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Other urls found in this thread:



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>24 days

Jesus Christ why can't it just be here already fuck

What Gamer Fuel are you guys going to get for Shadowbringers launch?

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Time to get working on those crafters/gatherers

For me, it's water.

Already all maxed and geared

Does paladin really need 20 cooldowns? Why not condense that shit instead of having all these variations of "take less damage"

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Water, papa johns, and tears as I struggle to deal with summer classes during SHB's launch

I think I'd rather have MNK not be meta, but retain TK rotation than be meta and dumbed down to 456123 with FC inbetween each weaponskill

>pick a tank
>complain about having defensive cooldowns

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Does anyone have any of the names of the AF4 gear? Only one I know is that DRG’s is “Pteroslaver”

Well, how about a compromise? You don't get to be meta, and you lose the TK rotation

All I remember is the GNB AF weapon is Lionheart

Works for me

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Store won't even let me pre order it. So I guess I can't play shadowbringers.

I'll buy into this, only IF the "Complete Edition" is fully on-disk. It never fails, I'll buy the newest expansion, insert the disk, and it will stop after like two minutes, before starting a download for over 17 GB.

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>paladin using Heroic Spirit Shield

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Are Dark Knight and Black Mage fun

Never played this game before but looking to pick up an MMO for the first time

>buying physical for an online-only game


Thanks for my dedicated raid slot Yoshida. Also the dedicated dancer to feed me buffs because we sure as fuck aren't bringing a monk to the party.

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>there are people who don't want to be a brick shithouse with the biggest and ugliest sheet of metal they can possibly carry

GNBun > GUNbun

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BLM yes, DRK not right now, but might be better when the expansion hits.

I never thought I'd use it but I ended up with a sky pirate glamour with a cutlass so it just worked.


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That's twitter you zoomer

>TA slave thinks he'll get fed buffs

When you connection is so pathetic that even ISP technicians are left scratching their heads, you know a 70GB+ download just isn't going to work out. Not to mention monthly data caps that are still in Gigabytes.

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How do you level them anyways? Do you just leve all the way up to 70 while doing moogle/namazu quests?

I finished Gatherers, but I don't want to level my lower ones (around lvl 20), I've just been using beast quests and turn ins to level my high level ones.

>28th is a friday
>I have work that day
>Moms birthday is the 30th
Fuck, I want to no life it but have things to do

>Oh you're a bard? Cool, thanks for keeping my spot warm, I'll take it from here.

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Why is the XIV community so insecure Yea Forums? They shut themselves off from criticism and hate to admit the game is a flawed copy of WoW, they ridicule WoW-fags when theyre the same.

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I dunno whether to take off friday or monday

Pretty much, yeah.

I leveled my first crafter to 70 solely through beast tribes (after 50) but that takes forever.

The EXP curve past 50 is very fast and you can get it done very quickly if you have a lot of leves stocked. And/or supplement with beast tribes.

A word of warning.

Even if you do.
The patching on PS4 is retarded.

It copies the whole game then inputs the new files and deletes the old files.

How do we stop him?

Japanese games always have really diehard followers

Can you fucking brainlets please leave my fucking game alone

I figured, sucks the best way to level them is on a timer. Is gathering any faster? I know it doesn't bring in nearly as much money, but I don't know what else to do until ShB.

>just ran Siege of Ala Mhigo
>those ishgardian knights fighting
>suddenly see the text box "Ishgard will always remember, Warrior of Light."
How would you feel if Vidofnir and her brood were fighting alongside the Ishgardian knights?

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Thanks user

Did they update the renders?

They're definitely saving that for the final battle. I want to see Dragoons taking out airships too.

every mmo is full of grognards and dipshits and you're only noticing because you're playing it

It'd be out of place, given how Dragons have no stakes in that war. Plus, unlike Ishgardians, they don't owe you that much.

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Why is SE so god damned incompetent with this, no other game I own does that when it needs patching

>DRK 80 weapon is literally named Shadowbringer
post yfw

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would be hokey but i'd still like it

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>External is almost full and my default PS4 harddrive is sketchy at best
Uh oh!

if you are a PLD and hide your shield then you are a faggot and a tranny.

Where do you guys live that you have data caps? I've never seen that shit and I've lived in 6 different states.

Out of place maybe. Don't forget you slayed most of Nidhogg's brood, took down Nidhogg twice, and stopped the Dragonsong war. I'd say Vidofnir going out to help really isn't that far fetched. Now what would be far fetched is if Hraesvalgr came to the siege.
That would explain the AA-fire we saw in Ghymlit.

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Name some good big shields that aren't artifacts, there's a surprising amount of shields that are just bucklers or targes instead of SHIELDS

whos the most chad Galvus and why is it Zenos

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My fuel is water, and seltzer water.

>sparkling water with a splash of lime juice

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It's a fucking MMO. I doubt nothing of Shadowbringers will be on the disc.

Check the doc I replied to. It literally is named Shadowbringer

Basic bitch iron scutum. Fuck fancy ornamental shit.

The game is only 36GB though. Also if data is so important to you then why even have a PS4 since every game and app on it uses a fuck ton of it.

I thought you guys said that the SE store charges me a couple of days before the launch of ShB, but they're charging me on the 6th.

The old fuckers don't owe us much but the younger generation sure as shit does. The dragon cultists owe their continued existence to the Warrior of Light as do all of the ishgardians who drank dragon blood and transformed. Ysayle was near-worshipped by her followers and she supported you even to her death

They're 100% gonna have a callback to the pre-dragonsong war days with dragoons mounted on dragons fucking shit up

find a buckler ya nancy

Make it charge immediately now or the day-of

They always charge near release. The game is out in 3 weeks.


>DRGs riding on dragons
>Estinien on Hraesvalgr
Halone wills it

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i want zenos to jump into a cute female elezen girl and be all tsundere for us

>tanks ruined
>healers ruined
what class do i play while waiting for Classic?


Who is this bitch anyways

>1 tank
>all hybrids are healers
Nice variety.

>people actually think ShadowBringers wont be a repeat of Stormblood
Why do people think this expansion wont be more of the same after Stormblood is beyond me. Everything shown so far points to another tomestone/page farm with no deviation to any of the content design.

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red mage quest disciple

Lvling gathering is basically purely leves til 60, at which point it becomes leves and namazu.

Also make sure to do collectables for the high quality cordials bought with red scrips

>They're 100% gonna have a callback to the pre-dragonsong war days with dragoons mounted on dragons fucking shit up
They even hinted at this in Estinien's side story when Hraesvelgr tells him about the old dragoons.


I don't play XIV expecting it to dramatically change its content-structure every expac, mate.

Any class can play Mahjong.

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at least the story, zones, and music will be better

how long does it take to get 100,000 MGP?

