No Console Wars: What's your most unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinion?

No Console Wars: What's your most unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinion?

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"Westacuck" should be the next word to get filtered.

T. Westacuck

RPGs are shit

This board is a digital personification of shit.

There are reasons anyone wants anything filtered - either it's so prolific as to be irritatingly inescapable (a la "soi") or it's because it makes them salty when it's said. I don't remember the last time I've seen the phrase "westacuck" said here so...

Zelda games shouldn't be dark/mature, everytime they've attempted to be dark we've gotten a boring & pretenious piece of shit. Every Zelda should be a upbeat & light-hearted game with a grand sense of adventure

Soul is a very real thing in a game, however it should never be a deciding factor as to whether or not a game is good.

>& pretentious


I think a lot of people here fool themselves into liking specific games and genres to git in better, and they've convinced themselves that those are the correct or superior opinions and tastes for videogames. A lot of it is japanese games from what I see.

League is more fun and better looking then DotA2

majoras mask is easily the best zelda game though.

overwatch has some of the worst movement mechanics of any shooter I've played

The word "cringe" should be filtered. "Based" is the anti-thesis of cringe, and what I mean by that is that the cringe culture has been mocking people for having fun and being happy, but "based" says "fuck that" and that's what we need more of to make the internet better

Assault rifles were the worst thing to ever happen to FPS games. They make player interactions really boring and put a hard limit on what you can do with your level design.

That faggot Lance was a flying type champion and Iris was the first true dragon type champion

Japanese games are inferior and I would never buy one at full price

It's basically a glorified upvote/downvote system these days. Don't read too hard into it now.

None of the Mario games are good except Yoshi's Island, Mario Baseball and Superstar saga.

I don't want Banjo to get in smash because there are more deserving then him.

When all is said and done, the west has made better, more unique games than Japan, and Japan is only looking more appealing right now because of the said state the west is in currently and temporarily.

Majora’s Mask is literally garbage & a downgrade from OOT in every regard. Fedora fags only pretend to like it because it’s dark & edgy. Nobody cared about until all of the creepypasta memes started

sekiro is a really bad game primarily because it frontloads all of its difficulty into mastering what amounts to a quicktime event for all of its combat and that's the whole goddamn game. for souls veterans it's the opposite of what you're supposed to do, it's not thoughtful or satisfying to complete the combat encounters, and it has literal zero replay value because the world and characters in it are shit. and you have no build or weapon variety, there's just the one way to solve every problem which is press L1 to not die. i hope we never see another game like it from that studio again.

Games are fun more often than they’re not. Yea Forums is jaded and loves to bandwagon hate stuff, but it’s easy to enjoy a game. Gaming has to be one of the only hobbies where the hobbyists hate the majority of what’s available. I also don’t understand how someone can sink 200 hours into a game and then proclaim it’s trash. You invested your time, it lost its appeal, that’s normal, move on. If I had the same opinions about games that Yea Forums does I wouldn’t even bother playing them.

FF7 is SUPER overrated, far from the best JRPG ever made, and FF8 did almost everything better aside from the memory loss asspull. Even Crisis Core had a better story.

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This killed the momentum in Serious sam 3
Hell even Serious sam 2 weapons had more imagination than 3's weapons

t. haven't played paper mario thousand year door or super mario rpg. most likely not an oldfag. that's fine and all, but you should consider revisiting that opinion around 30+ guys that owned nintendos when they were growing up.

Videogames are a fucking mistake

Not that user but you've really got a chip on your shoulder about this. You're seriously gonna say that OoT has better sidequests than MM, or that MM is an easier game than OoT?

Your are going to trigger them with the truth becareful

SH2 was the weakest of the first 4 silent hills
LP2 is the best game ever made
RE6 and RE5 were good, RE0 is the worst of the mainline entries, REmake was good but not the best, RE3 was the best of the first 3, dead aim was good, and dino crisis 1 and 2 were better than every RE game
dino crisis 1 is the single best horror game ever made
horror, for the most part, died after the 6th gen
little brown girls are the best

Sonic games and MMOs are universally dogshit.
80% of fighting games aren't worth playing
Counter Strike is garbage in all configurations

I play what I like. whether it leans in any political direction. If the game clicks for me, I could care less about how good the quality is or if anybody else thinks it's shit or not.

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I legitimately do believe that we need the government to regulate play time when it comes to video games. There's too many people wasting their lives by staying indoors and playing games, and it's a fucking shame.

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Difficulty isn’t a flaw you massive retard, it’s a subjective preference

Classic WoW sucked, TBC was decent, WotLK was the golden age
BFA and WoD are better than Classic

This is an unpopular opinions thread user, you're going to have to dig a bit deeper. I doubt anyone in this thread would disagree with you.

Fair enough. And the sidequests?

Every arena shooter revival is doomed to fail because they double down on the parts that drove people away in the first place.

Playstation is literally the only platform worth owning by far, there is literally no competition.

Only thing OOT does better but that doesn’t make up for every other aspect being drastically inferior

>SH2 was the weakest of the first 4 silent hills

That's not an opinion, that's just objectively wrong.

I really like FC 3 and 4. In fact, they are the games I have the most play-throughs on (about 7 each).

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but it's correct

This is 2edgy for me

FFXV is fun.

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If Capcom pulled the plug on everything they make that isn't Megaman, Ace Attorney or Devil May Cry, I'd be 100% fine. That's all I ever really want out of them.

It's really not. Silent Hill just isn't a very good series, and SH2 is the only one of the four with a competent story. Nobody actually likes the gameplay of these games, they're only in it for the story. Silent Hill 1, 2, and 4 are all about the boring cult, and htat's just inherently boring and uninteresting.

Wouldn't say the dungeons are drastically inferior either. I think Great Bay and Stone Tower can fuck with OoT's adult dungeons. I do think OoT wins that one overall but it's not such a clear cut case, it's respectably close in a quality sense.

What parts are those?

Silent Hill 1, 3, an 4 are all about the boring cult*


>they're only in it for the story

Fuck that noise, early SH games have some of the best aesthetics of their time.

it's hardly the only one of the four with a competent story
in fact, its story is so basic and underwhelming that it's just not very good

and 4 isn't even about the cult so you clearly are talking out of your ass

DOOM didn't fail.
No it didn't.

Why do you feel that it should not be each individual person's choice what to do with their lives, assuming there is no harm being done to others?

Fair enough, but that's not enough to say that it's better than a fucking masterpiece like SH2.

Oh, so you're just dumb. Got it.

