>Less than 3 months.
>Still haven't decided what to roll.
Help me out, bros.
Less than 3 months
Other urls found in this thread:
Warrior, Warlock, Shaman or Hunter - can't figure it out.
Really care about two things only: Their rotation in raids and their power level in end game (Naxx gear) PVP.
Roll on by and laugh at all the sorry saps who fall for the classic blunder
Despite it being shit in classic I'm still thinking of rolling Druid since you can do solo stuff while healing for dungeons/raids and I've never played one.
Second choice is Dorf Priest
Solo stuff?
what servers are people going to play on? do we know a server name list yet?
I’m rolling a shaman don’t copy me thanks
Actually farm basically without respeccing
Horde Warrior for sure, but I can't make up my mind between Orc and UD, since I'm not sure if I wanna raid or BG more.
>thought about streaming classic
>might be my chance to make it on twitch
>entire classic twitch audience already being swept up by established streamers who all got beta keys
dead on arrival thanks to streamer scum and zoomer groups
>He thinks he'll ever do more than one or two bosses in naxx
Lol fag
While I wish you the best, if you have no charisma, draw or weird quirk you will wallow in obscurity no matter what game you play.
Acceptable classes: Warrior, Priest, Mage and Rogue if you wanna be a gankfag.
Acceptable races: Orc, UD, Human and Dorf
>rotation in raids
well that rules out warlock and hunter then mate :^)
>want to play a Paladin in pvp
>don't want to heal in raids and dungeons to gear up
Guess I will just roll a rogue then
for you undecided anons
Night Elf Hunter.
tried out a bunch of classes on private servers, still cant decide. was going to go hunter but they're kind of boring at max level and suck at dps. tossing up between rogue, priest, warr, mage
Druids are excellent while leveling (bear form for multiple mobs, cat form to down mobs quicker, self buff/heals, travel form, stealth, track humanoids). Yes they aren't as good as priest/paladin as a straight up healer but they are still useful at 60 and if you find a guild that is farming MC/ONY they'll usually let you roll as a non-healing druid
To be fair, you're retarded if you aren't using macros with small random delays so they don't get detected. I was tanking AQ40 1 handed on Elysium.
kill me
just start making YouTube videos of yourself ranting about really obvious things about WoW that everyone agrees on, then keep spamming asmongold chat telling him to watch it, do this about 4 or 5 times to build a youtube following then transition to twitch
With this kind of attitude you've already lost. You can't think like that if you want to succeed. Entertainment isn't that kind of market anyway. My advice for small scale streamers is to focus on an underserved yet passionate audience and target that demographic to exclusion. Provide a unique or valuable product (ideally both) and upload or stream on a VERY regular schedule.
henry rollins
here we fucking go
please don't give me alliance
I'm gonna roll Warrior again but I'm kinda torn on the race
I plan on mostly tanking and pvping as arms and I'm leaning towards tauren because I like it more, but when it comes to actually raiding, the odds of being able to tank a 40 man raid are pretty low and being orc would benefit me going fury
0 chance I'll actually obey the roll
Human Sub Rogue, what a shit combo.
Orc is best PvE Warrior, bro. +axe skill >>> everything.
>you won't obey your own pick
Light show me the way. Show me that I was meant to play Undead Priest. Bonus points if my dream of Offensive Disc is realized.
play horde and roll 3 classes
Orc Warrior
Orc Warlock
Tauren Druid
You will get everything you could ever want out of having one of these as a main and the other 2 as alts. I recommend the warrior as a main, because they require the most investment.
I want to play as a gay human paladin
the human frost mage, check em
Wew well you got the class/race
Yeah. I guess I was always meant to be a Forsaken discipline priest.
Light guide you all, friends.
roll me daddy
Here’s goes nothing
I really don't want to play Female. Do you think the Light would abide this change?
roll me up a fat one
UD Warlock. Lakeshire is mine.
roll mage, our numbers will blot out the sun.
i'm not playing a fucking undead rogue, what am i a edgy middle schooler? re fucking roll
post some leveling music
Roll out Autobots
its your fate
Give me shaman or give me death
anyone been playing [/spoiler] private servers [/spoiler] in the meantime? it's how I've been trying to whittle down my decision on which class to play in classic
pls priest
You'll at least have a spot in a raid because of your ability to DPS. Also you will be hated if you roll an orc and gank people in the Wetlands.
Prepare to be a healbot.
Healbot extraordinaire.
Heard you liked healing.
Also a healbot.
>Warrior At least you get to be a man when you tank. But if you try to PVP, if you have no healer, prepare your anus.
Probably the only "right" choice. Lot of micromanagement with your pet and ammo though.
Also some micromanagement with your teleports, but otherwise fine.
I hope you like trade windows.
rerolling.. my friend is rolling a shaman so I can't really step on his toes
that one shitty limp bizkit song
>Female Troll Ele Shaman
Shieeet, I was actually torn between a Troll or Tauren Shaman. I might have to listen to RNGesus' gospel.
>he's not going to have 2-3 characters
I'm rolling whatever faction has the least players.
If Horde:
>Tauren Druid
>Orc Warlock
>maybe Troll Mage, too
If Alliance:
>Dwarf Rogue
>Dwarf Priest
>maybe Dwarf Hunter, too
Hunter is only the "right" choice if you have no friends.
But I will? I'm going human rogue and I'll probably roll a human warlock or dwarf hunter as an alt (and an ud priest on another server)
Normal Tier
>any male character
Tranny Tier
>any female character
Based Tier
>female dwarf rogue
yes, i am undecided, help me
Undead rogue and dwarf hunter. Although there's no t-mog so I'm not sure if a dwarf would look good with a bow, if it turns out the best hunter weapon is a bow and not a gun. A night elf would look good with a bow, but I highly doubt an elf would ever use a gun, i can believe a dwarf using a bow though.
I mainly pick those because I hear they're reliant on consumables and items. That shit is my jam.
what do the gods say i should be? was gona be troll warrior
>best hunter weapon is a bow
Are you talking about the epic one you get from the petrified leaf? I thought that AQ had some decent weapons (including a gun) that would be useful for a dwarf and I believe that there's a crafted epic gun that's pretty good (although the mats are expensive and the recipe is a bit rare)
I never played vanilla so i don't know what the better or best ranged weapons are. There's no glamour anymore so it's not like I can just change the visuals of a good gun into a nice looking bow for my elf. Plus everyone will be playing elf anyway and dwarves are based.
Dwarves are certainly based and it's good that you play a race you prefer instead of one that might get better gear. Let me look to see if I can find the guns I was talking about.
WHAT THE FUCK I RAN TROLL BM HUNTER IN VANILLA what are the goddam chances of getting that combo
Time to roll
this is the engi one I was talking about. I can't seem to find the AQ one right now.
Sounds like it was meant to be user
going again because the alliance are gay
too late, some smaller streamers like staysafe, payo, themechanic, all managed to get huge boosts from playing with asmon and soda, shoulda been in beta day 1. you could try roll on their server on release i guess but good luck with that
dwarfs are disgusting, nelfs are just purple humans. the acceptable races are the humanoid non-monster ones ie human, nelf, undead.
Dwarf Hunter is one of those combos that just feel right. They make sense lore-wise, armor looks good on them because of their bulky type and they just seem to fit and blend with the world perfectly. And I'm not even alliance
fuck gota be on horde..
Just like Tauren Warriors
So basically the god-tier roll for me is dwarf hunter with engineering and mining. Sounds great for my alliance character. Which profession do you think goes good with an undead rogue? I was thinking of alchemy, but apparently that isn't what gets you poison consumables. What about leatherworking? At least in retail i never really found it to be that good.
Rollin for human warriors
Here we go
All right chumps, let’s do this
Rolling pls gib healslut
rollin trollin rollin
Rolling .
I already know what im going with but ill roll
what are you going with user?
I. Roll.
For PvE a Night Elf Warrior (tank)
my alt will be PvP focused and be a Human Priest
Wow, nice tanking. Wish I had you in vanilla.
I'll play your game
Nelf Warrior.
Rollan bois
>replying to himself
but why
May as well start the rng now
Why not?
I'm gonna be leveling up as an enh shaman.
Will I be able to actually deal a bit of damage during 5man dungeons? or am I going to be a full-dedicated heal machine?
roll me addy
Duo Female Undead Mage
Then I might Solo an Alliance Char on the side
I'll mainly just PvP on both
For Alliance I'm Thinking either...
Night Elf Shadow Priest
Human Combat Rogue
Human Frost Mage
Which should I choose, Yea Forums?
