What are some video games people claim to be deep and designed to make you think but really aren't?
What are some video games people claim to be deep and designed to make you think but really aren't?
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Bioshock Infinite
If you can't tell the difference between establishing location and focusing on objects that are meant to evoke meaning, why take a class on writing in the first place? Being an electrician will make you more money anyway.
hey man, nothing wrong with getting your GED
that one's sort of an odd ball. the creators obviously meant for it to be 2deep4u but it just came across as a bunch of nonsense because they weren't competent enough story writers to make it as such. I doubt any of them actually knew, and some people just pretended to be in on it.
>implying the author completely understands his own story
>There's only one route guys, choices don't matter
>No, I just wanted to tell a linear fucking story, your choices don't matter
Spec Ops
But the author wrote the story?
Death of an authorfags are cancerous commies.
The only time this has been true is with JK Rowling
Dark Souls.
So many lorefags talk about the themes of existentialism and the meaning of life, and choosing your own destiny, and COINCIDENTALLY the game just happens to be promoting the exact same philosophy that they personally agree with
Dark Souls is not a commentary, it's a mirror.
Gone Home
Yes he does, you dumb fuck.
One time my stupid boomer english teacher was spouting this shit about one of our assigned books and I wrote the author with some of her "deeper meanings" and he wrote back an incredibly long 3 page letter explaining that she was stupid and going on a tirade about books being ruined by people like them assigning personal feelings to them and claiming it's the true meaning. I got detention because he swore in it.
Dark souls is definitely up there. People make up so much shit about that game that isn't true to get YouTube ad money.
Anything by kojima
More like their message got compromised because they didn't want to alienate the core demographic.
>we want to make a game about how nationalism and identity politics are bad because they lead to isolationism.
>wait wait wait we also really need to coddle the player and reassure them that we're not calling THEM racist, so let's make all the villains cartoon characters
It it didn't matter why did the author feel the need to mention the color of the curtains then hmmm?
>an incredibly long 3 page letter
reading that book must have been rough huh
>Book comes out.
>Say it has this and this meaning and the story is actually about this.
>Author says no, the story is about what they wrote.
Except the curtains were blue for a reason you dumb fuck. Do you think great authors who spend literal years tuning thier book just pick setting out of a hat? Blue curtains in a dark, dusty room has a different feeling than sparkly golden curtains.
Also this, unironcially.
>read a book
>find some meaning in it based on the content of the story
Because the book has to be a certain length decided by the publisher so they needed to fill out some pages. No one's gonna buy a 60 page book.
literally any FROM game post DeS. Especially BB.
>it's all just a dream
Yes it is faggots don't pretend otherwise
And your interpretation is better because?
Death of the author faggot.
More the people with the greatest propensity for invoking Barthes have not actually read Barthes and need to stop posturing.
>Dark Souls is not a commentary, it's a mirror.
Playing Dark Souls is a slog at this point and so is my life, I guess it fits
Killer 7
The plot/stories are pretty easy to follow but after gutting a lot of the stuff that was to connect it to the rest of his games (which left some holes) people saw it all as 2deep when if you paid attention and filled in the blanks it was easy to follow.
i just had flashbacks to 6th grade
and why should anybody on earth care about whatever retarded little idea you derived from something
>hey guys did you know x means y
>author says that isn't the case moron
You might not know this, but reading a book entails using your imagination. Authors usually like to make it easier for you by providing helpful prose called "descriptions" that serve to help you picture what is happening. It's in the author's interest, too, since they are telling a story, after all.
No one's going to read hundreds of pages describing the decor of the room, either.
That's why people cite the text to support their interpretations.
Danganronpa V3
>Author: She picked up the sword to symbolize her maturity and acceptance to defend her family
It was in like 5th grade you dick.
So you're citing "the curtains were blue" to support that the author meant depression. You haven't proven shit, you're just running in circles.
>Retards who think Bram Stoker's Dracula is about repressed homosexuality and other dumb hypersexual shit
yes they will
readers will read tons of sperging about the desert in dune, tons of fake sportsball in hairy pooper, and thy will read 300 pages of descriptions of drapes in my magnum opus
If there is no significance to the colour of the curtains, then you would not a waste a sentence describing their colour.
