to not upset you.




>Halo: Master Chief Collection is also coming

Attached: doubt.jpg (200x303, 16K)

Why is it only Nintendo that gets their whole presentation leaked? Huh? It definitely can't be because of how autistic the fanbase is and just want to make fan lists. Definitely not the case.
Also why have you guys let this thread go on for so long?

Attached: 1543089358208.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

I can use and inspect element, too. Sshhh, don't tell Yea Forums, we're way smarter than them ;^)

No shit. It just helps us ride out the storm.

Pretty sure Microsoft had their conference leaked a week ago.

Best Nintendo E3 are literally no news plus Smash reveal.

Is it retarded to think a company would cater to their customers

Who cares about Xbox? And Sony already "won" with Death Stranding.

Wow, shot your credibility in the foot on the first bullet point. Impressive.

>same goes for A Hat in Time.
GfB dev here.
AHiT is nowhere near ready on Switch. I think your info is bad.

All pokémon GBC games for free at minimum! And all of these with Pokémon Home compatibility.

Ouch! We lost, Banjobros!!!

It's discordniggers, same people who smeared Ashley, Geno, Isaac, and Shantae. Also the same people who have been posting those awful Steve renders. It's literal organized shitposting, I can't believe people that embarrassing exist but they do.

Microsoft had theirs leaked as well, and last year DBFZ was leaked a couple days before the conference.

>Halo: Master Chief Collection is also coming

Actual leaker here. You're right about Banjo but Tracer from Overwatch is actually the next newcomer. 5

>Sora and Banjo
>popular theory is Edrick and Steve are in
Fellas we in for the biggest false flag of the century, this will put Ashley false flags to shame

At minimum, sure. I'm already way last the point of being willing to play retro games on switch. How long has the switch been out? How many (NES) games can we play? I have a catalogue of about every NES-PS2 game on my PC, the majority of which my $50 phone can run. I love my switch but Nintendo has no idea what they're doing for being one of the Three for this many years.

Proof buddy pal buddy

No fucking way switch can run Witcher 3

>Ports ports ports
I'm so fucking bored with my switch.

Maybe I'm ignorant but how does Halo getting ported to switch make any sense

its reel.

It can run, but it'll be hideous, low res, and run at sub 30 fps.

>Maybe I'm ignorant but how does Halo getting ported to switch make any sense
Microsoft and Nintendo getting all warm and fuzzy. They're likely bringing the Banjo games to Switch in some form, too.

I call bullshit on that. I remember seeing in the Japanese version of the February Direct that a Hat in Time was listed as a Spring release.

Xbox live coming to switch. Might as well toss that in to make it all the more appealing, otherwise why use the service?

Why can't we report leakfags? Every fucking Nintendo thread is just Kyle feeding us false information to give LaxChris a new video to monetize. Leakfags should be fucking banished to /vg/.

MS will use it to promote their xCloud based platform. It'll work and more High Profile games will get streaming treatment in the west. (Think re7 and ac odyssey).

No u!!!!!

I want to believe OP

I work in the social media area of marketing, and no, this guy is full of shit.
He is taking a mobile screenshot, which means the accounts are in his mobile phone, yet he has to wait for tomorrow to post something? Fuck that, Twitter has the ability to have more than one account logged in.
I wouldn't say this is photoshop, rather a very good inspect element situation.

Why would ANYONE want Sora over Erdrick

It's a series of scheduled tweets

I'd love erdrick to be in but I'm also an AgumonFag so

Attached: download (1).jpg (200x200, 7K)

You literally can, and they usually get banned. Report for either low quality (read: shitposting) or spam/flooding.

Because Sora could have an actually interesting moveset, meme Sora all you want but at least it's likely he wouldn't be just another boring swordsman.

>Yea Forums bans mean anything and are not childishly easy to get around

But if they're coordinated, why would one person say Master Chief Collection is coming and another doesn't? If OP is legit, the Master Chief collection could be revealed at Microsoft's conference rather than the Direct, and he would still know to tweet it out. That would explain why the other people don't mention it.

