I just got Sonic Mania for free on the PSN and I am confused. How are you supposed to do these bonus stage? It's too hard.When I the get blue balls it takes too much twitch accuracy to get them all without accidentally hitting the red ones. How the fuck are you supposed to do this?
I just got Sonic Mania for free on the PSN and I am confused. How are you supposed to do these bonus stage...
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capture the borders of a group and all the reds inside will turn blue
its not that hard unless your reaction times are really bad
Git gud.
No really. Learn the controls and how they work. You won't turn until you reach a corner of any square. Also you can jump over 2 balls if you time your jump correctly. You move on a grid basis so keep that in mind.
The PS controllers have an alright D pad which can really help with snap movements. As said, go around the borders, and you'll learn to get quicker.
Although, I tried these last night and sucked ass at them compared to my teen self who could blitz them.
I just did this and it worked. How were you supposed to know this?
I have no idea, I learned it 20 years ago from someone or somewhere.
I dont know if the manual to sonic 3 mentions it but it probably does.
Because that’s how it worked in Sonic 3
I never played Sonic 3 how did people learn in Sonic 3?
They're not that hard once you get the hang of it. There's a couple that are pretty bullshit, though.
Through a friend who found it out, or in a game guide I guess.
>prereq to playing game today is having played a game 20 years ago
Is there more bullshit like this? I never played old Sanic also I have no friends. Should have been a message at the top of the bonus level cluing you in that you can do this. Not all of us are boomers.
I mean sonic mania was marketed to people that played the genesis games
It even had a special edition of a mini genesis with a sonic statue on top
Doesnt this game have a digital manual?
Are you sure it doesnt explain it there?
This user was right, it's in the manual.
I'll check but a game shouldn't require you to read a book before you play.
This has made me realise how much tutorials have dulled our brains.
Thats how games used to be son
God damn you Zoomers need a guide just to take a poo don't you? We found out by playing the damn game and not being ADHD.
Never even knew this was in the manual, this was figured out easily enough through playing the stages.
Why? Do you complain about having to read the rules before playing chess or poker? Why should a video game be different?
It's not intuitive though thats the issue. The Chaos emerald bonus stage says catch the UFO at least that tells you what to do clearly. No confusion there.
Man I wish the barrel was back for people like you lol
I was given it in second hand condition in the 90's with no manual. Until I found out the borders thing I'd snake through them.
Welcome to what games were like before you were born, lil zoom
>wtf why do I have to read the instructions to understand something
It's written in the game's manual.
I am legit getting mad reading this thread.
You don't NEED to collect rings in blue sphere stages. It was never ever required. And in fact, still isn't. You just won't get gold medals if you don't.
Because the first few Blue Spheres stages we played 20 years ago were designed to where the player was practically guaranteed to encounter this by chance
It takes practice, honestly. Can't really think of anything else to say besides "just don't give up" but that's literally just it. Just keep at it, and keep trying. You'll get it eventually.
It is intuitive though,it tells you to collect the blue spheres, which can be attempted in more than one way. I figured this shit out when I was a mere child, you're only treating it like rocket science when its easily figured out just by playing the levels.
Zoomers are too used to having a tutorial for everything, trying methods and the most basic of critical thinking is a lost concept.
They read the manual or learned about it in game magazines.
Oh fuck off. The amount of pressure you need to push out a turd feels unnatural, so how else are you supposed to know? Buttsex? Maybe for you old man
I don't think getting this mad at him for not knowing what to do is gonna help much, giving him legitimate advice that could help instead of just yelling could make a difference, the last thing we need is a Yea Forums thread scaring people away from Mania.
It feels a LITTLE different from Sonic 3, like there's lag, but I don't know how true that is. The best method that worked for me is just looking at the grid. Don't look at Sonic, just pay attention to the lines he's walking on and hit the button early. It took a while to get used to but I eventually aced them all.
So on level 2, the objective is to get blue spheres. Simple enough but it never said I can't get the red ones also. What a shitload of fuck. Shouldn't it just say "Don't get red spheres?" How was I supposed to figure that out?
>I don't think getting this mad at him for not knowing what to do is gonna help much
No one's mad at him for not knowing what to do, they're mad because he's too lazy/stupid to use basic critical thinking skills. If you're looking for a wholesome hand holding session go somewhere else.
I'm trying to play it with a 360 controller, any suggestions of a better one?
Mania does that enough with it's random bullshit.
Tails? I thought he was a monkey, not a measurement of distance!
I recommend you ignore the checkpoint special stages
Mania is stupid and has like 20 chackpoints per act so you are constantly in them
It felt like I was playing blue spheres the game with some rehashes sonic stages in between them rather than the other way around
This fuck I'm a zoomer and had no issue learning myself
Note: I didn't know how to drop dash.
>all these people gatekeeping a Sonic game
The manual said it.
It wouldnt be as bad if the requirement to enter was 50 rings but its something really retarded like 15
A better d-pad is a must in that case, anything with the Sony or Nintendo style would be better, go as cheap as you like. You'll never beat the later stages on the 360's flimsy shit.