I also like to gold farm but it's not a necessity. I could just gather or something instead I guess.
Enhance is okay damage for lowbie dungeons assuming you can keep up with weapon upgrades. The only genuinely useless DPS is a retribution paladin.
I am biased towards rogues so I'd say go rogue for that alt. Why combat though? I thought that the other specs are a bit better for soloing stuff (more utility).
rolling bros
Cant decide between warlock or priest
I've just always played combat. I could always try the other builds if I ever got to max level.
If you actually want to DPS, go warlock
Rogue is a no-brainer. The least punishing class in Vanilla and optimal at everything including money-making through opening lockboxes.
Combat is more consistent damage while grinding mobs. You can do some fancier stuff with other builds but at the end of the day your xp/second count will be higher just hitting them and chaining mobs as fast as possible.
Warlock or Warrior they are gonna be the main DPS being buffed up
Eh, unlocking lockboxes can make decent money if you sit in a capital and spam a bunch. I found it easier to just grind elemental fire.
That's true for just straight grinding but being able to sap while remaining in stealth was something I enjoyed.
Horde or kms
Are there going to be too many warriors? Used to play that so not sure if I should stick with it or change it up
lets go
Well with that class you have to go horde
A ton will start, most will wash the fuck out and quit because of how awful leveling is, but it's still one of the most common classes
Raid groups are probably 25% warriors because of how good fury and prot are though, it's just the default melee class, of course it's going to be popular
Male, my choice race, male shaman
This is literally what I was planning on doing anyway. Probably troll.
Gonna play warrior, do I need engineering to pvp on arms? I'd rather do blacksmithing honestly
i played warlock on nostalrius and ppl dont really ask for healthstones
Going to roll a Human Paladin, then a Dwarf Hunter, then a NElf Rogue if I feel like it. Fuck rolling Gnome
Rate me, also suggestions for professions?
Gonna roll a resto shammy more than likely but let's see, only rolling for class.
Combat leveling is optimal but pretty damn boring. It's like the spec for people that don't like being a rogue. I say go subtlety and focus on every talent that improves stealth and evasion. Never kill something you didn't pickpocket first. If you aren't sneaking 99% of the time you're doing it wrong.
Orc Warlock or Tauren Shaman? Been struggling with the decision for months now.
Wait, what rule does my class randomizer image break? Is it considered spam?
Oh wow someone who finally tells it like it is!
I thought this would just be some "content" like TipsOut. Nope, this stuff is Yea Forums homebrew!
>deleting a roll pic that is actually relevant to the topic
It has happened to me a couple of times now, I think it's because anons post them in offtopic threads in an attempt to get the thread deleted although I'm not certain.
too efficient for farming (You)s, had to be stopped
Booty Bay, home...
I'm pretty sure there's an actual rule against "roll" images like that. If you actually report them they pretty much always get deleted.
Well shit I wasn't attempting to farm (you)s, just providing something for the anons that wanted to test their luck.
Warlock pros:
>literally unbeatable in duels and WPvP
>guaranteed raid spot through all tiers
>free mount
>ability to fuck with players on your own faction (Fear, Enslave Demon, Summon Infernal, Summon Doomguard)
>second-fastest leveling, just barely behind hunter
Warlock cons:
>Soul Shard farming
>one-button rotation
>almost guaranteed to be on everyone's KoS list
>countered by Urist McBearded the Priest and his Fear Ward and Shadow Resistance
>expected to summon everyone all the time
Shaman pros:
Shaman cons:
>actually need a brain to function
>most-expensive class to level
>learning to totem twist with four full action bars
>no crowd control without War Stomp
>only thing that goes OOM faster is a Boomkin
>Warlock cons
I played alliance sm ruin warlock on nost and never lost to a shadow priest. only to rogues, decked out warriors, and SL warlocks
pretty hard to go wrong honestly, those are both great choices
Just like OSRS was a blunder, right?
How do I gear a Fury warrior for raiding?
All the tiered gear is for tanks
Damn thanks for the list, that'll help a lot.
Human or Gnome Mage?
Gnome. Extra int is huge.
what is this?
I'll be unironic for you; you don't go for the set gear. Take Molten Core, for example. A DPS warrior can still get Eshkandar's Right Claw, Blastershot Launcher, Flameguard Gauntlets, Quick Strike Ring, Core Hound Tooth, and Onslaught Girdle.
Human if you're smart and don't want to waste your time rep farming. Gnomes only get a +5% INT increase, and Escape Artist is useless with Ice Block and Blink. Humans also get Perception, which is good for firing off a Fire Blast to end their stun.
I want to go to shaman but all my friends like alliance more than horde. I prefer alliance as well but shaman is without a doubt my favourite class
It almost was, if jagex didn't decide to expand and add new content to OSRS it absolutely would be dead.
Sounds like a personal problem. Regardless, make a hybrid, which would be a druid or a paladin, to get the same-ish feel. That's the best you can do if you can't convince them to give up Stormwind for a much better end-game experience.
I get mixed messages about warlocks vs rogues. Are rogues really a counter to warlocks or is it just that you need to be SL to fight them
I'm still split between priest and mage. I like mage a bit more, but priest is ezmode for getting group/raid invites.
Probably human, but maybe undead, depends on where other people go. I went to 60 on both sides in vanilla so neither is new to me.
Mained a Paladin and later a Shaman in vanilla, I never want to play a hybrid class ever again.
You picked three of the worst classes for raiding. Warrior is the best based on your criteria.
Rogues defeat any class as long as they use the Ring of Death and their stuns aren't resisted. Orcs, by default, can survive the RoD, as well as anyone with an Insignia, though I don't remember which faction's broke stuns; I believe it's Alliance. Regardless, this means that a warlock giving up a trinket slot can break stun, turn, fire off a Death Coil, and toss a DoT to win the fight. Granted, a UD rogue has WotF, and I believe the Horde's Insignia breaks fear, but even then the small gap out of melee range is what is needed, whether it's for CoEx or Sacrifice to buy time to cast Fear properly.
Here's a little something for my fellow enhancechads
Should I play Warcrafts 1-3 before tackling WoW?
There was never a time when they weren't considering adding new content though. It was literally a tier in the original vote where they decided if OSRS would even happen and how much support OSRS would get.
And Blizzard has also already stated they're open to adding post 60 Classic content.
So yeah.
You only have 1 button in raids and thats windfury totem
1 isn't necessary because there isn't any real lore to it. It's just a war between orcs & humans.
2 is when the lore starts and 3 is where it gets really fleshed out.
At least play 3, and 2 if you want to.
3 is basically mandatory though.
I'm just going to use Asmongold's streaming playlist, it's mostly rock songs from the early-mid 2000s which is the most fitting music for Classic WoW
so... if I go orc warlock what sort of allys do I run away from
Imagine playing enh for anything but pvp
Are they hard?
I typically suck at RTS games.
Leatherworking was a waste of a profession when I played vanilla. I eventually dropped it for engineering and never looked back.
But if you actually want something useful for raiding, Alchemy and Enchanting are necessary.
Ah vanilla.
Picture is from 2006.
It was late at night and I decided to take the 30 minute+ trek to the shimmering flats in search of quests. What I found was a desolate land deep in horde territory. As its namesake suggests, it was indeed flat, as far as the eye could see... Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, and packed with horde.
After hours of attempting to quest but instead dealing with the horde terror, I saw something I didn't expect. Friends.
A night elf rogue and a gnome mage were also in here, huddled together to fend off the horde. I was overjoyed to see allies in such a hostile place.
Together we grouped up and cleared the entire shimmering flats, not only of quests, but of horde filth while we were at it. On that moment I was so excited for what was happening that I took a screenshot.
13 years later I still have it.
lol none of them.
Bear Bash? nah
Concussive Shot? nah
Hammer of Justice? nah
Cheap Shot? nah
Charge? nah
Yes, mages can reset fights, but you have such stupidly good sustain that doesn't matter. Yes, priests have DoTs, but yours hit harder. Yes, other warlocks might show up, but the fear of WotF is real. If you go Demo, you simply can't lose in 1v1 matchups, unless you're retarded.
Nah they're actually pretty easy desu. The campaigns are heavily storyline based and you'll spend half of your time reading and watching cut scenes.
you just need to be funny, tell good stories, and just generally be charismatic. look at the streamers that have made it big since the beta. they're all funny and charismatic and easy to watch, while guys that started at the same time from pretty much the same level have a fraction of the viewers.