A girl is no one

wrong, every spec is viable
no one cares about speedrunning

Arya, you blind or something?

You never played the original game.

i dont farm for anything, i just do the story and the boss/ primal battles because they are fun, then when the next big patch drops, i get the armor at a discount and do the last patch savage modes.

Everyone in this thread is respecting the content, right?

Iirc it only comes with a code for activation. I could be wrong however.

Why aren't YOU queued for Seal Rock right now?

Kind of curious what are the best options?
SB early access started around 5-6am so I guess coffee and toasts but what about lunch? I was thinking pizza or chicken tenders.

Can be done in a single week.
Get 80 points or higher on fashion report which gets you 60k MGP alone. Then do the Triple Triad and Lords of Vermillion weekly challenges, that'll get you pretty damn close to 100k alone. Then do minicactpot, and if that isn't enough chocobo races for weekly challenges.

How do you think they'll do Shadowbringers?
Stormblood felt really shallow compared to Heavensward how they split 4.0 between Doma and Ala mhigo, how are they going to do saving a whole world in just 5.0 without it feeling even worse?

I'm the savior in the motherfucking dark and I'm gonna stay in character dammit. You can't stop me user. I'm a fan of Svalin for my other glams though.

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No one is expecting the gearing and content cycle to change retard. Any talk about ShB surpassing SB is due to the story and characters.

Because burning money would be more rewarding than spending my sub playing pvp

agreed, if your raid doesn't have 29 fury warriors just kill you're self

Will we ever see her again?

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I was expecting two or three days not three weeks.

Yea I'll charge it tomorrow.

Then you actually know what you're getting user
It can be better or it could be worse. The fact that the trailer is already story based unlike Stormblood's already points to a plus for the story.
Just because its pretty diorama doesn't mean it won't be as dead or as useless for the majority of the population.
>but gathering/crafting
Before you even bring this up, these 2 actions only touch upon small parts of the zones for each expansion and do nothing to hold it up as useful.
Smart user

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Sunflower seeds and gatorade.
I'm just along for the story and gil-making. I wanna see the game to the very end.
What would be the perfect song to herald their arrival?

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Water, kimchi, canned tuna.

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I hope not

How difficult is the fashion report? I can't imagine it'd be very difficult given how seemingly awful everyone in the game is at making a coherent glamour.

The one where you fuck off and stop making this retarded post all the time

>every spec is viable

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I will pardon this exception for your good taste in other shields.

At the end of Game of Thrones, Arya sails west with a crew. She was betrayed by her crew, lost her memories, and ended up in Eorzea with her trusty rapier.

no such thing as a 'useful' zone anywhere in the game you dumb nigger
pretty vistas and good music are what the zones are for
and nice rp spots

The 8-man raid's plot of restoring elemental balance to the world already tells us it's not gonna be resolved just within the span of 5.0

>What would be the perfect song to herald their arrival?
What else?

some poster on reddit makes a post every week of the cheapest way to get 80/100 points for that week's fashion report

Usually costs like 2-10k gil to buy items from vendors/mogboard. Really easy

Because pvp in this game is a literaly dumpster fire and you would have to pay me a lot of money to touch it

It's not what you think. The NPC gives basically gives you clues on certain equipment slots of what you should have on to earn points, you aren't actually competing with other players to make a better glamour.

Here's your (You), enjoy it

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Perrier, tea and a fuck ton of coffee.

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Not hard at all most weeks. Level can be a problem, as sometimes you'll need higher level gear.

Basically every week theres a theme, and specific items fit the theme. Every friday there's a thread on leddit that has exactly what you need to get 100 points (though there's only benefit in getting 100 points 1 time for the achievement, after that 80 is sufficient).

So basically look at the report and pick the two pieces of gear that are easiest for you to aquire. Equip them (remember that it's what is visually showing on you that matters, if the item is glamoured into something else, it won't count) and talk to the guy. If you have at least 2 of the items, you should be golden.

Alternately, you can also get 80 purely through dyes. The guide will say what dye you need to have on each piece of gear for maximum points, and if you have all 5 items properly dyed, that's 80 points.

>Heishi Shorinken
>Dojikiri Yasutsuna
Really liking those Aeonic weapon names for this expansion aren't they.

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>...mmuuAUHHH the flames

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Here's your trust healer bro.

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>good music
Yes this is a good result of new zones
>pretty vistas
Debatable for each area but to each their own
>nice rp spots
You can fuck off back to /xivg/ and Crystal mate.

Honestly the downside to modern MMOs is you're never really given a proper in-game reason to visit areas because everything is streamlined.

thanks :)


nigga rp ain't just for filthy fucking thirsty degenerates
it's nice to immerse in the world

What will YOUR Trust party be?

I can't wait to ram my cock down her throat

Raubahn left because you guys fucking suck.

Attached: poor little flames.png (473x403, 145K)

>nice rp spots
>RPing at all
Nice way to discredit anything you ever say

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Nice of SE to provide us a ready made cocksleeve

Is she a Highlander?

Estinien, Ysayle, and Alphinaud

not my fault you don't know how to immerse and write a story and meet people who aren't fucking awful
and as a general rule I don't associate with anyone who claims to be a tranny or has a futa character
your character's dick doesn't fucking matter because I'm not making this a sex thing, it's an adventure comfy thing

>threat management removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
>class identity removed
i don't know why everyone is okay with these changes

No, Arya's midlander.

You know I never noticed it, but I wonder if she's a reference to Aria Benett from FF3.

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>Immortal Flames

Attached: 44a.jpg (720x435, 36K)

Bro, stop making these same posts every thread, you're being a fucking retard

you retards claim this whenever literally any changes are made
>stances removed
because of actual fucking dps retards who would not stop crying about having to use diversion
>pets removed
patently false, all their skills are just on your hotbar and they can't be targeted, but they can still target and cast on their own

What iLv do I stop at so that I'm adequate for ShB, without grinding needlessly for gear that will be handed to me through the very first few quests when the expansion hits?

330? 360? 390...?

Better than the alternative

Attached: seething.png (3222x598, 775K)

>sitting in the chruning mists in the top left corner fishing for illuminati masks
>rdm comes out of nowhere
>starts to kill the local fauna
>decide to bully
>/yell You mind lassie? Yer scarin' the fish away with yer flashy noises.
>she says sorry and leaves the area
I wish i took a screenshot of the chat log.

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>it's nice to immerse in the world
the only immersive thing ive ever seen in a mmo is having the screen go completely black when youre blinded in everquest

a 250mg pot brownie and some cool blue gatorade

All women
Including my Viera

Haurchefant, Ysayle and Edda

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Which NA server should I play on?

390 is a safe bet.

Which live letter were these segments from again?

