It's been 5 years since the last western MMO released

It's been 5 years since the last western MMO released.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't ESO come out after this?


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It did. OP is a retard.

Literally take you 15 seconds to find out for yourselves, thanks for confirming the gaggle of failed abortions that comprise this board

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Didn't care for WS at release, but now that it's gone I miss it.

What the fuck you actually made me check and and Wildstar came out 2 months after ESO. Can't believe both these trash piles released in the same year.

Now I feel like a retard.

I'm glad it gone. Dumbfucks in global chat were shitposting newbies out of the game, while complaining there isn't enough people to do raid.

i only miss the mechari grills

Reminder that City of Heroes die for this shit game.

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There wasnt enough people for raids because they were 20m-40m instead of 10m-20m
Also gating system was cancer.



Yes and telling newbies to fuck off didn't really help fill up that number, didn't it?

>Also gating system was cancer.
The leveling was a gapping piece of shit that makes a KMMO blushes. Good idea, lets make an MMO base on Raid, but let add in the worst leveling shit possible!

Did this bitch ever get any good SFM porn or what?

She and the purple haired chick were the best things to come out of it and the combat system

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Aren't the private servers now up interdependent from Leo?

While yes, you're looking at a couple of years of zero City of Heroes, and that because NCsoft want Wild Star to be the next Western MMO star. So yes, fuck over the CoH playerbase for some wow copy that die a shitty death.

I still get a good laugh when I think about how the rights to this character design were owned by their marketing company and weren't given to the devs until after the game had already released.

private server when?

When ross gets those preservation laws passed and congres changes copyright of games last 20-30 years.

>game is shit
>awful graphics to appeal to sjws
>riddled with bugs and server issues
>game dies
oh now what a tragedy

The same amount of time when CoH got a private server release public. You guys need to suffer what CoH suffers.

>Wildstar thread

Please, no. Stop. Mods prune the thread please.

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>huge tiddied women, robots, etc and impossible figures
>appeal to SJWs

>down size the breast of the lead girl because sexist

And she was added later, tits intact.

they literally made them bigger and gave every female PC model an even thicker body type to choose after everything blew over

user it's nobodies fault but your own that you weren't invited to the cool kid's server.

>after everything blew over
After. Right when they pander to the SJW, who didn't even buy or sub to the game. They backtrack trying to use sex appeal, but the damage is done. This is the same group that added gold underwears to the Mechari because fuck you.

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>Make human esper
>Enjoy the class for what it is even though it was very stationary compared to others
>The only other races that can be espers are fucking Chuas and Aurin
>Class is literally filled to the brim with furries
>My face

During my stint in this game I did not see a single other human esper. Man I miss this game. I wish attunement wasn't such a bitch to do.

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And it wouldn't be a thing if WildStar didn't help kill it. I'm glad Wildstar is dead.

Oh man I can't find her old in game model but it was hilarious when you finally got to her on release in game and she had a generic ugly ass model after that cool cinematic
Anyone got that stashed somewhere?

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Hip/waist ratio was still the same so my dick doesn't care about a gold plated crotch

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Don't remind me of those abominations
The fanart. Jesus

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Damn, that's some real life vs instagram level bait and switch.

>I don't care that they did good by the players, I'm still mad
holy fuck I hate people like you.

Stay seething capekinolet

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What the hell.

I wouldn't care so much about wildstar being dead if there were other mmos that are as fun.

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Fucking YES

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Furries kill communities so I jumped shit after the beta. I already saw bunnygirl trannies causing drama and I wanted no part in that

tbqhwyf WildStar should have gotten a console release. I miss it everyday.

Will Wildstar ever be revived, perhaps in a private server?

The ERP was so good

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>discord tranny ERPer cesspool is gone

There are at least two groups trying to make a private server. Neither are very far along.

Holy fuck how incompetent does a business need to be to fuck up that hard?

Jesus christ

Why the fuck would that ever happen?
Why would a company want to work with a marketing company that does that crap?
>we'll sabotage your game in 1 easy step, by not marketing your game

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It was fixed so whatever.

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Good by what? Fucking over your players for a bunch of blue hair dyke that will never play the game? They only did when their population number was shit and players were leaving in droves due to all kind of shit.

Algoroc... home

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>everything is SJWs
Oh no, it's terminal.

Do real females like her exist irl? Asking for a friend haha.

now if they can fix the whole part where the game is kill for many reason.

The interface this game had was so bad that made me quit

>they only changed it later
Faggot, they added different body options before the game even launched. But you don't know, nor do you care. You're just another outrage thirsty reactionary.