Superhero movies are overhyped and annoying

I don't want any character owned by Microsoft to be in Smash Bros. All their fanbases are fucking insufferable lately, and it's only going to get worse over time. All the fanbases for the Microsoft characters come off as obnoxious as fuck to everyone else, whether they're giving each other shit, or to everyone else shit.

Dark souls II is a far superior game and a worthy sequel sperg all you want once you play it you find out all the shit DaS 1 lets you get away with, since the sequel isnt a carbon copy of your average grimm brothers victorian fairy tale and its a more deep,complex and macabre version you shit your diapers saying its not a dark souls game when it has all the elements and more from the IP itself

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Because when you live in a society where people can "do what they want" then you're going to have dire fucking consequences. We let trannies do what they want, and they castrate themselves. We let gambling addicts do what they want, and they put their family into debt. We let drug addicts do what they want, and they end up fucking killing themselves. We, as a society, are way past the point of libertarianism. Our society is so utterly fucking damaged mentally, and we need to heal these wounds as fast as we can before we end up extinct.

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The reason no good games come out anymore is because people now don't want good games. They don't give a flying fuck about gameplay. They want shiny flashy shit and dramatic plot twists with overacting.

wait a minute
>SH isn't a very good series
>masterpiece like SH2
aha, you're retarded
that's it

One out of, what, eight games are good? It's safe to say this is a garbage franchise, no?

Majora’s Mask is incredibly mediocre & subpar in every regard except Side quests. The dungeons are trash outside Stone Temple & the music is bland aside from like 3 songs. It rips off so much from OoT that it feels like a edgy expansion pack rather than it’s own game. Wind Waker is a much superior game & SS would have been too if it had regular controls & more levels instead of countless backtracking

Most Sonic games are at least fun, if not outright good.

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Meh. Honestly, I prefer SH1 and arguably SH3 to it myself. SH4's definitely weaker by means of game design, though.

How does one "deserve" to get in smash?

it really depends on if you want to count games not developed inhouse
if you do, it's still 4 out of 8 games that are really good

No idea, we all know it’s going to be anime swordsman anyway

I always thought Final Fantasy was shit.

Although I only played VIII, IX, and X

Did you actually play classic when WoW was new? Because for the time it was amazing. I can understand looking back at something and say it didn’t age well, but if you think BFA and WoD are better games in their current time than classic was in the current time, get fucked shill.

It's okay if you like them, but I just don't understand why. They have a nice aesthetic, but literally everything else is dog shit.

Hey, more power to ya. If you see something in them that I don't, then who am I to judge?

But all the other Silent Hill games are just bad. 1, 3, and 4 are all terrible and people insist that they're "the good ones".

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We truly live in a society woah..

>It rips off so much from OoT that it feels like a edgy expansion pack rather than it’s own game.
Considering the game was literally made in a year, that's not much of a slight on its end.

>Wind Waker is a much superior game
And I'm triggered. Wind Waker's a good idea that didn't get the execution it deserved and yet it still gets FAR too much of a pass for trying without really succeeding. I'd call it the worst 3D Zelda as is, bar none.

user, if you think 1, 3, and 4 are terrible and 2 is a masterpiece, you may genuinely have no taste

Fallout is a shitty game series and I personally find it funny that FO76 is raping it's corpse.

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Why dont you say capeshit so everyone can notice you re that autist who got raped in a comic-con

Survival horror is both interesting and subversive because refined gameplay mechanics kind of defeat the point, not enhance it. It's a genre where it's ideal to feel clunky and powerless for atmospheric effect, and to that end SH's gameplay actually works for the genre.

The gameplay, overworld & graphical leap from MM to WW was mindblowing, it suceeds in everything a Zelda game should be. But fails at being as good as OOT solely because of the rushed 2nd half

not him but i didn't like it, which makes it a failure in my eyes, because it didn't re-create what was fun about doom. it had too much modern shit in it, the kill animations were the worst part despite everyone treating them as if they're manna from heaven. they're obnoxiously boring after you've done them 3 or 4 times, and you need to do them 3 or 4 hundred times to finish the game. also the gun balance was poor, you shouldn't start the game with a pistol that feels like a watergun, shits just not fun to use.

Bioshock Infinite was a good game

Genophage was justified. If you cure the Genophage you're an idiot.

Geth need to be destroyed. If you sided with the Geth because the Quarians are "space jews" you're an idiot

The Reapers need to be destroyed. If you picked anything but Destroy you're an idiot

Do you not see the irony of this post? You don't have anything intellectual to say. Your brain has been so utterly damaged by meme culture that all you can respond with is memes.

What are you gonna say next? Are you gonna tell me to "have sex"? Are you gonna tell me to "dilate"? You don't have any original ideas, user. You're just a meme puppet.

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Amiibo Festival is a great game and is better than New Leaf.

More games should have NATIVE ultrawide support

Unpopular =/= wrong

I don't think the Dark Souls series is very good.

First impressions of a game are the most accurate/important, because that's when the game is most fresh in your mind. The idea that an opinion or consensus becomes more accurate the longer it's thought about is bullshit. You are basically stewing in your own thoughts and letting other people influence you, while your own memory of the game becomes more and more hazy. Even later playthroughs suffer from a lack of novelty and a bias instilled by the opinions of others.

That's not an opinion related to a specific video game but I do know it's unpopular, it goes against the established wisdom/"common sense".

So basically, people who say "I used to think X about a game BUT NOW I think Y" are full of shit.

Move to China dipshit. What fucking kind of retard wants their government to cuck them and take away their choices?

Turn-based combat is primitive and unfun.

League of Legends is a good game

Dark Souls 2 is better than 3, and on a comparable level to 1 (their flaws and merits cancel each other out)

Woah.. now I see.. the society...

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Bioshock isn't good. Any of them.

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I really hate The Witcher 3.

The combat is so bad that I was taking the non violent choices just to not fight

And is so tiresome to hear the characters speaking so much about fucking nothing important, shut up!

Ciri is one of the worst Mary Sues I ever saw

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This is rich coming from someone who wants to be controlled and is posting cat reaction images. I don’t disagree that society is fucked but wanting your government to regulate your life is faggotry of the utmost

True but that removes them from the gene pool so it's net benefit
>gambling addicts
Last I checked financial harm is still harm.
>drug addicts
Drugs are generally illegal user, the people using them aren't doing it because "we let" them.

So please tell me, what are the for consequences society as a whole is facing or has faced because people play too many video games?