Depends on what you're going to level first, if it's a tank you want to be at least 390, everything else 380 should be fine

>threat management removed
it was already removed when they gave all dps jobs diversion and you're freaking out that they've abandoned any pretense
>stances removed
tank stances didn't matter as it is, on/off aggro generation is how tanks currently play and merging dps and aggro stances theoretically allows for more engaging tank rotations
>pets removed
pet ai sucks ass and isn't useful, if you're a scholar of any competency you're keeping your fairy on obey at ALL TIMES, if you're a summoner of any competency you're mashing obey when switching to garuda for contagion and then mashing sic when switching to ifrit. tag-teaming enemies with your lobotomized pet will be more engaging than ignoring them
>class identity removed
lmaoing @ ur life


That's fine, I would pass on it instantly. In fact, I'm not even touching this expansion until I see actual customer reviews.

>but im not a degenerate
>i just want to immerse myself
user, just by the simple fact that you RP you are considered a degenerate. Does it matter that you do "clean" RP? No, plain and simple you RP in a video game which many people look at in disgust.
>thinking you need to RP to immerse yourself
RP if you must but most players can get into their game without having to RP. Want to know whats immersive in MMOs that isn't RP? Having to socialize with people to get things done even in the most boring of content. It's what Yoshida failed to recreate in Eureka.

360 is all you technically need to access the last MSQ of SB. Anything after that is just gravy.

how has japan not made a mating press instant loss 2koma image yet

>mfw we go to The First, a completely different world, and somehow Allagan shit will be there

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is this game even good

You're probably gonna replace i400 gear around level 76 or so. If you're a dps or healer you can stop pretty much whenever but if you're tanking having at least i380 to ensure a smoother run is probably ideal

Stop responding to this retard, he keeps making these same posts in every thread

Should I level drg or sam before shb

it's good once you get past the extremely long tutorial

I'm grilling some chicken wings

>you RP in a video game which many people look at in disgust.
do you think I come here because I'm a normalfag?

>No, plain and simple you RP in a video game which many people look at in disgust.
It's mostly Yea Forums that freaks out about it.

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Agrias, Cid and Mustadio.

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Oh I'm aware, I recognize the copypasta responses. I do the same to the classic threads every once in a while. I just use it as an excuse to post some fun images for other anons to use in case the classic children get a bit uppity

The 5 year anniversary LL
The promotion site said the tower suddenly appeared years earlier, and they built the town around it. It's a relatively recent development.

The theory someone said in a previous thread made sense. That G'Raha woke up in the future and everything was fucked due to something happening in the First, so he used the Tower's power to put it within the First.

Safest (and logical) theory would be that the Crystal Tower had some Allagan tech inside of it that G'raha used to help defend the Crystarium. Also, the only dead civilization in the first are the Rokkans(?) which are basically our Gelmorrans.
SAM for big dick dps
DRG for jumps and becoming a dragon

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Allagan predates the split.

>Doing that shitty questline where you have to gather ingredients for some stupid feast
>About to set the tables
>Some RP FC is having an event there
>While I'm setting the table some hyur dude is having some speech about how they're all a family
>"But not that guy though"
>He was referring to me
>Some roe with a pirate RP accent calls me a cheeky little fehker
>Get flustered and start skipping dialogue and cutscenes so I can leave faster
Take your bullying ways and go to hell.

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>Liveletter day
>new PvP crossover announcement
>it's XIV x Anthem

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Thanks to time travel, Alagans traveled back in time when the world was 1

It absolutely does not. Sunderings occur because of Calamities, Allag wasn't even founded until the Third Astral.

user, that's called gentle teasing
literally just a bit of banter
they were being friendly

>cheeky little fehker

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Should have crashed their party by acting like a drunken lunatic dancing on the tables and making lewd comments about the free company leader's mother and a goobbue

>1 dot 1 nuke 1 aoe
>tanking literally brain dead easy now, every retarded tank will do same DMG as you, almost half of your skills removed
>pets removed, you need to cast "pet" abilities now
i don't get why do fanboys try to justify these terrible changes that eventually will kill the game

Is Haurchefant an option? If not, I don't give a fuck. Otherwise him Estinien and Ysale

The liveletter is going to focus on crafting and gathering changes I believe. They said they do have more PvP updates in the works but they won't be coming until 5.1 because no one does PvP at expansion release.

You mean XIV x Path of Exile

because Yoshida is a Diablo fan but Blizzard is too arrogant to do a collab with him so he instead sided with their competition

>launches 3 days before my police academy starts

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>pirate RP accent
not even using canon Eorzean curses smdh

Do I sub and catch up on story for Shadowbringers, or do I just wait till Shadowbringers comes out so I don't have to relearn combat flow twice?

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wouldn't smash threads be more receptive to shitposting epic-style

>Leveled SAM to 70 with pvp while everyone else was stuck on Raubahn Savage
I'm sad they nerfed the exp gain.

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>hauchefant even an option?

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Shadman uses Stormblood as a base for combat in general, get caught up I say.

depends on how far back you quit

I'm not, 4.0 was the absolute lowpoint of PVP between the neutered system and zoning into FL matches in which I was literally the only human player.

Water and green tea with a bunch of fruits

I'm having fun with it. I'm playing the free trial and it's my first ever MMO. There is so much to do. I'm playing as an archer and I'm only level 13 right now.

I'm going to get the full game once I hit the level cap.

>really awkward and shy
>terrible at social interactions in general
>sometimes another player runs up and stops next to me
>wonder if they're going to chat with me
>stay completely still hoping they will think I'm messing about in the menus and don't notice them

It's not really that bad but it still gets me a bit anxious. Just helping others when I see them fighting or obviously working on the same quest that I am doing or have just completed is easy though. I'm just terrible at making conversation.

How far back are you story-wise? I quit roughly before Deltascape and beastmen quests, and despite skipping cutscenes took me almost two weeks to properly catch up. If you're worried about gameplay being different just go as tank, healer or ninja.

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Do you think we're ever get 8 man dungeons again?

Guessing that's a no so it's a worthless feature.

I hate flames

Just watch the movie later

>stack marker+aoe circle happens

Why does it take dps a good 10 seconds to think about if they should stack while they have the aoe every single time?

Nah. Even if they removed the cutscenes which made Castrum and Praetorium so terrible, they probably consider normal mode raids to fulfil the same purpose and they're more fun too.

god I hope not. because it means that they have to casualize the place further to accommodate 7 retards instead of only 3.

>more fun
Nah, Castrum and Prae are great and that they were never followed up is among the game's biggest failings.

I swear to god this smarmy motherfucker better at least have some presence in the story if we're supposed to be harnessing our inner darkness or whatever to save the first.

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No, we should've though. Would've given them an excuse to make harder dungeons, then we just 4man them anyway.