Just mod it, pussy

You know what this is? They thought that if Wildstar took off this character could be used in other things besides the game. Thats what that was about, that they wouldnt need permission and to go through Wildstar to do anything with it like make a show or something, people were that confident in Wildstar. That said, the little videos were neat but for fuck sake your hired to mae a trailer, dont use it as a podium to get your own shit going that just fucks everyone up.

It's a trope that seems to appeal to beta males.

I miss housing the most.

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At least they're trying. Soon, r-right?

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talking about body type faggot
who cares about personalities

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It was a fun game, however
>mfw pvp for the first time

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Housing didn't deserve to be as good as it was.

What, a cartoon body type?
Are you retarded?

How bad is it user? Starting from nothing or do they at least have some building blocks to work off of?

>tfw you learn to recognize different classes telegraphs
>tfw you dodge that slinger nigger trying to snipe you with a crit charge shot
>tfw you were the slinger nigger critting people with charge shot for 3/4ths of their hp
I miss it.

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God why can't some horny incel make his own game with sexy characters like this.
You figure one person complaining about this stuff can make a game.

They worked great for PvE, but were an utter nightmare for PvP.

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If they have anything to work off of, i don't know about it, but I haven't been following it either.

>tried to make something respectable
>just gave up and made a giant katamari ball instead

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>literally stocking shelves with props

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>and this is our son's plot

i wanna go back

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Maybe if the setup wasn't so shit, it might have still be alive today.

I miss my granok.

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You think I don't know that? You think I didn't see them fuck up each time they were in a position to attract new players?

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This game was actually really fucking good but 'too hardcore' for the average player

it was weird man as soon as i saw granok i knew it was for me and i just picked engineer without even thinking
and the name igneon came to me in like 5 sec too and it was good
it just fit and felt right
mfw i quit the game to play archeage cause im a fucking idiot and it was dead by the time i missed it

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>you will never race you guild to the end of Lattice again
>you will never hear 19 other people piss and scream at you for taking all of your mobility skills and having them secretly T8'd throughout the entire fight

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Reminder that the Exiles are literal terrorist and Dominion did nothing wrong. In fact, the Dominion was in the right, and were trying to recruit some of the races before they went full retarded and became Exile.

All of that happened in between that last two BETAS. The game wasn't even released and the community was only growing at that point. Still super small cause the game only had a small dedicated community ever

>get into ff14 with some friends because it was free
>everything just reminds me of WS and how much better the design was in (almost) every aspect
feels bad man, and now NCSHIT is gonna hold the IP hostage till nobody remembers

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>that delicious fluid movement

>mordecai laser
truly separated the boys from the men, good times

The biggest shame in all this is the loss of the setting. We'll never be space wizard cowboys ever again. Never see giant big titted ogre witches.

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W* could have been a good game if they didn't go full retard with the wow classic nostalgia. 40 main raids literally what were they thinking.

>be in a group with some guy who added me along with his friends
>tank for Veteran Stormtalon
>each boss, I explain the mechanics
>2 of them die on each boss, but I'm patient, no big deal
>get to Stormtalon proper
>spend 2 hours or so trying to down him because my group is so bad
>we laugh and carry on like it's no problem
>i DO get a bit agitated because i'm having to explain the mechanics after every attempt, but they're trying and i'm patient
>we never got through it together
>no idea if they ever beat it

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>tfw you hear THAT sound
Hope that nigga took a cleanse.

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Her tits are bigger than they are in the cinematic.


I remember when my guild was on the dungeon part of attunement. We had more than one night where we'd wipe over and over for 3 hours straight and quit with no clear. Kel voreth was especially memorable because the gatekeeper in that dungeon wasn't even the final boss, it was the 2nd. Man, those were great times.

Hand animated tiddies. Much more soulful than souless jiggle physics you see in asian mmos.

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good maybe they wait until they make a good one

>you live in a timeline where wildstar failed
It's not fair

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I had the best guild of my MMO career in that game very briefly. On our first attunement night my team one shot all four gold medals. Was crazy. They all quit like, the next week so we never even raided. Then they nerfed attunement (and everything else) and I got in some shit guild and did a little raiding but it never went anywhere.

The gold undie really fuck it up

And that's a good thing!

Oh man user I uh... I'm so sorry.

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>Used to hang out on the moon just to listen to this
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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At least we got to enjoy it for 5 solid years. I'm more sad it'll be a long while before anyone tries to capture the same tone and setting.