Think those games are dumb all you want; but, the question was whether or not they were designed to make you think, not whether it was done successfully.
>criticize the critic's moronic ramblings
The only good literary analysis is that which seems obvious in hindsight. Since this is beyond the capability of retards desperate to prove their intelligence, they just make up the most fantastical flying bullshit instead.
Why even give the illusion of choice and reuse assets from your previous game then
>he was in a room
>and that's all I'm going to describe because it's the only thing directly relevant to the story
bitch have you ever even read a book
>why yes, I am a staunch proponent of the Reader-Response theory. How could you tell?
>then you would not a waste a sentence describing their colour.
I barely read books and even I know this is the lowest IQ post in the thread
>Why even give the illusion of choice
Every jrpg has the illusion of choice. Undertale was just the only one where it wasn't an illusion.
>and reuse assets from your previous game then
He's a lazy dev
What do you call it when the work is legitimately just about as deep as a puddle and literally only there for an excuse to kill a big monster enemy at the end of a raid
but the fans SWEAR the story is extremely deep when it has never been, the characters extremely detailed and dimensional when they have never been, and that the current story is WORSE and they DEMAND it get better despite it never have been good since the beginning
>he's so normalfaggot and braindead he literally cannot conceive of an artist putting that much detail into their work
Nice try faggot, I never denied such books existed, but to imply that's the norm/expected thing to do is fucking retarded.
Haha trying to watch you back peddle that was cute.
Once here in Brazil huehuehue a famous author wrote a formal complaint on a newspaper because one of hour biggest universities applied a test where the official answers were complete misinterpretations from the author's texts.
Fuck language teachers, they are basically failed authors seething on real talented people's work and trying to take it for them.
>I barely read books
then don't act like you know anything about them, retard
if the curtains are blue, it was a conscious choice and, whether the author likes it or not, it means something, particularly when using colors.
>whether the author likes it or not
Nice try, commie.
Death Stranding
no it doesn't
>whether the author likes it or not
You are illiterate. Significance /= directly related to driving the plot.
>He was in a room
>There was a wavy haired doll on the bed
Reminds us of his relationship with his sister
>He glanced at the Luru poster
Foreshadows getting raped by a wolf girl at the end of the novel
>A dusty copy of Joyce's Portait of the Artist sat on the table and a Mishima beneath it
Causes you to reflect on the themes of aesthetics and nationalism and how they might relate to this story
Books aren't random words.
Why mention the color if it had no deeper meaning?
The use of a Venn diagram to whine about that reeks of a teenager who thinks he is smarter than he is.
this is bait, right?
Even fucking Virginia Woolfe novels always convey significance within the character's thoughts, memories, and allusions.
Minimum word count, or maybe his daughter asked him to make them blue, or an editor said to include it, etc
because it establishes the atmosphere of the setting. there is no greater meaning than the person who bought and placed the curtains liking the color blue.
user you are reading too much into it. Sometimes text don't have subtext. Like this one, your a fag.
Why write a book at all?
Git Gud
Am I supposed to know what the fuck youre spazzing about
lurk more you newfag piece of trash. you can fit a WHOLE FUCKING LOT MORE WORDS into one post than spacing your diamond dozen, average insight into multiple posts for attention
I don't know if there are any of those, but I DO think there are a lot of games that the creators think are deep, but are not deep. Such as Doki Doki Literature Club and Braid.
I recall this one quote where some author was sitting in on a professor's lectures and said that his ideas about his work were wrong, and then the professor was like "Just because you wrote it doesn't mean you understand it". And at that point I came to understand that Death of the Author-fags are self-centered hypocrites who think they know better than everyone else.
>how nationalism and identity politics are bad because they lead to isolationism.
why is isolationism bad?
Nice ebin assumption. I was going to write it in the first post, but it slipped my mind.
Because singular details provide contextual perception of the setting. Ones that encourage the reader to imagine the rest of it. God forbid authors think they have to provide a blueprint of exposition to provide for a scene. All because an 8th grade English teacher will expect a 2000 word report about individual details.
Even just Bioshock 1. The way they handled the themes and the endings was laughably retarded.
See Japan pre-WW2
Literally only plebians would think like this.