I hope so. I want to marry her and kick little sun off of his stupid throne

next expansion bros...

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Next expansion is a double dps expansion

Damn it Fray.. This almost makes me want to level a DRK. Almost.

>corporate bootlicker hour defending every single change Yoshida does to make the game a button press fest for retards

Just so long as that's not what their AF gear looks like. I'm kind of glad Dancer was a DPS because it makes Chemist healer a lot more likely now.

next limited job bros...

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>pot-kettle hour

No, because FF14 fanbase is full of faggots who want to skip stuff.

5 man dungeons
1 tank
1 healer
3 dps

Dilate, I'm sure no one actually RPs with you.

>"bootlicker" user is back

Haven't played since 3.5. My PC is dead. Thinking about getting Shadowbringers on PS4, if I buy a complete ps4 edition do I still get free 30 days even though I already have an account?

>53 dungeon is in one of the starting zones of ShB
>No dungeon entrance to the 51 dungeon seen on any earlier map during Media Tour
>YFW first dungeon is a 4-person version of the crystal tower that leads into us going into the 1st.

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Monk or Ninja? Which is more technical?

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No, we need to make the dps suffer for picking the jobs with the least amount of responsibility. Keep queuing, maybe one day you'll get over your "tankxiety"

>forced to grind out an entire level before you get to go to a new zone



I need to grind the moogle tomes for mounts still.

Yes you still get the 30 days if you buy the other platform.

I want a big fluffy sheep costume.

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TK Rotation MNK > NIN > Non-TK MNK

Sorry, but it was cancelled after BLU negative reception

Monk, but it'll almost certainly be in the cuckshed while ninja seems to continue to be a staple of statics thanks to TA being unnerfed

t. ranny

Well one of the /vg/ autists is triggered.

If you do the perfectly optimized TK rotation MNK is slightly harder than optimal NIN. Generic "as intended" MNK is a lot easier than NIN however.

>Getting this upset at receiving one of the more common insults on this site
Probably shouldn't show the dude throwing out baseless to actually be correct.

Has SE said anything about healer mounts? Or what GNB's mount will be? I can't imagine there not being a healer shortage come ShB.

Do you think we'll learn anymore about the Twelve? The plotline for them seems to have dropped after ARR.

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i hope they arent going the route of "well they hate it so this is never getting touched again" rather than the "well they hate it better fix it and make it into a real job" approach

>ctrl-f "blue"
>0 results
Seems like he's just talking about the scrapped Shepherd DoH/L that was from 1.X desu

They get that way outside of their shitty thread, best to just ignore them.

what is this rotation anyway?

If you're getting this upset by an insult that is overused to the point it has lost any and all meaning you must have an aneurysm every time you open a thread on this board.

>well they hate it better fix it and make it into a real job

I hope one day they'll fix it up into a real job, blue mages are awesome

Hello, sch fix yet?

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I don't think he will by the sole reasoning that he doesn't technically exist if you never did the DRK questline. Estinien can show up because he's an actual person, but Fray is a fragment of you spawned by the DRK crystal.

I'd love for him to show up, but I don't think it's in the cards. I can imagine that there might be comments about you already being attuned to darkness if you've leveled DRK.

>well they hate it so this is never getting touched again
when was the last time this WASN'T what happened? It's a shame too, because a large swath of glamour gear could be set as the reward for doing limited job content instead of a currencies that's largely worthless even to newbies.

>come back after a while
>notice my character has a giraffe neck and tiny pea head
How the fuck did I manage to do this? I didn't know it was possible to change neck length/size/etc in the char maker this badly.

Probably not, they're much more important in the 1.0 plot they've tried to divorce themselves from. If anything it'll just be a "the Twelve were the Ascian Overlords all along!" blunt twist, like Nael being female.

poetics actually have a use if you decide to do the hw relic grind

What make tk rotation harder anyway? you do the same thing every time, only need to figure out when you can

Neck length is determined by height


tordnado kick is objectively bad from a design point
riddle of fire same

I'm talking more about the seals and gil.

You do TK every god damn time you have wind tackle.

If you aren't able to quickly rebuild your greased lightning stacks, Tornado Kick is a dps loss or at the very least DPS neutral. And for optimal results, it needs to be done during Riddle of Fire, but you also need to either have Perfect Balance up or tackle up for RoW.

>punished for making my elzn tall
But why?
I want TK gone now that we have SSS and I want RoF to stop slowing me down

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tornado kick rotation feels like shit and was an accident of riddle of wind's stack-building change

If you fuck up your dps drops dead, it's the most punishing playstyle by far. It's easy to go
>just be perfect
but it's far harder than any other job to get down pat


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>they'll never make a solo weebieval Final Fantasy with job classes ever again

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even so, it's not like there is adjusting to do or anything unlike nin has like different ocds per fight
as long you can do the raotation without fucking up and when the windows to do it youre good

Stop this meme, it was intentional, but too many players complained it was hard to pull off?

Ohhh, what? So if I made my character short, neck length/thiccness is going to be really long?

>tfw you main SCH

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I hope SMN isn't shit

No, tall characters get giraffe necks

I don't play tank and I don't play healer. I'm no beta bitch.

goddamn I'm drunk

My neck as a short character still seems unnecessarily thick, is it just my imagination?

AFAIK NIN just has the Bhava and TCJ opener that they switch between. Or is there some arcane secret NIN tech I'm not aware of?

fuck no, raids do the exact same thing but better

It's that the main character designer for this game likes long necks

I am looking forward to two years of you fucks taking every single chance you have to remind of of how bad you got fucked, it's gonna be fun.

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Characters' necks in general are a bit weird in this game, but being tall makes it a lot worse

All the character have long necks.
We all know it we just don't say it.

>it was intentional,
the simplicity of every other job's general rotation and the tk rotation only becoming viable after riddle of wind was changed suggests against that, and the severe stymie of the rotation with 5.x directly states it

>Not shitting on their party
what a fag

>that feed
western """"""""art"""""""

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Do you think yoshi is purposely trying to kill FFXIV so he can do something else with his life?


>two large guys mhiggers in the middle of limsa dancing in tandem
>both wearing almost nothing but the republican loincloth
I'm so tempted to just shout out "God hates fags" just to see the reaction, but I'm terrified of getting perma banned or something.

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final fantasy 16 is under yoshida's development-wing user, might or might not be a job-system game but it's looking like it's completely eschewing the contemporary stuff in favor of being a pure fantasy game

That's the same as ninja though. It's a little difficult to optimize thanks to ninjtsu, but I wouldn't say it's more difficult than a monk using tornado kick.
Wasn't TK a complete DPS loss until like Deltascape? I'd say ninja is easier solely because it's fairly simple to get good dps reading tooltips.