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The CoH fans were suffering for your pleasure. You guys deserve the suffering.

The T&A in this game was glorious

Wildstar had nothing to do with CoH closing, dude. Stop being a bitter cunt.

>Recently learned to port models from games.
>got friends who converts them to SFM models
>Have somewhat decent SFM skills.
>See this thread.
>"Oh hey maybe i can try to make an NSFW model of this"

it's not fair!

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Fucking nigger revisionists trying to act like Wildstar wasn't a steaming pile of shit. First Guild Wars, now this, what's next? EQ2? Darkfall Unholy Wars? You guys have no shame.

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I have video evidence of the fun I had with the game though. Nothing wrong with my memory.

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One man's trash is another man's treasure.

>didn't play Wildstar enough when it was alive
>miss it because now it's dead and gone forever
Thank's for the reminder.

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>computer was to shit to play when it was alive
>by the time I had a computer that could run it it was dead

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Man I remember being recommended this game by someone I didnt like at fucking all so it made me not want to ever touch the game but seeing it now makes me regret it. This looked really fun, Im sad I missed out

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You're such a faggot I don't think even reddit could contain you. ResetEra confirmed.

You're not missing much. The leveling was atrious. Imagine this dumbass tells you there is a quest near by. Now imagine it times 100. Now imagine each of those quest give you like 1 percent of your exp bar. On top of this, you hear this shit everytime you level up.

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>Wildstar releases
>literally no one gives a fuck
>shit game can't sustain itself so they shut it down
>Yea Forums makes nostalgia threads about said shitty failed MMO
Yeah that's gonna be yikes from me

This is my Stalker, I had fun with it

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You just thought you were having fun. You weren't actually.

I think its retarded because these fuckers are blissfully ignore all the shit that cause the game to die in the first place. Thinking this shit is "nostaliga" is very nauseating.

The problem is actually that they didn't. Wildstar was like if WoW released with Cataclysm being the first expansion. That's why I stopped playing it halfway through. It copied the shit nobody cares about instead of the real meat of an MMORPG.

Ah yes, here we go

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Yeah everyone is forgetting all that shit about the servers.

Dischord wasn't even a thing back then, retard.

What do you care if the people who played remember their time fondly? The game had a lot of problems early on, but that doesn't mean there wasn't fun to be had. Wildstar is still the best group content I've played in an mmo like it. Didn't hurt that the guild I joined was great and full of cool people.

Big milkers NPC thread?

And 5 minutes since Yea Forums brought up off-topic gaijin pig """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" again.

I'm still fucking baffled about how they copy the LEVELING of WoW, when even that was shit.

I didn't and I gladly making sure everyone remember. Remember the time when you couldn't even join a raid because you didn't hand in your resume? Good fucking riddance for chasing away all those players and couldn't get the player count to match the Raid.

Because it all a lie. Wow! It has nice housing. Wow, it has nice Raid! Meanwhile, everything else fuck it up and the two time Carbine had a chance to bring in new blood, they fuck it up.


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Don't feel too bad, it ran like shit for every computer.

Wildstar was not a MMO, everyone was separated into instances and content was focused around 5 man party shit.

Calm down, guy. Just because I remember my time in the game fondly doesn't mean I don't remember all the issues. I remember drop 4 was when the game was at its best. New had stuff for everyone to do and a lot of the game breaking bugs were fixed. They were in the perfect spot going into f2p with that build, but they launched with only 1 server.

and it fucking sucked and deserved death

>everyone was separated into instances
Sure killed my fps like it wasn't though

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Homecoming servers are up, CoH is alive again for now

it was just an unpolished wow clone with no content and everything made into a telegraph. literally missing nothing. The only people even making these threads are chua erp tards who just cant let it go.

Only fun part of the game was pulling/pushing people off the tower during the boss when they were trying to get their raid attunement.

I wanna put her in a thick diaper and cuddle her after he has her accident!

>people ITT having fond memories of wildstar

HAHA fucking zoomers

>shitting on telegraphs
How I know you didn't really play the game. They were part of what made the combat great.

The game was a clusterfuck.

Its your typical modern MMO where you spawn in, it gives you a 10-15 minute tutorial on the most basic gameplay mechanics and then drops you into a hub with a billion popups and UI eyecancer.

Once you actually get into playing the game you find its extremely shallow, like most MMOs its just about increasing an arbitrary item number while dodging circles on the ground and spamming your 4 buttons on cooldown

Gloria Victis.

