Censoring women in games is wrong.
Censoring women in games is wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
where do I get a goth gf?
You dont, not real anymore
You can get an edgethot pretty easily though
it's painfully obvious that the zoomers that choose this aesthetic don't actually listen to the accompanied music.
Giving away tons of Steam,xbox, and ps4 giftcards in this discord. Also tons of hot males/females!
you are acting like it's challenging to put on burzum.
>be me
>get goth gf
>into weird freaky sex
>start going exclusively
>she stops being goth
>starts dressing normal
>starts letting natural hair back
>starts sorting her life out
>"i just feel more mature with you"
>stop having freaky sex
end me
Not censoring women in games is homophobic.
Posting real cute and not Gothic trash
nothing about it is challenging but these sluts obviously listen to Taylor Swift and choose the look for instagram followers.
It is if you want to keep your eardrums intact
What are you on about? Taake is catchy as fuck
>doesn't know how to lower the volume
you don't deserve eardrums.
this is her now
this chick is dating a skinhead
fuck you, Burzum is great
she went from cute anime girl to thicc occult egyptian goddess
>changing your entire appearance and mannerisms because of who you're dating
Why are women such sponges?
Cute and enlightened.
no shit she is a skinhead
>moon face
Metal is faggot shit
>girl on Yea Forums
she has a dick, doesn't she?
that translates to "I'm having sex with someone else and I only look like I used to for him" in Man
high school
Your opinion aligns with mine, therefore you MUST be cultured.
How do I get an GF?
Im a fat sperg who cant do a single pushup yet who isnt overweight
repeat this to my face inside a church
based and redpilled
Why do girls like Hello Kitty so much?
They dont exist anymore or are old and already married/in couple. If you find a goth girl around 20 there are a lot of chance she is just an attention whore who takes sexy for her audience on twitter or IG.
damn imagine how sweaty her feet get being in her doc martens all day and imagine if she put them in your face as a prank ha ha wouldn't that be funny
they are satanists
She looks like she fucks bla-
They wouldn't even let you inside a church you edgy degenerate
hot topic still unironically
Emos/goths/etc still are alive in the midwest. Just got to avoid the trailer trash meth ones
oh shit what the fuck thats my mom
Used to be high school, but it looks like scene, emo, and goths are almost extinct.
It's very easy to enter any church at any hour, but you can be sure that will be very hard for you to get out
Is this from something?
>not overweight
I cant help with the autismo, but i was pretty chubby for a while (im not turbo-chad tier yet, but im getting there)
Go for a jog, or a walk, if your fat ass cant handle it (i couldnt at first either) once a day
I started walking a couple years back, about 45 minutes, now i do the same trek jogging without stop, takes me 25 minutes to the second
Just start slow and try and jog as much as you can, then walk the rest
Also cut the bread and sugar drinks at least from your diet, helps a lot
Its actually easy to lose weight this way, i lost more like this than when i went to the gym everyday to lift
hardest part is gettting off your lazy ass and starting to do it
once you get the hang of going out every day, its easy and even my lazy ass goes, you even start to look forward to it
go for a jog, faggot
It means he's skinnyfat with 0 muscle so his BMI saids normal despite noticeable flab
Talk to girls
why does this make me laugh
I want to fuck your mom.
>no gf that cares about censorship in vidya, pirates and torrents games, and isn't a 100% casual
She only dates twinks. She is a dom.
Sounds like you want an unwashed pig of sorts.
No shit dude check her necklace
I can jog user, quite well infact
Wish someone would ask them why they're using a social media platform owned by a Jew.
What are some good games with goth girls in them?
Just be friendly and genuine, without being a car salesman. Do you want to improve your body comp? In what way?
is it me or is seeing a goth and emo girl rare now
you know how I can tell you're a virgin?
Alice 1&2
Gravity Rush 2
There's this girl that is one of my best friends that I want to ask out at the end of summer. She lives in texas but goes to Uni in Kansas where I am. I'm hoping by the end of the summer I can have gotten /fit/ enough to ask her out with confidence, because she is WAY out of my league. Wish me luck!