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Not much, but some time you will frog instead of bhav so you can bhav in TA later, it happens in o11s because the level checker is so long still you don't miss any cast later in the fight
TCJ doton as a thing
Clipping duality with trick because of mechanics that happen later, happen in 10s and 12s
Nin has a lot of little things like that, every fight is different

Ask how I know that you've never had a real job.

>Cant draw a background, has to use a screenshot
The real crime here

>pure fantasy game
Yoshida's saving the entire Final Fantasy franchise now

You'll shit out a frog assuming there's no downtime, but it's a fairly straightforward job.

Why is it so hard to find tasteful stuff for XIV? Literally everything else is futa or ironic degenerate shit

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>just kills himself at the end when he realizes he's lost
Zenos was a fucking pussy and I don't understand how I was supposed to hold any sense of rivalry or connection to him after he just backs out of his dogma once he loses

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Damn right, FF was at its best when it was pure fantasy.

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That's minute optimizations on a fight per fight basis, all jobs have those

God I hope he does well

>backs out of his dogma
How? His dogma is completely hedonistic and selfish. His fun was over so he noped out, there's no contradiction. The connection is to the player, who also just wants challenging new content and doesn't care about anything else.

Until the changes to riddle of wind it kinda was.
Also TK potency is still bugged, fuck off SE.

Probably more of a "I want to die a warrior than be paraded through a big trial, rot in a dungeon, before being inevitably executed" thing.

Even people in game called him a coward for it tho

These healer changes fucking suck.
I wanted our rotations to become more complex, not more brain dead.

>Wasn't TK a complete DPS loss until like Deltascape?
Yeah, it only became useful with Riddle of Wind. Being able to build GL stacks more easily changed it from a DPS loss to a DPS gain, and before that it was only used to blow GL3 on phase-transitions or other spots where a boss would jump away for long enough that GL would fall of.

If you want complex dps rotations, play a dps job

>Ever not brain dead



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That would make sense if he wasn't Japanese.

>Have two weeks off of work due to shifts falling like they have
>Decide to level a new character from scratch last week Monday.
>Grind through the ARR MSQ, have to start grinding dungeons at 35 due to MSQ experience no longer being enough.
>Finish MSQ and get stuck through the shitty 2.1-2.4 questlines, takes two days because of no motivation.
>Finish up all of HW 3.0 in one day because it's actually great.
>3.1-3.5 takes another day.
>Breeze through half of 4.0 today.

All in all, I'm a little over a week out and halfway done with SB, but I'm finally starting to wear down. I know post SB quests are pretty short, but I've put up with so much bullshit already I don't know if I can finish. XIV was not a game to rush through.

there is not a single "pure fantasy" final fantasy game.

Fuck I still gotta get my seal rock win in today. Trying to get the 100 wins achievement for the armor and the flames warhorse. I'm sitting at 7, despite playing since 2.0.

No kidding user.

No wonder he's so fucking fat

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Now you're not even gonna have a rotation!

>replacement for the first Ultimate fight this expac
>Warrior of Light (Ultimate)
>journal-entry written from Zenos' point-of-view; roleplay mission with playable Zenos, either the elf or the Garlean body, doesn't matter
>custom hotbars, plays as a version of Samurai with iaijutsu replaced by Art of the Storm, Swell, and Sword, oGCDs replaced by Unmoving Troika etc., has a training-dummy variant of the fight to become accustomed to how Zenos works
>boss-entity uses your own player-model, same as DRK's doppelganger fight, flips around between ARC, WAR, DRG, MNK, SAM and DRK

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I gave up at one. I'm gonna be content with the fucking helmet.
Also if you've been doing it since 2.0, I assume you mean 70 wins? Otherwise you should probably give up too

I dont want something on par with a level 80 dragoon, but maybe something like a level 20 lancer.
I doubt they would do more than that.

I want complex dps rotations, but instead I only get FFXIV DPS which is barely better than healers.

>want to play nin
>ninjutsu requieres 2 or 3 presses in order for skill
>if you miss it you get a huge dps loss
How long until the fix ninja and make ir easier?

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This was HW MnK and it was the best, and probably will be the best ever MnK this game will ever have.

Wait is shadowbringers literally the last expansion

He liked the Doman culture, so he committed seppuku instead. It was an honor thing

I’m downloading this game

What class should I play

My favorite class in wow is resto druid
I also really liked lancer in Tera, and guardian in gw2

I like healing and classes with lots of buffs (like vanilla paladin in wow)

Also going to be a dragon girl btw

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no, there are atleast 2 more confirmed

>How long until the fix ninja and make ir easier?
Fuck off

>The old fuckers don't owe us much
And yet Hraesvelgr can be summoned by his dad to come give us a free ride when we're in a pinch.

become what you must. become a meme

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I've been playing since 2.0, but I've only really PvPed at the end of HW and start of SB. I have close to 140 matches though. Flames almost never win, and the victories I've seen with them have been a hair's bredth from a loss.

>I like healing and classes with lots of buffs

That was more Hraesvelgr owing his dad who wanted to stop the war that was killing his children and grandchildren

When you move closer to the server.

You might like AST. But Im not sure if you can just start as them. I forget how they work.

This is what ffxiv is now. You're the one that's out of place.

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>I like healing and classes with lots of buffs (like vanilla paladin in wow)
Astromancer, though that unlocks at level 50

Get rid of the heart and he looks fucking amazing.

I need to repair my PC. I took a week off and it's going to be my first vacation in four fucking years. I need to somehow get my PC in working order before then. End my life frens.

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How long will this peace last? I say 200-300 years until Unukalhai has been properly groomed into his role

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Don't worry, Funa is dead in 5.x so enjoy your clipping.

Bros my fucking sub just ran out.. should I resub and continue leveling MIN? I left it at lvl 58.

Sounds like Astro would probably be your best bet.

You won't be able to play it for like 50+ hours though. I'd recommend starting with Arcanist, which upgrades into both Scholar (a healer) and Summoner (a DPS). It's unique in that regard.
Once you reach Heavensward, you can switch to Astrologian and go from there

>have 3 days left from my 7 day free membership

>already beat ARR
>been skipping every cutscene and every dialouge
>started HW
>killed a dragon
>now fighting pope knights

how much longer till I beat HW bros, I need to reach endgame before the newest expansion so I can play with all of you.

I don't think you really have any rivalry with him, he's just a foil to you. While you and him do similar things on paper (Seeking out exceptionally strong things and killing them), he's completely disconnected to everything else around him where you do it first and foremost for your comrades and the people around you.

Wasn't Midgardsormr going to join Nighog up until WoL spoke to him in the lake?

I don't think so, but I kinda blocked the ARR patches out of my memory.