On a side note, what time does the Direct and the Microsoft conference take place?

Attached: 1555043740793.gif (616x398, 278K)

Not everyone is a DQ fan is my guess

Friendly reminder that any leak that has Animal Crossing Switch being set in a city is automatically fake. The series is literally called Animal Forest in Japan and would completely go against what Animal Crossing is about.

Attached: 1532495930238.png (109x123, 29K)

Because i fucking despise DQs soundtrack

You epic leak XD faggots have so far provided three different release dates for Animal Crossing. Could you at least make it look like you're trying?

Switch online is by far the worst thng about Switch.

>The Wii AC has a city

Attached: 220px-Cityfolkbox.jpg (220x300, 36K)


>any leak that has Animal Crossing Switch being set in a city
>set in a city
>s e t
Reading comprehension.

Attached: 1558238328052.jpg (500x374, 43K)

Sonicfag on suicide watch

user I'm only talking about the rosterfag shitposters, not the fake leaks.
Direct's at 11 am central. No idea about Microsoft.

Retardfag on suicide watch

Panic Button is also awful
Doom, Wolfenstein and Warfarme all look like ass and run like ass
also why the fuck would CDPR give some shit company their game when they do it themselves?

Don’t do it user
Sonic and his woodland pals will miss you

>Completely miss the point of my post
>"l-lol your reaction images"

Attached: 1550896709665.png (500x762, 486K)

I know its fake
but if Master Chief collection is actually coming to the Switch
I'm going to cum

Because Erdrick fans have been on Steve fans side for the longest time due to a 5chan leak, until literally today because an extremely credible leaker (Shinobi, who BTFO virginben ten fold) who has gotten everything right except for the MvC:I roster (development of that game was a mess and it changed so much that no one knew what was going on, even virginben got almost everything wrong) mentioned Banjo would have a "smashing good time." There's kinda no doubt that Erdrick is kind of a shoe in at this point, unless some odd thing happens, but now that Banjo seems more likely, they have swapped sides. However! Stuff like this is ONLY SPECULATION! If you believe it to be false, that is alright, I'm 50-50 on this.

>also why the fuck would CDPR give some shit company their game when they do it themselves?
This is the company that broke the lighting in the Xbox One version of TW3 and still haven't fixed it, BTW.

Don’t cry it’s going to be alright

Don't CDPR have massive talent bleed because nobody wants to work for them?

i still don't really understand what the deal is with that, i've played through twice since that patch and haven't had any issues, but its a pretty huge deal for those that do, i'd be pissed too

OP how dare you get my hopes up for Rare Replay on Switch. I would jizz in multiple pairs of pants. I'd have to be wearing three condoms when hearing confirmation of this. I think hell cracking open and the devil jumping out is currently more likely.

But if there's a way to play Perfect Fucking Dark with my nephew on Switch holy buttered christ.

>Thinking Microsoft would ever let Halo be on another console
>implying something as good as Rare Replay coming to Switch is actually going to happen

The especially weird part is how the mystery patch came out of nowhere, introduced a rather glaring visual bug into the game, and then CDPR's response has been to stare blankly at the wall whenever people ask them why they haven't rolled back to the previous version yet.

>not learning from the grinch

I don't think the people who say Rare Replay is coming to the Switch, have played Rare Replay. Many games aren't on the disc, if they were available on the XBLA or on the 360 you have to use the 360 backwards compatibility to play them.

Attached: 1546825542059.png (749x480, 333K)

my thoughts are that it wouldn't be the same rare replay, it'd be a version that doesn't have the 360 games and instead has shit like diddy kong racing and star fox adventures

Microsoft very specifically want older Rare games on the Switch. They have the source code to Banjo XBLA and Perfect Dark XBLA. They also have the source code for GoldenEye XBLA but that's another kettle of fish. They'll likely just run everything they can native and through emulation, and stream the rest.

