So who here went from Sony+Nintendo to Nintendo+PC?
So who here went from Sony+Nintendo to Nintendo+PC?
americans are this retarded?
>Switch has 1st party IPs, indie titles, and tiddie games
>PC can run the few AAA titles actually worth buying
Why have anything else?
I went the opposite way. PC gaming is a pain in the fucking ass.
Only if you're retarded. If my dumbass can do it you have no excuse.
I have a Switch and PC, but I never use my switch anymore. I despise every single exclusive it has, and I can already play my indies on the PC, so right now I'm pure PCMR. I don't like casual games in the slightest, and will instantly discard games like Kirby or Yoshi if I don't die in the first few levels.
Still butthurt about Persona?
Yea ForumstendoGaf will never get over this.
Switchfags and hypocricy are synonyms
>get a new power supply
>install it
>doesn't work
>reinstall the old PSU
>have to go to Newegg to get them to tell the retarded Chinese assholes who made it to replace it
>after a while the Chinese assholes agree
>send back PSU
>they send me a replacement
>it's also broken, just like the first one
There's also other, smaller shit. Like when the CPU socket your motherboard uses is discontinued, meaning you need a whole new motherboard to upgrade the processor. Or when the little fan on your GPU craps out with no way to fix/replace it, meaning you need a whole new GPU.
I've had my PS4 since 2014, and I've never had a problem with it.
What if Switchfags used to be Vitafags?
I went from Nintendo babby, to xbro, to pc + ps4
pc isn't as powerful as ps4 so I use it for mmo's and hack n slashes that wouldn't be fun on ps4
You sound like a total party pooper, user
Switchfag here. Vita has no fucking games, and Sony tried their best to kill it.
I did used to be a PSPfag back in the day, though. The PSP was the shit.
Of course they are not. 90% of the switch library is nintendo shovelware
Who the fuck actually plays this generic weebshit?
Nintendo kid to PS3 teen to PC adult
I just think games shouldn't be walking simulators, but Nintendo is full of them.
>Switchfag here. Vita has no fucking games
yet you keep defending these lewd games who were first on vita you scumbag
cope snoy
I have a ps4 and even I knew to go with DS as my handheld. My stepfather saw my DS and thought it was cool so a he bought a psvita and I felt really bad.
he's also a ps4fag
w-w-where muh port
>ordering chink parts
See there's your problem.
>Ehhhh? Pudding!!!
>Sagawama sama~! ^-^
>Lets take a bath~!!
I'd rather just look up porn myself. There are no games in OP's image.
all parts are chink parts when you get right down to it, user-tongzhi
>PSU from china
full retard
Vanillaware hates Nintendo and they're busy not working on Aegis Rim.
Give it about a year or two, or at least wait until they give us more info on 13 Sentinels
Like the years I gave for Persona 5 port for switch?
>these games are rotting on snoy stations
They just can't refuse this.
Fucking hypocrites
>image is a cinematic experience
>says console/handheld has no games
>wants their no-games
I went from NES to PC back in 90s and had never looked back since.
at least they are being reasonable and admitting every side has games they want, these aren't the same kiddos who constantly cry no games on ps4
Enlightened people. Although I still need a PS4 to play online multiplats with my friends because snoy doesn't do crossplay
Suck it vitard. Your shitty handheld failed while Switch is on track to be the best thing ever. Now cry some more.
Why would I buy a switch if I can play most of this weeb shit on pc?
lmao you poor bro?
If Sony says the playstation is a mature console, with mature games for mature gamers, why are they acting like mommy and daddy to their customers?
Vita still has no games.
>Owning a Shitch
>5 year headstart
Oh no!
The same switch which is starving for ports? that switch?
So you're saying that JRPGs with hundreds of hours of gameplay don't count as games?
>being poor
Sorry the vita died
That's clearly two dudes in the bottom pic you fucking faggot
>vitard talking about ports
They only count as games if they're on nintendo consoles
Nincels hiding behind PC again. How sad. Based Sony chads don't need to hid behind anyone.
I too am here from /r/gaming and /r/Yea Forums! Pretty epic based to see you all here as well on 4channel lol.
>bragging about being a poorfag
Your entire userbase is slavs, blacks, and south americans
Switch is trying surviving with the Vita scraps lol.
JRPGs, especially low budget weebshit ones are not games.
I owned a Switch. Sold it and bought a PS4 due to how shitty the Switch was. I'm going to buy a PS5 as well.
Never ever.
>bbbut cccensor
>bbbut weeeeb
>bbbut nogaemxd
Me. All anyone needs is a Switch and a PC. I port all the ps4 and Xbox exclusives to my PC anyway. If you aren't doing the same, idk; maybe you're mentally challenged
Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was alone when I called Xenoblade and Persona movie trash. Thank goodness someone else sees the crazy lack of logic in a VIDEO GAME having 500+ hours of cutscenes and dialogue.
It's just pathetic. The handheld they used to mock everytime is saving their desertic library
go >>>/back/
Not me, I've always been a nintenbro + PC master race
Playstation and Xbox are basically useless unless you're a normalfag who likes FIFA/NBA/Shit FPS with SJW shit #3581294
>2 years vs 5.5 years
it's not looking good, sonybros!
>All anyone needs is a Switch and a PC.
If the Switch was so good why do Nincels constantly feel threatened by the PS4 enough to constantly make threads about it.
>All anyone needs is a Switch and a PC.
Correct, now that bloodborne is on PC
I own and Switch and PS4 amd spend my entire time on Yea Forums shitting on sony
I hate the Switch, but I feel the same about sony. I don't like their policies, insecure online, or software. There's plenty to hate.
Good thing you admit you're obsessed.
the portability shit doesn't appeal to me also I'm not gonna buy a console for just 2 games
I see it as providing a service. Snoy is absolute cancer to this industry
GAF/TrannyEra has always been the biggest Snoy circlejerk, though. Are you retarded?
>being a filthy spic
You know we can trace this back to your DA page, right pablo?
You wanted this?
yarrrr.....this doesn't do it matey
arrrrr......there we go.
You're fucking thrash switchfag
you're the only one who ever brings it up tho
ESL shitskin. Play more fifa, juan
>vgchartz numbers
>walking simulator
In half the games it is literally impossible to die, like Epic Yarn. I consider that more insulting than even the most SJW movie game.