It was a trend of the mid 2000s, its like wondering where all the flapper girls are now, or the girls with poodle skirts. Theyre products of their time
>goth is a mid 2000 trend
I have been in a committed relationship for a while and have been with two other women. Two people who followed my advice are in a relationship now, thanking me for it.
u better not force urself to b funny
relax 2 bro
I want to censor that belly button with my duck cheese.
She's one of my best friends, so I don't think I'll have that issue
fat chicks don't count
there's still Cooney
Sorry I'll let your mom know. I dont care if its low hanging fruit, you can fuck yourself.
remember somebody else already fucked her, so really, your settling for used goods, she doesnt belong on that pedestal anymore.
Your the one doing her a favor by picking up garbage.
lmao legit seething
>haha just time travel bro!
How does one organically come up with topics of conversation?
Im a pretty good bullshitter and if the person is into the topic i can pretend to understand, ask pertinent questions and bullshit myselft through a topic for hours, afterwards everybody always comment how "easy to talk to" i am, and stuff like that
But i cant for the life of me come up with a topic these thots care about, besides maybe game of thrones or some shit
I can fire a bullet or two before coming across as forced but they just shut me down and say fucking nothing, what the hell am i supposed to do?
Nah, just trying to give someone legitimate advice, and you're being a shit trying to discredit me.
> cant do a single pushup yet who isnt overweight
Bullshit, simply by being born male, you can do 1 push-up.
How do you know that's the case? having a strong style all the time must be tiring and most people doing that kind of stuff eventually get tired of it.
ain't no one taking advice from some nigga who's banged 2 fat chicks
Aren't you tired of posting that girl every hour of every day?
She will never reward you with sex; she will never see you with anything but disgust and contempt.
That's just like your opinion man.
>Stretch marks
You can't; some people aren't made for relationships.
I realized that years ago; now I'm 34 and an eternal bachelor.
>had sex
>used goods
Maybe if she is a gigantic slut but otherwise that's retarded.
>he thinks they are stretch marks.
Those are cuts from the war.
Censoring their tits is wrong, censoring their opinions is right.
Glad to see there's always one belly button appreciator in these threads.
I know about wrists and inner thighs, but cutting your belly?
Me in the back
For me, it's the sickdark combined with the cute and feminine.
i'll just wait until someone posts the back of her head
Emo anorexic bitches will cut anywhere that they think makes them look fat.
I do that for my partner because I enjoy making my partners happy. If she would do the same I would be in heaven because I have a thing for control in a relationship, and it wouldn’t be fair if I told her to change but I didn’t for her
Is that dude a mindless titan looking for people to eat? What is that body type.
here you go
who is this?
instagram? Kik? Snapchat?
OH my, I'm in love!
if you know what im talking about, it's not noticeable in those pics
where else can you go?
based and larmepilled
>obsessing over girls that don’t know you even or care if you die
I knew a body builder who used to gouge chunks out of his chest on the regular
that man is truly an alpha
Imagine being so pathetic that you care about politics in videogames.
Why the fuck are you asking us? Everybody here is the same way.
You become a metalhead worthy millions of dollars.
Otherwise no dice.
you don't their standards is far above the stratosphere
Orbit them on an anime forum for 8 years.
thats what i did
>those scars on her stomach
This edginess is even more cringeworthy on women than on men
man we don't judge here
Every Jack has his Jill
>literally a nazi now
Fucking hell. Her boyfriends Instagram bio is pure cancer as well. Even if it is a joke.
you sure bro
that means she fucks.
>now I'm 34 and an eternal bachelor.
You mean incel.
What the problem with being a nazi?
I'd take her over some twitter twat sjw.
>cut marks
I'm outta here
I would lick that tummy.
>Think you mean alt-right
>Her BF looks like he's from fucking American History X
I didn't even realise skinhead nazi's were still a thing
Beats me nigga, I've been trying, but I have badluck at attracting girls I'm not interested in and repelling girls I do find attractive.
Damn, that's actually pretty depressing. I'm 28 and I'm on the cusp of this. Part of me wants to accept solitude and pursue my dears, yet another part believes in love and wants to have it all. I honestly have no idea if I will find someone that suits me well. I've reached the point where most of my family has stopped asking if I'm dating anyone.
who's that chad?
her boyfriend looks like a jew
skinheads are all jews
>You mean incel.