Silent Hill 2 is the story of a man trying to come to terms with the fact that he committed a horrible atrocity. It deals with themes of guilt, regret, and coming to terms with your mistakes.


>It's a genre where it's ideal to feel clunky and powerless for atmospheric effect

I hear this argument a lot, and while it may be valid, surely you realize this means they're bad GAMES, right? Like, you can tell me that they're good at setting up tension because of the awful combat, but you can't tell me that this makes the game more fun. Because it doesn't. It feels unpleasant to move, it feels unpleasant to swing a weapon, and it feels unpleasant to fight things. They're just bad games.

I think it’s the best game ever made literally

Video Games literally became worse because this place exists.

GG lads

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have sex

>it suceeds in everything a Zelda game should be

No, it's just a subpar OoT clone with delusions of grandeur and a desperate need for another few months of development. I'm hard on WW strictly BECAUSE it doesn't succeed at its lofty ambitions. Sea exploration is nowhere near free or rewarding enough to be more than "OoT 2.0: Boat Edition", had WW been done properly it would basically be BotW with multilayered seas and islands instead of mountains and valleys. As is, it's just OoT with a more tedious means of travel and arguably the weakest dungeons and sidequests in the series. It tried, but did not succeed. Could be the rushed development, could be the limitations of the tech at the time, but it absolutely is not the liberating seafaring Zelda experience that it could've been and that's disappointing as hell. It only shows some semblance of realizing that potential at the very end, during the single most infamous fetch quest of its generation.

Fun is a significant factor in a good videogame.

I cant stand third person shooters and I don't understand how anyone likes them.

Nintendo was never good. Its the Burger King of games.

First impressions of anything are usually accurate, it’s literally an evolutionary and survival instinct. Judging a book by its cover is not only OK, but studies have shown the person is usually correct in their judgement. We judge people the same way. What you said made me think of the FO76 subreddit. Those people did everything they could to convince themselves it was a good game. I saw thread after thread of, “at first I hated the game, but now I love it, hear me out.” Good post user, very truthpilled

The next Zelda should be in the future, cyberpunk and lasers and guns and shit

It would take more than a few months to fix Wind Waker.

Half life is also a shitty overrated series.

>but you can't tell me that this makes the game more fun

Fun's not the point of survival horror. Play something that attempts to empower if you want to have fun. Survival horror is far more driven by aesthetics and the tense thrill of fighting against the odds.


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the post i replied to was talking about who doesn't "deserve" to be in smash, so he must have criteria for what would make one "deserve" it

I'm being optimistic.

Fun is subjective.

I love Sonic Adventure because I find it extremely fun, but that doesn't mean it isn't a buggy outdated mess of a game held together with duct tape.

See right there i can tell you never played it & are just seething because it gets more attention that Majora’s Mask, there literally isn’t another game like Wind Waker that exists

Final Fantasy XV is one of the best games in the series, one of the best games of all time, and the fact that the remaining DLC got canned before it could wrap is tragic.

Everything you do is controlled by the government, user. Every piece of food that you chew, every shit you take, and every product you buy is controlled by the government. That's their fucking job. This is an extremely absurd point.

>Drugs are generally illegal user, the people using them aren't doing it because "we let" them.

First of all, are you one of those morons who believe that drug use will go down if we legalize it? If so, please stop responding to me, because you're an idiot. If not, then surely you realize that it's a net positive to have them banned, right?

I would move to China, but I don't feel like being swallowed by an escalator, thank you.

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>Fun's not the point of survival horror.

Then it's not a good genre.

dealing with people is dogshit though. No one likes me anyway, so fuck it. I have a job.

Pirating is bad.

Except Wind Waker rips a ton from OoT and even a few things from MM. Like how the deku leaf is essentially the deku mask right down to using flowers to recharge/launch. All of the items are taken from previous games except the grapple hook, which is basically an inferior hookshot nobody likes.

Here is my answer

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even worse, you have no taste and you're pretentious as fuck

He asked about unpopular video game opinions, not objective video game facts.

Finally Fantasy 6 was rancid dog shit and while the 3 mainline games that followed it were better they were pretty much the FF dark age, X was the light at the end of the tunnel

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>are you one of those morons who believe that drug use will go down if we legalize it

user is your way of thinking governed by evidence or are you guided by "COMMON SENSE"?

Literally have never seen that word until just now. Stop shilling and kill yourself.

I still play Overwatch and I have mild enjoyment from it.

This is my opinion as well

I've got a lot more respect for the openly authoritarian user posting here than for the American conservatives pretending to be something else.

I wish some people on Yea Forums would stop trying to dodge debates and questions by going "lol reddit zoomer nigger cuck" then crying victory when I shrug and leave a thread.

I'm all in favor of more filters, but "westacuck" is far from a popular term.

shut the fuck up

I don't think it's an inherit negative or positive in a game if you have a gay/non-white character in a video game. It's not what defines what makes a game good.

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All story heavy games are bad. No exceptions. The industry would improve 100-fold if every VN, JRPG, and walking simulator were wiped off the face of the planet. It does not matter how you try and justify it, you will not make a convincing argument to defend them.

>muh artist vision
Artists don't deserve respect if gameplay isn't their only priority.

>muh 100 hours of gameplay
That gameplay should be telling the story naturally, not pawning it off on dialogue dumps and cutscenes. Get rid of the cinematic shit or the gameplay does not deserve to exist.

>muh potential of the genre
Stop. Pretentious hacks have been using that kind of logic to break into the industry. It's time we stop giving them that foothold. We have to limit the potential of video games to keep them from becoming movies.

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Once again, BotW is basically the game that WW should've been, or at least captures the spirit of exploration that it should've. My feelings on that game have nothing to do with MM, and in that case it's understandably love/hate depending on how one feels about the things that made it starkly different. This would apply to WW if WW's attempts at innovation actually amounted to any meaningful change but they didn't. MM's groundhog day mechanics were a clear game changer and you either took that or left it, there was nothing half-assed about the proposition. WW's sea was very half-assed.

Western games are, in general, inferior to Japanese games, and I would never pay more than $10 for one

Holy shit you're retarded. You can't lost drugs as an example of something that is "allowed" when it is clearly disallowed by the governing body that allows everything else you mentioned. Your entire argument becomes invalid when you list those things together as if they're equal, because you're implying that none of those things are regulated and that is why society is shit. Holy fuck go back to wherever you came from, this level of idiocy is too much.

You realize that you'd have better social skills if you actually socialized more, right? It's just like any other video game. You practice, and you get better at it.