Different user, but no not really. You can choose between easy/normal/hard for the campaign in WC3 and normal is pretty balanced difficulty-wise. I suck at RTS too and WC2 and 3 are some of my favorite games ever.
Ah, I forgot about the initial poll for OSRS, hopefully blizzard does add post 60 content and doesn't take the "No Changes" people so seriously that they'd sabotage something that could be great.
this hope they add tokens and twitch integration first
Probably gonna roll a Dorf Hunter again like I did in Vanilla, just to make Rogue's cry about me on the forums. God bless you Stoneform.
Why not be the rogue with Cloak of Shadows-lite in Classic, and be Urist McStabber?
If they put more content I'd rather they just add more BGs and more leveling dungeons
I never liked the combo/spirit system.
Part of the reason I shelved my hunter for the most part after they changed us to "focus" instead of mana. Felt like I was playing a ranged rogue, and I lost interest.
I was wondering this as well, what classes are best in classic? I remember rolling a warrior and being pretty underwhelmed by it
Classic is great because there is no best class. There's no homogenization, so what's important is finding a class that suits your interests.
The first things you need to consider are paired: what role do you want, and how far are you willing to play? For example, if you want to tank, but you don't want to invest time into end-game raiding, there's no reason to be a warrior, because paladins and druids handle high-level dungeons better.
So, if you're willing to tell us which role you want (tank, healer, DPS, hybrid) and what content you want to focus on (PvE-lite, raiding, WPvP / dueling, BGs), we can help you.
Well, I don't want to be "Da best" I just don't want to feel gimped because Vanilla's balance is pretty bad.
I guess DPS, not really picky about what kind, I was thinking about hunter
As an orc warrior, would you still try to use axes in pvp? Or stick to swords anyway?
Rank 14 weapon you'd take sword regardless right?
Hunter isn't really brought along to dungeons most of the time because of pet aggro from retarded hunters tainting the class. Hunters are also awful DPS in raiding. However, a BM hunter shreds cloths and leathers in duels, and 0/21/30 is the primo BG spec because Aimed Shot->Multi-Shot->Auto-Shot is a guaranteed death on most classes with a strong, high-end damage weapon (ie SLOW) that crits on hit.
Every DPS class has its strengths and weaknesses, but they also have their own "I win" sets; the 21/30 build I just mentioned is the hunter's, though technically Beastial Wrath with a Cat or a Bat achieves the same thing. Rogues have stunlock, or the Ring of Death, which about half of their builds strive for, like the 31/8/12, 21/8/22, or 24/3/24. Even 17/3/31 stunlocks. In a PvE environment, rogues just spam SS into SnD / Evis to top charts; just don't be stupid and stand in fire. Mages can permanently reset fights if they aren't in their favor with Polymorph and Ice Block, while also having PoM / Pyro 31/20 with trinkets. They're expected to load up Winter's Chill in raid until BWL is completed, then they get to have fun with Rolling Ignites. Warlocks, as I've already hyped, are stupidly broken in PvP. For raiding, all they do is spam Shadow Bolt, but at least if you get to Twin Emps you get to be the tank.
All warriors go for axes regardless of race for PvP. The +5% crit from weapon specialization, along with another +5% crit from Cruelty, is pivotal for warrior PVP. The extra attack swing means nothing compared to a critical MS / Execute.
>All warriors go for axes regardless of race for PvP.
wait what?
why was every famous old pvp shitstomping video done with a r14 sword then?
maybe dont be a min maxing faggot and pick the one you think is cooler, did you think of that
The greatsword unironically has a better model than the battle axe. If you've got a small window of time to get an R14 weapon because your guild has been grinding your account, you're not going to fuck it up and get the silly axe that has a faction insignia on it.
I've always enjoyed mage gameplay more than any other class, but something about warlocks always attracts me. I like pet classes, and the warlock lore of the never-ending pursuit of pure power is awesome
but I enjoy mage gameplay more, so I always end up playing mage
mages isn't fun you dingdong, get that into your pUNY brain
Okay, now THIS is epic.
there is literally 0 chance anyone grinded our tank 14 and then picked an inferior weapon because they prefer how it looks
What class is fun, user?
>our tank
out rank
No one considered it "inferior" because only the asshole clique at ElitistJerks were putting in the nerdtime for theorycrafting. It wasn't until later expansions that it became "common knowledge" for min-maxers that getting off Deep Wounds and critting on MS was much more damage than an extra swing, and also better for survivability since it basically ended fights in half the time because of it.
what spec for pvp?
20/31/0 (NF/SL) or 7/31/13 (SL/SB) for WPvP / dueling, because survivability is more important than range in those environments. For BGs, you want 30/0/21 (SM/Ruin) or 19/0/32 (NF/CF) because of the increased range and ability to perform the Succubus Lock.
I'm gonna be a wandering rp priest/monk
I'm gonna be a pirate!
Whats the trade window for? Healthstones? Noone asks for healthstones.
What people WILL bother you for (and I say this as a boomer who levelled a warlock to 60 in vanilla, I was fucking THERE) is for MOTHER. FUCKING. SUMMONS.
ALL. DAY. EVERY. DAY. If you are out in a zone levelling, and are on a reasonably populated server, you're going to get whispers to the point of making you go fucking insane. It was so bad, I started telling people I never learned the spell. And it would have been fine if everyone followed a decent format.
>Hi I have two people in zone willing to help and 5 gold for your time, can I please have a summon?
But no... it was always
>summon plz
Then they sit on their ass jumping around IF or Org waiting for YOU to stop what YOURE doing and track down two other retards to help the ritual, and if you do that, youre lucky if they dont immediately leave group and run off. Consider yourself fucking blessed if you get a fucking thank you.
And the BEST part, and I still remember this like it was fucking yesterday, the BEST part, was the amount of times youd have people TELL YOU TO HURRY UP. Youd be running around, pinging general, trying to be cool, get this retard their fucking summon. AND THEN THEYD WHISPER YOU AND ASK WHATS TAKING SO LONG. The amount of times I had this happen to me was staggering, I started responding that if theyd just started flying, they wouldve arrived by now and quit the party. It was fucking so mind bending to me how people would just expect you to drop what youre doing, ignore that you might get ganked or trip over more mobs than you expected, struggle to find helpers, then bitch at you for taking too long, when YOURE the one doing them the fucking favour.
What I'm trying to say is don't level a warlock, and if you do, purposely dont learn the summon spell.
>Have already figured it out
>It's female Night Elf priest on an RP server
feels gay as hell man
Which is the best faction overall for raiding?
I always had the impression it was alliance, but it's been so long I can't properly remember. I know fear ward trivializes some difficult bosses, that's about as far as my knowledge goes.
I'm rolling the same thing but not on an RP server
Yeah it's pretty gay
If you are not sure, I would definitely go for orc in this case.
Their active racial is great for DPS and is very useful for PVE DPS, and their stun resist is amazing for PVP. The UD active is very good for PVP as well, but less important for PVE given tremor totem, dispel etc.
... that and orcs look boss as warrior ;)
sm ruin nf conflag are both fine for wpvp
better to be a glass cannon as a warlock than a damage sponge that cant deal any real dps (any SL spec)
only with T3 can you be the ultimate damage dealer and tank as SL
Fear ward and pally buffs
give me RP-PvP or give me death
>Escape Artist is useless
I'd watch your stream user :)
Thanks for exposing me to these user, I really like these.
>Blink breaks immobilize and stun
>Ice Block cures DoTs and resets on Cold Snap
BASED retard using greentext thinking her opinion matters.
I wanna play a stupid broken DPS class for pvp because I have only ever healed in WoW but I don't know the top tier classes in classic pvp. Also is shadow priest strong in pvp bc I could totally play that as well.
This is all accurate.
I've been in raids where the entire raid knows that warlocks are summoning, but no one fucking clicks and the raid leader has to screech at everyone to fucking click the portals.