Do you watch a movie and not think about the colors in a scene? Do you listen to people speak around you and not wonder what their choice of words implies?
there is literally nothing wrong with using details of the environment and the colors around the characters to reflect a character's emotional state or arc
so nothing
Yea Forums here.
You people are spooks.
Not everything has dept.
People do shit "just because" all the time.
You mean when they invaded Manchuria in 1936 or waged a war against Russia in 1905? That's isolationist for you?
That's not the point
>Do you watch a movie and not think about the colors in a scene?
Nope. I don't even think about the cinematography unless it's a pain to watch with shitty cuts and angles. I don't notice this at all.
The idea that every single little bit of text needs to have meaning is a really pseud thing. Even with the most poignant authors, you're going to have lines or descriptions that are meant more to color a scene, evoke certain emotions, or just break monotony rather than to hide some sort of hidden insight into a character's psyche. While I agree that it's probably blue for a specific reason, that doesn't mean every little line of every book written by a decent author needs to be psychoanalyzed.
Now a days teachers are more like
>The blue curtains represent the failure of capitalism also did I mention that teachers get paid next to nothing?
yes, when the author does it
Allied to the World's largest empire? Invading China? Multiple colonies? How was pre-Second World Japan isolationist? Did you mean pre-Meiji?
Its a cultural difference, American literature tends to be more vague and less descriptive, so the things it does mention often do carry some significance, death of the author is a very American concept.
They should, they fucking wrote it.
no i spend hours pondering the dialogue of television shows the hack writers cannot even be bothered to remember the continuity for
What author did this and literally got away with it being a 2deep4me? Stephen King?
if there is a depressed character surrounded in blue and the author takes the fucking time to detail the fact that his surrounding are blue then there's a pretty good fucking chance that he didn't just mean the curtains were fucking blue
What does Death of the Author mean?
This shit happens in college too.
t. Person who took a Text Analysis class where the main subject is love
Silent Hill, it's just a survival horror game
It means I can say whatever I want about a book and deserve to be taken seriously for some reason
Imagery, vividness. Also
>direct symbolism
>deeper meaning
How close to 0 does your IQ have to be?
It means you disregard the author's intent, see
it's a band from the 00s the put out hit songs like "the sound of settling"
Where's the link for the pre-order?
Also don't forget American Psycho has an entire chapter dedicated to the main character's morning routine and it's absolutely horrible.
Read the post again. Specifically the very first word in that post. Focus on that first word. If nothing comes up in your brain, try googling the word. Go ahead user, I believe in you, I know you can figure out what the post is about.
Kys zoomboi no one cares about your dumb zoomy shit.
>atmosphere of the setting
Which typically relate directly to deeper meaninga of the book
No one cares about your shit game
One of the best examples of it is Fahrenheit 451, anyone who read it came to the obvious conclusion that its about government censorship, yet if you asked the author he would tell you its about how television makes you stupid. Should we care about the authors intent when it makes the story stupid?
I don't know why people like you think something either has to exist in its most extreme form or it's not that thing. Politics aren't genders.
Just because someone didn't mean to say something doesn't mean they didn't say it.
>Do you think great authors who spend literal years tuning thier book just pick setting out of a hat?
Most authors write pop culture crap to appeal to at the time audiences.
I bet you think romeo and juliet is a deep emotional love story too instead of a black comedy about a couple of dumbass teenage drama queens.
albeit possible for an author to specifically do this, it's related to framing your experience of the book
it could simply mean the author likes that color, just like you simply like chocolate or vanilla without it meaning anything other than being a preference
exactly. you just proved the original point that everything has deeper meanings.
Please don't respond to newfags. All you do is encourage their behavior (as already seen.)
Are you fucking retarded?
Both sides of this retard fight are at least somewhat correct. To summarize:
Yes, everything in a book has some sort of meaning regardless of its overall significance. No, that meaning might not be particularly significant, even to the author. Yes, even after thought details like the color of the curtains or the particular day or the type of carpet were chosen due to some likely subconscious urge from the author. No, you should not base your overall thoughts on the book over what those exact urges were or how they reflect on the author's viewpoint because it's impossible to figure out with any certainty. Yes, this paragraph is both redundant and repetitious.
