Yea Forums plays Alter Ego

Alter Ego is an old DOS life simulator, where the player controls a life from inception, till death; through an episodic like system emulating key life events including, but not limited to: fights, divorces, midlife crises, etc. The first choice will be gender, first odd numbered post will decide. reminder that the female version doesn't have the rape car

Attached: AE1.png (131x44, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Male, you need to be a chad

Girl (boy)


Alright the most important choice whats are name? Evens decide

Attached: AE2.png (640x400, 3K)




Master Chief

male chad.


I had to use some paint magic odds decide

Attached: AE4.png (638x794, 22K)

stay in


iets just stay in there forever

I too am a mommy-fag

Attached: AE5.png (638x795, 20K)

little longer

a little longer

There is a web version that used to be free, but now has time gates, constant ads, and other bullshit.

>making your mother suffer
maybe not a mommy-fag?, odds decide again
That version is souless

Attached: AE6.png (540x795, 19K)

Stay in longer. I didn't choose to be conceived, and I'm certainly not choosing to be born.

we fightin'


Alright evens chose an attitude and an action, also if anyone wants stats/personality just say and I'll post it.
Sorry for the wait time compiling these is hard for a brainlet like me.

Attached: AE7.png (640x2359, 40K)

>Page 9

Grab Object

determinedly ignore the item




Based Uncle bill now odds decide what we do with it.
Just for clarity I did go with this anons post: rather then the one I quoted earlier.

Attached: AE8.png (639x796, 28K)


> Shake



And here i thought this was a danganronpa thread

Shake Shake

Bellow into the heavens, young struggler

shake shake
shake shake

High IQ post.
Now we on to the second event evens decide this one

Attached: AE9.png (633x1190, 39K)


Shut up and sleep

Quiet and search.
We must find another rattle.

a bit boring, but at least we didn't get ourselves killed by eating rat poison or something.
Odds decide.

Attached: AE10.png (640x1194, 47K)

Quiet and search

We ninjas

Angry coo

what the fuck is this choice

OP, why not do this on /quest/?

technically this is vidya.



quest is not for actual adventure games

Angry cry because angry coo isn't an option.

hey Yea Forums plays are a staple of Yea Forums ""culture""
fucking brainlets the narrator is laughing at us. odds decide again.

Attached: AE11.png (636x795, 14K)

What a faggy narrator

>user's creativity sphere sharply decreased

Happily Cry.

If this was a reference I appreciated it


Good on you user.
Fuck the rules! We'll coo angrily as much as we damned well please.

>If this was a reference I appreciated it
It was

Angry Cry

were not get stuck in an infinite loop so we're going with with angry cry, odds decide next choice.

Attached: AE12.png (637x799, 34K)

Stop crying, we're mommyfags after all

Are there gay options?
Probably not. I don’t think I could get into a life simulator if it only lets you date girls. Still, looks like a cool game to try out on my Compaq Portable.

Attached: 3F2F574E-AD35-4892-B795-56A220FDDF37.jpg (4032x3024, 3.13M)

Stop Crying

stop crying

reasonable response.
Now what we do about this stuck up bitch. Evens decide

Attached: AE13.png (640x1173, 20K)

fuck that bitch

we could've spit on her but whatever it gets the job done, at least we're making steady progress along the worst arc of the game.
Odds decide

Attached: AE14.png (640x1173, 47K)

Sad sideroll

Angrily roll

Happy O face for your parents

>can't even roll over
infancy is pathetic
any number below 7 chooses the next one
Also theme for this event:

Attached: AE15.png (640x1173, 40K)

sad sleep
my life

dealers choice top
noise bottom

>tfw no incestuous three-way with parents
feels bad man
also same rules for this next choice

Attached: AE16.png (636x800, 22K)

This GM sucks get a new one that's less horny and more creative

Attached: therapist.jpg (900x900, 65K)

all you had to do was say "cry" or "make noise" and we would be able to move on please

Make crying noises

make noise

thank Christ, our mom is now here. what do we do, keep making noise or be attentive? as before the same rule applies.

Attached: AE17.png (640x802, 24K)

keep going, fuck her

>this brings mom closer to you
Next choice? same rules as before

Attached: AE18.png (638x799, 29K)

same answer

5000 IQ user right here.
Now do we let our mother hold us, any number below 7 decides.

Attached: AE19.png (640x2410, 76K)

is no one reading this ;_;

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Happy do nothing.

That was considered an "inappropriate answer" so I just went with happy smile, Now the next choice will be first come first serve.

Attached: AE20.png (639x800, 33K)

Be still

Nice work retard, you ruined mommy's kiss.
Alright how do we act in this playpen, anything above 7 decides

Attached: AE21.png (634x1194, 39K)

Actually make that below 7

Let go of the playpen

We've taken our first steps now do we proceed with caution or with haste? any number below 8 chooses

Attached: AE22.png (635x806, 21K)

2 lets be real men fuck caution

fucking based, but how determined are we truly? same rules as before

Attached: AE23.png (635x828, 24K)

Mama didn’t raise no pussy

should be cautious

Nice work retard enjoy crawling.
alright we can't walk, but can we disassemble, first come first serve for this

Attached: AE24.png (635x1200, 36K)

Look but don't touch

there was another yes/no choice and and I just went with no.
Alright so how do we feel about our aunt? first come first serve, we need to get to the rape car.