Part 1
imagine not having all 3
Part 2
And you play more kirby, you fucking gay
I was always Nintendo + PC m8.
dude, that’s because it’s supposed to be that way, and it’s for both casuals and elites.
Also neglecting a Kirby game for its
difficulty is a crime punishable by death
>and it’s for both casuals and elites.
And there's the problem. Casuals are a disgusting, festering tumor on the industry. It's LITERALLY no different from a game pandering to hipsters with a politically charged story about trump. Both deserve the oven.
I like how you aren't even trying to sound white anymore now that you've been exposed
the natural evolution of a non-biased 90s gamer was Nintendo -> Sony -> Sony + PC
>he still plays vidya instead of shitposting about them
user, I ....
Same here. I have PC + PS4 + Switch buth both consoles are collecting dust at the moment. I only have Bloodborne on PS4 and MHGU on Switch. The problem with PS4 is it only has movie games. Meanwhile, Switch only has 10-year-old indies and ports that everyone and their grandmas have already played. Plus, the game pricing on Switch is fucking retarded. How the fuck are shit like 1-2-Switch and Kirby Star Allies being the same price as actual good games like RE2MAKE and Sekiro?
Based. This is the truth.
>Sony + PC
>How dare you mock Nintendo, for that, I'll mock your life!!!!
I went from solo Xbox to Xbox + Nintendo to Nintendo + PC. I had a 360 too, I never got the one cause I didn't like the online requirements but when I got bored with my 360 and wanted to play AAA titles again I went PC because PS4 looked like it was going the same way.
you sound like a retard m8. why you buying shitty chink shit?
Nincels will never get over Sony winning this generation.
Even if you add in the Wii U's 13.56M to the numbers, You get 47.66M from Nintendo since 2012 and even adding Microsoft's 42.5M, That's still less than PS4's total sales count
I'm Nintendo+PC+Sony. Works out fine for me.
Hi, I'm American. Thanks for the place to stay and especially for the free rent.
Pc + Xbone + switch for me, switch and xbone in my living room and pc in the computer room.
You know you can be white and speak spanish, right?
What's that guy in the green hat supposed to be? I don't think I've ever seen that symbol before.
PC, Xbox, and Switch has always been the truest combo for me. Sony is dying a slow death.
>You know you can be white and speak spanish, right?
I stopped buying consoles once I got a PC. (Except handhelds up until the switch, which on top of not having enough games worth buying if you have a PC also has paid online now so I don't see myself buying one anytime soon)
Consoles are literally just closed ecosystem PCs with outdated hardware, more expensive games and paid online nowadays, you have to be retarded to buy one unless there's at least 10 exclusives on it you really really want to play.
Imagine playing games meant for children?
Now imagine doing that and thinking because it's portable and you can play it in public you're suddenly 'cool' and it makes your device much greater than others! Because playing a video game console in a social environment is cool right?
Now imagine not only playing childrens games and doing it in public but also defending that and doing it with such a small childish catalogue of games? Can you imagine the anons behind such posts defending this? Oh no, oh no no no no hahaha! Nintendies will be tending!
I went from Sony+PC to just PC.
What if you own both a Switch and a PS4 and enjoy playing games on both? I played Xenoblade 2 earlier this year and am playing Horizon now. I enjoyed the former and am enjoying the latter.
I'm going Nintendo + Xbox next year.
>generic dead weebshit
lmao nothing of value was lost
>a little brown kid dabbing on grown ass men
based ezequiel
Still Sony + Nintendo. Nintendo for the IPs and portability with the Switch (for indies mostly), Sony for 1st party stuff and everything else the Switch doesn't get. The PS4 Pro pretty much gave me what I wanted on a ton of games, 60fps, so I see no reason to own a PC; modders spend more timing modding shit than actually playing games, I don't care about FPS titles, and Japs still prefer consoles over PC. Pretty easy choice. I have, however, played a bunch of classics on my Laptop and have emulators, though I am hoping the Switch makes me delete Dolphin.
No you must shit on sony to fill the agenda like a good sheep.
Pc for obvious reasons, switch has the versatility and exclusives. PS4 actually has exclusives, but is mostly just a shitty PC. Xbone because it obviously doesn't have a single exclusive, so therefore there is no reason to buy one other than being too poor to buy a PC.
The true mustard race is PC+Switch+PS4.
Hating on Sony is the fastest route to outing yourself as fat and constantly seething LOL
me listening to a sony scalawag playing the flute: good
me listening to based gang plank galleon:
Snoynegroes are in a shitposting frenzy recently. I guess they are avsolutely annally anihilated by Snoy getting booted off E3
I'm enjoying Horizon, though :)
Wait, what the fuck? Gun Gun Pixies is finally getting an English release? Holy shit. I knew it would happen eventually. People scoffed at me but I was right. Also what the fuck, there's a Spice and Wolf game?
Then you would be making op mad considering he's a seething tendie obsessed with shitting on Sony.
>a message so important it must spread
gonna go help him out now
Obsessed and seething Nincel mad his thread failed.
Based. Never let them forget who is king
Get over it. Sony won.
Thanks for proving my point, faggots
No, user. We who enjoy many good games win. I enjoy them on my Switch, on my PC, on my PS4 :)
>sonygaf getting angry and loud as E3 approaches
>it's actually happening
I am going from ps4+pc+switch+xbone
new xbox+switch+pc
>ninceldo reminded he's not even number 2, but a distant number three
>he reports you
I am ps4+switch but I am selling my ps4 and getting an xbone
Sony has the best selling console overall. Just because you have to put all the Nintendo consoles from home consoles to handhelds just to beat Sony makes it all the more pathetic. Sony came out of nowhere with the PS1 and has made Nintendo irrelevant since the PS1. There's a reason Yea ForumstendoGaf is still seething to this day and there's a reason threads like this exists. Stay obsessed.
>peach ball is coming to switch
>reaction images from five years ago
five years ago is when Bloodborne was announced and goldface because synonym with SONY DOMINATION
>Amount of threads Nincels dedicate to Sony daily: 100
>Amount of threads Sony chads dedicate to Nintendo: 0
No one thinks about the losers.