Nah, Middy was having a nice nap, and then we woke him up for some dumb bullshit

When are we getting more inventory slots?

>skipping every cutscene and every dialouge
>so I can play with Yea Forums
Clinically retarded


Suicide in failure is the honorable thing to do though. In both notJapan and notRome.


What time are the servers supposed to go up for Shadowbringers? I have a comp day at work and I need to decide if I’m going to take it that Friday or Monday.

kill yourself cutscene skipper. you people are lower than scum and nobody here wants to play with you.


Pretty much the only time I see Flames win is when they luck into a premade.

The 3-way matchup style feels so stupid at times because one team can just endlessly dog another team for no reason, preventing them from doing anything while the third team just runs wild. Seal Rock in particular is the absolute worst because it's by far the most RNG-based mode and the victor is almost entirely determined by which base your team starts in and where and when nodes spawn.

Mostly I'm just sick of teams that don't know how to focus fire and manage to get beaten back even when they outnumber the enemy. I'd like to switch to Mael but I hate Limsa, and I'm 52 wins deep into Adders and don't want to back out until I at least get the serpent warsteed.

Much better than crummy Pokemon creatures

Definitely Astologian, but you can't start it until you're level 50 and have completed the 2.x (base game and its patches) story.
I'd say you could start as Arcanist (DPS), which develops into Summoner (DPS) and Scholar (Healer) at level 30

28th of June for early-access

wait whos that?! i almost thought it was Alphy for a minute.

Still the best healer in the game. Actually got its fairy and oGCDs buffed overall, which was the reason it was "broken" in the first place.

Meta will still be SCH/AST. WHM will still be best for dungeons but I don't know if it will be better for prog than SCH or AST anymore.

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Nah, he was content to sleep and let things happen however. The only reason he intervened at all is we woke him up out of curiosity which turned out to be fate because he had a pact with Hydaelyn to test us and eventually aid us, doing so by stripping the blessing of light away to see if we could stand without it. We proved we could, and eventually recovered it.

Why was us standing without the blessing of the light important? Perhaps for a time when we have to take up the call of darkness.

That terrible scat drawfag is still around?

how much longer bros. I need to finish this expansion QUICK

Dude, if you are skipping every cutscene, you've kinda missed the point of playing the most story heavy MMO out there.

That said, you are about halfway through HW I'd estimate if you are at the Vault

I'm of the mind PvP would've worked better had it at least been semi-organized. The three way structure only works when people gang up on the winning team, in pugs, most people just zerg whatever's closest to them.

people told me i can see every cutscene and catch up with the story in the theater or soemthing.

I'll do that after I reach the end

WHM will probably be better for prog. They're mana regen is wild and so is their raw healing. it would allow for more stuff to be seen.

do you have $13 to spend on bideo gam? yes
do you not have $13 to spend on bideo gam? no

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You're missing out on a very enjoyable part of the game.
I would advice deleting your character and starting from scratch.
You can always catch up very quickly with the end game, no matter when you get there. There's no hurry

it doesn't contain everything

when is the next LL?

But bro we lost DPS buttons that we only.had in the first place because of SCH being a the only.ever branching path promotion that the dev's have said for years was a mistake that they regret, job is fucked.


Fellas, I don't think I'm going to learn and beat O12S before SHB release. PF seems to be really slowing down, but this is what I deserve for being unsubbed for 4.4 and most of 4.5 I guess

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Their raw healing requires GCDs and it's going to be a question of how much raw healing is really going to be needed outside of what SCH and ED+Star can naturally handle.

If raid damage stays roughly the same in Shadowbringers, which it probably will, WHM won't really be necessary now that SCHs healing tools were actually buffed for some reason.

I wouldn't but that's me

Don't do this to me bro.............

its unukalhai. the WoLof the 13/ the Void

>doing savage this late

why burn yourself out for no reason?

WHM has the best oGCD heal with lillies.
>If raid damage stays roughly the same
This seems VERY unlikely seeing how hard Dungeon bosses/mobs are hitting lvl 80s synced to lvl 74.

I'd honestly rather spend the 40 dollars, rather than making a facebook account.

Wouldn't surprise me that much, we barely touched the base and outer ring areas. Those all got handled by the other chucklefucks who showed up at the tower while we cut straight to the entrance.

Fuck off cutscene skipper, you are aids

Most of the time it seems like instead of 2nd+3rd vs 1st, it's actually 1st+3rd vs 2nd. 3rd place just wants to increase their placing and will take what points they can get, while 1st place wants to secure their lead and so focuses on the team that's closest to them in points.

And yeah it would be better if the teams were organized or at least had most people know what they were doing. The reason that modes like Seal Rock come down mostly to RNG isn't because of how close nodes spawn to bases, it's mostly how the node spawns affect the movement of the teams. People will just go for the node that's closest to them, even if the point leader has 3 uncontested nodes on the other side of the map. Or they'll go for a node which is directly between nodes controlled by either enemy, essentially guaranteeing they'll get slaughtered in a sandwich attack.

Friday, after e3 is over


I need to catch up on all this side lore.

I'm pretty sure most of the lily-based abilities are on the GCD?

And leveling dungeons have always hit that hard. They are not a metric upon which required healing can be based.

The most healing intensive dungeons in Stormblood are still Bardams and Doma to this day due to how ilvl sync works for leveling dungeons.

Lily heals are on the GCD.


Why do you do this?

I'd rather MNK lose the TK rotation, regardless of anything else that happens to it.

The TK bullshit is one of the biggest reasons I dropped it in SB.

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But its easy? 15% echo means you can chill and focus on mechanics instead of fretting about uptime.

Yes, the new lily skills are all on the GCD, the dude is just a brainlet.

None of the lily spells are oGCD.

Afflatum is instant-cast and costs no MP despite being on the GCD. If you were going to cast Cure 2 or Medica anyways you get an objectively better version

we knew that already, he plays whm

anyone got the
>I just wanna Fire IV for gods sake!

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I think you still have a chance if you have a lot of time for PF recruiting.
Try to also invite people who are already done with the raid and don't have anything to do if you can

The goal is to never cast a heal that is on the GCD. This is already possible in Savage and Ultimate. I highly doubt that GCD healing will now suddenly be required in normal content.

But big nuke!!1

You're technically a faggot if you play either.

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Can't wait to see Monks in DF spamming this shit because "it has the biggest number"

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>"Oh yeah? Well I'm making a dinner before we fight Titan and you're not allowed to have any."

Most players aren't in an optimized environment and don't treat GCD heals as the devil unless they're a mid-skill SCH, whose job-design is based around that anyways.

>when cure 3, assize, and medica 2 exist

It's still a GCD spell. Whether it costs MP or not is honestly irrelevant because at the end of day, it's not something WHM needed or wanted and continues being an issue as to why SCH always have better pDPS than WHM despite the fact on a dummy in Stormblood WHM has higher.