I bet you that if they didn't royally fuck up the leveling and make leveling just a tutorial/low level cap, like Guild Wars 1, then it wouldn't have sunk. Of course, this is assuming they didn't fuck up attunement right at the start.

Hey man, five years ago was like half a lifetime ago for them.

god what a timewaster it turned out to be

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>not shitting on telegraphs
How I know you didnt. Telegraphs were either a clusterfuck or a way to save the devs the trouble of making actual animations. FFS you only needed to try the pvp once to really see how stupid of an idea player telegraphs are

It's just Chua ERPers, the same ones who shilled Wildstar for free back in the day.

Dead genre is dead

No Emulators or private servers

it's a shame this wasn't more popular, the porn could have been great

He was having one of those Fun liteâ„¢

Fool didn't know the difference.

this is a repost of a repost of a repost though. You really are lying about having fun.

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What was meant to be the point of all this

God the asses and hips in this game were fucking mouthwatering

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to stretch what little content the game had as far as fucking possible

I'm sure someone will cry about it, but the Dunkey video was extremely accurate for how bad this game was

>dreamworks smirk: the girl: the game

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They were trying to appeal to the classic WoW democratic back then with the "Remember how cool the AQ attunement/unlocking was?" logic as well as what said

>tfw there will never be an SFM using the wasp head or any of these robotic head
It hurt to live.

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aurin boycunny

Okay, but are there any webms of dem tiddies in motion?

I really regret never getting to bone an Aurin.

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eso it pretty good *now*

ESO has better writing than any other MMO desu, the Sotha Sil DLC is just excellent

The main problem is that she was barely in the actual game and didn't even look like her trailer model for while.

How did they never think to take these designs and make a story driven single player game?

Characters this well made is what makes franchises!

Because you didn't play her game.

MMORPGs display strong network effects (just like social media), so it's no surprise that only a handful of games dominate the market while competitors end up failing. As such, the MMORPG industry is a natural oligopoly, and it's well known that oligopolies and monopolies aren't very conducive to innovation. So no, the MMORPG industry isn't dying, and entrants failing is expected. The the fact nobody is trying to make your dream MMORPG is also expected.

There's nothing wrong with the MMORPG market per se, it's behaving as expected. If anything, what boggles my mind is how korean competitors still didn't get that they won't be making the WoW Killer or whatever. Instead, it should be much more reasonable to make games that can be played as a MMORPG but also have a single-player mode that can be fun even if nobody else is playing with you (just like lots of other games in the market already do). The industry is doing fine expect for the whiny kids and manchildren that have ADD or something and keep jumping from hype to hype while complaining all the way through (and giving money to ill-intentioned devs).

>badass badass badass badass awesomesauce
Holy fuck did the devs worship Randy or some shit?

XIV and ESO, it can be done.

holy shit my dick

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Play Wildstar.

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It's not impossible, but the main point is: most won't make it and it shouldn't be surprising nor a sign that things aren't going well.

Reminder that they removed the ability to give your characters huge boobs, and then actual women with huge boobs complained until they added huge boobs back in.

Thank you titcows.

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The reason those are alive are namebranding.

how is she so expressive bros?

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>Start off only doing humans and aurin
>Afterwards discover the beauty of the rock babe
>mfw I never got to get as much rock puss as I wanted back then because I didn’t see how great it was
>mfw even when private servers come up it may already be too late and people would have already forgotten about it

It still hurts

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I think Planetside 2's failure was bigger.

mostly because they tried to hard to be BF3 and lost all the charm and "thought" that the original planetside had.

I remember thinking about playing (and even paying for) Wildstar but always delaying it.
Now I can't play it at all :'(

big milkers are based

More like "milk biggers" if you know what I mean

Same can be said on how WoW got so popular. Warcraft was a good series to base an MMO off of

The housing and instanced content was incredible, it's a shame that Carbine was staffed by incompetents because they had so many chances to turn it around.

WoW Killer alright

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There have probably been text based browser mmos released since then. And muds

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As if the story even needed to be more tragic. Christ.
I want to find all of these people and give them big, huge, inappropriately long hugs and then show them my screenshots


RDR 2 online released not even a year ago. You fucking twat.

WS had a lot of good artistic content but I member they wanted to cater to the top 1% of WoW players. The top 1% didn't want to leave WoW, and of course the other 99% wouldn't wade through that shit so nobody really stuck around in the game. Damn shame.

Did they ever rip her model? Such a shame for it to die with the game.