>phil swings and misses so fucking hard he literally brings about sony's kingdom come unto the masses of people
Surprisingly accurate image
Still hasn't recovered ever since the PS1. Poor Nincels. Get out. Have sex. There's more to life than video games.
So it's literally "now post the handhelds"?
I forgot to add.
N64 flopped so hard it's not even on the list. Holy fuck Nintendo is an embarrassment. No wonder Nincels are in a constant state of seethe.
Hey bro, check this out
Xbones controllers are miles better, connectivity with the pc is miles better, xbl is way more reliable and stable than psn, multiplats run better than ps4, had xbox wince the og one and backwards compatibility is a massive thing since i have 300+ digital games, switch for the weeb and party games and travel and then pc for everything else and hardcore investment. Ps4 has single player walking simulators with college screenplay written level stories. If I want to spend 2 hours alone just for a storyline I'd go use a better medium like movies or books.
So you’re saying that casuals want to be/are politically charged while tryhards are sweaty people with no sense of fun?
I ought to play a Kirby game for this
/thread. Switch owner by the way.
Now THIS is a cope
>not buying and enjoying both
Look at this pleb. Own multiple platforms, play what you want.
There is literally no reason to own an Xbone because PCs exist.
Get over it.
LOL you gotta admire the coordination of ninceldos
Good argument, enjoy your 2 hour long noreplay value exclusives no one cares about after a week.
>not havingSony+Nintendo+PC+Xbox
You poorfags are so fucking pathetic.
>xbros and PClets cannibalizing each other
what a fascinating turn of events
>games having any challenge are no longer fun
>game where you can walk left to right without being challenged once is fun
Both me
>cry about sonty having a headstart
>wiiu sales included to equal them out
>post a statistic about Nintendo having a decade headstart and they're still hardly above Sony
Nntendo + PC is tranny
Keep coping and posting wojaks, kid
GBC -> GameCube -> PS2 -> Wii -> PS3 -> PSP -> 3DS -> Wii U -> PC -> Switch -> PS4 Pro
either he's a seething underage fag trying to look mature, or he's a legit 30yo+ lardass
doesn't bode well for nintendo either way LOL
More wojaks? No problem
I don't even have use for my gaystation 4 anymore outside of bullet girls phantasia. Everything else I own already has a PC release
Maybe I'll hold onto it in the hope that I can made double on it when an early firmware hack is released
Wrong post
Sony won.
>referencing the Godzilla Creepypasta
>a pasta about a game on....Nintendo.
try harder
Damn I really got told here, how will I recover?
I agree, except that there’s literally no reason to own an Xbox when pc exists. I sold my Xbox one as soon as I built my own PC.
by not using ad hominem
I kind of wish snoy was at e3, the snoygoys are pms'ing more than usual and its because they have nothing to look forward to.
>the ninceldo plays the intellectual card
Guess I lost this one bros
I own most things because I love video games.
Or did. Comics have really usurped that passion these days. They just resonate with me and make me feel more creative.
Is that why you're so obsessed with them that you can't go a minute without posting about them? LOL. Based Sony living in nincels head rent free.
consolefags are so dumb
nigga you can buy both consoles, there's nothing stopping you
there are so many single-console+PC players because "oh, nobody owns the PC, so I'm not betraying my friends" or some shit
they'll learn once they start putting money into their PC that pricetags don't mean anything and they're just depriving themselves of vidya for no reason
(You)but also snoy
PC player here. Stop using us in your console war threads dumb nintendkiddies. At least last the Sony kids don't hide behind anything. You fags hide behind everyone you can because you know the only thing you have is a children's tablet.
Notice how it's only insecure nincels making these threads. Sony chads don't think about them enough and don't consider them a threat to care to make threads about them.
cope, tranny.
Have sex nincel.
I wish the console warring would stop. The hypocrisy makes me angry.
>be a PC fan in a sony v nintendo thread
>each side trying to kiss up to me because "we're idorts :)"
>be in other threads
>get called a faggot neckbeard for having a PC, by the exact same people no less
It's frustrating.
These threads are always started by seething nincels. They can't get over the fact that Sony won this generation.
I have a PC, Nintendo, Sony console each gen, I still like sonybro/anal vore posting because it's hilarious
I have all three, but I play the Switch the most because it's pretty comfy. The only reason I haven't sold my PS4 is because I'm curious for The Last of Us Part II
Rent free
>doing it for the memes
Sony won.
It boggles my mind how jannies and mods delete these images but they keep Twitter faggot screencap threads up
Why else would they delete them?
because it hurts their feelings
It's up to you to interpret which ones hurt them the most and why
I went from PC/Nintendo exclusivist to being a diehard Sonyfag who also has a Switch.
PC gaming sucks. There's just no two ways about it. Outside of fps and rts games, everything plays and feels better with a dualshock on a big ass tv in your living room in surround sound on the sofa. This is literally why home consoles will never, ever die: it's 10x comfier than a pc, no matter what your setup or specs are.
Nintendo releases like 2 or less exclusives worth buying a year, whereas Sony always has several great exclusives every year, and the best platform with the most widely used online platform. I still like my Switch, but I can admit that 90% of my actual gaming time is spent with the PS4 Pro. The switch is mostly just for playing Tetris or Smash while my girlfriend watches tv or something.
based and katpilled
Sonys exclusives are shit and just quick time shitty movies and the dualshit layout with the analogy sticks symmetrically on the middle and close together are really uncomfortable for anyone who doesn't have soft little boy hands.
Never say never, only idiots say that. Time usually proves them wrong... Usually... Still not holding my breath over Persona 5(or even Royal for that matter) coming to switch. Will still probably get a PS4 for it's back catalog and Blu-Ray capabilities despite how much I hate it's fans and the Playstation branch's current censorship policies.
You're a cuckold since Snoy killed GR and shat in its grave.
ninceldo lol
Holy shit I hate you types of retards, I’m an idort who has everything except an Xbox and I pretty much only play on PC. Using the “it’s comfy” excuse has to be the most retarded argument I’ve ever heard. Do you speds not know that you can just hook up a desktop to a TV as well as a DualShock and have the same experience as you can on console?
Damn, It's everyone's lucky day today.