Finally, and to contradict myself somewhat: reading should be enjoyable. Whether you get your kicks picking apart every word of a book to try and get closer to the author's true vision, or if you read it once and it means something personally meaningful to you, neither is better or worse than the other. There is not a wrong way to read books with the exception of against your will.
>calls others zoom
>the curtains were blue
>they author wrote this because he wanted to describe the room
>woah... so deep...
>they weren't competent enough story writers to make it as such
It's th same problem of writers that whant to write smart characters but they are too dumb to make them actually smart so to make them look smart make every other character much dumber that them.
Dear Esther. The entire game is skin deep.
so are you just retarded or did you already forget the first sentence in the two sentence post
>because it establishes the atmosphere of the setting.
they make them look smart by having them play chess and have them be right about things they couldn't deduce
Based user, based author.
Most english teachers are stuck up pretentious failed writers themselves, they deserve to be shat on by actual successful and skilled writers.
all of them desu
Let's be real, you probably got detention because you embarrassed her dumb ass.
The swearing was just her excuse.
The curtains aren't in a vacuum, you fucking mouthbreather. Where are the fucking curtains? Are they on the floor of a russian house that was shelled? Are they freshly woven by a character in a story?
Context is important here and there can be no context in this one-line premise written by some balding 22 year old Californian who just got out of college and can't wait to shittalk his teachers.
That's why I said great authors you stupid fuck. there's your problem, you don't pay attention to what you read.
did Shakespeare ever mention the color of curtains? Hmm?
It never ceases to amaze me how poor at comprehending or analyzing art gamers are. I'm usually eager to defend literature arts but apparently English teachers really are fucking morons if this is the result.
>m-muh curtains were fuckin blue XDDD
>uh there's no TRUE MEANING xDDD it's just blue bro blue has no significance to anything and also literature analysis is about solving puzzles in the author's mind
>what is close reading, wait which author died???
Please never consider any artistic endeavors, guys
Damn user you totally owned Barthes with your 5th grade book report XD gottemm
>It's a color it has to be deep.
Wow Mega Man's the world's most depressed character, 120 games and he still wears blue even though he gets a new suit in every game.
This entire thread is people mixing up "pretentious" or "poorly written" with "meaningless" or "not deep". The Metal Gear Solid series is an extremely political and philosophical diatribe by an absolute madman with countless symbols and meanings both intended and incidental. Just because it's a bunch of retarded nonsense doesn't mean it's not "deep"
no one cares about you or your blog post
this is the deeper message you should have taken away from this dialogue, but since you are a speedreader, this message escaped your purview
Death of the author has nothing to do with symbolizing you fucking whelps
It has to do with the message and meaning that you interpret from a piece of text.
Thanks for the reply user
It depends on the author, you fucking morons. The curtains being blue can mean anything depending on who wrote it: if it was Shakespeare or Cervantes then it definetly has a meaning, if it is in a shit fanfic or a YA Walmart knock-off then it's just there to fill pages.
Acting like all authors operate exactly the same is fucking stupid.
hope you work out your ressentiment
>Yea Forums - Video Literature
>Acting like all authors operate exactly the same is fucking stupid.
Good thing no one is doing that
Nier Automata.
Read again. They're talking about OP's example as something that can only have one of two answers instead of thinking that it can be different depending on the author or context.
no one is doing that
this board talks everything but vydia, which is good because Yea Forums is trash
He always seems kind of sad in the endings. X even more so.
You guys dick suck the author so much. What if the author blatantly contradicts what happens in the book? There are no interpretations just the text itself. What you get out of the text changes from person to person but that doesn't change the text.
Death of the Author means you do not consider the Author's intentions when interpreting the meaning of text, you draw only from what the text provides, as seen in the example given by It does not in fact mean, that all interpretations are equally valid, despite what the retards here say, you have to cite the text and effectively argue for your meaning.
Red Dead Redemption 2. It's just umpteenth post modern, cynical take on the Western genre. Along the same vein as The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. Takes many narrative elements from the Wild Bunch and Tombstone. faggots will declare the game is good though, because it's "cinema, so cinema"
try harder or you won't get another (You)
It's about how the author's intent means little when it comes to deriving meaning from a work. People who say shit like are trying to mislead you
do you only read books written by crazy people and schizophrenics ?