>and instead has shit like diddy kong racing and star fox adventures
This is a good point. I think Nintendo would be cool with DK64, DKR, Star Fox Adventures and stuff like that being tossed into the refined lineup. I'd argue Perfect Dark XBLA and Banjo are pretty essential, though. Those games are probably the highest profile parts of Rare Replay.

That's a fair assumption but this "leaker" said they added games, and nothing about removing those. I was mainly debunking this leak but I'd love for what you said to happen.

i figure worst case it'd be the original 64 versions, which would be unfortunate, more so for PD than banjo

Streaming the games that can't run natively, RE7 & AC: Odyssey style is definitely an option.

ah yeah, i honestly wasn't even paying much attention to this leak

Streaming would honestly be worse than not having them at all in my opinion

Attached: satanhuh.png (346x372, 283K)

I'm pretty sure MS has the source code for Perfect Dark XBLA and Banjo. I don't see why they wouldn't just port them.

>no Metroid 5
>Halo on Switch
You always have to fuck up somewhere.

They always announce something new at E3
2017. MP4, kirby, yoshi
2018. Super Mario Party, Daemon x Machina, FE 3 houses.

Metroid is a long, long way away.

You're full of shit, stop

FETH was announced in the FE Direct in 2017


Attached: HE'S ALREADY IN.gif (1920x1478, 595K)

I guess the Forza mobile won out, you're never getting a big Halo game on your system, Xbone could barely handle the MCC yet you somehow expect the weak ass Switch can.

>But that's not all ; because our sources have told us that games bigger than Cuphead and Ori would be traveling; two of them let us know that one of the members of the Golden Triangle Halo / Gears of War / Forza was potentially concerned. We do not know exactly which one, or even in what form it will end, but that is currently part of the discussions that take place between Xbox and Nintendo. Because the possibilities are many: porting current games, or episodes Xbox 360 (more in step with the capabilities of the Switch), exclusive spin-off ... In addition, we were told that Rare games could also appear on Switch, conditional this time and without more precision. We think of course Rare Replay , a collection of old Rare games that would have a complete place on a Nintendo console. Remember that before a difficult separation, Nintendo and Rare have been partners for ten years and that for many players, the two companies are linked to many excellent memories.

Thanks for the wojak


Must be waiting for the Microsoft briefing heh

Just get a fucking PC or Xbox.

Jeuxvideo know a lot of stuff about the internal operations of Microsoft. They knew about Cuphead coming to Switch for example. I think their owners are on speaking terms with the head of Xbox France of some weird shit like that. They knew about NieR: Automata coming to Xbox before anyone else did, too.

Metroid 5 is nowhere near a long way away.
>2D = Metroid
>2D = Main series
>Prime = Metroid Prime
>Prime = Prime series
Why must I teach you this every fucking thread? METROID 5 IS NOT METROID FUCKING PRIME 4!

Sorry, Brad Sams said this guy is full of shit.

Why on earth do you think Nintendo would allocate resources to another 2D Metroid game?

After the grinch leak people realize how gullible and insane the nintendo fanbase is

It's already in development, you dumbass.

Sora is gay

Attached: loka.png (302x364, 248K)

But he’s factually correct. Now go back to your gay little mickey games.

Are you referring to the Game Pass on Switch thing? Because that's a somewhat different issue. Remember that they predicted Cuphead was coming to Switch. They also predicted Ori was coming to Switch. Which other rumours strongly indicate is the case.

I mean, last weeks watchdogs leak was real

Everyone had a feeling Cuphead was coming, Microsoft doesn't own that ip, I'm doubting Ori because Microsoft owns that but it could happen since that Forza mobile game is coming. The only Halo you'll most likely ever see on the Switch is those phone games.

Cant beat this switchfag autism

>rage 2 on switch
eat a dick liar

That's a lot better than what I expected. This is really clean.

A wall of text and 417 replies. That is how you know it’s not real.


Attached: The Thief.png (368x276, 12K)

>Sora getting in despite all the batshit hoops and hurdles Disney would most likely have in place to remotely consider letting him join

Something's fucky here.