I'm not a virgin (I use prostitutes occasionally), I don't hate women and I don't blame others for my own shortcomings and flaws.
We'll know for sure if they make a spastika
Imagine taking issue with someone over the type of melanin in their skin.
Always funny how retards think skinheads are neonazis.
They are literally radical centrists. They fucking hate everyone and don't mind everyone at the same time.
oh shit he's real
Not really, cultural norms are different everywhere. Do you think they would actually allow japanese pedo rubbish outside of there? same applies for sexy women in a lot of countries.
you sure bro
Just your average white nationalist and /pol/ poster
Savannah, GA downtown, after dark.
Getting a hooker is still pathetic.
You may not technically be an incel but you're still one in spirit.
A friend told me something that is the pure truth: "you're alone because you want to".
If you genuinely wanted love you would struggle for it like all people do.
>those cuts on her arms
yes if you follow them this becomes really clear.
They are all about skinheads.
All games must be censored of all women. Women have no place in games where they're just toys for men. #NoWomenInGaming
Say it loud. Say it proud.
>melanin in their skin.
if only it were just about that.
If only.
you sure bro
The #skinhead shit she puts in her captions is cringe as fuck. Like holy shit advertising you're part of that shitty group is as cancer as gays advertising they're fucking gay #lgbtq and shit. Literally subhuman someone needs to off her and her whole town asap.
yes you dumb nigger
Not really. I've never felt like I'm entitled to be loved or that the world "owes" me.
Oi fookoff m8 you sensitive fairy
>all this blablering over your run of the mill goth attention whore
This place really is a pre-teen infested shitfest haven, isn't it? Jesus christ.
thats not what incels is.
It's literally being too much of a loser to get pussy on your own.
nah this is the centre of mature intellectual discussion.
Women only play games to appeal to men. Fucking whores have nothing interesting about them. No hobbies, no independent thoughts, no dreams, nothing. All women are good for is being accesories to men and breeding cows. Keep women in the fucking kitchen.
but... shes goth and is a nazi... she's just like me!! my dream woman!!
Nobody is inherent to the stereotypes they're associated with. All humans function identically with minor variations in biological features but fundamentally we're all identical. Taking issue with someone because they're brown is pure autism. Same goes with any other races.
Goth began around 1994 and ended around 1998. At the end of the century, it switched over to Emo and pure goth was forgotten just like the good vampire movies of the early 90s that inspired it (Dracula, Buffy, Dusk til Dawn, Interview with a Vampire, Blade, that one with the R&B chick that died during filming, etc) . Which was really theft of the term 'Emo' from the 80's which meant something entirely different and was actually cool. It was linked to a sub-genre of punk-rock.
t. boomer.
>Goth began around 1994
shoo shoo, zoomer
you don't understand.
The hime will rule all.
Santa titan on holiday
you are in a thread where tards are calling some chick a nazi and spamming butthurt because she is white.
Spare us with the muh brown bullshit.
>I don't hate women and I don't blame others for my own shortcomings and flaws.
incel just means involuntary celibate
nice cope though
yeah hime cut is based
Nigga, I have grandkids that play consoles older than you. Fuck off. Goth started in full force with Interview of a Vampire. That is pushed it into the mainstream instead of just nerds ironically going to Rocky Horror Picture Show midnight screenings.
Koe No Katachi
I haven't seen anyone take issue with her race. Only with her political view. Being a nazi is a sign of low IQ and natural selection will deal with these people.
Damn she cute. What's her IG.
>Being a nazi is a sign of low IQ
Prove it
fuck off you racist idiot. You don't know her political views and she isn't a nazi becaus she is white you moronic cretin.
>nothing about her race
>go on to assume everything about her by her race
you are an idiot you realise that?
just look at the average /pol/sissy
>literally calls herself a part of skinheads
What the fuck do you think skinheads are retard? Muslims?
shes so racist she posted a tribute to Aretha Franklin.
Absolutely shaking.
Literary white trash
A bunch of reggae enthusiasts you stupid bigot.
If you take away the boomers, non-whites, communists, fags, trannies, jannies, criminals, and women, /pol/'s average IQ sits around 130
White version of black women dating a black gangster. Shes white trash.