It should be stressed that Death of the Author acknowledges that the Author is obviously allowed an interpretation and that interpretation may well be useful in analyzing the text, but it's no more valid than anyone else's properly cited and argued interpretation.
>the curtains aren't in a vacuum
What the utter fuck are you talking about? They're curtains. They can be blue, they can be golden, or even electrical, you utter abortion. Authors don't need to systematically resort to middle school tier symbolism to jerk their misplaced egos off like you apparently do. Jesus Christ, pretending there is deep imagery in every bit of text ever written is like the go-to thing in which pseudo intellectuals with 0 creative ability find refuge in. You are here arguing about a fucking hypothetical example, with no context whatsoever, claiming with a 100% certainty that the color blue has deeper meaning.
Good writers are born, not made. Prove me wrong.
i have decided that all arguments are effective and equally valid
Get fucked, my good lad
3/4ths of the backstory being told through cassettes underline the central theme of language as a weapon since we, the audience, are being held hostage by words.
The long awkward car ride represents the concept of detente, where a false peace is forced on the weaker party while the other is in control of proceedings under the guise of mutual betterment and a shared goal.
That's not what death of the author means. You can interpret a book which is open to interpretation but once you disagree with the stated intention of the author you're basically making a headcanon and just one step away from being a faggot fanfic writer.
>did Shakespeare ever mention the color of curtains? Hmm?
No, but he did deliver a bunch of one liner pick up lines that makes people both then and now cringe hard, and I love the part where one kid drinks poison and kills them self because they immediately assume the other person whom they've spoken to for all of five minutes is dead without checking, and then the other person kills himself because the other actually did off them self, and then they're both dead because who bothers to think with their head instead of their penis?
What were we talking about?
The deeper meanings behind some pointless set piece or something? lol
Why do you think this painting has a dark wall behind the scene instead of an idlyic beach scene?
good writers aren't illiterate
So... what do you consider high-tier symbolism? Just curious.
If a person spent their lives not reading or writing and just doing the bare minimum to stay literate, they would not be as good of a writer as someone that studied the craft for years.
Almost everyone who isn't a complete retard had at least once in his life a good idea for a story but lacked the technical skills or resolve to pull through. Obviously talent makes it much easier but you can become a good writer by effort.
It is a bit deeper than your average VN, but it's still just a uniquely presented detective story.
because it is an enclosed space with few sources of light
The only reason literature analysis and shit causes you people such distress is that there are truly no right answers. It's not like math where you can substitute your lack of social and critical thinking skills with sheer computational autism and get the objective answer. You have to think and convey meaning, thought, feeling, and then back up these subjective thoughts with sometimes ambiguous observations that require a fairly basic, but still vastly complex, understanding of human language and social behavior. This is hard for you, and is probably the reason you guys never shut up about 6th grade language arts class. It makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it. You were probably growing into your own, hitting an awkward phase, and suddenly you're asked to give your subjective, personal interpretations for the class. It's probably pretty scary, and you probably sounded like a total idiot in front of that girl you liked. So you pretend that art is "objective" and that you can judge things on numbers and points, which is why video game criticism is such a massive shithole and why film criticism has gone to the "objectivity" dogs like mauLer and CinemaSins. If you pretend that there ARE right answers, then you can pretend that you HAVE right answers. Then you can never be wrong. It's why you dicksuck an author's stated intent or interpretation so much, because he's the author, so he's right. Even when he changes his mind about what the book meant years down the line. He was right when it was about this, and he's right when it's about that. Because someone has to be right, and you have to have the right answer.
Feel free to prove me wrong, but you can't. Just think about how red in the face you got sitting there, everyone staring at you. The funniest thing is that all the other kids probably felt the same way, but your combination of low self-esteem and unearned narcissism makes you think your experiences were unique and life-defining.
No I hate it because it discourages debate.
Who is this author?
you realize that most of the scene is perfectly lit, right?
>discourages debate
That's literally the entire point, user. You only think it discourages debate because you think a debate is only one if someone can win. People have argued interpretations of the same exact text for literal decades. What is more encouraging of debate than "meaning is not objective and you can interpret things uniquely, so argue your point of view and provide evidence"
>Should I be able to fix a writers own shitty story with my own head Canon and then pretend it's a good story
No faggot
well, blue curtains being a symbol of depression aren't it, for a start.
you are just a parasite that attaches himself to works that people are interested in for the purposes of espousing your own views that you do not think would be received with any interest were they not juxtaposed with real art
Sure, but what is?
only children believe that an author understands everything he writes
Perhaps you are right. But that doesn't prove me wrong.