And then people would still do shit like "fuck i missed the summon, 123 again".
or they'd 123 and then go take a shit
On the opposite end, sucking your warlocks' dicks had benefits and they'd summon you first.
luckily i hate pet classes anyhow but i feel for you dude, shit sounds obnoxious.
good luck getting gear as an spriest
Boomkin: 1/5
Feral: 3/5, 4/5 if you bind shapeshifting
BM: 3/5, 4/5 against cloth and leather
Survival: 4/5, 5/5 in BGs
PoM/Pyro: 2/5, guaranteed kill but shit otherwise
Elemental: 5/5
Deep Frost: 5/5
Reckoning: 3/5, 4/5 in duels
Retribution: 2/5
Smite: 2/5
Shadow: 5/5
Assassination: 4/5, 5/5 in duels
Combat: don't/5
CB/Prep: 5/5
Subtlety, 4/5, 5/5 in BGs
Elemental: 4/5
Enhancement: 2/5, because of range
Affliction: 4/5
Demo: 5/5, 6/5 in duels
Destro: 5/5
Arms: 5/5, 6/5 with a pocket healer
Fury: 3/5, 4/5 with a pocket healer
If you want an easy raid spot roll Rogue, Mage, Warlock or Warrior
Warrior and Rogue need quite a bit of gear before they can raid though
couldn't i just heal for gear
I just need an active sub right? No need to buy BFA?
Assuming hes referring to raid loot, a good raid leader would never allow a shadow priest to take priority over a dedicated dps caster, even in a DKP system.
Yes but you wouldnt be allowed to bid on dps gear until it reaches what our guild called 'alt bid status' which means that you wouldnt be allowed to bid until all the mages warlocks and depending on the guild boomkins had it and/or passed.
You could also just buy gold from Blizzard and sell it to your GM to get the gear...
As a priest, you compete directly with mages and warlocks. Let's just use MC for an example. Seal of the Archmagus, Talisman of Ephemeral Power, Fireproof Cloak, Band of Sulfuras, or Crimson Shocker? Well, you could certainly make an argument for those. Staff of Dominance? You better fucking hope Azuresong dropped, good luck winning this against them. Igniting Cord, Choker of Enlightenment, Ring of Spell Power, Robe of Volatile Power, Sorcerous Dagger, Fire-Runed Grimoire, Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame, Choker of the Firelord, or Sash of Whispered Secrets? lol no
I can't wait another 3 months FUCK.
so bros should I go troll shaman for the lols or orc shaman for the OP racial
>You could also just buy gold from Blizzard and sell it to your GM to get the gear
troll shaman for the apple commercial
Which DPS class has the easiest time getting spots in raids?
It was a comparison of impossible thinking.
Has it been confirmed whether or not tokens will be applicable to WoW classic? Because in all honestly holy fuck was the gold grind insane back in the day.
Rogue is generally the best DPS class for both raids and PvP
If you're a class lead, any of them. Being serious, don't think about it in terms of which is the easiest to get into a raid, think of it as which class you'll enjoy the most aesthetically. Let's say that it was, in theory, guaranteed that rogues would get a raid spot. If you hate rogues, why would you subject yourself to the slow leveling of 1-60 just to play a class you hate?
What you want as an spriest is your pvp set. You only need to worry about getting off pieces from raids.
fuckin grown ass men
I remember reading that the token wasn't sellable for gold in classic, however using tokens in retail will extend your subscription in classic as the subscription time is shared.
Haven't got the link to it though.
>questing in charred vale
>some shithead start pvping
>area is now unplayable for at least couple hours
and youll only get good pieces for offset if youve been raiding in a guild for 5 months after all of the main casters have their bis
It all starts with a warlock fearing someone into a group of harpies, or someone competing with the jackass farming fire elementals.
even over mage?
I just love these reddit refugee WoW Classic general threads on /r/videoga- I mean Yea Forums.
Anyone can easily level a mage, making it a saturated class at max level, especially from private servers tainting the farming mentality. Rogues, meanwhile, require people who understand that their weapons need to be updated on a regular basis, and are careful about pulls. The pleb filter means there's technically fewer rogues at max level, and even less who have properly leveled lockpicking.
I plan on playing Druid too and NE male made much more sense for that than Priest.
Am I just supposed to make both characters male? What kind of weirdo do you think I am?
>Rogues, meanwhile, require people who understand that their weapons need to be updated on a regular basis
Not really.
Just do green quests, anr do sm and rfd.
WotF is tank fear ward for horde, very important for some fights imo so UD is still a fine tank choice.
You're forgetting that 90% of people playing Classic haven't played Vanilla and don't know that warriors and rogues are meant to do green quests.
you would be right if warrior didn't have a literal fear break built into their kit
I haven't played vanilla too, so what?
>warriors and rogues are meant to do green quests
says who
still means they can spam it for more rage and threat generation instead of holding on to it at all times.
Says everyone since 2005, on the grounds that warriors and rogues can't handle adds properly and will get fucked by yellow mobs. Warriors, for example, have to be 100% committed to a group fight until they get Piercing Howl, a talent, and rogues can only rely on Sap for two mobs and can't hit more than one target until Blade Flurry.
it doesn't give threat and it doesn't give rage unless you talent for it you don't
>until Blade Flurry.
>leveling in combat
They are pretty much even in PvE. There are pros and cons but mage will edge out rogue because melee is still a pain in the ass with positioning. Mages are much more flexible with frost spec early on, and transitioning into fire but fire is super fucky with ignite.
If you plan to raid long term, Warlock is the safer bet. Once you get access to spell hit gear, Warlock DPS skyrockets. Not to mention MC and BWL tier gear has a higher drop rate than any other class to fill in if you can't get certain BIS pieces.
It's called "Ass Leveling" for a reason, retard.
>no, I'm talking about Hemo!
Gas yourself.
By green quests do you mean try to do overleveled quests while leveling up?
>i want to be like warr
>but even more retarded
oh I thought it did, guess I remember using it that way as a fury warrior I guess
Try to be overleveled when doing quests, thereby making their text turn green in the quest log. The exception is for dungeon quests, which you really want to be yellow for max XP, but the warrior has to be within 2 levels of the max-level mobs in that dungeon, otherwise they'll suffer trying to hold threat.
Thinking of starting a horde guild to mostly PvP / gank streamers / I dunno do whatev.
Here's the rules so far. Anything I should cut? Anything I should add?
Best weapon is nerubian slave maker. Basically you're using crossbows except for a brief stint with rhok'delar.
Also they look fine on dwarf hunters, I know from experience.
I get that for warriors, but is it really that bad for rogues?
Less so but still yes
Fug, can't decide between warrior and mage. I love both tanking and dps as warrior but their leveling hurts my soul. I also love mages but I don't want to spend hours spamming lf1m tank
what is CB/Prep?
>enjoy tauren race
>orc racial is just too broken to pass
warriors get hamstring at level 8.
>making warrior for the character I'm leveling with a dedicated party
>everyday I realize I want to play shaman more and more but I know my group is really wanting a warrior
go mage, warriors are shit in pvp and miss/dodge/parry/glancing hit feels awful when they occur (and they will, like every third attack)
rogues can pick their targets easier and drop combat when shit hits the fan, but they have similar problems to warriors when actually fighting mobs, which is no sustain, getting fucked by missed/parried/dodged attacks, and inability to handle adds.
don't be a fag, racials aren't everything
they don't even matter that much unless you only plan on having 1v1 honorabu duels with your faction but that's gay
You put enough points into Ass and Sub to get both Cold Blood and Preparation, allowing for the use of the Ring of Death in conjunction with Thistle Tea, or abusing diminishing return timers through the use of Gouge. 21/8/22 focuses more on Backstabs which is best if you have a lot of +crit, while 24/3/24 uses Hemo and is better suited for a lot of +attack power. Regardless, both of the specs stunlock.
There's some people who will take points out of Imp. Poisons for 2/2 Murder, and those who take the point out of Heightened Senses for 2/2 Dirty Deeds or to get Ghostly Strike.
I was gonna go human warrior. But fuck that shit man who wants to play gay ass alliance. Horde where at it.
Tauren hunter boiz les do it
WOW, fucked up that second spec.
Thanks for the detailed answer, you're a god. Can you also quickly explain why Arms is 5/5 without a healer?
>Tauren hunter
hell yea brother
Mortal Strike is a broken ability that has massive damage with a proper weapon, while also screwing over healing by severing that ability by half. The ability to Stance Dance gives them fear and stun immunity, and the ability to close the gap when it comes to kiting.
I suppose I should've said that a properly geared Arms warrior is a 5/5, because for the rest of the time, they're basically a 2/5.
nothing worse than pvp as shitty geared arms warrior
miss every second attack
low damage
low armor/health
no rage
Thanks again
Sounds like something a fedora-wearing neckbeard would say.
stop shilling
You're a fucking casual retard.
classic will be dead within a month
mark my words
You're not wrong, but at least it will be a fun experience playing something besides stock mangos for once.