Attached: 79ee3fe1c3ab0e1d13b5a467f21482835a22a990.png (1000x779, 582K)

Microsoft and Nintendo made some kind of deal. That's why you're gonna see Banjo in Smash. That's why Xbox Live functionality is appearing on Switch. That's why you're likely gonna see a version of Rare Replay for Switch. As for the Gears/Halo/Forza thing, we'll simply have to wait and see.

KH on the Switch would be cool. Going through 2 would be comfy in bed, would bring me back to playing way too much BBS in bed.

>as if 343i could port MCC to switch when they're too busy taking their sweet time with the PC version

343i outsourced the PC version to Splash Damage.

You're not getting a big Halo, Gears, or Forza title on the Switch, it's too weak, it's getting small projects, mobile projects.

>So, hello Yea Forums. I work at a social media management firm who is responsible for operating Nintendo's social media accounts. I'd like to remain anonymous right now to protect my identity/job.
>An inside leak

Are you seriously implying the Switch can't run the original Halo?

It'll probably have trouble running Anniversary, H2 Anniversary would make it crap out, 60 fps for all the games in classic or Anniversary mode would be too much for it and anything after Halo 2 would most likely kill it.

I've heard Disney is fine with him being in. Plus they let Wreck it Ralph be in a Sonic game as cross promotion


Attached: 1535994963265 2.jpg (640x480, 37K)

>thread's still alive
thank fuck


not hard using twitter doofuses

you don't even need Inspect Element and Paint.NET or Photoshop do this either
just use Paint or KolourPaint if you're a linuxfag

Attached: TweetDeck.png (1953x663, 647K)


>unironically beginning to want gex
you're all assholes for making me want a never ever

>Because Erdrick fans have been on Steve fans side for the longest time due to a 5chan leak
user, you know Stevefags like to latch on to anybody and claim they are on their side, right?

Attached: fuck Hitagi the Fraud.png (589x218, 36K)

Enjoy your ban fag

Switcher III

>all disconfirmed
>retards still push them

Attached: the Deconfirmed Crew.jpg (1024x576, 97K)

leaker here crysis 4 will run at 120fps at max settings on switch

that's impossible retard


he's not in anyways


Attached: D8CQVLqU0AAvLn-.jpg (720x510, 63K)


>people will call this fake and then after the direct think back to this thread and go "fuck, we should have listened"

it's coming you idiot

>he didn't read any of Sakamoto's interviews
Metroid 5 is on its way soon

This, if Metroid 5 shows up at this E3 with Halo Infinite, my life would be fulfilled.

>mfw idiots here still believe the google ad leak after a google employee, pushdustin, and a gexfag debunked it

Attached: #Wigger.png (265x305, 88K)

Sure do. Most of them only shitpost for memes and do not actually care about the character, which is pretty shitty of them because there are real Steve fans out there who legitamately want the character, and those guys are pretty based if you ask me. But they get drowned out by a shitty model that... I'm not even kidding... has a dick attached to it...

not sure about this, but i do always love in screencaps of a real leak the first reply is always some variation of 'fake and gay'

Except Astral Chain will not be in e3 you dumb fucking moron

when will you idiots learn

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maybe for sony it is

Give me a proper Donkey Kong 3d game!!! Come on nintendo, we've been waiting for it.

i hope this is true primarily because the Rare Replay thing would be awesome

why? it was on xbone and wasn't that great. Only ever played Conker but felt like just emulating it basically.


Attached: sugiyama_1.jpg (550x413, 162K)

it's TweetDeck and its on PC
it's not even IE, you can replicate this with a simple usage of paint

don't own an xbone and it'd be the only game i'd want on it

>MCC on Switch

seems dumb but I've been hearing rumors that M$ is basically done with console hardware and wants to focus entirely on software since that's actually what they're good at and bring Xbox LIVE! to both Sony and Nintendo as well as integrating it with PC (since they have no mobile presence at all) letting them sorta bow out but still maintain a major hook unlike what happened with SEGA.