It discourages debate because faggots instantly jump back "i-it's just subjective, everyone is entitled to their opinions!" as an excuse not to debate.
Didn't the guy who wrote Bioshock admit he thought it was a cheesy and bad ending?
Only to the extent that the author's views are known for certain. Otherwise the idea is to treat any work as though the author were actually dead, and all we have to go on is the work and what we know of the author.
>The only reason literature analysis and shit causes you people such distress is that there are truly no right answers
Sorta, it's more that obnoxious retards conflate no right answers with all answers being equally right. Some things just plain aren't supported by the text, and it gets insufferable to be told we should give equal time to the theory that the story (any story, pick one) is really the fever dream of someone in a coma.
I think From made a bunch of bullshit, nonsensical dialogues, references to nothing and ambiguity so fans could make their own conclusions. I love it, tho, loved the game and love to read about the lore and theories.
If it's a good writer, they picked a realistic reason to have blue curtains there. For example, whoever put the blue curtains in the room thought they looked good.
Persona 4.
Nier automata
Drakengard 1 (sorry)
Spec ops the line.
I also think the op is kind of silly. Authors actually set the mood with colors and descriptions. If someone said a room was dark and stuffy, you would infer this is actually based on the situation, not that the room was just dark and stuffy.
>author writes a father figure
>actually he was gay and he pooped his pants
>the author has the final say
No one who genuinely understands media analysis gives genuine credence to all theories, that's pretty much a strawman, the only place you see anything like that is youtube game theory-tier horse shit
What kind of person would have thick blue curtains pulled tight, blocking out the sunlight? What kind of person would have thin white curtains pulled back to let as much light as possible in?
prove what wrong
your entire project is flimflam to justify stealing attention from popular works because you are a pussy
if we were all looking at the communication protocols underlying sending messages across the internet, you would pull some shit out of your ass about their deeper meaning that just so happens to be whatever dumb shit occupies your feeble mind, and when someone explained to what they really were you would shit your pants about there not being a correct answer
you are a worthless faggot and i hope you die
The example does not mention the curtains being "thick" or pulled tight.
Sorry Mrs. Tewilliger embarrassed you in front of Becky, user
the opening pic is a strawman, user.
The example is context-free horseshit that no actual information can be drawn from, user was expanding on it so that some meaning can actually be drawn
>user was expanding on it in such a way that it would prove him right
>itt. kids that didn't pay attention to their lit. teachers
Okay I'll toss my hat in. Of course it's true that people misinterpret or assign meaning to text that isn't there. There's something to be said about the book meaning something different to everybody to reads it, but that's kind of a gay conversation to have and not the point I'm trying to make.
Bottom line, authors use the words they use for a reason. There may not be a "deep" meaning to it, but saying some dumb shit like "they just wanted to set the scene" or "that's just the color lol" are a bit reductive when you're referring to anything other than the most beginner of fanfiction writers.
It sets the scene because that specific word fits the scene they're describing. Nothing more, nothing less. If the context of the novel would lead you to believe that this has a symbolic rather than implied meaning, then go for the "deep" interpretation. A great, common example of this is Hemingway. Every word has a meaning and purpose, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're symbolic or allegorical or whatever.
Tl;dr every word has a purpose, but not every word is filled with metaphor or symbolism. Conflating these two things are high school-tier analysis.
>the long awkward car ride
Can you give another example from a different story that uses detente to convey something similar?
And here we have the death of the author in a nutshell
One of my lit teachers was a fucking cretin who thought that penguins lived in the north pole and got mad at me when I corrected her
What people never seem to realize is that the author is describing a FICTIONAL room. That means it doesn't exist. It's imagined. So there's A reason they chose to describe the blue curtains instead of the blue rug. Why? No one knows, and there's no point in trying to figure out why something is there instead of it not being there. But you can still interpret what's there.
Did you really think this sophomoric psychological analysis was the way to go here?