Night Elf Hunter named legolas so everyone will know you're a faggot and a retard
>weird quirk
Play on meth
How about instead of being a cunt you could see the greatness in a 5 man beyond BRD or a raid beyond Naxx.
warrior > mage > rogue
no guild worth joining will allow more than 2-3 hunters or warlocks
warriorals have the easiest time getting preraid bis since they can tank, followed by mages because they don't compete with tanks or healers for gear and every group wants them for cc and great dps and aoe
>warrior first
>he doesn't know what Classic fixed
Gnome mage on Alliance
Tauren druid on Horde (yeah I know no raiding, just want the nostalgia)
+3% crit on Boomkin Aura, +3% crit on LotP, and low-threat HoTs with emergency Swiftmend, along with combat rez and Innervate are all reasons why druids are allowed in raiding. Don't let private servers with undertuned raids that are dependent on world buffs convince you otherwise.
There is no one right answers. This is because strength in pvp depends on
1) the phase and gear level. Some classes scale better than others, some phases offer better gear for some classes than for others.
2) what type of pvp you're talking about. BGs, duels, world pvp, group pvp are all different, with some classes excelling in one and others in something else
3) your skill level. Classes come with different skill floors and skill ceilings. This is an issue with a ton of games, where players religiously obey the top end meta, when they themselves lack the skill.
higher parry rate means inconsequentially lower tank threat and thats it
Hmm I'll keep that in mind, thanks. Not averse to being resto either desu
>"I know that everybody SAYS my class isn't competitive, but in Vanilla nobody pushed my class to the limit like I will. I'm a pretty big deal in Mythic raiding, you know."
Retail zoomers are in for a shock. Hope you are prepared to play support.
The #1 thing I am looking forward to on Classic is this loading screen.
Your youth and old friends will not come back.
Don't roll anything
>Your youth
Was 30 when I first played in vanilla.
>and old friends will not come back.
They surely will. Some of the old raiding buddies are logging on for a last oo'rah!
Lok'tar Ogar.
That's not in classic man.
Grace/Windfury staggering separates the good shaman from the bad. Staggering legitimizes their existence.
Which faction is more populated in the beta server? I'd rather roll Horde but I'm afraid I'll be outnumbered 2:1 in world pvp.
Your nursing home sounds pretty based
Blow off, kid.
Are you staying in high cardio condition for when WoW releases?
you can justify being tauren for pvp or for pve tanking
otherwise yeah, orc it up
I'm not in the beta but I'm pretty sure Horde is more populated. Asmongold is Alliance but most of the other popular streamers rolled Horde.
if you enjoy dueling and pvp then you will like rogue.
You can literally win fights naked if you are coldblood prep build.
In addition you might enjoy the high of getting a very slow dagger or some other power item.
dwarf paladin or turn your dick in
Does Trolls Berserking count as haste? Or is it simply auto attack speed?
It affects spell casting, too, so it can be considered the precursor to haste.
Do you mean castbars and only castbars?
Or does it straight up reduce your GCD timer
rogue, hunter or druid?
Only cast bars, not the GCD.
Interesting, that's pretty minor then
Was mulling over going Troll for the TPS on prot warrior but if it's only autos for 10 seconds who gives a fuck
Consider the following:
2H weapon and Slam.
Consider the following:
reducing the cast time of slam actually does literally nothing because the cast, at longest, is the same time as the GCD
Slam had a cast time of 1.5sec, meaning you can do a full-swing inside of the 1.5sec GCD, swing with the auto-attack immediately afterwards, and then use an ability off of the gained rage.
Slam resets swing timer in vanilla. It wasn't until wotlk that you could slam between swings.
You will never cap rage, so you simply wait to cast slam inbetween auto attacks, because if you're not bad you have an auto attack timer
Regardless, the discussion was about TPS on prot anyway so why are you bringing up slam
>Slam resets swing timer in vanilla.
wtf I hate slam now
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Slam now suspends the weapon swing timer rather than resetting it.
I'm rolling ShadowBringers
rent free
Ive noticed these wow classic threads have calmed down recently. The home thread from before the beta would 500 posts without fail everytime and be rplaced by another thread that would also reach 500 posts. This thread has been around for hours and its only at 300 or so. Im trying to figure out why.
Mods started cracking down on the "generals" and started deleting/moving to /vg/ i guess a lot of the regulars now stick around in /wowcg/
I would too, but after only one thread the crazy drama and spamming drove me insane.
>Despite it being shit in classic I'm still thinking of rolling Druid
You never played vanilla did you? You literally press 1 button and kill everything in PvP. Mages have what? Less than 2K HP. Your moonfire does 1k dmg on crit. Put moonfire on every single slot and key bind and just press Tab + moonfire and you win in PvP against anyone. Most skill-less class in Vanilla. I'm not even exaggerating. And for PvE there will always be a raid that need at least 1 Druid for healing.
Naxx gear PvP is shit. If you want to dominate at that level, play a rogue or mage.
Is it bad form to roll need on non-heal gear while being the healer in a dungeon
No, not in a dungeon, you're entirely entitled to a piece that you can use outside of healing while leveling or getting pre-BiS for raiding.
Yes, because the only actual hybrid class in vanilla is warrior, rest of them are healer only. Unless it's a leveling dungeon then who gives a fuck
An considering priest or druid atm. Priest seems stronger in terms of content it does and I like seeing your character. However druid feels more diverse in being able to tank, which I enjoy, plus heal, stealth and run fast etc.
Atm I'm considering Tauren Druid or Troll Priest.
>Despite it being shit in classic I'm still thinking of rolling Druid
Misinformation from min maxing trannies that think vanilla raids are full of dps checks
Go priest if you really like healing and you really want to raid. Go druid if you like having fun and don't view vidya as a chore.
play druid because its like the least played class so you always find groups for stuff
already made plans for classic with some vanilla friends. keep seething
>Horde Warrior
>won't be invited to raids because they already have a motw bitch
>won't be invited to tank dungeons because people consider warriors only viable tanks
>won't be invited to heal dungeons because no resurrection spell
> Druid is shit in Classic
>misinformation: the post
hes not wrong though
Only the most autistic of raiders would refuse to take more than one druid, and only literal retards would turn down a bear for a 5 man. Healing thing may be true, depends on if the supply of priests is enough to meet the demand for healers
dont think anyone is doubting the fact druids are good in world pvp especially vs mages and rogues the 2 classes they fuck over the absolute hardest. should see how a druid does vs a geared SL lock though
sl is absolutely dogshit in world pvp, it only works in duels
Balence druid has revealed itself as one of the top pvp specs and people in private servers didnt even know
I'm on the edge of renewing my sub just to explore the world a bit before classic comes out
yeah I was talking about a duel. druid is strong vs everything in 1v1 and in world pvp they are unkillable because they can just sprint away and stealth if they start losing.
Just fuck around on a private server if all you want to do is explore the world, retail is awful
they are initially good but dont scale as well so become kinda bad
The only good pvp spec for endgame druid (with good gear) is feral hybrid.
honestly fapped to the thought of that blood elf so many times.
I thought only enh shamans would totem twist.
Druids are legitimately trash and people are trying to gaslight you because they want fewer people to compete with for spots and because they find the idea of tricking people into wasting 250 hours on leveling a worthless class hilarious. Hardcore guilds will only bring one druid, and even the most casual one with ret pallies and shit will be hesitant to bring more than three. If you have a group of friends or a raid guild already and really want to play a druid then yeah whatever, but if you're a solo player you will have a very hard time finding a guild. Also, dwarf priests are a meme. Okay, if you really want to play one then play one, no one will mind it, but if you want to minmax go human because humans are the best race for priest due to spirit racial. Only garbage guilds with awful tanks who can't stance dance care about fear ward.
t. private server autist
>Join first guild
>Get enough gold to get a tabard
>It's ugly as fuck
Imagine thinking your opinion is correct because you type so much.
>Druids are legitimately trash
In raids? Nope
In pvp? Nope
Theyre trash, if youre trash and cant play them.
>Hardcore guilds will only bring one druid
Wrong. Even if that were true? How would you know? Youve probably never set foot in Naxx, let alone AQ40, but yeah, keep spouting the same shit you read somehwere on plebbit.
>but if you're a solo player you will have a very hard time finding a guild.
The biggest bullshit Ive ever read. If you get a druid to 60 (and have a good understanding of the class), youll get daily invites to (good) guilds recruiting.
>Okay, if you really want to play one then play one, no one will mind it
Are you trolling? One the one hand side "no hardcore guild will take more than one druid", then you claim that hardcore guilds dont care? Are you retarded? Hardcore guilds aiming for server firsts DEMAND their priests to go dwarf. The 5% spirit buff is irrelevant in later content, due to gear. Fear ward in progression is vital.