>wanting a gf
this is the era of fucking without attachment
>another retarded leftist loses it itt
This is always comedy gold.
She is trash yes. This is why /pol/ faggots spam her.
god damn /pol/ living rent free in your head, anons. you are obsessed lol
so much.
I celebrated Halloween in Savannah and me and my bud spent the night at these SCAD students house. I fucked this girl in sexy clown makeup. forgot her name and don't know what she actually looks like so cant look her up. Best halloween ever, I threw up in some dudes sink halfway through but we didnt stay at his place thank god.
>sign of low iq
Dönitz, Karl 138
Frank, Hans 130
Frick, Wilhelm 124
Fritzsche, Hans 130
Funk, Walther 124
Göring, Hermann 138
Hess, Rudolf 120
Jodl, Alfred 127
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 113
Keitel, Wilhelm 129
Neurath, Konstantin von 125
Papen, Franz von 134
Raeder, Erich 134
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 129
Rosenberg, Alfred 127
Sauckel, Fritz 118
Schacht, Hjalmar 143
Schirach, Baldur von 130
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur 141
Speer, Albert 128
Streicher, Julius 106
Does she live in Miami? I follow her mom on IG and i swear that i seen her at restaurants i been at. Is she latina?
this bitch is so fake.
Holy fucking shit, caught me off guard
Imagine being this dense or purposely acting retarded
I don't want sex, I want love.
The only one who is dense here is you. /pol/ skullfucked your brain.
>cut marks on the entire length of her arms and some on the chest as well
>cut marks on the chest
It's amazing how even bottom of the barrel tier trash like these women will get virgins hooked.
No nigger but plenty of women look like that
Shes dating a skinhead you fucking dumbass.
>wanting your freedom taken away
So what?
so do you guys got anymore goth chicks to post or is this just another thread orbiting this one girl
Natural selection dealt with these people swiftly and beautifully. Literally wiped off the face off the earth by blacks in fighter jets dropping bombs on them and their families in Germany.
She is a skinhead you low iq shit.
Just one guy forcing this girl I guess, no fucking clue
>calls others racist
>she's literally dating a racist
>so what?
This is your brain on /pol/
Racists are pieces of shit
She's literally calls herself a skinhead aka neo nazi.
Me as well, me as well.
I can hit you up with some softgoth.
Women should be banned from all entertainment media.
I am exactly like you user. I'm starved for some affection. I have made some online relationships over the years but they never seem to last, they're always too intense during the honeymoon period and then they just fade. I am extremely tired of losing people I care about. I even look quite good but I don't have a life irl so I don't meet anyone here and I have to make these online relationships with people in other continents that eventually fade away. It's a curse with the world giving me someone dear to me only to lose them in a couple months with me still not knowing how it feels like to be hugged.
every loser in highschool listens to viking metal
Hey, I'm 28 too and in the process of getting divorced. I'd rather be alone and never have experienced love than to have to go through the heartbreak I went through during those few days.
I'm unironically dead inside now and really don't have any drive to live other than to help the people around me out. I still exercise and eat healthy enough as a necessity, but I can't really find joy in anything anymore.
Skinheads are a fucking fashion trend like mods
>being a cuck
Assert your dominance in the relationship, retard.
So we know at the very least have an idea of her views you poltical views retard.
I know, what the fuck are you even arguing about then.
Would you be saying so what if she was dating a Muslim or black?
absolute unit
>paying a whore
Shes not even goth, pure black metal girl that probably listens to norsecore and shit like M8L8TH
na, i think is just full really inmature adult that just never grow up,like me
>Master race
>Couldn't defeat a coalition of brown, mixed and slav subhumans
Loving every laugh.
bros share pics of chicks with blunt bangs before the thread gets deleted
k thx
If she's not somehow a teenager that's in her phase you have to kill her man or admit you'll be a pedo to keep her. Either way you're going a dark route.
You don't know shit leftist you are just sperging oit because you are brain damaged.
>if a white woman dates a white man she is a racist
This is peak racism. You people are the actual racists.
These girls need my big brown dickler.
I'm 34 and still a virgin. Make fun of me.
>Streicher, Julius 106
o come on, 106 is not a high iq, I am 110 and im a fucking idiot who can barely understand math and physics
stop feeding the anti-white retards
I think it's more likely to get someone like that if she's highly dependant of you, or if she had an abusive family/ex boyfriend. I dated a girl like that and she had both.