My way of thinking is governed by statics and logic. If you look at the statistics in Canada, you'll notice that marijuana usage spiked exponentially after the legalization of it. When you give people the legal right to kill themselves, they're going to do it. When you give people the right to act indecent, then that's what they'll do. This is common knowledge, user.

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Video games are about video, hence the name.

This but for gookshit

The problem lies that 99.8% of the time is just a megacorporation using people as meatshields to protect a shitty game.
"If you bring ANY criticism about this game or give it less than a 9, you're a homophobe/transphobe/racist"

Honestly the fact that BotW is so much like Wind Waker is the big reason I'm not fond of it.

They have a very similar quantity over quality design philosophy when it comes to content.

You should take a look at Portugal, now fuck off.

That doesn't really happen, and you seem really easily manipulated into thinking it does by retards on the internet.

>kill yourself
Holy shit you're either trolling or actually a 20iq retard

Video is an adjective. That means it is a slave to the noun, aka the GAME part.

botw wasn't game of the year and it isn't a masterpiece, but its still the best open world game (even if thats not saying a whole lot)
its good, but still overrated

This still isn't contradictory to what I believe. The game would be bad with or without nigger characters in the game; because that megacorporation (obviously you are talking about EA); makes shit games.

There are good games with social justice messages; even though you don't like the message.

I like Saints Row 3 on Switch, specially since the update.

I agree, the issue of the character itself is a long standing one even before gaming had written stories. The gay character is either a full camp, lisping queen, or average joe who has a husband. The former is an insult, the and latter is a bore to write, hence the catch-22 and why most just don't bother in the first place.

Or just stick to Lesbians because they can still be sold to horny men.

Potheads are going to Hell!

I feel the same honestly but even so, BotW does objectively take MANY ideas from WW and refine them. My beef with BotW comes from it overshooting the course actually and changing too much shit up, resulting in new problems like OP cooking mechanics and obnoxiously piecemeal distribution of dungeon content - it's all there but you get drip fed it like 10 minutes at a time with rare exception. It's better than WW but otherwise, not my favorite Zelda.

I appreciate how innovative and amazing the Nintendo 64 was for its time, but it's been completely obliterated by modern gaming conventions and its nearly impossible to go back and enjoy a lot of those games, especially if you have no nostalgic connection to any of them.
A lot of people on here claim the 360/PS3/Wii generation was the worst generation of gaming but it's honestly really good, there's an insane amount of quality titles that were released during that time that don't require online and I'm having a great time going back and picking up cheap games I overlooked in the past.
Just because you hate a game doesn't mean it's bad. If you hate a game that is critically acclaimed and celebrated by the community at large, it's just not your kind of game. Nothing wrong with disliking a specific game, but putting other people down for what games they enjoy just makes you look insecure.

Lol who are these American conservatives pretending to be something else? What are you even talking about?

me too man, i like the world building and all that,but the combat mechanics suck balls

>You realize that you'd have better blah blah blah can you just like shut up?
You imply that I want to associate with dogshit.

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Social justice by itself (the whole hurr whites hurr blacks) can ruin a game due being shit black & white politics.
But you can and has been done many, MANY times to make a good game that have non-straight white male characters.
Games were better when realistic humans were not even a thing in games.

I...don't care about Portugal? What does Portugal have to do with anything?

I'm not saying that marijuana kills people, user. Read my post again. I'm saying, in general, when you give people the right to inflict harm upon themselves or others, they will do it. ESPECIALLY if they get a dopamine rush, like from gambling or drugs.

When did I ever say that drugs are "allowed"? I just used them as an example of a self-destructive passtime that people would abuse if given the legal right.
>your entire argument becomes invalid when you list those things together as if they're equal, because you're implying that none of those things are regulated and that is why society is shit.
I never said those things aren't equal? I understand that drugs are already regulated, and that's a good thing. I would like to see the same thing happen to video games, television, internet, and Netflix.

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>not incel
>not cope
>not have sex
Whose keyboard do I need to insult to get a filter around here?

Every game is improved by adding sex appeal. Not like hardcore S&M whips-and-chains hi-res gratuitous 4k animated interspecies ass fisting, but a little cleavage and thigh-peek go a long way towards make the experience more enjoyable.

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Any EA game for starters.

I mean it's not like you're going to get many members of the Trump administration to say they're anti-democratic, despite that being the prevailing theme of his campaign.

I did say it was subversive. It's not a genre that plays by conventional rules. No one's making you like it but it does have some unique appeal in its own way, which is why some people can enjoy playing games like Silent Hill.

Super Paper Mario on the Wii is my favorite
M&L Superstar Saga is not the best one in the series. I prefer PiT

I unironically love the Call of Duty campaigns from 4-BO2 and Halo 1-Reach.
They were some next level entertainment that hasn't been achieved since then.

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Jump Force is good.
Every Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is garbage.
Best Pokemon game is Pokemon Gale of Darkness.

Holy shit how could you be so wrong on the first 2.
The genophage was the fault of the species that brought weapons and technology to a race that acted like niggers not expecting them to just fucking kill everything. >Durr, here is a race that is strong as fuck and can reproduce crazy fast, lets give them the tech to go to any planet they want and weapons to kill everyone. How could that possibly go wrong?

Same with the Geth. Whether or not you believe AI is the same as a conscious person/alien, they were attacked first because the space gypsies suddenly got afraid of what they created. Fighting back is a natural response and they only want to go do their own thing. Legion was based and the Geth did nothing wrong apart from the ones who were corrupted by reapers. I bet you played as femshep you faggot.

Look at Portugal and see how it helped legalizing drugs.
Your whole “argument” falls completely flat and you are embarrassing.

FFVI, IX, and XII are the most insanely overrated games in the franchise, XII bored me to tears. XV and VIII are good games. VII is good but seriously janky, so I'm glad its getting a remake.

Sora is the least intreasting original character in KH

Sonic is the least interesting character in his series.

Dragon Quest is boring, the only game in the series I liked was VIII

I could not make it past the first 3 chapters of Xenoblade 2

P4 > P5 > P3 >>>> P1 and 2

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This is only true if the game is fun without the titties and sex appeal.

Games with really sexy characters in them are massively annoying, because I don't want to feel like jacking off whenever I play.

Gaming was better in the 80s and 90s when girls were just cute pixels instead of perfectly crafted 3d model sex goddesses.

Can't defend the combat. Definitely lacks that significantly, but the story and world building is great. I also liked the characters a lot.
Ciri is supposed to be a Mary Sue though. Like her character is made of elder blood or some shit. But she is also responsible for the death of some people so she isn't completely fault free.