>not content with portbegging for persona5, he now moves on to portbegging for GR
Will I get it?
I said nothing about nintendo but ok sonyfag, suck that jap dick harder you cuck
Damn, so god damn close.
I guess got it.
I bought a PS4 on launch. Before Snoy became the westacucked bitch and focused all their efforts into pozzed moviegames. PS3 was their last good weeb machine.
thanks for contributing to the 100 million units sold LOL
dumb newfag
>units sold is more important to him than actually good exclusives
Yeah. Westacuck through and through.
Honestly I just read VNs on my PC. Then play niche Jap games on my Switch and some older ones on my Vita. Gaming has never been better. Well, I have some games on my PS4 as well but I rarely buy games for it anymore. Switch mainly gets the games I'm interested in plus its handheld so it's a natural continuation for my Vita
Not him, but when the hell did he say he wanted it on Switch? Unlike Persona 5, Gravity Rush 1 and 2 are owned by Sony as a first party thus I have no expectation of it ever leaving playstation like Persona. Atlus has no console loyalty. They just published games on whichever platforms would be of interest to publish on. This is why Catherine was put on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Do you own stock in sony or something? Companies don't care about you, stop sucking their dick.
All console companies are shit and so are all PC part manufacturers. Just nuke everything already I'm so done.
says the ninceldo LOL
just to pc here, but ill get a nintendo when a switch lite comes out
yea cant support a company like sony anymore. theyre out of control.
>gives up on GR so he can clutch his pearls at P5 some more
Nothing was said about Nintendo at all you retard. I can understand why sony won this gen since it attracts stupid people like. Go defend more corporations you npc.
Another point is that the first 4 Persona games were on PS1/PS2 because it was the only console japs were comfortable publishing on. The moment Sony screwed up with the PS3, even Japanese devs got on the Xbox 360. The reason why I used Catherine as an example is because it was the closest thing to a mainline Persona game we got in the 7th gen. It even runs off of the same engine Persona 5 runs on. If a mainline Persona game was released during this time instead of Catherine it would probably also be a multiplat like Catherine. The reason why Persona 5 only released on the PS3(in terms of 7th gen consoles) is because P5 released so late, the PS4 was already 2 years old.
Step aside console kiddies. Those numbers are ALL pathetic. Pic related is ONLY prebuilt desktop PCs. So no laptops and no custom built desktops. It it's still more than all three consoles combined sell each year.
Nintendo + Sony + Mac
Sega + Mac
PC + Sega
PC + Microsoft
Never got a console again after the Xbox.
>office buildings are full of gamers
LOL ninceldos trying to pass as PCfriends are so embarrassing
What's wrong with that?
I was ps4+nintendo+PC, now it's just the latter two but mainly PC, the big ps4 games lool so damn bland and boring and multiplats are always better on PC anyway.
>2 years
Nice brain fart me, you type so fast you don't type the right amount of years the PS4 was out for (which is actually 3).
>implying consoles are just Netflix boxes
>ITT one user has nintendo living in his/her head rent free and care too much about a faceless corp.
Go play rising store 2 you retard.
I was Wii / Wii U + Xbox 360 + PC now Switch + PC. even now I mainly play on PC though
Seething cope. Just accept that you're still playing with toys while adults with jobs can afford to game on PC.
Nobody mentioned nintendo, snoy
This face probably haunts him at night.
>a post so succinct it caught three(3) ninceldos
I sometime roleplay as a Sonyfag just to get people to hate them even more. Is this what's happening here?
You haven't played any of them.
God of War on Hardest or even second hardest difficulty is literally one of the hardest games ever made. Same with Bloodborne, even Persona 5 on hardest is insanity. Spider-man is literally the greatest superhero game ever, and Yea Forums hates it because they hate Sony. It's such a blind militant hatred for the product that competes with whatever you're a fanboy of, so damn childish.
I can guarantee you my hands are bigger than yours but I still prefer Dualshock over everything. Asymmetrical analogs never made sense, your hands are symmetrical, the controller should be too.
Sony at least tried to support an original IP with innovative gameplay. It's not their fault no one bought it.
I know all of these things, it's still not the same.
Nothing matches the comfort of coming out of the shower after a long day at work, pressing the PS button on my controller, then watching the PS4 and tv power up and start resuming whatever game I was playing last.
The increased power of pc will be essentially negligible when PS5 drops. They're planning to sell that hardware at a loss, because they know their software sells. I'd rather buy all my games on Sony's platform, especially since they will all apparently have backwards compatibility with PS5. And all the best exclusives will be Sony exclusives, like they are every generation.
>Cries "B-but muh 3 year head start"
>Shows a chart that has Sony Catching up despite Nintendo having a DECADE+ headstart
>going underground and losing yourself in the process
ninceldos think they're badass cops LOL
BASED and katpilled
Says the Nincel posting in a thread dedicated to shitting on Sony.
I own all consoles but I constantly see you faggots posting about Sony all the time. This thread proves it. I hardly see Sony players post about Nintendo. The PS4 won get over it.
Everything's being normielized. We can either fight a lost battle (with our wallets, kek) or find a new hobby while enjoying a few miracles
I haven't owned a Nintendo since 1999.
>The increased power of pc will be essentially negligible when PS5 drops.
you tards have been saying this shit every generations since when the ps2 was announced
Get outta here man, go take a walk, get some fresh air. Hell, PLAY the thing you white knight for all the time. Just do something else for a change and maybe you'll feel human again.
Literally SJW shit now, yikes.
I can guarantee your hands are not and trying to defend those games just shows how much of a shill you are. Single player "just up the difficulty" walking sims, can you play with friends? Can you test your skills vs real life people? Bloodborne is just lovecraft darksouls, GoW lost what made it stand out and made him into a babysitter with a shit story and spider-man is a shitty arkham game with more quicktime events and shitty MJ stealth missions, just because you follow the masses and can't think for yourself doesn't mean these games have any depth or replay value beyond you getting hard when sony says they want to fuck you.
This. Nintkiddies are really the immature retards of this board. They go on their poutting rants all the time while all the adults watch and laugh. They get their way because the mods protect them. It's really amusing.