You have no idea what youre talking about.
>t. raided Naxx in Vanilla in a top 15 German guild
>t. member of top guild on Elysium
>t. member of Wipe Club on Kronos 3
tfw I liked BC more than Vanilla
Elemental is on there twice with two different scores
So is playing a druid worth it? I only started playing at the very end of Vanilla and mained one in BC but I have tons of people telling me theyre shit in classic and they're at the bottom of like every tier list.
Elemental mage =! Elemental shaman.
Context clues are key.
>So is playing a druid worth it?
Not sure what your question is. Are you asking me whether playing a druid well will be a rewarding experience? Are you asking me whether playing druid will be fun? Are you asking me whether playing a druid will allow you to easily join the best guild on a server and get carried to Naxx?
>but I have tons of people telling me theyre shit in classic and they're at the bottom of like every tier list.
The same kind of people who never saw the inside of BWL?
99% of the community tells you they're trash, online trolls tell you go play them. Use your head dude.
Will I be competitive at max level compared to other classes?
Same here. Golden Age for Shamans. Fucking loved Shammy in TBC.
99% of the community never raided past Broodlord Lashlayer and never got a higher pvp rank than 8.
>I'm not going to make an honest attempt to answer your question
Yes this guy DOES play druid, only the sort of person who would farm crowd pummelers is this abrasive and autistic
feels good to be in the 1% altho Im sad that i never finished R11, stayed on r10 >.
Yeah, but at least they're not evil assholes who jerk off to the idea of tricking noobs into wasting their time leveling trash.
Thats not how vanilla works. If we assume you join a semi-serious guild that actually clears AQ, youll compete with skilled priests with good gear and pots/runes, then no. They will outheal you on the meters, but thats their job. If seen a few druids in my lifetime with full T2 outhealing priests on the meters, but they are exceptions to the rule.
Will you be vital to your guild, due to your utility? >Yes.
Will a top guild bring 2 druids to Naxx?
Rank 10 was hard enough to reach for people in school, people with full time jobs and with responsibilities. Rank 11, is when you enter political territory with premades. If they dont want you to get to 11, you wont sadly.
Is this some Yea Forums meme I dont know about?
I play a hunter and I play for fun, not for meaningless "I CLEARED NAXX".
Yeah I did run premades with people that were going for HWs i just had too much shit at school+raiding to do the final push, + started pvping with my alt warior for funz
I never knew that fire/frost spec was known as elemental.
rank14 was all about account sharing and having multiple people playing your account so you had 100% uptime in BGs. thats how everyone got it back in the day (even if thats bannable)
It was in fucking Vurtne videos, retard.
DPS warriors, rogues, mages, healing priests, paladins, and shamans will always be able to find a raiding guild because your kind is always needed. But you will never join a raid without at least five other of your kind, so gearing up will be a bitch.
Most guilds will limit the amount of raid space for warlocks, (resto) druids, and hunters since they're simply not as good. But the positive thing is that you will be able to acquire some gear - namely tier sets - much easier. But please beware, if there's a piece of gear both mages and warlocks want, mages will 100% be getting it first.
Most guilds will allow one shadow priest and a feral druid, but getting that spot will be almost as hard as getting a tank warrior spot. That's reserved for the inner circle of the guild. As a random, you have no chance of getting it.
No guild worth joining will allow tank/dps paladins, dps shamans, or boomkins. Simply don't bother.
>In raids? Nope
Yes. Despite being the hot class, your hots are shit. So you spam your downranked HT all the time, doing worse single target healing than any paladin, and also worse than your priests. You get taken there for motw and faerie fire, plus innervate and the occasional brez.
>In pvp? Nope
Yes. You can do ok solo early on when people aren't geared. People don't have as much health, they can't last that long, so you can handle several classes relatively decently. But once they start gearing up, you get left behind more and more.
In WSG you at least have a job as a flag carrier. You might get taken to AB out of pity since you're needed in WSG, but you're mainly a bad defender there. In group pvp you're useless. You have no aoe to kill enemies, your heals are slow (also no proper aoe heals), you don't even support your group in any decent way (interrupts, CC).
About 2 druids is a common sight.
>youll get daily invites to (good) guilds recruiting
That's mostly just hpal/hpriest/rsham, since you have several of those in raids. Don't need too many druids so don't need to recruit much.
>Fear ward in progression is vital
Imagine needing fear ward to kill ony. That said dwarf is still the best race.
Same. I graduated highschool in 2006. Getting past rank 11 was impossible for me.
Only in later vanilla, when cross-realm-bgs meant that you had to sit in bgs 24/7
>Fear ward in progression is vital.
it absolutely isn't
Fapbros. She's so cute
>Yes. Despite being the hot class, your hots are shit. So you spam your downranked HT all the time, doing worse single target healing than any paladin, and also worse than your priests. You get taken there for motw and faerie fire, plus innervate and the occasional brez.
So which one is it? Are you shit in pve, because you cant outheal priests, or you arent because you get brought to raids for utility? You really need to take a step back and realise that youre just being a contrarian retard trying to prove something for some reason. You are wrong kid. Druids are an important part of raiding. Also, seems to me that youve never heard of regrowth spamming once you get...
>Yes. You can do ok solo early on when people aren't geared.
B-but I thought you said they were shit? What gives?
>About 2 druids is a common sight.
B-but you said ONLY 1
>That's mostly just hpal/hpriest/rsham, since you have several of those in raids. Don't need too many druids so don't need to recruit much.
This is such a nonsense argument. You wouldnt know unless you played a fucking druid, which you clearly havent at lvl 60 with pre-bis.
>Imagine needing fear ward to kill ony. That said dwarf is still the best race.
Who said anything about Ony? Name another encounter that fears. Ill wait.
Every rule contradicts itself, you're a raging faggit
It is if you want server firsts and top guilds prioritize dwarf priests.
I didn't play vanilla.
I'm only gonna have about a month to play classic before I start my masters and have to take a break from gaming in general.
So I'm going for hunter because they level fast and they're the best class to play solo.
Paladin is low-key the strongest class in the game.
>melee kills themselves on Ret Aura
>casters kill themselves on Eye for an Eye
You can AFK and enemies will kill themselves trying to fight you. They are legitimately broken class.
Wait what? This isnt supposed to be ironic or satire?
To be honest, I would probably join this guild for the first rule alone. Every community that has girls in it turns to shit or becomes s o y. People will give you hate for this rule alone, but a community with just men allows the men to make funnier jokes, laugh harder, and care for each other. Even I, knowing all this, act differently when women are around. A part of my subconscious is always trying to "seem like a cool, normal guy" when a girl is around. But if it's just guys, I turn into the type of guy that makes jokes about eating babies.
So stick to your rule, even if people hate you for it. Not that you sound like you need me to tell you.
I'm sorry son, you've got the BIG autism.
You're even more retarded than I thought. Hint: you're not talking to the same person. Consider moving to reddit if you can't handle a site without usernames.
>So which one is it?
Being taken to a raid simply for utility which can be provided by a single person for the whole raid means you're shit in pve. See, with actual good classes, you see several of them in raids.
>This is such a nonsense argument.
It's not though. It's all about supply and demand. The demand for hpal/hpriest/rsham is significantly higher than the demand for rdruid (2-3 times higher based on how many of them you bring to raids). The supply is harder to gauge, and it's very server dependent, but it's definitely not 2-3 times higher for the 3 classes compared to rdruid.
>Name another encounter that fears
Magmadar, Nefarian, Jeklik, Bug Trio, Gluth. None of the encounters are particularly hard without fear ward.
I've always liked healing but have never played a priest, so I think that's what I'll roll in vanilla.
Question, since I assume you would need to roll shadow for leveling, can you heal dungeons while leveling as a shadow spec?
>You're even more retarded than I thought
And thats where Ill stop reading. Nice try kid. Enjoy shitting around Geddon. Ill send you a postcard of our druids from Naxx.
>No cell phone
What in the fuc-
>"I don't have a job"
Ah, that explains it.
Anyone living in 2019 without a smart phone is fucking retarded
Why. Sounds lame and not fun at all
>Anyone living in 2019 without a smart phone is fucking retarded
Name a single thing your smartphone can do, which you cannot live without (if you had a dumb phone).
I'm fucking puritan but I still secretly wish they would have atleast lowered the cost for respeccing so I could play holy/shadow priest.
Affliction warlock it is and you should too!
>so they don't get detected.
why is this important?