>get a gf
>she ask what's my favorite hair color
>"dunno, redhead?"
>she changes her hair color to red until we break up
>she discovered that I love thights
>she starts wearing them 80% of the time, even in summer
Answer the question
Would you be saying so what if she was dating some middle eastern Muslim or a black guy?
>You don’t know her political views
Nigger, nobody here knows her AT ALL! She has nothing to do with anybody here.
These thirsty beta threads gotta die.
>we wuz ww2 n sheet
God damn this is reason enough to put a bullet in your dumb nigger skull.
does this count
I met a legit tattoo'd skinhead neo nazi on the bus once. He sat next to me and I was scared shtiless. It was 10 years ago, and I was 14 at the time. I am Latino and look it, so I felt like he was going to hit me or kick my ass or something. I had on my Mom's cross necklace that day, and I remember he was very sad looking. His eyes were moist like he was on the onset of crying.
He looked at me, and then he noticed the cross necklace. And he said "Kid your age wearing a cross? You're very brave. God bless you". and he smiled at me and just kept staring forward again. For some reason I felt really sad so I said "God loves you." and he smiled at me and said "If someone like you said it, maybe it's true." Then his stop came and he left. I always had this foreboding feeling in my heart he was going to kill himself.
I've never really stopped thinking about that day. It was so surreal.
Here you go retards
>girl has bangs
>fall in love with her
why does this keep happening bros
bangs and hime cut stirs something inside me
i'm not going to answer your racist question.
You must be a beta fag. I lose nothing other than some free time, and it’s been replaced with getting my dick sucked by a 5’3 Japanese cutie. You’ll never know what it feels like to sleep next to someone who loves you.
Explain this retarded /pol/ view:
All women are for white men
White women aren't allowed to be with any other men
C'mon poltards. What logical and humane reasoning do you have
You're starting off cringely
You're not in love with her and don't know what love is you stupid underaged fuck. You just fetishize bangs.
>She's racist because she's dating a skinhead and is wearing a black sun necklace, also calls herself a skinhead
You're not being disingenuous on the internet, right user?
>/pol/ incels think they found a waifu
>she's actually just like any other girl
you sure bro
>literally an anti racist question provided the answer isn't retarded
>I-I cant a-answer it
Why not? Scared you'll be caught out as a racist? Answer the question faggot.
t. insecure brown incel cuckold
Shits hot
i'm cackling over here
You are lonely
That is all
I know. And i know that if i do get one, i know she will cheat on me multiple times behind my back, but i don’t care anymore i just want a girl always next to me. the back up guy (or guys) can fuck her in front of me for all i care. I just don’t want to be alone. I’m tired of 2d waifus and have been using them to cope with the fact that i don’t have a girlfriend
I'm just saying.
The superior race shouldn't have any trouble subjugating and exterminating the lesser ones, ones that aren't even considered human.
Why did it lose?
chilled to the bone
The pol fags who say this are literal cucks
>but you do have a gf?
>n-no but muh race. I'm not a cuck for saving all of these pics of white guys scoring haha fucking roasties
You are quite literally saying a woman isn't racist as long as she dates outside her race. But you are only putting this demand on whites.
You are racist user and insanely hateful.
You are the one being disingenous and you are projecting your hatred and insecurity on other people.
I'm just asking for reasoning. I'm none of those things you're trying to project.
are those cum stains?
>OP clearly intended to start an off topic goth girl thread
>There's some retard screaming about /pol/ and nazis for literally no reason
Because he doesn't have an answer, he's proabably a mixed race mutt
>i know she will cheat on me multiple times behind my back
>Hey! let’s orbit over even more girls we will never meet
Fuck off.
as a teen I couldnt do pushups either
It was very embarrassing and I had to just do elevated pushups for a while
racism doesn't exist. people hate blacks because they're legitimately bad people overall
Not him, but you're a fucking faggot
>she's racist because she said she's a skinhead
>"tee hee I'm going to ignore it and continue to push my retarded /pol/fag narrative"
>that's not what I said
Beautiful story, thanks for sharing, dude.