Attached: AE25.png (638x1595, 47K)

Angry cooperate

"inappropriate answer"

Go limp.

I bet our whole family thinks we're autistic now, alright but do we put on the suit?

Attached: AE26.png (634x790, 33K)

1 be defiant as possible at all times

Gotta make sure they know we're peak autism.

Now do we continue to act like a spastic?

Attached: AE27.png (634x802, 21K)

2 never give in

>you will be powerful but lonely
fucking based
Alright we have to learn how to use utensils, what do we do?

Attached: AE28.png (639x1191, 49K)

angry, superduck can wait lets get out of the chair for now

alright we took a hit, how do we respond, cry like a bitch or crawl away like a chad?

Attached: AE29.png (640x798, 24K)


cry like an alpha bitch

Good job mommy-dearest is pissed, now what to do with are soup?

Attached: AE30.png (640x1190, 29K)

Use the spoon


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drink the milk, but never forget your mother is a tyrant to squashed your ambitions and stole your freedom

Use the spoon, don't wanna make mom more madder.

This, either give us the milkies or put us back where we came from.

Fucking mutilated our food, now do we continue are gradual slide into the autism spectrum (that being said both options are autistic as fuck)

Attached: AE31.png (627x802, 10K)

Sprinkle that shit

pound the fuck out of that tray

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I've included a status update to check are personality and traits.
Alright so do we go rules of nature on this nigga or what?

Attached: AE32.png (640x2410, 87K)

Calm screaming is good

"inappropriate response"

seduce that jew

gay, do terrified screaming then

>not punching the fucker in the nose

Hope your happy you just fueled some poor Yea Forumsirgin into a increased sense of worthlessness.
Alright so a new baby how do we respond to them?

Attached: AE33.png (634x1203, 46K)

3 and 2

>You have no sympathy for it
Jesus Christ

Attached: AE34.png (639x799, 22K)

>other baby
what is this game trying to say

2 2

smack him around a bit

hit it again, we're starting our boxing career early boys

Leave it alone, there'll be other times.

beat the fuck out of it to establish dominance

Based and sadistpilled
Alright our little nigga Weasly Wabbit is missing, how do we respond?
Also due to increased posters the policy is now first odd post wins

Attached: AE35.png (637x1195, 25K)

panicky information

22 somethings up

suspiciously seek info
we have to avenge our bro

alright so mommy's acting a bit suspicious do we drop our spaghetti our do we buck up?
For your listening

Attached: AE36.png (639x800, 32K)

calm down and ask
got to know when and when not to use your autistic rage power

Alright mom gives some bullshit story, how about we put that 97 INT to good use?
Back to first come first serve I guess

Attached: AE37.png (636x798, 26K)


Not satisfied, our shit not hers

Not satisfied, teach this whore that you aren't a shallow piece of shit

Don't sperg out now, 1.

fucking based, putting those gumshoe skills to good use. I don't even know what this event is, choose wisely.
>go to odd system no one responds when the first post is even
>switch to first come first serve system and get 4 responses

Attached: AE38.png (637x1201, 42K)

passive touch
might be a knife you can use to avenge weasel

What happens to the free spirit that broke our yoke?
alright maybe this is the better time for caution if we fuck up we might get ruined in the STR stat

Attached: AE39.png (637x1198, 37K)

adventurously move towards the pantry

2 2
lets kill someone already

playing with fire
Since this a big choice, first odd poster wins; unless only one even poster responds.

Attached: AE40.png (640x798, 24K)


taste some

Taste it

Poison Inc.

No option leads to SIDS

..........we're gonna lose at the car rapist aren't we?

Attached: AE41.png (637x795, 7K)

Anyway to get you to give us a download?


keep at it

You better keep drinking that battery acid baby

Keep tasting it

Download link
Also keep at it


Attached: Final_Fantasy_XIV_ARR_crystal.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

If it tastes good, it's good

Now we can drink cleaning fluid out of our new glass cup!
also going back to first come first serve for expediency

Attached: AE42.png (639x1196, 49K)

stubbornly resist

give up the bottle

Stubborn and refuse, we could've been fucking dead already and done with this stupid fucking game

2 2


Well the Vietnamese and Afghans had their methods to bring down great empires, how do we bring down mommy?

Attached: AE43.png (638x808, 19K)

Nuke that bitch with the bottle



Bottle is my body and mommy's milk is my blood.

Attached: AE44.png (639x799, 31K)


2, cope

Better just cope

suk sum thumb

Very mature from Crambono

Attached: AE45.png (635x1224, 35K)

impulsive paper

autistic and draw in general

impulsively draw in general

Our latent artistic ability cannot be confined to a mere piece of paper.

Some say the job of an artist to perfect the imperfect-able.

