>this is what the future looks like
I hate it already
This is what the future looks like
Other urls found in this thread:
>nintendo almost losing to FUCKING GOOGLE
>nintendo losing is so importent
seethe and cope harder, nigger. wojak and pepe won't save you from the nintendo revolution
>nintenchads are content with their kino device while ADHD snoys have to move on to their next toy as soon as possible
How is this bad exactly?
>seething so hard he can't spell
lol @ the bingtendie
But your fischer price table was the first console to pop out because wii u couldnt even sell the gamecube numbers.
But being realist I don't care they are gonna be the same, low end gamer pc.
Im more ontrigued by the next iteration of PS VR
>nigger can't tell proper english
typical, why don't you play with your immersive movies and watch yourself expand such a gaping mouth front of your """""gf""""""
It's cute how he keeps adding little details to this one to get it just right and yet he's the only one using it
Meanwhile we're meme machines, our memes spreading far and wide
Why is everyone surprised Nintendo is losing, Nintendo is on fucking life support
A ninceldo forgetting about the wiiU?
Now why would they do that?
Because Nintendo still has the Switch, Sony and Microsoft are gearing up for next gen
>snoys this desperate for the PS4 to be over with
Don't blame them. Between my PS4 and Switch I have dozens of games, not a single exclusive on my PS4 lol
>sony boys barely thriving on one shitty "dark souls" game
everyone hates you all, buzz off or i'll rape you all with facts and logic
we don't forget about it, we let go of the past and grow stronger for the future, by accepting our mistakes and improving on them, nintendo pride, bruddah
Is this the designated snoygoy thread?
Ps5 will be bigger than ps4
>Google: 4.4%
In a perfect world, that would be less than 1%.
Why is there only 1 3DS game on the top half?
How many times have you posted this image?
So, you got completely buttfucked last few threads so you just cut that it was IGN READERS ?
Jesus OP, you are one pathetic little cuck,, aren't you
You know it
Snoynegroes really want people to think they are white, and not nigger faggots. Contrary to the truth, obviously
Sackboy looks cool.
>votes line up perfect in ratio with their console sales
This shouldn't be shocking
The Switch came out two years ago, you'd have to be insane and looking for an excuse to waste money if you want another console already. Give it 2 or 3 years.
But I suppose the average sonygro can't do math and think 6 years = 2 years into terms of sales and excitement for the next product to consume.
For a faggot, maybe.
So they can compare it to the Switch port
>making excuses for iwata
Based Sony.
Don't split too hard, snoyfaggot.
So it's just cherry picked games. Gotcha
>bingtendie reminded he's not even number two, but a distant number three
>loses his mind
>company literally just releases a new console
>being surprised people don't want to see ANOTHER new one from them yet
this is your brain on consolewar faggotry
there is a 100% this user regularly posts frogs and wojaks
>having the most votes in this poll is a good thing
>is next-gen
>already obsolete
>already feeling the signature nintendo drought
LOL @ switchcucks
>>is next-gen
>>already obsolete
Welcome to every sony console every made
>no u
masterful(not really LOL) deflecting from the ninceldo
Excellent point.
They don't even think anymore. They just see any news where Sony has more of something, and console war shitpost to high hell without critically thinking. And it's odd how most of them do this instead of actually playing video games hmmm
Snoys are NPCs
I'm sure if you cry hard enough the switch will stop outsellign the PS4 YOY.
Aaaaaany seconds now. Anytime. For real.
nintendoodoo is aways 2 generations behind but nice try
>in japan
Doesn't this just mean that people think the PS4 is an old piece of shit? Why are snoyfags acting smug?
>PS4 isn't weaker than PC
wew lad
Imagine playing games meant for children?
Now imagine doing that and thinking because it's portable and you can play it in public you're suddenly 'cool' and it makes your device much greater than others! Because playing a video game console in a social environment is cool right?
Now imagine not only playing childrens games and doing it in public but also defending that and doing it with such a small childish catalogue of games? Can you imagine the anons behind such posts defending this? Oh no, oh no no no no hahaha! Nintendies will be tending!
>suddently he's a PC-uck
LOL nintendies can't keep a consistent larp
If you're over the age of 18 and still say things like this, you should take a good hard look at yourself. Maybe have sex instead of sucking corporate cock and shitting on purchasers of another company's plaything. You may not have or had friends growing up, but just remember that companies are never your friend.
All they see is that Sony has more votes than Nintendo on something, and use it as excuse to console war.
Makes sense. Nintendo had to push out their next gen early because the Wii u was garbage and xbox has no good exclusives. I'm not sure why you're suprised op
Didn't read
>w-w-w-w-what's that meme /pol/ used to use earlier in the year?
>NPC! yeah, I'll use that and they'll think I'm one of the cool kids
I automatically hide posts with frogs or wojaks. They never have anything of value to say.
SEETHING Tendies BTFO yet again!
How is your wife's son enjoying your switch btw?
Did Tyrone let you have a turn on it since you bought it?
Sony won this Gen. Not only won, absolutely decimated the opposition, Xbox is on its death bed. Of course people want to see a new one.
Why is there no Xenoblade on the list? At the very least X should make it, since it's the best RPG this decade.
YS VIII and Grim Dawn come close, desu. All 3 are kino
>xbros reached out to form an alliance and preemptively smite Stadia
>nintendo not even worth inviting to the table
based xbros
>3 times the interest is almost losing
I feel you made this post just to get (You)s
yarrrr.....this doesn't do it matey
arrrrr......there we go.
>we're meme machines
you have to go back
remember when he was trying to get that ghostbusters shit going?
I do, it was cringe LOL
I'm just shocked that IGN which used to be a pure Xbox fanboy website is so pro-sony now.
Nobody gives a shit about xbox anymore
op is a nigger. I own all the consoles and a beefy pc with vr and 3d monitors. feels good loving videogames.
no you don't
This is a poll on IGN. IGNs audience has always leaned heavily toward Sony.
suck my dick, I do
>sexually desperate and lying
In the whole world, brainlet snoyim. don't worry too much, i'm sure the PS5 will have games THIS time. for realsies
Have sex
Makes sense considering that Nintendo hardware gets weaker, not stronger, with each new generation.
>in japan
This isn't surprising. Sony always wins.
>be wrong
>get corrected
>say it again.
Well there it is, a mentally defective snoynigger. no more you's
Nintendo just released a console.
>2 year old console
>6 year old console
>6 year old console
>numbers from Q4 2018
Something doesn't add up, chief.
>vast majority of /fit/ is PS4
>vast majority of /r9k/ is Switch
>vast majority of Yea Forums is PS4
>vast majority of Yea Forums is Switch