>you are a racist if you dn't answer my racist anti-white question.
Already was answered. A woman isn't a racist or "nazi"for being in love with a white man.
Furthermore even if her boyfriend was literally hitler she still wouldn't be.
I'm not the user you were originally arguing with, just pointing out how you're twisting the conversation because you are a worm. Are you her boyfriend? Why do you listen to Oi? That shit is fucking god awful. God save the Queen bruv
Shits fucked
>see girl with big boobs
>jack off and think about our kids
Omg y does this hapen?
Well, Yea Forums?????
Nobody sane in the head hates blacks like that. People hate blacks that commit crime in the same way they'd hate anyone else who commits crime regardless of race. Generalizing like that is sheet stupidity.
You are a raving anti-white nutcase.
What if her boyfriend is an Arab or a black guy? How does that make you feel?
Any popular off topic thread has its falseflagger
No such thing. EVERYBODY loves (fucking) whites. Racist.
You hate whites and the English because you are a brown sand rat. No one cares.
>are you her bf
seething. Cracks me up how mad this chick makes you leftists.
this, you guys are fucking gay
you don't deserve a goth gf
>no one could possibly ever hate obnoxious black people
the amount of coping with you people is insane
Obama was the greatest thing to happen to this country.
Trump is a chimp.
yeah for 6+/10 males
She will never fuck you little bitch. Stop bitching about who’s cock she’s taking.
No shit, have you seen her necklaces
She's cute no doubt even if she's German. And I am drawn towards mentally unstable girls. Only she had to pick the most confusing subculture to be part of.
>no nazis
>no commies either
>wears runes and the black sun
>but claims to be part of antifa
Getting mixed messages here.
The thing i find really funny is i know actual commie girls like hammer and sickle soviet chicks that do the whole skinhead thing.
even they end up having sniveling beta antifa leftists stalking them calling them nazis.
And they are communists.
Why are you accusing me of things I don't think and calling me things I'm not?
Is it because you're a disingenuous rat? Do all of you argue like this?
without anything for scale or ID she looks 7
A time travel machine set to 1998.
>being racist
Hope you don’t mind being banned for a couple of days
Shes English.
So you automatically hate every black person you encounter even if you've never spoken to them before?
They're everywhere in the UK, as soon as we get tempetures above 20 degrees celcius they come out of hibernation.
They never wear sunscreen either so they're always bright red and usually seen with a can of strongbow/carling.
>Abnormal Titan appears in the east district of Maria
>wears runes and the black sun
Pagan imagery appropriated by nazi incels
cope harder
Why are you calling me things i don't think? Lmao.
I don't have an issue with this girl and her bf but you are furious.
Hahahahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Metal Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Stereo Like Nigga Just Close Your Ears Haha
Why does she have Berlin in the bio though?
That was boring as fuck
Imagine being this disconnected to the point you have literally no idea what other people are telling. Are you intoxicated right now?
She lives in germany
well it was obvious given she's wearing a black sun necklace
go back to incelera tranny
Yes. And judging from black on black murder and rape rates in modern western countries, they hate their own kind even more.
says the fags who has nazis living in his lebensraum.
He doesn't give even a fraction of one single fuck.
Agreed. How dare women constantly try to keep other women down from showing off their bodies and the sexual revolution. Disgusting. What's next, they'll tell them to stop having boobs?
You can tell she's a fucking tradthot who's only in it for the aesthetics and herd mentality; what a fucking attention whore. Skindheads are pathetic junkies (straight edge are just slightly less pathetic; they're still dumbasses).
black sun is an pagan occult symbol, If you read anything else that is false.
It is an ancient sunwheel icon.
Based fat old man
>skinhead blackmetal edgethot thugette
Stop misusing words you tardarino.
muh dick
Order of Ecclesia
The upcoming Bloodstained, Night of Revenge, and Code Vein
I haven't accused you of thinking anything. What sub-100 IQ gene pool did you crawl out of?
I urge you to beat up every black guy you see because of this hate you have for them then. You aren't a pussy are you?
just b urself
Guys guys guys. Shut the absolute fuck up, and post some god damn hit goths. Jesus christ, its like middle school all over again.
well if whites are so bad why aren't you waging holy woke war on them?