>dehumanizing the competition
ninceldos LOL
Take your own advice Nincel. Maybe Sony won't trigger you so much and you'll get some relief from your obsession after you have sex.
this is the kind of guy that contributes to the 100 million units sold just to seethe LOL
Ladies and gentlemen, your brain on Yea Forums.
I do. I take daily walks and enjoy them quite a bit.
>just because you follow the masses and can't think for yourself doesn't mean these games have any depth or replay value beyond you getting hard when sony says they want to fuck you.
Would you say this same thing if someone said they hated the new Zelda, or they hated Gears of War, or anything else popular? I'm on your side here, I think you hit it on the head with your criticisms, I just think you're being a hypocrite.
>everyone else: living their lives doing their own thing
>nincels: on Yea Forums shitposting all day and obsessing over Sony
This thread proves it.
I'm still PS4, Switch and PC bc I like physical games on console when it comes to stuff I really like and not everything runs well on Switch or comes to PC
I have all three but will admit I touch my PC and switch more, I bought dmc5 still in the plastic
I'm a pc player since xbox360, I haven't touched your censored cuckstation since ps2
>>Shows a chart that has Sony Catching up
but you're still fat and afraid to walk into a gym LOL
Sorry you don't get E3 this year!
>getting triggered this hard
Calm down nerd. It's just video games.
>used to be an idort a few posts ago but now he's not
I think we got a lying ninceldo on our hands
>Sony at least tried to support an original IP with innovative gameplay
Yeah. Last gen. When they were still a Japanese company. Now they're simply not interested anymore.
>It's not their fault no one bought it.
What a cuck. It's a small niche Japanese game, it honestly sold enough and even better than most Japanese games to be supported further. Shutting down the servers and severing the support was unnecessary. Shutting down Demon's Souls servers (another SIE co-developed game) was also unnecessary since FROM still has even older games with active servers to this day. Shutting down Vita support despite that platform having strong 3rd party exclusive support and following in Japan was also unnecessary. Dropping Bloodborne PS4 plus support was also unnecessary. Censoring Japanese games was also unnecessary.
Also they never even gave GR2 a spot on their E3.
Stop defending them. They don't give a shit about Japanese games anymore. They're degenerated beyond recognition, only chasing westacuck moviegames that sell over 5 millions.
Wtf I love bing bing wii u ports now
Sorry you don't win this generation!
Fine, you're getting boring to talk to anyway. I'ma go to bed and watch the pokemon direct in the morning to see what the fuck sword and shield will actually be like. Because unlike you I have a life with friend (who have both Switch and PS4 and still prefer the switch). I also do plan on getting a PS4 for it's back catalog. Adios, asshole.
>Barely have any good japanese exclusives anymore
>Censoring and banning third party multiplat japanese games
>Charging sixty dollars for online
Any weeb who hasn't jumped shipped from them are fucking hardcore sonyfags who will go down with them until the very end, there is literally nothing positive about the playstation brand anymore, It's the xbox 360 2.0 with SJW shit mixed in.
based and succinctpilled
Sony won.
I have a PS4...
Absolute state of Nintenfatlards hiding behind PC every gen
Ninceldos are so eloquent sometimes LOL
>Western shit
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I'll take bing wahoo ports anyday of the week
thanks for contributing to the 100 million units sold
porque no los tres?
Yeah for sure, if MS turned gears into an xbox only single player and boasted about it as anything other than a brown and gray dudebro shooter and it blew up to the point of people crying that its art or a masterpiece then you bet your ass I'd shit on it as it deserves, same with zelda, I'm not a zelda fan but they at least innovated the series a bit and try new shit and art styles, overrated? 100%. Worth buying a switch for? Absolutely not, but theres enough content and explanation to warrant at least a second playthrough
This is fine though
Imagine having 6 years to accumulate a library and you need to list games that aren't even released for filler while simultaneously cherry picking the competition
97 lol
>Sonyfags still seething that nintendo got the uncensored version
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, enjoy your persona 5:royal game bro
>Remove cake romances and binkis from the game because It's le too problematic
I'm not the same dude you faggot.
Did you seriously try to compare first party changes to forcing a third party company to change shit?
No games, unfortunately.
>bragging about not having Persona 5
How many layers of mental illness are nincel third-worlders on?
This. Fuck Snoy and fuck the demented, fatherless, corporate cocksucking cuckolds that blindly defend them while not even knowing what's going on.
Never bought a single Nintendo console, just emulated a handful of their Wii games.
Started off playing games on a PS1 as a kid, then owned PS2, PS3, Vita and PS4. I won't be buying PS5 on launch. And IF (big fucking IF) they somehow get exclusive 3rd party Japanese support back, which is bordering on impossible seeing their latest Cali rebranding, trend chasing as well as censorship, I'll get a PS5 used to avoid giving them my money.
Eat every shit in the world.
I will admit, zelda remake looks shit and is 60 bucks but the sotc remake was a downgrade from the ps3 version besides the control enhancements. GoW 2017 is not a good game
Also cherrypicking. Are you ok?
>still trying to do mental gymnastics to convince himself P5S is what he wanted all along
Nintendo has to self-censored so they can get the lower rating, no one fucking defending it dipshit, and censoring first party games is the way lesser evil than sony censoring THIRD PARTY MATURE GAMES.
>it's ok when that one Soitch exclusive gets censored to hell
Even when dead, you still sucking Iwata's dick
>I'm not a bingtendie(please Iwata-sama, forgive me for saying this but it's for a good cause)
hmm... I went from Nintendo + PC to nintendo + PS4 to Nintendo + Xbox.
Shit like Omega Labyrinth arent even being localized for Switch so what is the point?
Using the word triggered sure does negate anythting i say, want to call me toxic and problematic too? Am i invading your safespace? Get the fuck out of here with that soft soiboi bullshit, I'll get mad if i want to
Go wild.
Right, it's ok when Jewtendo bows to CuckEra.
ninceldos are walking breathing memes
Why would I even want the royal now? Sony literally going to fuck it up, retardera already got atlus US to censor catherine.
That's the second samefag I've seen all night. Sonyfags really are just NPCs spewing out the same tired responses over and over again.