Healing while leveling a priest isn't really an issue. You're still grabbing +INT and +SPI gear, so your mana conservation is reasonably good. In leveling dungeons you don't need much higher thought than heal tank to 100% and then throw a Renew on them. Once you can run BRS, you can respec to Holy and level up in dungeons and AV.
>which you cannot live without
Same could be said for any regular phone since payphones exist, doesn't make them viable buddy.
The QoL that smart phones offer in the digital age is unrivaled and you'd actually have to be a fucking moron to not understand that.
If I want to DPS as a warrior, will I be able to do it with a 2hander (human here)? I want to DPS and do well, but I would like to avoid dual wielding if possible. I saw some videos saying there's a unique build for it on alliance side for humans, but I want to see what anyone who played on vanilla (or private server) thinks. Did you see any 2 hander warrior dps in pve? I'm talking about the Fury one where you spec into a two hander from the arms tree.
If you're human you could probably try Fury 2H with Untamed Blade for cool points or if you're lucky get a BRE, but the rotation is fucking boring it's basically parsing out Slam and auto attacks.
based and alliancepilled
So long as I'm doing the same amount of damage as a dual wielder I don't mind. Thanks.
she is, user.
as someone who was allowed to be the token 2h dps warrior in my guild, trust me, dw is a lot more fun and engaging to play
you can always just pick up a 2h weapon as a pvp toy and fuck around if you want to while pveing as dw
Lmao, what quality of life? Degenrate tinder dating? Toxic social media? Never being able to escape work emails? Being a slave your own personal tracking device like a good little npc. Get real.
Generally speaking, 2H weapons come in two flavors: high-end damage for crits, or weapons with good procs. What ends up happening is that the high-end ones are used for PvP, while the procs are used for PvE. However, because of how warrior skills are scaled, these faster 2H weapons don't do them any good, and they get passed on to the raid's Retadin, Enhancement shaman, or even the Feral druid.
While it's not a law, a Fury warrior dual-wielding will have better DPS and safer threat generation solely within a PvE environment, not to mention better rage generation thanks to fast 1H weapons and Unbridled Fury.
redpill me on paladin. my primary interest comes from being a stocky healer in pvp, and I'll likely focus on pvp in general
Can I tank 5-mans while leveling?
Can I get any kills in 1v1?
Can I survive in wpvp?
all I hear is "no paladin tanks in raids" which I couldn't care less about, I don't mind having a designated role in turbo sperg endgame pvp, I just want to enjoy the experience getting there
this fucking filename
Im 32. I lived in an era without phones and smartphones. Your argument is childish. Name some featurs you cannot live without.
You have already rolled virgin.
Game Over !
Don't worry about him, you have to be a special kind of useful idiot to signal against people not using smartphones. Being a free thinker and escaping the toxicity of the modern tech culture is its own reward. I only have a phone phone, it makes calls and texts thats it. I haven't looked back.
>Can I tank 5-mans while leveling
no taunt so no
>Can I get any kills in 1v1?
Plenty, paladins are extremely hard to kill 1v1
>Can I survive in wpvp?
See above
Internet banking on the go, you poorfag
>Favorite youtuber uploads something?
>Notified instantly
>Want to grab some fast food?
>They've got an app and a discount
>Want to go somewhere?
>Can instantly plan a route there despite not knowing your way around the city via google maps
>Can check chat on your phone instead of making your other monitor a chat box
>Work at amazon?
>Get notified of extra shifts or if they offer time off via app
>Take lots of photos?
>Non shitty camera
>Someone message you outside of text, may it be discord, LINE or skype?
>Instantly notified
>Want to check your bank account
>Banking apps that notify you when money isd spent and keeps you up to date on your balance
But yeah dude that flip phone will keep you unaware of shit going on in your life, and that's a good thing
anyone can tank leveling dungeons, that shit literally doesnt matter, you can do SM with 5 mages and shit
but max level dungeons? there are some wonky ways a pala can try to tank but you need deathbone and its really just a pain in the ass for everyone involved due to mana issues and no taunt and everything, you'll be able to get dungeon spots just fine as a healer, I would recommend you don't bother trying to tank
Shut the fuck up boomer
Oh look, a dime-a-dozen contrarian thinks he is a radical free thinker
I mean, so long as a top raiding guild doesn't look down on me for being a 2H warrior, I'm completely fine. If a raiding guild that was trying to clear out naxx saw me show up with a 2H instead of dual wielding one day, would I be shown the door?
>Can I tank 5-mans while leveling?
FUCK no. Paladin thrives in AoE tanking, which means having a combination of the key Protection talents, Consecration, and abusing Ret Aura and a shield spike. Without the proper gear, you're going to go OOM faster than a Boomkin and your group will wipe. While leveling, stick with a druid or warrior for tanking.
>Can I get any kills in 1v1?
>Can I survive in WPvP?
Bubble+hearth lmao
Seriously though in WPvP your best bet is to save your cooldowns for as long as possible. A very safe 16/0/35 build can hang on to Repentance and HoJ to fire off a Hammer of Wrath safely and in-range.
Same. I realized that the moments of my life where Id have quiet time to reflect, Id spend with my face glued to my phone. Not to mention how people really seem to zombiefy. Its scary.
Go cry about it zoomlet.
I have internet banking on my pc at home and I don't need to do it on the go.
Wow your little smartphone does everything you are supposed to be able to do on your own? Way to go, celebrating your dependence on technology and not being self reliant. You can't navigate a city on your own with your own mental ability? Don't worry you smart phone will do it for you. All the rest of your points equate to instant gratification urbanite bugman activities which is completely unsuprising.
Human Warlock
>easy leveling, free mount
>easy grouping
>easy raiding, and very desired for invites
>easy, efficient gold farming
>easy, powerhouse pvp after getting geared
>look good in all gear
>would I be shown the door?
Not him, but yes.
"Top end guilds" are led by tyrants. They literally yell at full volume if you fuck up during raids. You do anything other than whats expected and you get kicked. Seen it happen many times.
>humans are the best race for preist because of spirt racial
You cant be fucking serious with this post. You either have no clue what your talking about or are trying to trick people
Not having a smartphone is actually a radical act these days.
>internet banking on the go
And this cannot possibly wait until you get home?
26, my friend, so millennial.
No one's fault but your own you can't quickly check your phone for something instead of surfing for porn the instant you're able too.
>Something makes something easier
Yeah dude, sit in your air conditioned home and drive your car places, you're a man of the world.
Communication is key. In my case, the guild officers decided they want to try having one 2h DPS warrior and asked for a volunteer and I said I'd do it, I didn't just show up one day with a 2h weapon. DW will be expected as the norm, so if you apply to guilds as DPS warrior with a 2h you will probably have lower chances of being admitted than if you did with 2x1h.
Being able to transfer money when you're out and about is very valuable depending on your line of work, or if you have a social life. Cash is dead.
does battleground kill death ratio matter? I played from march 09 to december 09 I just resubbed and checked my stats and ive got a 6 kd in battlegrounds. I think people back then were just literal npcs and people werent very good at the game.
you dont need gear when 2 mages can kill the mobs before you go oom
>tfw gonna roll a night elf
I just want to be a sneaky cunt with mind control
>'free' mount
nothing free about it
Fucking THIS
>Can use Venmo so when co worker goes out to get something to eat I can just wire them cash instead of needing bills
>No one's fault but your own you can't quickly check your phone for something instead of surfing for porn the instant you're able too.
They call that projcting kiddo.
If its a mob you can comfortably stunlock then after you get blind you can solo some hard mobs but you literally need every cooldown you have so you aren't killing any elite quests solo without waiting 5min per pull.
You can't wait until you get home to make a phone call?
Well, at least I won't be treated like a ret pally.
Hilarious coming from the guy throwing around the word zoomer because he can't adapt to the digital age
>Yeah dude, sit in your air conditioned home and drive your car places, you're a man of the world.
I don't have air conditioning actually, and a car enables you to do something you cannot humanly do. Smartphones just do what you are already capable of and instead atrophy those skills. All other things that smartphones offer that you cannot humanly do are unneccesary to life anyway and you would be happier without.
Not to mention they track everything you, everywhere you go and sell that information to corporations. Just remember you're a guinee pig with a chip in its brain.
so are we going to talk about the tipsout situation?
>because he can't adapt to the digital age
I have an advanced STEM degree. Liking something on instagram doesnt equate "adapting to the digital age". Try again.
I played a Gnome Mage during vanilla
>Not to mention they track everything you, everywhere you go and sell that information to corporations. Just remember you're a guinee pig with a chip in its brain.