They should put Aetherflow actions on the GCD. Balances the healers and gives SCH something to break up their rotation at the same time. I see no downsides.

We can assume most players attempting the newest Savage tier are going to be around that level.

WHM will still be viable, I just don't see most groups using it for prog anymore. Again that's just my guess. Won't know till the new tier starts.

>delays your GCDs by two rolls
>"but 400 is higher than twin snakes+dragon kick"
I'm gonna cry

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don't give them any more retarded ideas please

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The Fairy potency was nerfed hugely. Its only better during a long cooldown when Seraph is out.

>cure 3, assize, and medica 2
>when earthly star exists

You lose 1 gcd, not 2. Comparing it to 2 gcds is totally appropriate.

Embrace got hit but I believe everything else was buffed slightly or left the same, not even including Seraph. I suspect SCH is going to come out better than it already was.

Hey, Im just trying to compare shed to shed man

No one ever cared if it was going to be worse.
They just wanted more buttons to press. Can't blame them.

Papa John's and Super Mario Maker 2 while I wait for the servers to stop lagging the fuck out

Bros you got your grease on my lightning....

I always knew mnk were jewish

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I'm a SCH main and god I hope so

>I'll never have THF as its own, full job without Ninjutsu weebshit

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fair enough

i'm just trying to have a few giggles at whm's expense

especially the ones that think they got buffed in shadowbringers

It gives you a chance to spam oGCDs, or at least I think that's what its purpose is.

It's closer to 1 1/2 since at GL4 with AF4 gear and comparable accessories, the timer was 3.8 seconds

Take your job-stone off and tell everyone in the instance you're just playing THF

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It's a pretty safe bet. WHM didn't have any of its problems addressed. The only way we'd be fucked is if the meta somehow became AST/AST, but it doesn't seem like it's in that strong of a position either.

a fucking job quest SUMMARY
why is it so fucking good

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It writes itself.

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It's still a DPS loss because you can simply just do your oGCDs while keeping your GCDs rolling. It's designed to only be used for moments when you have to disengage from the boss to do mechanics, like when you get tethered during big fists in O11S. Esentially a TK that doesnt remove your stacks, but if thats the case then why even keep TK?

I feel like something was lost along the way design wise when healers are free to DPS enough to the point that they literally do not want to use their actual healing spells under any circumstances. I'm not against healers DPSing but it seems like the pendulum has swung just a tad too far in that direction.

>Pf seems to be running
Where do you play? Mine is full of it

>tfw finally PERFECTED my hrothgar
>tfw wont post it to protect my special snowflake

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I wonder how long the 80 job quests will be and if we'll see our crews again.

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I was initially disappointed at its lack of aoe but lbr it turned into broil spam anyway

Yeah but your normal combo rotation is always going to work out to higher average potency especially if you're not refreshing Twin Snakes for some reason. The average potency of two MNK combo attacks is around 500, but that might not be obvious to your average DF sperg so they'll just mash the 400 potency move because it's bigger number and even refreshes GL for them without having to worry about pesky combos or positionals.

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With their limited hair and face options there will be at least a dozen others who look exactly like you don't worry

No reason to worry, sch definitely looks like the strongest healer

Fuck, I love the content that deals with the WoL's inner insecurities. I hope we get more.

Are you ready for the 1 healer meta with all the healing abilities DNC and SMN has?

Most healers already struggle enough at their job even without touching any of the DPS buttons.

They could change encounter design such that more healing is required, but then you'd have bad healers repeatedly wiping your group for hours on end rather than just costing you a few minutes.

It'd be an absolute disaster if they went the WoW route in terms of healing required, especially because XIV is so heavily oGCD-based compared to WoW.

If healers already have issues finding their DPS buttons, they're going to have even worse of a time trying to find their oGCDs and cooldowns. I doubt most of them even know what an oGCD is.

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Not who you're replying to, but yeah Alphascape is a breeze in PF. Sigmascape though? Rougher.

I want to fuck him up the butt in the mating press position so bad.

I'm honestly hoping the meta shifts to solo heal SCH + 5 DPS after the stupid buffs they got.

Which will be quickly addressed by SE absolutely kneecapping SCH even harder rather than admitting they made some mistakes with the healer redesign.

SCH seems to have more tools than ever for healing, but their DPS will be abysmal like the rest.

I hope we get more like this from the MSQ in general, as someone who hasn't even unlocked DRK (Nor have the intention to do so) I want more shit like this.

kek, glad someone finally made this

All recast times in the game so far are reduced by the same relative amount depending skill speed and buffs. So whenever a 2.0 recast time skill gets shortened to 1.8 a 3.0 recast would be shortened to 2.7. Why would SSS and GL4 be any different?

they start in ul'dah for a reason bro

m-muh extra big dick dps :(

imagine associating WATER with neckbeards

seconding this, Darksteel Scutum is kino

Dude, play Dark Knight even if you don't plan to actively use it. it has the best class storyline by far.

but it's not

I haven't seen the link to the interview that talks about the job quests that people refer to but from the excerpt Yoshi said it'll be something like you come back to the Source after the 5.0 main story and see what your job trainers have been up to while you were gone.

As long as the 80 quests are a little bit longer/meatier than any single job quest from 1-70, I'll be okay with it. In a job questline, most of the individual quests just feel like filler that's only there to fill up the quota, and the actual story progression only happens at 2 or 3 points in the whole questline. You could easily condense most of them into 1 or 2 medium-length quests. I'd put the DRK quests as an exception though, each one of them feels like it's relevant to the story and building towards a climax.

>MNK is six sided star
>SAM has shoah
>Both share gear

Oh im not saying it's different, I'm just saying that you're still delaying GCDs by 1.5 when you SSS as part of your rotation

It sounds like it might be like a roleplay quest, but since it's whatever class we are playing, it won't have to be mechanically dumbed down.

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Just increase healing requirements in Savage/Ultimate then. That seems to be the only content that matters to people who really intensely care about healer rotations, and they won't be too bothered if dungeons and normal modes stay ez mode.

I wish more job quests were like SMN where you get to use your shiny new Max level job ability on the quest’s bad guys, but I guess with Yoshi adding and replacing abilities every expansion that is simply not possible.

Skillspeed doesn't matter in regards to SSS because no matter how much faster you can go, it's still the same amount of GCDs being lost

The fuck is a yalm?

Blame that on powerful oGCD abilities, especially so on SCH ever since HW. And ShB doesn't address any of it at all whatsoever and possibly only make it worse as SCH got nothing new on the GCD added, only more oGCD.

While for shitters this doesn't matter, but the main reason why SCH is so absurd isn't just because Critlo lets them literally ignore mechanics but because they can just constantly DPS while also healing effortlessly.