Basically they want to be the back end to compete with Google and AWS in the future.

if you bring up Smash in a proper Minecraft thread, you'll either see them bitching about Smashfag shitposting or saying they expect a Creeper AT or just a stage than just Steve
meanwhile every MC fan is minding their own business

i did the same thing in a Kingdom Hearts 3 pre-release thread by bringing up Sora and Smash and gotten a lot of "fuck off and go shower" replies

you're dealing with Smashfags here, not actual fans

see unless you're too retarded to use fucking twitter

>Nintendo is not the one who dictate it

Attached: sakurai dlc.png (634x399, 52K)

Erdrickfags has been obnoxious for too long, now it's time for them to taste their just desserts.
Tick tock.

Attached: based artorias.jpg (945x870, 146K)

What the fuck?
Now there's homestuck mixed in with this shitposting?


>adding in Rare-developed Nintendo titles.
Diddy Kong Racing?

>people using their brain must mean they want [other character]
rent free

Attached: ''free''.jpg (750x742, 307K)



Attached: Sorass Hall of Shame.png (1520x1656, 1.73M)

>Announcing two new Smash fighters

This is the most legit "leak" so far, when Joker hit they stated they'd have the full pass out by/in Feb 2020, to get back on pace they'd have to logically announce at least 2 characters at E3 if not the whole thing.

Why the fuck do you want this god-forsaken abortion?

>No Bayonetta 3 information

Fuck off fag

>anything after Halo 2 would most likely kill it.
I get that everyone likes to shit on the Switch but it's a bit stronger than the Wii U which was already stronger than the 360.
It should handle everything before 5 just fine.

it's already debunked also Sakurai already sent out a email back in December saying they were working on the first 3 fighters
dataminefags however assume they were only working on the first two ignoring the fact they always had multiple character reveals at E3. the same shit with Jane.

based Gexfag btfoing Smashniggers

Attached: laughing jotaro.png (600x400, 261K)

I don't care if OP is real or not, I'm just saying they'll probably show off at least 2 of the remaining 4 at E3.

we are very likely to see 2 reveals
the 3rd character being set for later and the 2nd being a shadowdrop

That's the most convoluted way to fake a tweet - short of shopping.
Right click -> Inspect Element on a real Nintendo tweet is far easier.

>>Right click -> Inspect Element on a real Nintendo tweet is far easier.
But he posted a screenshot of scheduled tweets in Tweetdeck so obviously you can't do it that way.

but OP used TweetDeck instead because its not something people would be familiar with

most of Yea Forums are underage or still has site elitism problems hence why they fall for anything from other sites.

why are Soracucks going around and spreading fake shit around?
it's not going to shoo him into DLC

Attached: mizumi the pedo btfo.png (299x445, 86K)

too good to be true

>elitism problems
Although this will only reinforce your prejudice:
It's not elitism. The rest is simply so far below standard, that being standard makes you look elite.
Where the fuck else on the web would you have a discussion that really is about the topic, instead of being about the individuals involved?
The anonymity of this site is a godsend. Anons generally return the good-faith I practice towards them.
I hope your experience has been similar.

because they're getting anxiously afraid over recent events like Stevetards are.
there's been a lot of Banjo-Kazooie and Dragon Quest news as of late and Ryce already vouch two notable people saying Banjo and Erdrick are in.

and every other site like Smashboards, Reddit, ERA, Twitter, and so forth are going around talking that both Banjo and Erdrick are going to be revealed.

so they're trying their best to get the last laugh before the E3 Direct happens by shitposting on Yea Forums to shift the opinion around again and making/bringing up fake leaks. (since nobody learned from the Grinch)

Attached: stay on the boomer side.png (767x367, 67K)

>why? it was on xbone and wasn't that great.
Rare Replay contains some of the greatest games ever created, including Perfect Dark, the greatest videogame of all time.
>Only ever played Conker but felt like just emulating it basically.
Rare Replay Conker is literally the N64 version running on a Rare-created N64 emulator.

i asked Push on Discord about that Liam quote and he told me, after a quick DM with him, that Liam didn't say that in the podcast
although the Vergilposter is looking to be correct as things goes on.