I certainly hope you're being truthful. I've been called a faggot for saying that Xenoblade is movie trash and that I shouldn't have to deal with hour after hour of cutscenes, while people have no problem with me if I say the exact same thing about Persona. It's so stupid. I also think Zelda is a stupid whiny bitch who deserves a bullet to the head, but everyone calls me an evil troll. Meanwhile, nobody bats an eye when I say that Aloy is a boring POS that doesn't make the game better at all, and these bloody waifu loving hypocrities say nothing. I try to be reasonable and criticize all companies equally, and I get skewered like a ham.
Nintenlards really are insecure fatasses still hiding behind PC because all Soitch has is bing bing wahoo toddler shit
>Japanese only rating board CERO is related to an english only offshoot of another english only forum.
>buying chunk shit
Well no wonder you are having problems
>cramming this many console war talking points into one post
Take a breather kid
>tfw you hate Nintendo for supporting disgusting sex fanservice, but you also hate sony for supporting censorship
Feels good not being a corporate bootlicker.
>d-didnt want it anyways
Yup, nincels are mentally ill
Enjoy paying for DLC to fund PS4 exclusives little cuck
Nintendo only bow down to the cucks over the Mr.Game and Watch shit which I was clearly mad about you stupid fuck.
Its crazy how no E3 is rustling their jimmies this hard
It's crazy how Sony winning this generation is rustling Nincels so hard they can't stop making threads about Sony.
What is that pic supposed to be showing?
case and point lmao
Why are you linking your own post, kid?
I really don't, I don't want a version coming from nu-sony, I'm better off keeping my vanilla version on the PS4.
The cult of Nintendo is plagued with schizos. The Shitch is such a massive failure of no games, only way to defend it is also to own a PC. Nevermind that PC emulates Wii U games just fine anyways.
You can stop samefagging any time
>already bought it
lol cope snoytranny
Jewtendo only makes party toddler games
Still get outshone by some no-name indie devs
Typical dumb phoneposting Xnigger. Stick to falseflagging.
PC is starting to emulate the Switch too.
About that
>all these snoys mad at no E3
>I really don't
Currently on the horizon nintendo has
Bayonetta 3
Astral Chain
Metroid Prime 4
and Fire Emblem 3 Houses
This is the part where you cope hard.
>Sony made CAPCOM censor DMC
>anime's greatest betrayals
first microsoft allies with sony, now pirates are muscling in on the switch
Never would have guessed that. Nice work
Man i agree with you and it's why i went PC and moved on with my life aside from this shit board to check out new info and possible leaks for shit. I just hate when people over work something they personally enjoy into the end all be all of something, zeldas overrated as fuck as are many Nintendo first party games but the level of shilling for sony is off the charts, I've played a few of their exclusives, horizon zero dawn was a good time, spider-man and the rest not so much, its never worth it to spend money on a console for one game because thats retarded, also buying all consoles is such a waste of money and time, grab something with shit you can get the most out of, singleplayer and online, co op if your not competitive. Spending $100 bucks on a single game to play it for 5 hours for "story" is next level stupid.
>somebody actually made this
Ouch, not a good look for the snoys
>porting memes
not him (i actually play pirated pc stuff) but never use yourself as a comparison.
no one is as important as they think, even me
>All nincels mad at losing to Sony
>Sonyfags are this butthurt over the switch being the new weebmachine
Just buy a switch already babies
Because the Switch titles are all ports that PC already has. Jesus you drones go to ridiculous lengths to disguise your shill threads. Fuck off and leave PC out of this.
Can someone post the webm of the soýboy playing Labo?
no nintendo fan is bothered by emulation, it provides easy access to classic nintendo titles
you're thinking of the higher ups who run the company
>3 cinematic experiences and an actually good game (Metroid)
And they said sony was the king of movies.
They didn't mistake it.
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>PC versions
No. The Switch is a piece of shit. It's already outdated now compared to PS4 and Xbox One. When the next generation of consoles comes out it's going to be ancient. There's a reason nincels are so insecure.
You mean new kusoge machine. It doesn't even have essential Jap games like Persona, FF, DMC, Sekiro and so on. It's a shovelware dumping ground.
no-one invited you, ACfag
And still lost Japan to Nintendo.
Imagine defending this soýboy jew corporation in 2019. What deluded shills.
>in japan
Nincels are this butthurt the PS4 destroyed the last Nintendo console and now they're regulated to weak happy meal tablets
Just buy a real console already babies
>Literally kill senran kagura
>Censored large amounts of japanese titles doing more damage than nintendo has ever done
>Cancels OLZ from being releasing here in the states
>Sonyfags WILL STILL defend them
yikes, PS4 wasn't even that good to begin with before sony starting letting their exclusives go multiplat and censoring weebshit
>It doesn't even have essential Jap games like
It has SMT games, which are more classic and arguably more essential.
It has plenty of classic FF games
It has DMC too.
I love how you were going to say Dark Souls but quickly changed it to Sekiro because you forgot DS got ported to Switch.
And still Jap devs are putting their games on PS4 and even fucking Xbone over Soitch.
I know the truth hurts user. I'll give you some time to deal with it.
And to think it all started FIVE YEARS AGO
>it has those ports from two gens ago, it counts!!!
>ooooh noooo i can't see naked drawings anymore what ever will I do
Have sex weeb nincel. You only care about anime games because the Switch has nothing worth playing.
I'm more than certain people saying that the Switch is the new weeb machine comes from personal experience and actually having a history with sony, hence why they're able to make the comparison.
But you're too much of a seething poorfag bootlicker to understand that most of these people are just idorts.
Now go dilate, 72 percenter.
>it has the games tho
>the games from 15 years ago which is all it can run but still
the ps5 is gonna give this dude PTSD LOL
>caring about SK past EV shitshow
thank god for Yuzu
>it doesn't have all the western inspired normalfag games
I don't see the problem here.
PS4 outlived Switch.
The the L, Nintennegroes. You should be used to it by now.
>all those buzzwords just to cope
I don't need another dusk collector, no thanks.
>literally killed of their last real console
>only makes happy meal toys now
>censors their mainline games
>makes nothing but rehashes and ports of their tired old games
>Nincels WILL STILL defend them
yikes. The Switch wasn't even that good to begin with before Nintendo started censoring their games and having no games but ports.