>Sonic is the least interesting character in his series.

Less interesting than Big the Cat? Really though, Unleashed is the only time Sonic was a half decent character.

I know this will make a few people angry, but the point of the thread is to say your viewpoints, so....

Attached: the same can be applied to male characters as well. i'm not here to jerk off to porn, i want go (2176x2708, 2.28M)

if you buy video games you are unironically killing them. stop spending ANY money on video games if you ever want to see them be good again. all of these companies need to die. there hasn't been a good game made since the 90's

I agree with this, but I will also assert that the addition of fanservice doesn't necessarily salvage a bad game. A bad game with T&A is still a bad game, but a good game with T&A is better than that same good game without T&A.

Most of the sites talking about Portugal are mostly leftist websites, so...

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to fucking who

I pre-order like 10 AAA games a year at least and you can suck my huge dick

A good female character is one that is effortlessly likable and believable, same as literally any other character regardless of gender.

Anyone who bought Fallout 76 deserved to get scammed.

I think the WiiU controllers had the best layout

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soul and soulless should be filtered

This should not be unpopular by any means. I felt the same about No Man's Sky after seeing its E3 reveal.

Filter soul and soulless into kino and flick

never used one myself, but I've heard this opinion echoed a lot on Yea Forums. A ton of people seem to agree that the Wii U Pro was the best controller ever. I just use a 360 one for my PC. A refurb at that.

Call of Duty is easily best shooter series ever created; the campaign, multiplayer, and zombies mode are usually all top notch.

It had insane battery life as well, my PS4 controller dies after just a few hours, that thing could run for weeks before needing a charge

fuck the haters

>We let drug addicts do what they want
you literally said this. you did not say "if we let drug addicts do what they want," you said plainly that we do. Gotta keep better track of the stupid shit you say user.

Pick one

>Bamham combat is fundamentally great, it has tons of potential, but devs haven't realized of it, they just treat it as a system of "press X to awesome" as that's just enough to please casuals
>Pandora Tomorrow is the best classic Splinter Cell (has the coolest levels), then the original (some really kino moments, specially the ending when you are surrounded and your team turns off the lights so you can escape) and finally Chaos Theory (maybe because it was overhyped at Yea Forums i thought that it didn't bring anything new to the formula, except for the sound meter which was meh, and the levels were uninspired)
>Uncharted is not that bad, and definitely not a movie game, specially the second one; the cutscenes aren't that prominent and often (including the interactive cutscenes, when you are walking and talking)
>while my experience with FPS is kinda limited, i think Halo deserved all the praise it got
>The Twin Snakes is better than the original gameplay wise, but the clean graphics suck
>Netherrealm studios games are OK, not fantastic, but not as bad as Yea Forums say they are; the graphics and character design were indeed horrendous in the first Injustice, but they improved a lot for the sequel; no complaints against Mortal Kombat
>DOA is a great fighting series gameplay wise, my favorite 3D fighter actually (then again, i haven't played Tekken, but it's definitely better than Soul Calibur)
>Nintendo games are in general overrated, i haven't finished a single one, the closest i was was with Twilight Princess
>after finally having platinumed Bloodborne (after two and a half years), i think it deserves to be considered one of the best games of all time
>Resident Evil 3 is the best in the series, but i've enjoyed all the games i've played of it
>turn based combat is boring but i'm starting to like it, however, Chrono Trigger is fucking shit, it sucks in every front, i've tried to like it several times with no avail
>football games are good gameplay wise

thats just objectively wrong on so many levels I refuse to believe anyone holds this opinion.

Smash bros is way fucking overrated.

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Octopath Traveler is one of the best turn-based RPGs this gen and one of the better JRPGs in general.

>Uncharted is not that bad, and definitely not a movie game, specially the second one
The second and third games are awesome, I just wish there was less emphasis on platforming and more on puzzle-solving, and I wish the stealth wasn't so terrible. The train level in Uncharted 2 is one of the best and most creative levels I've ever played in a video game, and the part in Uncharted 3 where you attack the caravan on horseback is a blast. Uncharted really gets a lot of undeserved hate on here.

ya if anything it should be have sex or yikes

I think MK11 is fun

Agreed. I don't know how a silly fun party game became such a big deal to people.

Skyrim is the best ES game and the Witcher 3 sucked.

This. Smash this, Smash that, he's in, she's in. To me, it's seems like it's more about the hype of the newcomers than the game itself, which is pretty mediocre.

DS2 is probably the most polarizing game in the last 20 years. You either think it is the best game there will ever be or you tried to bomb fromsoft.

This opinion is retarded to me because all the best Zelda games have dark/mature elements to it, like Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Majora's Mask. Even the first two original Zelda games have a dark edge to them.
Come to think of it, one of my least favorite Zelda games is Wind Waker and that's the cartoon one.

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TLOU is shit

Guarantee you that a good 70% of the people in the latter designation played DS2 at launch.

based. Preordering isn’t that big of a fucking deal anymore, I don’t know why it’s such an issue. Microtransactions are much, much worse.

Pre ordering is still fucking stupid. Definitely not as stupid as paying for games with microtransactions though.

Nintendo is a terrible company that exploits its fans, uses arcane Japanese copyright law to silence people who talk about Nintendo products on youtube. They also destroy fan games the second they hear about them and they’re the reason that emulation is being driven underground.
I genuinely loathe Nintendo and won’t purchase anything from them again until they stop being so terrible.

>a more deep,complex and macabre version

DS2fags always give a good lol

Fucking hyperbolic faggot.

You guys remember when Nintendo would force game companies to sign contracts prohibiting them from releasing titles on non-Nintendo consoles? They're a business first and foremost

> Unpopular
This is literally what the majority of people on this board think. The actual unpopular opinion is thinking Twilight Princess was peak Zelda and the series should go back to that atmosphere and artstyle. Which happens to be exactly what I think. BOTW and WW are the 2 worst 3D Zeldas. The best are OOT, MM, and TP. SS is the middle ground. Windcels and BOTWcels will complain about muh unpopular opinion but at least half of this board shares your same shit ass taste.

Yeah. They were a scummy business then too.
Other companies didn’t do that. They were particularly bad.
Also didn’t the courts rule that them doing that was illegal?

>Preordering isn’t that big of a fucking deal anymore, I don’t know why it’s such an issue.