AST can heal and boost raid DPS at the same time effortlessly and their oGCD kit even gets a buff as far as healing goes in ShB with Celestial Opposition being remade into a heal instead of Stun/buff extender.

Meanwhile WHMs new toys are all on the GCD and their oGCD kit is the weakest of the 3. So in order for it to provide damage it has to give up healing, or if it wants to heal it gives up damage. This is why people keep crying for WHM to get some raid utility (read group dps buff) but what they should just do is make their pDPS all on the oGCD and BTFO what SCH and AST can do, problem solved.


Yard. Three Fulms. Yes, Imperial System yet JP works off Metric.

A yard.
Seems Eorzea uses Imperial measurements

I mean, there are still quests where you have to use your job abilities. I remember there was a Rogue quest where you were told to use Goad. I have no idea what happens in that quest now.

That's exactly what I was saying, but the other guy is saying it's the length of 1.5 extra gcds and not 1 for some unknown reason.

So is there anyone who actually queues for Flames frontlines anymore, or is it just entire freelancers now? I don't see why anyone would actually do that to themselves.

It will definitely be worse now that SCH can crit on demand and doesn't have energy drain to dump AF stacks.

SCH can now spend all of their stacks on oGCD healing without feeling bad about it.


I still don’t get this ability. I am happy I don’t have to wait until lv 80 for Tsubame Gaeshi but are they expecting us to stop everything to meditate just for 500 potency?

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t.xiv forum femroe tranny

They were literally body guards for Platinum Mirage jews in 1.0. They were bouncers for the place and also personal thugs for their clients, who sent them to get rough up goyim and get the shekels they were owed.

I thought it was just for when you use Meditate in between a fight's phase transitions?

I don't play SAM though.

can i get a quick rundown of the vents between 4.1 and 4.5?
had to play catch up and skipped everything up until the last encounter with zenos and based Estinien saving your ass

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My question is how the fuck does Adders keep getting all the premades? Wouldn't flames be the choice GC to put premades since they're freelance?

Freelancer is on by default now

go to your inn room and watch the cutscenes ya dingus

Pugilists that is.

It's not part of your rotation, it's just a nice bonus you can use during transition.

Why the fuck didn't we get a wolf man beast tribe?

Why, it takes like 5-6 hours to do it all.

What show is this?

It's touch of death

completely forgot about that, thanks for the reminder


Look at it this way, 500 free potency on transition. Compare that to Seigan which is a 20 potency gain for 2 OGCD casts that can only be used at very specific timing. It would take you 50 OCGDs between Third Eye and Seigan to make up one transition period Shoha.


AST's oGCD heals aren't really enough to support a whole raid though. It's Aetherflow heals that are the real problem because they're basically the most powerful heals in the game yet they're oGCD and SCH gets 3 every single minute. They have so many that they often just blow their aetherflow on more damage with Energy Drain. Other healers can't compete.

>level 80 skill is filler trash
nice thanks very excited for shadowbringers now.....

Biggs, Wedge, Jesse

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-biggs-wedge-jessie.jpg (400x260, 19K)

I'm on Adders and I wish I got premades. Seems like I get premades less often than any GC.

You get a 1200 potency single target version of Guren and a double iaijutsu CD. What more do you want?

>Energy Drain is gone
>Get to spend even more stacks on oGCD heals
>Can probably solo heal with minimal effort now

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If you switched the levels of Shoha and Senei would that satisfy you?

I don't get the desire for the lvl 80 skill to be the "best" one when ideally you'd want to get the good skills as early as possible so you can use them while leveling and when you get synced down.

Yeah but thats like once per fight. You'll never see anudda Shoha. I'd much rather get a cooldown or a rotational move.

>AST's oGCD heals aren't really enough to support a whole raid though
It doesn't need to yet it's getting buffed to do exactly that in ShB. The entire card system is on the oGCD and while the average DPS boost AST can give in ShB will be lower than right now, it's now -always- a DPS boost as the RNG is gone and you can easily buff more than one target at once in some cases with Sleeve Draw and Divination. It's funny to me people seem to think AST is somehow becoming irrelevant because AoE Balance is taken out but it's still stupidly good, especially for burst phases.

are they doing anything related to spreading skills better as you level?
i swear most classes rotation are complete ass until 68

>take away 100 potency on fairy
>give sacred soil a 100 potency regen

Nerfing scholars is a complex task

Nope. Only gets worse as some low level skills got moved to higher level

Cards overall are going to be about 60-70% as good as they were on average.

Bad card RNG sucked but the payoff was so high compared to the ShB numbers that it didn't matter.

ASTs are more lamenting the loss of the interesting card mechanics in favour of "all cards are balance" because parsefags hate RNG.

Even if all cards still give damage, I wish they had at least kept 1 extra unique non-damage effect on each card.

They buffed Fey Illum too. Just really questionable decisions all around. SCH will be a lot more boring but seems just as busted if not more than it already was.

I don't know about most jobs, but MCH definitely looks better to play at lower levels.

If you have less than 30 ping it probably is

I never liked thancred, so i hope we get a new tank trust npc eventually

What the fuck is a oGCD?

i'm a middie master race, filthy beastman

Off Global Cooldown. Skills like rampart, provoke, Berserk, Internal Release, Rouse. You can use them inbetween you normal skills.

SMN is getting fester really early now

oGCD = off GCD

It's a skill that is not tied to the 2.5s Global Cooldown.

No, if anything jobs are even worse now. Not MUCH worse, but still worse. MNK especially has almost no skills at 50.

every skill labeled as Ability is off global cooldown

Skills represent an evolution of a class. getting guren changed the class quite a bit. This represents... irrelevant levels of damage during a phase shift.

>Sacred Soil has more potency than indom
>and the same cooldown
>and 10% damage mitigation
>with 50% uptime

Were they trying to make the most OP healing move imaginable?

The GCD is so slow there's shit to press in between the GCD rolling again. Those are called off GCDs, or oGCDs, they also don't do a GCD roll when you press them and are mostly instant.

It's the same potency as Indom.

I rewtched all the old job trailers and whoever makes them really fucking stepped it up for SHB. The transitions are VASTLY improved

>Actually got to move Sacred Soil from my situational keybinds to one of my main ones

I am ready

From the media tour soil's instant buff application works for the HoT, so you get an extra tick immediately when placing it

whether that's how it'll work on release, who knows

Can a class not evolve at levels below the cap? If anything it is fucking dumb when jobs have to work with an incomplete or modified rotation as they level, and then at level cap they suddenly get a skill that changes everything and they have to relearn their job. That's what happened to BLM in Heavensward where they learn Fire IV at 60 which practically makes them a new job.