>those critically acclaimed Jap games don't count, only kusoge does
>Shitty indie titles are the reason for purchasing a Switch
Wow, talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
PS4 was only worth it for the weebshit
Don't tell me you play naughtyfag games? LMAO
Wow Nintendofags getting bullied big time in here KEK
You would know owning the port machine Shitch.
>actually it does
What the fuck kind of cope like this?
That's like going
>WHAT'S 2 + 2?!
Jesus christ go see a psychiatrist.
At least nintendo doesn't go out and censor third party mature games unlike your favorite cuck company does ;^)
They always get bullied. They're like the autistic fat kid who tries hard to be big but in the end get pushed around. There's a reason they're always starting these console war threads.
It has PS2 ports of those series, nincel.
>Sonyfags:The meltdown, the thread
>critically acclaimed by "western journalists"
>he thinks this is a good thing lmao
Boy I sure miss playing dumbed down cinematic monster hunter for retarded westerners or looking at shitty western inspired character designs in ironic weebshit
>Seething this hard
Go outside Nincel.
They're the autistic fat kid who always tells on the teacher(the mod)
>It has DMC too.
lol they said they're not porting the rest
you have a ripped out DMC1 from the HD collection
>People unironically defending snoy
Why isn't Steam Link on Switch already?
Even fucking Apple let it release.
>but it does though
this is you
>Nincels: The obsession, the thread
Sounds like projection to me, mommy makes you go to therapy huh?
>people unironically defending switch library
call me when they get good japanese games and not kusoge
>b-b-b-b-b-but it does though
>it'll get the new one e-e-e-e-eventually
Fixed it for you, champ
Lmao the same nincels spamming Bore of the Ubishit MC score daily
maybe in your seething little head
I'm sorry you're so upset you have no E3 to enjoy this year :(
I've always been Sony+Nintendo+PC
So easy enough to just drop Sony
Anyone who buys a playstation console is legitimately retarded when the PC exist, there literally no reason to own one.
Steam is the new moe paradise.
>Breath of the Wild and Smash Bros are PC ports
oh that's right, we haven't even mentioned the nintendo bonus yet
>manchildren unironically defend a toy tablet with nothing but Wii U ports and low-budget kusoge
>console wars
How does it feel to be 14?
Not that guy but Sekiro and DMC5 are beloved in Asia.
BoTW plays better on PC and for free. Dumb nintenfag.
>Ports and low-budge kusoge
Sounds way better than what sony currently offering
I can't wait for all the coping snoy guzzling so(n)yboys to get bullied off the board when E3 rolls around.
Don't forget, guys. When it comes to Switch:
>ports are ports
>sequels are ports
>multiplat titles are ports
And if you don't agree, you are a Nincel.
Get a pc, fucking use linux if you want to, steal games, emulate consoles and stop feeding billion dollar corporations who have more rights than you. Steal the pc parts if you must i dont give a fuck but take your heads out if your asses and stop shilling for money printing Chinese manufactured toys.
>ported memes
Stop larping as a Jap, you cringe Nintenlardo.
I hope you don't think the average asian/nip normalfag likes 2d titty waifu simulators
>ported memes
You didn't invent wojak, kid.
A game that plays on emulator is a port. Oh boy. You learn something new every day.
Watching any of sony's movie games on youtube makes it a port. So why not apply it here?
Is he a doppleganger?
>didn't even bother to put in the sony beanie
LAZY like all of your ports LOL
>having this much of a kneejerk reaction to a three letter word
What's the matter user? Feeling exposed?
how's E3 going champ?
You got me there.
And speaking of games... Life of Black Tiger 2, where is it?
This LOL fag is next level braindead, must have come from tumblr with how he handles arguments he can't win
yeah it's pretty obvious that he's samefagging like crazy when literally nearly every post contains "ninceldo" and "LOL"
it's like a old man with alzheimer's
let me quote your friend here:
>>having this much of a kneejerk reaction to a three letter word
Seething westaboo shit eater
I like how tendies start these console war threads then always cry and act like the victims when they get dabbed on. Truly the biggest babies.
"lol" isn't a word, it's an acronym, you dunce
try finishing school before you post again
the best part is the ones started by sonychads get deleted instantly
theirs stay up forever and yet they eat shit all the way through
>look at all those high quality Jap games not on Switch
How do we save kiketendo shills?
>a-and I can't wait until Sony loses this gen
>a-and I can't wait until Nintendo makes real console again
LOL. This is what losers say. Good thing we live in a reality where Sony always wins.
The OP is clearly a PCfag considering the only thing that stayed consistent with his transition was PC.
But you snoys are utterly obsessed with Nintendo so I except nothing else. I can imagine you hearing bing bing wahoos in your sleep.
Dropping sony after I just built a pc last year. All the good games get ported to PC anyway and I've already played p5 and bloodborne.
>When the Wii-U was more fucking fun than the PS4
PS4 is the worst console I've ever fucking own, at least with the Wii-U I had fun with Smash, Mario 3D World, Mario Maker and Mario Kart, I can't remember the last time I truly had fun with my playstation besides playing some KH ports and KH3.
but you have no E3, that's a fact
enjoy getting your fat nasty ass kicked off the board when the rest of us have comfy time, nigger ;)
>The OP is clearly a PCfag
Nintenfatties using PC as a shield has been a thing for decades. PCfags just emulate and pirate Nintendo anyways.
>the best part is the ones started by sonychads get deleted instantly
True. That's a real Yea Forums censorship. They kinda follow your favorite company's new policy, don't you agree?
force them to hit the gym for starters, but they're the type to mental gymnastics(ironic) their way out of it
Guess James isn't awake. Otherwise this thread would've be destroyed long ago.
>PCfags just emulate and pirate Nintendo anyways.
Wouldn't that mean they're fans of their games then?
Man, you can't even stay consistent with yourself!
>30 year head start
>poorly made meme
we've been over this already
>muh bing bing wahoo shit
Switch is still shit though, there's really no need to pick that shit up.
Show us those quality JP PS4 games you guys have.