AAA publisher prey on preordering types. These games are designed to look as shiny as possible to squeeze out as much money as they can in the first month before sales drop off dramatically. As a money making venture, it benefits them FAR more to invest in marketing over proper development and preorders are a big reason why. They don't care if the game's merely passable, they care about selling 5 million copies in 2 weeks.

Based. Pic related is unironically the best game FromSoft has ever made. Legitimately a masterpiece.

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Nintendo is overrated

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>BOTW and WW are the 2 worst 3D Zeldas. The best are OOT, MM, and TP. SS is the middle ground.

You're alright, user.

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I think a fair number of Nintendo fans would agree with this as well. I own a Switch and I certainly do. I just like their games. Also, I hate how Smash DLC gets a free pass despite being a textbook example of Pay2Win. I can already hear the fanboys clamoring to deny it, but it's 100% true and would get EA burned at the stake if they did it.

That was true in 4 but so far DLC in Ultimate's been whatever. Plant and Joker are alright, nothing game breaking or anything a la Bayo/Cloud in 4.

Action games and "skill based singleplayer games" are all easy and the only real challenge from video games comes from PvP games becuase you are againts players who adapt and not static AI with an exploitable pattern.

Building a $1000 plus gaming pc for LoL, Fortnite or CSgo is beyond retarded and if you do this I will just assume you're mentally challenged also all streamers are narcissists with inflated self worth that thinks anyone with a brain would actually watch them act like retards for kids amusement. I hope esports and streamers crash and burn, make games fun again and not just "streamable"

> t. hasn't ever played Sekiro
If you think that game isn't challenging you're lying or haven't played it.

Thanks, it's nice to see a fellow man of culture on this Siamese canoe carving forum

I feel the same about first person, I prefer third person shooters to any other style.

games should weaponize sex like it is in real life if devs want to create the illusion of realistic relationships

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I disagree, I played and finished OOT and MM and didnt care for them and didnt touch zelda again besides wind waker and BotW and they were the most enjoyable and interesting games of the whole overrated zelda series.

PC gamer "culture" is a shit fest these days. I miss when people who played on PC just played games on PC, and left the console war bullshit to the consoles.

I blame Steam and Valve for this, mainly.

Anyone who still defends the Wii U porting scandal should die off.

Sonic Heroes is great

"console wars" don't exist on Yea Forums and it's just multiple layers of ironic shitposting. The people who fall for it and complain about it are the real losers.

"It's alright when nintendo does it" is a legitimate bias for a lot of people imo. A fuckload of people grew up with games from them forming some of their formative gaming experiences so even when they try to check themselves they still end up with a massive amount of bias that results in the company getting away with some shit that would get any other company universally panned.

Do you would rather have a bunch of great games get stuck on a console that no one bought? Do you also think Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, and Resident Evil CV should have stayed Dreamcast exclusives forever?

Don't you dare. The Wii U is still a console that exists, and pretending it doesn't is EXACTLY why these ports are a scam.

What the fuck are you even saying?

Death Stranding looks like it's going to be boring as fuck to actually play.

Don't I dare what? Bringing ports to a console people actually own rather than forcing them to buy a rarer and older console sounds like the opposite of a scam to me. You sound like you're just butthurt that you spend $300 on a Wii U and now everyone else gets to play superior versions of the same games on Switch

Half Life 2 is overrated.

fuck off, acfag.

If you're only now playing a game "because the switch port came out" I'm going to assume you're a brainded casual or a nintendo fanboy until I'm given very convincing proof otherwise.

Off yourself. Nintendo has no excuse for any of this, and neither do you.

Seek help. You're unironically acting like a schizo. You haven't explained why you think ports are a scam and it's not at all obvious why you or anyone would think that. Multiplatform games and ports are an industry standard. Literally almost every successful game gets ported at some point. There's plenty of valid ways to criticize Nintendo without acting like a nutcase. This is not one of them.

Cringe and based should be filtered.

New Vegas is tremendously overrated, particularly the writing. Being better than 3 doesn't make it great.

nintendo is unironically ea-tier scummy as a company, and it's always hilarious that they get a free pass on Yea Forums while sony is made out to be the worst company in the industry.
nintendo has had price-fixing scandals in both north america and the eu.
nintendo breached an exclusivity contract with the company who programmed the original donkey kong cabinets and got their asses sued (eventually settling out of court).
people are literally not allowed to rent games in japan because nintendo lobbied to get it banned decades ago. the official excuse was "piracy concerns." the real reason was greed.
nintendo is very fortunate to have the "disney of gaming" image to prevent their sleazy past from being talked about much.

Consolewar shitposters need to be insta-banned on site. I'm so sick of at least a dozen obvious bait threads up at any time, each one filled with the same faggots spamming Wojak edits at each other.

the only game with a valid counterargument to this is dragon quest xi, because it's getting a lot of extra content on switch.


If you use a controller to play video games, you're a manchild and need to grow up.

The solution is to make a /snoy/ containment board. The shitstation has by far the most toxic and canerous fanbase out of any platform on Yea Forums. It isn't even close.

I told you to leave, and you're still here.
The context of these ports are really bad. They're all full-priced and advertised as if they were new. Some of these games have content not in the original, but not enough to warrant a port. And they still pump out these things pretending they're a selling point of the Switch. No other system Nintendo made has stooped that low.
I'd much rather see what Splatoon and Mario Maker got: an expansion of the original that turns into a sequel. But the fact that those are the only two sequels Nintendo pulled out of their ass proves how shit the rest of the Wii U's library was handled.

Well at least you proved it was a
>most unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinion

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I'll take it a step further and say Obsidian is the most overrated developer. Few studios have the same level of rabid fanboy that they do. It doesn't matter how broken, terrible, or unfinished their games are, it's always someone else's fault.

The games may as well be new considering how many copies they sold on the Wii U. All I see is a manchild seething that his niche exclusive Wii U games are getting attention from the masses.
> B-but I played them first
> B-but no one cared when they were on Wii U
No one cares. Go cry into your Wii U gamepad. Ports are always a good thing. Anytime a company makes their games available on more platforms it's a good thing for both the company and the customer.

>Ports are always a good thing.
except when sony did them, then they were mocked by the same people who defend $60 wii u ports.

The only reason people made fun of Sony for porting stuff is because the PS4 had literally zero good original games until Bloodborne came out a year and a half after the console hit the market. The Switch has had tons of original games as well amongst the ports. Hell, it launched with BOTW, Snipperclips, and Super Bomberman R, all of which are better than any original game Sony put out in the first 1+1/2 year of the shitstation 4's existence.