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I want a Wildstar private server

It'll show up in either the private server or the reconstructed database. There was a fleet of people sniffing and ripping models in operation in the last few months of the game's life.
She starts in the Exile capital city so there's no way that she hasn't been saved somewhere.

The pieces are there. They just need to be put together. It's not ground up emulation.

Of course knowing how faggots can get with this shit don't be surprised when someone fucks off with something important and runs a closed circlejerk server while running ops on anyone trying to get anything else off the ground.

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the anime vs the netflix adapdation.jpeg

>The pieces are there. They just need to be put together. It's not ground up emulation.
But it is? Both projects are basically building the server from the ground up.
If you are referring to that one gaming news article, they saw the NexusForever github repo and probably thought that it's a complete server that just needs to be installed or something.

I was just wondering if the ripped models were available to add in other programs, like for VR or something.

I played this game for a little while and something about it just never stuck with me.
I tried to get into the lore but none of it stuck or really seemed to catch my attention.
The game play was okay-ish but i always thought the showing of effect range was a worthless eye soar and could have been patched out and maybe just had the characters range on your screen be shown only.
Wish it would have tried harder and not just tried to live off the back of "We were apart of old WoWs team!" and just because it own thing with the want to last in the long run.

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it was a pretty cool game. I just wanted to be bullied by space amazons and nothing else was on the market.

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>i always thought the showing of effect range was a worthless eye soar and could have been patched out and maybe just had the characters range on your screen be shown only.
You could toggle your own, allies', enemies', NPC's, damage, heal, buff, etc. telegraphs on or off in the settings.

The fact there's like 20 MMOs running right now that haven't been relevant after 12 years but one from 5 years ago isn't pisses me off, you can't even go back to try it and run around.

This applies to most of the NCsoft mmo that got kill by them.

Leamon Tuttle (writer for Clockwork City DLC) just became Loremaster so I expect good things for the future in terms of esoteric TES lore

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That was still the MSN days, but yeah, it was furry ERP central

Stop hurts :(

Their biggest error was making the sub mandatory despite the MMO market already shifting over to F2P by the point it was in development.

Had they gone the route of buy-to-play with optional sub, like ESO, it would probably still be alive today.

great art style. shit game.

>you will never ride around on the hoverboard as a fembot with big tiddies ever again

I never knew this but i guess i never went to check myself

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I honestly do not understand why this game bombed so bad
It's basically a more involving GW2, its classes didn't feel half-assed and had actual roles and depth

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what i was told was a huge part was that the economy never really recovered from the 3 crashes and people kept making sure to abuse it every time it came up.
Also not many people leveled out of the first 20 levels in the game.

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I hate how this game embodies this stupid "low level gear looks better than raid gear" trend

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GW2 didn't do very well either. That should give you a few hints.

it has a bigger base player count then ESO.
and it holds a pretty constant base.

and ESO didn't do very well either

how many hints do you fucking need I mean really

don't get triggered m8
i'm not even that user

is a big indicator on how it failed

YEAH user

Man I dreamed of getting that Drusera's secret garden template for my housing plot
Too bad the game didn't last long enough for me to obtain it

Why are you like this? Not every MMO can be prime time WoW, GW2 is a huge success, it made tons of money, had several expansions, is still regularly updated with new content and has a healthy playerbase for how old the game is

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sorry for your loss
this game out of all mmos was hands down the biggest load of crap

GW2 is a wet fart that managed to be barely profitable enough to continue existing. The fact that someone compared WildStar to it should highlight exactly why being roughly as good as a forgotten trash MMO is not a good thing.

>this game out of all mmos was hands down the biggest load of crap

The combat was shit, the character models were shit, but my god were the quests, zones, lore and atmosphere absolutely top notch. There's a reason why so many people want it revived as a single player game.

Completing quests not just for the xp/item rewards, but because you were interested in how they played out and the mystery/story was just so refreshing.

>Waifus in every trailer
>Game is just another mmorpg garbage time sink
>No waifus in the actual game
It's no surprised the game flopped. You can't bait people with waifus and then only offer boring grindy garbage without any waifus.

you're stuck in a hole or something?

Cute breedable fag boi chias ahedrd

I miss my aurin and double jumping. Also running around on mounts were pretty damn fun especially with speed boosters around the map as an adventurer

nah if I was stuck in a hole I'd probably be able to find GW2's playerbase down there

you're clearly asshurt.
but lying and pretending to be retarded is low form retard posting

>No waifus in the actual game
what game did you play dude?
because it certainly wasn't wildstar

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