Are you scared?
she's just a trendhopper. when she was dating some long haired metal dude she dressed like OPs pic. when she was dating a skinhead she dressed skinhead.
>this triggers the white nationalist
>ur a pussy for not wanting to go to jail
hang yourself faggot
Here's some goth chunes for you to pick up girls with
In all seriousness she was always a skinhead.
Maybe we can change her. She probably wasn't loved and all she needs is the right guy. Someone like us.
That's how I feel. Just looking to be loved by a girl.
>norsecore and shit like M8L8TH
Both are garbage. I would rec her racist music like GBK or Goatmoons first
go live in africa maybe?
I know I know, the swastika is also a symbol taken from the sanskrit, but normies don't know that and will call you nazi if you use these symbols
Who said I think whites are bad? Are you this illiterate or are you just pretending to be at this point?
You're doing the right thing though right? Cleaning up all the bad people right?
I never said anything about hurting anybody (you keep bringing up violence for some reason and might need help).
But, i urge you to stop blacks from beating each other.
Leftists suck.
women are a meme
No post video games.
They really fucking do.
The only symbol that is nazi is the swastika. Everything else is just leftist pc.
The black sun isn't nazi and no one gives a shit but leftists.
>he doesn't know that when premartial partners increases to just 2 the probably of a stable relationship drops to 40%
Don't stick your dick in a crazy which goth girls almost always are. I know from experience
If they're bad why aren't you doing anything about it? Or is it because you know not all of these people are bad and know randomly attacking them is unjustified?
only niggers do this
that is what separates them from humans
He does know but wants to get cucked any way
3 fucking good pictures in the entire thread
bunch of faggots in here
I’m not randomly attacking anybody. Why do keep bringing up violence? Do you kill small animals or something? Holy shit you need help.
Even Goatmoon is bad imo, this shit sounds like National-Socialist Sum41
I'd tell her to listen to Kristallnacht
Trump is a gigantic retard chimp that spray-tans. His white dick is 2 inches big. His hair is like that of a dog. His teeth are fake. His favorite food is McDonald's. He weighs 500 pounds. He can't build the wall without Mexicans. His wife is a wetback from North Asia. He's owned by the Judes. He's destroying Syria for Muslims.
/pol/ ruins anything. Literally gayer than /lgbt/.
link pictures
shit opinion
>user stop being a fag and come cast magic with me
get banned
>them ears
So close to being perfect
m8l8th is doing more for the white race than you ever hope to do
You just said a whole people are bad and hated. If that's the case why aren't you doing anything against these apparent bad people? You're the one who made the claim, not me.
>keeps being racist against multiple races
Nice edge post Nazi boi.
the people shouting /pol/ (ie you) ruined the thread faggot
You're casting magic on my cock already.
Is that someone's Xbox gamertag?
How do you even pronounce that
Post something better than wannabe discount Tharja.
>role playing
Fuck this.
I hope this meme can get revived
Metalcore inspired NSBM
You CANNOT make this shit up.
NSBM are fucking disgusting, you nazi fucks and gamers need to stay out of any sane community
I stick it exclusively in crazy.
Bonus points if she has an actual mental illness.
Stop calling Tharja a nazi because you are an incel.
>role playing
I'm not talking to that user you fucking sperg.
This is a whole nother level of no fucks given.
>why aren’t you doing anything
Because i’m here posting in off topic threads on a video game form. Same as you kid.
Tharja is a goddess. THE NERVE of you comparing her to 3D trash.
I was just here for the girls and all of a sudden it's niggers this, trannies that, muh race, check out these drunk totally not nazis raping instruments for 6 minutes, etc.
You fags are like vegans, furries and foot fetishists. You just can't keep it to yourself, you simply can't help it.
>not getting your right wing waifu on Twitch instead
Keep up with 2019 incels
She also has cuts in her tummy, sadly.
I'm a goth girl but I'm taken, sorry.
Stop acting like it isn't caused by /pol/ screechers. You screeching tard.
Your supposed to be here for video games.
Manga expo / shitty black metal concert
Source: had metalhead gf who basically dressed goth 24/7 with shit taste in metal
I still would desu
Liam Nelson will save you.
Arm cuts or GTFO.