I guess if it means anything, Blue Sphere is one of those things where once you do learn how it works you never forget. Just circling the outer square of spheres if there are more inside to turn it into rings and so on and so forth.
I don't remember and don't feel like doing a fresh save just to check but I'm pretty sure the first stages you do in Mania are just 1:1 ports of the ones from Sonic 3 and those were pretty well designed to teach you how it works.
Well, They're not 1:1, contrary to popular belief. Yes some layout bits are still left intact but they still added a lot onto them, and the act 2s just go all out. That's why I didn't mind the reused stuff as much as some others.
I haven't played Mania but a good developer has to lead the player to deliberately circling the blue orbs because if you think about it, you'll trap yourself in the orbs by circling it instead of snaking up and down.
I told you in your last thread that you should play Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles first to gain a better appreciation of Mania and you didn't listen so who's fault is it really?
Fuck Konami for making this game F2P now all the zoomer faggots won't stop bitching about it
I mean the blue sphere stages, not the main levels themselves
Oh, well then yeah you're right. Sonic 3's are pretty simple so yeah.
He's talking about blue sphere, which yes some are 1:1 and some are changed a little
What the fuck are you talking about he already got legitimate advice, this thread was over before you posted.
Yeah same with cars, I shouldn't need to read a manual to figure something out, the car should just tell me
No one's gatekeeping, though. If anything this thread is filled with advice and explanations.
I figured it out on my own as a dumb kid naturally just by playing enough
I'd love to see your reaction to the barrel lol
They weren't stupid zoomer trash that needed everything to be done for them.
Jesus fucking Christ, just play the game instead of worrying so much about the "right" way to do everything straight off the bat.
user don't bother with Blue Sphere's you dont get anything cool
At the halfway point between each ball or sphere, press the direction you want to go.
Post the part where Knuckle's favorite food is grapes
I am high functioning autistic and I figured out all the bonus games right away. What's your excuse?
I don't have high functioning autism
You should probably be eating healthier and drinking more water if you struggle to push out a log.
Sonic Mania is the Donald Trump of Sonic games
Nice webm, I love watching speedruns of these games.
I just want you to know that in 1994 I was 5 years old and I could beat sonic and knuckles and get all the chaos emeralds.
I miss when not all stages had a boss at the end
>tfw played Sonic Adventure when I was five
>too dumb to take the Wind Stone to the cave, didn't pick the game up again until I was 8
This sort of thing happened all the time in my childhood, I never made it past about Chapter One of Paper Mario TTYD because at some point you're required to backtrack without explicit instructions to, and I just never did because no game I'd ever played required that.
Are people really getting dumber as generations go by?
There. Now we can both giggle about purple drank.
>all that stuff that was expanded in adventure
Man I loved when the sonic series had continuity and a clear lore
>play Mania with little brother watching
>he gets furious at all the time I waste playing the bonus game at every single checkpoint only to fuck it up near the end
Zommers just don't understand.
Can you smell the paper in your memory?
>when I get blue balls
Ehh, I think our common sensibilities are just changing with the advent of the digital age.
History has it's fair share of retards after all. If anything schools are just doing a bad job because science and math are racist and nobody's allowed to fail anymore.
>tfw played Sonic 3 when I was four.
>Got into Carnival Zone Act 2 and got into the infamous barrel.
>Everytime I played Sonic 3 I just went into the barrel, tried to do progress and failed for 2 minutes and reseted the game.
>I only got past of the barrel when I was 14 years old.
Sure, I didn't played every single day and every single year, but the fact that it took me 10 years to realize that I should just press down, up and down, up and down just amazes me.
>gif unrelated
I've played Mania on both PC and Xbone with different controllers and the bonus stage just feels off on both of them compared to the actual Genesis Sonic 3 version. I think the overall speed of the board is faster and ramps up faster while the grid locked movement is slow (by design) so it's hard to compensate for it. I used to have no trouble getting perfects on every single S3&K bonus stage back in my youth but now I screw up on boards that were straight ported from the Genesis.
Oh bloody hell, forgot to put the unrelated gif.
it's not that they're retarded more that they can't interpret abstract concepts well ( at least for the 3k special stages, the wind stone thing is retarded)
not him but is it weird that i can remember scents?
>only way to unlock extras is to get ALL RINGS IN EVERY BLUE SPHERE STAGE
The UFO catcher is cool. Why did Mania have to bring back blue spheres instead of something else new?
I'm like 99% sure the gold tokens are just for showing off and all you needed to unlock shit was the silver ones (aka just finish the stage without getting all rings)
This has to be bait.
Oh, so you're the low functioning kind? That actually would be a decent excuse for not being abvle to figure out basic game mechanics.
Even as a kid, these stages gave me headaches. It's legitimately jarring turning right or left.
You can use the cheat code for getting all gold medals if you want:
>zoomer faglords need a youtube video to learn how to do everything
lmaoin hard @ your sad live's