>more people playing Artifact than there are people watching the only actual stream on twitch
And to think people were praising this shit
Anyone who wasn't retarded could see how bad it was at first glance.
fuck them for wasting time and money making a card game
>Fuck them for making a video game
While it wasn't a good game, saying fuck them for actually making a game is retarded.
>not even that incident on twitch a week ago gave it more players
>TF2 always memed as a dead game
>valve goes ahead and makes a actual dead game
What incident?
Most of it was porn and movie streams.
Why didn't they just make it free?
fuck them for actually making a game
>go to subway
>ask for a ham sandwitch
>sandwitch artist rolls meatballs on the floor, they arent even the right amount, cuts them in half, puts them on a tortilla wrap, calls it a ham sandwitch and charges you full price
>not only is it not what you wanted, its done incorrectly, might get you sick, and is an all around travesty
how DARE you get upset at him for making you a sandwitch
You're getting mad at the wrong part.
You're not mad he made a sandwich, you're mad he didn't make your sandwich.
I guess they really needed a literal cash grab
>I bought this game
I almost bought it just because Valve but after seeing the insane levels of jewery I remembered that the last time they made something good was 8 years ago
If they made it free everyone who paid would probably bitch about it. They could only remedy that bitching by giving everyone their money back and they're far too greedy to give people their money back.
Redpill me. What the fuck is this? I’ve been out of the loop for a while while I was playing shiploads of Doom mods.
When TF2 and CSGO went f2p they pretty much told the people who paid to go fuck themselves, they don't give a shit
Meatballs wrapped in a tortilla isn't a sandwich
Don't question the sandwich artist on what is or isn't a sandwich. Or you'll be a sandwich soon enough.
imagine being one of the russians who spent their entire life savings buying 30 cards expecting them to triple in value
Valve forgot how to make video games. They made this shitty card game called Artifact that everyone hated. Valve fired all the directors and leaders of the project and nows its dead.
Valve made a digital card game because they thought it would be more profitable than hl3/portal3/tf3/l4d3
It wasn't.
Game is still shit but c'mon man
As soon as a tortilla is involved whatever you're making forfeits the right to be a sandwich and automatically becomes a wrap.
when this shit will be free?? I want to invade this shit game too!! is not enough making cry assfaggots in mobas hablando en español, I need to trigger MAGAputos rent free. viva la raza!!!
So the situation unfolded like the Blizzard/Diablo Immortal thing?
Those went F2P years after their launch. Valve would get much more heat for going F2P so soon.
One Anonwich, coming right up!
what even happened to valve
like, anyone with a brain could've seen this shit coming way back when they announced it
whoever their suit and tie guy is, they should fire him, because he's actually retarded for pushing the idea to make a card game
The game itself was mostly fine and better (and overall way fucking cheaper) than Hearthstone. Was it perfect? Hell no. It has many glaring issues. I genuinely think you retarded nigger zoomer faggots weren't smart enough to comprehend this game, and too poor to pay $20 to get it.
you don't just put out a product in a market where all of the other competitors are actually free games, and then say "hey, give me money"
You do if you can offer something of value to merit the price.
Which they couldn't.
>don't make half life 3
>your lead writer leaves, and many designers, the game is impossible now
>don't make left4dead3
>turtlerock leaves, is now making their own l4d and it will probably succeed well
>portal 3???
valve is a fucking joke honestly, I know they make plenty of money off steam, that should be even more incentive to make cool games though, at least index is good.
Imagine if valve had gone the Dota route and given all cards for free.
>implying turtle rock even mattered
the lead designer of portal and l4d is at valve and worked on artifact.
The writers of portal, portal 2 and half life episode 1 and 2 are at valve.
Check the Artifact category on twitch
>now making their own l4d
is the game any good tho?