>The Switch has had tons of original games as well amongst the ports
That's laughable.

>The Switch has had tons of original games as well amongst the ports.

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It's not really unpopular though, it just kinda comes across as whiny.

>all of which are better than any original game Sony put out in the first 1+1/2 year of the shitstation 4's existence.

Bloodborne notwithstanding, I like to pretend the PS4 didn't exist before 2017.

Lost Planet 2?

Are you saying Yea Forums likes whiners?

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I'd be shocked if it didn't, actually.

Japanese games are fucking embarrassing, this extends to the non anime ones aswell

Final Fantasy XII is the best Final Fantasy game, and I've played all of them.

Handhelds have been more interesting than consoles since around 2008 or so.

>All AAA games are trash, they're just not fun anymore, samey, and laden with microtransactions
>Anyone who plays MMORPGs is a massive loser
>Playing anime games unironically makes you an even bigger loser

This. They're so edgy it actually destroys any gameplay value the games could have.

>All AAA games are trash, they're just not fun anymore, samey, and laden with microtransactions
This is absolutely 100% true of American AAA. I can't think of a single good AAA game to come out of the USA this entire generation. Not a even one. Europe is somewhat better (CD Projekt), and Japan is better still. But American AAA has been irredeemably fucked for a long time now

I think the last AAA game I ever bought was Bad Company 2 on Steam sale like 3 maybe 4 years ago?

Shit... I don't play AAA games at all anymore either. The only shit I play is indie games or what I guess are called AA games like Mordhau, Insurgency, Mount and Blade.

I think Dark Souls is overrated garbage, everything is designed to fuck you up as much as humanly possible, people only hail it as a good example of game design because the first few minutes do act as a pretty good tutorial, not so much for the rest of the game. And its “““lore””” is way overblown because it’s just a bunch of fan fiction fuels.

I was gonna say that I actually liked Alien Isolation and Mirror's Edge Catalyst but those are British and Swedish respectively. Arkane's got a respectable enough track record but they're primarily French. Visceral was American AND good with Dead Space but we all know how that ended. Fuck, I don't think I know any good American AAA devs this gen.

Yeah, my gaming library consists mainly of indies, AA, and Japanese AAA games like Resident Evil 7/2 and Sekiro. I'm really hoping Microsoft is able to bring back Western AAA next generation. They're the only major American publisher I have any hope for at this point.

>unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinion?
Now if you said "best" then you'd be in the right thread.

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>everything is designed to fuck you up as much as humanly possible

Yeah, which means you start expecting it after a while. Souls games are only fun once you start figuring out how they work.

Thisposting is much worse in that regard.
Replying "This" to anything should be an instant ban.

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At least 80-90% of this board pretends to play and actually care about video games. Case and point: when Far Cry 5 was the main point in discussion, /pol/ actually DISCUSSED about the video game itself while Yea Forums focused on who was part of /pol/ or who was from Resetera. I can't find the image related to it but somehow /pol/, the place that everyone on Yea Forums seems to not shut the fuck up about, manages to do the most basic shit that this board is suppose to accomplish: discussing video games.

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>unpopular Yea Forumsidya opinion
>Yea Forums

Unpopular opinion: socialist ResetERAns have been invading this place hardcore ever since the "-nel" switch.

"-nel" switch
Newfag here, explain?

...Shit he's right. I've seen full blown discussion in /pol/ about games more than here.

DOOM wasn't an arena shooter.

Eh, it's the same thing but less...I dunno, adolescent? "This" adds nothing to the discussion but at least it's a neutral enough statement instead of sounding like a memespouting idiot.

"Yea Forums" became "4channel" and everyone who came here before 2016 died a little on the inside.

That whoever buys weeb games is a total pedophile and deserves to get shot alongside who developed, funded, and marketed them.

"Based" and "Cringe" still say something, minute as it is, besides "what user said verbatim with nothing added". There's a value being attributed to the post that isn't some idiot fuck completely and totally mindlessly leeching off a post to get mob approval for it. And if you do decide to add something to the discussion then there literally is no fucking reason to go "This" in the first fucking place.

Pretty much anyone who makes or watches modern anime should be shot.

It's the difference between "I agree/disagree" and simply "I agree", just in different guises. Same shit, different flavor.

I can say with certainty that "I like ACfag" is the most unpopular opinion on Yea Forums, next to "I like WRPG-kun".

Attached: acfag-collage-2017-12-04.png (1920x3206, 1.73M)

3 wasn't the best Burnout.
Revenge was. Specifically the 360 version.

In order for it to be an unpopular opinion at least one person must hold it. Please do not scare me like that again, user.

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Godhand is a literal meme game only talked up by Yea Forums to fit in for some sort of e-cred it's legitimately shit and has no redeeming value and it's not even actually hard nor does it feet with proper action games like DMC, NG, Bayo, etc.

FF9 is one of the shittiest games in the entire franchise, runs slow, loads slow, battles are slow, ugly graphics, disney aesthetics, bad characters, horrible story that does nothing new the entire game is references to other better FF games "Hey remember this thing? Hey remember that place? Hey remember that song?" It's a Family Guy Cutaway gag THE FF game.

FF10 and 13 are both good and only memesters hate it for goodboy points on Yea Forums.

Metroid Prime is not a Metroid game it's Nintendo's bad attempt at getting FPS autismbux from the FPS gen that was flocking to the PS2 and Xbox. Real Metroid is sidescrolling.

Majora's Mask and Windwaker are objectively bad with BOTW following right behind them the only good Zeldas are LttP, Link's Awakening, OoT, Twilight Princess and Link Between Worlds the rest are shit.

Super Mario World > Super Mario 3 but both are still good.

Doom3 was fantastic and is still a great addition to the series as is nu-Doom, there's never been a bad official Doom game.

Japanese games are typically better than 80% of western games however there's some real true gems to come from the west as well, to think otherwise makes you a tasteless contrarian faggot.

Neptunia and Touhou are both good franchises, hating them is a meme.

I've said my peace.

Anime autismos are on the same level of furries when it comes to player profiles. If your avatar is a ~uguu moeblob and you're in some weeb group named yuri or some shit then you're a fag.
The only exception is in weeb games.

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>Soul vs. Soulless.jpg

I enjoy FGO and don't have an issue with gacha games but I want EA and Activision to die. I want FGO to live so I'm torn on the lootbox bill as long as it doesn't kill FGO I'm fine with it because I spend responsibly, if I don't have disposable income I don't waste it. It's not even really that I just hate the gubment for trying to play mommy/daddy to us I truly hate the retards with zero self control that keep buying EA and Activisions latest and newest turds year after year since as early as the 90s.