He said on his PC, which he'll claim he only ever uses for Yea Forums to save face on his incredibly retarded argument
>Old fuck with outdated knowledge thinks his piece of paper means anything a decade later.
I don't use instagram facebook or Tinder old fuck, why don't you read my list again if you're so slow on the uptake
>Ring of Death
Thats not a list. Im honestly shocked youre 26. You clearly dont sound like a well-adjusted adult.
You sound like an insecure gaylord
So you're ignoring this post andBecause they tear apart your shitty paranoid life view mr. outdated STEM degree?
Dinosaurs like you need to be forcefully put down
Well, technically no. Using your example of Naxx, if you've cleared TAQ you could've gotten Kalimdor's Revenge, Dark Edge of Insanity, or Neretzek. However, consider that you have access to DWing; your Retadin and Enhancement shaman don't. You could, instead, get a Silithid Claw and Anubisath Warhammer and use them for rapid rage generation for more DPS, without the worry of a critical spike due to how warrior generate threat.
Protecting your data and your digital footprint is much harder on phones and it is designed that way.
>You use this piece of technology so therefore all technology is good
Bad deflection argument really, we're talking about the merits of smartphones here. The distinguishing feature of PCs and smartphones is that the PC is static and you can't use it CONSTANTLY. The way people have become slaves to smartphones and rely on them like a surrogate parent is what is really toxic about them and is harming social life and human interaction as well as our innate skills for navigating the world.
reminder paladins are the uncontested leveling tanks with 2 casters for aoe
A popular mod made rogue even more brain-dead.
>really toxic about them and is harming social life and human interaction as well as our innate skills for navigating the world.
Yeah that all sounds like gay shit nigga, especially human interaction leads me to boomers unable to cope with the world like you *dabs*
if you want to speedrun plow through leveling dungeons just go 5x mage lol
Boomers are people born from 1945-1960 you stupid child.
you reek of a tryhard poorfag who have done nothing but play muh classic wow private servers for years
god i can taste you and its disgusting
>So you're ignoring this post and
I didnt know you wrote those. Lets see. I can read a map and orient myself without a phone. I dont work at amazon. What do I need a camera for? To share what kind of onions latte I got? Fast food? I know how to cook well and Im not fat. Discord and skype can wait until you get home. Why do I need to check my bank account on the road? Are you incapable of keeping a mental picture of what you spend since you left your home and checked online? Do they not teach subtraction at schools anymore?
>your shitty paranoid life view
Whats paranoid about not wasting your mind with digital irrelevancies? Im not the guy arguing about government monitoring.
>Dinosaurs like you need to be forcefully put down
And yet I have the feeling you wouldnt dare look me in the eye.
>The way people have become slaves to smartphones and rely on them like a surrogate parent is what is really toxic about them and is harming social life and human interaction as well as our innate skills for navigating the world
Lmao, you sound like an old lady complaining about the internet. Kids these days stay in their rooms too much playing their video games, they should be out playing sports
>And yet I have the feeling you wouldnt dare look me in the eye.
I would beat the fuck out of you gramps.
Then I'd make an account on instagram just to post a picture of you lying in your own blood
You sound like a product of digital reliance and internet addiction. Toxic, abrasive and mentally unsound.
thats not guaranteed to kill anybody though
Good, if it keeps faggots like you away I'll consider it "Faggot be gone" behavior
>I would beat the fuck out of you gramps.
Im shaking.
>Why do I need to check my bank account on the road?
It's not about checking your balance you double digit IQ dingus, it's about being able to transfers and transactions. Sorry that I can't use my brain to wirelessly transfer money
lmao don't you have a slave to beat or something, snow ape?
>it's about being able to transfers and transactions.
Why do you need to transfer money on the road? Cant you manage your time and do it from home?
>Some crusty boomer fuck thinks anyone would be intimidated by him on Yea Forums.
You can't even manage to work your way around the smart phone and you think government agents are going to swoop down and snatch you in the night based on useless info on shit you buy and do.
You are the one here making threats, user.
Not to mention your posts sound like one of those faggots from /g/ who never worked a day in their life, yet shit on pajeets and rice their arch all day.
Nice deflection, you are no different to people clutching their pearls about d&d and metal in the 80s. A base fear of change
Work/social life, professor autism. Why can't you wait until you are home to make phone calls?
>You are the one here making threats, user.
Zoomlet reading comprehension is an educational tragedy.
>Work/social life, professor autism.
You need to transfer money for work and your social life?
>Why can't you wait until you are home to make phone calls?
I do, if its a private phone call.
>And yet I have the feeling you wouldnt dare look me in the eye.
Yeah I guess we're supposed to infer it's because I'd be looking at my smartphone and not because you're so big and scary?
>I do, if its a private phone call
So you have no mobile at all?
>You need to transfer money for work and your social life?
You are only 6 years older than me, but keep calling me zoomer I guess, it's new favorite buzzword around here.
Well assuming youre the original zoomlet, based on your fast food diet (which your referenced in your list), your sedentary lifestyle (based technology) and general lack of exercise, you probably wouldnt have the confidence nor the maturity to look a man in the eye. You hide behind your keyboard.
Did you not think for 5 seconds that my job is what keeps me in shape you stupid old bastard?
>Did you not think for 5 seconds that my job is what keeps me in shape you stupid old bastard?
Are you a farmhand?
No, I work on a golf course serving my rich masters like a true chad
is there a list of popular working addons for 1.12.1? or a list of the best vanilla addons that are working?
I'm still trying to find a working cast bar that properly cancels the cast bar when people stop/fake cast.
>all of those advantages for the low low price of cancer 20 years later or severely impaired reproductive function inb4 you're not gonna have kids anyway
Sign me the fuck up.
It's impossible to do on 1.12.1.
If that's the case wouldn't the waves from everyone else's cell phones and wifi tablets do it to you anyway?
>All change is equally good and if you disagree with it just 'Get with the times gramps ;D'
>Comment on some jobless fat fuck youtuber not having a phone
>The poorfags and conspiracytards rise up
Every time
I don't spend any time glued to other people's heads or gadgets for me to get irradiated in sufficient amounts. And if someone is talking on the phone on the bus i just discreetly step away.
I'm rolling a boomkin and spamming boomfire in BGs all day and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
How is it a strawman to point out the fallacy in your point. In fact it you was you making the strawman by accusing me of being like a old woman not liking loud rock music etc. I dislike smartphones and make clear arguments as to why they are bad here:
You can't be serious, that's hilarious.
>Manually typing out posts
>How is it a strawman to point out the fallacy in your point.
Because you invented a fallacy and argued against it. Textbook strawman, chief
This boomer is fucking seething, imagine being this mad about smartphones
I always thought it was the poorfags crying about smartphones, turns out it was the eternal Boomer
In 20 years these phones will be held in the same regard as smoking is now. It's also proven that it saps 10% of your attention if you have it on you which could go to your work or activity. Social media is cancer, there's no need to record anything and i can go for indefinitely without checking anything online because i'm old enough to remember a time when there were no phones.
>that's hilarious
Laugh while you still can. Years ago i was planning on buying one myself and then that shit with apple and samsung throttling the software came out so i said fuck it. I'm not buying a phone every 2 years fuck that. Then all that shit with people getting brain cancer or whatever on the side of the head where they hold their phones came out and i just noped out of any ideas of getting one.
I didnt' invent the fallacy, you commited the fallacy by reducing my argument down to just not liking change and thats why I'm opposed to smartphones. Your point implies that you can't disagree with new technology even if there are negative effects of it because you're just a dinosaur and times change and thats innately a good thing.
>I didnt' invent the fallacy
Lmao I don't think you're that old dude
>u commited the fallacy by reducing my argument down to just not liking change and thats why I'm opposed to smartphones.
No, i'm comparing you to those old pearl clutchers to try to get you to undertake some self reflection, you imbecile.
That's it boomer, I've tracked your location, prepare to get fucking mogged
I can see trying to warn them is pointless, people just like the taste of the koolaid too damn much. Its just annoying that them unintentionally building the network for technocratic surveilance state regulated by artificial intelligence affects my life as well despite avoiding tracking tech.
>No, i'm comparing you to those old pearl clutchers to try to get you to undertake some self reflection, you imbecile.
But you're wrong I disagree with smart phones for specific objective reasons that are independent of my own motivations.
>But you're wrong I disagree with smart phones for specific objective reasons that are independent of my own motivations.
Yeah you're so special gramps, only you with your double digit IQ can be objective