>western shit is h-high quality I-i swear, just look at all these western "critics" praising it
Drop the realism cancer everywhere in westaboo shit and then maybe we'll talk
funny how you don't complain about headstarts when comparing the sales of the ps4 to the switch
Vita was a p4g machine, you know that is truth
>can't enjoy casual experiences because autism
Yes, bing bing wahoo shit is more fun than games on the PS4 user.
>30 year headstart
>1994 for SIE
>1968 for Video
Nobody talked about western games toddler
Vita was actually cool and has some good games, PS4 doesn't.
>PS4 dabbed on the Wii U so hard Nintendo was forced out of the home console industry to make toy tablets
>PS5 will dabb on the Switch so hard Nintendo will stop making hardware all together
tik tok tendies.
give him a break, it's late
his mommy is letting him stay up extra late because he's doing such a good job at defending nintendo's honor
user, if you like dungeon crawlers and SMT, get The Lost Child and play on hard.
Why would I get a PC? The only exclusive I can't get on my PS4 and Switch is Heroes 3. Also the only game on that image I've even heard of was DoA Extreme. You some kind of weeb?
>bing bing wahoo shit is more fun than games on the PS4
Soýcore post
to be fair, the main developer of GOW is a massive s()y
Sekiro and DMC are western inspired games.
>muh head start!
>Sonyfags still shilling playstation worse console
yikes, at least they tried with the PS3
>Switchfags are happy to be the the vita of the gen
Excuse me but WTF
Sony won.
Even if they were, they are highly praised Jap games. They are better than your boobie virgin friend simulator that not even Japs bother with. Imagine being so starved for games unironically latch to kusoge like Omega Labyrinth and Legendary Kusoge like Poke Let's Go.
-the competition over which company is the gayest
Vita was based
Switch is based
Go be a fag somewhere else
Titties bad.
>a post so succinct it captured three(3) ninceldos
how does he keep doing it?
>shitendocucks getting BTFO
Gameplay bad
Kusoge tittie games good (but only when on Soitch, not Vita)
>normalfags don't bother with it
>this is somehow bad
Have you even gone outside and seen how ugly and retarded the average person is in your own neighborhood?
My psu is corsair because I'm a real American hero.
>implying I don't have Vita, too
Actually I don't. I have PS TV,
Don't brag about being a freak, nincel.
>Sonyfags are cucks defending sony this hard
They'll probably buy a PS5 too, yikes yikes yikes YIKES
I'm a Sony+Nintendofag. You cannot tell me any of those degenerate games are actually worth a fuck. It is impossible.
I have perfect genetics just like my 2d anime waifus thank you very much
>trying to spin being the DISTANT THIRD as a positive
ninceldos are the gift that keeps on giving
>sony this whole entire gen
i use to hate the fuck out of nintendo, but now im strongly considering getting a switch, this is how bad sony has gotten, already sold my ps4 pro on ebay so im likely going to cave, be joining you weebs soon
and who i am going to defend ? the switch ? are you fucking jesting right now?
I thought you didn't like gay boring ass popular 1st party shovelware shit like Mario and Zelda though?
>pushing the 1-minute timer to it's limit and obsessively replying to every post that hurts your feelings (all of them) with "ninceldo" and "LOL" for the past 24 hours
boo get off the stage
>not enough to even get it second place
guess those two are losing their luster, huh?
Even nintendofags didn't defend nintendo during the Wii-U era, you snoyfags are looking pathetic.
They were shit to begin with so yes?
>Snoy calling others negroes
>Even nintendofags didn't defend nintendo during the Wii-U era
Yes they did
what other options we have ? super the no machine switch ? pretend dmc 1 and other prots are new games?
All this shitposting. No threads about actual news
>PSNOW will be pushed harder
>European expansion
>PlayStation and Xbox will be separate platforms, each its own
>Hybrid PlayStation
>Cloud Gaming
I only went from PC+some Sony to definitely PC only.
All 3 brands are a joke now.
he's still around tho, if you show him his of picture he runs away
>It's not their fault no one bought it.
It literally is their fault no one bought it. They put ZERO money or effort into advertising it anywhere outside of Japan. If they had put out just a fraction of the money that they routinely toss toward advertising actual shit like Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone, we'd still be playing it online. Fuck you.
>Believing this
Dumb snoynegroe
>we'd still be playing it online.
Have you even played GR2 dumb nincel?
Will Snoys still ragequit in fighting games when they lose against PC masters? Yes, they will.
I'm calling it a night, it was fun dabbing on you all
I was late to the party and only managed to get some of the rewards before the shutdown. Still pretty pissed that I can't get the GR1 outfit anymore. At least I got the Worker outfit, though...
>cape-shit video game
"Whether it's backwards compatibility or the possibility of cross generational play, we'll be able to transition that community to next-gen," he said. "It won't be a binary choice about whether you have to be either on PlayStation 4 or next-gen to continue your friendship."
lose weight
How can anyone be this retarded?
>Wanting to nintendo to go out of hardware business thus removing the only console that releasing japanese games uncensored just to pwn the nintenfags
lmao not surprised, sonyfags don't play games anyway of course they don't mind
OK, so he has muscles, but we can't see how tall he is. Maybe he really is 5'5
After PS2 and Gamecube I dont care about consoles anymore
Goodnight, pablo
Thanks, I guess?
The best combo is Xbone/Switch. Xbone for Halo/Multiplats and Switch for Weeb/1st Parties.
Imagine being this tech-illiterate. I bought a fucking prebuilt in 2014 cause I didn't know anything about PCs and I just wanted to play TF2 and since then I upgraded everything inside it except the motherboard and PSU, fucking brainlet.
Nobody normal guy who is that filled out and dedicated to lifting is ever not a bro, he would never waste time console waring, only gains matter. Which proves he's a 5'5" snoylet who lifts only to cope, probably Hispanic. Those tiny guys also full out much quicker than a person with normal height. He also plays capeshit SJW pump and dumps. I can tell he's instinctively trying to stand on hit tiptoes out of habit, even though he's sitting down.
>Mary Sue Edition
I happily emulate P5Non-R on my PC tyvm.
NOO, it's over pcbros!
Who cares? It's just going to get destroyed by the Switch.
It's all about the Switch/PC/PS4 master alliance.
Imagine being an Xcuck in this day and age, still trying to shill the dead movie player with no games Xbone while shitting on better people by falseflagging. Imagine.