Can this thread die already?

Erdrick, Banjo, Ryu (Ninja Gaiden), Scorpion, Crono/Chrono
Steve, Bandana Dee, Fortnite characters
>Doomer/Fuck Sakurai
Fire Emblem Characters regardless of if we finally get an Axe user or Spear user, Anyone that user does not want in.
>Gloomer/Maximum Shitpost Picks
Sora, Gex, Dirk the Daring, Tetris Block
>Neutral with slight lean towards Boomer or Zoomer
Dante, Spyro, Crash, Doomguy/Doomslayer, Shovel Knight, Vault Boy, Agumon, Rayman

only when it hits the bump limit

>also Sakurai already sent out a email back in December saying they were working on the first 3 fighters

>permaseething ninceldo shill actually assblasted at the amount of cucking he's been getting since 2015 that he wants to live 2 days of fake glory before E3
here's a tip: your release dates are way too near.

>FE is Doomer
never thought it that way

Attached: hmm.gif (262x200, 40K)

they don't.

give me a second

MCC would kill it HCEA runs two engines, H2A runs two engines, the Halo 3 engine, the Halo 4 engine, ODST, the Reach engine, the Unreal engine, that's 8 engines, Switch can't handle this especially at 1080p 60 fps for all games.
this was sent to Japanese users only

I forgot the H2A mp engine so that's actually 9 engines.

That was one person. Hardly the entire Sora fanbase. The only one's that have shitposted and spammed with "leaks" the past 4 months have been Erdrick and Steve

Attached: 1543970496883.png (424x318, 164K)

Since user also said "in classic mode" I was mainly addressing that.
No reason why the Switch can't run the base games.
Obviously anniversary mode would have to be downgraded somehow.

Well, we have done that, and are already on page 6.

the only sora shitposting I've seen is falseflags from the well known shitposter known as XVfag
ban logs proved this

I've seen claims for Witcher 3 elsewhere, even if it's not bullshit you're just piggybacking

That's for the Ubisoft conference. Nintendo aren't smart enough to work closely with Suda 51, Travis Strikes again isn't even exclusive.

Jesus, coild you imagine if Sora made it in? XVkun would literally have an aneurysm

Attached: IMG_20190327_175049.jpg (435x588, 26K)

bruh i fuck with rayman i would fucking cream all over myself if he actually fucking got in

"#Halo :" a mistyped space in a scheduled tweet for a huge fucking corporation? i doubt it
>- Smash Ultimate's DLC wasn't a thing at the time around Famitsu column vol. 546 January 11th 2018, and it was planned without the developers will. (p165)
>without the developers will
Nintendo dictates the DLC

Attached: he's in.jpg (766x1087, 1.02M)

to my eyes, that space is to separate the hashtag from the rest of the title

fuck niggers

>That was one person
hardly Sorafags be shitposting for a while now

>do not @ me

Thanks for risking your job to bring us these cool leaks, OP.
You're based

>that space is to separate the hashtag from the rest of the title
nope its a legit fuck up, the algorithm doesn't hashtag the :
tried it myself

get fucked OP

Attached: file.png (298x176, 56K)

Don't fall for Barry's shit. He's tried to do the same thing in the past, like the time he tried to pit DMC and KH fans against eachother

Attached: C0399A62-E984-4B2B-824B-8E773F9B51F9.jpg (1024x1016, 171K)

Dunno, that seems like the sort of relatively innocuous slip-up that could be overlooked even in a big corporation. Not to say I actually believe OP, but I don't think that's a smoking gun, the only proof that OP is full of shit will come when the E3 direct airs.

Try Gloomer.

see any monkey can use TweetDeck and do fake shit like this
use your brain for once