What games were you playing 12 years ago?

What games were you playing 12 years ago?

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Halo 3
Pokemon diamond
Custom robo

2007 is as far away as 2031

Bioshock, first gears, ninja gaiden, prey, the burger king game

I was playing doge simulater

Has it really been 12 years? Fuck

Sad times, watching this game whither and die did a number on me

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This game is a metaphor for your life, the withering and dying I mean

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl mostly because I had been waiting years for it by that point.

BioShock, Call of Duty 4, The Witcher and World in Conflict also came out that year and I played them a bunch.

Gears of War MP on Xbox 360
Modern Warfare on PC

I was so hooked that I can sit down playing them for 12 hours straight. Now I barely have time to wank thanks to work.

Grand fucking Chase and Tekken 5
I was happy

this and starwars galaxies, real sad they are gone. Installing SWGemu right now.

Planetside 2 sucks, but its all we have left now to remind us of how much better Planetside 1 was.

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then what does that make Planetside 2?

I remember reading the manual on the way home in the car
Good times

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it means everything is gonna get shittier, nothing is going to get better going forward.

Reincarnation as a more base lifeform

HL2 Episode 2
Halo 3
Pokemon Pearl

>mfw it still has a playerbase of 50,000+ players 12 years later

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This game was so bad for what the premise was

Why does everyone talk about how much better planetside 1 is then 2 all the time. What makes its so much better?


I think I was still playing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and some random games on Wii and PS2

Metal Gear Arms, Kameo, and lego star wars on the xbox 360. Halo 2 on the original xbox

I was really into mythology as a kid (still kinda am) so I loved it and still do

used to see the ads in magazines all the time. Ended up grabbing it for 50 cents on steam right before it delisted and was pretty surprised how they managed to make a game that bad when modern day fantasy is such a kino setting

The things Planetside 1 did best were the open field combat encounters and the way conquest worked. The inability to kick other factions off of a map in PS2 is the biggest reason for the hate and I doubt anyone misses the Deus Ex tier gunplay of the original.

Its ok user, i have the same soft spot for alone in the dark 08, condemned 2 and clive barkers jericho

Mario Galaxy, Zack & Wiki, Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, Megaman ZX Advent, Ace Attorney 2 and 3

most of those "players" are bots just like CS1.6 though its not like TF2 is anywhere near as dead as 1.6

>Yea Forums masturbates over Gurren Lagann being the ultimate tale of a man overcoming adversity and becoming the ultimate badass
>When Simon was no different from Harry Potter: convenient weapons were put on his path along with convenient allies and a mentor who conveniently died to give him the spotlight, acted by impulse because the universe conveniently set things to fall in place in the most convenient possible way.

COD:MW, Bioshock, Portal, Crysis, Mario Galaxy,
Halo 3, TF2, The Witcher, Metroid Prime 3, Uncharted, HL2:EP.2, God of War 2, Mass Effect,
Burning Crusade, Crackdown, Tomb Raider Ann.,
Heavenly Sword.

I turned 21 in 2007, prime of my life, no responsibilities, all I did was play games, and hangout with friends.

Halo Custom Edtion or FlyFF because I was a poorfag. I still wish I could go back.

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Battlefront 2.

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Halo 3 with friends daily

And that's it.

>tfw I met my first xbox friend on halo 3
We haven't talked in a decade

14-15 years old
was def playan Lineage II, WoW, or Diablo II
also my ps2. Armored Core 2 being the main game I remember most fondly.

Isn't this a scene from Ashita no Joe?

it's the end scene


Luke is Vader's son

Dumbledore dies and also sucks mad cock


The manga came out like 50 years ago my dude.