Attached: AE46.png (639x751, 20K)

start again

also is it odds or evens

Save it

Thread is on life support already, this isn't a very interesting game, nor playthrough

I think it's pretty interesting but being a text only game won't really keep peoples attention here


So what do we do about this furry nigga?
back to first come first serve unless a fuckton of people start responding, or we get to a big event that could actually kill the character

Attached: AE47.png (638x1203, 37K)


[frightened noises]


I feel "grab him by the head" is a *glass him* type choice I feel it could be interpreted broadly.

Attached: AE48.png (639x806, 23K)

grab him



Furfags need to be beaten to death.

Its a dog dummy

This is the one age there isn't stigma for licking dogs, might as well take advantage of that right?

Attached: AE49.png (640x799, 10K)

Shut up, furry, you're not a real animal either.

Return the kiss

So are we a dickarse thief?

Attached: AE50.png (640x1191, 34K)

you bet your ass we are
dishonestly take that shit

this *unzips dick*

Attached: AE51.png (636x798, 28K)



Devilish, but not sly enough. now the choice is do we help dad?

Attached: AE52.png (639x1203, 45K)

Cranky, ignore

Helpful ignore

I think nothing would be saying nothing but im not quite sure

Attached: AE53.png (638x800, 11K)




Come on you have a chance to do what I never did with my father, don't fuck it up

Attached: AE54.png (638x797, 24K)

Help him

go help

keep watching tv

Attached: pete.jpg (597x800, 79K)

>only 2 gender choices

That's a big yikes from me!

So I guess this is the dad arc?
umm sweetie it actually 1986

Attached: AE55.png (638x1200, 41K)

Tired stay up

Did he just bean us in the head with a ball to put us to bed? Dad calm the fuck down.
>Ignore Request

cute arc desu

Attached: AE56.png (637x799, 23K)

Story time

story time

dad's gonna die a horrible death isn't he


Attached: 1559333891347.png (1488x724, 241K)

another animal friend suddenly ""disappears""
he has a depressing event later in the adult stage iirc

Attached: AE57.png (638x1198, 17K)

Confused Look for it

Unaffected do nothing

Survival of the fittest, bitch.

We already learned that mom is not to be trusted

Attached: AE58.png (635x814, 24K)

Take Gabby out

oh wow something that's not slice of life/more gold fish what a breath of fresh air, do we go rules of nature on this kid?

Attached: AE59.png (637x1189, 46K)

Angrily take it back

>larger stronger child
fuck that, get an adult

1 1

in for a penny, in for a pound?
since this is more exciting then goldfish melodrama first odd numbered post wins

Attached: AE60.png (636x798, 22K)

Bite that bitch

Bite that nigga

We're a scrappy kid, let's bite him

run away

1 1 bite that cunt

Bite that son of a whore

scrappy indeed. Now we're back to slice of life so first come first serve

Attached: AE61.png (633x1200, 39K)

throw up



Call mom!

Dad is such a fucking bro

Attached: AE62.png (633x1195, 37K)



active gaymes

I hope you weren't like this when you were a kid, user

No. I mostly just imagined a guy jumping over things/from thing to thing when i was in the car


Attached: AE63.png (631x800, 18K)

Are we there yet

are we almost there




Attached: AE64.png (624x819, 19K)


Go to sleep. I'm not pushing my luck.

nap time


very surprising

Attached: AE65.png (624x1193, 43K)



playful boat

1 2 this one is for my nigga Weasly Wabbit

Content and leave
Shit's gone and that's all there's to it

I wish I could find amusement in flushing toilet paper

Attached: AE66.png (640x800, 19K)

Now lets do something else

Something else

something else

RIP mom's tooth brush

Attached: AE67.png (637x800, 9K)


how do you make a boat out of a brush?

1, this is just justice

I hate you

Is this the boat arc of Alter-Ego?

Attached: AE68.png (638x798, 22K)

we deserve that cookie

take it

take, we deserve it

Take cookie!


Is there no justice? at least we cam make breakfast for based dad

Attached: AE69.png (637x1203, 37K)

ask mom

>ask mom

Practical cereal

Ask mom

Based dad deserves it

I feel this might be dangerous

Attached: AE70.png (638x1215, 36K)

helpful help

play quietly

I have experience

iron that shit
dont want dad to have a wrinkly shirt

2 2, Dad needs to have a nice shirt

1 1
If we get hurt here we won't get to the rape car

Think we took a nick to our health, but not nearly as bad as the fucking neurotoxin we almost drank

Attached: AE71.png (639x1203, 53K)

Patient and be a good boy!

be a good boy
maybe theres something interesting in the magazine

Attached: AE72.png (639x798, 23K)

Lets make a friend and visit the nurse

hot nurse hot nurse

Deep vidya choices

Attached: AE73.png (639x798, 21K)

Take one. We're a good boy

just the one

We're done with the babby stage , we move on to childhood tomorrow thanks for posting and making it past the worst chapter. Let's see where Crambono ends up

Attached: AE74.png (640x3184, 107K)

this has a been a lot of fun, i look forward to seeing the rest, thanks user

Attached: comfy chen.png (426x364, 29K)

>Not a very healthy baby

Thanks for running OP. Been mostly lurking but it's been fun to read

Fuck OP, i loved this. See you tomorrow. Thank you.

thank you OP, hopefully see you tomorrow