Who's your favorite fighting character and why? for me, it's chun li and her thighs

Who's your favorite fighting character and why? for me, it's chun li and her thighs

Attached: SF2.webm (569x800, 1.79M)

You dont even play fighting games waifu fag

Attached: 1454368001315.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Don't blame a man for needing a cheng xiao gf who also happens to be chun li irl

Attached: 1459049404593.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

but my favorite fighting game character and kung-li from combat fighter

It just dawned on me that in all my life from the east coast to the west coast in the US I've never had a conversation with a Japanese.

Thank you user

Chun Li doesn't even have a huge bushy cock between her thighs like Ryu does

What fighting game character is Ai cosplaying as here?

Asians all look like bugs.

chun li is china

Attached: chunli4.webm (563x1000, 2.96M)

Ai needs to star in another gravure vid. The way her chest noticeably yet subtly pops out of tops is an irreplicable miracle, her sideboob in particular beyond compare. We need another one, damn it.

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fucked a japanese girl and it actually ruined my life when she went back home. It's a deep hurt.

I had a crush on a qt jap in high school
One day I wore a shirt that a friend gave me that apparently said something about eating ass in japanese and she got offended
She actually transferred out of the school at the end of the year

Attached: b27be32db1ca666d3e2f687af50667e0--cinema-cinema-hey-girl.jpg (500x679, 55K)

Whip from KoF

>One day I wore a shirt that a friend gave me that apparently said something about eating ass in japanese and she got offended

Attached: 1549867263308.jpg (800x600, 118K)

>the chinese girls temporally leaves the group
>the music gets better
wtf I love wjsn now

I still own the god damn shirt too

you know what to do user

post it faggot

Hold up I can't find it bumpan in the mean time

bumpino then

Found it

Attached: IMG-1274.jpg (828x1293, 136K)

kek, you fucking retard



I want this shirt

Attached: nice.gif (2326x1599, 1.33M)


my favorite post of the day. thank you user.

A chair clatters in the distance. The wind selfishly takes the sound, never to be given back.

My friend told me it said "domo arigato mr roboto" like the song. Thought it was just a shitty meme shirt for the longest time.
One day I wore it and this chick kept giving me a dirty look before asking me if I knew what it said.

Attached: asfdds.png (645x773, 9K)

who's this?

Attached: 1559334235674.webm (494x426, 308K)

this comes with sauce right?

Attached: 1535667413731.jpg (273x240, 50K)


I want a qt gf anons.

Ai Shinozaki. Not sure which code it is but it's likely one of the later ones from around 2011-2015.

mouse over "title"

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bless you user

>a single errant wind snaps her in half

>not knowing ai
Tbh watching shitty 240p videos of her running like a retard acted as a gateway drug into a lifetime of yellow fever and oppai obsession
Not that I have any regrets

But god does aya do things to my dick as well

>do americans really

women are not for hurricanes, they're for homes

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Chun li
Cheng Xiao

Attached: 1559520528429.webm (640x900, 2.9M)

hot jap who needs to stop being a puritan and show her fucking nipples

Attached: aya-kawasaki-nude-selfie-naked-japanese-gravure-idol-model-1.jpg (540x719, 99K)

Nipples are overrated.

Even white girls are hotter in Japan.

Attached: gemmalouise.webm (888x500, 2.67M)