Where do i even find girls who listen to NSBM? i live in bay area and that shit is a no go
>A fucking Shining shirt
Atrocious taste
She cute, looks like Amy Lee
Why is that then? Rise up!
Yyeah Its pretty rad huh?
Jesus Christ guys, half of you need to go to a bar.
The other half need to ask if they would like some company.
Let me remind you next time you post another Twitter screencap thread.
You can't handle the truth. Maybe you can handle this. *unzips dick*
man you just get into bm then you have a choice of going more pagan cvlt or just being a regular bm person.
They are all crazy I tell you.
I don't go on /pol/ you dumb fuck but every other thread you obsessed faggots can't shut up about /pol/
Oh, your waifu is crazy? That's cute, darling.
how ironic is that
The sheer amount of ignorance itt i can inly asusme is from niggers or taco niggers maybe pizza niggers.
Like i know hardcore bm burzum fans and they are anti-nationalist.
There isn't any set political connection to any of this.
Let me remind you to report this thread
>I don't go on /pol/
He screeches, etc.
idc i need a gof gurl to get all naked and belligerent with me
>but claims to be part of antifa
She hates SJWs and commies, though.
"Still got it" mode
This is the guy who fucks your waifus
in Doujins
Enough with the beating about the bush, where's the nudes?
>report the anti-censorship thread.
left can't meme.
That girl has a perfect face.
They're endangered species
None, sadly.
Start listening to The Smiths and The Velvet Underground.
They aren't goth but goth-aesthetic girls adore these bands. That is my advice.
In Valhalla.
Not necessarily. I'm rather left-leaning and I like myself some Burzum, but it would be silly to act like Varg doesn't have a large fanbase among natsoc groupies.
>he doesn't think its weird that these "alt-right white nationalist" are all connected to hollywood and jews
Unfuck your brain if you think everything's the same.
The tards sperging out ITT are partisan leftists that are losing it some white girl is anti-commie and won't back down.
FUCK this song is good
I want a goth girl to cuck me
Why would you be an antifa if you don't claim to be either leftist, nor commie nor SJW?
Varg is popular with fedora atheists for burning churchs. Most nationalists don't like him.
Even this girl joked about her varg phase.
Nice headcanon. Taken your meds today?
Well, that's too bad.
Most of them are very clingy.
Everyone is connected to Hollywood and Jews according to you absolute freaks though.
Sorry not everyone can swallow le blackpill and sit around in their parent's basement.
Its already been explained actual skinheads are radical centrists they don't like nazis or commies.
Thats why all the potato brained leftards screeching itt is so funny.
I hope you realise it tells her you screenshotted her story
Think about what antifa means and you have the base where all of those different streams come together. Everything beyond that is optional.
>generic faceless doll
no thanks
The average right-wing sneedposter.
>Goth began around 1994
Late 70s and early 80s, man. Do you even know Siouxsie Sioux?
This looks like Whatsapp. I thought only Instagram could do this.
Should have just punched her
Her old insta was full of memes shitting on nazis and commies but mostly commies.
Antifa just means willing to work for neoliberalism, it has no significance beyond that
Therefore libertarians claiming to be antifa
Visibly upset.
it's alright. you'll learn that we're right eventually.
They are a bunch of 12 year old anarchists who like flipping over garbage bins when someone misgenders a tranny?
why has Yea Forums been obsessed with goth/emo/scene girls lately?
IG tells them if you see it not if you screenshot it.
That would have made her hornier and more agressive.
Because we've been through countless of these fads ever since and they have all been garbage compared to those.
I'm not. It's probably the same guy posting it.
It's a weeb site and ops chick is the ideal.
That's cute too.
No, you tard. It just means you don't like fascists. That's literally it.
Cut down on the /pol/.
I purposely screenshot shit so girls see that i did
Spotted the fag
It's literally just one guy
I really wish redit and retardera would fuck off.
You can't handle anything.
I randomly posted clockwork orange on here and they still managed to get offended and political.
DTS is real.
Does it matter when she has blue eyes and is as pale as a piece of paper?
only goth chicks left these days is mex
It wasn't mainstream until grunge died and goth took its place.
>Look through her instagram
>nothing about skinheads
>just a bunch of britbong punk shit.
Imagine my shock!
We have some competition now.