Metal Gear Survive was a good game.

Dialectical hot take: there are in fact two separate video games that are united under one name.

Actual games in electric format in the style of kick the can, e.g. Tetris. And interactive story telling, e.g. telltale.

> I enjoy FGO and don't have an issue with gacha games
You people are what's wrong with the gaming industry

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RE4-6 did not kill RE, 7 did but thankfully RE2make is a return to form. I like RE1-6 so I prefer both styles, 7 is FPS cawadoody shit with 2 enemies the entire game fuck off with that shit.

Shadowverse should have died way back in the 5th set. GM ranks and Grand Prix should have never been born.

Oh hello, Doug, I see you've decided to make another post in this thread.

video games are shit

Awful take, RE7 is effectively Revelations 3, it was no more damaging to the franchise than Rev1/2 were. RE2make is also nothing like RE4-6 beyond the camera viewpoint.

>no valid counterpoint

People tend to forget they're a much smaller portion of a much larger player base. When you complain about BotW's "OP" cooking or simplistic combat, remember that this game has to be playable for kids as well. Not everything has to have Monster Hunter combat.

On that note, this is the reason why Smash Bros holds 50% (I really don't have the statistics here) of the sales for the fighting game genre, most people aren't going to commit the time to git gud so Smash's easy to digest gameplay is godsend to the market. It's much easier to teach someone to Shoyruken with Ryu in Smash (Up+B) than in SF (FQCF Punch)

Mega Man and its incarnations have been rendered obsolete thanks to the billion and 2 Indie games that were "inspired" by the franchise in the first place. Please, stop asking for them.

HOWEVER, Battle Network hasn't been replicated since it's far too difficult to recreate without ripping off the series completely due to how integrated the lore is with the gameplay and it requiring good game design as it's not a 2D Platformer. Mega Man's future shines bright through EXE.

Fire Emblem Heroes is the best FE title and one of the best games I've ever played.

I fully expect X2 and the PS5 to be online only to facilitate the use of blockchain technology that will facilitate in transfers of digital titles and even ingame items from one game to another. The possibilities are endless but I do hope the gaming community lashes back out against online only. I don't want another situation where I am going through an internet outage and can't even use the PS4 for movies.

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I don't like any of the "immersive sims".

>Every Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is garbage.
I never understood the appeal of those games.

they certainly were in the seventh generation. DS had an amazing library and PSP had some bitchin' ports.

Mega Man Legends and Battle Network were never good.

Star Wars Battlefront EA was pretty good. It was fun to play, but most importantly it was nice to finally see a Star Wars game that was based on the original trilogy and looked that great.

That's okay, neither do actual Yea Forumseterans.

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>If you look at the statistics in Canada, you'll notice that public and recorded marijuana usage spiked exponentially after the legalization of it.
Fixed it for you, dummy. Just like those back alley abortions didn't exist before RvW, I bet.

weren't looking glass made up of mostly musicians?

6 is such a great game

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Yes, and yet their fanboys somehow don't see this as a problem.

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I prefer stealth games in 2D.

I don't like either Mario 2.

Black Ops 1 is one of the best shooters ever made

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PC gamers are savescumming casuals.

Well Nintendo didn't kill Michael Jackson so they have that going for them.

>Supreme Commander 2 was the better online game
>Diablo 3 was, objectively speaking, a quality game, and the fact that it wasn't as fun as it's predecessor means the genre is shit and it's just childhood's low standards and the time D2 was released
>Classic WoW is objectively shit in today's standards. It has good things, but they're overshadowed by all the bad
>Elder Scroll games are absolutely awful and amateurish. They're only popular because no one else is bothering to make a similar game
>Minecraft Hunger bar added to the game. If you want creative, go play creative
>Esport is a sport for the same reason chess is considered one
>Higher difficulties just mean higher rate of savescumming

Most of your opinions sound pretty understandable, but

>Fire Emblem Heroes is the best FE title and one of the best games I've ever played

Please just allow me to say that I disagree hard on this one

>Fuck, I don't think I know any good American AAA devs this gen.
id? DOOM seems to be the only AAA series around at this point trying anywhere near as hard to be an actual game as Yea Forums's Japanese heroes.

Sun/Moon get way too much hate and it all seems to boil down to nothing but cutscene complaints. Its difficulty was decent for a Pokémon game, its region and characters left an impression, and it tried a lot of interesting things that go under appreciated. Freeing the HM slaves was an enormous blessing, despite how clumsy ride Pokémon were introduced into the narrative.

Aside from cutscenes and being a little too linear it really didn’t do anything worse than the average gen. Ultra made some nice comfort of life changes to improve it, but I can’t defend how lazy they were as sequels.


Card games are terribly unbalanced abominations and dont belong in competitive esports shit.

I cringe whenever I see someone put LSD Dream Emulator on their 3x3s or top x lists.

Dark Souls 2 is underrated masterpiece.

but duuuude like
so deeep

I'm saying this from a position of getting bloodborne and a ps4 as a gift from a friend, bloodborne is an ugly game, the low framer ate and chromatic aberration make it almost unplayable, the bosses are great but the combat mechanics are pretty shallow, the art is amazing but because of the chromatic aberration it just looks washed out and shitty. DS1>DS3>Bloodborne>DS2>>>>>>>>>Sekiro. I wish from would make armored core again


Usum, bw2, rse and rby, dpp, and specifically hgss are all SOUL

I still play and enjoy Overwatch and think it's one of the best FPS out there. I really love the concept of abilities/ults and really like how you have unlimited ammo instead of how TF2 did it.
t. pre-ordered OW and got 2000+ hours in it.

Undertale is not even a 3/10 game.

People who play anime games or play games because it has 'attractove characters' are pathetic and its impossible for me to respect them in any way. A gams should be played either for the gameplay or the story.

Also the last decade sucked and this gen of consoles sucks. In the last gen we had several gems like halo 3, bioshock, oblivion and lost planet which were either just good games or a breath of fresh air through their story, setting or gameplay. Nowadays that is not the case and gaming sucks.

Finally I hate that mmorpgs are dead and probably not returning because I had so many good memories to games like WoW or LoTRO. All in all the gaming scene nowadays sucks and everything used to be better when I was younger and even when I play older games again I like them more than modern games.

Bioshock isn't an immersive sim though. There's no resource management and almost no character progression.

you bet